rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: Author’s notes rlm@0: rlm@0: Hey, this is the standard disclaimer of your choice; CLAMP owns CCS rlm@0: and so on… rlm@0: Any way, I hope that you enjoy your reading and my stories. rlm@0: I don’t know where this fits in, as I’ve only seen the American rlm@0: dubbed version (<_>) so I won’t be using all of the correct Japanese rlm@0: spellings, I don’t think. I will try to use some Japanese though, so rlm@0: haannaay or hanya or what ever happy is in Japanese. rlm@0: rlm@0: There is Yuri in this story, so if you don’t like the thought of two rlm@0: girls/women liking each other or having a relationship together, rlm@0: evolve and grow up. On the other hand, you cant just not read this. rlm@0: rlm@0: I also made most of this story at about eleven until three in the rlm@0: morning, sometimes past three, so I hope you can forgive any of my rlm@0: faults (Godder Grammmer and crpa) and any of my screw-ups involving rlm@0: the plot of the series… but I hope you like it anyway rlm@0: rlm@0: Illusions of happiness (should I tell if it is a happy or sad rlm@0: ending? It is a bit sad, but also happy.) rlm@0: rlm@0: By Starlight Armor (my real name is Yuri, not kidding!!) rlm@0: mdlp_student@yahoo.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: This is where the narrator, which looks like a little plush teddy rlm@0: bear we know, steps in to tell us what is happening. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kero, I mean Narrator: It was a sunny day, in Tomoeda, and Sakura rlm@0: was running late, as usual. (So, once again, I didn’t get any rlm@0: breakfast. ) Sakura is roller blading down the ohh too familiar rlm@0: street that heads to the front gate of Yuri Bjoushi Elementary (did I rlm@0: get that right?) rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura skids to a halt at the gate, looking for Madison, who else? rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Sakura’s point of view ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘What? Where is Madison? I know that she usually, always, waits for rlm@0: me, even if it makes her late. Is she sick? Is she… AHHHH, I’m SUPER rlm@0: SUPER late today!!!’ rlm@0: rlm@0: I run through the halls, looking for my Math class. ‘OHHH MAN, That rlm@0: was the second bell!! And last time Sensei said that if I was late rlm@0: again, I would get detention!’ rlm@0: rlm@0: As Sakura skids in the halls, trying to open the door silently. It rlm@0: jerks open in front of her, and there was her teacher, fuming mad. rlm@0: “Just take a deep breath,” Her teacher said to no one particular rlm@0: “SAKURA!!!!” her yell echoed throughout the halls. rlm@0: rlm@0: “MS. AVALON, HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU??? YOUR LATE, AGAIN!!!!” rlm@0: The older woman bellowed, “GET TO YOUR SEAT, OR I…” she was cut off rlm@0: at that point by a familiar, melodious, beautiful voice. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Excuse me, but Sakura didn’t wake up because of me, I forgot to rlm@0: call her. You see, her father is out of town, and ke… I mean her rlm@0: brother” oops, near slip there” isn’t home either, so she couldn’t rlm@0: have woken up on time, because I didn’t call her” rlm@0: rlm@0: It was Madison, Sakura’s best friend. rlm@0: rlm@0: “I’m sorry for being late” at this point, she had the courage to rlm@0: look at her teacher *probably because Madison is here* “again.” She rlm@0: finished of with a small smile at lavender haired girl, and hurried rlm@0: to sit down, rubbing the back of her head. rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Madison ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: “What took you so long?” I asked, admiring those pools of green for rlm@0: the umpteenth time today. rlm@0: rlm@0: “I…umm…I fell asleep after you called me, gomen Madison.” My Sakura, rlm@0: no, Sakura said. rlm@0: At first, I was a bit angry with her… but how do you expect me to rlm@0: stay mad at her for long, let alone for the time being. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Ohh, Sakura was sleepy from last night’s late fashion show. Sakura rlm@0: looks so cute when she is sleepy!” I spoke, trying to cheer her up. rlm@0: How I had managed to get up today I still don’t know, let alone make rlm@0: it to school on time. I was up all night, crying again. Sakura, how I rlm@0: miss you, even when I'm standing there next to you. I promised once rlm@0: that I would tell you about it… but I'm afraid, not strong and rlm@0: courageous like you, but weak, and sad… rlm@0: rlm@0: “What, huh? Ohh, sorry Sakura, I was just thinking.” I hope that she rlm@0: didn’t see me, I was trying to be alone so I could think, and cry rlm@0: some more but it wont do to let Sakura see me crying, will it? I rlm@0: don’t want to dampen her ginki sprit? No, I would never want to hurt rlm@0: her, even if I had to be the on the was hurting instead… rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~Sonomi’s point of view~ rlm@0: rlm@0: “OHH, my dear Madison is home!! How was school, better yet, how was rlm@0: Sakura? (My daughter had told me about her love, well, I guessed it rlm@0: and she just admitted it. It was quite obvious, if I say so my self.) rlm@0: When are you going over to her house to sleep-over?” rlm@0: rlm@0: “MOM, ohh, never mind.” Was my dark haired girls reply. rlm@0: rlm@0: “I was just asking! I worry about you!” Ever since… well… the rlm@0: incident I have worried about her and tried to protect her the best I rlm@0: can. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Mom, you know, sometimes you’re a bit over protective! But I just rlm@0: take it to hart, knowing that I’m loved.” Nice recovery she made rlm@0: there. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Well, ok… but please be careful, I already lost Nadeshiko, and I rlm@0: don’t want to lose the other person that is dear to me.” If anything rlm@0: happened to her… But I felt that she is safe with her green-eyed rlm@0: friend. I don’t know why, though. I just sensed something different rlm@0: about her… rlm@0: “Well, you better get going soon, you don’t want to be late, do you? rlm@0: And remember, get all of it on tape so we can watch it later!” I rlm@0: always liked to watch her tapes. Sakura reminded me so much of my rlm@0: true love… Well, I can understand why my daughter likes my love’s rlm@0: daughter. A bit Ironic, but cute all the same. rlm@0: rlm@0: Maybe I will be able to see my precious Nadeshiko again tonight, in rlm@0: my dreams… rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Nadeshiko’s point of view ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: I can watch my love, my true love from my place of view, always rlm@0: watching over Sonomi, Madison, Sakura, or my husband and our son. rlm@0: rlm@0: I love my husband, but I also love Sonomi too, and it is a thought rlm@0: that scares me, if I had to chose between the two… rlm@0: rlm@0: I wish that I hadn’t been so ignorant about Sonomi, or that my rlm@0: daughter wasn’t the same way about Madison… rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Sakura again ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: “Did you feel that Madison?” I asked urgently, after feeling like I rlm@0: was being watched rlm@0: rlm@0: “Feel wha…” Madison stopped for some reason rlm@0: rlm@0: “Madison? Where are you? … Madison?” Where had she gone? She was rlm@0: just here in bed, but she stopped talking for some reason. Maybe she rlm@0: just fell asleep, no that wasn’t like her. Maybe she just got up for rlm@0: a drink or something… rlm@0: rlm@0: “SAAAAAAKKKKKUUUURRRAAAA!!” I heard her scream, some time after that rlm@0: rlm@0: “HELP! A CLOW CARD!” I got up outta bed still in my pajamas, looking rlm@0: around desperately for the key. rlm@0: “MADISON, WHERE ARE YOU?” I yelled hoping I could hear her, that rlm@0: something hadn’t… silenced her. rlm@0: rlm@0: “up here…” Her voice sounded far away, and she must be moving rlm@0: straight up! But… I already caught all of the cards that could fly… rlm@0: What was it? I caught the dream card too, so I wasn’t having a bad rlm@0: dream… rlm@0: rlm@0: “HAHAHAHA, NO, SHE’S MINE NOW, YOU’LL NEVER GET HER BACK AGAIN!” rlm@0: That sounded like… Li… But, I thought her lov, liked me? Why would he rlm@0: want her then? As I found the key, I grabbed it… but it fell through rlm@0: my hands, so I tried to pick it up again, but I just couldn’t touch rlm@0: it! When I touched it, my hand just went right through it. Could it rlm@0: be a card like Transparency? But then how would it take Madison? rlm@0: rlm@0: “Sakura, what is the matter? Is it a card?” A familiar voice sounded rlm@0: behind my head, as something that was yellow, no, tan whooshed by my rlm@0: head. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Kero, It’s a card, and it got Madison! What could it be?” I was rlm@0: relived that the small looking seal-beast was here, but still puzzled rlm@0: on what card had Madison, and why the key was acting so strangely… rlm@0: rlm@0: “Hey, who are you, what…” I heard as Kero said something outside of rlm@0: the window, and I was getting scared. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Kero…KERO???” Oh no, I couldn’t help but think two down. It was up rlm@0: to me… rlm@0: rlm@0: It was hovering outside of my window, but I couldn’t see his *gulp* rlm@0: or its face *double gulp* or whatever it had on its’ head… Then I saw rlm@0: the hand, it looked like it was wet, or worse yet, was MADE of water. rlm@0: Oh man, then I realized that it was coming through the window towards rlm@0: me, and I realized something that mad me forget about the key, Kero, rlm@0: and Madison. It was coming through the window, right? Then why was rlm@0: the window closed, and locked. It can’t be, not a rlm@0: rlm@0: “GOST, GET AWAY, NOOOOO” I yelled. rlm@0: rlm@0: Then, as it gripped me, I realized that I was being shaken, and that rlm@0: I was in my room, sweating. I saw the person that was shaking, no, rlm@0: more like just holding me… rlm@0: rlm@0: “MADISON, ohh, it’s you, where did the ~ gulp ~ Gost go?” I asked rlm@0: that pair of eyes surrounded by hair that was Madison. rlm@0: rlm@0: “There was none, there there, it was just a bad dream. Don’t worry rlm@0: about it” Ohh, what sweeping relief this girl’s face gave to me. rlm@0: rlm@0: “What, dream? But, I was sure!” I replied, “But I got the dream card rlm@0: already! Where is Kero? He would know.” I looked around for that rlm@0: perpetually hungry teddy bear. rlm@0: rlm@0: “There he is, Kero, wake up. KERO, GET UP” I said while shaking the rlm@0: seal-beast. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Ummhh… Pudding…” Kero said, still asleep, “hummmh what? What do you rlm@0: want?” He woke up slowly. rlm@0: rlm@0: “There was a card!” I was frantic, searching to find it. I know it rlm@0: had been there, I felt it, I sensed it. I was sure of it. rlm@0: rlm@0: At that moment, I saw something that was shiny outside of my window, rlm@0: right as I saw Li jump through it with the Lasin board in hand, but rlm@0: wasn’t it closed? I guess not. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Did you…” Li cut me off at that moment. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Yes, it was a card, and a powerful one. What did it do? Have you rlm@0: seen it yet?” Li interjected. rlm@0: rlm@0: I told him about my dream, (all that I knew about it) and then rlm@0: blushed furiously when I noticed that I was in my pajamas, and he was rlm@0: in full costume. I stood up quickly, and so did Madison. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Here Sakura, this is the costume that I made, go put it on so we rlm@0: can go find that card” Madison spoke while rummaging around in her rlm@0: white backpack for something that I soon noticed as her ever rlm@0: faithful, ever trusty, ever ready camcorder. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Uh, thanks Madison, I’ll change right now,” then as a quick after rlm@0: thought, remembering that Li was here, and Meilin probably would show rlm@0: up any minute, “in the bathroom.” rlm@0: rlm@0: As I stepped into the bathroom to change, I heard another voice rlm@0: outside the door. rlm@0: rlm@0: “What are we doing here Li, why are we at her house? I though that rlm@0: you said you had sensed a card, so why do we need her pathetic help?” rlm@0: Ahh, it was Meilin, like I suspected. rlm@0: rlm@0: “We are here because this is where the Lasin board said it was, rlm@0: remember? I was running by and this is where it stopped pointing.” Li rlm@0: replied, scowling like usual, or I guessed. rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Li ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: “Sakura, you almost ready?” I was scared when I heard her scream. I rlm@0: don’t like her or anything, well, I like her, but not like that. I’m rlm@0: not surprised that Meilin came with me. Some how she managed to rlm@0: follow me, even when I was using my Cards. rlm@0: “Good, now lets go, grab your key. And Madison, try to stay outta rlm@0: the cards way, it could hurt you.” I said, almost blushing. Madison rlm@0: was, is cute, but I think Meilin would kill me if I made a move on rlm@0: anyone else. I don’t mind though. She’s nice, as long as you’re not rlm@0: on her bad side. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Umph…” I hear behind me as Sakura jumps down from her window. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Just use fly or float.” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Ohh, duh, I’ll get it for Madison. Float, bring Madison to the rlm@0: ground, and be careful.” I hear her say. She must really be best rlm@0: friends with Madison, to take such care as to get a card out for her, rlm@0: when Madison could have just gotten down using the stairs, and tell rlm@0: float to take “Good Care of Her” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Good, now we can get that card. It sounds like the dream card, but rlm@0: maybe it was a premonition…” I know she has visions in her dreams, rlm@0: but this one sounded kinda off, well, we will see. rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Meilin ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: Humph, why did we have to stop at what’s-her-face Avalon’s house? Why? rlm@0: Does Li that girl like Li? Worse yet, does Li like her? rlm@0: rlm@0: “Li, why did we have to stop at her house?” I said as we were rlm@0: running with the now shining Lasin board. “Why? Do you like her or rlm@0: something?” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Of course I like her, but not in the way that you think.” Well, I rlm@0: guess if Li likes me more than he likes her, if he loves me, than all rlm@0: is well. But, if he likes her… what will I do? I would be mad at her, rlm@0: that stupid Madison. Well, I guess that it could also be that weird rlm@0: Sakura. Maybe. I don’t wish. rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Narrator ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: So, what do we have now? We have a confused Meilin, an intrigued Li, rlm@0: a dreaming or rather nightmaring Sakura, and a sleepy and hungry rlm@0: (ALWAYS) Kero, and nostalgic Sonomi, a watchful Nadeshiko, and rlm@0: lastly, a… umm… well, we would have to see Madison’s current mood. rlm@0: rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: rlm@0: ~ Madison ~ rlm@0: rlm@0: “Huh, ohh, this is hard. Running and running and running, I was so rlm@0: out of breath that I thought that I was spinning, or maybe swimming. rlm@0: But, I should be used to it, because I got it every time I saw that rlm@0: ravaging angel of the cards. rlm@0: “Ohh, Sakura…” I said absent-mindedly, and dreamily. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Yes Madison?” Sakura replied. Wait, did she just say what I think rlm@0: she said? Did she just actually hear what I just thought? Did I just… rlm@0: rlm@0: “Yes?” She was waiting for me. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Ohh, I’m just running out of breath, were running so hard. But rlm@0: Sakura the athletic card captor isn’t out of breath, because she is rlm@0: strong.” I thought up quickly. I love to make her blush. rlm@0: “Sakura is so kawwii when she blushes!” Sakura is so cute whenever rlm@0: she does anything, I wanted to add. But alas, I never could. I mean, rlm@0: what would she do if she knew? Probably run from me? Maybe she would rlm@0: faint… No, she was WAY to strong for that. I would be the one to rlm@0: faint, not her. I wish that someday I could call her mine. My Sakura, rlm@0: no, she could never be mine… rlm@0: rlm@0: “Ohh… umm… thanks Madison, you say such thoughtful things.” She rlm@0: blushed once again. My wonderful, kawwii beautiful Sakura. Maybe when rlm@0: the Sakura blossoms are in bloom, I will tell her. Or leave her, rlm@0: because Li will be coming to his senses. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: End Chapter One. Stay Tuned for the next fiction, it will come soon. rlm@0: ^_~ rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤ rlm@0: ¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤~~~~~¤