rlm@0: rlm@0: A love story rlm@0: rlm@0: Chapter II: rlm@0: Card battle! The Control rlm@0: rlm@0: by Ricardo Chirino rlm@0: riel@telcel.net.ve rlm@0: rlm@0: *** rlm@0: rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: rlm@0: I do not own Card Captor Sakura. CLAMP does! Other companies do! However, I used rlm@0: their characters and ideas without permission. Still, this is just for fun, and rlm@0: I'm not capitalizing on this, so please, don't sue me! X_x rlm@0: Be forewarned: This tale doesn't contain explicit yuri scenes, but it's a rlm@0: shôjo-ai story nonetheless (love between girls). Enjoy! rlm@0: rlm@0: *** rlm@0: rlm@0: READ THIS PLEASE: rlm@0: rlm@0: Before reading this you should've read Chapter I ^^ Please, read it before to rlm@0: get a better understanding of this part. Domo arigato! rlm@0: In this part I'll switch from Tomoyo's. Don't ask why. Just read. However, I'm rlm@0: almost sure that from now on I'm only going to use a witness POV, and switch rlm@0: from POVs from time to time... The story needs it ^^ It's really annoying (and rlm@0: shows my lack of good writing skills XD)... but I can't figure any other way of rlm@0: developing the story. Gomen! :P) rlm@0: rlm@0: Japanese terms new to this part: rlm@0: rlm@0: 1) Nani: This little midget translates to "What?" rlm@0: 2) Masaka: Translates to "It can't be!" (if you've seen a lot of anime in rlm@0: japanese you shold ve VERY familiar with this word ^^) rlm@0: 3) Rokushô Tama: "Verdigris sphere" is one of the attacks of ________ (read ^^). rlm@0: 4) Tonikaku: "At any rate, anyways" rlm@0: 5) Hai: Means "Yes" rlm@0: rlm@0: *** rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura stood alert in the middle of the park. It looked like the card would stay rlm@0: hidden. She stood there for a long time, until that happened. I threw my video rlm@0: camera to the hard cobblestones of the park. My head started to feel weird and I rlm@0: heard this weird voice on my sub-conciousness. A cold feeling started to wrap my rlm@0: body. I was very dizzy and couldn't even move. I panicked! rlm@0: rlm@0: "Oh no! This can't be!" I thought. "If this card controls me... No! I can't bear rlm@0: the idea of hurting Sakura-chan! rlm@0: rlm@0: I was still concious of my actions. However, some unknown force thwarted my free rlm@0: will. I was possesed. I couldn't decide what to do. My body started to obey the rlm@0: commands of this evil Clow Card and move on it's own. I started to get very rlm@0: worried about Sakura. I didn't care about me... I just wanted to protect rlm@0: Sakura-chan!" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Look Sakura!" Kero yelled. Sakura inmediately noticed something was wrong with rlm@0: me. rlm@0: "Sa.. Sakura!" I don't know how I managed to say that. My whole body felt like rlm@0: a eight ton rock. Perhaps my love for her made me stronger. "R... RUN AND BE rlm@0: SAFE!!!" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura shocked at the sight! Oh, God... Poor Sakura! I felt horrible. Only a few rlm@0: hours ago the incident with Naoko-chan... and now I was the root of her rlm@0: uneasyness. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I can't!" She cried. "I CAN'T LEAVE YOU, TOMOYO-CHAN!" rlm@0: rlm@0: I noticed some tears started to run down her rosy cheeks. I wanted to cry too, rlm@0: but my eyes were dry and hard... I could barely feel them. I started to feel a rlm@0: great pain in my whole body. My mind was trying to resist to the attempts of the rlm@0: wretched Clow Card, but it was all in vain. After a while of futile resistence, rlm@0: The Control finally took charge of me. rlm@0: rlm@0: I started to run towards Sakura-chan. Now my real self couldn't do a thing. I rlm@0: still felt the inmense pain... My soul was crying. I was very worried for rlm@0: Sakura. Sakura stood still, waiting for me. I tackled her very hardly and she rlm@0: flew away. My strenght was also boosted due to the magic effects of this Clow rlm@0: Card. I couldn't believe I was the one harming Sakura. I noticed how she rolled rlm@0: on the cold cobblestone floor of the park plaza, and the skin of her knees rlm@0: scratched. It was unbearable for me. I was fighting with Sakura-chan. The rlm@0: feeling of pain grew even bigger than before. rlm@0: rlm@0: "SAKURA!!!" I cried louder than ever. The tears began falling. "PLEASE! RUN rlm@0: AWAY!" rlm@0: "NO!" She said gasping. I could feel the pain she was feeling. "I WON'T LEAVE rlm@0: YOU TOMOYO-CHAN! I'm responsible for what happened to Naoko-chan, AND I'M NOT rlm@0: GOING TO LEAVE YOU!" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura got up once again. She started to tremble. Little droplets of blood were rlm@0: dripping from the tears of her skin. I won't be able to forgive myself! I know rlm@0: it's not my fault! I'm being controlled by the card, but... Now it was really rlm@0: overwhelming. The pain grew even more... And I lost it... The pain was gone, and rlm@0: I saw only black. Cold and lonely black... rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura! You need to seal the force first!" Kero said to Sakura. rlm@0: "How on earth can I do that?" Sakura yelled. "I don't have the slightest idea on rlm@0: how can I free Tomoyo from the influence of the magic energy. rlm@0: "You DON'T need to free her at all..." Kero mumbled. "You must think of a way to rlm@0: get The Control out of her. That's the only way. rlm@0: "Hoe!" Sakura started to cry once again. rlm@0: "Don't be such a crybaby!" Kero said. "Remember what Tomoyo said!" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura's eyes were wide open. She started to remeber what Tomoyo-chan said rlm@0: earlier. She remembered that she promised to be a courageous Card Captor. She rlm@0: needed to regain that confidence, and she needed it back fast. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I know. I'm sure I'll find a way to free Tomoyo from the card! I MUST SAVE MY rlm@0: DEAR TOMOYO!" rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo let a scream. Maybe it was from the unbearable pain she felt. The fact rlm@0: was that her face changed. Her gaze was different... She looked evil. Sakura rlm@0: noticed this. She got ready for an inminent attack. But to her surprise it rlm@0: wasn't a physical attack. Tomoyo started to levitate. She rose from the soil rlm@0: until she reached about two meters. Then she stopped. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Hoe! What's happening!?" Sakura was puzzled. rlm@0: "This is not right! This card isn't wild!" Kero was very worried. rlm@0: "NANI?" Sakura cried out. rlm@0: "This is planned... The Control couldn't manage to prepare something like this rlm@0: on her own..." Kero said, thinking about it... rlm@0: "I don't get it!" Sakura said in a deep confusion. rlm@0: "I mean that this card is already working for someone... There is another Card rlm@0: Captor near here. I can feel a great mana presence." rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: In fact Kerberos was right. Mana, the magical force that maintains the delicate rlm@0: equilibrium of the world, was showing it's presence there. Suddenly, Tomoyo-chan rlm@0: started to glow, and a magic emblem appeared on the cold floor, directly under rlm@0: her feet. I was very complex and featured a lot of details and inscriptions in rlm@0: the ancient language of the magi. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Masaka!!" Kero was shocked. rlm@0: Sakura was too worried and perplexed to even try to say something. Her mouth was rlm@0: opened. She was too confused. rlm@0: "What do I need to do?" She cried. rlm@0: "I don't know Sakura!" chuckled Kero, not believing the great amount of magical rlm@0: energy he felt. "The Control must be somewhere. Maybe if you try hitting her..." rlm@0: "But where is she!!! WHERE IS SHE!!!" Sakura cried harder. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: The strange Tomoyo was still floating at a couple of meters from the soil. She rlm@0: opened her eyes and looked directly at Sakura-chan. Her gaze was evil and rlm@0: lifeless. She looked like she was dead. This new vision of horror was all that rlm@0: Sakura needed to lose it. She fainted. rlm@0: rlm@0: "SAKURA-CHAN!!!" Kero screamed when she saw Sakura falling to the ground. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kerberos got near Sakura. She didn't move. Her eyes were completely closed. She rlm@0: was only breathing, but if she didn't wake up soon, Tomoyo would kill her. The rlm@0: possesed Tomoyo closed her eyes once again. She extended her right arm, and rlm@0: opened her hand. The palm of her hand started to emit a light green glow, and a rlm@0: little version of the powerful magical emblem appeared on the pale skin of her rlm@0: palm. A bigger one appeared around her wrist and this one started to spin rlm@0: slowly. It was a morbid spectacle of deadly magic. The light began to rlm@0: concentrate on a little sphere on Tomoyo's hand, and this little orb of mana rlm@0: began to grow. It's green light was very bright. Tomoyo was ready to strike rlm@0: Sakura with the spell anytime soon... rlm@0: rlm@0: "SAKURA!!" Kero cried out loud. "YOU MUST WAKE UP!" rlm@0: Sakura didn't move, and Tomoyo was ready to throw the ball of magic at them. rlm@0: "So this is it..." Kero said softly, waiting for the strike. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo opened her eyes. She had a smirk painted on her devil-like child face. rlm@0: She laughed and said with an out-of-this-world voice: rlm@0: rlm@0: "Rokushô Tama!" rlm@0: rlm@0: The sphere of green light popped up a bit and the started to fly down at Sakura rlm@0: at an unbelievable speed. Kero thought this was their end, but.. rlm@0: rlm@0: "God of thunder!!" said a familiar voice from behind. rlm@0: rlm@0: A thunder came darting from behind. The sparks impacted the sphere of green rlm@0: energy. The orb was deflected and it impacted right behind Tomoyo-chan. It rlm@0: exploded on a big cloud of green mist and energy. It almost looked like hot, rlm@0: burning plasma. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Li Syaoran made it right in time. If he were a minute later, sakura would've... rlm@0: At any rate, all was over, or at least for now. The Control lied there on the rlm@0: floor. A few meters from her lied Tomoyo's body. Kero noticed Li was there. rlm@0: rlm@0: "You've come at the perfect time, brat." he said at Li. rlm@0: "Watch you tongue, asshole..." Li said. rlm@0: Kero was really angry. "Tonikaku, help me with Sakura." rlm@0: rlm@0: Li leaned to see Sakura. She was all right, and she slowly opened her eyes. rlm@0: rlm@0: "What happened?.." she asked Li, slowly getting on her knees. rlm@0: "It's over... The card is defeated. Now you must seal it..." Li said, blushing rlm@0: a little. He was starting to feel uneasy whenever he was near Sakura-chan. "You rlm@0: must do it quickly Sakura..." rlm@0: "What about Tomoyo?" Sakura's eyes openened more. "IS SHE OKAY?" rlm@0: Li nodded and pointed to where Tomoyo was lying. Sakura was overjoyed and a few rlm@0: tears of happiness escaped from her eyes. "Oh, thank you god..." rlm@0: Sakura began to run to Tomoyo, but Li moved his arm and grabbed hers. "Daijôbu, rlm@0: Sakura-chan?" rlm@0: "Hai!" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura ran as fast as her wounded legs allowed her. She reached Tomoyo quickly. rlm@0: Inmediatly she leaned her head, getting near to Tomoyo's. She was still rlm@0: breathing. And Sakura could finally breathe peacefully again. Sakura embraced rlm@0: Tomoyo and started to cry. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Oh, thank you god." rlm@0: rlm@0: Li stood up and looked at Sakura. He felt happy for her, but at the same time rlm@0: felt a deep sadness withing him. He was starting to fall in love with her, but rlm@0: she knew that even if Sakura tried to love him, her real feelings were for rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo slowly opened her eyes and noticed that Sakura was embracing her. She rlm@0: started to weep and returned the embrace. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura-chan..." Tomoyo said between gasps. "Please, forgive me!" rlm@0: "No..." Sakura said, placing her soft hands on Tomoyo's white cheeks. "Its okay. rlm@0: It wasn't your fault." A few tears of joy rolled down her cheeks. rlm@0: "Sakura is worried about me... Sakura... I love you so much." Tomoyo thought, rlm@0: closing her eyes. rlm@0: rlm@0: Li was dissapointed. He wanted to be with Sakura like that... But he knew that rlm@0: wouldn't happen. He went close to the sweet couple. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura, you must seal the card fast..." rlm@0: "Hai!" she answered. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura stood up, and Tomoyo did too. Tomoyo had one arm clasped around rlm@0: Sakura-chan's waist. She was still shocked and wanted to hold Sakura. To feel rlm@0: she was really all right. After a while, Sakura went near the body of The rlm@0: Control. The card was lying on the cold soil, trembling. She slowly opened her rlm@0: eyes and looked at Sakura. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I'm going to seal you." rlm@0: "Do it if you want..." the card said, sadly. "I've already failed my master, rlm@0: Emeraldo." rlm@0: "What?" Sakura asked. rlm@0: "Seal me already!" the card cried out. "My master won't receive me! I FAILED rlm@0: HIM!" rlm@0: "Hoe!" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura didn't understand what was happening at all. She only knew that this rlm@0: Emeraldo was the previous owner of The Control, whoever he was. Sakura proceeded rlm@0: to seal the card, and she finally did it. The Clow Card flew from the air until rlm@0: she reached Sakura's hand. rlm@0: rlm@0: "So this is The Control..." rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Meanwhile, in the rooftop of a nearby building, a mysterious silhoutte was rlm@0: looking at the events in the park. The hair of the figure was flowing with the rlm@0: cold breeze of the night. rlm@0: rlm@0: "She's stronger than I thought." The subject smirked. "It won't be too long, rlm@0: though... So wait for it, Sakura..." rlm@0: rlm@0: *** rlm@0: rlm@0: JIKAI YOKOKU: rlm@0: rlm@0: Who is this Emeraldo guy? He and the new mysterious Clow Cards are doing their rlm@0: stuff, trying to destroy Sakura's life. Tomoyo, as usual is going to be very rlm@0: supportive to Sakura-chan, but... Will Sakura be able to endure all the rlm@0: hardships to come? What? A new student comes?? rlm@0: rlm@0: Don't miss the next chapter of A love story, rlm@0: rlm@0: Chapter III: rlm@0: Transfer student... rlm@0: rlm@0: *** rlm@0: rlm@0: AUTHOR'S NOTES: rlm@0: rlm@0: I guess this is starting to lose the shôjo-ai strenght :( But I want to create rlm@0: a new story about Card Captor Sakura... Gomen for that ^^ BTW, this whole rlm@0: Emeraldo ordeal is starting to shape like Eriol's (the third season of the TV rlm@0: series). Anyways, I'm still looking forward to reading you comments/critiques. rlm@0: E-mail me at my address, riel@telcel.net.ve. See you soon! ^^ rlm@0: rlm@0: Created: 03-21-2001 rlm@0: Last revision: 03-23-2001