rlm@2: Itara Hanasanai no ni rlm@2: rlm@2: Chapter 4 rlm@2: By: Shidarezakura rlm@2: "You don't know what you have done..." rlm@2: "It's all your fault..." rlm@2: "You can't run away..." rlm@2: rlm@2: "Time will catch you..." rlm@2: "Your blood will be poured out of this land..." rlm@2: "I will see to rlm@2: it..." rlm@2: "You will die by my hand..." rlm@2: rlm@2: Akiho opens her eyes and sits up. Her hair falls over her shoulders and she looks around. She rlm@2: was at her home, in her bed. Akiho gripped her bedsheets and looked down. A figure walks out rlm@2: from the shadows and Akiho looks up startled. rlm@2: "Hello Akiho... I'm glad to see that you're rlm@2: alright..." Lucifer smiled. rlm@2: "Wh-what? It... it wasn't a dream?!" rlm@2: "I'm afraid not... rlm@2: everything you have just gone through was real." rlm@2: Akiho stares at Lucifer a bit and then looks rlm@2: down. Lucifer smiles and walks over to the window and unfolds the blinds and looks out the rlm@2: window. Looking up, Akiho watches Lucifer as she walks over toward her and bends over. rlm@2: rlm@2: "Akiho... you need to wake up!" rlm@2: "Hm?" rlm@2: "Heh..." rlm@2: Lucifer snaps her fingers and the sheet rlm@2: pulls away from Akiho. Akiho jumps a bit, and her pajama pants begin to pull off. rlm@2: "Ah!!!" rlm@2: rlm@2: Lucifer smirks and the pants come off and fall over to the side. Akiho blinks as her pajama rlm@2: shirt opens up and exposes her breasts. She quickly covers them. rlm@2: "What are you doing?!" Akiho rlm@2: screams, her face turning red. rlm@2: Lucifer laughs and walks over to Akiho and grabs her shoulders rlm@2: and pushes her onto her back. Lucifer's right hand holds onto Akiho's left breast. rlm@2: "You rlm@2: shouldn't be ashamed of your body..." Lucifer squeezes her breast a bit. rlm@2: "Ah!!! What!!! WHAT rlm@2: ARE YOU DOING?!?!?!" Akiho tries to push Lucifer off of her. rlm@2: "Hehehe!!!" Lucifer takes rlm@2: Akiho's struggling as playful pushing and bends over and begins to kiss Akiho's neck. rlm@2: rlm@2: "AHHH!!! STOP!!! STOP STOP STOP!!!!" Akiho keeps screaming. rlm@2: Suddenly, the blinds shut and the rlm@2: room becomes dark. Akiho sees darkness in front of her. She notices that Lucifer isn't holding rlm@2: her. Standing slowly, she reaches out to see if anything is even there. Her clothes are totally rlm@2: gone and her bare body stands alone. rlm@2: "Lucifer...?" Akiho whispers. rlm@2: Akiho takes a step rlm@2: forward and suddenly falls forward, unable to stand. Her eyes widen as she keeps falling toward rlm@2: total darkness. Akiho's hair blowing and body feeling the pressure of the fall that seems to rlm@2: never end. rlm@2: "IYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!" Akiho screams and smashes into the darkness which rlm@2: shatters into glass shards. rlm@2: The world around her turns space, stars and planets surrounding rlm@2: her. Still she fell in this endless loop. rlm@2: "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" rlm@2: Black rlm@2: strands shoot out from cracks in space and grab Akiho's arms and legs. They wrap around her rlm@2: body, between her legs, around them, around her breasts, arms, everything. She had stopped. rlm@2: Slowly, she opened her eyes. rlm@2: "Eh?!?!" Akiho had opened her eyes and sees an angelic figure. rlm@2: rlm@2: Wings spread out around space, the figure's hair, flowing as if a gust of wind was blowing. rlm@2: Akiho realizes that the black strands holding her are the figure's hair. rlm@2: "Who?!" Akiho's rlm@2: voice echoed. rlm@2: The figure's wings move slowly and it's arms open. A small light appears where rlm@2: it's chest is. rlm@2: "?!" rlm@2: "Akiho..." rlm@2: "Eh? Lucifer?!" rlm@2: "Akiho, I am inside of you... in your rlm@2: subconsious mind..." rlm@2: "What's going on?!" rlm@2: "In order for you to understand where I came rlm@2: from... I must show you..." rlm@2: "I don't understand! Are we in space?! I thought... but... rlm@2: I..." rlm@2: "Shhhh... Akiho, relax. You are in your own mind. Right now you are in the part that rlm@2: holds the secrets to your past and things humans have, that... they don't know about..." rlm@2: "I rlm@2: still don't understand..." rlm@2: "Look in front of you Akiho... what do you see?" rlm@2: "I..." Akiho rlm@2: looks up and stares at the figure. The light shines on it's face and it slowly looks up at rlm@2: Akiho. It's eyes open and Akiho gasps. In front of her, she sees herself. rlm@2: "Akiho... this is rlm@2: you... your true form..." rlm@2: