rlm@0: Disclaimer: I don't own CCS. ^^ Or any copyrighted stuff. rlm@0: rlm@0: NEVER AGAIN rlm@0: By ~.^ ~~Forever3330~~ ^.~ rlm@0: kawaiimotoko@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: "Megumi-chan, you have got to be spinning me a tale. And I won't fall for rlm@0: it!" The blonde huffed, flipping her braid over her right shoulder. rlm@0: "I'm not lying Suzuni-chan!" The brunette insisted, pushing her glasses up rlm@0: her nose absently with one finger. "There's a beautiful girl who comes here rlm@0: everyday, and just sits at the gate where the only flight from Hong Kong to rlm@0: Tomeda is. Every single day she sits and watches all the people get off the rlm@0: plane, and watches the new people get on. Then she comes over here and rlm@0: orders a scoop of strawberry ice-cream with one cherry." Megumi was a worker rlm@0: at the small ice cream shop across front of the gate. rlm@0: Megumi's girlfriend raised an eyebrow, calming down. "Look, I came here to rlm@0: watch you work, not here tales." rlm@0: "Just wait!" Megumi scolded. "The only flight that arrives here comes in at rlm@0: exactly noon. She'll be here in about ten minutes, with half an hour till rlm@0: noon. She'll leave when the only flight that departs leaves at exactly one." rlm@0: Suzuni sighed. "Daijoubu, daijoubu.we'll wait and see. How about you give rlm@0: me a chocolate Sunday while we wait?" rlm@0: "You and chocolate." Megumi rolled her eyes. rlm@0: "Be nice!" Suzuni bopped her girlfriend lightly on the head, then started rlm@0: eating her ice cream. rlm@0: After serving Suzuni Megumi leaned against the counter, sighing as if she rlm@0: were in dreamland. "She's not just a beautiful girl, either. She's gorgeous! rlm@0: And so graceful.she has a melodious voice, it's so pretty. She kind of rlm@0: reminds me of an angel." rlm@0: "Watch how you talk about her or I'll get mad!" Suzuni said with a warning rlm@0: glare. rlm@0: "What, jealous?" Megumi teased. rlm@0: "What do you think, you baka?" Suzuni replied. rlm@0: "There she is!" Megumi exclaimed softly, nodding down the hall leading up rlm@0: to the gate. rlm@0: Suzuni turned and gaped, for once ignoring her ice-cream and letting it rlm@0: slowly melt. rlm@0: The girl looked like she was around the age of twenty, with violet-black rlm@0: curls falling in waves to her waist. Her skin was so pale Suzuni thought rlm@0: that she could be a ghost. Pale lips were curved up slightly, in an almost rlm@0: hopeful manner. Stormy blue eyes looked out calmly, scanning the people rlm@0: around her to find a seat near the gate. rlm@0: "She IS beautiful." Suzuni managed. rlm@0: "Look more closely at the eyes." Megumi instructed. rlm@0: Suzuni obeyed, and was surprised to see the well of emotions that could be rlm@0: seen behind them, if you ignored the mask the girl's eyes seemed to have. rlm@0: There was the tiniest bit of hope, and there was despair. Calmness, rlm@0: patience, and most of all.sadness. Loneliness. rlm@0: Megumi examined Suzuni's face closely. "As I've always told you before.the rlm@0: eyes are the windows to the soul." rlm@0: Suzuni sighed and turned back to Megumi, leaving the graceful figure rlm@0: clothed in a sleeveless white sundress with a sunflower pinned to the left rlm@0: strap behind to sit down. "You're right.I wonder what could make someone rlm@0: that sad?" rlm@0: Megumi sighed, smiling a sad sort of smile. "I don't know.I always feel rlm@0: that I should be.I don't know, respectful or something. I can never make rlm@0: myself ask when I look into those eyes. It's almost as if she's been through rlm@0: a million battles. And the sad thing is, she probably has." rlm@0: "At her age? She's been at war?" Suzuni looked confused. rlm@0: Megumi sweatdropped. "Not THAT kind of fighting! I mean it looks as if she' rlm@0: s had a hard life." rlm@0: "Oh. I knew that!" Suzuni tried. rlm@0: "Yeah right." Megumi rolled her eyes. "If you're so curious you try and ask rlm@0: her. I need to go and sweep the floor." rlm@0: "Maybe I will!" Suzuni said, standing and walking off before Megumi could rlm@0: stop her. rlm@0: "She didn't even finish her ice-cream.?" Megumi shrugged and started to rlm@0: clean up. rlm@0: ~ rlm@0: Tomoyo sat down gracefully in the middle of an empty row right by the gate. rlm@0: She had once promised herself she would wait for Sakura to return to her rlm@0: every day until the end of her time. It had been perhaps two years since her rlm@0: light had left her, taking away most of Tomoyo's happiness. There was still rlm@0: the small joy she could get from watching her Sakura tapes and designing new rlm@0: outfits that the other girl would probably never try on. rlm@0: Okaa-san worried greatly about her nowadays, but Tomoyo kept going about rlm@0: her normal schedule. Or what had become normal after she had pulled herself rlm@0: together after Sakura's departure. Tomoyo still hadn't managed to watch the rlm@0: tape of Sakura's wedding.she somehow couldn't force herself to. She simply rlm@0: designed things for Okaa-san's company, and designed even more things for rlm@0: Sakura, which she kept locked away in her bedroom. rlm@0: Tomoyo looked up, shaken out of her Sakura-reverie as someone cleared his rlm@0: or her throat. rlm@0: A tall blonde girl, probably sixteen or so, though she was taller then rlm@0: Tomoyo since the heiress had always been rather petite, stood before her. rlm@0: She had her hair cut short, almost in a way that reminded Tomoyo of Sakura, rlm@0: and had hazel eyes that were full of curiosity. The girl was clothed in rlm@0: jeans and a shirt, and tilted her head gently to the side. "Ohayo! I'm rlm@0: Kajiya Suzuni!" Suzuni bowed politely. "Well.I will be. Oh, just call me rlm@0: Suzuni!" rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled slightly at the girl's enthusiasm. So much like Sakura's when rlm@0: she was young! "I'm Daidouji-san." Tomoyo offered, nodding her head gravely rlm@0: since she didn't feel like standing while waiting for the plane as she rlm@0: always did, and also not giving out her first name. rlm@0: "Pardon me for intruding upon you," Suzuni blushed, ducking her head and rlm@0: then lifting it. "But Megumi-chan, a girl who works at the ice-cream shop rlm@0: across from here, told me about you a while ago. She said you come here rlm@0: every single day to watch the people who get on and off of this exact rlm@0: flight." Suzuni looked more curious then embarrassed now. "And I wondered rlm@0: why? And also why you look so sad." rlm@0: "You think I'm sad?" Tomoyo was mildly surprised. Very rarely could people rlm@0: see through the masks that she wore to hide her feelings. rlm@0: "I didn't at first, but my girlfriend Megumi is always picking up on things rlm@0: like that. She's so perceptive!" Tomoyo had to let out a small giggle as she rlm@0: saw the hearts in Suzuni's eyes. rlm@0: "Well, if you sit down I can tell you." Tomoyo offered, the words barely rlm@0: out of her mouth before Suzuni eagerly sat down. Tomoyo smiled serenely, rlm@0: clasping her hands in her lap. "Once upon a time, around twelve years ago, rlm@0: there was a young girl who moved here, to Tomeda. She was so scared when she rlm@0: walked into her new classroom, and thought she wouldn't make any friends. rlm@0: She wasn't very good at making friends back then. But by a chance of fate rlm@0: she got seated next to a kawaii, genki, energetic young girl who was always rlm@0: smiling and happy." Tomoyo sighed her 'hanyaa' sigh. "When the genki young rlm@0: girl saw the new girl had no eraser, she cheerfully handed over a bunny rlm@0: eraser, telling the new girl her name as she did. That kawaii little girl rlm@0: had the most beautiful name: Sakura. So Sakura-chan became friends with the rlm@0: formerly lonely Tomoyo-chan. They grew up together, Tomoyo-chan always rlm@0: following Sakura around with a camcorder or camera, capturing every moment rlm@0: she could of Sakura's kawaii and magical life." rlm@0: "I wish I could do that with Suzuni." Both Tomoyo and Suzuni jumped, rlm@0: noticing for the first time Megumi, who immediately blushed and sat on the rlm@0: other side of Tomoyo. "Gomen. I'm Kajiya Megumi. Please go on! Onegai?" rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled, noting that this girl must be Suzuni's girlfriend. rlm@0: "Daijoubu. Every moment of Tomoyo-chan's life after she received that eraser rlm@0: was a big 'I love you Sakura-chan!'. But Sakura-chan was a little oblivious rlm@0: to matters of the heart and other things, and didn't notice, no matter how rlm@0: many times Tomoyo-chan said it." Tomoyo's smile turned a little sad. rlm@0: "Eventually Tomoyo-chan came to the conclusion that she wasn't Sakura-chan's rlm@0: True Love, though Sakura-chan was her True Love. And so she searched for rlm@0: someone she could entrust Sakura-chan to, without any regrets. rlm@0: Unfortunately, Tomoyo-chan made a mistake. The boy she entrusted her True rlm@0: Love to, Syaoran-kun, took Sakura-chan away from Tomoyo-chan. Now rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan couldn't even be Sakura-chan's best friend. Syaoran-kun made it rlm@0: very clear when Tomoyo-chan tried to contact Sakura-chan that he could take rlm@0: care of Sakura-chan without Tomoyo-chan. He made sure they never talked rlm@0: again." rlm@0: Megumi looked over at Suzuni, knowing how she would feel if she was cut off rlm@0: from Suzuni. Poor Tomoyo! rlm@0: "So Tomoyo-chan talked to the stars, even though all the light was gone rlm@0: from her life. Her only joys came from watching videos of Sakura-chan, and rlm@0: looking at pictures of Sakura-chan, and wishing Sakura-chan was happy. rlm@0: Iie.she wished Sakura-chan would return to her. So over all the distance rlm@0: between them she looked up at the stars and wished Sakura-chan could hear rlm@0: her saying 'I will wait for you for all eternity, until you return to me. To rlm@0: this day Sakura-chan has not returned to the one person who would give her rlm@0: life to just here Sakura one more time, to see her, to spend one last day rlm@0: with her beloved." rlm@0: Suzuni frowned. "That's a sad story, but what does it have to do with you?" rlm@0: Tomoyo and Megumi sweatdropped. Megumi replied, "Your ice-cream is melting. rlm@0: You had better go and eat it." rlm@0: Suzuni was away in a flash, and Megumi stood up, then bowed respectfully to rlm@0: Tomoyo. "You've gone through a lot of pain. I don't know how I could stand rlm@0: it if that had happened to Suzuni and I. She finally realized how I felt rlm@0: only because her brother told her. She thought for a long time, for once. rlm@0: Then she told me exactly how she felt about the situation, and asked me out rlm@0: on a date. You're strong Tomoyo-chan." rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled. "She reminds me of Sakura-chan in a few ways. Suzuni-san rlm@0: said something about you being the one who found out I was sad. How.?" rlm@0: Megumi blushed. "Oh, I work at the shop across from here. And.hasn't anyone rlm@0: ever told you the eyes are the windows to the soul? I hope she returns to rlm@0: you someday. I'll give you your ice cream free today." rlm@0: Tomoyo started to protest, but Megumi stopped her. "In exchange for the rlm@0: wonderful story. Suzuni-chan and I will be getting married next month. We're rlm@0: both eighteen." Tomoyo looked surprised. "I'm short for my age, and Suzuni rlm@0: just acts younger. We'd be pleased if you came. Here.bring Sakura-chan along rlm@0: when she returns to you. If she does in time, I mean." Megumi handed Tomoyo rlm@0: a napkin with the detail scribbled on a napkin. "I hope to see you both rlm@0: there." rlm@0: ~ rlm@0: Tomoyo sighed, tucking the napkin into her pocket. She would definitely be rlm@0: at the wedding, though it was doubtful Sakura would return. She would be rlm@0: able to give her camcorder a workout after all these years. And Okaa-san rlm@0: would surely want to come along. Then they could both be happy that two rlm@0: girls reminding them of other people found True Love together. rlm@0: Tomoyo glanced down as her watch beeped sweetly. Sweetly because Okaa-san rlm@0: hated normal watch beeping, and had insisted on a pretty sound. "The plane rlm@0: should arrive right." rlm@0: "Attention, attention, the plane from Hong Kong to Tomeda has arrived! I rlm@0: repeat, the plane from Hong Kong to Tomeda has arrived!" The usual bored rlm@0: voice of the flight attendant announced. rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled, glancing back one last time at the two girls, who were now rlm@0: involved in a conversation, from what it looked like they were discussing rlm@0: ice cream flavors. "." rlm@0: Tomoyo giggled then shook her head and looked back as the door opened and rlm@0: passengers started filing in. Just as she always did, Tomoyo searched for rlm@0: Sakura in the line of people who got off, and as always, she saw no Sakura rlm@0: chan. rlm@0: Her watch rang again, and Tomoyo got up, heading for the ice cream shop. rlm@0: Just as she reached the middle of the hallway between the gate and the rlm@0: ice-cream shop as something hit her head hard, and she stumbled sideways, rlm@0: whatever it was hanging on to her head. "Kyaa!" rlm@0: Tomoyo fell to the ground, unable to regain hr balance. She finally managed rlm@0: to get whatever-it-was off, noting before she got it off that it was making rlm@0: noises, like it was talking. rlm@0: Finally able to see the thing her eyes widened. "No.way." rlm@0: "Hiya Tomoyo-chan! Got any chocolate on ya?" The small yellow creature rlm@0: asked. rlm@0: "Kero-chan.?" Tomoyo asked in disbelief. Was she dreaming? rlm@0: "The one and only!" Kero said. rlm@0: "Should you really be zooming around in an airport?" Tomoyo asked. rlm@0: "Uh.probably not." Kero sweatdropped. "Gomen. I forgot about that.I was so rlm@0: happy to see you! You can cook so well! Oh well. They'll just think I'm a rlm@0: weird toy." A few children were heard saying they wanted a toy like that. rlm@0: "Kero-chan." Tomoyo started. rlm@0: "Want some help up Tomoyo-chan?" The one voice she had been sure she would rlm@0: never hear again asked, taking one of Tomoyo's hands in hers and pulling the rlm@0: pale heiress to her feet. rlm@0: "Sakura-chan?! What are you doing in Tomeda? Where's Syaoran-kun?" Tomoyo rlm@0: was now sure that she was dreaming. She had to be. rlm@0: Sakura's eyes darkened, then brightened. "He's back in Hong Kong. A few rlm@0: months ago I started getting these weird dreams, and I started to think he'd rlm@0: made you stop talking to me and writing to me. It turned out he had had the rlm@0: phone company block your number and he had all of the letters you sent rlm@0: stuffed in the family safe. I only found out after finding one in the mail rlm@0: by accident and by forcing him to tell me everything. The only reason I didn rlm@0: 't come home sooner was because we had to get the divorce settled. I don't rlm@0: want to marry someone who would block me off from my very best friend." rlm@0: Sakura hugged Tomoyo again, looking the only slightly shorter girl in the rlm@0: eyes. "I missed you, Tomoyo-chan. So did Kero-chan and the cards." rlm@0: "But.Sakura-chan's happiness." Tomoyo was now utterly confused, and yet rlm@0: understanding everything at the same time. rlm@0: "I wasn't happy living with someone who would do that Tomoyo-chan. Besides, rlm@0: I finally figured out my heart. And what everyone else, like Onii-chan, rlm@0: Yukito-san, and even Meiling-chan had been hinting at. Not to mention rlm@0: Chiharu-chan, Naoko-chan, and Rika-chan. Even Yamazaki-chan tried to tell me rlm@0: a few times." Sakura sweatdropped. "And my Sakura cards.And Kero-chan." rlm@0: "Kid, you'd better stop or we'll be here forever. Face it: you're oblivious rlm@0: to some things. REALLY oblivious." Kero said, rolling his eyes. "NOW I WANT rlm@0: CAKE!" rlm@0: Sakura glared at Kero. "Hey! Be nice or.um.NO DESERT FOR A MONTH!" rlm@0: Kero immediately went silent. rlm@0: "What are you trying to say Sakura-chan.?" Tomoyo prompted eagerly. rlm@0: Sakura blushed bright red. "Um.er.uh.that is.I.Tomoyo-chan, rlm@0: I.uh.I.A-Aishiteru Tomoyo-chan." Sakura finally got out. rlm@0: Tomoyo started to cry as she heard the words she had waited her entire life rlm@0: to hear. rlm@0: Sakura looked at Tomoyo in concern and slight confusion. "Tomoyo-chan! Don' rlm@0: t cry.are you alright?" She gently wiped Tomoyo's eyes. rlm@0: "I'm fine Sakura-chan. It's just that I always knew you would save me, my rlm@0: beautiful emerald light." Tomoyo smiled gently. rlm@0: Sakura smiled nervously. "Um, Tomoyo-chan?" rlm@0: "Yes Sakura-chan?" rlm@0: Sakura put her hand behind her head, smiling. "I was wondering if you would rlm@0: like.to.um." rlm@0: Tomoyo giggled, and decided to help Sakura out. "Would you like to go out rlm@0: some time Sakura? We could go get some ice cream before we get your luggage, rlm@0: and then maybe we can go out to dinner. It's a little backwards, but they rlm@0: have the best ice cream there." rlm@0: "Hai!" Sakura stopped, and looked at Tomoyo. "Tomoyo, how did you know I rlm@0: would come home today?" rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled. "I didn't Sakura. I always come here every day. Then I get rlm@0: ice cream." rlm@0: Sakura frowned. "But what would you have done if I never came?" rlm@0: Tomoyo thought, then smiled again. "I would have waited for you every day, rlm@0: until I was no longer in this world. For my Sakura-chan, I can bear rlm@0: anything." rlm@0: "Tomoyo." rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled brightly, all the sadness wiped away from her eyes. "I love rlm@0: you Sakura. I always have, and always will. Oh.I have a ton of costumes for rlm@0: you, but it looks like I might have to re-measure you and make a few changes rlm@0: to them." rlm@0: "But I've got all the cards." Sakura pointed out. rlm@0: "Well, I have a theory." Kero said thoughtfully. "Your magic didn't work rlm@0: when you left Tomeda, and therefore no evil was attracted, nor was any rlm@0: magic. I think your magic is powered by your love of Tomoyo-chan, because rlm@0: ever since we got here I've felt stronger. Ever since you divorced the brat rlm@0: you've even been able to invoke the cards. So, now that your magic is rlm@0: working you will have plenty of adventures. Believe me! Now let's get that rlm@0: ice cream." rlm@0: ~ rlm@0: A few weeks later. rlm@0: "Time to throw the bouquets!" Suzuni called out cheerfully. rlm@0: Sonomi ran over, determined to get one for herself. Suzuni threw hers, and rlm@0: Sonomi managed to get it by growling at the other women trying to get it. rlm@0: "Okaa-san." Tomoyo sweatdropped, then smiled. rlm@0: "C'mon! Throw yours Megumi!" Suzuni ordered. rlm@0: Megumi looked at her newlywed wife and smiled slightly. "Daijoubu." Megumi rlm@0: smiled brightly as she saw Tomoyo. "Tomoyo-chan! Catch!" Tomoyo threw up her rlm@0: hands to shield her face from the flying bouquet, catching it in the rlm@0: process. rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan?" Suzuni asked her wife. "You mean she's the girl from the rlm@0: story?" rlm@0: Megumi sweatdropped. "Ah.let's go get in the car and go start on the way to rlm@0: the airport so we can leave for our honeymoon, okay?" rlm@0: Suzuni agreed cheerfully, and they were gone in an instant, as were most of rlm@0: the guests. Tomoyo continued to stare at the bouquet of cherry blossoms. Of rlm@0: course, Megumi was the type to do that on purpose. Over the past few weeks rlm@0: Sakura and Tomoyo had gotten to know the couple very well along with Sonomi. rlm@0: Sakura tapped Tomoyo on the shoulder, smiling. "You know, I think that's rlm@0: Megumi-chan giving us a hint, hmm?" rlm@0: Tomoyo raised an eyebrow. "You picked up on that?" rlm@0: Sakura blushed. "Megumi-chan explained to me all about the 'whoever catches rlm@0: the bouquet is the next to be married' thing." Sakura admitted. "She has rlm@0: also taken me to fifty jewelry stores in the past week." rlm@0: Tomoyo giggled. "She really wants us to be 'happily ever after'." rlm@0: "I already am." Sakura said, blushing. "Hoe." rlm@0: "What is it Sakura?" Tomoyo asked. rlm@0: "Um.Tomoyowouldyouconsidermarryingme?" Sakura asked in one breath. rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled. "Of course. I'd even say hai." rlm@0: Sakura smiled giddily. "Oh, Tomoyo, you won't be sorry! I'll.um.be the very rlm@0: best wife it's possible to be! I love you Tomoyo." rlm@0: "I love you too Sakura." Tomoyo took off a ring she had been wearing and rlm@0: slipped it on Sakura's ring finger. "This can be your engagement ring. It rlm@0: was the ring my mother gave me. Your mother gave it to my mother when they rlm@0: were little, as a fake wedding ring. You know how little kids have pretend rlm@0: weddings. Okaa-san has had it ever since." Tomoyo explained. rlm@0: "It's beautiful." Sakura managed. The ring was a silver band inlayed with rlm@0: pearls in a swirling pattern. rlm@0: "And an heirloom." Tomoyo said cheerfully. rlm@0: Sakura handed Tomoyo a ring and slipped it on Tomoyo's ring finger, which rlm@0: was a silver band with a small blue sapphire in the center, and Japanese rlm@0: writing around it, which read 'Aishiteru'. "Otou-san and Onii-chan helped me rlm@0: pick it out. Do you like it Tomoyo?" Sakura asked anxiously. rlm@0: "Of course!" Tomoyo replied. "Anything Sakura-chan gives me is precious rlm@0: beyond any treasure but Sakura-chan herself." Tomoyo handed Sakura the rlm@0: bouquet. "Here. Since you asked me before I did you, you deserve this." She rlm@0: smiled brightly. "Aishiteru, Sakura." rlm@0: "Aishiteru Tomoyo. Gomen it took me so long to figure that out." Sakura rlm@0: replied. rlm@0: "That's okay Sakura. I would have always loved you no matter what, and I rlm@0: do. I always will." Tomoyo leaned her head on Sakura's shoulder. rlm@0: "And I you." Sakura said softly, leaning down to kiss her one True Love. rlm@0: rlm@0: THE END