rlm@0: The night wasn't easy for the girls. Both of them squeezed on the tiny hospital rlm@0: bed in the darkness of Hotaru's room; the rhythmic hissing of the respirator paired with rlm@0: the beat of the heart monitor made for a symphony of restlessness. rlm@0: "UGH, that beeping is driving me crazy!" Usagi said in the darkness, "I can't rlm@0: sleep with it! I want to SLEEEEP!" She glared at the offending device, but was rlm@0: reprimanded by an angry Chibi. rlm@0: "If that thing stops beeping, you'll get a few hours of sleep…. but Hotaru will rlm@0: never wake up…. now stop complaining and block it out." The tiny girl curled onto her rlm@0: side and tried to do the same, but was finding it very difficult. She sighed again, rlm@0: wondering what Hotaru is thinking, what she's seeing, what she's hearing, what she's rlm@0: feeling. Eyes glancing to the window, to the sky that was slowly losing it's inky rlm@0: blankness in favor of a mild purple as the sun was creeping up over the horizon, she rlm@0: stared at the slowly brightening sky for a time, before her eyes closed she didn't reopen rlm@0: them. rlm@0: Chibi's sleep was tormented, torturous, and troubled. She had visions of a rlm@0: happy, almost mocking future of herself, around Usagi's age. Seeing herself at her sweet rlm@0: sixteen party surrounded by the other Senshi and her friends, as she was opening the rlm@0: presents from a large stack on a nearby table, and the others were standing around her, rlm@0: two were sitting on the sofa next to her: Hotaru to her right, and Usagi to her left. She rlm@0: was flanked by Haruka and Michi who stood behind the sofa, Michi against Haruka's rlm@0: chest, cradled in her arms, both of them smiling brightly. rlm@0: The inners, too, were there. Ami, as always, was telling them to be sensible rlm@0: about what they're eating, her voice was as clear as always, "Minako! You shouldn't be rlm@0: eating so much cake!" Her lips pursed slightly as she looked at the senshi of love with a rlm@0: huge piece of chocolate cake in her hands, half of it in her mouth. rlm@0: "Mmh! Mm-mm mmh!" Mina mumbled over the massive piece of cake in her rlm@0: mouth, narrowing her eyes at Ami, but with everyone laughing at her, she soon blushed. rlm@0: "Why not just rub it on your thighs, Minako?" Makoto chimed from the rlm@0: armchair where she sat with a large glass of cherry soda. "That's where it's headed rlm@0: anyhow," the brown haired girl quipped to her friend before taking another drink from rlm@0: her cup. rlm@0: Chibi glanced over a single, black velvet box sitting on the table near her. rlm@0: Blinking gently, she reached her hand out and picked it up, studying it carefully before rlm@0: spotting a tag on the bottom, "To my best friend. Love always, Hotaru." She grinned rlm@0: widely before opening the box, and gasping at the contents. rlm@0: The other senshi all stared at her with piqued curiosity at what was in the box, rlm@0: including the outers, save Hotaru, who looked away with a smile. Reflecting the light rlm@0: back on Chibi's face was a small, silver locket in the shape of a heart, her name engraved rlm@0: across the surface in calligraphy. "Oh my…" was her only reaction at first, before her rlm@0: hand reached up and opened the locket. On one side of the locket was a picture of Hotaru, rlm@0: and on the other was a picture of Chibi. "Hotaru it's beautiful…thank you." She stood up rlm@0: and moved to her, "Put it on me, please?" Hotaru nodded quickly and reached her hands rlm@0: up to take it; she could feel the other senshi's eyes on her as she placed her arms around rlm@0: Chibi's neck. Chibi felt the warm, smooth touch of Hotaru's fingertips as she fumbled rlm@0: gently with the clasp, but as the clasp closed the sensation changed. rlm@0: rlm@0: Trying to pull back to show the locket off, she caught some resistance, not rlm@0: physically restraining Chibi, but rather like something was hung around her neck heavier rlm@0: than it should be, as if Hotaru's limp hands were holding onto her. rlm@0: "You ok, Hotaru?" Chibi asked, wondering if her friend had a fainting spell or rlm@0: something, but Chibi received no answer. Reaching up to pull Hotaru's hands away, to rlm@0: help her to a bed, Chibi stated aloud, "Someone help me here, I think Hotaru fainted…" rlm@0: but, again, silence was her answer. rlm@0: Fingers curling around Hotaru's wrists, Chibi jumped at the sensation. They rlm@0: weren't as smooth and soft as they were before… they were dry and brittle, and as she rlm@0: pulled back, the hands cracked and slumped lifelessly to the side of the couch. The thick, rlm@0: tangible silence was shattered with Chibi's scream her eyes fell on Hotaru…or rather, rlm@0: what Hotaru had become laying lifelessly on the couch. rlm@0: What once had been a beautiful, lively young woman, remained nothing more rlm@0: than a set of grayed, decaying bones dressed in the costume of the Saturn senshi. rlm@0: Hollowed, dark sockets that stared blankly at Chibi's terrified form, the jaw still attached rlm@0: to her face causing the skull to grin knowingly at the pink haired woman who stood rlm@0: petrified in the center of the room. "What's the matter Chibi?" the former Hotaru said, rlm@0: her voice floating eerily on the chill air, sounding pained and distant. The head turned rlm@0: slowly, stomach-churning crack sounded before her eye sockets began glowing with a rlm@0: faint purple light. rlm@0: Turning quickly to face the rest of the senshi, she was greeted only with a rlm@0: similar horror everywhere she looked. Each of the senshi in various states of decay and rlm@0: death, rotted flesh hung from dried bones in all directions. "What's wrong, Chibi-Usa?" rlm@0: Michi's voice too oozed over the still air, "Our daughter isn't good enough to be your rlm@0: friend any more? Don't you know she saved all her money to buy you that locket? And rlm@0: this is all you can do to repay her?!" Michi's sockets flared green a moment, then picked rlm@0: up in intensity. rlm@0: "N- no…" Chibi managed to choke out, her voice shaking, until it climbed in rlm@0: urgency, "but…. what's going on here?!" she shrieked at the top of her lungs, but only rlm@0: got a cruel chuckle from the living corpses that started to close in around her. Their bony rlm@0: fingers began to grasp for her body, causing her to writhe and struggle, but this only rlm@0: leading her to slam into another…they had her trapped. Tears began to stream down her rlm@0: face as she tried desperately to fight her way out of the circle, only to be thrown harshly rlm@0: back in by inhuman strength. rlm@0: "Aw…look at the little ingrate cry," Usagi said as she picked up the knife that rlm@0: was used to cut the cake, her grotesquely misshapen hands, deformed by decay, gripping rlm@0: the handle tightly. Holding the weapon high, Usagi grinned; metal blade reflected the rlm@0: light menacingly over the frosting covering the steel. "We'll give you a reason to cry!" rlm@0: the hiss of the blade carving through the air sliced the silence, caused Chibi's eyes to rlm@0: widen and cry out in vain. rlm@0: The sound of the point slamming into her chest woke her with a start, causing rlm@0: her to fall off the bed and onto the cold, hard tile landing with a pronounced yelp that rlm@0: woke Usagi. Chibi's eyes darted around for any sign of something to prove her existence rlm@0: in this reality, where the senshi were alive and spotted Usagi yawning and staring down rlm@0: at her, "You ok?" rlm@0: "Yes!" Chibi answered quickly, staring Usagi down hard. The blonde looked rlm@0: Chibi over for injury, and caught the glare from her. Chibi stood and began to back away rlm@0: from Usagi, all the way to the wall, "Just fine!" rlm@0: "Uh…what's wrong with you? You look like you seen a ghost." Usagi stretched rlm@0: her slender arms and placed her feet onto the floor. By now the sun had fully risen, and rlm@0: shone down into the room brilliantly. Chibi checked herself over, and then quickly placed rlm@0: her hand to her chest, looking for the locket. Nothing. Her sigh of relief cut short as she rlm@0: noticed Hotaru's bed was gone. rlm@0: "Where's Hotaru?!" Chibi immediately went to the call button and pressed it a rlm@0: several times before again having her hand removed once again by Usagi. She waited rlm@0: impatiently, moving to peek out the door, looking for a nurse. Just as her hand tightened rlm@0: around the handle with the intent to step outside, the door opened of its own accord, rlm@0: admitting a doctor… one whom Chibi recognized at a moment's glance to be different to rlm@0: the one from the previous night. He was dressed the same however, green S.C.R.U.B.s rlm@0: under a white coat, roughly 35 or so. rlm@0: "We have some news on your friend…" the man looked directly to Usagi, as rlm@0: she was older, before turning to Chibi. His eyes were a sea green; soft and delicate, rlm@0: paired with slightly graying brown hair, clean cut and well shaven. He paused for a rlm@0: moment glancing down at the chart with a sigh, "We've found an abnormality