rlm@0: Lovers of the Past rlm@0: Part I: In The Mood rlm@0: By: PsychoKittenSenshi611 rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: The club was as packed as it possibly could be on a Saturday night. A rlm@0: young woman, short black hair shining even in the dim light, slid up to the rlm@0: bar, her long skirts flowing as she sat on a stool. She was an eye-catcher rlm@0: in that beautiful black dress, the short sleeves revealing delicate white rlm@0: flesh on her arms, the wrinkled skirts flowing up every so often and would rlm@0: reveal glimpses of little white ankles. Her small feet were covered by rlm@0: little black shoes, matching the dress with perfection. Her gloves where rlm@0: white with a black rim around the wrist, completing the delicate ensemble. rlm@0: She was gorgeous. rlm@0: But, somehow, she managed to fade into the background of the dancers, rlm@0: her small frame blending in with some strange force into the area of the bar. rlm@0: She would glance around, noticing people who stood out more than others, but rlm@0: they did not notice her. No matter how gorgeous she was. rlm@0: The swing music emerged from the large band, beckoning her onto the rlm@0: wooden dance floor. She did not comply. She would tap her feet and shake rlm@0: her small hips on her stool, but she did not dance. The bartender noticed rlm@0: her by accident, staring off into space and catching a glimpse of shining rlm@0: black hair. He focused fully on her, in all her glory, as she threw her head rlm@0: back, her entire body shaking to the intoxicating music. His young body rlm@0: could not deal with this beauty, and his knees shook in his new pinstriped rlm@0: suit. rlm@0: She was gorgeous. rlm@0: But, she would not dance. rlm@0: Something caught this black beauty's eye, and she glanced in the rlm@0: direction of it. A whir of pink, followed by the swishing of white skirts, rlm@0: and the bubbling sound of beautiful laughter. She was transfixed at the rlm@0: sight before her. Long pink hair flowing as beautifully as the white skirts rlm@0: that whirled around her ankles. Small white-clad feet tapped expertly on the rlm@0: dance-floor, and were swept upward as this flower's partner lifted her up and rlm@0: swung her around. Flips, dips, whirls, and turns...this beauty was not to go rlm@0: unnoticed. To our little black darling, though, she was something much more. rlm@0: She was gorgeous. rlm@0: "Bartender!" The small voice dripped with urgency and need. The young rlm@0: man, intoxicated by her and his self-esteem rising, hurried over to her, his rlm@0: eyes not leaving the front of her dress. rlm@0: "Yes?" He replied, in a slightly seductive tone. rlm@0: She either ignored it or didn't notice. "Who is that woman, over rlm@0: there?" A long, white-gloved hand motioned to the pink-haired seductress. rlm@0: "Oh, you mean Bunny?" He smiled, memories flooding his mind. rlm@0: "Bunny..." The black-haired woman rolled it around on her tongue. "Is rlm@0: that her real name?" rlm@0: "Yes," he smiled again. "Well, her real name is Little Rabbit, but rlm@0: everyone calls her Bunny." rlm@0: "Oh," came the reply. "I see." She hadn't looked at the young man the rlm@0: entire time, her eyes transfixed on Bunny. Something about her enchanted our rlm@0: black beauty, and made her want to walk up to her and kiss that pink haired rlm@0: rabbit right in the middle of the dance floor, filled with people. Something rlm@0: about this little rabbit made her want to get off of her stool of safety and rlm@0: enter her world. rlm@0: The bartender leaned over the counter, trying to catch her attention. rlm@0: "And what," he began, "is your name?" rlm@0: She turned back to him slowly, wondering what to say. "My name?" She rlm@0: said again, and her mind cleared for a second. "Oh. I'm Firefly." rlm@0: He smiled. "Glad to meet you, Firefly." rlm@0: Engrained politeness forced her to smile back at him and clear her rlm@0: throat. "And what, may I ask, is your name?" rlm@0: He smiled wider, glad she was showing interest in him. "I'm Seiya." rlm@0: The strangeness of his name made her take a closer look at him. He was rlm@0: really quite handsome, large navy blue eyes whose depths could sink a woman rlm@0: daring enough to wade into their waters. She took in the sharp angles of his rlm@0: face, the short and stylish hair cut, and the well-tailored suit that he rlm@0: wore. Over the high counter on the bar she couldn't see much else, even if rlm@0: she had been standing. She blushed a little in spite of herself, noticing rlm@0: finally that he was VERY interested in her. "That's an interesting name..." rlm@0: She commented, trying to break the still air between the two. rlm@0: "I know. I don't know what my parents were thinking!" He chuckled, rlm@0: and she joined in, relieved. "What brings you here tonight, Firefly? Here rlm@0: for the dancing, the music," he paused, weighing his words carefully. "Or rlm@0: are you meeting someone?" rlm@0: She blushed again. This wasn't working out well. "No, I'm not meeting rlm@0: anyone at all." She turned away from his now eager eyes, just in time to rlm@0: catch a glimpse of that whirl of pink before it slammed into her. rlm@0: The entire ordeal was utterly embarrassing. Bunny had been dancing, rlm@0: just having a good time, when suddenly her partner decided to try out a new rlm@0: move. He had wanted to throw her up in the air and catch her as she spun rlm@0: down into his arms, but it hadn't quite worked out the way he had wanted it rlm@0: to. He had thrown her, all right, but she was so surprised she had pulled rlm@0: away in mid-air, and ended up going backwards and slamming, quite painfully, rlm@0: into the bar. Now she lay sprawled on top of someone she didn't recognize, a rlm@0: stool going painfully into her hip, and her hair caught underneath someone rlm@0: else's foot. Or maybe it was her foot. She couldn't tell. She knew it was rlm@0: caught somewhere, though. rlm@0: Firefly groaned at the weight that pressed down on her. She rubbed her rlm@0: head with her left hand and sat up on her right elbow before opening her rlm@0: eyes. The mysterious girl, Bunny, was inches from her face, red eyes staring rlm@0: into dark purple ones. rlm@0: She screamed. rlm@0: Bunny, more than just a little perplexed, covered her ears and squeezed rlm@0: both eyes shut. When the loud noise finally stopped, she opened one eye, rlm@0: making for a very cute little figure. When she saw the somewhat startled and rlm@0: very beautiful Firefly before her, however, she opened both eyes again, and rlm@0: stared. rlm@0: The moment was awkward. Dark purple staring into dark red, both women rlm@0: sprawled out on the floor with a couple stools between them. It seemed like rlm@0: an eternity before Seiya ran to help both of them up...yes, an eternity, a rlm@0: wonderful and blissful eternity that sparked something between two very rlm@0: beautiful young women. Seiya brought them both into a back room to tend to rlm@0: their wounds, but they had just barely noticed them. All they saw was dark rlm@0: purple and dark red. That's all. rlm@0: Oh! She was so beautiful! Bunny had never seen such beauty wrapped up rlm@0: in one gloriously petite package. She had never seen such a deep shade of rlm@0: purple, let alone in eyes as glorious as this. How could she have not rlm@0: noticed this woman before? This dark, mysterious, beautiful woman? rlm@0: Firefly was enchanted. Perhaps it was that hair, such a cute little rlm@0: shade of pink. Perhaps it was those eyes, red and perfect and wonderful. rlm@0: Perhaps it was the cute figure of this petite woman, shown off perfectly in rlm@0: that beautiful white dress. Whatever it was, her senses lived in it, reveled rlm@0: in it, and wouldn't let her forget that wonderful look in those red eyes. rlm@0: Seiya sat them down on two crates in the storage room. He watched rlm@0: them, an eyebrow raised in a silent question. Why were they staring at each rlm@0: other like that? He'd never seen that kind of look before. He turned their rlm@0: faces toward him, and cleared his throat. "Hey ladies, that was a pretty rlm@0: hard fall. Are you cats alright?" rlm@0: Bunny's head cleared, and she spoke up. "Oh, I'm alright...just a little rlm@0: banged up." She breathed out slowly, her face turning the same shade as her rlm@0: eyes. "And embarrassed." rlm@0: Seiya laughed. "I would be too. But hey, that's what you get if rlm@0: you're swinging with Helios!" rlm@0: Bunny sulked. "Yeah, thanks. I feel SO much better now." rlm@0: "Don't worry about it." The soft voice emerged from the woman beside rlm@0: her, and she turned to look at her, red eyes wide. "Anyone with half a brain rlm@0: could see it wasn't your fault." Firefly smiled. rlm@0: Bunny swallowed hard. She was trying to fight this overwhelming heat rlm@0: that emerged from her belly when she looked at this enchantress. "Th...Thank rlm@0: you." She swallowed hard again. "But, I apologize anyway, because I can rlm@0: tell it probably hurt!" She tried to break the mood with a small chuckle, rlm@0: and succeeded in getting a wider smile and giggle out of the other woman. rlm@0: "Hey you two lovely cats, I'm going to get some Band-Aids and wash- rlm@0: cloths. I'll be back in a second." Seiya opened the door and closed it rlm@0: softly, leaving the two women in the small storage room all by themselves. rlm@0: Bunny was the first to break the silence. "Since I crashed into you rlm@0: and all...I thought it'd be nice if...if we could call each other by our first rlm@0: names." rlm@0: "Alright." Firefly nodded. rlm@0: "So what's yours?" rlm@0: "Firefly." rlm@0: "I'm..." rlm@0: "Bunny. I know." rlm@0: "How do you know?" rlm@0: Firefly smiled. "Seiya told me." rlm@0: "Oh. You know Seiya?" rlm@0: "Not really. I just met him tonight. I asked him what your name was." rlm@0: "Really? Why?" rlm@0: "Because..." She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I noticed you rlm@0: dancing, and thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen." rlm@0: Bunny could have fainted. She had never heard anything like that ever rlm@0: said to her before. Where did this come from? This overwhelming feeling rlm@0: that something was RIGHT about this? This feeling that they had met before, rlm@0: in another time, another place? That she had kissed this woman, held this rlm@0: woman, comforted this woman, and made love to this woman? "I...thank you." rlm@0: "You're welcome." Firefly turned away from those red eyes. rlm@0: "You...you're very beautiful yourself, you know. I've never seen anyone rlm@0: like you before." Bunny smiled. "You have very lovely eyes, Firefly." rlm@0: Firefly smiled at the complement. "Thank you, Bunny." Doing something rlm@0: that was mainly from her instincts alone, she placed a white-gloved hand over rlm@0: Bunny's bare one, not thinking at all. She didn't know Bunny would suck in rlm@0: her breath at the sudden contact, her chest heaving with the sweet ache of it rlm@0: all. She didn't know the smaller, pink haired girl would lean in and kiss rlm@0: her sweetly on the lips. rlm@0: But if she had known this, she would have done it anyway. rlm@0: Bunny's lips brushed her own lightly, and she could have melted right rlm@0: onto that crate. When they pulled away from each other, they realized what rlm@0: they had done, what they had given into, and blushed. Firefly tried to make rlm@0: her hand pull away from Bunny's, but her body wouldn't respond. Instead, rlm@0: taking on a mind of it's own, her hand slid around Bunny's waist and pulled rlm@0: her half on top of her. The only slightly smaller girl had her hands in rlm@0: between them, resting just above Firefly's breasts. Her left leg was trapped rlm@0: between Firefly's other two, pulsing with some uncontrollable heat. rlm@0: Firefly's body still in charge, she dipped her head low and kissed Bunny rlm@0: fiercely, deepening the kiss more than they both thought possible. rlm@0: Her perfume was like a drug, Bunny thought. It got her higher than rlm@0: anything had ever before. She couldn't imagine something that made her feel rlm@0: half this good. What reminded her of these kisses? She didn't know. No one rlm@0: had ever kissed her like this, not this passionately, not this wonderfully, rlm@0: not this meaningfully. No one had ever held her like this, so warm and rlm@0: inviting and comfortable and RIGHT. No one had ever reminded her of home, rlm@0: not like this woman before her in the long black dress who's eyes were a deep rlm@0: purple like the endless night sky. rlm@0: When the kiss did end, they pulled away slowly, swollen lips still rlm@0: puckered. Bunny licked her lips, tasting the sweet honey of the Firefly rlm@0: before her. She tried, in vain, to move from her slightly uncomfortable rlm@0: condition, but her body stopped her. She couldn't control her next move, a rlm@0: thought that would normally be scary but didn't frighten her in the least. rlm@0: "Firefly, you're a wonderful kisser..." Bunny's lips were mere inches rlm@0: from Firefly's. A small hand traveled up Firefly's thigh, tickling and rlm@0: exciting at the same time. She didn't know where her skirt began or ended, rlm@0: but realized that the way they were sitting must have folded her skirt way up rlm@0: beneath her. That wasn't a problem, concerning the circumstances. rlm@0: The hand came to rest underneath her skirts at her hip, feeling along rlm@0: her hipbone and just below her belly button. She kissed her Bunny once rlm@0: again, tongue diving in her mouth in a quest to quench this fire she was rlm@0: starting inside of her. rlm@0: Bunny had to retaliate. Nothing she did seemed to affect this Firefly. rlm@0: Nothing. rlm@0: Except this. rlm@0: Her small hand slipped past her Firefly's underwear, coming in contact rlm@0: with soft and curly hair. She ran her hand down this, feeling the two tensed rlm@0: legs spread around her in an instinctive movement. A small finger traced its rlm@0: way down the entrance to this Firefly's cave, feeling along her most rlm@0: sensitive place. Lying back on the crates, Firefly pulled this Bunny above rlm@0: her and kissed her again. Fierce. Hard. Scared. rlm@0: Legs spread wider, giving that prying finger better access to her. Not rlm@0: sure how to continue, Bunny traced the entrance again and again, feeling her rlm@0: finger and hand dampen with the touches. Finally, an instinctive movement rlm@0: placed in the back of her mind from long ago made her plunge her finger into rlm@0: this Firefly, feeling the body beneath her stiffen and shudder with desire. rlm@0: Her hand plunged in and out, feeling the inner muscles of her new lover rlm@0: clench down on her finger. The kisses became even harder, desperate pleas to rlm@0: continue, soundless gasps and moans, eyes and teeth clenched in pure rlm@0: pleasure. The raw pleasure of it all. rlm@0: Firefly threw her head back as she continued to shudder. "Oh God..." She rlm@0: moaned, arms and hands locked around Bunny's shoulders. "Oooohhhh God..." She rlm@0: repeated, hips rocking and bouncing on the crates below her. She realized, rlm@0: through the haze that pleasure brings, that she was doing nothing for this rlm@0: woman above her, nothing to please her. Arching her back, she reached the rlm@0: neckline of her lover's dress and pulled it down slowly. rlm@0: Unsure how to go about it, she stared at the round breast before her. rlm@0: The nipple, hardened and ready for her, stuck out like a rosebud. Instincts, rlm@0: buried in the back of her mind from a time long forgotten, made her bend her rlm@0: head down to it and begin sucking on it. rlm@0: Bunny stared down at her, feeling herself start to stiffen. Her rlm@0: fingers began to slow their movements and eventually stopped, and she rlm@0: realized this only after Firefly tilted her head toward her and brought her rlm@0: hips to her own. Sliding her underwear down with one hand and molding her rlm@0: breast with her other, she stared into the pink-haired lady's eyes with pure rlm@0: desire in them. The underwear were off, and now she laid back down, rlm@0: underneath her little rabbit. rlm@0: Lowering her hips onto Firefly's, Bunny moaned. Their skirts were rlm@0: spread out around them, still stuck around their waists. If she could break rlm@0: this completely intimate contact she would, but now she was stuck in the rlm@0: moment, feeling the wonderful feeling of completion as they met each other rlm@0: again and again... rlm@0: Bunny kissed her lover as climax overtook them both at the same rlm@0: instant, shuddering over and over, hips rocking and bouncing back and forth rlm@0: against the crates, creating a loud amount of noise. All Firefly could do rlm@0: was wonder where Seiya was and clutch Bunny to her, teeth clenched and rlm@0: muscles locked in the fabulous release. They stayed like that for a long rlm@0: time, the last spasms and waves washing over them, feeling more at peace then rlm@0: they had ever felt before. The shuddering eventually stopped, however, and rlm@0: all they could do was lay together, still clutching at each other and legs rlm@0: locked in a tight embrace. Soft swing music filtered through the door, and rlm@0: they both smiled. rlm@0: "In the Mood", by Glenn Miller and his Orchestra, was being played. rlm@0: They both knew, by some outer force, that this was right, this was a sign, rlm@0: and that they loved each other. rlm@0: It was 1938, the era of swing, and the two women were locked together rlm@0: in a tight embrace in a storage room of an underground swing club. rlm@0: rlm@0: * * * rlm@0: rlm@0: "Oh, Taru-chan! Come over here, quick!" Chibi-Usa called to her rlm@0: lover. "Come on! It's our song!" rlm@0: Hotaru walked into the room, an apron around her waist. "What? I'm rlm@0: baking cookies, Odango..." rlm@0: "I know, I know, but I want you to dance with me for a little while." rlm@0: She grabbed the black-haired girl's hands and pulled her into an intimate rlm@0: embrace. "You know, every time I hear this song, I want to hold you close." rlm@0: "I know. I feel the same way." She kissed Chibi-Usa's cheek lightly. rlm@0: "I'm trying to remember, what's this song called?" rlm@0: "It's really old, I know that for sure." rlm@0: "Yeah, the recording's kinda fuzzy." Hotaru smiled at Chibi-Usa. rlm@0: Suddenly, she went weak at the knees, and sunk to the floor. rlm@0: Chibi-Usa sunk with her, still holding her close. "Taru-chan? Are you rlm@0: alright?" Her voiced was pressed with worry. rlm@0: "Yes, Odango...I'm just...a little overwhelmed, that's all." Hotaru laid rlm@0: her head on Chibi-Usa's shoulder. "I don't know. I just had the strangest rlm@0: thing happen...I saw us, together, only you looked like Black Lady and I looked rlm@0: kinda like Mistress 9...but we weren't EVIL...just older. And we were dancing rlm@0: together, to this song." rlm@0: "What do you mean?" Chibi-Usa looked thoughtful, suddenly catching a rlm@0: bit of the vision herself. rlm@0: "I don't know." Hotaru looked up at Chibi-Usa. "Maybe this has always rlm@0: been our song, Odango." rlm@0: rlm@0: * * * rlm@0: rlm@0: AUTHORS NOTES... rlm@0: DUN DUN DUN... rlm@0: Are you guys confused or what?! What's going on?! Catch it all in rlm@0: Part II! He he he. rlm@0: Well, as always, I'd like to thank my bestest buds back in California rlm@0: for their continuing support, you know who you all are! ^-^ rlm@0: And, of course, the three lovely women of the Amazoness Quartet, who rlm@0: have accepted me into their lovely arms! This story is dedicated to you rlm@0: guys! Especially Holly and Heather. Minako is going to have one comin' at rlm@0: her soon, I just got to figure out what! I hope I did justice to the love of rlm@0: Chibi-Usa and Hotaru, which is FOREVER LASTING! To anyone who has rlm@0: objections, come over here and we'll...TALK about it...GGGGRRRRR...just kidding. rlm@0: Thank you everyone. Be safe, all, and remember to love and love alike! rlm@0: Love rules the world. rlm@0: rlm@0: PsYcHoKiTtEnSeNsHi611 rlm@0: Aka rlm@0: Gabrielle!