rlm@0: Hi, everybody! ^-^ How are you all? This is the first part of a story rlm@0: were doing. We're trying to decide if ChibiUsa & Hotaru should come out rlm@0: pretty soon or if we should keep waiting for a while. We really love rlm@0: hearing from you so after reading the story please e-mail us your rlm@0: thought's on the subject. ^^ Anyway, this story was written along with rlm@0: Minako, the newest member. We decided rather than change the name to rlm@0: Amazoness Trio to change it to the Quartet (Yay!!! Who get's to be rlm@0: PallaPalla?). We don't have a fourth member yet, but we can hope. ^^ rlm@0: This story is a Sekkushiaru Roman and for mature audiences, so please rlm@0: enjoy. ^^ It takes place several years after Sailormoon Sailor Stars. rlm@0: ChibiUsa & Hotaru are both 15 years old. For technical things about rlm@0: the story: (and we're really sorry if we screw any of this up ^^) rlm@0: The legal age to get married in Japan is 16. rlm@0: Ikuko and Kenji are Usagi's parents. Shingo is Usagi's brother. Usagi rlm@0: is married to Mamoru and lives with him while ChibiUsa continues to rlm@0: live with Ikuko, Kenji, and Shingo. rlm@0: That's about it for now. All the character's are copyright of Naoko rlm@0: Takeuchi & others. rlm@0: Thanks to everyone who reads our stories. ^-^ rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Moonlit Nights rlm@0: rlm@0: By: The Amazoness Quartet rlm@0: rlm@0: ChibiUsa rolled over in bed, not quite asleep, but not yet awake. rlm@0: She pulled the blanket around herself tighter, trying to get back to rlm@0: sleep. rlm@0: "Wake up, ChibiUsa," she heard a familiar voice say. She rolled rlm@0: over again, trying to ignore it. "Come on, ChibiUsa-chan. Wake up," rlm@0: the voice repeated. rlm@0: "I'm too tired to go to the banquet today. You and dad go," rlm@0: ChibiUsa mumbled sleepily. She felt the weight of the bed shift as rlm@0: someone sat beside her. rlm@0: "I'm not your mom, Odango-chan," the voice said, amused by the rlm@0: girl she was trying to wake up. rlm@0: "Good," ChibiUsa said satisfied. "Then I'm going back to rlm@0: sleep." rlm@0: Hotaru started absentmindedly running her fingers through rlm@0: ChibiUsa's soft pink hair. "Odango-chan," she said sternly. "If you rlm@0: don't get up you'll be late for school." rlm@0: ChibiUsa sat up in bed, trying to find out where she was. She rlm@0: blinked her eyes several times before focusing on a half clothed rlm@0: Hotaru. She at her lover. "I could get used to waking up to this." rlm@0: Hotaru blushed when she saw ChibiUsa's gaze lower along her rlm@0: body. "It was great waking up with you by me," Hotaru said smiling rlm@0: back at ChibiUsa. "Now if only you'd wake up before making us both rlm@0: late." rlm@0: ChibiUsa pulled the blanket over her head. "If I'm at your rlm@0: house it means it's the weekend, right? Please say there's no school rlm@0: today..." ChibiUsa had had many ideas about what she and Hotaru could rlm@0: do that day after waking up beside her, but they were all for nothing rlm@0: if she had school. rlm@0: "Sorry, Odango-chan, but its a school day. Usagi's parents let rlm@0: you spend the night probably because they think I'm a responsible rlm@0: young lady and that I'd get you to school on time. Which is what I rlm@0: intend to do, so they'll let you stay over on school nights more rlm@0: often. You aren't a morning person, are you, ChibiUsa-chan?" Hotaru rlm@0: asked as she pulled her skirt on. rlm@0: "I can be, if the conditions are right," ChibiUsa answered rlm@0: before yawning. She pulled the blanket down. She blushed when she rlm@0: realized she wasn't wearing anything under the blanket. 'I'm not used rlm@0: to waking up naked in Hotaru's bed. I hope we do this enough that I rlm@0: can get used to it. That would be fun,' ChibiUsa thought. rlm@0: "And what would those be?" Hotaru asked innocently. ChibiUsa rlm@0: giggled. That look rarely meant Hotaru was innocent. rlm@0: "Well, first we'd have to stop that silly idea of yours about rlm@0: going to school. And second, you'd have to get out of those school rlm@0: clothes," ChibiUsa said quietly. rlm@0: "I'm sure you'd be willing to help. Now get up and get rlm@0: dressed, before I have to dress you myself," Hotaru said in warning rlm@0: tones. ChibiUsa pulled the blanket up over her head again. rlm@0: rlm@0: Several minutes later, an exhausted looking Hotaru walked out rlm@0: of her room with ChibiUsa. ChibiUsa's clothes were rumpled and in rlm@0: disarray. rlm@0: "I told you I would do it," Hotaru panted. "We could have rlm@0: taken a shower together if you'd waken up earlier," she said as she rlm@0: and ChibiUsa headed for the stairs. rlm@0: "You should have tried to wake me up. That would have been rlm@0: great before school," ChibiUsa said regretfully. rlm@0: "I tried. You said you wanted to sleep, so I let you sleep a rlm@0: little longer and took one by myself." Hotaru looked at ChibiUsa. rlm@0: "Don't you remember?" rlm@0: ChibiUsa laughed nervously. "Not really. Like you said, I'm rlm@0: not a morning person. I don't do well this early." rlm@0: "Maybe I can help you," Hotaru said softly. She leaned towards rlm@0: the pink haired girl. One arm went behind ChibiUsa, stopping at the rlm@0: small of ChibiUsa's back. She pushed deeply into the kiss. ChibiUsa rlm@0: half closed her eyes as her hands started to wander over Hotaru's rlm@0: body. rlm@0: She settled into the kiss with her hands on either side of Hotaru's rlm@0: slender waist. Their breath mingled as the girls kissed passionately, rlm@0: their tongues touching. rlm@0: ChibiUsa heard some footsteps coming up the stairs. She pulled rlm@0: away from Hotaru, startling the dark haired girl. Hotaru looked at rlm@0: ChibiUsa worriedly to see what was wrong. rlm@0: "You two better get going if you want to get to school on rlm@0: time," Setsuna said as she walked past them hurriedly. rlm@0: Hotaru stared at ChibiUsa, realizing why her lover had pulled rlm@0: away. "Come on, ChibiUsa," she said angrily. rlm@0: ChibiUsa flinched. She was surprised that Hotaru was upset. She rlm@0: knew Hotaru hated pretending that they weren't a couple, but she'd rlm@0: never made the dark haired girl angry because of it before. Hotaru rlm@0: started down the stairs. rlm@0: "Taru-chan, I'm sorry," ChibiUsa said as she tried to catch up rlm@0: with Hotaru. She ignored ChibiUsa's apology and continued towards the rlm@0: door. rlm@0: "You forgot your backpack upstairs," Hotaru said without rlm@0: looking back at her. She opened the door and walked out. rlm@0: ChibiUsa hesitated for a moment. "Hotaru, matte!" she rlm@0: yelled before running back upstairs to get her backpack. rlm@0: rlm@0: ChibiUsa caught up to Hotaru down the road. She tried to catch rlm@0: her breath as she walked alongside the angry dark haired girl. She rlm@0: looked down at her shoes. "I'm sorry, Taru," she said in a small voice. rlm@0: Hotaru walked along for a moment in silence before answering. rlm@0: "I love you, ChibiUsa. Why am I only allowed to love you at certain rlm@0: times? Why only when we're alone? I have to live a lie in front of my rlm@0: parents. They're the people I trust the most, and I can't tell them rlm@0: that I'm in love. You pushed me away because Setsuna-mama was coming. rlm@0: You pretended I didn't mean anything to you in front of her. You're rlm@0: the most important thing in my life. That's why it hurts so much that rlm@0: you pretend we're only friends until no one's looking. It's such a rlm@0: strange feeling being in love, but it feels great. I don't want to rlm@0: hide it." She finally turned to ChibiUsa. "When? When will we tell rlm@0: everyone? When can we stop this stupid charade?" rlm@0: ChibiUsa couldn't meet her gaze. She was ashamed of herself. rlm@0: She knew she'd hurt Hotaru badly that morning. "I'm... I'm sorry, rlm@0: Hotaru. I love you. I don't want to hurt you." She stepped forward and rlm@0: genty clasped Hotaru's hand with both of her own. She looked into rlm@0: Hotaru's beautiful purple eyes. The raven haired girl still looked rlm@0: angry and depressed. Hotaru blinked and her gaze started to soften. rlm@0: ChibiUsa kissed her hand before continuing. "I'm so sorry about this rlm@0: morning, but I'm still not used to everything, yet. I know you don't rlm@0: want to keep this up, but I'm not ready to tell everyone yet." rlm@0: "Why not?" Hotaru demanded, some of her anger returning. "If rlm@0: you love me, then why do we have to keep it a secret. What are you so rlm@0: afraid of?" Hotaru pulled away from the pink haired girl and began rlm@0: walking off again. rlm@0: ChibiUsa grabbed Hotaru's hand and turned her around. She rlm@0: looked at her sadly. "This is all so new to me. I want to make sure rlm@0: everything works out for the best. I love you, Taru-chan, and the rlm@0: last thing I'd want to do is hurt you. I hate knowing that you're rlm@0: sad. I'm sorry about not telling everyone, but I'm still shy about rlm@0: the two of us. I don't know what to say or what anyone will think. rlm@0: You're more important to me than that, though. I don't want to hurt rlm@0: you anymore. Please, wait for me a little longer." rlm@0: Hotaru stared at her for a moment. She sighed. "It's so hard rlm@0: to stay angry with you, Odango." Her arms went around the pink haired rlm@0: girl. "Do you promise we'll tell them sometime soon?" she asked as rlm@0: she held the other girl. rlm@0: "Hai," ChibiUsa said, nodding. "I'm really sorry about this rlm@0: morning." She was glad Hotaru wasn't angry with her anymore, but she rlm@0: still felt bad for how she'd acted. The two girls hugged before rlm@0: continuing on their way. "You really want to tell everyone, don't rlm@0: you?" ChibiUsa asked Their fingers intertwined as they held hands. rlm@0: "If we told everybody, we wouldn't have to sneak around rlm@0: anymore. We wouldn't have to pretend there's nothing between us," rlm@0: Hotaru said as she looked into ChibiUsa's crimson eyes. rlm@0: ChibiUsa knew she wasn't being fair to the dark haired girl. rlm@0: Hotaru hadn't wanted to hide anything from the beginning. She had rlm@0: strenuously protested against hiding that they loved each other in the rlm@0: first place. She had finally relented because she didn't want to hurt rlm@0: ChibiUsa, but she continued to try to convince ChibiUsa to do rlm@0: otherwise every chance she got. rlm@0: "Come on, Odango-chan. Let's not worry about it for now." rlm@0: Hotaru smiled. "Besides, eventually we'll either have to tell rlm@0: everyone or they'll find out anyway. It would be hard to pretend rlm@0: we're just friends after we get married." rlm@0: ChibiUsa laughed. She always got nervous when they talked rlm@0: about marriage. How was she supposed to propose to her best friend? rlm@0: "I was thinking it might be nice to get married when we were sixteen, rlm@0: like my mom. It's only about a year away. Or we could wait until rlm@0: we're 17 when we're more mature." rlm@0: "How about now?" Hotaru asked calmly. She loved the pink rlm@0: haired girl and dreamed about marrying her. rlm@0: "Now?" ChibiUsa asked surprised. "But we can't now. We have to rlm@0: tell everyone first. And I've got to talk to my parents first and see if rlm@0: you can come back to the future with me or if I need to stay in the rlm@0: past with you. Westill have the high school entrance exams and..." rlm@0: Hotaru cut ChibiUsa off. "I've already got an engagement ring rlm@0: for you." Both girls stopped suddenly on the sidewalk. ChibiUsa stared rlm@0: as Hotaru pulled a small ring box out of her backpack and brought it rlm@0: up for ChibiUsa to see. rlm@0: "It's beautiful," breathed ChibiUsa. rlm@0: Hotaru was pleased with ChibiUsa's reaction. She'd been rlm@0: worried that ChibiUsa would protest against her buying an engagement rlm@0: ring already. "How long have you had it?" ChibiUsa asked. rlm@0: Hotaru blushed. "Since a couple weeks ago. I've been wanting rlm@0: to marry you for a long time." rlm@0: "Taru, we're too young," ChibiUsa argued nervously. rlm@0: "Don't worry, Odango-chan. I'm nervous about it, too," Hotaru rlm@0: said. rlm@0: "Nervous about what?" ChibiUsa asked. rlm@0: "About proposing," Hotaru said smiling. "If you're too shy to, rlm@0: just tell me and I'll be the one to propose. I'm kind of confused rlm@0: about which of us should propose and I thought you might want to. The rlm@0: only reason I haven't yet is because I haven't actually worked up the rlm@0: courage to ask you yet. I just want you to know that I really want to rlm@0: marry you. You mean so much to me." rlm@0: "Hotaru-chan," ChibiUsa said, not knowing how to reply. rlm@0: Hotaru sighed again. "Could I at least see what you'd look rlm@0: wearing it for now?" she asked hopefully. rlm@0: ChibiUsa nodded shyly. 'I didn't know Hotaru was looking so rlm@0: far ahead with the two of us. I'm so lucky to have her. She's really rlm@0: thinking about us.' rlm@0: Hotaru slid the ring onto ChibiUsa's slender finger. Hotaru rlm@0: held up the pink haired girl's hand and looked at her longingly. She rlm@0: couldn't wait for the day when ChibiUsa was her bride. rlm@0: "How is it?" ChibiUsa asked. She flexed her finger and looked rlm@0: at the ring. ChibiUsa was blushing a deep red as she looked from the rlm@0: ring to the dreamy look on Hotaru's face. rlm@0: "You look beautiful as always, Odango-chan. You just look like rlm@0: my cute Odango-chan that's engaged to me," Hotaru said smiling. She rlm@0: brought ChibiUsa's hand up higher and kissed it before sliding the rlm@0: ring off. She placed it back in the box before putting it back in her rlm@0: backpack. "After seeing you wear the ring, I'll have to propose soon. rlm@0: I really want to marry you now." rlm@0: ChibiUsa waved her arms. "Taru-chan, We've got plenty of time. rlm@0: You shouldn't be too hasty about things like this. We should wait till rlm@0: we're older." rlm@0: "Well, then you could always say that to me when I propose," rlm@0: Hotaru said as she walked towards the school gates. She faced ChibiUsa rlm@0: and walked in backwards. "But could you really say no to me?" She rlm@0: asked smiling. rlm@0: "No one ever told me having a girlfriend would be so much rlm@0: trouble,"ChibiUsa said quietly. rlm@0: "Or so much fun. If your girlfriend happens to be your best rlm@0: friend, it just makes it even more interesting," Hotaru whispered. rlm@0: ChibiUsa giggled. Hotaru smiled. All the tension she had been rlm@0: feeling earlier had drifted away. 'I know ChibiUsa-chan's worried rlm@0: about telling everyone, but soon I'll be able to get her to go along rlm@0: with it. I just have to be ready to convince her. I'm sure I can.' Her rlm@0: smile broadened. She mouthed the words 'I love you' to the pink rlm@0: haired girl. rlm@0: The pink haired girl smiled at her and whispered back. "I love rlm@0: you, too." rlm@0: Both girls held hands for what seemed like an eternity before rlm@0: Hotaru walked off to her class. ChibiUsa turned around and saw Momoko rlm@0: standing there. The Chinese girl had her purple hair done up in a rlm@0: singleodango. She had an odd expression on her face as she looked rlm@0: from ChibiUsa to the retreating form of Hotaru. rlm@0: 'Did she see anything?' ChibiUsa thought frantically. 'What rlm@0: did we do? Hotaru seems pretty obvious about us even when we are in rlm@0: public.' "Ohayo, Momo-chan," she said nervously. rlm@0: Momoko stared at her strangely for a second before replying. rlm@0: "Ohayo, ChibiUsa-chan. How are you?" rlm@0: "I'm fine," ChibiUsa said. She smiled, glad that Hotaru wasn't rlm@0: angry with her anymore. "Actually, I'm feeling great right now." She rlm@0: spun around in a circle. 'I've felt better than I ever had since rlm@0: Hotaru and I got together. Now that Hotaru's happy with me, it feels rlm@0: like it'll be a great day. I've slept better then usual even though rlm@0: we stayed up late talking and enjoying our time together.' She sighed rlm@0: happily while blushing at the thoughts of what she and Hotaru had rlm@0: done the night before. rlm@0: Momoko leaned towards ChibiUsa, the strange look returning to rlm@0: her eyes. "You're fine, huh? Then why are you blushing?" the lavender rlm@0: haired girl asked. rlm@0: ChibiUsa looked down. "Because..." she said simply. rlm@0: "Because what? I'm your friend. What aren't you telling me?" rlm@0: Momoko asked. Momoko and Diana were the closest people to ChibiUsa, rlm@0: besides Hotaru. She didn't keep things from either of them often. She rlm@0: didn't know if she was ready to tell Momoko about what she and Hotaru rlm@0: shared, but if Momoko was already on to it there wasn't a lot she rlm@0: could do. rlm@0: "It's nothing," ChibiUsa said unconvincingly. rlm@0: "It has something to do with Hotaru, I know that. Why won't rlm@0: you tell me?" Momoko asked sadly. rlm@0: "I'm sorry, Momo-chan, but I can't tell you yet. Soon, though. rlm@0: I promise." ChibiUsa waved at her and started walking for class. rlm@0: "ChibiUsa, please..." Momoko started. rlm@0: "I can't. Not yet," ChibiUsa said. rlm@0: Momoko sighed. "I'll see you in class, ChibiUsa-chan." rlm@0: 'I'm sorry, Momo-chan,' ChibiUsa thought. 'Someday.' rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru looked around for her pink haired girlfriend. She rlm@0: spotted a pair of familiar odango on the other side of a bush. She rlm@0: made her way around it and smiled at ChibiUsa. ChibiUsa was sitting rlm@0: and enjoying the shade with her bento box next to her. ChibiUsa rlm@0: looked up at Hotaru. She smiled back and patted the ground beside rlm@0: her. "Sit down, Taru-chan," ChibiUsa said happily. rlm@0: "I'm glad I found you. Not that you're too hard too find," rlm@0: Hotaru said as she sat down next to ChibiUsa. She brushed a leaf out rlm@0: of the other girl's pink hair. rlm@0: "I'm glad you found me, too," ChibiUsa said quietly. Hotaru's rlm@0: hand went under her chin. ChibiUsa looked around quickly. She could rlm@0: hear some of the other students, but none of them could see the two rlm@0: girls. As soon as she turned back, she felt Hotaru's soft lips press rlm@0: against her own. She giggled lightly as Hotaru kissed her again. rlm@0: ChibiUsa's hand went down past the raven haired girl's skirt to one of rlm@0: her legs, clothed by the dark stockings she wore. ChibiUsa knew she rlm@0: should stop now. If someone walked past and ChibiUsa pulled away rlm@0: again, Hotaru would be angry. If she didn't, whoever was there might rlm@0: very likely notice the two girls. Hotaru's tongue pushed between The rlm@0: pink haired girl's lips. Hotaru moaned softly as they kissed. rlm@0: Both girls turned as they heard a rustling from the bush rlm@0: behind them. They blushed as ChibiUsa pulled her hand away from rlm@0: Hotaru's thigh. rlm@0: "Diana?!" ChibiUsa said surprised as the small gray cat rlm@0: walked out of the bush. She had a paper in her mouth. She set it down rlm@0: in front of ChibiUsa. "I don't know if you needed this or not, Small rlm@0: Lady, but you left it at home. It's some of your notes." rlm@0: "Arigato, Diana. You didn't have to," ChibiUsa said, glad rlm@0: that it had been her guardian cat. rlm@0: "Don't mention it. I'm glad I could help." She began to leave, rlm@0: but turned back. "Hotaru-san? Were you teaching Small Lady how to rlm@0: kiss? I'd just like to say that it looked like you were doing a great rlm@0: job." Diana smiled happily and walked off. Both girls eyes went wide rlm@0: as they sweatdropped. Hotaru blushed deeper. Diana was ChibiUsa's age, rlm@0: but she still seemed very innocent. rlm@0: Hotaru and ChibiUsa sat in silence for several minutes. rlm@0: Before they could talk about what happened, Ruruna and Naruru popped rlm@0: up. rlm@0: "Hello, ChibiUsa-chan! Hi, Hotaru-chan!" Naruru said happily. rlm@0: "Have you two heard about the dance?" Ruruna asked. rlm@0: "What dance?" Hotaru asked confused. rlm@0: "We didn't think so. Anyway, there's going to be a dance this rlm@0: Friday. rlm@0: Ruruna and I are going to make sure everybody knows since we're both rlm@0: helping to organize it." Naruru smiled. rlm@0: "Friday? But today's Wednesday!" ChibiUsa said. rlm@0: "Yeah, so you don't have much time to get a date for it, but rlm@0: we know you can if you try," said Ruruna. "If you need any help, just rlm@0: ask us." rlm@0: "We've got to go for now, but we'll see you two later. Ja rlm@0: ne!!" Naruru and Ruruna waved as they walked off. rlm@0: rlm@0: ChibiUsa walked home as soon as school had ended. Diana was rlm@0: on top of her head and chatting away about what had happened the day rlm@0: before while ChibiUsa had been at the Outer Senshi's house. Usagi had rlm@0: made her curry while visiting and this time it didn't look like rlm@0: garbage. Mamoru had visited along with her and eaten the tasty food, rlm@0: Rei and the other Senshi had visited and talked to the two about rlm@0: "Sailor business" mostly for old times sake since the only senshi rlm@0: living there was ChibiUsa. rlm@0: "Diana," ChibiUsa interrupted, " What do you think about rlm@0: Hotaru?" rlm@0: Diana climbed down so that she could see her mistress's face. rlm@0: She was smiling. "Hotaru is a very nice friend," she said. "It's nice rlm@0: she's teaching you how to kiss. Now when you get a boyfriend you can rlm@0: be ready." rlm@0: ChibiUsa smiled. 'She's teaching me more than kissing.' rlm@0: ChibiUsa stepped up to her front door and walked inside. rlm@0: Usagi's mother, father and brother were watching a movie. rlm@0: "Good afternoon, ChibiUsa," Ikuko said smiling, Kenji nodded rlm@0: in greeting. "Usagi's upstairs, probably talking on the phone again rlm@0: with that boyfriend of hers." rlm@0: "Bo-boyfriend!"," Kenji said frilling up like a cats coils. rlm@0: "Dad," Shingo said trying to calm him down. "She's been rlm@0: married for years now. Of course she's talking to him on the phone. I rlm@0: think your having flashbacks since she's visiting." rlm@0: "A boyfriend who likes to run up our phone bills," Kenji rlm@0: commented. rlm@0: Shingo buried his face in his hands in frustration. "Dad...." rlm@0: ChibiUsa smiled and walked up to Usagi's room and felt rlm@0: Diana jump down from her head. The small grey cat nuzzled next to her rlm@0: mother. Chibi-Usa sat down next to Usagi, and Usagi turned and smiled rlm@0: at her future daughter. She had been talking on the phone. rlm@0: "Konichiwa ChibiUsa," Usagi smiled. "How did you like rlm@0: spending the night with Hotaru-chan?" rlm@0: "Interesting," she answered. "I made it to school on time. rlm@0: Usagi... you love Mamoru, ne?" rlm@0: Usagi looked at ChibiUsa strangely, and answered. "Yes." rlm@0: "Then do you think I could fall in love?" rlm@0: "ChibiUsa, most people would say you're too young, but I fell rlm@0: in love with Mamo-chan when I was fourteen. Your over that age and I rlm@0: think you could fall in love any time now." rlm@0: "Arigato, Usagi," ChibiUsa said and got up to leave. rlm@0: 'I already am,' she thought. rlm@0: rlm@0: "So what do you think?" Hotaru said over the phone. rlm@0: "I don't know 'Taru-chan," ChibiUsa answered fidgiting with rlm@0: the phone cord. Hotaru had just asked ChibiUsa to the dance. The one rlm@0: that Ruruna and Naruru had told them about at lunch. rlm@0: "Come on, you're not still afraid are you?" Hotaru rlm@0: answered a bit of anger in her voice. rlm@0: ChibiUsa knew that all that Hotaru wanted was to be able to rlm@0: be open about their relationship. ChibiUsa's heart beat grew faster. rlm@0: 'What do I say?' "Taru you know I love you, but....I just can't. Not rlm@0: yet," ChibiUsa said. "You know the risks that come with any kind of rlm@0: love that grows. Look at everything Usagi and Mamoru went through. rlm@0: We'd have a lot more to deal with if we told everyone." rlm@0: Hotaru sighed. "Odango-chan," Hotaru answered, "I don't know rlm@0: how long I can take keeping this a secret...I just want what rlm@0: Michiru-mama and Haruka-papa have." rlm@0: "And all I want is what my mother and father have," ChibiUsa rlm@0: replied, "I'll go with you 'Taru, but this isn't my official rlm@0: outcoming." rlm@0: "In other words 'friends only'?" she asked. rlm@0: "...it has to be," ChibiUsa said. rlm@0: "Alright Odango-chan, for you." rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru was lying in her bed. She had several pillows propped rlm@0: up behind her, to keep comfortable. She was trying to read. It rlm@0: usually helped her when she was thinking about something too much. rlm@0: This time, though, it didn't seem to be helping at all. She reread a rlm@0: sentence over again. She set down the book in frustration, unable to rlm@0: concentrate on it. She reached over to a nightstand and picked up a rlm@0: picture frame she had on it. She smiled when she looked at the rlm@0: picture. It was of her and ChibiUsa. She had an arm around rlm@0: ChibiUsa's waist, while the pink haired girl had an arm over her rlm@0: shoulder. They were both smiling oddly and Hotaru was blushing rlm@0: slightly. It was from before they'd talked about their feelings for rlm@0: each other. At the time it had just been a silly pose they were doing rlm@0: for the camera, but she remembered how ChibiUsa had clutched her rlm@0: shoulder and brought her closer before the picture was taken. The rlm@0: picture was one of her favorites. Her fingers brushed the glass over rlm@0: the image of ChibiUsa. Hotaru rolled over and sighed. 'I don't want rlm@0: to go as friends,' she thought. 'I don't care what everyone else rlm@0: thinks. I want them to know I love her. I want to go as her rlm@0: girlfriend. We've been best friends for the longest time. Why does rlm@0: she want to keep acting like that's all we are? A dance sounds fun rlm@0: and I want her to take me.' She hugged one of her pillows tightly rlm@0: against herself. 'Odango-chan.' rlm@0: Hotaru heard a knock at the door. "Come in," she said. rlm@0: The door opened and Haruka walked in. "I brought you some tea, rlm@0: Hime-chan." She handed her daughter the cup. rlm@0: "Arigato, Haruka-papa," she said gratefully. She felt better rlm@0: as she sat with Haruka. She drank a bit of the warm liquid, relaxing. rlm@0: Haruka ruffled Hotaru's hair. rlm@0: "Haruka-papa, I'm not a little girl anymore. I'm 15," Hotaru rlm@0: protested. rlm@0: Haruka laughed. "You're growing up, but both you and ChibiUsa rlm@0: still seem like little girls. I'm glad about that. I wouldn't want rlm@0: you growing up too fast. I remember when you were a small baby." rlm@0: Hotaru giggled. "That was only a couple years ago." rlm@0: "See? You're already growing up too fast because you had to rlm@0: reage and be Sailor Saturn again. So how was school?" Haruka rlm@0: asked. rlm@0: Hotaru sighed and hugged her pillow again. "It was pretty rlm@0: good. I had a really nice lunch with ChibiUsa." rlm@0: "And you didn't have much homework, so the day seems to have rlm@0: gone well. What else happened, Hime-chan?" Haruka looked at the rlm@0: younger girl. rlm@0: "I found out that there's going to be a dance this Friday," rlm@0: Hotaru answered. rlm@0: Haruka smiled. "Ohhhh...So the girl you want to go with rlm@0: either doesn't seem to know you exist or you don't think she'd go rlm@0: with you." Hotaru stared at Haruka. "Okay, maybe that isn't it. Have rlm@0: you found someone to go with? You can always take ChibiUsa. I think rlm@0: she has a crush on you." rlm@0: Hotaru stared at Haruka again. She teased Hotaru about rlm@0: ChibiUsa every so often even though Hotaru hadn't told her about rlm@0: the two of them. She didn't really know what to say. Before, she rlm@0: always told Haruka that they were only friends, but that had been rlm@0: before she'd admitted to herself that she was in love with the pink rlm@0: girl. rlm@0: "So why wouldn't anyone want to take a pretty girl like rlm@0: you?" Haruka continued.Hotaru sighed, glad that she hadn't had to rlm@0: come up with a response. rlm@0: "It's complicated, Haruka-papa. I'm going to the dance, but rlm@0: not the way I want to," Hotaru tried to explain. rlm@0: Haruka nodded. "It sounds confusing. Is there anything I can rlm@0: do to help?" rlm@0: "I don't think so," Hotaru said. She looked up. "Do you think rlm@0: ChibiUsa-chan can spend the night with me this Friday? She could come rlm@0: back here with me after the dance." rlm@0: "I don't see why not. Let me talk to Setsuna and Michi first. rlm@0: Otherwise, I'm sure she can," said Haruka. rlm@0: "Thank you, Haruka-papa," Hotaru said happily. Haruka smiled rlm@0: at her as she picked up the empty tea cups and prepared to leave. rlm@0: Haruka turned to Hotaru before leaving. "Hotaru, don't worry rlm@0: about it. If there's one thing I know, its that you can't run from rlm@0: fate. Whatever happens, I'm sure it'll turn out alright." rlm@0: Hotaru contemplated what Haruka said. "Thanks, Haruka-papa." rlm@0: "No problem. If you need any help, just ask. Sorry about the rlm@0: dance, but I hope you enjoy yourself anyway." Haruka opened the door. rlm@0: "I'm sure I will." Hotaru waved as Haruka departed. Hotaru rlm@0: sighed and fell back on her bed. rlm@0: rlm@0: The next day after school, Hotaru and ChibiUsa were at the rlm@0: Crown Cafe discussing the dance. rlm@0: "What if you wore boys' clothes, like Haruka-san?" ChibiUsa rlm@0: asked. rlm@0: Hotaru sweatdropped. "I don't think that would work. I'd just rlm@0: look like a girl cross-dressing." rlm@0: "We could give you a short pony tail," ChibiUsa suggested. rlm@0: "I'm glad you want to go as a couple, but I still don't think rlm@0: that would work. That does give me an idea. What if you let your hair rlm@0: down? You always wear it in the odango hair style at school, so rlm@0: noone's seen you with it down before," Hotaru said smiling. rlm@0: "For one thing, everyone would see me with you, so if they rlm@0: didn't think it was me, they'd still think that you were going with a rlm@0: girl," ChibiUsa said. rlm@0: Hotaru smiled a bit more. "I don't mind if they know I've got rlm@0: a girlfriend. You're the one who doesn't want anyone to know." rlm@0: "Even then, I'm the only girl with pink hair at school. rlm@0: Everybody would just think I was trying a different hair style at the rlm@0: dance." ChibiUsa sipped her drink. rlm@0: "I like my idea, even more if everyone would notice that rlm@0: we're going out. I've got another idea, but you're not going to like rlm@0: it," Hotaru said. She waved to Unazuki as she served another group of rlm@0: people. rlm@0: "What is it?" ChibiUsa asked, curious. rlm@0: "The reason you don't want to go with me as your date is rlm@0: because then everyone would find out about us, right?" Hotaru asked. rlm@0: "Yeah...." rlm@0: "Then all we have to do is tell most of our family and rlm@0: friends today, and we won't have to worry about them finding out from rlm@0: other people who were at the dance." Hotaru smiled at the pink haired rlm@0: girl again. rlm@0: ChibiUsa stared at Hotaru. "But the dance is tomorrow." rlm@0: "So if we get moving now, we should be able to tell everyone rlm@0: in time. We could always have them meet us at the Hikawa shrine," rlm@0: Hotaru said. "Or we could tell them all on Saturday. I doubt they'll rlm@0: have found out by then." Her hand clasped ChibiUsa's beneath the rlm@0: table. "You should relax, Odango-chan. The whole reason I want to go rlm@0: to the dance with you is because it sounds fun. And because it's with rlm@0: you," she sighed, "even if we are going as friends. I still don't rlm@0: promise I'll act like your best friend." rlm@0: ChibiUsa squeezed Hotaru's hand back. "How can I relax if you rlm@0: give me reasons to worry." She smiled as her fingers intertwined with rlm@0: Hotaru's. rlm@0: "And you wouldn't have to worry if you'd just let us come out rlm@0: to everyone. I'm sure everyone would be happy that we have each rlm@0: other." Hotaru leaned across the table and kissed ChibiUsa lightly in rlm@0: the public cafe. ChibiUsa kissed her back tentatively, trying to rlm@0: control her blushing. Her tongue pushed into Hotaru's mouth. Their rlm@0: tongues met as they kissed. As they pulled away, ChibiUsa noticed rlm@0: that the dark haired girl was blushing as well. rlm@0: "Taru-chan?" rlm@0: "I understand how you feel about everything, ChibiUsa. I'm shy rlm@0: about these things too. But I love you and I want everyone to know rlm@0: that. I understand why you don't want to tell everyone yet. I'm rlm@0: nervous about it as well, but I don't want to have to hide how much I rlm@0: love you," Hotaru said in a soft voice. rlm@0: ChibiUsa smiled at her. "I'm glad you understand. You always rlm@0: understand me." rlm@0: "It's because I can read you like a book," Hotaru said with a rlm@0: smile. rlm@0: "Oh, yeah?" Then what am I thinking right now?" ChibiUsa asked. rlm@0: She stuck out her tongue. rlm@0: "You're thinking that since neither of us have much homework, rlm@0: it would be fun to go over to my house and cuddle for a couple of rlm@0: hours." Hotaru said with her chin on her hands. rlm@0: "I was thinking we could go get Ice Cream or something to eat, rlm@0: but that does sound a lot better," ChibiUsa said happily. rlm@0: "Darn. I was sure you had your 'I want to cuddle look' just rlm@0: then, not your 'let's spend Hotaru's allowance on food' look." rlm@0: Hotaru gave her another quick kiss before they got up to leave. rlm@0: rlm@0: _____________ rlm@0: That's it for part one. ^^ We hope you enjoyed it. Please tell us what rlm@0: you think. Bye!!! rlm@0: