rlm@0: Username: Amara rlm@0: E-mail: keriisgo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Title: A new senshi? rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru and Chibiusa were sitting on the sofa at Hotaru’s house when Hotaru’s communicator started to beep. rlm@0: “Hotaru here.” She said as she open it up. rlm@0: “Hotaru! Is Chibiusa there? We need you both right away. At the end of Usagi’s street! It’s a Youma!” rlm@0: “We’ll be right there!” Hotaru looked at Chibiusa and they ran out the door, transforming as they ran down the road. rlm@0: rlm@0: “We’re here!” they shouted as they skidded round the corner into Usagi’s street. rlm@0: “Good, we need your help!” Sailor moon said as she ran up to them. Sailor Jupiter was the only other senshi still standing. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Tuxedo Mask were all down already. The Youma looked like the worst they’d ever seen, so ugly. rlm@0: “Where did it come from?” Hotaru asked sailor moon. rlm@0: “Setsuna said something about a distortion in the timeline.” Sailor moon said. Hotaru wasted no more time. rlm@0: “Silence glaive, Surprise!” She shouted as she pulled her glaive down. rlm@0: “ARGH!” the youma screamed in pain as the attack hit it. It was hurt badly but not destroyed. It stared at Hotaru with an evil Glare in it’s eyes. It charged forward towards Hotaru and hit the road as Hotaru jumped up out the way. rlm@0: “Sailor moon! Now!” rlm@0: “Right!” She used her attack. rlm@0: “Silver Moon, Crystal Power, Kiss!” The youma vanished as the attack hit it but no human came forward. rlm@0: “Maybe they aren’t using humans anymore.” Hotaru voiced her thoughts. rlm@0: “I hope not.” Said sailor moon and ran to Tuxedo Mask. He opened his eyes and said rlm@0: “I’m OK, don’t worry, go and see your friends.” But as Sailor Moon nodded and turned around she saw that they were already getting up. Only Sailor Mercury needed support from Sailor Saturn. Tuxedo Mask also stood up. rlm@0: “Sailor Pluto, Why did this happen and will it happen again?” Sailor Saturn asked. rlm@0: “It happened because it had the power to travel though time without going through the time gate. And no, I don’t think it will happen again, however there is one more of the time travelling youma somewhere in the city. We have to find it before it does some irreversible damage.” The other Senshi nodded in agreement. rlm@0: “Thank you Sailor Saturn.” Mercury said, referring to giving her support. rlm@0: “Are you OK?” Sailor Saturn asked in return. rlm@0: “I’m fine, it’s just a sprained ankle.” Sailor Mercury said, smiling. rlm@0: rlm@0: Suddenly her computer started beeping violently and the other youma appeared behind her and Sailor Saturn, It charged at them and as Sailor Saturn was holding Sailor Mercury there was nothing she could do. It caught Sailor Saturn round the neck and threw Sailor Mercury aside. The rest of the Senshi ran to Sailor Mercury’s side, some to help her, some in front to protect her. rlm@0: “I’m fine.” Sailor Mercury said and stood with the help of Tuxedo Mask. rlm@0: “Sailor Saturn!” Sailor mini moon cried out. Sailor Saturn was being strangled by the youma but no one could attack because they’d run the risk of hitting her. Sailor Saturn was struggling against the hold in which the youma had her. It was killing her slowly, stopping her breathing. She could see the spots in her eyes and her vision started to blur, all she could see was Chibi moon crying. rlm@0: “Chibi…Usa…” Sailor Saturn managed to say. Her silence glaive dropped from her grasp and her eyes closed, her last image of Chibi moon crying, for her. rlm@0: The youma wasn’t satisfied with killing her that way and so let her go, just before she lost conciseness. The youma was still holding her to close for the others to attack and you could see the fear and anxiety in her respective parents eyes. But no pair of eyes was more full of tears than those of Chibi moon. She was frozen at the thought of loosing Sailor Saturn. rlm@0: “I can’t live without you Sailor Saturn, don’t go!” Chibi moon cried out and Sailor Saturn seemed to hear her plea as she opened her eyes as called out to her rlm@0: “Chibiusa!” The youma acknowledged the fact that Sailor Saturn was awake and pushed her to the floor, holding her hair, making Sailor Saturn grimace in pain. Sailor Saturn was to weak to support herself and so she was being held up by her hair, to weak to scream, to weak to cry. The youma realised she was unable to resist anything and dug her knee into Sailor Saturn’s back, crushing her bones. This time Sailor Saturn couldn’t help but scream. rlm@0: “ARGH!!” Sailor Saturn cried out in anguish as she felt her ribs crack and her bones crunch. Chibi moon cried out to see Sailor Saturn in such pain. rlm@0: “Sailor Saturn!” everyone cried out. rlm@0: “That’s enough!” Haruka cried, rlm@0: “She would much rather be killed than be put though this much pain. We can’t just sit here and watch anymore.” Everyone nodded in agreement, everyone except Chibi moon. She was still frozen to the spot. A life without Hotaru was impossible to imagine. Everyone’s eyes fell on Chibi moon. rlm@0: “Sailor Chibi Moon?” Sailor moon said. This pulled Chibi moon out of her daze. rlm@0: “I can’t live without her!” Chibi moon cried out and ran into Sailor moons open arms. rlm@0: “We’ll do everything we can for her, but remember Chibi moon, she’d rather die by our hand than by that youma.” Sailor Moon shocked the other senshi, as she didn’t usually agree to these things. rlm@0: “But, what will I do without her?” Chibi moon cried into Sailor moon’s fuku. rlm@0: “We’ll get though it together Chibi moon.” Sailor moon said and stood up. rlm@0: “Gather round you guys, I have a plan!” Sailor moon said and they gathered round. rlm@0: “Some of us can attack from in front, not aiming for them, just looking like it, while one or two of us go round the back, we can attack with full strength from the back and hopefully not harm Sailor Saturn.” Everyone agreed that this was a good plan, it was decided that the inner senshi would stay at the front with the outer senshi and only sailor moon and sailor chibi moon would go behind. rlm@0: While all this was being said and decided the youma busied itself with hurting Sailor Saturn. It was beating her with its fists and feet and it was throwing attacks like there was no tomorrow. She couldn’t even scream anymore. She was bleeding virtually all over and the blood kept pouring out of her mouth. She just lay on the floor as she lacked the energy to do anything else. The youma had an evil smirk on its face. rlm@0: “See what you get for hurting my brother, sailor brat?” it said happily. It stood up and lifted Sailor Saturn by her right arm, punched her in the stomach, causing more blood to come out of her mouth and then it punched her in the cheek, causing yet more blood to spray the youma and the floor around her. In the meantime the senshi had got into their positions and at a signal; which came from sailor moon; the attack began. The youma started to thrown energy at the sailors in front of her to neutralise their attacks. Sailor moon and sailor mini moon attacked together at the back and the attack was about to hit the youma when it turned around and held Sailor Saturn into the blast instead. Sailor Saturn’s eyes went wide and she screamed in pain. The attack was still so powerful and pushed the youma back, as the youma was still holding Sailor Saturn she couldn’t let go, else she would get blasted. The attack however, reached the youma as well as Sailor Saturn and it was dusted. As the youma was dusted Sailor Saturn fell to the floor, her transformation reversed and she was Hotaru before she hit the ground. Everyone ran forward to her but Chibi moon got there first. rlm@0: “Hotaru! Hotaru! Get up! Please!” Chibi moon yelled over and over while hugging Hotaru’s body. rlm@0: “I’m…sorry… can’t… get…up.” Hotaru tried to smile at Chibi moon but couldn’t quite hide the pain she was in. rlm@0: “Hotaru…” Chibi moon said solemnly. rlm@0: “Please forgive me for not being there.” rlm@0: “Chibi…Usa… you’ve…always… been here… for me…” Hotaru managed. rlm@0: “Don’t go please.” Chibi moon pleaded with Hotaru. rlm@0: “I’m… not…” Hotaru said with even greater difficulty than before. Chibi moon looked confused and hopeful. rlm@0: “A new… senshi… will come… trust her and… she will help… Me.” With that Hotaru fell into unconsciousness. Everyone was feeling upset but there was also hope in every ones eyes. rlm@0: “A new senshi will come…” Sailor Pluto repeated Hotaru’s words. rlm@0: “I have not foreseen any new senshi, but I didn’t foresee this either.” Everyone nods at her and they all untransformed. Makoto bent down to pick up Hotaru but Haruka put a hand on her shoulder to stop her. Makoto moved out of the way respectfully. Haruka picked Hotaru up and saw that Chibiusa hadn’t moved since untransforming. rlm@0: Haruka nodded towards Chibiusa after catching Usagi’s eye. Usagi knelt tenderly next to her and lifted her into her arms. Chibiusa was trembling and Usagi held her close. rlm@0: Haruka gasped and everyone turned towards her. rlm@0: “Hotaru.” She said and looked below the girl she was carrying. There was a puddle of blood and Haruka suddenly slapped Hotaru around the face, fortunately there was no one standing in front of her as blood splattered everything in sight. rlm@0: “Why did you do that?” Michiru asked. rlm@0: “She was suffocating in her own blood.” Haruka stated. Everyone gasped. rlm@0: “We need to get her to a hospital.” Haruka said. rlm@0: “No you don’t.” The voice rang out and echoed, only dieing down after the words were repeated 10 or 11 times. rlm@0: “Who said that?!” Haruka ordered into the cold. rlm@0: “I did.” A sailor senshi came down from the freezing air and landed softly on the floor in front of Haruka and Hotaru. rlm@0: “I am Sailor Tethys.” rlm@0: “You are the senshi she told us about?” Haruka asked. rlm@0: “Give her to me.” Sailor Tethys told Haruka. Haruka pulled back, not wanting to let go of her daughter. rlm@0: “Don’t be a fool.” Sailor Tethys smirks. Everyone looks to each other; they decide she looks to evil to be good. No one trusts her except Chibiusa. rlm@0: “Haruka, Hotaru said we need to trust her… give Hotaru to her.” Chibiusa said quietly. rlm@0: “No, I won’t, she… she doesn’t look trustworthy.” Haruka pulled back even more. rlm@0: “So you want her die then?” Sailor Tethys asked. rlm@0: “No, no but I can’t let her go.” Haruka seemed lost. Not knowing what to do. That decision was made for her. rlm@0: “You have to let her go!” Sailor Tethys shouted. Usagi stepped between the two. She also wanted to keep Hotaru under their supervision. rlm@0: “Don’t you understand? She’ll die here with us, we have to let her go with Sailor Tethys!” Chibiusa said. rlm@0: “CHIBIUSA!” Usagi shouts at her and ducks to her level. Just as she goes to say something Sailor Tethys shout out rlm@0: “By the power of Tethys, COME!” Usagi was thrown forward onto Chibiusa and the rest of the senshi were also knocked over but Haruka was hit the worst. She was thrown so far back it was impossible to see where she landed, all you heard was the thud as she hit the ground. Hotaru however remained where she was, then went towards Sailor Tethys. Hotaru kept moving forward until she was in Sailor Tethys arms. Chibiusa got out from under Usagi and said to Sailor Tethys rlm@0: “Please make her well again.” Sailor Tethys smiled and said rlm@0: “I will Chibiusa, see you again.” rlm@0: “Goodbye my friend, Goodbye Hotaru!” Chibiusa shouted up to them as they flew up in the air and then disappeared. Chibiusa hadn’t taken note of the fact that she was the only one who could stand against the power until it died down and the others got up. rlm@0: They were about to ask Chibiusa what she was thinking when Michiru noticed something. rlm@0: “Where’s Haruka?!” No one had an answer and so they all split up to look for her. A dense fog had moved in and was making it very difficult. rlm@0: Michiru’s communicator beeped and she answered rlm@0: “Hello?” rlm@0: “Michiru, it’s no good, we are all meeting at Rei’s shrine in five minutes.” It was Usagi. rlm@0: “OK.” Michiru said solemnly. rlm@0: When she got to the shine the others were already there. rlm@0: “What could have happened to her?” Michiru asked as she came in. No one answered and everything was silent for some time. They heard a shuffle outside and every one ran out, hoping it was Haruka. It was Chad. Everyone sighed but he was flushed and out of breathe. rlm@0: “What’s the matter Chad?” Rei asked. rlm@0: “A guy, he’s out in the park. I think he’s unconscious.” Chad managed between breathes. rlm@0: “Haruka!” Michiru said. rlm@0: “Chad, take us there!” He started to run and everyone followed, except Mercury because of her ankle and Darien stayed to look after her. Chad and the girls were running for quite some time until finally they came to a cherry blossom tree with a disturbance in the middle, made when Haruka’s body smacked into it. rlm@0: “Oh my god, She must be really hurt.” Minako stated as she studied the hole. rlm@0: “Oh Haruka.” Michiru started to cry slightly and Setsuna came over to her. rlm@0: “Don’t worry Michiru, she’s strong, she’ll be OK.” Setsuna hugged Michiru tightly and everyone started walking back to the shrine. rlm@0: “MICHIRU!” A voice sounded through the fog. Michiru stopped and so did everyone else. rlm@0: “Did you hear that?” she asked. Every one nodded. rlm@0: “It sounded like Haruka.” Setsuna pointed out. rlm@0: “Let’s go!” everyone said in unison and started running into the fog. They were all starting to get tired and ready to give up when they heard the voice again rlm@0: “MICHIRU!” It was closer this time and was defiantly Haruka’s. rlm@0: “HARUKA!” Michiru screamed. rlm@0: “WHERE ARE YOU?!” They heard footsteps a little ahead of them and to the right. They followed the footsteps at a running pace until they could see the silhouette of a person, walking away from them. rlm@0: “Haruka! Stop!” Michiru called out but the person didn’t even turn. rlm@0: “Are we sure that’s Haruka?” Usagi asked. rlm@0: “Yes, I’m positive, look at her posture.” Michiru said. The person did have a distinctive posture, though no one could decide why. rlm@0: “But if it is then why won’t she stop?” Makoto asked. rlm@0: “MICHIRU!” This time they were positive it came from the walking person and moved in. As they got closer they noticed the person was limping and was holding her right arm, the person was badly injured. They all ran as fast as they could, but this time Michiru was the fastest. She got behind the person and touched their shoulder. It wasn’t Haruka. It was an old man. rlm@0: “Oh, I’m so sorry sir.” Michiru said apologetically and bowed. rlm@0: “That’s ok child, I heard a voice and it seemed to be in pain so I was following it, I was starting to think it was my imagination, are you following it too?” Michiru was shocked at first but recovered herself. rlm@0: “Yes, we are, she is my girlfriend and is hurt, we must find her.” rlm@0: “But I have been following the voice for at least half an hour and not got close.” The old man said. rlm@0: “I won’t give up, she needs me.” Michiru stated and ran off once more into the fog. rlm@0: “Michiru!” It was the same voice but quieter, Michiru wouldn’t have heard it if she had not stopped to catch her breathe. rlm@0: “Haruka?! Where are you?!” She called into the fog, and now into the night. rlm@0: “I’m here.” Haruka said and Michiru turned around. She walked forward a few steps and another silhouette came into view, this one facing her. She ran forward but stopped short. There were two people here, one was Haruka, the one in front, but the one behind was a mystery to Michiru. rlm@0: “Ah, Michiru, so nice of you to join us.” The person said. It was at this point she noticed that Haruka had one hand in an arm lock and the other being held above her head, to stop her moving. Michiru also noticed that Haruka was badly hurt, she was trembling and blood leaked out the corner of her mouth. She also looked as if she has been punched in the side of her face. Upon closer inspection she also realised there was blood seeping through Haruka’s shirt, down onto her knees and then onto the floor. Michiru couldn’t tell why or where Haruka was bleeding but it certainly was a bad cut. Michiru saw Haruka’s eyes go heavy as she was in so much pain, she started to feint but the arm lock tightened and Haruka screamed once again. The others came onto the scene just as Haruka screamed and were all silent as they could see they had a problem. rlm@0: “What do you want?” Michiru asked boldly. The person holding Haruka laughed and let Haruka’s left arm go, but still had her right in the arm lock. The arm that had been let go just fell to Haruka’s side. rlm@0: “I want something simple, the little girl behind the blonde Odango.” Everyone looked at Chibiusa and then back at Haruka. Haruka had her eyes closed but everyone knew she was listening. rlm@0: “Don’t do it.” Haruka said but the person behind her pulled the arm lock tighter, making Haruka scream again. The others stepped forward. rlm@0: “Don’t you move any closer or she looses this.” She indicates to Haruka’s arm. No one moved. rlm@0: “I’ll ask again, the girl for this woman.” Haruka grimaced as the arm lock tightened again, but didn’t scream this time. rlm@0: “Don’t do it!” Haruka shouted to the girls and the person behind her showed her anger by kicking Haruka in the back. Haruka would have fallen had she not been in the arm lock, but she still did not scream or cry. rlm@0: “I don’t want your opinion, Sailor Uranus!” Everyone was shocked, everyone except Haruka. rlm@0: “Please, don’t do it.” Haruka said again and another twist and pull came to her arm and she clamped her mouth and eyes shut, trying not to scream. No one knew what to do. No one wanted to loose their future princess and it was their duty to protect the moon queen and princess. Haruka also said to do that so they all thought they should let her die, but no one wanted to, they were all desperately trying to think of a way to get both of them out alive. rlm@0: The person laughed and grabbed Haruka’s hair; pulling it so Haruka leaned back. The person also leaned forward, coming out of the mist and revealing to everyone that they were a she. Haruka opened her eyes and wondered what she was doing. The woman leaned forward and pulled Haruka back until they were level and then she leaned down and kissed Haruka on the lips. Haruka tried to get away but was held fast. She had an idea and bit the woman’s tongue. The woman pulled back, holding her mouth with her free hand. rlm@0: “Don’t you ever do that again, only Michiru touches me that way.” Haruka said aggressively. Michiru was happy that Haruka still valued her highly enough as to risk her life to say so, but was unhappy to see her in such pain at the hand of another and being able to do nothing about it. rlm@0: “I don’t take orders from you Sailor Uranus!” She pulled back on Haruka’s hair until Haruka couldn’t bend anymore. She then slapped Haruka around the face and let her hair go. Haruka bent over forwards, putting her free hand to her cheek. Michiru knew how much pain Haruka was in. Haruka looked up so her eyes caught Michiru’s, she could see they had their defiant look in them but wondered what Haruka could be planning. Haruka took her free hand and punched upwards, catching the woman on her chin. The woman swore severely but didn’t let go of Haruka’s arm. rlm@0: “You little Bitch!” The woman shouted in Haruka’s ear and punched her, this time as hard as she could and Haruka would have gone flying had the woman not been holding on so tight. It made Haruka grimace again but she didn’t scream or cry. The woman grabbed Haruka’s free arm and pulled it back, she felt Haruka resisting but as she put her weight into it she thought of something and let the arm go free. Haruka, surprised by this, tried to jump free but the woman held her tightly in place. The woman had an evil smile on her lips and knelt down beside Haruka. Haruka eyed her defiantly but the woman just smiled. The woman thought up something she knew Haruka wouldn’t be able to resist, she knew Haruka would scream in pain. rlm@0: “Hotaru.” The woman said and Haruka looked into her eyes. Haruka suddenly recognised the woman and her eyes went wide. rlm@0: “SAILOR TETHYS!” Haruka shouted out and everyone saw she was right, but not sure what to do. rlm@0: “What have you done with Hotaru?!” Haruka demanded. rlm@0: “Nothing.” She stated simply. rlm@0: “My name, is Lucinda, and your daughter is here.” She clicked her fingers and Hotaru appeared before them all. Chibiusa tried to run forward but was thrown back by a force shield. Lucinda smiled and let Haruka go. Haruka was inside the shield with Lucinda and Hotaru so she ran to her daughter and hugged her tight. rlm@0: “Hotaru, wake up.” Haruka cried onto Hotaru and looked over her, her wounds were gone and she looked peaceful, but she wasn’t awake. rlm@0: “Is she…?” Haruka asked. rlm@0: “No, she isn’t.” Lucinda replied, a hint of tenderness in her voice. rlm@0: Haruka hugged her daughter tightly, never wanting to let go. When she did let go she realised she’d left a bloodstain on her child’s t-shirt. rlm@0: “Sailor Uranus, she is in a deep sleep, she will awaken but only if something happens.” rlm@0: “What?” Haruka asked. rlm@0: “Your death needs to occur before she can live, and also the love of Chibi Moon is needed.” Lucinda seemed sad. rlm@0: “Had you given her to me sooner she would have been fine with just Chibi Moon’s love.” Haruka laughed at this, which surprised everyone. rlm@0: “So, I made her this way so now I pay the price, seems reasonable, but how do I have to die?” Haruka asked. rlm@0: “How did you know there were terms?” Lucinda