rlm@0: Now Boarding rlm@0: by Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: I'm leaving now. rlm@0: My bags are packed, my ticket held firmly in hand. rlm@0: My hair flutters about my shoulders as the wind kisses me goodbye, rlm@0: Her gentle touch a momentary distraction. rlm@0: Where are you? rlm@0: I thought you would come to see me off. rlm@0: But I hate long goodbyes. rlm@0: I hate the tears and the pain. rlm@0: I hate missing you so much. rlm@0: But I won't miss you long. rlm@0: rlm@0: My bags are packed, I'm ready to go. rlm@0: The time is almost ready. rlm@0: I'm leaving early, you see. rlm@0: They wanted me to stay much longer, rlm@0: But I really must be going. rlm@0: This place, it holds too much sadness for me. rlm@0: The tears drown me in their numbers. rlm@0: So I'll be off now, as soon as my ride arrives. rlm@0: The flight attendant is a beautiful woman rlm@0: With short black hair and a midnight cloak and a scythe that reflects the moonlight. rlm@0: Her face is white, pale as newly fallen snow. rlm@0: She beckons me. rlm@0: My flight has arrived. rlm@0: But still I balk, looking for you. rlm@0: I still want to say goodbye. rlm@0: I'm sorry that I must leave, but I can't stay here any longer. rlm@0: rlm@0: My eyes scan the deserted area for you, hoping that I'll have one last chance, rlm@0: To kiss away your tears, to collapse into your arms and lose myself forever in their comforting embrace. rlm@0: But you will not come. rlm@0: You do not see me. rlm@0: Inspiration strikes as I dig through my purse, finally settling on a pen and paper. rlm@0: I will write you a letter. rlm@0: A letter to explain why I had to leave. rlm@0: I will leave it behind for you to read. rlm@0: I quickly jot down my note, the pale cloaked woman gazing over my shoulder. rlm@0: Crimson droplets sprinkle across my letter, a final signature on it's tear soaked surface. rlm@0: rlm@0: They say that it's always darkest before the dawn. rlm@0: I'm sorry I couldn't wait till morning. rlm@0: I love you, my darling. rlm@0: But the flight attendent says I have to go. rlm@0: My flight goes a long way up. rlm@0: I'll always be watching over you. rlm@0: Goodnight, my love. rlm@0: Sweet dreams. rlm@0: Never say goodbye, because even though I leave, I will never be apart from you. rlm@0: The view... rlm@0: it's... rlm@0: g o r g e o u s