on the CT rlm@0: scan…" rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: The sweet, rich whisper of a flute woke Hotaru from a deep slumber. Her eyes rlm@0: fluttered gently as she glanced slowly around another torch-lit room. She was on a soft rlm@0: mattress in a wall-less, ceiling-less black room very similar to the place she had rlm@0: previously been. Rising to a sitting position, she saw a figure sitting on a chair adjacent to rlm@0: the bed, the man who had wielded her glaive before. rlm@0: The music stopped. rlm@0: "So you're finally awake…" The man said, his voice as smooth as the flute was. rlm@0: His mask was still on, though his clothing was different from, black still, but it wasn't rlm@0: bloody. He was sitting close to the bed, his legs crossed, looking over her. He didn't rlm@0: speak after this, only watched her motions carefully, not cautiously, but he seemed rlm@0: curious about her. rlm@0: "Who are you…?" Her voice was weak, it shook gently with a combination of rlm@0: fear, uncertainty, and exhaustion, "...and where am I?" The youth looked thoughtful for a rlm@0: moment, rubbing his chin through the thin cloth mask that shrouded his identity. He rlm@0: looked a bit like Mamoru, now that Hotaru thought about it. rlm@0: "No…I'm not Mamoru." His voice sounded as soon as Hotaru had the thought rlm@0: manifested in her head, "My name is Seisen." He paused for a second regarding the latter rlm@0: question, thinking of how to answer her, while she sat dumbstruck at the way he detected rlm@0: her thoughts. "I suppose the best way to describe this place would be the astral plane." rlm@0: "Astral plane…? Isn't that the out-of-body thing?" her violet eyes looked him rlm@0: over, not really buying this astral plane business, but…where else could she be? This rlm@0: wasn't like anywhere she's ever been before. rlm@0: "Yes…something like that. However, there are some differences between the rlm@0: out-of-body and our existence here. You didn't come here from your own will, like I did, rlm@0: and you weren't brought here because you died in what you perceive as the 'real world.' rlm@0: You came here because something else brought you here. It wasn't me, I'm sure you'd rlm@0: thought that already," which, in actuality was the first thing that came to her mind as he rlm@0: suggest it. It was starting to frighten her that he could so easily read her mind. "That rlm@0: creature you witnessed earlier is what brought you here." rlm@0: "Why would it want to… do that?" her eyes glanced away, her tone rlm@0: melancholy, and frightened. "I'm just a girl…" She glanced away, careful not to think of rlm@0: herself being a senshi, but instead thought of a lamp she owned at home, not wanting to rlm@0: give herself away. "Why would it want me?" She recalled in detail the base of the lamp. rlm@0: "Very interesting lamp." The youth chuckled lightly, "You are very clever, but rlm@0: I already know who…or rather, what, you are; there is no use in trying to deceive me, but rlm@0: be certain I'm not here to harm you." Her mouth dropped open, and she sputtered a rlm@0: moment, trying to think of a way to explain that she wasn't something special. Her rlm@0: attempts at protest were cut short when he held up his hand. "Don't… you don't have to rlm@0: make excuses, or try to hide what you are." rlm@0: "How do I know you're not here to hurt me…?" she edged carefully away from rlm@0: him, but couldn't get too far on her weak hands. He shook his head, glancing to his side rlm@0: then back to her. rlm@0: "Here…" he reached down onto the floor and picked up something, then rlm@0: thought better of it as Hotaru tensed. "It's nothing to hurt you…trust me." She didn't ease rlm@0: any when he put his flute onto his lap and used both hands to lift the object. Her eyes rlm@0: narrowed onto the flash of silver from her glaive. rlm@0: "That's-- she started, but stopped when he nodded to her. rlm@0: "Your glaive…very nice, actually." His eyes wandered the weapon for a rlm@0: moment, before turning it in his hands, so the blade faced inwards toward himself rlm@0: "Here." His left hand extended the grip of the weapon to her, carefully aiming it away rlm@0: from her body due to the large spike at the end of it. "It's yours anyhow." rlm@0: "Yes…" she reached her hand tentatively out to the weapon and placed it rlm@0: around the grip before sliding it onto the bed next to her since she couldn't lift it with her rlm@0: fatigued muscles. "Why did you have it?" rlm@0: "A very good question," His eyes smiled, though his mouth couldn't be seen rlm@0: from behind the mask, "Well, when you don't have it with you, it does go somewhere rlm@0: you know. All the senshi's weapons reside here when not in use; this way no one can get rlm@0: their hands on them. The first breech happened today with that creature, but it will not be rlm@0: happening again. I have seen to that." His eyes wandered to a dark part of the room, then rlm@0: back to Hotaru. rlm@0: "Are you some kind of security guard or something? And why did that creature rlm@0: want my weapon…?" She too, let her eyes then move to the blackness that cause his own rlm@0: attention before tearing her eyes it, to focus back on his eyes. rlm@0: "Yes, and no. I am not required to guard the weapons, but I don't let anything rlm@0: near them. Not that it was a problem until today. "It wanted your weapon because that rlm@0: was the only certain way of calling you here; it was only a matter of time, having gotten rlm@0: its hands on the weapon, before you could be brought here…" His hands folded in his lap rlm@0: over his flute. rlm@0: "Why would it want me here…?" This was starting to make some sense, but rlm@0: still a bit hard to believe, it made her head spin. She left her hand on her glaive, its rlm@0: presence making her feel much better than had she been alone. rlm@0: "It wanted to kill you," Seisen told her dryly. "If it killed you here, it would rlm@0: have killed your spirit, thus preventing you from being reborn. When you are here, you rlm@0: are physical, tangible, much like you would be back home." His hand moved to his chest, rlm@0: patting it gently, "But I'm sure you saw that, anyhow." rlm@0: "Why did you stop it?" Her eyes moved to his chest, where he touched. He rlm@0: should have been dead; that wound wouldn't have simply closed on it's own. rlm@0: "And…your wound… rlm@0: "Would you rather I let it kill you?" he chuckled lightly, shaking his head. rlm@0: "And my wound is healed. You're not the only one with a healing power, Firefly." rlm@0: "You can heal too?" He had her attention now, and she sat up straighter against rlm@0: the mass of pillows on her bed; it made her think he had gone a bit too far to make sure rlm@0: she was comfortable. rlm@0: "Yes…you saw what other power I have. Does it look familiar to you? Only rlm@0: difference is that your power moves on the circle of life. Your revolution is meant to rlm@0: show that everything lives, and then it will die." He paused a moment, adjusting his rlm@0: sitting position by uncrossing his legs. "My power lies on a single side of that, either life, rlm@0: or death, never both. rlm@0: "Why do you have the powers I do?" Her eyes narrowed in confusion, and she rlm@0: fidgeted, wanting to work out the stiffness that deadened her limbs.. Seisen studied her a rlm@0: moment, his black eyes softening as he looked over her face. She was so weak, so frail, rlm@0: but so completely powerful…after all Hotaru was both sides of the coin, much like her rlm@0: power. rlm@0: "Well…" he paused a moment, reaching his hands behind his head to untie the rlm@0: mask's ribbon that held the dark mask to his face. He let the top of the mask fall to reveal rlm@0: his nose and mouth, running his hand through his dark black and purple hair.. His face rlm@0: was sharp, boasting well chiseled features, but still seemed very much innocent. "It's a rlm@0: long story, but it would be a bit odd that you have powers when your genetic copy rlm@0: doesn't." rlm@0: rlm@0: "What do you mean you found an abnormality?" Usagi eyed the doctor warily rlm@0: as she spoke. Chibi stood looking up between two, not exactly sure how she should react. rlm@0: "Well, it appears there some trauma as her head hit the ground, causing her rlm@0: brain to swell a bit. This could be completely harmless, or it could lead to possible brain rlm@0: damage. Amnesia, paralysis…death." He quickly looked away from them as he spoke the rlm@0: word "death", not wanting to watch their reaction. Usagi decided immediately that she rlm@0: didn't like this doctor. rlm@0: "How can something range from nothing to death? It doesn't make sense." rlm@0: Usagi cried, narrowing her eyes at the doctor. "Just do whatever you have to do to make rlm@0: sure she'll be fine" Usagi narrowed her eyes at the doctor, who shifted uneasily under her rlm@0: glare. rlm@0: The doctor shifted uneasily under her glare, shaking his head. "We can't…until rlm@0: the guardian decides what is best for the child, we simply cannot take any action, rlm@0: otherw—" Usagi's jaw dropped with disbelief that they would play God to simply await rlm@0: an order from the guardian. "If this was an emergency, or something of the sort, we rlm@0: could…" He began to stammer, sweat forming on his brow from the steadily-increasing rlm@0: heat of Usagi's glare. rlm@0: "What do you mean IF this was an emergency? She could DIE! What does she rlm@0: have to do for you to consider it an emergency!? I don't believe this!" Her hands curled rlm@0: into fists as she began to advance on the doctor, her mind simply refusing to take what rlm@0: the doctor claimed to be as the only solution. Chibi, now fully understanding the gravity rlm@0: of the situation began to move on the doctor as well, on her mother's left side to block the rlm@0: doorway. rlm@0: "Well….what I mean to say is that it-it has to be a trauma b-before we can do rlm@0: much…" the doctor's back hit the wall, and he swallowed hard as he was stared down by rlm@0: Usagi, and flanked by a pink haired child. The blonde girl's left eye twitched, and she rlm@0: stopped suddenly in her tracks, glancing away from the doctor to the ground, her mind rlm@0: giving her a possible solution. rlm@0: "Well then," Ceasing her forward motion, Usagi grew eerily calm as she smiled rlm@0: knowingly up at the doctor…" Chibi stopped and looked up at her; the cool, steely rlm@0: manner of her mother made her remember her dream and caused her to shudder, but she rlm@0: didn't speak. "I guess I'll just have to let you have your way…I'll just go make a phone rlm@0: call." Usagi said to the doctor, who was more than a bit surprised at her sudden change in rlm@0: demeanor. rlm@0: "If you're trying to call this Haruka person, the phone isn't being answered." rlm@0: The doctor stepped from the wall and straightened his coat nervously. rlm@0: "Oh no…I'm not going to call Haruka." She placed her hand on Chibi's rlm@0: shoulder, but was taken slightly aback as Chibi stepped away from her. Usagi let it pass rlm@0: for now, but continued, "I'm going to call a lawyer. Do the phrases 'Malpractice,' and rlm@0: 'wrongful death' mean anything to you, doc?" She was now very glad Ami had a big rlm@0: mouth and insisted on babbling to Usagi and the others. The doctor's eyes went wide, and rlm@0: he opened his mouth to speak, only finding himself quickly silenced… "Should rlm@0: ANYTHING, God forbid, happen to Hotaru…you will be very, VERY sorry. And my rlm@0: first task as the owner of Hotaru Tomoe memorial hospital will be to fire you." rlm@0: "Well…" the nervous man began to shake visibly, and Usagi began to wonder rlm@0: exactly how long he had been a doctor, and if this was the first bad news he'd delivered. rlm@0: "I suppose this can be treated as a trauma…" rlm@0: "Yes…and if it isn't a trauma, it can become one…not hers, of course, but I rlm@0: think I can handle you." Usagi said with a smile and a tilt of her head, "Now run along rlm@0: and have the nurses get a real doctor in here, 'Kay?" Usagi surprised even herself, rlm@0: thinking that what she just did would be more suited for maybe Rei, or possibly Haruka, rlm@0: but never herself. It made her feel good. She brushed past the doctor on her way out, and rlm@0: Chibi looked up at the man a moment, before following her mother, leaving the rlm@0: dumbfounded man in the white coat glancing sheepishly at his feet. rlm@0: rlm@0: "M…my genetic copy? A clone? You're a man, though." Hotaru looked over rlm@0: the face of the man who sat before her, his black eyes closed. "I don't understand…" rlm@0: "I didn't expect you to…I'll explain in a moment. Would you like something to rlm@0: drink? I have some juice here if you'd like some." He said, and waited as Hotaru rlm@0: considered his offer. But as she shook her head in rejection, Seisen turned his head away rlm@0: from her, feeling a bit dejected. "Alright…well, I suppose I should start at the beginning, rlm@0: hmm? rlm@0: "When you died in the lab explosion…you were not supposed to recover. It was rlm@0: no accident that the place was blown up. However, your father sold his soul to have you rlm@0: reborn, and thus placed a great evil in you, and in him. Now here's where I come in…" rlm@0: Pausing a moment to gather his thoughts, he allowed his rich black eyes to slowly move rlm@0: over the weakened girl in front of him. "You've heard the theory 'for every action, there rlm@0: is an equal and opposite reaction', right? Well, that's me. I'm your reaction. You were rlm@0: reanimated as per the agreement your father made, but you became Mistress 9." rlm@0: "Yes…" Hotaru didn't like discussing the time period she was Mistress 9, it rlm@0: caused her to recall fuzzy memories that had no real place in her mind. It only tormented rlm@0: her and caused horrid nightmares. rlm@0: "Fearing you were too powerful to be stopped by the senshi, I was created by rlm@0: another force to counter balance your existence." A shadow crossed his dark features as rlm@0: he glanced away, looking towards the sword that leaned against the chair near him. "I rlm@0: was created to kill you." rlm@0: "To kill me?" Hotaru's fears returned as she increased the grip on her glaive, rlm@0: thinking she was a fool to have trusted him…to sit and talk. Seisen, upon sensing her rlm@0: discomfort and sudden mistrust, sighed deeply, shaking his head. rlm@0: "Yes… I was created using your base DNA, but XY rather than XX…to receive rlm@0: your power plus increased physical strength due to being a man. You were raised as rlm@0: Mistress 9, and I was told that you were my enemy, that you were the plague of rlm@0: mankind…harsh I know, but I bought into it. I was brought up in the way of the rlm@0: warrior…trained daily to strengthen mind, body, and spirit so that one day I would be rlm@0: able to kill you with little difficulty. However…I did all of this knowing that you were rlm@0: my 'sister'. Since we are of basically the same DNA, there isn't another way to phrase rlm@0: it." Hotaru let her eyes fall away; that would explain why he was defending her, and the rlm@0: mass of pillows that was bigger than she was, but it still didn't make enough sense. "The rlm@0: day Usagi and the others encountered 9; I was there to make sure they succeeded. If they rlm@0: failed I was to finish the job. When it comes down to power, you can beat me out any rlm@0: day, since I'm just a copy. But, since I wasn't biologically produced, I don't have some rlm@0: of your…" thinking of the best way of phrasing it, but only finding himself able to rlm@0: express himself clinically, "your physical weaknesses." rlm@0: Seisen looked her directly in the eye, his dark, but enchantingly innocent rlm@0: features growing even more distraught as she instantly turned away. "I'm not going to rlm@0: hurt you…" His voice was small, pained. His lack of tact and instant distress proved he rlm@0: wasn't used to dealing with people. rlm@0: "You just said you were supposed to kill me." Hotaru frowned as she turned to rlm@0: her glaive once more, her fingertips gently moving over the smooth metal of the blade. rlm@0: "Now you say you won't hurt me. I don't know what to believe." rlm@0: "I was created to kill Mistress 9. She doesn't exist anymore, so my existence is rlm@0: pretty much useless." Seisen shrugged and leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes with rlm@0: his hands behind his head. Hotaru glanced from him to the glaive by her side; his rlm@0: vulnerable position might let her wound him and flee to find some way to get back home. rlm@0: "You can, if you like…you'd probably be doing me a favor," his eyes slowly rlm@0: opened to look at her, "I won't stop you if you try." With his hands still behind his head, rlm@0: he pulled the ribbon on the mask once more around his head and tied it into place, again rlm@0: concealing his features, his eyes again closed.. rlm@0: "What do you want from me? I don't understand all of this… You don't let it rlm@0: kill me, but you were supposed to kill me…you go out of your way to make me feel rlm@0: comfortable." Hotaru let her eyes move from him to the darkness of the room, looking for rlm@0: any possible exit, or a portal of some kind. "I just want to go home." rlm@0: "Then I'll take you home, but leave your glaive here. You can't take it with rlm@0: you, but it will be safe." He stood up, flute in hand, and stretched his body. He was tall, at rlm@0: least as tall as Mamoru, and his build was above average, which did fit his story to rlm@0: Hotaru. Picking up his sword, he slung the sheath around his body and latched it into rlm@0: place, where it was in reach of his right hand over his shoulder. "Come on," he said, rlm@0: placing the flute in a slot on the sheath's strap, which crossed his chest from right to left. rlm@0: "They should be happy to see you…" rlm@0: Making their way along the darkness of the astral plane, Seisen guiding the way rlm@0: past the torches that lined each room, and crossed the paths of others like a roadway rlm@0: system. Hotaru was weak, and only shuffling along behind Seisen by will power. More rlm@0: than once collapsed under her own weight, only to be caught by a blinding motion of the rlm@0: ninja-dressed youth who offered he carry her, but she adamantly refused. rlm@0: "We're almost there," the black-eyed man looked up at a portal that swirled in rlm@0: the darkness, purple spinning in a clockwise fashion, drawing in the very light that rlm@0: surrounded them. Gusts of wind began to pull at the two as they neared the portal. The rlm@0: long ribbons of Seisen's mask began to flutter around his face, just as Hotaru's hair did rlm@0: the same, but her weakness caused her to drop to her knees. Seisen turned to regard her rlm@0: for a moment, and shadow crossed his face as he drew his sword and faced the girl fully. rlm@0: The black blade of the sword shimmered with a crackle of purple electricity as Seisen flat rlm@0: out charged Hotaru, enough power and speed to physically counter the portal's pull, rlm@0: making the air still for a fraction of a second before his powerful sword thrust came rlm@0: hailing down just above Hotaru's head. rlm@0: She had long enough to think, "I'm dead," before the blade met flesh. rlm@0: rlm@0: On the flight from Japan to the United States, Haruka and Michiru sat restlessly rlm@0: in the plane, hoping for the best, but fearing the worst. They had been in the air for what rlm@0: seemed like forever; the hospital had called them the night before and they had caught the rlm@0: first plane to anywhere in the US, which landed in New York in about 20 minutes. rlm@0: "Sir?" the flight attendant regarded Haruka, her bright green eyes and sugary- rlm@0: sweet smile shone down on the shorthaired woman. Haruka played it off, not bothering to rlm@0: explain she was a woman, nor caring at the moment. "Would you like something to rlm@0: drink? A soda? A glass of wine maybe?" rlm@0: "No, thank you. I'm alright." Haruka answered, and the woman, undaunted, rlm@0: inquired if Michi would like something. She likewise refused politely though she was rlm@0: being destroyed inside. She didn't want to have to do this again; she couldn't take things rlm@0: like this. Why Hotaru? kept going through her head. rlm@0: "We land in 20 minutes," Michi checked her watch, "We can catch another rlm@0: plane to Maine, or we can just get a bullet ca- a cab, rather." rlm@0: Haruka just closed her eyes and sighed, "We'll take a cab. We don't need to rlm@0: wait for another plane… I hope they can drive fast." rlm@0: rlm@0: Usagi now stood impatiently at the nurse's station, her tautly-crossed arms and rlm@0: dangerous expression warning everyone she was not to be toyed with at the current time. rlm@0: Taking a lesson from her daughter, she began the same full on assault on the bell Chibi rlm@0: did only a few hours beforehand. "Hello! I need a doctor! A REAL doctor who CARES!" rlm@0: She turned to glare at Hotaru's room in time to see the man slipping out of the room like rlm@0: a weasel, and scurry into a lounge to avoid a confrontation with Usagi. rlm@0: A nurse came to regard Usagi and looked to the pink haired girl. The whole rlm@0: floor knew what room they were from; it was not very often that you find a small midget rlm@0: girl with pink hair done in ondangos. "Yes? A doctor will be right with you, Doctor rlm@0: White just called and said he will no longer be on the trauma case, but to have someone rlm@0: look at her right away." Usagi nodded in triumph, feeling much better about herself, and rlm@0: the situation, though Chibi only regarded her with a wary glance, her dream still not rlm@0: shaken so easily. rlm@0: "Where's Hotaru?" Usa finally managed to ask the nurse, standing on her tip rlm@0: toes to see over the counter. And ensued a verbal exchange that must have broken the rlm@0: sound barrier at some point. rlm@0: "Radiology," rlm@0: "What's she doing there?" rlm@0: "Getting another cat scan." rlm@0: "When will she be out," rlm@0: "When it's done." rlm@0: "Don't you talk to her like that!" rlm@0: "I don't know when she'll be out!" rlm@0: "Then find out!" rlm@0: "I would ma'am, but I can't just call and ask them to hurry!" rlm@0: "No, but you can call and ask them how long it's going to take!" rlm@0: "I'm busy right now," rlm@0: "Doing what? All I've seen you do is eat that nasty little salad." rlm@0: "Maybe you should get a salad, it might improve your temper." rlm@0: "Salads are not food! Vegetables are what food eat!" rlm@0: "I have to go now, I'll have someone in her room shortly," rlm@0: "We'll be waiting." rlm@0: "Don't hold your breath," rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: