rlm@0: title:Althena rlm@0: anime:Noir rlm@0: author:Immo (pronounced eye-moe) rlm@0: e-mail: immo@hamena.org rlm@0: rating:uh... R? Rape of small child, a little slashy slashy of the femmey femmey. rlm@0: specifically, Chloe and Kirika, hints on Kirika and Mireille. rlm@0: rlm@0: I don't think there's enough Noir fanfics out there, so here's one right at'cha! ;P rlm@0: R/R, give me feedback: comments, complaints, critizism, compliments (hopefully). And rlm@0: please, no flames. I'm a delicate person LoL. This is all from Althena's POV. Go rlm@0: psychotic Kind Mother! Go! :D Oh yeah. Especially dedicated to my friend Talia. All rlm@0: the yuri slash in here is to make her squirm. :D Go LiA! rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: The sun baked the already dry and cracked earth. Gunfire ripped the silence in the air, rlm@0: punctuated with occasional screams. The girl was oblivious to everything. She was probably the rlm@0: only survivor of this village, born of the original Soldats blood and ideals. Her parents had rlm@0: hidden her in the basement, far, far below, underneath a secret compartment, so when the soldiers rlm@0: raided and burned, she was safe. She had food, and clean water. And a book... rlm@0: She could remember the book by heart, each word engraved into her memory by her parents, rlm@0: religiously reciting each word to her. But now, she can't seem to remember... couldn't seem to rlm@0: remember. rlm@0: Her name was Althena. rlm@0: That was it. Even though her eyes were blank, filmed over by pain and hunger, there was rlm@0: a flicker of an unnatural will to survive could be seen if you looked closely. That was why she rlm@0: was clutching her doll and walking. She had run out of food days ago, and water... there was no rlm@0: more water. Not since the morning. How could she be so thirsty now? rlm@0: Noir... rlm@0: Something she read in the book. A shadow fell over her, and she looked up into the rlm@0: leering face of a man. He picked her up. It was no hard feat, she was light as a feather. rlm@0: "Who are you?" She managed to get the words past her dry, chapped lips. rlm@0: The man grinned, "Soldats." rlm@0: And she learned what Soldats was. An organization that was so deeply integrated into the rlm@0: world, a hidden society that gave power to the ones that headed it. But that was wrong. Wrong. rlm@0: How did she know it was wrong. Something in the book... rlm@0: Her thoughts were more urgent now as the man lay her on the bed. How had they gotten into rlm@0: a house? Can't think about that, must concentrate. Something about the book. She studied the man. rlm@0: Barely a man, his face had just started getting scratchy like papa, when she sat on his lap, her rlm@0: papa's cheek brushing against hers as he read from the book. rlm@0: The man kissed her roughly, her damaged lips cracked agan, bleeding. rlm@0: She turned around to look at the nightstand beside her. He had left his gun there. The rlm@0: man was oblivious as he fumbled with her dress, pushing it up, pulling her underwear down. She rlm@0: might be able to reach the gun... she reached out, then pulled back when she felt an excrutiating rlm@0: pain down there. rlm@0: "You're dry, it hurts more." He grunted. rlm@0: Was it her fault? She didn't know what he was talking about. She was just a girl named rlm@0: Althena. She blinked with pain, each thrust more painful than the next, pain mixed with fear when rlm@0: she saw blood leaking out of her. Was she going to die? rlm@0: Noir... rlm@0: The pain left when she thought of the book. rlm@0: Noir was important. Noir stopped the pain. With that thought in mind, she reached out for rlm@0: the pistol, touching it with trembling fingers, her tiny hands barely wrapped around the barrel rlm@0: of the gun. She had it. That was all that mattered. And she knew how to use it, because she was rlm@0: part of Soldats too. She was Soldats, the original form. Everyone else had died, so she had to rlm@0: continue the legacy. rlm@0: NOIR. rlm@0: rlm@0: The word designates the name of destiny from a distant time. rlm@0: rlm@0: The two Virgo reign over death. rlm@0: rlm@0: May the Black hands over the green field rlm@0: rlm@0: Please protect the newly born peace. rlm@0: rlm@0: A single gunshot, and the man slumped against her, oozing blood from the tiny neat hole rlm@0: in his temple, she pushed him off with what little strength she had left. Noir. The book. She rlm@0: remembered. She had a mission. Climbing off the bed, she grimaced, the pain there... it hurt. rlm@0: But she had to keep walking. Her life wasn't worth as much as that book, the ideals it held. rlm@0: She knew her role in the book now, she was going to give birth to Noir. She would be the mother rlm@0: of Noir. The Kind Mother. The Garden. The book. Rations were found in the house, the soldier had rlm@0: put this place to use for his own good, and she benefitted from it. rlm@0: 'Not unlike a whore being paid for her services,' Althena thought wryly. Finally, she rlm@0: was thinking clearly. With strength renewed from the food and water, she packed up what she rlm@0: could, making only one stop in the village, to her house, back to the secret room, to pick up rlm@0: the book that held those precious ideals of her family, friends, and villages. It was the origin rlm@0: of the Soldats, the true meaning of Soldats. And the way would be shown her, to the green Garden, rlm@0: where everything, everything would come to pass. And Noir would be born, and the corrupted, rlm@0: rotting, ambitious part of Soldats cut off, so the body could live again, better off without that rlm@0: limb. Her journey was fuelled by her hate, her survival was thanks to her hate. Her family had rlm@0: loved her, and it had almost killed her to be stuck in the darkness, alone. rlm@0: If you can kill people with love, Hatred could save them. And she hated. And she rlm@0: survived, collapsing in the inner sanctum of the Garden. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: The children came to her at night, one with the look of a hardened criminal, the other, rlm@0: clinging to the criminal like a frightened child. Chloe had been hand-picked and named by rlm@0: Althena herself to become the one half of Soldats that was needed. Chloe was only three when she rlm@0: started her training, a year had passed since her first day here, and Chloe still lacked the rlm@0: coldness, the detachment, and the efficiency of the assasins, the two that made up Noir. rlm@0: "Chloe?" Althena raised an eyebrow. Only seventeen years old, ten years Chloe's elder, rlm@0: she was her 'mother'. The purple-haired girl cringed behind the newcomer. Now Althena looked at rlm@0: this new one. rlm@0: "Where are your parents, child?" Althena asked, not unkindly. "It's late, shouldn't you rlm@0: be going home?" rlm@0: Althena, seldom surprised, *was* surprised when the russet-haired child walked forward, rlm@0: shaking herself free from Chloe's grip, and wrapped her arms around Althena's waist burying her rlm@0: face into the valley of the blonde's blossoming breasts. She took a deep breath, as if trying rlm@0: to inhale as much of Althena's scent as possible, her eyes closed. rlm@0: "I *am* home." rlm@0: All the girl knew was that she was Noir. And Althena saw, that this girl was was very rlm@0: much the same as Chloe and herself. All three of them did not have any parents anymore. Althena rlm@0: could imagine this girl, sitting on the lap of a man, reading from the book. Now Althena, older rlm@0: and wiser, knew that it was called Langon's Manuscript. rlm@0: "What is your name?" Althena tilted the girl's face upwards, and stared into the coffee- rlm@0: brown depths of those eyes. rlm@0: "I have no name." rlm@0: "But we must have something to call you, no? I shall name you now, poor lost child." rlm@0: Althena kissed first one side of the dark-eyed girl's face, then the other. She moved her face so rlm@0: she was looking down at the young girl again, then smiled. rlm@0: "Your name is: Yumura Kirika." Althena bent down, pressing her lips against this young rlm@0: one's, briefly, softly, imparting the name onto the child. rlm@0: "I am Noir." Kirika insisted. rlm@0: Althena motioned Chloe forward, took both their hands, and placed them onto each other. rlm@0: "You two are the True Noir. Never forget that." rlm@0: Chloe smiled at the girl, and gripped her hand firmly. Then they parted, and Chloe began rlm@0: the well-known, almost-prayer. Her hand, like a gun, over her heart, Chloe closed her eyes. rlm@0: "Noir; a name of destiny that has been ordained in the past. Two women who reign over rlm@0: death. The dark spirit, please guide the lost child." The prayer was also a prophecy, so it rlm@0: seemed. The lost child had come home. "Lead the child back from the edge." rlm@0: Kirika closed those soulless eyes, and mimicked Chloe's movements. "A name of destiny rlm@0: that has been ordained in the past. Two women who reign over death," Now Chloe mixed her voice in rlm@0: with Kirika's, in a beautiful harmony, the way it should be said, as two become one: Noir. "May rlm@0: the Black Hands over the newborns please protect the peace." rlm@0: Althena didn't insist on silence at the dinner table. After a prayer sent to The One Who rlm@0: Provided, Chloe dug into her meal enthusiastically. She had been down to the village, she rlm@0: confessed guiltily to Althena. That was how she found Kirika, when Chloe had been ambushed by rlm@0: wild dogs. rlm@0: "The Child came to my rescue," Chloe beamed at Kirika, who looked down at her plate, and rlm@0: continued that slow thoughtful chewing. "Althena, could I stay up a bit longer?" rlm@0: "Chloe, you have to get your rest. Tommorrow, you will continue your exercises. Alone." rlm@0: Althena stated calmly. rlm@0: "But Kirika-chan is here--" rlm@0: "She has a test set out for her. She will deliver a letter to the Boquet family." rlm@0: Althena's eyes hardened. Her influence in Soldats had greatly arisen since she stirred the embers rlm@0: of Noir, claiming she will bring Noir to the use of Soldats. If only they knew... The Boquet rlm@0: family had refused to give their child into her care, had refused calmly. One more chance, one rlm@0: more refusal, and their family, including their precious daughter, would cease to exist forever. rlm@0: Kirika was shown her room after she had a bath, and the girl climbed into bed obediently. rlm@0: Althena tucked the girl in, with Chloe standing beside her. When the blonde turned to leave, rlm@0: Chloe pulled on her robe, protesting. rlm@0: "You didn't give her a kiss goodnight!" The innocence was laughable, but Althena only rlm@0: smiled fondly at Chloe, before moving back and placing a kiss on Kirika's forehead. After tucking rlm@0: Chloe in, and surrendering a hug and a kiss to the insistant girl, the teen hurried to her study. rlm@0: Taking out her ink bottle, and a quill, she quickly started on the letter. The elegeant writing rlm@0: spun out into words that pressed the point, and hid a threat, like a sheathed sword. When Althena rlm@0: was done, she read it over, satisfied, and waited for the ink to dry. Then, she folded the paper, rlm@0: and tucked it into an envelope. Dropping a bit of wax on it from her reading candle, she stamped rlm@0: it with the seal of Soldats. Tommorrow morning, Kirika would be sent off to Italy. The way would rlm@0: be made clear. rlm@0: "Are you ready?" Althena asked the child. She nodded solemnly, dressed in over-sized rlm@0: overalls, and a white t-shirt. One strap of the overall kept slipping off. The sky was a gray rlm@0: blurr, not really sunrise, not really night. rlm@0: "Sinners never regather after death, while the sin itself never fades away, Love too, rlm@0: shall never disappear. The recluse has once again given in. Soldats' blood is absorbed by the rlm@0: wilderness, and flows into the body. Both hands of Soldats are two Maidens. The hand of love rlm@0: which can carry the sin. The hand of darkness which can be held out. Noir." Kirika said solemnly. rlm@0: "Good." Althena nodded, again stunned by this girl. Chloe only remembered a little bit rlm@0: of that. She bent down to fold up Kirika's pant legs for her. There was no time to hem them, one rlm@0: of the villagers would come to pick her up soon. rlm@0: "Where is Chloe?" Kirika's voice was soft. rlm@0: "She isn't coming. She isn't ready for this." rlm@0: The eyes flashed angrily. "Two are one. The Sword of Darkness which can be used by rlm@0: Soldats. Both hands of Soldats. That is Noir." rlm@0: Althena looked at the girl, bemused. Then she turned around, knowing that Chloe was rlm@0: hiding behind one of the pillars. She had heard the girl stumbling about, her idea of quiet was rlm@0: not quiet at all. rlm@0: "Chloe, come out." rlm@0: Chloe stepped out meekly. rlm@0: "Would you like to go with your partner?" rlm@0: The furious nod of her head told her there was no seperating these two. Althena could see rlm@0: someone approaching, the head of the village, walking through the vineyard towards the trio. rlm@0: "Go then." Chloe was already running towards the man eagerly, her eyes bright with rlm@0: excitement. Her first task! With her partner! Kirika made her way, not too slow, but not too rlm@0: fast. rlm@0: "Child," rlm@0: Kirika stopped to turn around and look at Althena. rlm@0: "Give them three days within the receiving of the letter. If they do not comply.." rlm@0: Althena trailed off, knowing that Kirika would know what to do. The child was precocious, and rlm@0: alien to her. But she was her child now, and Althena could grow to love her, and care for her as rlm@0: she has for Chloe. rlm@0: "Althena! Althena!" Chloe had run back, and flung herself into the woman's arm, trusting rlm@0: that the blonde would catch her, and wasn't disappointed. She looked up, her eyes were shining. rlm@0: "I'll be back soon!" rlm@0: Kirika hugged Althena around her leg, so there was two children clinging to her, and the rlm@0: blonde finally let herself laugh, and loved her children. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: After that first mission, it had seemed as if Chloe had miraculously grown up. Althena rlm@0: still couldn't believe how Chloe had blossomed into a young woman so quickly. The expectations rlm@0: put on her weren't difficult anymore, and the killer in her emerged. There was still that child- rlm@0: like glee, that energy that was poured into her work. And Althena, smiling secretively, believed rlm@0: that Chloe might have a crush on Kirika. As if little blushing glances, and slightly touching rlm@0: hands, hadn't hinted Althena to this! Poor Chloe though, the blonde sensed that Kirika had no rlm@0: clue on the feelings and just loved her as a sister and a partner. rlm@0: "Althena?" Chloe had taken to reading up on Landon's Manuscript, memorizing and eating up rlm@0: every word, using her brain as much as she used her muscles when she trained. The girl was rlm@0: twirling a dagger in her hands, and Althena gave a disapproving look. Chloe grinned sheepishly, rlm@0: and tucked the weapon into her cloak. rlm@0: "Now, what is it?" Althena came up behind the girl, placing a hand on Chloe's shoulder. rlm@0: "When will Kirika come back?" rlm@0: It had been a long time. But letters would come in today, the Soldats watching over her rlm@0: will report soon. rlm@0: There was a brief silence, before Chloe blurted out, "I love her." rlm@0: Some things that Althena didn't even know about was revealed by a furiously blushing rlm@0: Chloe. How the girl had, one night many years ago, snuck into the other girl's room. How Chloe rlm@0: would kiss her, how Kirika held her, how they slept so innocently together, and how much Chloe rlm@0: loved her. rlm@0: "Have you told her?" rlm@0: Chloe shook her head. rlm@0: "Maybe you should. When she gets back." rlm@0: Chloe nodded doubtfuly, then her eyes stared out the window, and she whooped with glee, rlm@0: springing out of her chair. A lone figure was making her way towards them.. Althena followed the rlm@0: purple-haired girl slowly, made her way to the front door to greet the brunette. Instead, she rlm@0: found that it wasn't Kirika at all. It wasn't even a she. The village leader was there with a bag rlm@0: of letters, and Chloe was tearing through them like she was a demon on fire. rlm@0: "Chloe!" Althena was alarmed by the lack of control that Chloe was showing. rlm@0: "No! She's in trouble, she should've been back by now!" Chloe paused to say, then rlm@0: continued ripping through the letters. The villager bowed to Althena, before hurrying back to his rlm@0: village, Chloe's wrath was apparent, and it was dangerous to all. rlm@0: Althena let the young woman's grief and fear play out. Soon, she would stop. And she did. rlm@0: At one letter. rlm@0: "No." rlm@0: Althena felt her heart stop at that one syllable. Something had happened to Kirika. What rlm@0: did the letter say? rlm@0: "No!" rlm@0: The piece of paper was flung down, and Chloe ran past Althena, back into the house. She rlm@0: knew no amount of calling would bring the girl to her side. rlm@0: 'Taken her... our better judgement... three... inner trees... different light and rlm@0: water... Mireille Boquet--' She stopped reading the letter now. The trial called for three. So, rlm@0: they were suspicious of her motives and were planning to throw a kink in her plans. No matter. rlm@0: Kirika was alive, and so was Chloe, and that was all that mattered. These two were the Chosen rlm@0: Two, blessed by the Kind Mother's hand. rlm@0: "Chloe?" Althena searched the house, and finally found the girl in the chapel, sprawled rlm@0: in front of the altar, forcing words out between wracking sobs, and attacking the steps to the rlm@0: altar with a clenched fist. rlm@0: "People--amongst people," Althena made out the words between the sobs and hiccups. "Love rlm@0: amongst... Love," At this point, Chloe raised her head and howled to the heavens, her tear-filled rlm@0: eyes filled with absolute hatred for the ones who would steal her other half away from her. "Sin rlm@0: amongst sin... She is my sin! GIVE HER BACK TO ME!!" rlm@0: She collapsed back on the steps, sobbing. Althena rushed to Chloe, gathering the girl up rlm@0: into her arms. rlm@0: "Poor Chloe," Althena whispered, as the hot tears burned through the fabric of her robe. rlm@0: "Poor Chloe... my child, I love you so much." rlm@0: "Althena!" Chloe clung tighter to the woman. "Althena!" rlm@0: "My poor child," Althena squeezed her eyes shut, keeping her own rage tamped down, as rlm@0: memories flooded her, the war within Soldats, the murder of her parents, the dark place that she rlm@0: hid in, how she was so afraid in there, so afraid. How she starved and thirsted. How she was rlm@0: raped. How she encountered so many deeds done by the hands of men to each other... and how she rlm@0: put all these instances away as fuel for her smoldering rage. rlm@0: "Love can kill people, Chloe." Althena kept her voice even. "Hatred can save them." Her rlm@0: hate for Soldats, for people, for the things they stood for. To wipe them out with her hatred, to rlm@0: cleanse the world with that pure fire and the two maidens that made up Noir. They shall be her rlm@0: sword of darkness. And her, Althena. She will be the body who has cut off the diseased hands, and rlm@0: attaching the new pair of hands on, the two maidens that will make up the hands of Soldats, rlm@0: called Noir. She will be Soldats and bring back the lost origins of this organization. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Watching Kirika walk up towards her, she felt her heart open up again. There was a small rlm@0: smile on Kirika's face, a flash of guarded recognition in her eyes. This was what should've rlm@0: happened those years ago, too long, too long ago. Kirika should have walked up the path, instead rlm@0: of the man who carried the letter. rlm@0: Chloe held her little dessert fork, the most precious treasure she had in her possession, rlm@0: and she looked up, seeing Kirika walking through the grapevines. Too long. It had been too long. rlm@0: And she had found her way home. Chloe had barely gone inside the house since the day one of the rlm@0: villagers reported that Kirika had found the way. The Grand Retour. rlm@0: Kirika stopped several good feet away from the steps up to the house. And Althena gave a rlm@0: smile, and descended slowly. Kirika still had that soft gentle smile on her face, and fell into rlm@0: Althena's arms, breathing in the woman's scent. Remembering her, yet not remembering. Althena rlm@0: felt the rage flare up, then tamped it down again. The Child would not remember everything that rlm@0: had happened here, the happiness that they shared together, the three of them. rlm@0: "Welcome back." Althena stroked the top of Kirika's head. rlm@0: Her voice was emotionless, but it sent a thrill of joy running through Althena's very rlm@0: being. "I'm home." rlm@0: A tour of the household only brought her sorrow. Althena could see that Kirika wanted to rlm@0: remember, but whatever they had done to her... it prevented her from remembering. Chloe had, at rlm@0: first followed along, then got angry and left when Kirika didn't remember, or couldn't answer rlm@0: questions from the past. rlm@0: "Are you Althena?" rlm@0: Althena smiled to hide her sorrow. It was too much not to be remembered by her child. But rlm@0: she couldn't blame Kirika. rlm@0: "Yes." rlm@0: Questions were asked, and Althena would answer lightly, truthfully, but every question rlm@0: weighed her down, made her sick with anger. How could they do this to Kirika? rlm@0: What finally lifted her heart, was when Althena found Kirika in the library, poring over rlm@0: Langon's Manuscript. rlm@0: "The Two Hands of Soldats are two Maidens." Althena broke into a smile. "The Dark Hand rlm@0: which can be held out with motherly love while carrying the burden of sins. Noir." rlm@0: Althena walked forward to encircle Kirika from behind with her arms. rlm@0: "If one can kill people with love, Hatred can also save people." Althena added. "That's rlm@0: how I believe." rlm@0: "Yes." Unquestioning obedience. rlm@0: "Thank goodness you've returned." rlm@0: Althena looked at the picture in the book, knowing how much she loved this young girl rlm@0: like a daughter, looking at the picture of the Kind Mother, with both hands on the two Maiden's rlm@0: heads, the Maidens knows as Noir. Althena closed the book and put it back on the shelf, then rlm@0: lead the unprotesting girl to her room, where she was tucked in, and given a kiss goodnight. rlm@0: Althena talked softly about the ritual happening tommorrow, and got up to leave, when Kirika rlm@0: called her back urgently. rlm@0: "Ah, Althena!" rlm@0: There was more emotion in that voice then in the whole time since she had arrived. She rlm@0: turned to look at the girl, pausing to listen to what she had to say. rlm@0: "Uh..." The brunette seemed to be at loss for words. rlm@0: "What's wrong?" The blonde encouraged. Kirika looked embarassed, and stared down at her rlm@0: coverlet. rlm@0: "Good night." rlm@0: Althena smiled. "Good night." rlm@0: Althena made her way to Chloe's room, to find the girl, just sneaking in through the rlm@0: window. She smiled in that apologetic, sheepish way that she was bound to do. rlm@0: "You were eaves-dropping?" rlm@0: "I wanted to listen to you two talking again. The both of you did that a lot, back in rlm@0: the days when we were all together, when me and Kirika were small." Chloe rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Chloe was dead, she knew it as soon as it had happened, her childish spirit had come to rlm@0: say goodbye, blowing out the candle that symbolized herself. There were two left. But these two rlm@0: did not fit into the plan at all. rlm@0: And Kirika had her gun pointed to her. A second time. And it hurt to have your child rlm@0: point the gun towards you, but she kept her calm resolve. She could still make this work. rlm@0: "Go ahead and shoot." Althena said gently. "Or your friend will die. Yes, many lives rlm@0: have been lost, by your own hands. Are you now saying that you will make their deaths rlm@0: meaningless?" rlm@0: People died to make Noir what it was, the training included spilt blood. rlm@0: "You should know as well. You are Noir." Althena saw Kirika's hand quiver. 'Kill me, rlm@0: Kirika. Or else I would have worked for nothing. Be Noir.' rlm@0: "Born with sin, raised with sin..." Althena closed her eyes and forged onwards. "A rlm@0: superior being who reigns over death. Your only way of life lies here." rlm@0: She kept on talking. Saw Kirika hesitate and mull over her words... rlm@0: "Now, pull the trigger. Kill me and live on as the true Noir." rlm@0: Althena felt her moment of glory, when the brunette's finger pressed lightly on the rlm@0: trigger, not enough to fire, just touching it. Then, the grip loosened, the arms slackened. rlm@0: Althena's eyes narrowed, knowing that Kirika would not shoot and she looked at Mireille. That rlm@0: girl. That was why her hate was now just a fire consuming only Althena, not the people who rlm@0: needed the cleansing flames. Her gun fired. rlm@0: And Kirika flung herself in front of her friend. Denounced all claims to Noir. And rlm@0: accepted the name given to her by Althena, and the identity that Mireille gave her. She was, and rlm@0: always will be an individual known as Yumura Kirika. And she charged at Althena, pushing her rlm@0: over, to the flames below. rlm@0: 'I've got a hold!' Althena's mind cried out in triumph. She had not managed to fall yet. rlm@0: She could yet pull herself, and the girl clinging on to her, upwards. But now the truth was rlm@0: told. She lived a lie, she hated and hated and scorched only herself and the only ones she rlm@0: loved. Chloe was dead. Kirika's wound, not treated quickly, would be a festering death wound. rlm@0: And in Kirika's eyes, she saw the philosophy that had been given to her, the opposite of what rlm@0: Althena had tried to instill into her young charges. 'Love certainly can kill people. However, rlm@0: don't forget: Hatred, can never save people.' rlm@0: Her hand slipped. And Althena fell, Kirika stayed up, held up by the Boquet's only rlm@0: daughter. She admired Mireille. To be able to forgive the person who took away your family from rlm@0: you must have taken a lot of strength. Althena let go of the fire that burned within her and rlm@0: wished the two good luck in the future, blessing them for finding each other, loving, helping, rlm@0: and never abandonning each other along the path. She wished that she could be forgiven, and one rlm@0: day, she would go to that place where Chloe would be waiting for her, wherever death may take rlm@0: her, and one day, she hoped not soon, she would see Kirika there with Mireille. And she could rlm@0: learn what it was like to love without hate. rlm@0: She could almost see, as if from a bird's eye view, the two girls weeping together, rlm@0: clutching each other close. rlm@0: "I thought I lost you," Merielle hugged the girl close. Kirika hissed in pain, and the rlm@0: blonde loosened her grip. "Did I hurt you?" rlm@0: "Don't hate me, I can't stand it if you hate me." The tears were from another pain, rlm@0: poor child. Merielle looked at Kirika, incredulous. Then she rained kisses on her face, hugged rlm@0: her tight again, the tears came down stronger now. rlm@0: "I can't hate you. I never could. I don't think I ever would," rlm@0: Althena moved away from the scene, and she stood in the library, at her desk. Langon's rlm@0: Manuscript lay open, and Althena reached out and tried to touch the book. She wasn't all that rlm@0: disappointed when she couldn't. rlm@0: 'Hm. I forgot to blow out the candle here.' Althena leaned over, and with a puff of rlm@0: ghostly air, the room plunged into darkness. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Notes: Well, hoped you like it, remember, an artist lives off the comments they get from their rlm@0: readers. Well, they live off the money that the readers pay them for their best-selling book... rlm@0: but I'm not at that stage yet. Soon, soon... let us all hope. Hamena.org has some of my work, rlm@0: mostly Sailor Moon fanfics. (H&M slash. I like slash. Its fun.) rlm@0: rlm@0: P.S. Merielle is hot, Kirika rules, Chloe (I call her fork girl) is just too funny, and rlm@0: Althena is, once again, the psychotic Kind Mother that everyone loves and would want to have. rlm@0: rlm@0: P.P.S Faith from Buffy the Vampire Slayer is wicked cool! She is the only reason I watch BtVS, rlm@0: and she should be YOUR only reason too. ;) Five by five, everyone? Five by five.