rlm@0: Disclaimer: I've been writing a lot recently, I know, and I AM sorry about rlm@0: it. I just keep thinking about new ideas, so I have to get them down before rlm@0: they fly away. Or rather, I forget them. I like how I worded it first, rlm@0: though I always have the knowledge, the tiny white butterfly, somewhere deep rlm@0: within my mind, my soul. Anyways, this is a small fluffy fanfiction I wrote rlm@0: after I thought it up playing minesweeper. I almost always lose minesweeper, rlm@0: but oh well. ^^; I'm sorry! I know I should be working on 'Miss Witch', but rlm@0: I'm stuck on that one scene! Ugh. -_- So sad.anyways, warning: this rlm@0: fanfiction contains yuri and (I always add this in case it happens. My rlm@0: stories take their own form.) yaoi. If this offends you, please don't read. rlm@0: Also, I don't own any copyrighted stuff. Thanks! ~.^ ~~Forever3330~~ ^.~ rlm@0: rlm@0: A Walk In The Rain~~A Cardcaptor Sakura fanfiction rlm@0: By Forever3330 rlm@0: kawaiimotoko@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: A young brunette, maybe fourteen or so, walked slowly home from school, rlm@0: looking up at the gray sky as she walked. Soon she would reach the park. A rlm@0: small smile formed on her lips, and she stopped, waiting, listening. rlm@0: Soon enough she heard soft, quick footsteps behind her, and looked at the rlm@0: girl who stood next to her, breathing in short, quick, gasps. rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan.wasn't your piano lesson going to run late today?" rlm@0: The second, slightly shorter girl stood up straighter, lavender hair rlm@0: rippling in small waves as she did so. She smiled warmly, the calm, gentle rlm@0: smile Sakura loved best. "Hai. But my sensei was sick. I hope she gets well rlm@0: soon." Tomoyo's eyes looked worried, but they brightened. "But now we can rlm@0: walk home together, Sakura-chan. Perhaps we could have a sleepover at your rlm@0: house. It's Friday, after all." rlm@0: Sakura beamed at her friend, barely noticing the tiny raindrops beginning rlm@0: to sprinkle down on them. "Of course. Father won't mind; he says you're like rlm@0: family, the way you're over at our house so often. Onii-chan says you are rlm@0: family." rlm@0: Tomoyo slipped her slender hand into Sakura's. "It honors me greatly that rlm@0: Kinomoto-san would think of me as such." rlm@0: Sakura giggled as they began to walk, perfectly in step. "Tomoyo-chan, you' rlm@0: re so polite!" rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled. "And you have a quality better then that Sakura-chan; you're rlm@0: special to many people, and you're the sunshine in my darkness." rlm@0: Sakura looked thoughtful for a few moments, then blushed. "Tomoyo-chan.oh, rlm@0: it's raining! I should have brought an umbrella like Father told me to!" rlm@0: Tomoyo looked up. "I love the rain.each little raindrop is like a tiny rlm@0: world, a tiny soul. Each so different and so the same.all born from the same rlm@0: Mother." rlm@0: Sakura smiled softly and squeezed her best friend's hand softly. "You see rlm@0: everything so much differently from me, Tomoyo-chan. I could happily spend rlm@0: years with you, and only learn a tiny bit of everything you see." rlm@0: Tomoyo looked over at Sakura, and smiled sweetly. "Sakura-chan, it would rlm@0: make me very happy to do so; Sakura-chan's happiness is my happiness." rlm@0: Sakura sighed. "Tomoyo-chan.I love rainy days too." rlm@0: "Why?" Tomoyo looked over at her friend as they came to a stop, at a rlm@0: railing on the small bridge that passed over the lake by the King Penguin. rlm@0: Sakura gently took her hand from Tomoyo's, and leaned against the railing, rlm@0: emerald eyes clouding over. rlm@0: "Sakura-chan?" Tomoyo asked softly. rlm@0: Sakura didn't reply, and simply looked out over the lake, then closed her rlm@0: eyes, pressing deep into her memory, her soul this perfect moment. The rlm@0: breeze was soft, blowing against her skin, warmly. And small raindrops fell rlm@0: down from the sky.Sakura knew she was soaked to the bone, but didn't care rlm@0: much. Tomoyo stood silently beside her, waiting ever patiently. Always rlm@0: patient. Waiting. rlm@0: Tomoyo turned and leaned on the railing, shivering as the cold metal rlm@0: touched her skin. The cold and wet didn't bother her much; she was here with rlm@0: her beloved special person. She would be lost in perfect bliss forever if rlm@0: only this moment could stretch into eternity; but for her, it already did. rlm@0: Looking over at Sakura, she smiled her soft smile. Her loved ones flashed rlm@0: one by one through her mind, but she knew that her love for Sakura wasn't rlm@0: rivaled by any of them. Oh, she had the strongest love possible for her rlm@0: mother, her friends; but her love for Sakura left them all far behind. It rlm@0: grew even now, as it always grew, second by second, as time went on. She rlm@0: could always go on, powered by that love. Even if she had to let Sakura go rlm@0: someday, her love would keep her going on. As long as she had these rlm@0: memories. rlm@0: Sakura sighed softly, not stirring Tomoyo out of her dream-like state, but rlm@0: simply going farther into her own. She knew most people took her for the rlm@0: oblivious girl she showed them, and for the most part she was. But rlm@0: sometimes, sometimes she saw in and through what everyone wanted her to see, rlm@0: through every illusion, straight to the soul of what was hiding. Tomoyo was rlm@0: hard to figure out, but there had been times when understanding gripped her rlm@0: for a few precious seconds, and then fled. Tomoyo had once recited a poem to rlm@0: her...well; Tomoyo recited many poems to her. But one line had caught her rlm@0: attention yesterday. 'To see a world in a grain of sand'. Sakura smiled rlm@0: gently. As a child she had been able to do just that. But now, she could see rlm@0: things deeper, almost like she was seeing through a fraction of what Tomoyo' rlm@0: s view was. Tomoyo was so secretive sometimes.Sakura worried about her. rlm@0: Tomoyo breathed in the air around her, slipping further into her rlm@0: seeming-trance. There were so many things she could say right now. But rlm@0: nothing would accurately describe the moment, the feelings, emotions, rlm@0: senses. Nothing would describe it. But she could hold a wisp of what this rlm@0: moment had been within her, forever. The moment itself could never be truly rlm@0: there again, without it happening. Oh, she could live on. But this full rlm@0: blast of life within the moment wouldn't happen after Sakura left. Tomoyo rlm@0: hoped the time when such a thing would happen was far into the future. rlm@0: Syaoran had turned to her, before he left to China, after he had promised rlm@0: to come back for her. A promise Sakura hadn't asked for, and wasn't sure he rlm@0: would keep. He had asked her to go with him. And she had refused. Perhaps, rlm@0: perhaps she should have gone. But then she would never have been here, in rlm@0: this small glimpse of heaven. If Syaoran were in Tomoyo's place right now, rlm@0: what would be different? She should be happier, right? That was to some rlm@0: extent something Naoko had asked her. Strangely enough, she hadn't thought rlm@0: much about it. She couldn't leave her family, her friends. She couldn't rlm@0: leave. They would have been devastated, especially Tomoyo. Sakura winced at rlm@0: the thought. Her best friend had always told her that Sakura's happiness was rlm@0: her own happiness, but Sakura knew that Tomoyo seemed to need her. Tomoyo rlm@0: always seemed so fragile in Sakura's eyes, even though Sakura knew Tomoyo rlm@0: was stronger then her in some ways. But she still couldn't bring herself to rlm@0: do it. To go away from the people she loved. It would be too much. Even rlm@0: though she was sure Tomoyo would have insisted on her going if the pale rlm@0: heiress had known. Tomoyo thought she was happy with Syaoran. So Tomoyo rlm@0: naturally tried to do what she thought would make Sakura happy, tried to rlm@0: make it all come to life. Sakura shook her head, smiling slightly at the rlm@0: thought. rlm@0: Tomoyo opened her eyes, realizing only now they were closed. She shifted rlm@0: and looked over at Sakura in concern. Usually the energetic Cardmistress rlm@0: couldn't stay still. rlm@0: Sakura smiled, and opened her eyes as she turned to Tomoyo. She giggled as rlm@0: she saw her friend's soaking lavender hair messy for once. Still, Tomoyo's rlm@0: hair was always beautiful, even like this. rlm@0: Tomoyo blinked, not quite understanding. Then her eyes noticed Sakura was rlm@0: soaked, and quite messy, and knew she must look quite the same. Embarrassed, rlm@0: she giggled softly, and the two girls' giggles became laughter. rlm@0: Slowly, their laughter drifted off, and the rain became heavier, but rlm@0: neither noticed it. "Tomoyo-chan.what were you thinking about?" rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled gently. "My special person." rlm@0: "That's what you always say when I ask you that." Sakura commented. rlm@0: "Because it's always true." Tomoyo smiled warmly. rlm@0: Sakura smiled, looking at her friend. rlm@0: "Sakura-chan?" Tomoyo felt Sakura's forehead. "Are you okay?" rlm@0: "I'm fine." Sakura replied. rlm@0: "If you say so." Tomoyo still looked worried. rlm@0: Sakura's smile became dreamy, and she leaned slightly forward, touching her rlm@0: own lips Tomoyo's petal soft ones. Pulling back the brunette blushed rlm@0: slightly, but smiled all the same, then turned back to look over the lake in rlm@0: embarrassment. rlm@0: Tomoyo stood there for a few moments, trying to figure out what had just rlm@0: happened, and at the same time burning the memory into her heart, making rlm@0: sure the memory would never leave her. That was the most happiness she had rlm@0: ever felt, her soul combining with Sakura's creating a light brighter then rlm@0: that Sakura alone could shine on her life. A hand rose unconsciously to her rlm@0: lips, and she waited in the silence, looking over at Sakura. rlm@0: Sakura finally turned back to her friend, and giggled. "Gomen ne, Tomoyo. I rlm@0: didn't mean to surprise you." rlm@0: Tomoyo blinked, and replied. "It's okay Sakura-chan." rlm@0: "You wanted to know the reason I love rainy days?" Sakura asked, smiling at rlm@0: Tomoyo's bewilderment. rlm@0: "Hai, Sakura-chan." Tomoyo said, still slightly out of it. rlm@0: "Because the stormy blue sky reminds me of your eyes." Sakura blushed. "And rlm@0: it feels like my Tomoyo-chan is watching over me." rlm@0: Tomoyo's mind kept going over the same words: 'my Tomoyo-chan'. "That rlm@0: sounds like something I would say." She finally managed. rlm@0: Sakura giggled nervously, putting one hand behind her head. "I know. rlm@0: Because it is something you would say, Tomoyo. My love is the same as yours. rlm@0: Gomen. It took me a little while to get used to it, or to say anything." rlm@0: "What do you mean?" Tomoyo was confused and yet strangely understood it rlm@0: all. rlm@0: "I mean that I love you, Tomoyo. I sometimes understand the things you say. rlm@0: Plus everyone hints at it if I ask the right questions. Sometimes I just don rlm@0: 't see things very clearly. Then, sometimes, I see it. Like in that poem you rlm@0: recited the other day." rlm@0: "What about Syaoran-kun?" Tomoyo asked. rlm@0: Sakura looked thoughtful. "I think Kero-chan tried to explain it to me. I rlm@0: knew I never loved him, really, after I thought about it, but I didn't know rlm@0: how to explain it. He said it was the attraction to magic, like with rlm@0: Yuki-san and Ms. Misuki. But I know that I love you, Tomoyo. I asked rlm@0: Light-sama and Dark-sama about love, once. They're smart. I think they love rlm@0: eachother, Tomoyo. Light-sama said something about being to halves apart and rlm@0: together whole." rlm@0: Tomoyo nodded slowly. "Sakura-chan." rlm@0: Sakura looked a little worried. "Is it okay for me to love you? Or did I rlm@0: get everything wrong?" rlm@0: Tomoyo shook her head, silencing Sakura. "Would you be happy?" rlm@0: "With you?" Sakura sighed in relief. "Hai. I already am, Tomoyo. I like rlm@0: moments like these. I would be truly happy if I could spend the rest of my rlm@0: life with you." rlm@0: Tomoyo nodded, smiling. "My happiness is you happiness Sakura. Whatever rlm@0: makes you happy. If it would make you happy to spend the rest of you life rlm@0: with me I would be happier then I could say. Aishiteru." rlm@0: Sakura smiled, almost bouncing, her usual energy back. "Really? That would rlm@0: make me very happy, Tomoyo! Do you promise?" rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled at the genki girl. Her genki girl. "Hai, Sakura. I promise." rlm@0: Sakura smiled, and kissed Tomoyo again, in a feather-light, quick, kiss. rlm@0: "Good! But we have to get home before my family gets worried. I'm already rlm@0: behind schedule because I forgot my roller blades at school." rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled dreamily. "Whatever you say, Sakura." Sakura slipped her hand rlm@0: into Tomoyo's and Tomoyo was aware of them starting to walk. rlm@0: "Are you going to be quiet the entire walk home?" Sakura asked after a few rlm@0: moments, looking curiously over at the heiress. "Don't you have anything to rlm@0: say? Usually you tell me about new costumes and stuff." rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled warmly, her gentle smile reserved for those she loved, this rlm@0: one for Sakura. "The only thing I have to say is that we should take more rlm@0: walks in the rain. They're nice. Especially if you're going to stop at that rlm@0: bridge each time and give me a kiss." rlm@0: Sakura smiled, blushing a little. "We could make it a habit, if you want." rlm@0: "That would make me very happy, Sakura." rlm@0: "Then it'd make me happy too." Sakura squeezed her love's hand. rlm@0: And so they walked, in the rain. rlm@0: