rlm@0: Dreams rlm@0: Part 3 rlm@0: by Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: http://fly.to/moonlit_nights rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Pushing her door open, an exhausted Kumiko led Megumi into her room. "You're lucky you quit cheerleading when you did. Coach has been running us ragged lately. I think she decided that she's a sadist." "If you want a sadist, Kumi, I wouldn't mind spanking you now and then," Megumi remarked, sitting gingerly on the edge of the brunette girl's bed. A smile lit up her face at the embarrassed look that Kumiko wore. "I.. You could... I mean, I wouldn't..." Kumiko stammered, blushing. Looking desperately for a retreat, the braided girl switched back to the previous topic. It was much safer that way. "Asahi-chan doesn't seem to mind. But she thinks coach can walk on water.""Have you ever seen her try? Maybe she can," Megumi mused. "Asahi's in love. Coach can do no wrong in her eyes. It's one of the many beautiful things about love."Kumiko blinked. "Denial is a beautiful thing about love? Since when?" Heading to her closet, she began to change out of her uniform. Pulling her braided hair out of the way, she glanced back over her shoulder. "And name another of the beautiful things about love. I wanna know what this list of yours is." rlm@0: rlm@0: Laughing softly, Megumi watched the other girl. Kumiko's beauty always captivated her. "Yes, but I wouldn't call it denial. More an understanding of how wonderful someone is. It's been part of the beautiful things about love since last Tuesday, I believe." Resting a hand on her chin, the blonde tilted her head to the side thoughtfully. "Another one from my list? You, of course. You're the most beautiful thing about love." rlm@0: rlm@0: Unable to hide her smile, Kumiko turns to the girl on her bed. A flick of her head sends her braided hair back in place. "You must have been such a Cassanova in your last life. You always say the sweetest things. I can't imagine anyone not falling for things like that. I know I always do." A few steps transported her to the edge of the bed. Aquamarine eyes gazing lovingly down into their violet counterparts, Kumiko's arms wrapped around the frail blonde. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I think it's just that I'm very much in love with you. And it's true. I'm glad you'd fall for the truth." Megumi's hands rubbed up and down Kumiko's sides, glad to have her friend so near. It was always comforting to feel the brunette close to her. Kumiko was her liferaft, keeping her afloat in the choppy sea of her world. All the pain seemed to melt away when they were together. Out of all the medicines that had been forced on Megumi, Kumiko was always the most effective balm she could think of. rlm@0: rlm@0: Giggling softly, Kumiko rest her head against Megumi's. The blonde's pale skin felt warm against her own. "I like that explanation." Her lips brushed over Megumi's, savoring the feel of the warm lips against her own. Her heart always felt deliriously dizzy in these moments. Holding the one you love, being able to kiss them over and over... Was anything better than that? She doubted it. This was her taste of heaven, her slice of bliss. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I thought you would," Megumi said with a grin. Taking Kumiko's waist, she dropped back onto the bed, pulling the taller girl with her. Curling against the bruntte, she melted against Kumiko's continued kisses. 'Don't let me go, Kumiko. Ever. I want to stay like this forever.' Everything that bothered her seemed so far away in Kumiko's arms. The brunette was her knight, protecting her from the harsh realities of the outside world. That retreat into Kumiko's arms, the warm, safe barrier was what kept her sane even as she knew everything else was falling apart. Feeling Megumi's hands roaming up and down her back, Kumiko kissed the smaller girl again and again before finally pulling back enough to look into her eyes. Oh, how she loved those eyes! They seemed to sparkle only for her, those beautiful puppy dog eyes that called to her. She was helpless to do anything but comply whenever she was lost in their depths. Her fingers began to stroke through Megumi's beautiful, luxorious blonde hair. It was like the finest silk, begging to be touched. She loved how it felt under her fingers while gazing into her friend's violet orbs. She sighed dreamily, pulling Megumi closer with her free arm. rlm@0: rlm@0: Shifting her head so she could let Kumiko get at more of her hair, Megumi smiled. Leaning forward, she nuzzled the brunette's nose and got out a fair copy of a purr. "Whenever you do that, I want to be your kitten. To curl up on your lap and feel your fingers rubbing through my fur... It would be wonderful." rlm@0: rlm@0: "You're so sweet. But I like my life-size kitten much better. She's such a good girl." Kumiko let her fingers scritch behind Megumi's ear, delighting in the purr that Megumi gave. Giving her another kiss, Kumiko let her hands return to her girlfriend's hair. "I like you this way. So soft and pretty." Sighing again, Kumiko buried her head against Megumi's blonde hair. She could feel Megumi's foot pushing playfully against hers and rubbed back against it. "I love you, Megumi-chan." She whispered softly. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I love you, too, Kumi." If she could just die now, she'd be happy. Why couldn't life always be like this? So warm and comfortable. It was as if her body had been made to be cradled in Kumiko's arms, snuggled close to the girl she loved. There was no more comfortable place on earth. And none that felt safer than the brunette's embrace. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Megumi-chan?" Kumiko propped herself up on an elbow, looking down at the pale girl. "Why didn't you tell the other girls why you left cheerleading? They don't know why you quit. They all think you just didn't feel like it anymore. I'm sure they'd want to know what's wrong.""But I didn't want them to know." Megumi sighed, sliding onto her back and closing her eyes. "They'll just worry if they know I'm sick. It's better this way. I don't want them to feel bad for me. I just want to be friends while I still have the chance. If they don't know, we can make the best of the time we have left. They won't have to suffer knowing about it."Kumiko's eyes narrowed. "Is that why you didn't tell me? So we could just pretend nothing was wrong? So everything would be just fine until you ended up leaving me?" rlm@0: rlm@0: Megumi's eyes blinked open slowly, looking up to the brunette. Maybe she'd given the wrong answer for her refusal to tell her friends that she was dying. Kumiko was still hurt that she hadn't told her. But what should she have done? "I don't know how much time I have left, Kumi. But I wanted to forget about that in your arms. I didn't want you to worry about it. That just puts a dark shroud over everything we do. I wanted us to enjoy the time I have left as much as we can. And you can't do that if in the back of your mind you're hurting because of this," Megumi tried to explain. "Before you knew, it didn't hurt, did it? You were happy. You weren't afraid of the future, were you?" rlm@0: For a moment, Kumiko was silent. Her mind played through her emotions, the way things were now, that constant specter of fear that hid within her heart. Sitting up, she clenched her fists until they hurt, pushing them deep into her thighs. Her back was to the blonde. "Everytime I see you, I'm afraid. Everytime we're together, part of me wants to cry. Because I know someday I won't be able to hold you. That someday I'm going to be standing over your grave. And I can't handle that. I don't want it to happen that way. And it tears me up inside. You say I'm your knight, but how can I be when I can't protect you from this? It makes me feel small and worthless. You're in the biggest trouble of your life, and I'm too insignificant to do a damned thing about it. And yet you take it all with a smile. You don't let anyone see your pain. Not even me. You're so much stronger than me. Because I don't know if I can live without you. I can't take that this is happening to you. I go to sleep crying at night, clinging to my pillow and praying that something, anything will stop this." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sitting up, Megumi rested a hand on Kumiko's shoulder. The other girl yanked her shoulder away, shaking lightly. The blonde's heart sunk. "That's why I didn't want to tell you, Kumi. It does hurt. But I didn't want it to hurt you, too. I wanted us to be happy while we still have the chance to be. You make me happy. That's more important than whether or not you can protect me from this. We all die. I can accept that. But I just want to be with you while I can."Kumiko stood up, stepping away from Megumi. She was breathing icey flames now, feeling them sear her lungs with each breath. Tears rolled relentlessly down her cheeks, mocking her. Since they were young, she had always been Megumi's hero. She'd stood up for her to bullies, had been there for her all night on the phone the first time both her parents had left her alone in the house while on business trips. But now she was completely helpless. Helplessness and frustration and fear all welled up inside her, creating a whirlpool that sucked away all of her strength. Whirling about, she started on Megumi. "You had no right to keep that from me! You had no right to lie to me that everything was fine! I love you, Megumi. How could you keep this from me?! How could you let me delude myself that we'd have our whole lives together? I made plans... We were gonna go to college together... I wanted to marry you... rlm@0: I can't do any of that now!!" Tears came faster and faster, blurring her vision until it was all a surreal painting, blobs of color all that she could make out of her girlfriend. rlm@0: rlm@0: Standing up slowly, Megumi had to stop herself from going to Kumiko. She wanted to, but she knew that Kumiko wouldn't let her. The knowledge of Megumi's impending death had finally overwhelmed the brunette. "I wanted all those things, too, Kumi. I wanted to be with you always. But life doesn't work that way. These are the cards we're dealt. And I wanted to play mine the best I could. I love you. I might not have long here, but that will never, every change. I love you. And I always will. If I could, I would be right there beside you every day of your life. I'd be there for grandkids and great grandkids.""This is all... This happened before." Kumiko looked at the old camcorder lying on her desk. She walked to it, clutching it to her chest. "Back when you were that other girl. Tomoyo. We died before. But we met each other again in this life. It's the same thing. You were Tomoyo last time. I'll find you next time. Even if I have to search the world over. You'll get born again. And I just have to find you..." That glimmer of hope helped keep her aloft over the dark abyss that threatened to consume her. Loneliness and madness licked at her from that infinitely dark pit. But if she could find Megumi in her next life... "Kumi! I don't want to think about other lives. Whoever we were, it doesn't matter. Whoever we might be hasn't even happened yet. I have no idea what that's all about, but it isn't important. I like the idea that we've been together before, too. And that we'll be together again someday. But I can't surround myself with that right now. Because right now is the important thing. Right now is where I have to live. I don't know who we were or who we might be someday. But I do know that right now, at this very instant, I love you. With all my heart and soul. I want to live in the present because I know I don't have much of a future. I can't lose myself in a past I can't remember. I don't need fairytales to keep me going. All I need is you." Walking over, the pale girl took Kumiko's hand. "Right here. Right now. Forget the past. Forget the future. Just be with me. Now. Love me. While we still can. I want to make the most of the time I have left. I love you. I want to surround myself with that love for as long as I can. Every moment with you, that's what keeps me going. The future can't hurt me as long as I live in the moment, in every moment that I'm with you. Now is important, Kumi. Everything else will happen when it comes." rlm@0: rlm@0: Kumiko yanked away from Megumi, shaking her head. Her tiny strand of hope snapped, sending her sprawling headfirst into the abyss. Darkness surrounded her heart, ice pumping through her veins. She was lost. "How can I live right now when I know it will go away? What does it matter if we're together right now when I'll be all alone soon? If you're gonna die and I'll never see you again, then what's the point of any of this?!" Why fight? Why try if it meant nothing in the end? If you were destined to lose, what did it matter if you tried or not? They could be together now, but soon Megumi would be a blackhole in her life, ripped from her, leaving her incomplete for the rest of her life. Megumi stared at Kumiko for a long moment, her heart breaking. Closing her eyes, she turned and walked out, letting the door swing closed behind her. rlm@0: rlm@0: All she could do was watch the love of her life leave. The brunette was too angry, lost, afraid, and depressed to force herself after Megumi. What could she do now? What did it matter. Her heart felt like a giant chunk of glass, cutting into her body with every heartbeat. Clutching the camcorder tightly, she hurled it against the wall, only dimly hearing something shatter. She could barely breath as her sobs wracked her body. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Honey? Are you okay? I just saw Megumi leaving. She was crying. Did you two get into a fight?" Kumiko's mother asked from the other side of the door. Hearing nothing but broken sobs, she swiftly opened the door to find her daughter crying profusely. "Oh, baby, what happened?" Hurrying to her daughter's side, she pulled Kumiko close. Her daughter clung tightly to her, unable to get out any words. "Shhh... It's okay, baby. It will be okay..."But how could it be? How could it ever be okay?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: How could Kumiko think that? How could she say it wasn't worth it? Wasn't their love worth fighting for, no matter what the cost? Death shouldn't stop that. Death wasn't strong enough to destroy love. At least, Megumi had thought it wasn't. But the brunette had already given up on her...Tears spattered the ground as she ran, wanting to get as far away as she could. She had lost her sanctuary, her one safe spot in the storm that was her life. Knowing she would die didn't hurt half as much as that knowledge. Kumiko's words echoed through her head. 'What's the point?' Indeed. What was the point without Kumiko? If she couldn't live with Kumiko's love and support, what was the point in lasting until her disease took her? Why even wait? Wasn't that the entire reason she had been hanging on, after all? So that she could be with Kumiko just a little longer? But Kumiko didn't think that was enough anymore. rlm@0: rlm@0: There was no place left to run. Her parents had distanced themselves from their daughter's impending death. They had thrown themselves into their work, paying for what medication she needed and what operations, but losing themselves in business trips and long hours in the process. It was less painful if they didn't have to watch, wasn't it? Even Kumiko felt hopeless about her. She should just die and get it over with. There was no one to run to. No one who would help her. She had wanted a happy end to her life, spending it with the girl she loved. Now it seemed like she couldn't even have that. No future. And only a lonely end. What a waste. rlm@0: rlm@0: Pain was erupting in her heart. Megumi stumbled forward, feeling sick. Everything hurt. Her medication came to mind as a reflex. But the medication wasn't there. It was back at Kumiko's house, where she'd left her bag. Each step felt like a thousand needles in her skin. The world was tilting this way and that. Her broken heart was being ground into dust by the roiling torment within her. Her foot tried in vain to make the next step, but the ground seemed to drop out from underneath her. The world upended as Megumi crashed onto the pavement. rlm@0: rlm@0: The world wavered around the sick blonde girl, seeming to fade further and further away. It was ironic. In a way, it felt fitting. Everything else was falling apart, so why shouldn't her body follow suit? She was probably better off without her medication. It wouldn't have been worth taking anyway. At least now the pain would stop. She wouldn't be hurting Kumiko anymore. It would finally be over. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tears slipped down her cheek onto the ground. This wasn't what she wanted. All she wanted, all she'd ever wanted, was to be with Kumiko. What would Kumiko think when they found her body? Would she feel like she'd been right about it not being worth it? All she wanted... Her eyes closed, Kumiko's image filling her mind. Another weak sob escaped her. She loved Kumiko. She wanted to be with her. But even that was denied to her. Why did she have to leave on this note? Why couldn't she have died knowing Kumiko loved her, that she always would? She would have been better off dying the night before. Her body spasmed, the pain reaching a crescendo as she blacked out. rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan!" Dropping her school books, a red haired girl ran to Megumi's side, dropping to her knees beside her. Her short, fiery hair got into her eyes, but hse ignored it, checking on the fallen girl. The pale girl was unconscious, but she looked like she was in tremondous pain. "No... Not now. Damn it!" Meishi placed her hands on Megumi, focusing all of the healing magic she could into the sickly girl. She knew it wasn't enough to fix her mistake, but she hoped it would be enough to heal Megumi for the time being. The blonde's body slowly relaxed, her breathing slow and ragged. "Tomoyo-chan..." rlm@0: rlm@0: Honestly, she shouldn't have even been in the area. She went to a different school altogether. And she didn't even need to go to school. She had all of her memories from her past life, so it was a bit redundant. She guessed that she went in order to keep from losing her mind. But on her way home, she had taken an unexpected turn. Meishi had hoped that she'd get a glimpse of Tomoyo. She told herself she wouldn't say anything or let Megumi know she was watching her. She only wanted to see her again, to see the woman she loved in her new life. She knew she shouldn't get involved in Megumi's life. It was better that way. But she had to. Megumi needed her. rlm@0: rlm@0: Wrapping her arms around the frail blonde, large wings sprang from Meishi's back. Casting a spell to keep any passersby from noticing, she took to the sky. "Please be okay, Tomoyo-chan..." rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: Megumi lay unconscious on the large bed in the center of Meishi's room. Meishi paced nervously, glancing back to the pale girl every few seconds. Despite the different appearance, she could still see through to Tomoyo. She was still the girl Meishi loved, despite the different body. And the lack of memories. But Meishi had all of those memories of their life together. Which was why the house she stayed in was a magical recreation of the home she had lived in with Tomoyo. The bed Megumi laid in was a replica of the one that she had once held her wife in. rlm@0: rlm@0: "She's fine, Meishi-sama. As fine as she can be, under the circumstances. She may even have another month or two left in her. Are you sure you shouldn't have her wake up in her own bed? If she sees you, it might complicate things. Afterall, isn't it Kumiko-san's role to look after her?" Yue asked. The pale, dark haired woman was a far cry from the previous Yue. She had created her during this life as an assistant, her version of Yue. And she had been wonderful at the job. Unfortunately, Meishi had designed her a bit too much after Tomoyo. The magical creature was a constant reminder of her love. It made it very difficult to keep from going to see Tomoyo sometimes. rlm@0: rlm@0: Back when she had still been Sakura, Meishi had sealed away Yukito's powers so that he may live and die with her older brother. That way Touya and Yukito could always be together. The same way she had tried to be together with Tomoyo. But Tomoyo's soul didn't have the magic that her own did, so it wasn't taking reincarnation well. It was meant to have passed on, so it was only a matter of time before Megumi's body failed. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I know, Yue-chan. But... I..." Meishi trailed off. She knew she shouldn't, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to look into Tomoyo's eyes again. She swallowed the lump in her throat painfully. "Sometimes I wish I'd switched places with Kumiko. I like her job much better. She's only here to love Tomoyo." rlm@0: rlm@0: "But your job is very important, too, Meishi-sama," Yue replied, smiling softly. "You need to end things with the Cards. Only you can stop the cycle from repeating." rlm@0: rlm@0: Meishi pushed her glasses up, her eyes growing cold. "I hate this magic sometimes. I hate how it keeps me alive. I hate how it keeps this cycle going. Sometimes I wish I'd never found the Book of Clow.""I'm sure Clow Reed thought the same thing. That's why he delegated the responsibility to you. So he could finally die and escape the immense power of that magic," Yue said thoughtfully. "You could always find a replacement, Meishi-sama. Then you could leave with Tomoyo-san." Sighing, the redhead shook her head. "I can't do that. It wasn't right when Eriol stuck me with this power and it wouldn't be right for me to let anyone take up this burden. I need to end this once and for all. I need to set the Cards free. And then I need to get rid of enough of my magic so I can finally die." Sitting next to Megumi on the bed, she carressed the older girl's cheek. It was weird seeing Tomoyo older than her. "So I can be with you." It took her a moment to realize tears were forming in her eyes. Having Tomoyo so close was affecting her. Usually she managed to keep focussed on her goal of setting things right. But with Tomoyo right there, that seemed so distant. Brushing some hair away from Megumi's pretty face, Meishi let herself get sidetracked. "I almost want to try to make her two people, too. Like me and Kumiko. Then we could both be with her. But I've already hurt her enough.""Maybe Kumiko wouldn't mind sharing her," Yue suggested. "After all, you and she are the same person. And I'm sure Megumi-san would be unable to resist you, Meishi-sama.""I wish." Meishi stuck her tongue out at the magical creature. "Kumiko is probably more like the Sakura Tomoyo loved than I am. I have all of the memories of my past life and all of the magic and the body of a fourteen year old. You can't go through all that and still be the same." Looking down at Megumi, she sighed deeply, her glasses sliding down her nose."I don't think that would bother her. You still love her despite her living a completely different life, don't you? She's been waiting her whole life for you.""And she found me. As Kumiko. So she doesn't need me," the Cardmistress said sadly, her eyes never leaving her sleeping love."Then become one with Kumiko again. If Megumi is dying, then Kumiko's job is almost over anyway. Then you could be with her while you have the chance. If you keep Kumiko's life and appearance, then she won't notice a thing." Yue took the washcloth off of Megumi's head, dipping it in some fresh water."Don't tempt me, Yue-chan! I miss her too much as it is. I'm trying to be strong about this and leave things alone," Meishi whined. After a hesitant moment, she took Megumi's hand in her own, intertwining their fingers. Bringing Megumi's hand to her lips, kisses rained upon the soft skin. "I want Meishi-sama to be happy. You would obviously be much happier if you could be with Tomoyo-san again." The dark haired guardian raised an eyebrow. "Besides, you've already taken a step in that direction. You did bring her here, didn't you?""But that was... I was just... Hoe...." Meishi sighed. Yue was right too often for her liking. "This is all my fault. I shouldn't have dragged Tomoyo-chan into this life to begin with. If I get closer to her new life, I'll just hurt her more. I don't want to get her involved with all of this magic. I almost got her hurt enough in her last life." Her heart dropped further as she played out the rest of the scenario. "And she's dying to begin with. I should just let her die in peace. She doesn't need more trouble from me. I should just leave her in Kumiko's hands. It's why I made her, anyway.""Maybe you could create a magical body and place Tomoyo-san's soul in it if her own body is failing. Or if you're right about her lack of magic meaning she should have died, you can remedy that by giving her some magic. Much like the last Yue being part of Yukito, you could make me a part of Megumi-san. I could keep her safe from any of the magical problems you're afraid of and I could slumber until you require my services," the dark haired woman offered. She was always happy to serve her creator. And if this could solve Meishi's problems, she'd gladly go through with it. "But I don't want anyone to hurt. Anyone at all. Not you, not the Cards, not anyone. I wouldn't want to do that to you. I don't even know if it would work. I'm scared to try again. Look at her. She's dying. Because of me. How do I know that she won't start dying again no matter what I try?" Meishi asked, finally looking up at Yue."You can't know that. You can see much of the future, Meishi-sama, but those sorts of things are cloudy even to you. I'm sorry." Yue bowed her head."I should just let her die in Kumiko's arms. I'll see her soul when it's set free anyway. My magic lets me see the dead. So I'll be able to stay close to her when she dies. Then she won't be suffering anymore," Meishi reasoned, glancing back down at the lightly slumbering blonde."But deep down, you're fighting with yourself. You want to find a way to save her, just like Kumiko-san. You desperately want to be in her arms again," the dark haired woman said softly. Meishi pulled her glasses off, rubbing at her eyes. Yep. It had been a bad idea to give Yue the same powers of perception that Tomoyo had held. It meant that her servant knew far too much about things she hid even from herself sometimes. "I don't know what to do anymore... I'm so damn weak. I promised I'd stay away from her, that I wouldn't drag her into all this. And look at me. I'm trying to convince myself to do it, just so I can be near her again. I'm selfish. She'd never, ever do this to me. She was the most selfless person I ever knew. I obviously didn't learn from her." She sighed wetly, blinking back the threat of tears."You aren't weak, Meishi-sama. You just love her. Isn't love supposed to be a little selfish? I think she'd want you to be selfish about her. It would make her happy." Yue could see the indecision in her mistress. Meishi had relied on her advice often in the past and she could see that the redhead was trying to figure out how she should take it now. Sakura had always been strong, but her strength was always somehow stronger and better focused when she had Tomoyo by her side to help her figure out what she should do. Yue had tried her best to provide that during the years, but she knew it wasn't the same. Besides, she was simply a facsimile of the real Tomoyo, a magical construct designed to have some of the other womans attributes. A fake was never as good as the real thing. In some ways, she had been hoping Meishi would agree to let her become one with Megumi. Then she would be part of the real Tomoyo instead of being nothing more than a ghost of Tomoyo. rlm@0: rlm@0: Meishi gazed back down at the slumbering Megumi, holding the blonde's hand to her chest. Her mind spun in a chaotic hurricane, thoughts rebounding off each other. She couldn't make up her mind. She longed for Tomoyo, but it wasn't her place anymore. She'd granted that gift to Kumiko. She had loved Tomoyo all her life, every single day she could remember. She had been born with that love, a memory of the life they had shared together. Every day without her felt wrong, as if it never should have been that way. And now, the woman she loved was so close, and yet she was dying and in love with her other self. So close, yet so very far. rlm@0: rlm@0: For a long moment, Meishi could do nothing but sit and watch the girl she loved, her mind in shambles. She was the Cardmistress. Her responsibility was to make sure this magical nightmare ended. For the Cards' sake, for her own, as well as for Tomoyo's. But all she really wanted at that moment was to cuddle in Tomoyo's arms, to hear her love whispering once more in her ear. No matter how much she knew she should stay out of Tomoyo's new life. rlm@0: rlm@0: Almost unconsciously, the redheaded Cardmistress found herself leaning forward. 'Just one kiss,' she told herself. That was surely all right. A simple kiss. A reminder of what she was fighting for. Just a single moment with the woman she loved. rlm@0: rlm@0: Pausing just over Megumi's lips, she watched her beautiful best friend from a lifetime past. Her heart swelled at the sight. Licking her lips, she kissed Megumi's soft lips, their touch like the first drink of water after years in a desert. Her simple kiss grew out of the longing in her heart, her kiss becoming more drawn out. She could imagine the way Tomoyo had kissed her so very long ago. The way those kisses made her feel sprung up like a fountain in her heart, washing over her. Warm and loved and happy. Deliriously happy. Tears slipped past her chin, dripping onto the pale girl beneath her. She missed that so much. Her wife, her love, her best friend. She kissed more, wanting desperately to hold onto that moment, to the love of her life, all of her lives. After a moment, she felt the lips awaken against her own, moving to capture them again and again. Meishi nearly cried out in joy and surprise. This was it exactly. Those lips pressed against her own, that love coursing through her like an electric current. Her arms wrapped around the pale girl. rlm@0: rlm@0: It was a moment before Megumi realized that she wasn't kissing Kumiko. Her mysterious partner was shorter, for one thing. And her lover's usual long braids or ponytail was gone, replaced by much closer cropped, messy hair. But the bizarre thing was that it still felt like she was kissing Kumiko. Despite the tactile differences, it still held the same heart and soul behind it. Which is why it took Megumi a while to pull away. It felt so right to be in that kiss. It was as if she belonged there. Finally pulling away, she looked up at the needy, teary eyed younger girl. "My, aren't you friendly?" she asked, smiling faintly. "Tomoyo-chan!" Meishi threw herself against Megumi, clutching on tightly. She knew she should cast a spell, make Megumi fall asleep again, but she couldn't. She needed her, damn it. Even more than she'd been able to admit. rlm@0: rlm@0: Megumi held the younger girl, her weary mind spinning. She was too exhausted to figure things out. Maybe she had died and heaven was much more confusing than she'd guessed. But this girl... she felt like Kumiko. She felt warm and safe and loved in that embrace. She knew she shouldn't, but she let herself relax into it. Her body was still exhausted. For now, she needed to rest. There would be time for answers later.