rlm@0: After The Movie. rlm@0: By: WaMat DeBly rlm@0: Disclaimer: I do not own Utena, well I do own a box set, but that's besides the point... All characters is this fan fiction belong to the original creator, I'm just borrowing. rlm@0: AN: this story takes place just after the end of "The Adolescence of Utena" Manga, As such, I recommend reading that before you read this, though it's not required to enjoy this little bit of fluff. rlm@0: The theater began to empty, it's patrons mainly couples, though one couple stood out amoung the many, down near the front were two girls, one with long blackish hair had allowed her pink haired partner to rest her head agenst her own. Anthy looked over at Utena, the small monkey named Chuchu having alerted Anthy of Utena's state. "Utena, did you sleep through the entire movie, or were you..." her words fell short as she noticed the tear falling down her loves cheek. Opening her eyes Utena spoke slowly. "When I look at the stars I get this feeling... I don't know why, but I start to think that, no matter what happens, I have to do the best I can to live my life." Anthy took a moment to consider Utena's words before replying. "I know exactly what you mean." stand she held a hand out for Utena to take. "Let's go outside Utena." taking the offered hand with a smile, Utena wiped away the tears that had formed in her eyes and walked with Anthy to the door leading out. rlm@0: As they emerged from the darkness of the theater into the light of the outside world Utena pulled Anthy softly to her side, wrapping an arm around the slightly smaller girl as they walked back towards their apartment. Utena had become rather protective of Anthy after she'd learned that no one else treated her like a person, but only as a thing to be one, a prize to be gained, Utena had even given up on her own hope to find her prince in order to become Anthy's prince, something Utena didn't regret in the least. rlm@0: "Utena, is something on your mind?" Anthy asked quietly. "You've been deep in thought the entire walk home." Glancing down, Utena gave Anthy a smile. "I couldn't help thanking about us, and about how happy I am that you're the person that I've helped you become, and not just a thing." Utena looked deep into Anthy's deep green eyes to see the love Anthy held there shining back to her. "Oh Utena, you really are my prince." she said, reaching up to place a feather soft kiss on Utena's cheek. rlm@0: Utena sat quietly at the foot of her and Anthy's bed, her eyes following the ornate pattern's on the rose seal she wore, even now she still wore the ring, and often she would look at it, wondering just why fate had chosen her to change the world, a hand moved over Utena's shoulder to caress one of her cheeks. "Utena, please come to bed, It's getting late and we both have to go to work tomorow." Utena turned around, placing a small kiss on Anthy's soft lips. "Yeah, ok Anthy" sliding the ring back onto her finger, she slid into her loves embrace, thanking fate for having brought them together.