rlm@0: The story contains some sexual scenes so don't read it if you're rlm@0: underage. Right, like if you'd listen to me, but don't come to me rlm@0: when your psychiatrist tells you you're not quite normal! rlm@0: The story takes place after the senshi defeat Neherenia. So Hotaru rlm@0: reached her normal age again lives with the Outers and ChibiUsa rlm@0: with Usagi and her family. Hotaru is about 14 and ChibiUsa a bit rlm@0: younger. rlm@0: Before we begin I would like to thank Naoko Takeuchi for creating rlm@0: the beautiful legend of Sailor Moon. rlm@0: These characters ain't mine, I'm just borrowing them for a while. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru's pain rlm@0: Featuring Hotaru rlm@0: By The Ghost of 'lectricity rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "Why? Why?!" Hotaru cried while lying on her bed, her face buried rlm@0: in her pillow, weeping. She was still wearing her school uniform as rlm@0: she just came back from school. Michiru was sitting next to her on rlm@0: her bed, Haruka and Setsuna were standing in the doorway to rlm@0: Hotaru's room. rlm@0: "Why don't you tell us what happened sweetie?" Michiru said with a rlm@0: soft voice. rlm@0: "I... I... I promised myself... I'd never... never use them rlm@0: again..." Hotaru tried to tell as her crying choked her words. rlm@0: "What? You'd never use what again?" Michiru's voice was as soft as rlm@0: it could get. rlm@0: "My hands!" rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: ***FLASHBACK*** rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru was in school, quietly standing next to her usual chair - rlm@0: in the corner of the last row - looking out the window. It was rlm@0: lunch time and everybody was talking and laughing like always. rlm@0: Two boys were chasing each other between the chairs and the rlm@0: school-desks, cheerfully teasing each other. Then it happened... rlm@0: one of the boys tripped and while he was falling he hit his head on rlm@0: a desk. He fell on the floor and a dark-red colour covered some of rlm@0: his brown hair and a few trickles of it fell on the floor. rlm@0: The boy - Ryu - was very popular with Hotaru's classmates, you rlm@0: could consider him quite handsome and he could make friends fast - rlm@0: something Hotaru envied him for. She wasn't really close to any of rlm@0: her classmates. rlm@0: A crowd quickly gathered around the boy who was lying motionless rlm@0: on the floor. Even Hotaru came up to the crowd with shock in her rlm@0: beautiful dark eyes. rlm@0: Hotaru thought rlm@0: looking at the boy, then looking at her hands clutched to her rlm@0: chest. rlm@0: The boy who was chasing Ryu knelt beside him and didn't know what rlm@0: to do. "Ryu! Wake up! Stand up!" he was crying to him. rlm@0: The dark-red colour was spreading on the boy's hair and on the rlm@0: floor. Hotaru had no choice. She couldn't let the boy die in front rlm@0: of her. She slowly made a step forward and knelt beside Ryu. rlm@0: Everybody was looking at her. Hotaru stretched out her right hand and touched the rlm@0: boy's head. She closed her eyes and a moment later her hand began rlm@0: to glow. The blood disappeared from Ryu's head and from the rlm@0: floor... Hotaru opened her eyes, she slowly stood up, staggered a rlm@0: bit from the exhaustion. Then she slowly walked away from the crowd rlm@0: around the boy. rlm@0: The classroom was perfectly silent as Hotaru was walking away, rlm@0: toward her previous spot at the window. The boy slowly opened his rlm@0: eyes, much to the amazement of the crowd that gathered around him. rlm@0: Hotaru's eyes were locked on a sakura tree, covered in white, but rlm@0: she didn't see it. Her body was frozen but she felt great tension rlm@0: inside. She was waiting... rlm@0: Then the first reactions and words rose from the group around Ryu: rlm@0: "Did you see that?" rlm@0: "What happened?" rlm@0: "I don't know." rlm@0: "... witch ... Tomoe is a witch!" rlm@0: < W I T C H > The words cut through Hotaru's heart and mind like a rlm@0: chainsaw, shredding everything underneath it. But the tension was rlm@0: relieved and her head tilted to face the ground, her hair hiding rlm@0: her face. A single tear poured from her eye, ran across her face rlm@0: and fell to the ground... rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: ***END OF FLASHBACK*** rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "It's okay honey, everything is gonna be okay." Michiru tried to rlm@0: calm Hotaru down. She didn't know what else to say. rlm@0: Suddenly the doorbell rang. Haruka had to go downstairs to answer rlm@0: it - Hotaru's room was on the second floor. She was thinking to rlm@0: herself who could that be as she opened the door. Much to her rlm@0: surprise, outside was standing Usagi. Her usual ear-to-ear smile rlm@0: faded as she saw Haruka's serious face. rlm@0: "Oh, Usagi, it's you. Hi." Haruka said unenthusiastically. rlm@0: "Haruka, you look so worried. What's wrong?" Usagi asked rlm@0: concerned. rlm@0: "Come here. Sit down." Haruka led Usagi into the living room. She rlm@0: explained the story to her and the room fell in silence. rlm@0: After about 15 minutes Michiru and Setsuna also came downstairs. rlm@0: "Well?" Haruka asked the two tall girls. rlm@0: "I don't know what else to say to her. "She said she wants to be rlm@0: alone." Michiru explained. Setsuna's face looked so sad it could rlm@0: make walls cry, Usagi thought to herself. Hotaru was to her like rlm@0: the child she could never have. rlm@0: "Let me talk to her, please." Usagi stepped forward. rlm@0: "I don't know, Usagi." Michiru said. "She said she wants to be rlm@0: alone." rlm@0: After a moment Setsuna broke the silence: "Let her try...". She rlm@0: knew Usagi was good in talking to people - she has watched her long rlm@0: before Usagi became Sailor Moon. She had watched her in the Silver rlm@0: Millennium, in the present and in Crystal Tokyo. If anybody could rlm@0: calm Hotaru down it would be Usagi. rlm@0: "OK, what kind of ice cream do you have in the fridge?" rlm@0: Michiru and Haruka looked puzzled at each other but Setsuna's face rlm@0: lit up a bit. "Come with me, I'll show you." she said to Usagi. rlm@0: "Well, there goes my diet for my Mamo-chan!" Usagi laughed, rlm@0: sincerely trying to break the tension. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru was still lying on her bed as she heard a knock on her rlm@0: door. "Hotaru-chan, can I come in?" She knew this voice, of course, rlm@0: but she was too sad and too confused right now to place it on the rlm@0: right face. "Who... Who is it?" she managed to ask between her rlm@0: sobs. "It's me, Usagi." As there was no answer to that Usagi came rlm@0: in. rlm@0: The room was unusually bright, not matching the mood in it. In the rlm@0: middle of the bright room there was a fragile little dark-haired rlm@0: girl crying on her bed; no wonder Setsuna was so heart-broken. rlm@0: Usagi sad down on Hotaru's bed and spoke to her: "Come here, come rlm@0: into my arms." Usagi picked Hotaru up and took her softly in her rlm@0: embrace. Her eyes were red and swallowed and her cheeks were damp. rlm@0: Hotaru put her head on Usagi's shoulder and Usagi whispered quietly rlm@0: in her ear. rlm@0: "You did the right thing, you had no choice." rlm@0: "But why... why do they... hate me..." rlm@0: "They don't hate you. They just don't understand it." rlm@0: Usagi's embrace was warm and cosy; Hotaru felt so comfortable rlm@0: when Usagi was holding her. Soon her tears subsided and in about rlm@0: half an hour she spoke again. rlm@0: "I wish I wouldn't have these powers..." she said. rlm@0: "Don't say that. These powers make you special. You're the only rlm@0: one in the whole world who has these powers." rlm@0: After a pause Hotaru said: "Thank you, Usagi-chan." rlm@0: "Now let's eat the ice cream! This will make you feel better." rlm@0: Usagi said, her eyes already shining with anticipation. rlm@0: "Usagi-chan?" rlm@0: "Yes, Hotaru-chan?" rlm@0: "Can you hold me a little longer, please?" rlm@0: "Oh... Of course Hotaru-chan..." but deep inside Usagi thought: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: The sun was already going down while Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru rlm@0: were sitting in the living room - Hraruka and Michiru on the couch, rlm@0: holding hands, and Setsuna in a big armchair. rlm@0: They heard a door close in the upper floor and a voice groaning: rlm@0: "Ow... ah... ow..." Then Usagi appeared on top of the stairs. rlm@0: "What happened?" the three asked almost simultaneously. rlm@0: "I... I'll be okay." She was still holding her spoon in her hand. rlm@0: "What's with Hotaru?" Haruka asked. rlm@0: "She'll be okay too. By the way, have you got anything against rlm@0: tummy-ache?" Usagi inquired with pain in her eyes. rlm@0: "Here you go." Setsuna handed her a small package as the three rlm@0: girls were running past her towards Hotaru's room. rlm@0: As Usagi finally reached the couch the trio was already down rlm@0: again. rlm@0: "Thank you so much Usagi!" Setsuna began. rlm@0: "How did you do it anyway?" Michiru wanted to know. rlm@0: "It's a secret. No, just kidding. I don't know really, I guess I'm rlm@0: good at that kind of things." rlm@0: "Is there anything we can do for you, Usagi?" Haruka offered. rlm@0: "Well, you could drive me home. I'm running a bit late." rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "Ow... Aw..." Usagi was still groaning as Haruka was driving her rlm@0: home. rlm@0: "How much of the ice cream did *you* actually eat and how much did rlm@0: Hotaru eat?" Haruka wanted to know. rlm@0: "Well, she's not a good eater, you should really do something rlm@0: about that. She only had a few spoons and I had to eat the rest. I rlm@0: had no choice." Usagi answered baldly. rlm@0: "Well, you could *not* eat it." rlm@0: "Oh, no! I couldn't do that!" Usagi answered seriously. rlm@0: rlm@0: Haruka smiled to herself. rlm@0: rlm@0: *** rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru followed Usagi's advice and put on her favourite nightie rlm@0: while she was getting ready for bed. Usagi said it would make her rlm@0: feel better - and it actually did. It was a pink silken night-gown rlm@0: reaching only a few inches beneath her crotch. It was semi- rlm@0: transparent and she loved to watch herself in it in front of the rlm@0: mirror. She also loved the touch of the silk against her bare skin rlm@0: - against her breasts, her belly, her back, her thighs. rlm@0: Hotaru was just standing in the middle of her room letting the rlm@0: sensation wash through her body, her eyes closed. She was rlm@0: wearing nothing but her pink nightie and her white cotton panties. rlm@0: It wasn't the ideal combination but it didn't matter to Hotaru, as rlm@0: long as she was comfortable. rlm@0: Then she suddenly opened her eyes and with a certain glow in her rlm@0: dark jewels she quickly pulled down her panties. The silk touched rlm@0: the cheeks of her butt and a certain warm feeling began building rlm@0: inside of her. She walked up and down her room so that the fabric rlm@0: could touch every square inch of her body. The silk followed the rlm@0: moves of her body - it touched her here and there, just briefly, rlm@0: and the warmth inside her grew. The silk touched her pubic hair and rlm@0: underneath, her pussy, which was getting wetter every second. rlm@0: Her nipples were pushing hard against the fabric when Hotaru rlm@0: suddenly decided to stop. It was a long and tiresome day and she rlm@0: was too exhausted to do it. She sat down on her bed to catch her rlm@0: breath and then she crawled in her bed. rlm@0: She was trying to sleep but she couldn't. Her thoughts started rlm@0: wandering off, like they often do when you can't fall asleep. rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru began to move under her blanket just to experience the rlm@0: sensation of the silk moving over her body again. She brought her rlm@0: hand up to her breasts and began squeezing them lightly. Normally rlm@0: this wouldn't have as much effect as it had this time. The feeling rlm@0: of the silk pressed against her breasts and her nipples was almost rlm@0: magical. "...oh, ChibiUsa-chan..." Hotaru whispered silently rlm@0: against the empty room. Hotaru imagined ChibiUsa's fingers, not her rlm@0: own, were pinching and pulling at Hotaru's nipples and it made her rlm@0: even hotter. She breathed deeper and faster when one hand wandered rlm@0: past her belly-button and reached her dark curls above her pussy. rlm@0: She pulled her nightie up to uncover her wet pussy. While her left rlm@0: hand was playing with her hard nipple her right hand stopped in the rlm@0: jungle just above her pleasure center. She imagined what would it rlm@0: be like if ChibiUsa's hand would be there combing her curls with rlm@0: her hands. Next she ran her finger across the line her swollen rlm@0: pussylips formed. "ChibiUsa..." she moaned a bit louder. She rlm@0: brought her finger up to her mouth and licked it hastily, tasting rlm@0: her sweet juices. Her hand returned quickly to her wet pussy, not rlm@0: wasting any time to stop anywhere but directly above her pleasure rlm@0: center. She touched her swollen jewel as gently as the rlm@0: circumstances - her body was on fire - allowed her. As her left rlm@0: hand violently pulled at her nipple the right one was circling rlm@0: around her love button touching it from time to time sending rlm@0: shivers up and down her spine. Her breathing was shallow now and rlm@0: very fast. She pinched and pulled at her nipple and her clitoris rlm@0: coming closer to her climax every moment. Hotaru twitched her rlm@0: nipple one last time and pushed her finger inside of her for just rlm@0: half an inch as her muscles locked it inside. "ChibiUsa!" she rlm@0: screamed and then her body froze for a moment under the sheets of rlm@0: her bed. rlm@0: As he body relaxed she brought her finger to her mouth again and rlm@0: licked it clean. <...oh, ChibiUsa...> were her last thoughts before rlm@0: she fell asleep with her finger in her mouth. rlm@0: rlm@0: *** rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru was slowly walking with a heavy heart the next morning. She rlm@0: entered the classroom looking down, knowing she is being watched by rlm@0: everybody. She put down her schoolbag on her desk and stepped to rlm@0: the window. She was looking at the white sakura tree, admiring the rlm@0: beauty of it when somebody stepped up beside her: "Tomoe Hotaru..." rlm@0: She turned around and clutched her arms to her chest in defence rlm@0: instinctively. In front of her was standing the boy she healed rlm@0: yesterday. rlm@0: "Tomoe Hotaru... errr... I want to thank you for saving my life rlm@0: yesterday." He bowed deeply to show her his respect. "If there is rlm@0: anything I can do for you -" The bell interrupted him in the middle rlm@0: of his speech. rlm@0: "I'll talk to you later, OK?" he said as the teacher entered the rlm@0: classroom. Hotaru just nodded silently and a little confused but rlm@0: her heart was screaming with joy. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: The End rlm@0: rlm@0: The Ghost of 'lectricity rlm@0: Peter.dobaj@guest.arnes.si