rlm@0: "She never really had a chance on that fateful moonlight night. rlm@0: Sacrificed without a fight, a victim of a circumstance. rlm@0: Now that I've become aware and I've exposed this tragedy, rlm@0: A sadness grows inside of me, it all seems so unfair, rlm@0: I'm learning all about my life by looking through her eyes. rlm@0: Just beyond the church yard gates, where the grass is overgrown, rlm@0: I saw the writing on her stone. I felt like I would suffocate. rlm@0: 'In loving memory of our child, so innocent, eyes open wide.' rlm@0: I felt so empty as I cried, like part of me had died…" rlm@0: Dream Theater. "Through her eyes." rlm@0: rlm@0: "Ms. Tsukino?" A well-dressed, dark haired woman called as she entered the room rlm@0: where Usagi and Chibi Usa were awaiting Hotaru's return. "I'm Dr. Lisa Terrene, and I've just rlm@0: been assigned to Ms. Tomoe. She's on her way back from the CT scan now." The doctor looked rlm@0: Usagi directly in the eye; her own brown eyes were made larger from the small metal-framed rlm@0: glasses. rlm@0: "Yes? Is everything alright?" Usagi stood up as the woman entered, very much glad for rlm@0: her professionalism, and seeming concern with Hotaru. The blonde immediately noted she wasn't rlm@0: very much shorter than the doctor, and their build was almost the same, though Lisa was more rlm@0: full in the bust and hips. Dr. Terrene regarded Usagi's question a moment, before stepping beside rlm@0: her and opening the chart, showing her the films that were recently printed out. rlm@0: "See this black part here?" the doctor ran her finger along the slick surface, pointing at rlm@0: the area that was considerably darker than the rest of the normal brain tissue, "This is a normal rlm@0: result of acute head trauma. Though normally harmless, her previous medical conditions make rlm@0: her more predisposed toward injury." Usagi nodded slowly, feeling a bit numb right now, having rlm@0: looked at the CT pictures made it all the more real. Chibi pulled at Usagi's sleeve to try to see the rlm@0: images as well, but the older girl didn't respond to the touch. rlm@0: "What does this mean, doctor? What should we expect? The other doctor said that she rlm@0: could be well or die. That's too much of a range for me." Lisa closed the folder and crossed her rlm@0: arms around it, leaning her back against the wall and looking down at Usa who was on her way to rlm@0: the door to see if Hotaru was on her way back yet. rlm@0: "Well, the pressure in her head is stable right now, and we're going to keep her monitored rlm@0: 24 hours a day until it drops, or we have to take further measures." The doctor waited for Usagi to rlm@0: nod before continuing. "Right now it'll be fine on it's own, but if she develops brain edema, it could rlm@0: be fatal. We have to prep her for surgery just in case, we hope there won't be any trouble, but if rlm@0: there is, we will have to physically release the pressure from her head, by opening the skull at key rlm@0: points and removing the excess fluid." She hesitated a moment, glancing to Chibi, then back to rlm@0: Usagi, "Since we don't know exactly where those points will be, I'm afraid we're going to have to rlm@0: shave her entire head." rlm@0: "Shave her head?" Chibi's soft red eyes looked at Lisa and began to water slightly. She rlm@0: couldn't imagine Hotaru without hair, but most definitely doesn't want her to die. "Why do you rlm@0: need to do that?" rlm@0: "Because we don't want hair to get into the incisions, the holes we might have to make, rlm@0: because hair isn't supposed to be there and could get her brain infected…" Dr. Terrene paused rlm@0: and glanced apologetically at both girls, " I'm very sorry, but this is the only way to provide the rlm@0: fastest possible treatment if something should go wrong, God forbid it." The doctor placed her rlm@0: hand on Chibi's shoulder, "I know she means a lot to both of you, and I'm praying that she'll be rlm@0: alright." Just as she finished her sentence, Hotaru was wheeled back into the room, still rlm@0: unconscious. Chibi ran to see her, placing her hand on Hotaru's even before the bed stopped rlm@0: moving. The tech looked at the girl, but didn't say anything as he locked the bed into place and rlm@0: headed out of the room, nodding to the women before he left. rlm@0: "Did you hear that Hotaru? They want to shave your head…I know you wouldn't want rlm@0: them to huh? But we'll get you some hats, and you can wear those." Chibi's eyes spilled tears, rlm@0: the drops ran down her face and splashed onto Hotaru's cheek. "You said before you wanted a rlm@0: hair cut like Haruka-papa, didn't you? Well, now you'll get to see what it looks like!" Chibi's hand rlm@0: reached to Hotaru's hair and running her fingers through it, now beginning to sob. The lack of rlm@0: sleep, and the horrid events of the last day had made her a nervous wreck. Usagi too felt like rlm@0: crying, Hotaru's hair was so beautiful, it was a shame to cut it all off, but whatever would save her rlm@0: life. rlm@0: "We'll need to shave her head now, hun…" Lisa said to Chibi, once more placing her rlm@0: practiced hand on the small child's shoulder. A female nurse came into the room with a bag, a rlm@0: pair of scissors and an electric razor. "I'm sorry…" Terrene said before stepping out of the room, rlm@0: not wanting to observe the process. rlm@0: "Can I see the scissors?" Chibi asked the woman who looked at her dumbly a moment rlm@0: before nodding and handing them, handle first, to the girl. "Thank you," she said politely and rlm@0: wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. Reaching out, she grabbed a lock of Hotaru's hair and rlm@0: snipped it off, holding it tightly in her hand. The nurse, having gotten the idea handed Chibi a pair rlm@0: of rubber bands to bind the hair together, which she did with only slight difficulty. "There…now I'll rlm@0: always have a piece of you with me Hotaru!" Chibi said with her best brand of false cheer as she rlm@0: handed the scissors back to the nurse. "Can we go get something for lunch, please?" The pink rlm@0: haired child asked her mother, not wanting to stay either. She couldn't bear to watch it. rlm@0: "Sure, let's go get a donut or something sweet. I've been dying for something all rlm@0: morning." Which was a half-truth, sure she had been hungry. She was always hungry. But rlm@0: suddenly she didn't feel too much like eating. Placing her arm around Chibi, Usagi pulled her from rlm@0: the bed, directing her to the door; though she cast one last look over her shoulder to see the rlm@0: nurse began to cut the raven colored tresses from Hotaru's head…Usagi felt sick. rlm@0: rlm@0: Seisen's blade sunk deep into the skull, and a quick turn of his body sent brain matter rlm@0: flying, and blood running down Hotaru's clothes. The sound of the sword tearing free of the flesh rlm@0: was that of someone slicing a cantaloupe open with a dull knife. Hotaru felt her body hit the floor, rlm@0: and look up at the darkness and at the black dressed youth above her. rlm@0: "Next time, Firefly…duck?" Seisen returned his sword to its scabbard and wiped the rlm@0: blood from his hands onto his pants. He turned to view the portal again, leaving Hotaru on the rlm@0: floor, wondering what just happened. She wasn't dead? Her hands moved to her head and rlm@0: touched it gently, though it was slick with blood and fluid, it was intact. It wasn't her head that he rlm@0: cut…then whose was it? Hotaru turned behind her, finding a body lying within a foot of hers; what rlm@0: appeared to be a mix between a human and a jackal. It's head was that of the latter, it's large rlm@0: canines coated with it's own blood, as a large part of it's skull was torn clean off. The body was rlm@0: human, though covered in mangled, dirty fur. rlm@0: "I'm… alive?" Hotaru's hands moved along her body now, making sure she was still rlm@0: whole. "Thank you, Seisen…" she was polite about it, and placed her hands on the floor. She rlm@0: began to push herself up, but the blood was too thick and her grip quickly slid, sending her rlm@0: sprawling onto her chest. "ow…" rlm@0: "Need a hand?" The youth asked over his shoulder, before turning his head to gaze at rlm@0: the girl. Hotaru nodded, finally admitting defeat; Seisen was immediately by her side, a hand on rlm@0: her elbow, and another around her waist to lift her as if she weighed nothing at all. His hands did rlm@0: not release her body; "Come on…this is going to be quite a ride, hold on tight, or you might get rlm@0: lost…whatever you do, don't let go of me." He waited until Hotaru again signaled yes before rlm@0: stepping onto the platform before the portal and then added a quick, "Here we go…" before rlm@0: drawing his sword, a crackle of electricity surrounded them a moment, then sucked them into the rlm@0: depths. rlm@0: The hungry, swirling vortex pulled them in, the colors were blinding and dizzying in their rlm@0: intensity. Purple light flowed over them; tendrils of color began to tug at their bodies, pulling them rlm@0: from every which way, but the sword's electric-like properties of the blade shocked them away. rlm@0: Hotaru whimpered and pulled tighter onto Seisen, who wrapped both arms around her, as the rlm@0: blade guided their way through the vast stream of time and space. rlm@0: Something caught Hotaru's eye. She was facing Seisen's chest, with a good view over rlm@0: his shoulder, and glimpsed a black outline creeping slowly towards them. "Seisen…something is rlm@0: coming, I can't make it out but it's moving really fast." The youth turned his head to the right, to rlm@0: look over his shoulder and swore quickly at what he saw. rlm@0: Quickly approaching the pair, emerging from the darkness of the void was an rlm@0: indescribable creature. Decayed human bodies were stacked in a shapeless pile, with large, bony rlm@0: appendages that raked the air, flexing and extending as it neared the two. Soon, it's left tendril rlm@0: like arm craned back and shot for them quickly. "Brace yourself!" Seisen shouted. rlm@0: A rough force rammed the pair forward, as the creature struck them, sending both the rlm@0: youth and Hotaru spinning head over heels in the infinity. Seisen quickly flared his legs out, to rlm@0: counter the spin, though he was slightly nauseas, and keep them facing in the same direction. rlm@0: With a short grunt, he ignored the pain having no choice but to ride it out; he knew better than to rlm@0: turn around and face what was attacking them. It would leave Hotaru vulnerable. Another forceful rlm@0: slam collided with Seisen's back; this time a low snap was heard as one of the man's ribs was rlm@0: cracked clean in two. rlm@0: "Ugh…" Seisen gurgled; it was obvious his lung was punctured. "Dammit…almost there," rlm@0: he whispered to Hotaru. "Turn your back to me…" he began to move his hands, grimacing in pain rlm@0: as turned Hotaru in the opposite direction. She did as she was told, and held onto him tightly. rlm@0: Once she was completely turned, he placed his around her shoulders, to give her more coverage, rlm@0: just as another blow landed Seisen's back. He grunted loudly, cursing a blue streak as he rlm@0: shuddered a moment, then went limp. His eyes closed. rlm@0: Hotaru glanced over her shoulder to see what was going on, only to be greeted with the rlm@0: sight of Seisen's blood stained face, rivulets of the crimson liquid were pulled from his body, rlm@0: twirling into ribbons as it spilled into the distance. Blood was pouring from his mouth; that much rlm@0: was evident even with his mask on. The creature had pierced his rib cage. "Seisen!" Hotaru rlm@0: yelled out, causing the man to open his dark, innocent eyes to regard Hotaru. He looked rlm@0: exhausted, and was coughing thickly. rlm@0: "Take the sword…" his hands moved to hers, placing the blade into her palm then closing rlm@0: her hand around it, the fierce wind still whipping around their bodies as the colors around them rlm@0: began to decrease. "It's…pushing through me…it's trying to get to you…" just as he said that, the rlm@0: tendril managed its way through Seisen's chest, spraying Hotaru's back with blood. Seisen's grip rlm@0: increased on Hotaru and he began to push her away, but a moment too late; the bony extension rlm@0: pierced her back, just at her heart. She screamed loudly, and Seisen's face contorted as he rlm@0: gathered the last of his strength, "Hold on…don't let go of the sword, it will guide you back…" rlm@0: Shoving Hotaru away, and off the tendril, Seisen wiggled quickly, causing the hole in his rlm@0: chest to enlarge, but it would decrease the dexterity of the tendril as he moved. "Brace rlm@0: yourself…" The man pulled his legs back and placed them just at Hotaru's back, and with a quick rlm@0: move and a loud yell, he shot both legs out, sending Hotaru flying down the portal at a dizzying rlm@0: speed. She managed to get one last look behind her, to see her blood spilling through the vortex, rlm@0: and Seisen floating limply through the air, before vanishing from sight. "Thank you…" she rlm@0: whispered to him as she neared the end of the portal, her body shaking lightly from both fright rlm@0: and blood loss. rlm@0: rlm@0: Chibi turned the soup in her small, Styrofoam tray over and over with her spoon. Her face rlm@0: was stained with tears, and she had no real appetite. She glanced over at Usagi, who sat staring rlm@0: at her donut, looking for some kind of answer in the chocolate surface. "Good soup?" the blonde rlm@0: girl asked without even looking up. Chibi only gave her a slight grunt, before putting the spoon rlm@0: down and glancing at the clock. It was now 3:00PM; they had been in the cafeteria for almost half rlm@0: an hour, neither of them having said a thing to the other until Usagi had broken the silence. rlm@0: "You think they're done yet…?" Chibi inquired, pushing the bowl away from her in rlm@0: disgust. "I want to see her again" Usagi shrugged and was about to say something, but the loud rlm@0: speaker sudden blared over their heads. rlm@0: "Code blue, room 415, code blue room 415!" Both girls immediately looked at each other, rlm@0: stood quickly enough to knock their chairs over, and darted towards the elevator. rlm@0: rlm@0: In the operating room, Hotaru's head was already opened up, and they were attempting rlm@0: to drain the fluid from her skull but to little avail. Her blood pressure was dangerously low, and her rlm@0: pulse was down to almost an almost unreadable level. She was hooked to a bypass machine at rlm@0: this point, both blood and IV drips were in place, as the doctors tried desperately to save her rlm@0: young life. Hotaru's spirit however, was quickly streaking back into reality, thanks to Seisen's rlm@0: shove. The sword that was wrapped so tightly in her hand suddenly faded from existence as she rlm@0: was rocked violently into a stop, just above her real self, though her vision was horribly blurred. rlm@0: Her spiritual body bled, and her life was fading quickly, both in the real world, and in the astral. rlm@0: Soon, as her vision began to focus, Hotaru saw her own body; hooked to tubes, blood pouring out rlm@0: of her head while the medical team worked as quickly as possible to try to keep her alive. Her rlm@0: spirit's eyes began to shut, both her bodies were shutting down. rlm@0: "What happened to me…?" Hotaru thought as an invisible force began to pull back into rlm@0: her body. "The last thing I remember about being here is the snow, and the sky…" Soon, she was rlm@0: being bound back into herself, and as she returned to her physical form, she was immediately rlm@0: overwhelmed by pain. rlm@0: She regained consciousness on the table, a bolt of pain caused her to sit up quickly, rlm@0: pulling both the IV drips from her arm in the violent motion. "Chibi…" Hotaru mumbled lightly, rlm@0: glancing to one of the nurses, her violet eyes locking onto her for a moment before they rolled rlm@0: back into her head and she fell back onto the table limply, causing a few instruments to go flying rlm@0: off their trays, and a nurse to scream loudly. rlm@0: "Get her stabilized," the head surgeon directed the staff, "we need more anesthesia, rlm@0: more blood, 0, get as much of it as you can carry! Move it!" the team began to scramble, a couple rlm@0: slipping on the blood that coated the floor, dripping from the IV tubes. Before they could even rlm@0: reach the door to head to the blood bank, the heart monitor let out a steady beep, signaling a loss rlm@0: of the pulse. Hotaru Tomoe was dead. rlm@0: rlm@0: "'Ruka…" Michi placed her left hand on her head, while her right quickly grabbed rlm@0: Haruka's knee, squeezing it tightly in the cab that was racing to their destination. "I…I don't feel rlm@0: good." She held her chest and clenched her eyes tightly shut, "God…it feels like my heart is rlm@0: crumbling in my chest..." Haruka placed her hand on Michi's, not exactly sure how to comfort her, rlm@0: but she didn't have a chance to even open her mouth before Michi began to sob. Haruka knew. rlm@0: rlm@0: As Usagi and her daughter reached Hotaru's room, she was already gone and in surgery, rlm@0: though there was a nurse in the room. Chibi went immediately to her and began pumping her for rlm@0: information. "Where's Hotaru!?" she demanded, looking up at the woman who simply glanced rlm@0: away, not allowing the young child to acquire eye contact. rlm@0: "The doctor will be in shortly to talk to you," she answered evasively and began to walk rlm@0: out of the room but was blocked by Usagi who stood in front of the door, her hands on her hips rlm@0: and a dangerous glare returning to her eyes. rlm@0: "Where. Is. She!?" Usagi demanded, her eyes starting to narrow as the nurse looked rlm@0: away from her as well. rlm@0: "She's in the O.R." That was technically not a lie, since she was still physically in the rlm@0: operating room, "the doctor will be in shortly to speak to you." The nurse then sidestepped Usagi rlm@0: and left the room closing the door behind her. rlm@0: "I don't like this feeling," Chibi said to Usagi, looking at her fearfully, "I…I don't feel good, I rlm@0: feel sick, and empty… Why do I feel like this? It's not right." Usagi was about to try to reassure rlm@0: her, but the doctor entered the room with a solemn look on her face, Usagi felt her heart begin to rlm@0: pound. rlm@0: "Ms. Tsukino… please sit down, you too as well, child." Usagi slid into the chair numbly, rlm@0: and Chibi sat quickly into her lap, both their eyes glued to the doctor, "There is no easy way to rlm@0: say this…Ms. Tomoe regained consciousness in surgery." She paused a moment, Chibi's eyes lit rlm@0: up and a broad smile formed on her face, she began to dismiss her ache. "She whispered the rlm@0: word 'Chibi'," Lisa spoke quietly, "Then she went into cardiac arrest…" rlm@0: The doctor sat on the bed, placing a hand on either side of her head, "I'm sorry, both of rlm@0: you, but your friend passed away…" Chibi's grin stayed on her face a moment, it felt stiff, unreal, rlm@0: it slowly began to fade. Suddenly it felt very cold, and Chibi began to struggle for breath, tears rlm@0: began to stream down both of the girl's faces, and Usagi placed her hand on her daughters back rlm@0: to try to comfort her. rlm@0: The silence of the room was suddenly shattered by Chibi's soul shredding scream. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: