rlm@0: It's a Magical Night rlm@0: by Ides of Diamonds rlm@0: ides_of_diamonds@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: Note from Ides: Ha! I’ve moved into new territory! Of course, I know little about Cardcaptor Sakura, but hey, there’s always time for me to learn, right? Also, I grabbed my very own muse, Tomoyo-chan! rlm@0: *Tomoyo bows and smiles* rlm@0: Ides: We get along well. rlm@0: Tomoyo: *frowns* If you find Ides-chan offensive, please don’t hold it against her. Just e-mail her and try to sort out your problems, because most of the time she doesn’t know what she’s doing. This would be one of those times. rlm@0: Ides: ...did you just insult me? rlm@0: Tomoyo: No, I told the truth. Sorry. rlm@0: Ides: Hey, so long as you didn’t insult me! *grins* Okay, of course my first fic is a yuri, a relationship between Tomoyo and Sakura, even though we all know that Syaoran and Sakura are meant for each other and will eventually start dating. Still, this is a yuri. rlm@0: Tomoyo: If you find it offensive, then don’t read and don’t flame. Go ahead and start. rlm@0: Ides: Thank you Tomoyo-chan, I think I will. rlm@0: On a crisp Friday night, nestled in their pajamas, Sakura and Tomoyo sat in Tomoyo’s room, talking like best friends would. Tomoyo’s mother was out at work, leaving the two girls home alone. rlm@0: “I wish I had hair like yours, Tomoyo-chan,” Sakura said softly, unbraiding her best friend’s hair. “Mine hardly grows, I’d love for it to be so long.” rlm@0: Tomoyo blushed and smiled, “I’d gladly switch with you. Your hair is much more lively, and definitely prettier.” rlm@0: “I beg to differ.” Sakura rolled her eyes with a laugh that made Tomoyo’s heart skip and blush increase. rlm@0: Sakura’s fingertips brushed the back of Tomoyo’s neck, causing her to stiffen and stammer softly, “S-Sakura-chan...” rlm@0: “Oh, sorry,” her friend apologized quickly, dropping the now loose hair. “Did I hurt you?” rlm@0: Tomoyo turned to face her and smiled, “No...you could never hurt me.” rlm@0: Sakura’s eyes grew devilish and her smile mischievous, “I doubt that.” rlm@0: Tomoyo raised an eyebrow and Sakura jumped on top of her with a squeal. rlm@0: “Hey!” the dark-haired girl cried, getting pushed back to the carpeted floor with Sakura on top of her laughing. rlm@0: “I could kick your butt in wrestling!” Sakura exclaimed. rlm@0: Tomoyo was just grateful for the chance to be so close to Sakura, and grinned back, although her face was rapidly turning red. rlm@0: “No way!” she giggled, rolling them to the side so that she was on top. rlm@0: Before long, they were rolling around on the floor giggling and shrieking and making such a commotion that people all the way in Rome could hear them. rlm@0: Finally, they ended up in the same position as they first time they started, winded, exhausted, but still giggling. rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan...,” Sakura panted. “That was really fun!” rlm@0: “Still think you can beat me?” she asked, looking up at her friend and grinning. rlm@0: “Yeah,” the light-haired girl giggled. “But you’re tougher than I thought.” rlm@0: Tomoyo laughed and Sakura giggled again. Then, Sakura lowered her head so that it was leaning against Tomoyo’s and closed her eyes. rlm@0: Tomoyo’s laughter slowly stopped and she began to blush again. Sakura opened her emerald eyes and smiled. rlm@0: “You’re my best friend forever.” she said sincerely. rlm@0: “Sakura-chan...” Tomoyo said softly, trying not to let tears come to her eyes as a lump grew in her throat. rlm@0: All we’ll ever be is best friends. she thought sadly. rlm@0: Sakura’s smile faded as she lifted her head up, pushing off of Tomoyo so that she could squirm out from under her. The dark-haired girl sat up and pulled her legs up to her chest, not looking at Sakura. rlm@0: “What’s wrong?” Sakura asked, touching her friend’s shoulder gently. rlm@0: “Sakura-chan,” Tomoyo said softly, looking at her friend. “Do you think that best friends could ever become...y’know, more than friends?” rlm@0: Sakura raised an eyebrow, “Um...yeah, I don’t see why not. What has that got to do with-” rlm@0: She stopped mid-sentence, and turned pink. Tomoyo bowed her head, blushing. rlm@0: “I’m sorry,” Tomoyo said softly. “It’s just...I don’t know, all these years of watching you and loving you without saying anything about it just became unbearable. We were so close together just a few seconds ago...and you said we’d be best friends forever, so I knew that we’d never be anything more. We’re always going to be best friends. But I want more.” rlm@0: All the while, Sakura had a concerned look on her face, her cheeks still slightly pink and her eyes still slightly wide. rlm@0: “Field day...,” she murmured after a moment, and Tomoyo looked at her with confusion. “I remember what you said to me on field day, after your mom and my dad finished fighting and after I captured the Flower Card. When we were talking about how much your mom and my mom loved each other, and you said that you really loved me too? I didn’t understand what you really meant and you said you’d tell me when I was older. I’m not much older now, Tomoyo-chan...but I understand.” rlm@0: She smiled brightly when she added, “And I love you too.” rlm@0: With that said, Sakura gave her a peck on the lips. rlm@0: Tomoyo’s eyes grew as wide as saucers and she blushed as red as a tomato. She lifted her fingers to her mouth, gently touching her lips. Her friend giggled at her reaction. rlm@0: “For how long?” she murmured, lowering her hand. rlm@0: “Since you slept over my house on the day I captured the Thunder Card,” Sakura replied softly. “Remember how you called me cute when we were watching the video of the capture? That kind of got me started...” rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled a little, and said softly, “I’m really happy you like me too, Sakura-chan...but I don’t think we’ll be able to date just yet.” rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan!” Sakura giggled. “We’re only ten, that’s not even old enough to date boys! We can worry about it later on in life. I’m happy as long as you’re happy.” rlm@0: “I’m happy.” Tomoyo nodded, and leaned in, kissing her gently on the lips. rlm@0: When they separated, Sakura yawned loudly. She clamped a hand over her mouth and blushed. rlm@0: “Sorry...” she simpered. rlm@0: “Nah,” the dark-haired girl dismissed it with a wave of her hand, standing up and pulling Sakura with her. “It’s late anyway. We should get some sleep.” rlm@0: Without another word, they climbed into bed together, turning off the lights. Sakura kissed Tomoyo on the cheek, and Tomoyo kissed Sakura on her forehead. rlm@0: That was their last action before falling asleep in each other’s arms.