rlm@0: This story is based on the wonderful game by Squaresoft known as Dewprism, rlm@0: or as it was renamed here, Threads of Fate. This takes place right at the ending. rlm@0: rlm@0: Relic of My Heart rlm@0: by Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Rolling over in bed, I try to keep myself from sinking back into the rlm@0: depression I’ve been trying to fight my way out of for the past few days. It’s rlm@0: gone. The Dewprism is gone. And with it, all that I had strove for was now rlm@0: nothing but shattered dreams. My dream was still there of course, but I had rlm@0: wasted all of this time trying to get Valen's Relic for nothing. rlm@0: But what about her...? rlm@0: Okay, maybe it wasn’t all completely and utterly wasted. Maybe some rlm@0: of my time was remotely worthwhile in coming to Corona. In searching for rlm@0: something that was now out of my hands forever. So world domination is out of rlm@0: the question. For the time being. But still... rlm@0: OwwwooowowowoooowwwwOOOOOOWWW... Rolling over was a rlm@0: bad idea. My ribs still burn from where Valen had hit me days earlier. My body rlm@0: still aches even after all of the rest I’ve had. But not as much as my heart does. rlm@0: World domination was sooooooooo close. It was at my fingertips. It’s not fair. rlm@0: And of course Maya has to rub it in every time my dear little sister comes in to rlm@0: watch me that it’s a good thing I didn’t get my hands on it. I guess it’s good that rlm@0: she’s wasting her time taking care of me, but does she have to bring that up? rlm@0: And then there’s her. I guess she’s really one of the only good things to rlm@0: come from this. Well, it looks like I’m not banished from home anymore so I rlm@0: can return to East Heaven Kingdom, so maybe that’s a good thing, too. And I rlm@0: don’t have Belle and Duke on my back anymore. But she’s definitely the best rlm@0: part of all this. It was nice to have met her. Too bad I’ll have to leave soon rlm@0: enough and I’ll probably never see her again. Oh well. rlm@0: Staring up at the roof of the inn, I still can’t get her out of my head. The rlm@0: thought of never seeing her again is even more unbearable than the thought that rlm@0: I was so close to the Dewprism and now it’s gone. I can’t stand the thought of rlm@0: leaving her behind after all this. I always looked forward to seeing her and even rlm@0: to fighting with Rue over her. I’m glad he wasn’t interested in her after all. Even rlm@0: though I know I could have won, it’s much nicer to have things laid out for you rlm@0: on a silver platter. It means no wasted effort looking for a damned thing that rlm@0: disappears the moment you get too close. Ahem... rlm@0: Where was I? Oh yeah, Elena. Everything about her is so sickeningly rlm@0: sweet. From the first moment I saw her, I knew that she was way too innocent rlm@0: for her own good. But how could I know that after saving her, she’d grow on me rlm@0: the way she did? I’m starting to love everything about her. Even her goofy way rlm@0: of looking at things and her naïve view of the world. The way she’s out of it all rlm@0: the time, like she lives in some other place than the rest of us. Like she’s never rlm@0: fully there. The way her cute pink hair frames a beautiful face that’s almost rlm@0: always smiling. rlm@0: I sigh and try to roll over again but give up. It’s not worth the pain. In rlm@0: either case. I should just pack up and head back to East Heaven Kingdom with rlm@0: Maya. I can always try to find a new relic after I relax for a while. That would rlm@0: work nicely. Give me a chance to check on things back home before conquering rlm@0: the rest of the planet. Two years on the road has really been too long. I’d love to rlm@0: slump down in my bed in the royal chambers and sleep for days. With her right rlm@0: next to me... rlm@0: Agghhhh!!! I fling a pillow at the wall in my frustration. Why the hell rlm@0: can’t I get her out of my head?! It’s worse than the Dewprism. I’ve been rlm@0: thinking about her nearly nonstop from the moment I woke up after the fight rlm@0: with Valen. No, since before I left to his fortress in the first place. When I left rlm@0: for that last confrontation, I kept wondering if I’d see her again. And what rlm@0: would become of her once I got the Dewprism. Lots of pleasant ideas came to rlm@0: mind at that. It would be my world after I conquered it, so it would be easy rlm@0: enough to bring her to my palace in a nice lacy little thing and just spend my rlm@0: days relaxing with her. But now I’m being dragged back home by my little sister rlm@0: and the world dominating’s gonna have to wait. So where does that leave Elena? rlm@0: What do I do about her? I’m royalty. This isn’t fair that some country girl can rlm@0: get me so riled up about things. I laugh as I look out the window, catching a rlm@0: glimpse of her cotton candy pink hair as she leads Prima Doll through the town rlm@0: square. It’s not like I’m in love with the silly country girl or anything. Right? rlm@0: Imean... Oh, damn it. rlm@0: I slam my fist into the bed angrily, my frustration at this whole thing rlm@0: growing, but the pain shooting through my back makes me reconsider another rlm@0: violent outburst. What the is going on here? No. No, I’ve gotta be rlm@0: wrong there’s no way that this can be right. I’ve spent two years on the road and rlm@0: I’ve been doing just fine on my own please and thank you. But... It was always rlm@0: so lonely. I’ve been through hell. And it’s been so nice ever since I’ve met her. I rlm@0: don’t feel so lonely and angry at the world when she’s around. A soothing wind rlm@0: follows her. rlm@0: This isn’t fair. What was Fate planning when it made me run into that rlm@0: country girl? Does it matter? I glare daggers at my roof as if it had offended me rlm@0: by it’s mere presence. I don’t need this. Not now. Not when I’m so close to rlm@0: going back home. I mean, at least I’ll have a kingdom within my fingertips rlm@0: again. And Maya said she needed my help to run it all. But I can’t just leave her rlm@0: behind, can I? rlm@0: I sit up in bed and wince at the pain biting at me. I’ve come too far to rlm@0: go back empty handed. I’m gonna get what I want even if it kills me. rlm@0: rlm@0: There she is. And for once, Prima Doll isn’t around. Thank God for rlm@0: small miracles. I know we’d probably just end up arguing and I’d forget the rlm@0: whole purpose for leaving my bed. The whole scene is beautiful, serene as she rlm@0: dips her fingers into the fountain in the center of town. I will myself to move rlm@0: forward, but my aching body doesn’t seem willing to comply. After a few rlm@0: threats to myself that I’m certain my body just laughed off, I finally manage to rlm@0: stumble towards her. Not at all with my usual grace and elegance that I’m sure rlm@0: has enraptured her by now in the same way her cute, quaint country girl qualities rlm@0: have somehow managed to wrap themselves tightly around my heart, but at least rlm@0: I get over to her. rlm@0: “Hey, Elena...” I manage, suppressing a wince as I lean against the rlm@0: fountain. She really is beautiful in a charming, small town sorta way. I sigh and rlm@0: shake my head. She’s gorgeous no matter where she’s from. Her gentle gaze rlm@0: shakes me from my thoughts, making me realize I’m staring at her. I flush rlm@0: slightly as I look down. This isn’t easy at all. What am I supposed to say to her? rlm@0: With my luck she won’t even understand what I’m trying to say. rlm@0: “Hi, Mint!!” Elena says happily as sits next to me on the fountain. So rlm@0: happy, so content. It’s like nothing ever really worries her. I sigh. This is going rlm@0: to be so much more difficult than I had thought. Maybe I should just forget rlm@0: about it. “I’m glad to see you. I was so worried when you were sleeping for so rlm@0: long. I thought you were hurt too badly.” rlm@0: I nod slightly, feeling the pain deep in my body. “Yeah, that whole rlm@0: thing was just plain awful. I should have the Dewprism by now but all I have for rlm@0: my trouble is a bunch of sore muscles.” I frown exaggeratedly before shrugging. rlm@0: “Oh well. There have to be other relics out there. I’ll get one someday.” rlm@0: Elena giggles musically, nodding. “Yeah, I’m sure you will, Mint. I rlm@0: don’t think this will stop you. I really hope you can get one soon. I think you’d rlm@0: make a good queen.” rlm@0: “Well, yeah, thanks, Elena..” I smile a bit, looking at her eyes and the rlm@0: way her cotton candy hair frames that beautiful face of hers. “If I go back with rlm@0: Elena, I might be queen of East Heaven Kingdom in a few years, but I still can’t rlm@0: give up on my dream. One of these days it’ll be the whole world.” I stop before I rlm@0: can go further, even though I know there’s so much more I want to explain. Too rlm@0: bad it all has to do with her. I don’t have any experience with this sort of thing. rlm@0: “I wish you didn’t have to leave, Mint. I was starting to think you’d be rlm@0: here forever.” Elena sighs sadly and trails her fingers through the cold water of rlm@0: the fountain. The water swirls behind her fingers, blurring our reflections. rlm@0: “Yeah, me too. I feel like I’ve been here forever now.” My vision goes rlm@0: to the sky where Valen’s Palace used to be. “I don’t want to go either,” I rlm@0: whisper. Perking up a bit, I smile and turn to Elena. “Hey, Elena. Do you rlm@0: remember when I was talking about you coming to the palace with me?” rlm@0: Elena nods vigorously, instantly remembering when we’d been talking rlm@0: about that down by the lake. “Yeah, you said I could be in charge of something rlm@0: in your kingdom and I said I wanted to be in charge of housekeeping.” rlm@0: I sweatdrop at that. I’d almost forgotten that part. She really doesn’t rlm@0: have huge aspirations. But that’s part of her charm. She doesn’t need the world rlm@0: on a platter to be happy. Yet that’s what I’ve been looking for all of this time. rlm@0: How does she do that? It’s like she can somehow be happy wherever she is. rlm@0: “Yeah, that was it. But that’s not really why I wanted you to go with me.” I try rlm@0: to beat down the heat rising in my cheeks. She’s another girl. What will Maya rlm@0: and the others think? Who cares what they think? It’s not like that’s ever rlm@0: bothered me before. So why am I finding myself tongue tied? I sigh and try rlm@0: again. “Well, I still want you to come back with me Elena.” rlm@0: Elena frowns a little, seeming a bit unsure. “I don’t know, Mint. I’d rlm@0: hate to leave my parents and Prima Doll all alone. But I’d hate to leave you all rlm@0: alone. Especially with Rue gone.” She looks at me sympathetically. rlm@0: My hair flies in all directions as I shake my head quickly. “Rue? Oh, rlm@0: hell no. We were rivals. Over... something. But he’s a big boy. He can take care rlm@0: of himself.” rlm@0: That brings a sweet smile to Elena’s lips. “Yeah, you’re right, Mint. rlm@0: And I’m sure you’ll be able to take care of yourself, too. So I shouldn’t worry.” rlm@0: I bite my lip. This isn’t going as well as I’d hoped. “No, I want you to rlm@0: go with me because I don’t wanna be away from you. Elena, I did find rlm@0: something magical here. I may not have gotten a relic, but I think I found rlm@0: something even more important. I found you, Elena. I want you to come back rlm@0: with me to the palace.” I look up, mustering all of the strength it took me to face rlm@0: Valen and Dollmaster and all of the others. I can do this. I can make it through rlm@0: anything. I’ve come this far. “I love you, Elena.” My body nearly collapses, rlm@0: those words feeling heavier than anything else I’ve put up with up until now. rlm@0: Gorgeous eyes blink uncomprehendingly at me for the longest moment. rlm@0: My spirits begin to drop as I resign myself to heading back to East Heaven rlm@0: Kingdom alone. But a soft smile begins tugging at her lips until it seems to spill rlm@0: over into her entire being. Shining, she grapples onto me. My weary body yelps rlm@0: out as I feel the sudden pressure of her body against me, but my heart sings out rlm@0: at the sudden contact. “I love you, too, Mint! Of course I’ll go with you. You’ve rlm@0: always been my hero.” rlm@0: A grin starts to spread across my face as I look into her eyes inches rlm@0: away from mine. Maybe I underestimated her after all. Maybe rescuing her rlm@0: really was the best thing I’ve ever done. It looks like I’ve finally found my relic rlm@0: after all. Despite the aching throughout my body, I lean forward. Elena’s silky rlm@0: lips are all the reward I need for the past two years. She collapses against me, rlm@0: her weight throwing me off balance. Tumbling backwards into the cold water, rlm@0: her giggling fills my ears. rlm@0: I can’t wait to tell Maya. She’ll flip. rlm@0: