rlm@0: Lost rlm@0: by Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: The light, it cannot reach me here. rlm@0: It's rays don't go this far. rlm@0: Even they turn back before the darkness devours them. rlm@0: Yet I find myself lost here, rlm@0: on these cold and desolate plains. rlm@0: I don't know where I am nor where I'm going. rlm@0: Darkness stretches outwards, an infinite expanse of loneliness, rlm@0: blessed only with the solace of teardrops. rlm@0: rlm@0: I am alone here, rlm@0: Lost where you can never find me. rlm@0: I cannot find my way, rlm@0: begging each shadow for help. rlm@0: But my pleas fall on deaf ears and I must continue forward. rlm@0: Alone. rlm@0: rlm@0: This well traveled route of agony and despair, rlm@0: it knows me well by now. rlm@0: Always harkening me back to it's haunting paths and dark mazes. rlm@0: I am lost to it, rlm@0: unable to escape it's grasp upon me. rlm@0: I always pass the same sign, rlm@0: always cross the same frozen stream. rlm@0: 'You are nowhere,' rlm@0: the sign states in letters the color of blood. rlm@0: And I shiver at the sight, rlm@0: but continue forwards into the encompassing darkness. rlm@0: "Where am I?" I ask. rlm@0: But there is no answer. rlm@0: "Who am I?" I plead. rlm@0: But silence answers my call. rlm@0: "Please save me..." I whimper. rlm@0: But no one comes for me. rlm@0: rlm@0: So I cry. rlm@0: rlm@0: I finally collapse along the winding path, rlm@0: my tear soaked dress fluttering around me as the wind picks up. rlm@0: I sob bitter tears, rlm@0: cursing my lost and lonely path, rlm@0: praying for the light to illuminate the darkness. rlm@0: But no one heeds my calls. rlm@0: And I am left in the shadows to fend for myself. rlm@0: To find my path when there is none. rlm@0: To save myself from the shadows when I know that I can't. rlm@0: So I cry. rlm@0: Pounding my fists into the wet dirt of my lonely path, rlm@0: I question whether it needs me upon it anymore. rlm@0: Perhaps it is time I surrender, rlm@0: that I give in to the inevitablity that I will forever be lost. rlm@0: That my path will never take me anywhere but through these cold and dark shadows. rlm@0: I laugh into the night sky, rlm@0: the thunder echoing the madness that plays with my hair. rlm@0: If only I give up, rlm@0: I will be free. rlm@0: I will be free... rlm@0: rlm@0: But I cannot give up. rlm@0: Not yet, at any right. rlm@0: I have much left to tend to. rlm@0: I have sights left unseen. rlm@0: Perhaps I will never see them. rlm@0: But I won't know if I don't try. rlm@0: I struggle to my bare feet, rlm@0: stumbling forward into the cold woods once more. rlm@0: I know that I am lost. rlm@0: But I pray that I will be found.