rlm@0: "….and that's brings us to now." Seisen said, looking over his creator with a rlm@0: shrug of his shoulders, "She saved my life…and I want to help make things right with her rlm@0: and her…friend." The black irises of the youth looked to his maker with a knowing rlm@0: glance. He didn't need to speak the words. They were already known. rlm@0: "And what would you have me do, Seisen?" the booming voice asked the rlm@0: kneeling man, who had removed his mask out of respect. "I would like to help you, but rlm@0: my power is limited when I deal with mortals…I understand this girl has saved you, her rlm@0: power is astounding…dangerous, yes, but impressive none the less." rlm@0: "I was created to destroy her…you made me to be able to strike that child down rlm@0: without a second thought. I was trained to be the angel of death, created out of nothing to rlm@0: be her demise….stripped of a childhood, stripped of a life, only to take hers. A job that, rlm@0: thankfully, didn't need to be done. Now my intended victim saved my life, her glaive rlm@0: gave me the power to heal myself when I would be dead." Seisen's speech was answered rlm@0: with silence, allowing his powerful words to continue, "I am here asking for a way to rlm@0: return the favor; I understand that you cannot simply grant the wish with a motion of your rlm@0: hand, but I think I have a way to make things right. If you'll allow me to do rlm@0: this….father." rlm@0: " 'Father…' so long since you've called me that. You hated me, when you rlm@0: realized that your life wasn't meant to be normal…" the pain and regret in the voice was rlm@0: evident, though it was masked by a cracking shield, "Very well, tell me your plan my rlm@0: son…" rlm@0: "Thank you father…I need to speak to your daughter…. Her, and your other rlm@0: son… I know they do not know who I am, you have hidden me well, but the time has rlm@0: come now that I have to reveal myself, risking my own existence…please." Seisen's eyes rlm@0: looked to the floor a moment, then back up to his maker. rlm@0: "….." a sigh was heard, the troubled soul of one who has seen one too many rlm@0: tragedies. "As you wish, my son…I only hope Juno would listen to you. She hasn't the rlm@0: mind to respect mortals, she does tend to like violence and mayhem… Jupiter may be rlm@0: more understanding. I'll take you to them now, close your eyes my son.." and as Saturn rlm@0: laid his hands on Seisen's head, the two of them vanished in a flash of purple colored rlm@0: light, heading to the temple at Capitol. rlm@0: rlm@0: "And you expect me to do something about that, mortal?" Juno wasn't all too rlm@0: keen on the idea of wanting to help mortals, especially after Seisen was hidden from them rlm@0: all these years. The queen of the gods sat on her throne next to her husband Jupiter who rlm@0: was a little more interested in the goings on than the woman. "What does the happiness rlm@0: of mortals have to do with me?" rlm@0: "I expect nothing…but I do request your, and your husband's, assistance in rlm@0: making things…" Seisen paused, looking for the right word, both his eyes turned to the rlm@0: floor in consideration before moving back to Juno's. "Better for both of them. I wouldn't rlm@0: come to you, unless I knew that you could do something. After all, lady queen, you are rlm@0: the goddess of women and marriage…who better than to help two women, than the rlm@0: patron of them?" Juno fell silent, glancing away. "The king, and the queen of the gods rlm@0: certainly have some type of power that could be of help." rlm@0: "What will you do for us in return, Seisen?" Jupiter began, looking the youth over rlm@0: as he stroked his beard. He was greatly pleased that the man wasn't begging, or rlm@0: demanding that they give their power to help his cause, "You know that we cannot bring rlm@0: the dead to life again, even if you do have their spirits, their bodies are completely ruined. rlm@0: New bodies might be possible, but they wouldn't remember each other and that seems to rlm@0: be half the point, if I'm correct." rlm@0: "That is more or less the idea…reanimation isn't a necessity. Death is eternal. I rlm@0: don't think either of them would have a problem with staying the way they are, so long as rlm@0: they could be together. Mortals fear death because they are afraid of what comes rlm@0: after…they both now know. The mystery is gone, so the will to live should be as well... rlm@0: though I'm sure they will be missed, they will miss their friends." The youth's eyes rlm@0: turned to the king, though he has yet to get up from his kneel on the marble floor before rlm@0: the royalty of the gods. rlm@0: "What about you, are you afraid of death?" Juno asked him, her brow raising as rlm@0: she gave him a smile that struck Seisen as slightly too smug, "You are mortal after all." rlm@0: "Yes, of course." Seisen said without a moments hesitation, "I do know what rlm@0: comes after it…for other mortals, but I was not born in the way of man, and I don't know rlm@0: if I even have a soul to offer after my body loses it's will." That left Juno, who had been rlm@0: expecting him to say he was fearless quiet. Jupiter was greatly impressed with the man's rlm@0: honesty, his integrity, and his genuine caring for someone he had only recently met. "And rlm@0: I do not have much to offer in way of repayment, or gifts, but anything I have, or rlm@0: anything I can do I will." The truth in the youth's words killed whatever doubt the king of rlm@0: the gods had in his mind. rlm@0: "Very well, Seisen…I will grant your plea, and the soul of the girl who was rlm@0: destined for Hades will now be sent to the Elysian Fields... Though, I do have something rlm@0: I need to ask of you." The king smiled broadly, before giving a noticeably nervous rlm@0: chuckle, "You are strong in both the body, the mind, and the spirit…are you any good rlm@0: with children?" rlm@0: "I'm sure I can be, if given enough time…" Seisen's reply came, looking to Juno rlm@0: who began to seethe with fury, glaring at both men before storming out of the throne rlm@0: room. rlm@0: "Good…" Jupiter seemed concerned very little with his wife's outburst, "I have a rlm@0: child, from a woman named Leto…her name is Diana, and she needs someone to watch rlm@0: her, teach her how to do things…can you look after her for a while?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Standing in the tower of the castle in the city of Capitol, Seisen stared at the stars rlm@0: in the sky, his mask hiding his face in the darkness. The bright, full moon shone down rlm@0: over the forest, and the lake surrounding the castle, it's pale, but somehow comforting, rlm@0: light cast over the landscape. rlm@0: "Mission accomplished…" Seisen said to himself, his voice sounded hollow as it rlm@0: echoed off the stone walls of Jupiter's home. "I know you're there father…" the youth rlm@0: called over his shoulder, though no one was in the room, "And I know you can hear rlm@0: me…you created me to ensure that the spirit of Hotaru Tomoe was ushered into the after rlm@0: life. She will be there very shortly, both her and her friend." Stillness only answered rlm@0: Seisen, though the youth smirked, "I'm not angry…I'm sad, that she had to die so young, rlm@0: but at least they'll be young, and beautiful forever, right?" Again, silence was the rlm@0: response. "Yeah…that's what I thought." A soft rapping at the door brought Seisen back rlm@0: to reality, he knew who it was already. rlm@0: Both of the girl's spirits had been brought here, and they would all meet a final rlm@0: time before they were sent to the afterlife, to eternity. It was time to say goodbye to them; rlm@0: the girl he had met only days before, the child he was created to kill, and her friend. rlm@0: "Come in." The youth turned his back to the doorway again, once more peering out over rlm@0: the moonlit darkness. rlm@0: "Seisen…" Hotaru said aloud as she opened the door and stepped inside. Her rlm@0: voice no longer thick, and pained, but soft and gentle as he knew it should be. rlm@0: "We…we're leaving now. I…we, wanted to come to thank you for everything you did to rlm@0: help us. I know that you must have risked a lot to do this for us, and you don't know how rlm@0: grateful we are." He didn't say anything, though he knew he should. The words wouldn't rlm@0: find their way from his lips; his mind going blank when he should have been telling her rlm@0: goodbye. Hotaru stepped forward, leaving the silent Chibi by the door, and placing her rlm@0: hand on his shoulder, "Please look at me, Seisen…" rlm@0: Seisen sighed and turned to face them. Each of the girls was dressed well; pure, rlm@0: white gowns that looked befitting for queens, or princesses in this case, the long, lace rlm@0: sleeves fit over their slender arms, leading down over the back of their hand and hooking rlm@0: onto their middle finger. "You both look beautiful.." he said to Hotaru, before glancing to rlm@0: Chibi who quickly averted her eyes; she felt guilty for being here, for making Seisen have rlm@0: to strike a deal with the gods. "And you…" he began, regarding the pink haired girl, rlm@0: "Smile. You're going to spend forever with your frie-" the youth paused, deciding to stop rlm@0: using that word, and replacing it with the truth, "Your girlfriend." He finished, getting a rlm@0: furious blush out of both of the girls, but not a word of protest. rlm@0: "Thank you…" Chibi said, approaching him and giving him a quick hug before rlm@0: Seisen knew what was coming. As her arms wrapped him, he stood in stunned silence for rlm@0: a moment, before returning the embrace, then letting her slip away from him and back to rlm@0: the doorway, "I'll be outside, 'Taru…" The girl thought it would be better to let them say rlm@0: goodbye in private. rlm@0: "You know you'll have to go soon," Seisen stated first, crossing his arms over his rlm@0: chest, and arching a brow at her. "I don't want you to miss your appointment with rlm@0: forever." He forced a smile, though it was hidden behind his cloth mask. rlm@0: "Seisen…please." Hotaru sighed, reaching her hand out to pull the mask from rlm@0: covering him, "Don't hide yourself from me…we both owe you a lot, and we can never rlm@0: repay you for what you've done for us…if there's anyth-" she was cut off as Seisen put rlm@0: his finger over her lips, shaking his head. rlm@0: "You are my sister…your blood courses through my veins, just as mine in yours. I rlm@0: only did what anyone else would do for their blood." He smiled again, reaching his hand rlm@0: out to brush a few raven strands from her face, "You are welcome." Hotaru stepped to rlm@0: him and let her arms encircle him, resting her head on his chest. The youth smiled, his rlm@0: arms then finding their way around her, pulling her close for a moment, but a knock at rlm@0: the door soon drew their attention. rlm@0: "Hotaru…it's time to go, Dis says we have to leave really soon." Chibi's voice rlm@0: was heard, though the door wasn't opened. rlm@0: "Thank you, Seisen…I won't forget you, and what you've done." Hotaru said as rlm@0: she stepped back from him and smoothed her dress, looking over her shoulder to the rlm@0: door, "Just a second…" rlm@0: "Go on," the man smiled, cocking his head in the direction of the door, "Don't rlm@0: want her to leave without you." Seisen stepped away from her. Somehow, increasing the rlm@0: distance made it seem like it would be easier to part. Hotaru sighed, looking back to the rlm@0: youth before turning and stepping to the door. She was about to say something, but was rlm@0: again silenced as Seisen held up his hand, "I'll see you again sometime…" rlm@0: "Yes….until then, brother." Hotaru smiled, a tear streaking down her face as she rlm@0: opened the door and stepped out. rlm@0: "Until then, sister…" the youth whispered back as the door closed, then turned his rlm@0: attention back to the sky. Reaching into the strap that crossed his chest, Seisen pulled his rlm@0: flute from the padded compartment and brought it to his lips. A deep sigh was heard rlm@0: before he began to play; the soft, whisper of a melody floated down into the valley below rlm@0: as a tear fell from his eye to follow the music. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Seisen…?" a child's voice sounded in the darkness, causing the still conscious rlm@0: man to turn his gaze to the sound of the voice. Diana… rlm@0: "Yes?" he answered her, it was late…the girl should have been sound asleep by rlm@0: now. The youth didn't move, only let his eyes remain on her, as he could see the faint rlm@0: silhouette of her body against the backdrop of the moonlight. rlm@0: "I can't sleep…" Diana whispered to him, crawling up onto his bed and sitting on rlm@0: her ankles. "Tell me a story?" rlm@0: "A story…" Seisen repeated, "Ok…" he waited for the child to lie down and get rlm@0: settled in. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I have a story….a love story. It all starts in the dark of night…with a young girl rlm@0: lost outside in the snow…" rlm@0: