rlm@0: Author's Note: I'd like to thank my friend, Chi, for helping me with rlm@0: this. If it weren't for her and a few others who keep asking when the rlm@0: next chapter would come out, I'd never finish. ^-^ She helped write rlm@0: one of the scenes in this, so I appreciate that greatly. ^-^ Thank rlm@0: you, Chi. ^-^ *hugs* And thanks to everyone who's kept Prism Hearts rlm@0: going. ^-^ This was going to be a one shot story, but you all helped rlm@0: push it forward into a series. I don't want it to end now. ^^;; I'm rlm@0: considering making a sequel series to it. ^-^;; I guess we'll see rlm@0: what happens. ^-^ Thanks again! rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Prism Hearts rlm@0: Chapter 10 rlm@0: Treasure Chest of My Heart rlm@0: by Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "Her Highness wishes to see you now." rlm@0: rlm@0: Highness? Who? Kairi's mind spun dizzily, her thoughts far too rlm@0: slippery to hold onto. Where was she? That thought alone felt far too rlm@0: familiar. She shouldn't always be wondering where she was. She just rlm@0: wanted to be back home on her islands with Riku and Sora. A boot rlm@0: prodded her shoulder, demanding her attention. Apparently the soldier rlm@0: didn't intent to let Kairi rest. The brunette blinked, trying to rlm@0: focus on the blurry world around her. Ever so slowly, it began to rlm@0: take shape once more. The castle, Relm, Yuffie, the princess... It rlm@0: all slowly came back to her. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Now," the soldier insisted, her eyes narrowing. "The Queen doesn't rlm@0: like to be kept waiting." rlm@0: rlm@0: Getting up on wobbly legs, Kairi followed the pretty knight quietly. rlm@0: It seemed that most of the knights here were women. Come to think of rlm@0: it, had she seen any boys at all since coming there? She shook the rlm@0: thought off. They had to be around somewhere. rlm@0: rlm@0: Brushing some hair away from her eyes, Kairi let her eyes wander rlm@0: across the expansive hallway they were walking down. Gleaming suits rlm@0: of armor and magnificent paintings lined the walls. This kingdom rlm@0: obviously had a lot of wealth to throw around. A knight hefting a rlm@0: large painting into place caught her eye as they approached wide, rlm@0: ornate double doors. That painting... She couldn't recognize the rlm@0: woman in it, but it looked so real. Relm. It had to be. So she was rlm@0: still around somewhere. Despite the nervousness that spiralled in her rlm@0: stomach, she could feel a bit of hope blossoming up at the thought rlm@0: that she wasn't alone in this place. That meant Relm wasn't rlm@0: imprisoned. Maybe she knew what was going on. Even if she didn't, it rlm@0: would be so nice to have someone to be near again. She couldn't stand rlm@0: being alone for much longer. The loneliness was eating at her heart. rlm@0: rlm@0: 'That's why you killed yourself in the first place,' a familiar rlm@0: voice whispered in Kairi's head. rlm@0: rlm@0: Closing her eyes tightly, the princess ignored the voice. 'I didn't rlm@0: kill myself. I'm right here. I'm alive. This isn't a dream. I won't rlm@0: let it be.' When she opened her eyes, they were in front of the rlm@0: double doors. She sighed, breathing deeply in an attempt to wash away rlm@0: her nervousness. Maybe she could explain things to the queen and see rlm@0: if she knew anything. Or maybe she had seen Riku or Sora. Or... She'd rlm@0: never know unless she tried. And, as she'd heard, the Queen wasn't a rlm@0: patient woman. Steeling herself, she entered the large chamber. rlm@0: rlm@0: The knight bowed deeply after entering. Kairi only stared. The Queen rlm@0: was a huge woman, taking up all of the huge throne that she sat in. rlm@0: It took her a moment to realize the pretty, silver haired woman next rlm@0: to her was actually a man. But what astonished her the most was the rlm@0: presence of a harlequin in the large chamber. One with a particular rlm@0: smirk on her lips. "Harle!" Whatever else she might have said became rlm@0: a squeak as the knight's hand at the small of her back forced her rlm@0: into a tripping kneel. What was Harle doing here with these people? rlm@0: Whatever hope she'd had began to deflate as the Queen and her rlm@0: entourage continued to study her. They were staring at her as if she rlm@0: were some sort of thing, human only in form. It made her uneasy how rlm@0: they sized her up, making her feel vulnerable. This might have been a rlm@0: bad idea after all. rlm@0: rlm@0: "So this is the one?" The queen asked curiously, not addressing rlm@0: Kairi in the least. rlm@0: rlm@0: The silver haired man nodded, smiling faintly. "I believe so, your rlm@0: majesty. She certainly appears to be. If she's the girl we've been rlm@0: looking for, then the tragedies to your kingdom will soon cease. She rlm@0: will lock away the Heartless spreading through your kingdom." Walking rlm@0: slowly to Kairi, he watched the small girl in front of him. Reaching rlm@0: out, he took her jaw, tilting her face up. "We've finally found you." rlm@0: rlm@0: A chill ran down Kairi's spine at his words. She slapped his hand rlm@0: away, taking a step back, but she already heard the knight behind rlm@0: her. "Don't touch me." She tried to put as much menace into her voice rlm@0: as she could muster, but she was suddenly feeling very, very alone. rlm@0: Even Harle was simply watching her. She was powerless to do anything. rlm@0: They had said they wanted her to seal the Heartless, but they didn't rlm@0: seem to feel like asking her. She shuddered. It seemed like they rlm@0: already had plans for her. rlm@0: rlm@0: Laughing, the man's girn broadened. "So spirited. Just like the rlm@0: princess. This will be fun." The cruel glint in his eye made Kairi rlm@0: take another step backwards into the guard. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Fun or not, I want you to hurry, Kuja. I've lost too many knights rlm@0: to those things. If they attack the castle again..." The Queen rlm@0: trailed off. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kuja nodded, bowing low. "I am at your service, your majesty. The rlm@0: Heartless won't trouble you for much longer." Reaching forward, he rlm@0: grabbed Kairi's wrist tightly.The girl struggled, but the frail rlm@0: seeming man had a strength that far surpassed his frame. Stepping rlm@0: forward, he yanked Kairi along. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kairi's worry had now become full blown panic. She was a prisoner rlm@0: here, whether or not she'd been in a cage. And she didn't think they rlm@0: just meant for her to lock a keyhole. She dug her heels into the rlm@0: ground, but the silver haired man easily pulled her stumbling after rlm@0: him. "Harle!! Help me!" she cried, nearly twisting her shoulder as rlm@0: she tried to get away. rlm@0: rlm@0: The harlequin smiled enigmatically. "I am only ze court jester, rlm@0: Mademoiselle." rlm@0: rlm@0: The queen sighed heavily. "Entertain me. This droll business tires rlm@0: me." She waved her hand halfheartedly. The Harlequin quickly complied rlm@0: as Kairi was dragged further and further away from her friends, from rlm@0: freedom. rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: Okay, that wasn't too hard. Yuffie ducked around a corner, moving rlm@0: quickly and quietly. All she had to do to escape was act like she rlm@0: actually wanted to hear what the guard was saying. When the guard was rlm@0: close enough to the bars, Yuffie had grabbed one of her hands and rlm@0: told her she knew exactly how she felt, mustering all the sympathy rlm@0: she could into her eyes, which hadn't been all that difficult with rlm@0: how miserable she was feeling about Relm. While the guard was rlm@0: distracted to have someone finally listening to her, she'd rlm@0: pickpocketed the key to the cell. Thankfully, someone had dropped her rlm@0: Sleep Materia and it had rolled into her cell. She used it to keep rlm@0: people asleep while she was sneaking around houses in search of rlm@0: anything valuable. It worked just as well on the guard and she'd rlm@0: hurried to get her things that they'd left in the armory. Now she was rlm@0: ready for whatever they threw at her. Even that Beatrix lady. She rlm@0: hoped. rlm@0: rlm@0: Whatever the case, she was back on track. Her first priority was to rlm@0: find the Keyblade Mistress. Guilt welled up inside of her, an angry rlm@0: inner voice that argued she could find her later. True. There was rlm@0: always treasure to be found and a palace like this should be full of rlm@0: valuable trinkets. Again a wave of guilt and sorrow that threatened rlm@0: to drown her, even more powerful than the first. 'Sheesh... Fine, rlm@0: fine. I'll go find Relm first.' She was pleased to find that she rlm@0: actually felt better with that plan of action. Still lousy and rlm@0: miserable, but better. Maybe she could apologize. Ick... She wanted rlm@0: to apologize? What was wrong with her? She shook her head. This whole rlm@0: thing was just getting weirder and weirder. Apologies were not her rlm@0: strong point. Neither was feeling guilty, for that matter. But she rlm@0: had been a bitch... And Relm had been completely devestated because rlm@0: of her. She'd never made a girl cry like that before, especially not rlm@0: one who appeared so devoted to her. She didn't like the feeling that rlm@0: accompanied it. Sneaking around the corner, she hoped she'd never rlm@0: have to feel that again. rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: Dipping her feet in the icy water, Yuna watched her reflection. She rlm@0: was away from the others because she couldn't trust herself to smile. rlm@0: She couldn't slip on a smile for their sake no matter how much she rlm@0: wanted to. The warm waters of the Destiny Islands were growing colder rlm@0: and stormier. The hole that Tidus and Wakka had found just kept rlm@0: getting bigger. Everything felt so wrong. The adults were afraid, rlm@0: whispering to each other around the children. Everyone was worried rlm@0: about what might happen next. First Sora and Riku had disappeared and rlm@0: now Kairi went missing. Were the rest of them next? Would the Destiny rlm@0: Islands simply fade away? rlm@0: rlm@0: That was exactly why she should be smiling. To give the others hope. rlm@0: Sometimes hope was the only thing you had. But Yuna's smile had rlm@0: proven elusive. She couldn't get herself to hope. She could only rlm@0: muster up fear and dread, feelings that didn't make for a very rlm@0: convincing smile. rlm@0: rlm@0: Yuna sighed, pulling her feet out of the chilly water. Her image rlm@0: rippled in the wind, looking as distorted as she felt. rlm@0: rlm@0: "What are you doing, Yunie?" a voice asked from behind the young rlm@0: summoner. rlm@0: rlm@0: Yuna almost fell into the could water, shocked by the voice nearly rlm@0: in her ear. Strong paws grabbed her shoulders, hold her onto the tiny rlm@0: pier. "Rikku... You... startled me." She closed her mismatched eyes, rlm@0: trying to catch her breath. The catgirl moved like a thief in the rlm@0: night, something that Yuna was still getting used to. It was a little rlm@0: scary around the house, being snuck up on. Ever since her father had rlm@0: died, she had lived alone. Lulu had offered to let her stay with her rlm@0: and her parents, but Yuna had always declined. She didn't want Lulu rlm@0: to see how hoften she cried. She had to be strong. She couldn't let rlm@0: anyone see how weak she truly was. Even this new girl. She forced a rlm@0: smile to turn towards Rikku, but it crumbled into dust before she rlm@0: could turn around. Desperate, she kept her back to the catgirl. "I rlm@0: was just... thinking..." Yuna said at last. That much was true, at rlm@0: any rate. rlm@0: rlm@0: Rikku nodded, sitting next to the brunette on the dock. She watched rlm@0: Yuna carefully. "What about, Yunie?" she asked at last. rlm@0: rlm@0: “I…” She wasn’t sure if she should say but for some inexplicable rlm@0: reason she found she wanted to. It was strange since she didn’t even rlm@0: open up to those on the island that she had known so much longer, no rlm@0: matter how much she felt her head and heart were about to burst. rlm@0: Maybe… maybe it was because Rikku hadn’t been there long that she rlm@0: felt she could talk to her, because she could offer a new view and rlm@0: not just the predictable assurances that Lulu, Tidus and the others rlm@0: were bound to give her. She stared into the water some more, she rlm@0: couldn’t say anything, could she? Rikku had just gotten here, did she rlm@0: really want to scare her with horror stories of bottomless holes and rlm@0: the uncertain reflections of a frightened girl? rlm@0: rlm@0: Rikku quietly watched the other girl, holding back the urge to rlm@0: fidget or nudge the girl into saying something or anything. She was rlm@0: managing to show an unusual amount of restraint for once. She noticed rlm@0: as the other girl clenched and unclenched her slender hands and rlm@0: before she could stop herself impulsely lay a paw on top a hand. She rlm@0: felt Yuna jump slightly and she just blurted out the first thing on rlm@0: her mind. “You can tell me anything, you know… I wouldn’t ever betray rlm@0: you…” rlm@0: rlm@0: “You would never betray me?” Yuna asked, surprised enough to look up rlm@0: at Rikku. Plenty of people wouldn’t betray her but still… the way the rlm@0: catgirl had said it… she had meant it, but why? rlm@0: rlm@0: Rikku blinked, surprised herself at what she had said. “I wouldn’t rlm@0: betray your secrets, I meant…” She backpedaled. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Oh…” Yuna looked down again, she couldn’t deny she was disappointed. rlm@0: rlm@0: Rikku instantly regretted bring that morose look back to her Yuna’s rlm@0: face, she was her ‘saviour’ after all. “Hey… but I… well I did mean rlm@0: it. You did save me after all, I owe you my life… that little violent rlm@0: girl would have pummeled me.” rlm@0: rlm@0: Yuna slowly smiled,and then she began to giggle. “I don’t think rlm@0: Selphie would have really hurt you… well not that much.” She blushed, rlm@0: “I don’t think I did that much to save you…” rlm@0: rlm@0: “No way, if it wasn’t for you I’d be gone…” She grasped Yuna’s hands rlm@0: in both her paws. “I swear I won’t leave you until I’ve done rlm@0: everything I can to make you, my -savior-’s life happy!” rlm@0: rlm@0: Yuna blinked back tears, she didn’t know why but that completely rlm@0: unexpected, impulsive but passionate declaration hit her hard. Her rlm@0: hands pulled away from Rikku’s and she flung herself against a rlm@0: surprised kitty, wrapping her arms around a warm furry neck. She rlm@0: whispered a quiet ‘thank you’ and later when she calmed down began rlm@0: whispering a few more things, just happy to have someone listen. rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: "It won't do you any good, princess." Nonetheless, Kuja seemed rlm@0: amused by Kairi's struggle with her bonds. He grinned, sipping rlm@0: something from a goblet as he watched her. "Yes, I know you're a rlm@0: princess. Princess Hikari from the kingdom of Hollow Bastion. I'm rlm@0: something of a troubleshooter for monarchs. I offer my services to rlm@0: help them in return for a fee. Not that I need the money, but it rlm@0: helps in my search. I even helped your father. I... 'acquired' a few rlm@0: specimens for his research on the Heartless." rlm@0: rlm@0: Kairi stopped wrestling with the chains that held her in place and rlm@0: turned to look at the silver haired catman. She shivered at his rlm@0: predatory gaze. But she had to listen. He knew about her, about who rlm@0: she'd been before she woke up with no memories on the Destiny rlm@0: Islands. And for once, he wasn't saying she was a suicidal girl who rlm@0: had been obsessed with escaping into Squaresoft games and Disney rlm@0: movies. In a way, she needed to hear that, to hear that she really rlm@0: had been a princess, had been a part of this, that it wasn't all just rlm@0: her dying mind's fantasy. Even if she was shackled, even if he was rlm@0: about to do horrible things to her, she still needed to know that rlm@0: this was real. That Sora and Riku were real. That her journey hadn't rlm@0: been for nothing. "Ansem... was my father?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Yes... She could remember that if she tried hard enough. She had rlm@0: been his little princess. He'd loved her, but he'd always been so rlm@0: busy with his research, obsessed with where it migh lead him. The rlm@0: Heartless... They had consumed Hollow Bastion, stealing the hearts of rlm@0: all those who couldn't escape in time. All because of her father's rlm@0: research. She remembered seeing the kingdom crumble, but only rlm@0: vaguely, like a dim nightmare. How had she escaped? How had she been rlm@0: able to get away from that? Nothing. She didn't remember anything rlm@0: other than waking up on the Destiny Islands. But she could still rlm@0: remember having a mother... Her best friend, the only person who rlm@0: cared about her. She shook her head, trying to force the thoughts rlm@0: away. Her mother was from the life of a lonely girl who had killed rlm@0: herself. Ansem was from this life. But... She didn't want to deny her rlm@0: mother's existence, even if it meant validating her own. But it had rlm@0: to be one or the other, right? Her life with Riku and Sora or her rlm@0: life as a lonely outcast. The answer was obvious. But why couldn't rlm@0: she completely deny that lonely life, that room that kept haunting rlm@0: her? rlm@0: rlm@0: Laughing, Kuja nodded. "So you really don't remember that life? No rlm@0: wonder Sephiroth has been staying away. And why he's wanted us to rlm@0: stay away from you." rlm@0: rlm@0: He crossed the room gracefully, his tail swishing behind him, rlm@0: reminding Kairi of the kitty she'd had with her for so long. It made rlm@0: her wish she was there with her. That anyone was there with her rlm@0: besides this madman. Sephiroth? Why did he sound so familiar? And... rlm@0: Her eyes widened. He must be in charge. And if he wanted them to stay rlm@0: away from her... Her heart froze into a heavy chunk of ice that rlm@0: plumetted into her stomach as Kuja got closer. She was suddenly even rlm@0: more afraid of what he intended to do with her. "Why aren't you rlm@0: listening to him? He... he could hurt you. There's a reason he's in rlm@0: charge." She was bluffing, but she didn't care. She didn't know rlm@0: enough about Sephiroth or why these people were working with him, but rlm@0: she had to hope that Kuja would pause and consider letting her go. Or rlm@0: at least not whatever he had on his mind. rlm@0: rlm@0: Grinning wickedly, Kuja trailed a finger down her chin. She squirmed rlm@0: under his touch, but couldn't do anything more. "Because once I have rlm@0: what I want, Sephiroth won't be able to touch me. Nothing will. I rlm@0: will never die. That specter of death that chases after all of us rlm@0: will never reach me. I will be free of the chains of Fate. Free of rlm@0: death and pain. The same freedom that you had before you threw it all rlm@0: away." rlm@0: rlm@0: Kairi jerked about in her chains to no avail, feeling his hand rlm@0: trailing down her neck, moving lower. Tears burned in her eyes. rlm@0: Anger, fear, frustration, and hopelessness boiled inside of her. "I rlm@0: won't let you have the Keyblade! I'm going to save Riku, no matter rlm@0: what happens to me," she got out shakily. Yes, no matter what rlm@0: happened, she'd save him. She shook as his hand travelled lower, rlm@0: finally stopping over her heart. rlm@0: rlm@0: "It's not the Keyblade that I'm after." Kuja laughed, tilting his rlm@0: head back. "That's merely a toy. Let Sephiroth play with it for all I rlm@0: care." His deep, scarred eyes met Kairi's and the princess shuddered rlm@0: at the desperation in him. "We're all afraid of death. But all of us rlm@0: will eventually run out of time. It doesn't have to be that way. I've rlm@0: found a way out. Through you." rlm@0: rlm@0: Kairi's shoulders slumped, her body hanging limply in her bonds. She rlm@0: was screwed. There wasn't anything she could do. No one knew where rlm@0: she was. She was helpless to stop Kuja from taking something that she rlm@0: innately knew was important to her. Something she hadn't even known rlm@0: was there. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kuja laughed. "Giving up already? You don't deserve it's power. I rlm@0: never gave up. I'd rather kill all the universed than die alone. rlm@0: That's what makes me worthy of it. I'll use it to it's fullest." rlm@0: rlm@0: "What the hell are you talking about!?" Kairii cried out at last, rlm@0: sick of the feeling of helplessness, of his hand pressed against her rlm@0: chest, of the thoughts that she'd never set Riku free. She couldn't, rlm@0: wouldn't fail him. But she couldn't see how she would ever get that rlm@0: chance. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Prism Hearts! The heart through which reality itself is filtered!" rlm@0: Stepping back, Kuja gestured grandly. "Kingdom Hearts is the gateway rlm@0: to the heart of the universe, to the birthplace of darkness and rlm@0: light. But such concepts bore me. Prism Hearts, on the other hand, is rlm@0: what shapes that darkness and light into the world around us. It's rlm@0: what shapes the reality we live in. The power to reshape reality as rlm@0: you see fit. The power of a god. It all lies within Prism Hearts." He rlm@0: grinned as if he were sharing a private joke, leaning close enough rlm@0: that his nose almost touched Kairi's. "Which lies within you." rlm@0: rlm@0: Kuja didn't even flinch as Kairi began thrashing in her restraints. rlm@0: "Stay away from me! You're insane! I'm just a girl who wants to find rlm@0: her friends." She swallowed, trying to keep her gaze angry. What was rlm@0: all this about? It wasn't true. It couldn't be. Parallel visions rlm@0: flashed through her head, struggling for dominance. One world where rlm@0: she was a princess, searching for the boys she loved. One world where rlm@0: she was a lonely suicidal girl who was dying in her bedroom. She rlm@0: could feel the shackles on one hand, blood dripping down the other. rlm@0: Was she lying on the floor or was she in Kuja's demented torture rlm@0: chamber? Which was better? She felt so weak all of the sudden, rlm@0: feeling the carpet soaking with blood, her blood, underneath her. rlm@0: No... Her thoughts were drowning as she felt herself sinking deeper rlm@0: and deeper. So tired... rlm@0: rlm@0: Kuja... Where was Kuja? rlm@0: rlm@0: "He's far away. He can't hurt you here," the mysterious voice said rlm@0: from the other side of the door. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kairi struggled to sit up and get to the door, but her body refused rlm@0: to listen. Everything felt cold and numb. Her fingers moved dimly in rlm@0: an attempt to reassert control of her body, but that was the most rlm@0: they could do. Blood stained the floor around her, yet somehow she rlm@0: was too drained to do much more than acknowledge it. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Just rest, Kairi. It can end here. You can stop struggling so hard. rlm@0: You can finally rest. That's what you wanted, isn't it? That's why rlm@0: you slit your wrists, right?" rlm@0: rlm@0: No... She tried to speak, but her lips merely quivered. Her eyelids rlm@0: felt so terribly heavy, as if the weight of the world rested on each rlm@0: one. Somehow she knew that the voice was right. It could end here. rlm@0: She didn't have to go back. Facing Kuja was her choice. And she was rlm@0: currently unable to do anything to stop him. And she was so very rlm@0: tired... Her eyes began to slip shut as a familiar lullaby began to rlm@0: whisper through the door. A lullaby her mother used to sing her. Yes, rlm@0: she could finally escape. No one could ever hurt her again. She rlm@0: didn't have to keep being the outsider. She didn't have to keep rlm@0: playing in a world that never wanted her. All she had to do was rlm@0: rest... rlm@0: rlm@0: But... But she wasn't alone... There were people who needed her. rlm@0: Riku. Sora. She couldn't give up. Not until she set Riku free. No rlm@0: matter what had brought her to this point, broken and bloody on her rlm@0: floor, she couldn't let that stop her. She couldn't leave Riku and rlm@0: Sora. Not yet. Her bloody, shaky fingers clenched slowly. It wasn't rlm@0: time to rest. There would be time for that later. 'Riku... I won't rlm@0: give up on you. Ever.' She wasn't dying. She was searching for her rlm@0: friends. This place... it was a nightmare. She had to wake up before rlm@0: it consumed her. Or she'd never get back to her friends. With all the rlm@0: strength she had, she forced her eyes back open. rlm@0: rlm@0: Blinking weakly, the room came back into view. She was still in the rlm@0: dark yet elegant dungeon that Kuja had set up especially for the rlm@0: maiden he was searching for. Her. She sighed shakily, slumping in her rlm@0: chains. She had been about to die. If she'd stayed there... Her heart rlm@0: pounded at the thought. What was going on? What was happening to her? rlm@0: Blinking quickly, she tried to bury the fear and hopelessness that rlm@0: threatened to overwhelm her. What was real? What was her imagination? rlm@0: These chains felt so real, but so had the bloodsoaked carpet she'd rlm@0: been laying on. She didn't know anymore. She didn't know anything rlm@0: anymore. No, she couldn't think like that. There were still Sora and rlm@0: Riku. She had to believe in them. She had to. It was all she had left. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kuja... Where had he gone? Lavender eyes darted around the chamber, rlm@0: trying to spot the silver haired man. He didn't seem to be anywhere rlm@0: in sight. What she did see didn't exactly put her at ease. The two rlm@0: blonde twins she had met earlier watched her from a raised platform, rlm@0: resting against each other as if they had just finished playing. They rlm@0: both watched her intently, almost as if they were waiting for rlm@0: something. Licking her lips, Kairi tried to think of something to rlm@0: say. Anything. At least she wasn't alone. She couldn't stand being rlm@0: alone. "Where did he go?" she asked at last. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Away," one replied, the two still watching the princess intently. rlm@0: rlm@0: Not exactly the response she'd been hoping for, but it was rlm@0: something. Before she could think of what to say next, the twins rlm@0: interrupted her thoughts. rlm@0: rlm@0: "You can't let him have Prism Hearts. If you do, he'll tear all of rlm@0: this apart. Everything you love, everything you care about, all of it rlm@0: will be obliterated and filtered into his own dream world. Everything rlm@0: will be reborn as he sees fit. Before it can be reshaped, everything rlm@0: must be shattered. Then he can mold it however he wishes. All he rlm@0: needs is your heart," Maya explained. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kairi shuddered. Everything gone, replaced by Kuja's dreams. Her rlm@0: hair fell about her face as she shook her head. "No, that's a lie. I rlm@0: don't have Prism Hearts. My heart doesn't change anything. If it did, rlm@0: I wouldn't be chained up in some dungeon away from the boys I love. rlm@0: I'd be on the Destiny Islands with all of my friends. I'd be looking rlm@0: out to sea with Riku and Sora. Being fed grapes. And..." rlm@0: rlm@0: Blushing faintly, the other little girl interrupted before Kairi rlm@0: could get further. "It doesn't work that way. It's subconscious. Your rlm@0: heart molds reality, not your mind. This is happening because you're rlm@0: in conflict. Things aren't happy and perfect because part of you rlm@0: won't accept this reality. Part of you is still clinging to the old rlm@0: reality. So that dark reality has intruded." rlm@0: rlm@0: "The Heartless..." Kairi whispered. That's when everything had rlm@0: started to go wrong. Everything was perfect before the Heartless had rlm@0: spread throughout the worlds. rlm@0: rlm@0: Aya nodded. "Exactly. There is darkness and light in every heart. rlm@0: But this was all a refuge from the darkness. But because you couldn't rlm@0: fully close the doorway to the old world, the darkness began to leak rlm@0: in. Ansem found it and began researching it, but he was never its rlm@0: cause. He was used by it and his own curiosity." rlm@0: rlm@0: "You're the one who allowed the Heartless here. You're the one who rlm@0: left the door open for them. The Heartless in this reality were born rlm@0: inside of Kingdom Hearts because you brought the darkness over from rlm@0: the other reality." rlm@0: rlm@0: "I wouldn't do that!! I wouldn't risk losing any of this! I rlm@0: couldn't! I just want to be with them.." Kairi's voice broke, her rlm@0: throat tightening. Why would she allow the Heartless here? How could rlm@0: she be the cause of all this pain and suffering? The reason behind rlm@0: why she'd lost both Riku and Sora? rlm@0: rlm@0: "You wouldn't?" Maya raised a blonde eyebrow. "You can't give up rlm@0: your mother, can you, Kairi? You won't completely turn your back on rlm@0: the other reality. So the door is still open through your heart, rlm@0: Prism Hearts. You refuse to filter out all of that reality. The rlm@0: darkness is part of that reality. If you won't filter it all out, it rlm@0: will spill over here." rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sacrifices have to be made. If you want to live in this world, you rlm@0: have to give up on that one. Completely. Entirely. You have to forget rlm@0: that life. You must offer up your memories of it as a sacrifice to rlm@0: save this reality," Aya insisted. rlm@0: rlm@0: "But..." Kairi's head spun. It couldn't be... She couldn't have rlm@0: brought about the Heartless. That other world, it couldn't be out rlm@0: there. And yet... "Which... Which one is real?" Her voice was weak, rlm@0: begging, pleading. She needed to know, even if she didn't want to. rlm@0: rlm@0: The twins were silent for a long moment before they answered in rlm@0: unison. "Which one do you want to be real?" rlm@0: rlm@0: "It doesn't work that way!" Kairi argued, frustrated that there rlm@0: never seemed to be any clear cut answers for her. rlm@0: rlm@0: Aya turned and looked at Maya. "You'd be surprised," she whispered. rlm@0: rlm@0: Maya continued looking at the princess. "Give up on the other rlm@0: reality. It's the only way to save this one." rlm@0: rlm@0: Swallowing back the pain, Kairi raised her eyes to look at the rlm@0: twins. "How do I do that?" She had to. For Riku. For Sora. They had rlm@0: both done so much to save her. She had to save them this time. She rlm@0: wouldn't let anything bad happen to them. All of her friends... rlm@0: Selphie, Yuffie, Relm, even her cute little kitten... She couldn't rlm@0: let them go. rlm@0: rlm@0: "You have to confront yourself. Your own dark side. The part of you rlm@0: that won't give up on the other reality. Only after you get rid of rlm@0: her, when you can give up on that reality entirely, can this one be rlm@0: saved." The two girls turned to leave. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Wait! How am I supposed to confront myself? What do I do?" rlm@0: Watching, Kairi pulled ineffectively at her chains. "Please don't rlm@0: go..." she whispered. Not alone. Not again... rlm@0: rlm@0: Aya stopped while Maya kept walking. She turned to look over her rlm@0: shoulder at Kairi, her eyes soft and understanding. "I know it's rlm@0: hard, Kairi. But everything demands a sacrifice. It's this reality or rlm@0: the other reality. You have to decide for yourself which is real. But rlm@0: some sacrifices are worth it." She turned to see Maya waiting for rlm@0: her. "I made my choice a long time ago and I've never looked back." rlm@0: She smiled faintly and waved to her waiting sister. "Whatever you rlm@0: choose, give it your all and don't ever regret your decision." With rlm@0: that, she ran to catch up to the identical girl, fading into mist. rlm@0: rlm@0: A slight breeze entered the vast chamber, swirling the mist about rlm@0: into nothingness. Something caught in the sudden wind fluttered over rlm@0: to Kairi, landing lightly at her feet. It was a child's drawing. rlm@0: 'Mama and Maya' was written at the top in crayon. Even in a child's rlm@0: artwork, it was unmistakeble. There had been a car crash. Plenty of rlm@0: red crayon showed the aftermath. A blonde woman and a blonde girl rlm@0: watched it all from above with angel wings. The same woman and girl rlm@0: were in the car as well. Kairi's head jerked up, hoping to catch a rlm@0: last glimpse of the little girl, her words suddenly coming back to rlm@0: haunt the princess. rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: "I heard Lady Beatrix has been seeing someone lately," a knight with rlm@0: blonde hair mentioned conversationally. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Really?" her compatriot asked with a note of disappointment in her rlm@0: voice, leaning against the wall. "That's not fair." She crossed her rlm@0: arms, pouting. rlm@0: rlm@0: The other knight laughed, turning to the brunette. "You didn't think rlm@0: you had a chance with her, did you?" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Well... No, not exactly... But..." She whined, trailing off. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Don't you want to know who I heard she'd been seeing?" the first rlm@0: soldier asked. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Why would I want to know that? It only crushes all my hopes and rlm@0: dreams," the second replied. rlm@0: rlm@0: Laughing, the blonde shook her head. "You're really stuck on her, rlm@0: aren't you? I heard she's been going out with some airship pilot from rlm@0: Lindblum. I think her name's Erin, but I'm not sure." rlm@0: rlm@0: The brunette sighed, sliding down the wall. "I should've been an rlm@0: airship pilot..." Lost in her thoughts, she didn't see the shadow rlm@0: darting behind the two of them. rlm@0: rlm@0: 'Ha! That was too easy. These knights might be good fighters, but rlm@0: they obviously haven't dealt with a world-class thief before.' rlm@0: Grinning to herself, Yuffie hurried down the hallway. With the rlm@0: expansive palace to search, it was taking her longer than she'd rlm@0: wanted to find the artist girl. But the knights didn't seem to mind rlm@0: gossiping, so she'd managed to overhear them talking about the rlm@0: sorceress who could bring paintings to life. Apparently she was in rlm@0: this part of the palace. Somewhere. She could go room by room, but rlm@0: somehow she doubted it would only result in embarrassment. The rlm@0: knights wouldn't take a hearty 'Sorry, ma'am' if she burst in on rlm@0: someone. rlm@0: rlm@0: Now where could Relm be? What was she looking for, anyway? A big rlm@0: neon sign that announced she'd found Relm's room? There had to be an rlm@0: easier (and less dangerous) way to go about this than going door to rlm@0: door. More importantly, what did she say to the artist when she met rlm@0: up with her? Would Relm even want to talk to her? After what a bitch rlm@0: she'd been, she'd be surprised if the little blonde girl even wanted rlm@0: to continue travelling with her. That thought scared her more than rlm@0: she wanted to admit. She'd apologize. That would have to be enough. rlm@0: She hoped. rlm@0: rlm@0: A sound down the hallway broke her train of thought. Ducking back rlm@0: behind a large potted plant, the ninja waited silently. One of the rlm@0: heavy doors had opened and someone had stepped out into the hallway. rlm@0: There were at least two people, and they were talking about rlm@0: something. Yuffie strained to hear what they were saying. rlm@0: rlm@0: "... wanted to thank you again. It's absolutely gorgeous. I finally rlm@0: have a portrait that I'm not ashamed to show my parents." rlm@0: rlm@0: A soft giggle. "It was fun. It was nice to have such a willing rlm@0: subject. Some people make painting them so difficult because they rlm@0: don't really want you to. I think it turned out really well." rlm@0: rlm@0: "Not that you needed me there. It's much more beautiful than I could rlm@0: ever be," the first voice said with a sigh. rlm@0: rlm@0: "That's not true. I don't paint lies. The beauty was there, you just rlm@0: have to look for it. Someday someone will see you just like in the rlm@0: picture." rlm@0: rlm@0: A happy squeal of delight filled the hallway. "I can't wait. Thank rlm@0: you very much, Sorceress Relm. I'll always remember this." rlm@0: rlm@0: Relm! Yuffie's eyes widened. She'd found her. Now she just had to rlm@0: get to her. And try not to stumble over her apology. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Anytime. I'm happy to get the chance to paint. I want to paint rlm@0: things from all over different worlds." rlm@0: rlm@0: "I'll pray for your safe journey. I'd love to see a gallery of rlm@0: different worlds rendered in your gorgeous artwork." rlm@0: rlm@0: Flattered, it took Relm a second to reply. "I'll make sure I send rlm@0: you an invitation when I finally get it all together." rlm@0: rlm@0: "Thanks so much again, Sorceress Relm." The knight began down the rlm@0: hallway. rlm@0: rlm@0: Yuffie pressed into the wall, trying to will herself to disappear. rlm@0: There wasn't a lot of cover in these hallways. The plant was large, rlm@0: but if the knight stopped to look, she'd be caught. Her only hope was rlm@0: that the guard was distracted enough not to be paying attention. The rlm@0: other two knights were right down the hallway. If she made any noise, rlm@0: they'd be there in moments. And she didn't feel like facing down rlm@0: three knights if she could help it. Not that she doubted her rlm@0: abilities. Just that... three knights would be an inconvenience. rlm@0: Yeah, that was it. An inconvenience. rlm@0: rlm@0: The knight came and went, passing by without a second glance. Yuffie rlm@0: let out a breath she hadn't known she'd been holding and crept rlm@0: towards the door the knight had exited from. Her heart pounded as she rlm@0: neared the door. Her mind tried desperately to piece together a rlm@0: suitable apology so she wouldn't just say the first stupid thing that rlm@0: came to mind. 'Hi, Relm. Sorry about earlier. Hey, lets go find Kairi rlm@0: now.' She sighed. She wasn't good with apologies. But she couldn't rlm@0: stall forever. She had a bad feeling that Kairi needed her. Soon. rlm@0: rlm@0: Taking the last few silent steps to the door, Yuffie gently took the rlm@0: doorknob. Her heart pounded anxiously in her chest. Relm was just on rlm@0: the other side of the door. So why was she so scared? 'Because this rlm@0: time it might not be you doing the rejection.' The thought sprang to rlm@0: mind, but she instantly shot it down. 'And what the hell is that rlm@0: supposed to mean?' No answer. She swallowed and summoned all of her rlm@0: courage. It was silly, summoning all of her courage to face a girl a rlm@0: full head shorter than her. But she somehow felt that she'd need it. rlm@0: Achingly slowly, the door pushed open. rlm@0: rlm@0: Her mouth open, Yuffie paused before she could say something. There rlm@0: were already voices in the spacious room. Frowning, she glimpsed rlm@0: inside and tried to spot their sources. There, on the bed. She could rlm@0: spot Relm's intricate red and gold bandana near their feet. The rlm@0: artist was sitting on the bed with an older blonde woman who looked rlm@0: vaguely familiar. The older woman was running fingers through Relm's rlm@0: hair as they sat close to each other. Yuffie's hand clenched tightly rlm@0: on the doorknob. What was going on? Who was that lady? rlm@0: rlm@0: "You did a beautiful job, Relm," the elegant woman said. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Thanks, Celeste. I'm so glad you think so," Relm said softly, rlm@0: resting against the taller woman, not seeming concerned with the rlm@0: fingers sliding through her hair. She closed her eyes, sighing rlm@0: softly. rlm@0: rlm@0: Taking Relm's chin with one hand, she turned the younger girl's gaze rlm@0: up to her. "Of course I think so. I always think so, Relm. I love rlm@0: you." Leaning down, she kissed Relm softly. rlm@0: rlm@0: It was all Yuffie could do to keep the doorknob from shaking in her rlm@0: grasp. Her gaze remained locked on the two women on the bed. It was rlm@0: unreal. Her mind wouldn't accept it for a long moment. It wasn't rlm@0: happening. Relm was not kissing another woman. Relm wasn't making rlm@0: soft sounds as the blonde woman's fingers continued to caress through rlm@0: her hair. It... wasn't... real... She closed her eyes tightly, but rlm@0: the image remained when she opened them again, albeit blurrier this rlm@0: time. Her eyes stung painfully as she watched the image before her rlm@0: helplessly. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Celeste..." Relm whispered softly, resting her head on the other rlm@0: woman's shoulder. Her arms wrapped around Celeste tightly. rlm@0: rlm@0: Slam. Relm jumped at the sudden sound. She turned, but no one was at rlm@0: her door. She let out a shaky sigh and held on tighter. rlm@0: rlm@0: Yuffie ran back down the hallway. Get away. Escape. Leave. It all rlm@0: swirled about her. Damn it. That wasn't supposed to happen. She rlm@0: didn't want that. Relm had found someone else? But how? Part of her rlm@0: had thought Relm would always be there, always following, always rlm@0: devoted to her. Logically she knew that wasn't likely, but she hadn't rlm@0: given it any thought. She'd taken Relm's presence for granted. And rlm@0: now she was in another woman's arms... 'She wasn't yours to begin rlm@0: with,' she told herself. 'Shut up! Shut up!' Her eyes burned, images rlm@0: bleeding into wet messes of color in front of her. 'Jealous?' that rlm@0: sarcastic voice inside of herself asked. She muffled a sob as she rlm@0: held her head tightly. She'd lost her chance. Relm hadn't waited for rlm@0: her to make up her mind. And why should she have? Yuffie had all but rlm@0: told her to get lost. There was no reason for her to wait around for rlm@0: something that probably never would have happened. But somehow that rlm@0: knowledge just made Yuffie feel worse. rlm@0: rlm@0: In her current state, Yuffie barely managed to stop before barelling rlm@0: into a figure in front of her. Her instincts told her to grab her rlm@0: shuriken, but she was too weak to bother with it. Escape the guards rlm@0: and then what? Was Relm even coming with them anymore? She had to rlm@0: save Kairi. The Keyblade Mistress was her responsibility. But she rlm@0: felt so weak. Everything seemed so far away. Except for that icy, rlm@0: ragged feeling inside of her. She couldn't seem to escape that. rlm@0: Thankfully, she realized that the figure was too small to be a guard. rlm@0: She blinked rapidly, noting that the girl was a little shorter than rlm@0: Relm. She have lavender hair and a small horn jutting out of her rlm@0: forehead. A Caller? rlm@0: rlm@0: "So you're just gonna run off?" the summoner asked, her hands on her rlm@0: hips. "You'd rather go cry than try and get her back?" Her voice was rlm@0: angry, obviously not pleased with Yuffie's choice. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I'm not crying!" Yuffie swiped at her eyes with the back of her rlm@0: glove, disappointed to see it come away tear-soaked. She didn't cry. rlm@0: She was stronger than that. She'd learned a long time ago that she rlm@0: was the only one she could count on. This just reinforced that point. rlm@0: She had to trust in herself. Everything else would fail you. rlm@0: rlm@0: "If she means anything at all to you, then you'll go back in there rlm@0: and talk to her. Take her back. Don't just give up," Eiko insisted, rlm@0: standing her ground in front of the taller ninja. rlm@0: rlm@0: "You don't understand... I... I can't..." Yuffie let a small object rlm@0: drop from her fingers. The smoke bomb burst when it hit the floor, rlm@0: surrounding her with the thick cloud. When it disappeared, she was rlm@0: gone. rlm@0: rlm@0: