rlm@0: Summer Breeze rlm@0: Psychokittensenshi611 rlm@0: rlm@0: Her hands felt like the warm summer breeze on my cheeks. "You can’t rlm@0: love me." She said it like a rule; a law. Somewhere, it had been written that I rlm@0: would not, could not feel this emotion that ran deep inside my veins alongside my rlm@0: blood. rlm@0: "I do!" I wanted to shout at her, but it came out as only a whisper. I was rlm@0: so afraid, yet so contented just to be with her. "I love you"... rlm@0: "But you can’t!" She was able to shout out me. She pulled me closer to rlm@0: her face, her sweet breath like dark purple irises on my lips. "You’re... you are rlm@0: everything I can not be. You’re...so pure...so utterly pure." She closed her eyes rlm@0: and bent her head, as if to avoid staring back into mine. "I can never be what rlm@0: you deserve." rlm@0: My heart felt like it would sink down in my chest or rise above it at any rlm@0: moment. Couldn’t she see? Couldn’t she open her eyes and her heart? "I don’t rlm@0: know what I deserve"but you’re what I want. You’re everything I could ever rlm@0: want and you’re what I need." She was shaking, her hands were shaking on my rlm@0: cheeks. The breeze was faltering. "Hotaru-chan, please," I touched her chin rlm@0: gently. rlm@0: She looked up at me once again, tears trickling down her pale cheeks in rlm@0: small rivers of diamond tears. "Oh Chibi-Usa," her lips shook out the words. rlm@0: "How could you want me?" I wiped the tears gently from her cheeks. "I’m...the rlm@0: darkness"and you’re the light. You are life and I am death." She looked down rlm@0: at her knees again. "How could you love me?" rlm@0: "You’re wrong, Hotaru-chan!" I could feel my heart rising higher, into my rlm@0: breasts and hands and feet, spreading inside of me. "You may be death, but you rlm@0: are also rebirth. You begin life, starting anew in a cycle that I have yet to rlm@0: understand." I leaned close into her face, wanting to feel her iris breath again. rlm@0: "You are everything I could ever want, Hotaru-chan. You are beauty in the rlm@0: darkness. You are my light." Her lips were so close to mine. "How could I not rlm@0: want you?" rlm@0: Her face flushed, pale cheeks that never seemed to tan turning a light rlm@0: crimson. "Don’t say that, please don’t say that…" rlm@0: And, suddenly, it didn’t seem to matter to her what she had shouted rlm@0: before. When I leaned in just enough to feel her soft, full lips upon mine…well, rlm@0: that was the end of everything and the beginning of something completely new. I rlm@0: could feel her hands at the base of my neck, tugging at the ends of my hair. I rlm@0: couldn’t stop myself from touching her pale arms, letting my hands meander up rlm@0: to her shoulders and down her back. She was so warm, so soft, like sheets of rlm@0: silk left out in the sun. I felt her lips pull away slightly from mine, and I moved rlm@0: away a bit, just enough to end the kiss but still to feel her warmth. She sighed rlm@0: heavily onto my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder. rlm@0: "Chibi-Usa," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "We can’t be rlm@0: together like this." rlm@0: "What do you mean?" I nuzzled my head on top of hers, catching the rlm@0: scent of her hair. Lilacs. I smiled. rlm@0: "We can’t be…be lovers." She moved slightly, her voice slightly softer. rlm@0: "You’re to become Princess of Crystal Tokyo in the future. You are going to rlm@0: inherit a crown. You can’t…be with me…" rlm@0: "Hotaru-chan." I felt that warm, rose colored feeling rise in my chest once rlm@0: again. Sparks could fly off of my fingertips. Mountains would crumple at my very rlm@0: whim…or at hers. I could do anything with this feeling. I could do anything with rlm@0: her. "I want you, I need you. I love you. All that I ask of you is that you give me rlm@0: a chance, you give us a chance." She sobbed lightly into the curve of my neck. rlm@0: "Please, Hotaru-chan…the future isn’t unchangeable. Just me coming to the rlm@0: past all these times has changed it." rlm@0: "But…" rlm@0: "Hush, Hotaru-chan." I cradled her head close to mine. I smiled slightly. rlm@0: "Normally, I’m the one crying to you." We both chuckled a bit. "Hotaru-chan, I rlm@0: just want you to…to let me love you. Just for awhile." rlm@0: "But don’t you see? Can’t you see that if I let you then – " rlm@0: "Then what?" rlm@0: She paused, moving away from me and wiping her tears. "Chibi- rlm@0: Usa…this can’t work." rlm@0: "No, what would happen?" rlm@0: "Don’t you see, it can’t work, because – " rlm@0: "No, don’t ignore me." I pulled her closer once again. "What would rlm@0: happen if you and I became a couple?" rlm@0: She was quiet, just staring back into my eyes and quivering a bit in my rlm@0: arms. She didn’t even seem to breathe. Her lovely, thin frame rest so close to rlm@0: mine on the floor of her dimly lit room. Pale hands and feet seemed even paler rlm@0: in comparison to her dark clothes. My little black angel. "I can’t tell you…not rlm@0: now…" rlm@0: "What is it, Hotaru-chan?" I pulled her onto my knees. "I’ve told you a rlm@0: secret I’ve kept from you for awhile now. Why can’t you tell me?" rlm@0: She swallowed audibly. "I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember. rlm@0: Since I first met you, Chibi-Usa. And if we are together, and I let myself love rlm@0: you…it’ll just be like everyone else. I don’t want you to leave…to go away like rlm@0: everyone I’ve loved…" rlm@0: "I could never go away from you." I couldn’t feel anything for a minute. It rlm@0: was like my heart stopped beating in my chest. My veins continued only to pump rlm@0: the crimson feeling of love I felt for her. And then, whenever my heart decided to rlm@0: start up again, I was kissing her. It was with a kind of fierceness that she kissed rlm@0: me back. Her small caresses and fierce kisses and explorations made me weak rlm@0: in my knees. rlm@0: The silver and golden rays of sunlight drifted into Hotaru’s room. I just lay rlm@0: there for awhile, surrounded by her sweet scent and wrapped in her arms. The rlm@0: shadows of tree leaves left dark spots across her blanket and bare midriff. I rlm@0: couldn’t help but stare at her. God, she was beautiful. Lying there like that. Her rlm@0: hair a bit messed up, strands sprawled out behind her head on her pillow. Her rlm@0: eyes were closed, but I knew them with just a memory. Dark purple, almost rlm@0: black, deep as any ocean but clear as a sunny sky. How could one human being rlm@0: be so perfect, so utterly beautiful in every way? How could someone like her rlm@0: love someone like me? rlm@0: I kissed her shoulders, just for the feeling of her silken skin on my lips. rlm@0: There was nothing more I wanted in the world than to be there with her, lying in rlm@0: her comfortable bed, bathed in the strong light of the sun or the pale, comforting rlm@0: light of the moon. There was no other place that could soothe me like this. Her rlm@0: arms were my only shelter, her lips my only release. rlm@0: She stirred a bit, her muscles moving slightly underneath my lips and rlm@0: hands. I rested my head by her breast, loving the sound of her heart beating rlm@0: beneath my ears. Her breathing relaxed me…deep and smooth and soft all at rlm@0: once. I closed my eyes, just loving the feel of her beside me, underneath me, all rlm@0: around me.