rlm@0: As most of us know, the official manga ending is that Sakura confessed her love for Syaoran before he went back rlm@0: to Hong Kong. Then at around junior high age, Syaoran came back to Japan and they met again and lived happily rlm@0: ever after. MU-HAHAHA~ not according to the unofficial yuri fans! rlm@0: rlm@0: " " quotations mean dialogue rlm@0: {thoughts of the individual} rlm@0: [translation of japanese vocabulary/ expressions or author's comments] rlm@0: rlm@0: THE GREATEST GIFT by K BARON rlm@0: htmkmugen@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: Several months passed after Syaoran and Sakura have been a couple. It's after school. Tomoyo and Sakura are walking home rlm@0: together. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo casually asks, "Sakura chan, you have something planned for this weekend with Syaoran san?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura's head is down, contemplating. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo gently shakes her friend's arm:"Sakura chan." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura's head picks up, "Huh? Oh, he has soccer practice this Saturday so..." A soft sigh follows. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo, alarmed, comforts Sakura:"Syaoran san is trying to socialize more with others in his class. That's why he joined team rlm@0: sports. He's more out going now. Isn't he? He's been changing a lot FOR YOU, ne." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura murmurs, "yeah...but he shouldn't have to. I mean, aren't couples just "meant to be soul mates"? Look at Onii san and rlm@0: Yukito san, they just, they just match. They don't have to change their personalities, and so on. But we, I almost start every rlm@0: conversation. And the places he takes me to, I like the things he plans, but when I tell him 'let's try this!' he agrees, yes, he rlm@0: ALWAYS agree with me. He never upsets me. But sometimes I feel that he doesn't like my 'wild side'. But he says he likes me rlm@0: because I'm different." Sakura slows down her steps, turns to her best friend for advice. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo's eyes are full of concern but her voice is calm," Sakura chan, boys and girls are supposed to like different things. rlm@0: When you go out, you two have to compromise. That's how a relationship lasts. He may be a bit more reserved and cautious, rlm@0: but Syaoran san is right. You are different. You can learn from each other, ne. After all, what really matters is, that he cares rlm@0: about you; you can trust him; and you can count on him to protect you regardless of what danger lies ahead." Tomoyo finishes rlm@0: her speech with a reassuring smile, but WHO is she trying to convince? {i care about Sakura too; she can trust me too. Why rlm@0: can't I---BUT I CAN'T PROTECT HER. LOOK WHAT I WAS DOING WHEN THE CLOW CARDS ATTACKED rlm@0: HER. SYAORAN SAN BATTLED WITH HER. I JUST VIDEOTAPED! And, I can never provide Sakura a family...} rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura is still absorbing the complex advice Tomoyo has given her when she suddenly catches sight of Tomoyo's sad rlm@0: expression: "What's wrong? Tomoyo chan? You're worrying about me and Syaoran san? Oh, Tomoyo chan..." Sakura is rlm@0: deeply touched. She naturally reaches out and holds her friend's hand gently, but firmly. Unfortunately, her act of gratitude and rlm@0: friendship only causes Tomoyo's heart to twitch. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo turns her eyes away, fearing any further revelation of her emotions. But her voice betrays her anyway when she says, rlm@0: "Sakura chan, don't worry about me. It's YOU TWO I'm worrying about. Syaoran san is a quiet person. If there's a problem, rlm@0: you got to call him up first. He may seem tough, but he's soft inside. Remember be tactful when you bring up any suggestions." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura:"Tactful? Hoe? Such as...?" Tomoyo has a sweat drop now ^_^ "Sakura chan, if you don't mind, really, it's between the rlm@0: two of you, but I can be the messenger for you two if you can't figure out what to say to him..." Tomoyo's heart races when she rlm@0: offers her help. All these months Sakura and Syaoran have been going out, Tomoyo has almost been like a "movie extra" who rlm@0: had no schedule as to when or where to meet with Sakura. If she can participate somehow in the relationship, doing something rlm@0: special for Sakura, she would DIE FOR IT. After all, she chose Syaoran for her. If it turns out to be a wrong match and rlm@0: Sakura's heart breaks, Tomoyo cannot possibly forgive herself. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Ok, I guess..." Sakura accepted her friend's help. {Well, relationships are private matters and telephone 3-way conference is rlm@0: DEFINITELY not the thing, but I guess Tomoyo is a better speaker than I. Maybe I'll just ask her what to say and then tell rlm@0: Syaoran san myself.} rlm@0: rlm@0: It's a sunny Saturday. The soccer field is empty now that the players have finished their practice. Sakura fiddles with her purse, rlm@0: waiting at the school gate for Syaoran to have their discussion, as per Tomoyo's cleverly drafted instructions. Syaoran quickly rlm@0: spotted the brown haired girl and walked towards her. rlm@0: rlm@0: The couple is facing each other. Sakura stumbles with words: "Hi, Syaoran san, can we---do you have time? How about we go rlm@0: to the park? I---" rlm@0: rlm@0: Syaoran:"Sure, I have something to talk to you too." Then the silent couple walks to the park. rlm@0: rlm@0: Today is different. Syaoran speaks first:"Sakura san...if I...if I haven't come back from Hong Kong, would you, would you have rlm@0: met someone else?...Maybe you would have met someone else wonderful?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura is totally thrown out of rhythm. Forget about the lines Tomoyo has given her. This is too much of a blow. Syaoran rlm@0: hardly ever asks things, especially personal things, so directly. The tone is not accusing, rather doubtful of himself. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura:"What? Where does that come from?? Someone else? Who? Wonderful? You're not wonderful? Syaoran san, I only rlm@0: want to go out with you---is it Yamamura senpai? [senpai is an honourific suffix for schoolmates or colleagues senior to you] rlm@0: He's just been showing me how to skate board and his sports collections. Those weren't dates! You trust me don't you?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Syaoran:" Of course I trust you, Sakura san. It's not that. I'm just saying, I'm just proposing, if I was never there to meet you rlm@0: again, wouldn't you have found someone else who would make you happier? I've changed a lot. And I'm willing to do it for rlm@0: you. But it's still the same me. It always will. Maybe, maybe..." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura, frustrated, not understanding where all these ideas have come from, finishes the sentence for Syaoran:" we don't rlm@0: match? Is that what you're trying to say? Who matches then? Like onii san {brother} and Yukito san? Tomoyo chan says, rlm@0: doesn't really matter we're different, as long as we care about each other, and trust each other and, and---" In the midst of rlm@0: panic, Sakura searches for exactly what Tomoyo's advice was. However, Syaoran has a mind of his own:" What else did rlm@0: Tomoyo san say? You listen to everything Tomoyo san tell you?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura can't deal with so many questions shooting at her all at once, especially most of them are so pointed. Sakura loses her rlm@0: calm: "Syaoran san, stop. I don't know. What're you trying to say?? I can't talk to Tomoyo chan when I have problems? Who rlm@0: else will I talk to? Sometimes when we're together, I feel like I'm talking to a stone wall. You're so wrapped up. Our rlm@0: relationship is private, I know, but I have no one except her. Besides, she always understands." rlm@0: rlm@0: Syaoran flatly asks,"and I don't?" Silence fills the air afterwards. rlm@0: rlm@0: Syaoran knows he talks too much today. He's not good at speech in the first place, let alone deep thoughts and emotional rlm@0: topics, with the one he cares so much about. He probably has confused her, maybe even hurt her. He'd better stop talking rlm@0: now. He intently looks at Sakura, and told her that he is sorry, he probably said too much, and he'd need some time to think rlm@0: over this entire situation. He'll call her soon. Out of genuine concern, he reaches out his hand and offers to walk her home. rlm@0: However, Sakura was already deep into the pit of confused anger, and she flatly refuses his offer, saying that she will be fine, rlm@0: and starts to skate away, in the direction of Tomoyo's mansion. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo is stunned when the servant leads the completely drenched Sakura into the guestroom. Sakura is not only shaking with rlm@0: coldness, but her left knee is bleeding. She must have slipped while she was skating to the mansion. Being overwhelmed by the rlm@0: pain Sakura must be suffering, Tomoyo embraces her dear friend for almost an eternity. Slowly she releases her arms, and rlm@0: reassures Sakura that no matter what happened, she will make it better for her. After being carefully (and lovingly) bandaged rlm@0: by Tomoyo, Sakura is led to the bathroom to take a shower. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Kiya~" Screams of pain from the bathroom send Tomoyo rushing to the door, knocking the door violently:"Sakura chan! Are rlm@0: you alright?" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Oh, Tomoyo chan, I'm fine. It's just that the warm water sprinkles on my bandage but the wound still hurts~" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Oh, Sakura chan, gomen ne [sorry], you do need to wash your wound. But try cover it with a cloth so the water won't come rlm@0: in direct contact with your knee." rlm@0: rlm@0: "Ok, I'll try that. Hm...It's better now. Oh, Tomoyo chan, thanks. I don't know what to do without you. I'm sorry I ran into rlm@0: your home like this. I, I..." {words can't express how I feel...Tomoyo chan. Can't you read my thoughts? my pain? I hope you rlm@0: understand, 'cuz seems like no one else does} rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura chan, I'm glad you made it here. It's pouring outside. You should have called me and I could have picked you up rlm@0: wherever. You still have my cell phone right? Don't worry. When you come out, we'll talk things out, what ever it is." {You see, rlm@0: there're so many things I still have to help you with, like picking the wedding dress, choosing baby clothes, etc. When one day rlm@0: you finally grow up and don't need me anymore, you can forget me. You can lose touch with me. I'll let go. I promise. Our rlm@0: memories will be enough. I'll always be there...} Tomoyo collapses by the door, but quickly comes back to her senses and rlm@0: stands up again. rlm@0: rlm@0: After the shower, Sakura's cheeks return to their usual rosy colour, but still lost their shine. Her eyes are drooping too. Tomoyo rlm@0: carefully analyses the conversation between Sakura and Syaoran at the park:" I think he's critical of himself, not you. He rlm@0: expects a lot from himself, believing that you deserve more happiness than he's giving you right now. I guess he's a believer of rlm@0: "soul mate" theory too? I don't think he minds that you share your problems with me. After all, I'm the matchmaker and I hold rlm@0: some responsibility for the outcome of your relationship. Maybe he wishes that you can turn to him for answers, instead of rlm@0: turning to me." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura's eyes are wide open:" He's jealous? Of you, not Yamamura senpai? You're the best companion to talk to, that's what rlm@0: best friends are for. I can't turn to him for a lot of things, girl stuff for example. No, he got it wrong. I can and I should still talk rlm@0: to you. But he's gotta change---" Sakura realizes her own hypocrisy. She's just told Syaoran moments ago that being different rlm@0: is actually good, that they can learn from each other. Then she wishes him to be more open like she. {WE DON'T rlm@0: MATCH??} "Maybe we don't match. Syaoran san says so too." rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo's heart twitches. {No, that can't be. I didn't? Did I? With my own hands, I push my only love into failure? A first love rlm@0: that ends with a sour note?} Tomoyo holds up Sakura's head, and promises to call Syaoran and straighten things out. rlm@0: rlm@0: Ring---ring. Syaoran drags himself out of the bed for the phone. But the answering machine is activated when Syaoran rlm@0: hesitantly reaches out for the receiver. {What if it's Sakura san? what should I say or ask?} It's Tomoyo's voice, a bit shaken, rlm@0: which is unusual:" Hello, this is Daidouji Tomoyo. Syaoran san, if you're in please pick it up. It's important. Sakura is at my rlm@0: house. She's hurt---" Syaoran's voice interrupts the recording, just as Tomoyo expected:" What? Tomoyo san? Sakura what? rlm@0: Is she alright?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo, still nervous about if she can fix the problem, keeps Syaoran in suspense:" Syaoran san, it's good that I can get a hold rlm@0: of you. She's fine, but she's bleeding. She says you want her to try going out with some one else." She twists the story enough rlm@0: to make sure she can get a response from the reserved Syaoran, who, usually doesn't clear things right out. Surprisingly, this rlm@0: time the strategy backfires. rlm@0: rlm@0: The tactic goes smoothly at first. Syaoran does deny that he wants to break up with Sakura, and confirms that he loves her. rlm@0: Tomoyo can't believe what she hears next though: "I just feel that maybe I'm not the one for her. I mean, just because, we, went rlm@0: through a lot of troubles and dangers together and...but on a normal day, would she pick me to hang out with? Like, I came rlm@0: back for her because my life is boring without her. I need her smile. I need her. But when we're together, it's like, we don't---" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Stop. Syaoran kun." Syaoran is shocked by Tomoyo's bluntness. She's never like that. Tomoyo goes on, without any rlm@0: apology:" Sakura chan is still young. When she matures, the distance betweeen you two---no, the distance between a man and rlm@0: a woman will lessen, I believe, because the older you get, the more experience you have with how to get along with others, and rlm@0: understanding WILL grow. You got to be patient. It's a long term relationship remember? When you weren't sure about how rlm@0: you felt at first, remember I encourage you on to 'try it'? I don't mean by 'just try it once'. Love takes a long time to nurture. It's rlm@0: the hardest plant to grow---" rlm@0: rlm@0: This time it's Syaoran interrupting:" Tomoyo san please. I know you were the matchmaker and you probably felt responsible for rlm@0: whatever happens between the two of us, but, this is between me and Sakura san. I'm just thinking, if we need so much help rlm@0: from you and others, that Sakura san and I have to involve so much and so many people to keep it all together, is it worth it? Is rlm@0: it fair to her? And how come you've chosen me to match with Sakura san? What makes you think that I'm the one?" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Because you care about her. You protected her. I can see how much you'll cherish her if she belongs to you. I entrusted her, rlm@0: my dear friend, to you." {oh~what is this feeling? It's panic. No way, I never panic. But he's losing her. I'm losing Sakura's rlm@0: happiness. I have to keep trying.} rlm@0: rlm@0: "Urh~Tomoyo san, thanks for calling, and helping us out. I'll come to look after her wound, but is she in the mood to see me?" rlm@0: rlm@0: "OF COURSE SHE IS! That's great news! I'll send a car to pick you up then." Tomoyo hangs up before Syaoran has the rlm@0: chance to speak further, fearing that he may change his mind. Tomoyo's voice is a bit too excited, Syaoran thinks to himself. rlm@0: rlm@0: While Syaoran is getting himself ready, many thoughts run through his mind. {Thanks to Tomoyo, what a great mediator. What rlm@0: would we do without her? Come to think of it, she's a bit possessive of Sakura's problems. Oh well, they're best friends since rlm@0: childhood. But isn't it odd she's acting like it's her own relationship as if she's got so much free time---no, she has private tutor rlm@0: lessons for music and other subjects, plus choir practice, and going out---with Sakura and other friends. No boyfriend yet for rlm@0: her, hm...she does get a lot of chocolate on Valentine's Day from boys of different classes and grades, though it's not really the rlm@0: right day for boys to give out chocolate. Boys give out chocolate on March 14 the "white day". Hm, she does give out rlm@0: chocolate to---to Sakura?! Ah...and she...videotapes Sakura. Uh~this is, this is THAT?!} Syaoran's thoughts are interrupted rlm@0: by the door bell. Tomoyo's guards have come to pick him up. rlm@0: rlm@0: On his way to Tomoyo's mansion, Syaoran has made a painful decision. {How could she have lived like that? How has she rlm@0: managed to restrain herself from embracing the one she loves so dearly? To hide her tears, her emptiness and all. How brave rlm@0: for a girl to endure such pain. If that's the case, I can't take advantage of Sakura san's ignorance of the situation and keep our rlm@0: relationship. I want to be a real winner, with Sakura san choosing me after she makes an informed decision. She deserves a rlm@0: choice and Tomoyo san deserves a chance. She cares about Sakura san just as much---or maybe even more than I do...} rlm@0: rlm@0: When Syaoran arrives, Tomoyo allows some privacy for the couple in the guest bedroom. Syaoran tenderly attends to rlm@0: Sakura's wounds so Sakura keeps quiet to enjoy the sweet moment. Then Syaoran's face darkens. He frankly tells Sakura that rlm@0: there's another person who is in love with Sakura. Therefore, they should be apart for a week as a test to see whom Sakura rlm@0: misses the most. Whoever that is would be the one she should love. Sakura is completely disturbed by the proposition and rlm@0: bombards Syaoran with one single question, "why?" Syaoran realizes that Sakura can be quite dense sometimes when it comes rlm@0: to delicate matters. Then again he does not want to expose Tomoyo's true feelings without consent. So he insists on protecting rlm@0: the identity of the secret admirer, only stressing that Sakura deserves a choice and that admirer, who "has always been there for rlm@0: you in both rain and shine" should have a chance. That said, Syaoran quickly leaves the distraught Sakura, lest himself will rlm@0: break down in tears and revert his proposal. rlm@0: rlm@0: That night, Syaoran goes home very late and even turns off his phone to avoid Sakura. Meanwhile, Sakura tosses and turns on rlm@0: her bed, wondering who can be as worthy as Syoaran to win her love. {If I can't find anyone else who's just as wonderful, I rlm@0: guess I have proved that Syaoran is the only one and we should be together. But I got to stay strong. I can't make everyone rlm@0: worry about me. But I can't do this myself. I need someone to talk to.} Out of reflex, Sakura dials up Tomoyo's phone rlm@0: number. Tomoyo can't sleep either. Her heart is filled with guilt. {Sakura is old enough now. She'll probably understands my rlm@0: feelings. She didn't react negatively to Touya san and Yukito san. Maybe it's ok to tell her.} rlm@0: rlm@0: Ring---ring "Hello? Sakura chan?" Tomoyo answers the call right away, since the cell phone is by her bed. [How obsessive.] rlm@0: rlm@0: "Tomoyo chan~what should I do? What if I can't find that person? Syaoran kun is all I have~" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. I thought you'd be happy with him but it turns out like this. You want to know who else rlm@0: admires you? I'll tell you. Wanna come over to my house?" rlm@0: rlm@0: "Tomoyo chan, You found out? OH~you're the best! I'll come right now!" click. Sakura can't even wait for Tomoyo's ride. She rlm@0: just skates right over to the mansion. rlm@0: rlm@0: "So, who is it?" Sakura shoots out the question as soon as she arrives. Tomoyo's eyes are fixed upon Sakura, with a strange rlm@0: sense of determination. "Sakura chan, come." She leads her clueless friend into the bedroom, and shows her the box once rlm@0: again. "Remember this eraser you've given me? Everything you gave me: notes, UFO catcher dolls, stickers, I keep them. I rlm@0: videotaped you, because I don't want to lose any memory of you. Sakura, you're the most important person to me. I never try rlm@0: to hide it from you. You're just too young to understand. I don't blame you. You're so innocent. That's what I like about you. I rlm@0: like everything about you." Sakura's eyes widen. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo takes a deep breath and continues, "Sakura, there're not many girls like me. So I sort of assume that you'll need a rlm@0: boyfriend someday. I look around, and found Syaoran san. He's a wonderful boy. I know I find happiness when my love finds rlm@0: happiness. Sakura, are you angry at me? I cause so much confusion between you and Syaoran san. I'll be there for you, rlm@0: whenever and wherever, as long as you need me." Tomoyo finishes her confession, closes her eyes, and waits for the verdict rlm@0: from Sakura. Tomoyo has really spelt it out this time. She even dropped the "chan" suffix, which is used commonly among rlm@0: childhood friends. To call someone with first name only means either rudeness or intimacy. rlm@0: rlm@0: Neither one speaks. There are no signs of disgust, anger, or even discomfort from Sakura's face. Instead she leans forward to rlm@0: Tomoyo, looking intently at her friend with awe, gratefulness and guilt. Someone has always been there for Sakura, through rain rlm@0: and shine. Someone is hopelessly in love with Sakura, yet joyfully accepts the destiny. She embraces loneliness, regardless of rlm@0: her complete devotion of time and energy. That someone, is Tomoyo. Sakura breaks into tears, and then a smile. She strokes rlm@0: Tomoyo's face gently: "Tomoyo, you're the greatest gift I have. When I was little, I wanted a sister, and there you were. I rlm@0: needed a best friend. There you were. When I look back, the happiest days of my life is childhood, when there's nothing I have rlm@0: to worry. Otou san [dad] and onii san [brother] sheltered me. So did you. You always came up with a way to help me, cheer rlm@0: me in one way or another. When we entered junior high, there're so many changes I had to face, but not alone, because of you. rlm@0: Tomoyo, you're perfect. Sometimes I think I should be more like you, smart, elegant, mature. But you always have a way of rlm@0: making me feel special, that I am just perfect being the way I am. Before I met Syaoran, my life was happy. Why do I keep rlm@0: thinking I have to have him? Because I'm older? Because I need a boyfriend? I need romance?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo puts a finger on Sakura's lips: "Sakura, you need a family. You need someone to protect you too. Syaoran san can rlm@0: provide that for you. I can't. I was all you need when you were young. But as time goes by, needs change. Sakura, I'm grateful rlm@0: you accepts what I am, but please don't push yourself for me." rlm@0: rlm@0: *****************EDITED ENDING************************ rlm@0: *****************EDITED ENDING************************ rlm@0: *****************EDITED ENDING************************ rlm@0: *****************EDITED ENDING************************ rlm@0: rlm@0: "When Syaoran told me he noticed another admirer deserves my love, I had no idea what he meant. And I was hoping that rlm@0: person would turn out to be someone not so dear to me, so that the choice would be easier. But it turned out to be you..." rlm@0: Sakura's eyes looked around the room, which is walls of videotape collections and hanged group photos of her, tomoyo, rlm@0: naoko, rika and chiharu. Indeed, childhood is a beautiful place to stay. One must grow away from it though. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo squeezes out a smile, and pulls herself away, "Sakura chan, gomen ne, I'm making this difficult for you to choose. I've rlm@0: always promised myself not to be a burden to you. Don't worry. We can stay as friends ^_^ You go ahead and let Syaoran rlm@0: know that he has nothing to worry about, ok? If you want, we can all meet together and straighten things out, whatever rlm@0: misunderstanding is going on between the two of you. Ii de shou [alright]?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura stares at her friend, unsure of how much pain her friend is hiding. The meeting is going nowhere to any solid resolution, rlm@0: so Tomoyo urges Sakura to go home by her car and leave the decision to tomorrow. rlm@0: rlm@0: The next evening, Sakura leaves a message on Syaoran's phone, letting him know the progress: she knows the admirer is rlm@0: Tomoyo but she needs some time before she makes the decision. rlm@0: rlm@0: {Who can I talk to? When I was rejected by Yukito, Syaoran lent me his shoulders. When I have fights with Syaoran, I turn to rlm@0: Tomoyo chan. Now both of them're competing. I need advice from, from Onii san! He can help. He teases me, but he always rlm@0: protects me.} The thought of Touya's often stern but concerned face gives Sakura a momentary relief. rlm@0: rlm@0: [In Sakura's room] Sakura: "Onii san, either one of them would be heart broken. I know how it feels, being rejected..." rlm@0: {flashbacks of Yukito confessing to Sakura that he's really in love with someone else} "Even someone as gentle as Yukito san rlm@0: didn't make the rejection sound any softer. I can't forgive myself hurting the ones I care so much for. I wish I knew the right one rlm@0: from the start. That way, I wouldn't involve so many people, crying for me." Sakura holds her head tight, weeping. rlm@0: rlm@0: Touya frowns even deeper, pads her little beloved sister's head and soothes her, "Sakura, I'm sorry I've broken your heart. rlm@0: Neither of us meant to lead you on. I didn't notice I loved Yuki until later, and Yuki couldn't see it in your eyes. Strange isn't it? rlm@0: Love, so strong; it runs deep inside you like blood flowing in your body. You feel the pulse, but you don't always stop and think rlm@0: about it. It takes time to sit down and think hard to realize what others have been doing for you, especially when you're busy rlm@0: thinking about someone, first Yuki, then Syaoran. I'm sure Tomoyo forgives you for missing her out." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura: "Onii san, about the 'love is like blood running deep inside', that's deep thoughts, you came up with that?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Touya, startled, coughs, "Ah, Hm---you caught me ^_< Kaho told me that when I was reconciling with her about who we rlm@0: really love. By the way, I don't regret the time I spent with her. She was loving, and I've learned much about life from her. rlm@0: Through love one grows, no matter how painful it is. You learn to be self-less, different, open and trust others, and brave too. rlm@0: So whoever you choose, fear no pain or guilt, because the day you open your heart to someone, you should have the courage rlm@0: to face anything. It's not your fault that you didn't pick the right one, or you didn't notice who loves you. Most people make rlm@0: wrong choices before they find the right one, and it takes two to make a relationship go down. And don't think that you'll lose rlm@0: one of them forever, because I believe both of them will stay as your friends anyway." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura, amazed by her brother's sudden profound wisdom {guess I haven't ever had a heart-to-heart talk with Onii rlm@0: san---didn't know he's THAT smart; always thought Yukito san was smarter ^_< } asks her brother further: "So should I stay rlm@0: with Syaoran san, or leave and try a new life with Tomoyo chan? What makes you realize that you got to be with Yukito san?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Touya thinks for a moment, then replies firmly, "When you can't think of living another day not seeing that person---that is, rlm@0: everyday wherever you go, whatever you do and think, that person is PART OF YOU, like the blood flows in you. It's there, rlm@0: but you don't see it, but you feel the pulse. If it goes away, you REALLY feel empty and can't move on. It's scary at first, when rlm@0: I noticed that how much I have been depending on Yuki. But then I was glad, I found someone special. I'm not living on the rlm@0: earth alone. Someone is with me. When Otou san [father] dies, and you get married off, I'll still have someone, Yuki, by my rlm@0: side. Sakura, you've got to have the guts to try. Doesn't matter if it turns out the wrong one, find you soul mate. It's worth all the rlm@0: journey." rlm@0: rlm@0: "Arigatou, Onii san. I kinda understand what you mean by 'soul mate' now." {I feel the inertia to change, but it has to be that rlm@0: way I guess.} rlm@0: rlm@0: "Gomen ne, Syaoran san, made you waited these few days." rlm@0: rlm@0: It is a sunny afternoon, but Syaoran can feel the clouds around him. Before him stands Sakura, the soon-to-be ex-girlfriend. rlm@0: She chose her. He can tell. Sakura is a passionate person. If she has chosen him, she would have already moved closer, why rlm@0: the guilty distance? Syaoran, a gentleman from start to finish, breaks the silence. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura san, it's...okay. I am prepared for either way. Your happiness is the most important. That's why I insisted you look into rlm@0: the alternate admirer. You deserve the best. If anything goes wrong in the future, please tell me, I'll do my best being your rlm@0: confidente." Tears betray Syaoran's smile. He wipes them away, and gives the hesitant Sakura a strong, last hug. Sakura cries rlm@0: on Syaoran's shoulders, but this time, it's departure. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Syaoran san~ gomen ne, Tomoyo chan---Tomoyo needs me. I need her too. Please don't wait for me. That would be too rlm@0: much to ask. Syaoran san, I'll take my chance. Please don't wait for me like Tomoyo did. It's too awful." Syaoran hesitates to rlm@0: promise this request. It's impossible to forget Sakura, at least for now. Syaoran whispers into her ear softly, "Sakura, I can't rlm@0: forget you. But I promise that if someone wonderful loves me, I'll give her a chance, ok?" Sakura closes her eyes with tears of rlm@0: relief and gratitude, "Thank you, Syaoran san." rlm@0: rlm@0: Looking from a distance, Tomoyo can't make out what words have been exchanged between the couple. She only sees the rlm@0: tight embrace, then the parting of the two, with Syaoran's head down, a clear sign of defeat. Tomoyo's heart is now divided rlm@0: between guilt and excitement. {I'm sorry Syaoran kun. I was the matchmaker and look what I've done to you. But, what can rlm@0: make Sakura possibly choose me? I'm a great friend, but can I be all that to her? Oh~ I just hope she didn't choose on rlm@0: impulse.} rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura quickly spotted Tomoyo and skips over to her side. {Hoe, what should I say?} "...Tomoyo chan---hn, To-mo-yo, rlm@0: gomen ne, I made you wait. I hurt Syaoran. I was dumb. This time, I hope...I won't hurt you!" Sakura swiftly takes Tomoyo's rlm@0: hand by surprise, and blurts out, "Ikimasu! [let's go]" rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo: "Sakura! It's broad day light!" rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura: "Hoe~oh well, sooner or later...Tomoyo, hanasa nai de [please don't leave me/ don't let go]." rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo laughs: "I never have," then she draws closer to Sakura's side, whispers, "and I never will." rlm@0: rlm@0: Owari~ ^_^