asked. rlm@0: “There always are.” Haruka replied knowingly. Lucinda nodded and bowed her head. rlm@0: “You must die a painful death, a death in which you suffer beyond mortal comprehension.” rlm@0: “I had guessed that would be the answer.” Haruka said blankly and stood up. Everyone outside the shield gasped at how ready she seemed and Michiru began to cry softly. Lucinda took note of Michiru’s cry and said to Haruka rlm@0: “Would you like to say goodbye?” rlm@0: Haruka nodded. Lucinda lifted her hand and Haruka was put beside Michiru. rlm@0: “I love you Michiru, never forget that.” They embrace. rlm@0: “I love you too, and I won’t ever forget you or your love.” rlm@0: “Goodbye you guys, say bye to Ami and Darien for me too.” They all nodded and everyone took turns to hug Haruka. When it came to Setsuna and Michiru again they shared a special hug. rlm@0: “Hey, don’t worry you guys, we’ll all be reborn together some day, we’ll meet again.” rlm@0: Then it was Chibiusa’s turn, they embraced, took each other’s hand and Lucinda bought them back into the shield. Chibiusa ran strait to Hotaru and hugged her lovers body. Haruka looked fondly at the two. At least she would die for a good cause. rlm@0: Haruka nodded her head to Lucinda, signalling that she was ready. Lucinda bowed her head slightly and then took aim at Haruka with her hands. An energy beam shot from them and Haruka was sent flying into the shield, her previous injuries made worse and also inflicting new ones. She fell to the floor but managed to push herself up to her feet again. The others felt her pain for a split second and all realised that Haruka was a very brave and kind person. She was blasted again and Hotaru flinched, the movement going through her body. Haruka noticed the spark of life in her daughter and was glad it was working. Chibiusa also noticed and took her hand, staring at her beautiful face. Haruka was hit again and again. Lucinda held her hands up again and fired the beam; once again Haruka hit the shield and fell to the floor. She didn’t get up. Lucinda let her hands fall to her sides, sorry that she had to kill a fellow senshi. rlm@0: Hotaru awoke to see Chibiusa’s pink orbs looking at her. She wanted to look into those eyes forever but she felt something, something that made her heart ache and so she sat up, only to see her Haruka-Papa lying on the floor, covered in blood. rlm@0: “HARUKA-PAPA!” Hotaru screamed out and ran to her side, lifting her head onto her lap. The others were happy to see Hotaru was all right but also very emotional over Haruka’s death. No one knew what to do. The shield was removed but everyone stayed where they were. rlm@0: Hotaru leant over her papa and cried, one of her tears hitting Haruka’s nose. Haruka stirred but Hotaru didn’t notice. Haruka felt another tear hit her cheek. rlm@0: “Hey, don’t cry Hotaru-Hime.” Haruka smiled. Hotaru let go of her papa to look into her eyes. They were the same as always, beautiful, mischievous and defiant. Lucinda took note of Hotaru’s joyous face and her happy eyes and decided she’d done the right thing in bringing Haruka back, unfortunately, that meant that Lucinda must be reborn, as she is one of Sailor Saturn’s protectors she has the double edged sword as well. If Sailor Saturn uses her Death reborn revolution, she also dies, and if Lucinda uses her healing abilities to that extent she also dies. rlm@0: Hotaru senses Lucinda behind her and stands up. Hotaru turns to face her and moves forward until they are inches apart. rlm@0: “Thank you for saving me and my Papa Lucinda. I’m sorry that you now die.” rlm@0: Lucinda smiles at Hotaru and Hotaru smiles back. They bear a huge resemblance. rlm@0: They embrace. rlm@0: “Goodbye, sister.” Hotaru says and everyone takes a breathe in. rlm@0: “We’ll meet again!” Lucinda says and fades into the darkness. Haruka is on her feet by the time Hotaru turns back around and they embrace, but as Hotaru and Chibiusa embrace they realise how much they mean to each other. They kiss deeply and Haruka turns away and walks to Michiru rlm@0: “And they are always complaining about us!” Haruka jokes and Michiru sweat drops rlm@0: “How can you act as if nothing has happened?! Do you realise what you put me through?” Michiru shouts at Haruka. rlm@0: “I’m sorry, but I love you so much.” rlm@0: “I love you too.” They both embrace and then kiss. rlm@0: