rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: I traveled round the world rlm@0: Looking for a home rlm@0: I found myself in crowded rooms rlm@0: Feeling so alone... rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: A figure caught her eye as she was turning back to the counter. For a second she caught her breath, hope springing up rlm@0: unbidden, but she was to be disappointed once again when the woman turned. The skin was far too dark...the hair was similar, rlm@0: but not quite the right shade. She was not the one. rlm@0: Sakura was about to turn away again when she realized that the woman was also looking at her. Looking at her with raised rlm@0: eyebrows and a startled expression that quickly transformed to disappointment as she watched. rlm@0: Then green eyes met green. rlm@0: Something passed between them. A sense of kinship, a recognition of some kind. She made as if to rise but the other rlm@0: woman gestured for her to remain seated and approached her instead. rlm@0: She felt a lump in her throat. The young woman moved with the unconscious grace of a true lady. She might have been a rlm@0: princess, she moved with such fluidity...it was a joy to watch her. Her hair flowed down her back in soft waves. rlm@0: For the life of her, Sakura couldn't help but be reminded of someone else. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Substitute for Love rlm@0: By Janice rlm@0: sparkle@animefan.org rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "Are you...waiting for someone?" asked the woman a little hesitantly. rlm@0: "Well...not exactly," said Sakura. She smiled a little. "Would you care to join me?" rlm@0: "Thank you." Her voice was low and well-modulated, a lovely voice. She spoke with formal politeness, reinforcing the rlm@0: image of a princess in Sakura's head. Still, she thought, I prefer higher voices. High, sweet, voices... She cut off the rlm@0: thought cleanly and sharply, as one who has had much practice might do. rlm@0: The door opened and Sakura looked up quickly, a reaction that had become almost as instictive as breathing. rlm@0: And perhaps almost as necessary. rlm@0: Strangely, the other woman looked up simultaneously, with a movement almost identical to Sakura's. The two of them rlm@0: squinted at the figure outlined in the doorway, and then each turned away with a sigh. Then their eyes met again and they rlm@0: smiled ruefully at each other. rlm@0: "Have you always worn your hair long?" the woman asked. The question was sudden, but somehow neither abrupt nor rlm@0: jarring. It seemed like the most natural question in the world. rlm@0: Sakura put her hand self-consciously to the hair that fell down her back in a straight auburn curtain. "No," she said quietly. I rlm@0: used to wear it in a short, pixie cut all through school. But I haven't cut it in a long time. Someday, I'll cut it short again." rlm@0: "Someday, when you find...her?" The questioning inflection was slight but unmistakable. rlm@0: Sakura nodded slowly. "Does...she have long hair?" she asked. rlm@0: After a pause, the other woman nodded in turn. "She...did...the last time I saw her, anyway. Long and straight, like yours. rlm@0: But hers was lighter than yours." rlm@0: "You move with the same unconscious, gentle, grace that she did," said Sakura. "You don't really look like her, though her rlm@0: hair was long and wavy like yours, but you...you *feel* a little like her, somehow." rlm@0: The woman nodded again, as slowly as Sakura had. "I'll bet you were athletic in school," she said. rlm@0: Sakura smiled a little. "Does is show?" rlm@0: "Oh, in the way you move, in the way you carry yourself...the little things." rlm@0: "She was always very observant, too. She used to amaze us all. Sometimes it seemed like she knew everything," Sakura rlm@0: said reminiscently. The door opened again and once again both women looked up in unison. "I guess I've become the rlm@0: observant one, now." A thread of irony edged her tone. "I certainly wasn't then, and I paid for it." A sigh escaped her lips. rlm@0: "Why is it that we truly don't appreciate the most wonderful things in our lives until they're gone?" rlm@0: The woman's hand covered hers comfortingly, her skin dark against Sakura's comparative paleness. "I don't know," she rlm@0: said sorrowfully. "I don't know." rlm@0: rlm@0: * * * rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura pulled closer to her in the darkness, running her fingers through the long, soft hair. "I'm afraid," she whispered. rlm@0: "Of what?" rlm@0: "Of finding her. What if..." It was hard to say. "What if she's found happiness with someone else? It was so long ago. I've rlm@0: changed. I'm not the same person I was then...and she won't be either." A tear escaped from her eye and ran sideways down rlm@0: her face to hide itself in the pillow. All of her fears were pouring out of her now. "Why have I spent my life chasing a dream? rlm@0: What if...what if she doesn't love me anymore? What if I only disrupt her life and make her unhappy by finding her?" Her rlm@0: voice dropped to a whisper. rlm@0: "What if...what if I never find her at all?" rlm@0: The arms around her tightened, and she felt as though they were the only things holding her together. Without them, she rlm@0: thought, she would shatter into a million pieces. rlm@0: The low voice hovered in the darkness. "I know," it said softly. "I know." rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Lyrics at the beginning are from Madonna's "Substitute For Love", from her CD, "Ray of Light". The characters rlm@0: belong to the creators of the series "Card Captor Sakura" and "Utena", respectively... and respectfully. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: