rlm@0: The Dark Rainbow Crystal Chapter Three rlm@0: by Black Rose rlm@0: rlm@0: Serena stared out the window watching the rainfall, as long as it rlm@0: wasn't thundering; it was one of her favorite thing to do. She turned rlm@0: her head to see her husband reading at his desk. They were in their rlm@0: study. The room had a big window that looked out the backyard. The rlm@0: room had high shelves stacked with many books. rlm@0: He glanced up and smiled at her, she smiled back. rlm@0: She walked over to her desk and sat down. rlm@0: "Darien, are Trista and Hotaru going to stop in today?" rlm@0: "Yes, around ten." His wife looked at the clock that read nine-forty- rlm@0: five. rlm@0: "I hope Hotaru is alright, she's been taking this blindness really rlm@0: well," she though while looking over some papers. rlm@0: rlm@0: In one of the gardens, Hotaru was standing in the rain with one of rlm@0: her mother; who is working on planting some carnations. "Mother that rlm@0: smells really sweet," she said while holding the blossoms in her rlm@0: hands. rlm@0: "I know and this rain is helping them get healthy and strong," rlm@0: Michelle replied. rlm@0: "Hotaru, it's time to go talk to the Queen and King," someone yelled rlm@0: form behind. rlm@0: She turned when she heard Trista call her name. rlm@0: "Coming!" rlm@0: Michelle gazed up at her, "Go on, I can finish up here." rlm@0: "Thanks Michiru-mama." Her daughter said while getting her talking rlm@0: cane and slowly she started to step to the door. rlm@0: As the two started to walk to the Queen and King were talking about rlm@0: different things. rlm@0: "I see you're becoming accustomed to walking with the cane," rlm@0: "Yap, it didn't take me that long to learn how to use it." rlm@0: She could sense that her mother was worried about something, but rlm@0: didn't know what was occupying her mind. "Mother, is there something rlm@0: wrong?" rlm@0: "Oh, I just have this feeling that something is wrong with the rlm@0: timeline, you see about four days ago, I was working in my study, rlm@0: talking to Rini and Helios. I got this feeling something came out of rlm@0: gate; but when I went to inspect it, I found absolutely nothing wrong rlm@0: with it." They stopped in front of the door to the Queen's study. rlm@0: "I don't feel any evil," Hotaru though. Trista knocked on the door; rlm@0: she could hear the Queen beckoning them to come in. Trista opened the rlm@0: door, and closes the door behind them. rlm@0: rlm@0: In a different part of the Palace, Rini, Helios is talking with rlm@0: Luna and Diana. rlm@0: They were sitting in the living room. A fire had let in the faire rlm@0: place and the warmth radiating heat through out their bodies. The rlm@0: room was large and comfortable. Overstuffed chairs and long formal rlm@0: couches were placed in clusters. Pretty pillows of coordinating rlm@0: materials were on all of the pieces of furniture. rlm@0: The comfort of the room led the friends to start discussing the rlm@0: details of the impending wedding. Mental pictures of the ceremony and rlm@0: reception led to dreams of future children, homes, and places the rlm@0: couple would share as they grew older, still enjoying each others rlm@0: company. rlm@0: "So are you guys considering on having kids, because you know your rlm@0: mother counting on you to have an heir?" asked Luna rlm@0: Rini just blushed real red. The thought of having Helios' children rlm@0: made her feel nervous and excited at the same time. rlm@0: "Well, I don't have to worry about having kids, because I'm getting rlm@0: married to the hottest babe in the hold kingdom," Diana replied with rlm@0: a big grin. rlm@0: "I can see it now your kids asking why they have a tale," Helios rlm@0: said with a glint of sarcasm. They all laughed, as Diana got red rlm@0: faced. rlm@0: "How is Hotaru doing?" asked Luna turning from looking out the window. rlm@0: "Amy said the blindness has a time limit, it toke her all night but rlm@0: she knew that much," replied the pink princess. rlm@0: "Well that's good right?" questioned Diana rlm@0: "I don't know, but her eyes may never be the same," Luna said rlm@0: setting down next to her daughter. rlm@0: "Well, its better then being blinded forever," Helios replied rlm@0: holding on to Rini. rlm@0: Rini loved the feeling she was getting from the way her fiancé was rlm@0: holding her. The laughing and talking went on. No one notice a young rlm@0: lady outside was watching them from window in the rain. rlm@0: "Don't get to comfortable my Queen and King, for your time is about rlm@0: up." she said rlm@0: "What are you doing out here, in the rain?" a little voices from rlm@0: behind her. rlm@0: She turned around a young girl with blond hair, and wearing a bright rlm@0: pink raincoat and hat. She seemed care free and friendly. rlm@0: "My name is Dainae, what is yours?" she asked. rlm@0: "Sierra, what are you doing out here?" rlm@0: "Mother said I could play in the rain, do you want to play with me?" rlm@0: she asked holding her out her hand. rlm@0: Sierra just looked at her, slowly reached out and touched her hand. rlm@0: As their hands meet the two felt a powerful connection to one rlm@0: another. The feeling of sadness came into Sierra's heart, but didn't rlm@0: show it. Finally, Dainae tried to pull her new friend into one of the rlm@0: puddles. The pair of paint-sized girls played, Dainae's mother rlm@0: watched from the kitchen. "She looks so happy with her new friend, rlm@0: but were did she come from?" rlm@0: She turned back to the girls, in the corner of her eyes she saw a rlm@0: woman standing in the rain. "How and the hell did she get there, and rlm@0: why is she standing in the rain with out a raincoat, or an umbrella." rlm@0: Mina got her umbrella, and walked outside. "Would you like something rlm@0: to keep you out of the rain?" rlm@0: The other woman turned around to see the Queen of the Planet Venus, rlm@0: holding an umbrella over both of there heads. She then looked back to rlm@0: the girls playing in the rain. rlm@0: "Is that your daughter?" asked Venus pointing to the girl with short rlm@0: black hair. rlm@0: "Yes, that's Sierra." rlm@0: "May I ask your name?" rlm@0: "Oh, sorry about being rude, I'm name is Gaia," with a little bow. rlm@0: "I'm….." rlm@0: "I knew how you are Princess Venus, or as your friend call you Mina rlm@0: and little one playing with my daughter is Dainae," with little nod. rlm@0: Venus was just looking at her and nodded as well. rlm@0: "Would you like to come in and warm up?" rlm@0: "Thank you that would be nice." rlm@0: Venus turned her head to the girls "Girls we'll be inside if you rlm@0: need us." rlm@0: The girls looked over said ok and went back to what they were doing. rlm@0: The two ladies walk into the palaces, and closed the door behind them. rlm@0: "What do you think they're going to talk about, Sierra?" Dainae asked. rlm@0: "I really don't knew" rlm@0: "Ha, do you want to see my room? Dainae begged holding her friend's rlm@0: hand. rlm@0: Sierra couldn't help but smile at this, "It's been a very long time rlm@0: since I've felt like this," she though. She felt a hand pulling on rlm@0: hers. rlm@0: "Come on!" rlm@0: "I'm coming, keep your shirt on," with a playful tune. This made rlm@0: Dainae blush a little. rlm@0: They walk pasted their mothers and down the hall to Dianae's room. rlm@0: The mothers were in the living room were Rini, Helios, Luna, and rlm@0: Diana were already gone. So it was just the two of them. rlm@0: "I'll have a maid get you some dry closes," rlm@0: "Thanks you." rlm@0: "You're welcome Gaia" rlm@0: "Venus are you in their?" asked a voice coming from the great hall. rlm@0: "Yes, I'm," she responded smiling at Gaia. rlm@0: A woman with ocean green hair entered with a flowing satin gown. The rlm@0: material shimmered in the light revealing a lavender tint to the rlm@0: fitted gown. The dress was lovely. The gorgeous figure of the woman rlm@0: was highlighted by the cut of the gown and flowing material from the rlm@0: shawl. Her shiny aqua hair was pulled back with a bow made of the rlm@0: same material as the dress. Earring hung from her ears and showed off rlm@0: her beautiful black eyes and exotic neckline. rlm@0: "Oh, I didn't know that you were having company," Neptune said rlm@0: taking a look at the other woman in the room. A wave of recognition rlm@0: overcame Neptune as she gazed into the stunning woman's eyes. "This rlm@0: woman has the same sadness in her eyes has my daughter," she though. rlm@0: At the same moment, Gaia look at her, "Is there something wrong?" rlm@0: "No" rlm@0: "Neptune this is Gaia, her daughter is playing with Dainae in her rlm@0: room," said Venus rlm@0: "Hello," she replied holding out her hand. rlm@0: "Pleased to meet you" shaking her hand. rlm@0: "Princess Venus, close you asked for," said the maid walking up to rlm@0: them and handing it to her. It was pale pink with spaghetti strap rlm@0: dress. There was a beautiful sheen to the material. The A line cut of rlm@0: the dress would show all of the curves and the two ties for her dark rlm@0: hair would make the outfit magnificent. rlm@0: "Thank you for the gift, Princess Venus, is there some were that I rlm@0: could change," Gaia asked. rlm@0: "You can use my room, oh and Venus, the Queen would like to see rlm@0: you," Neptune said. rlm@0: "I will keep your friend company, in tell you return," rlm@0: "Is this ok with you?" asked Venus rlm@0: Gaia just nodes her head and then Venus walk out of the room. rlm@0: "Well, we better get you into those close, please come this way," rlm@0: replied Neptune show her the way. As both were in deep thought as rlm@0: they walked down the hall. They ran into Rini and Helios. They both rlm@0: stopped, and bow. rlm@0: "Neptune, who's your friend," Rini requested. rlm@0: "This is Gaia, she is a friend of Venus's," she replied. rlm@0: "We're you from?" asked Rini with a smile. rlm@0: "I'm sorry, I can't give that information out, I'm truly sorry rlm@0: Princess, I'll just get my daughter and go,' she said with sadness. rlm@0: She walked pass them, and headed to Diane's room. The three just rlm@0: looked at one another, then Neptune walk after her. rlm@0: "Did I say something wrong?" Rini though. rlm@0: "I think we better let Hotaru's mother deal with it," Helios said rlm@0: taking Rini's hand and led her to the living room. Rini looked down rlm@0: the hall one more time. rlm@0: rlm@0: In Diane's room the two girls were looking at a new wedding dress rlm@0: book. Diane found it next to the Princess's room. "What do you think rlm@0: of this one," she asked pointing to a woman in a white silk dress rlm@0: with shimmers, with a white rose in front and a little bow in the rlm@0: back. rlm@0: "I like it too," replied Sierra. As she turned the page, they heard rlm@0: a knock on the door. rlm@0: "Who is it?" asked the girls at the same time, they both looked at rlm@0: one another, and laughed. rlm@0: "It's me Gaia, my I come in?" rlm@0: "Come in," she heard someone say, so she opened and walked in. rlm@0: From the look in her mother's eyes, Sierra knew that something was rlm@0: wrong. rlm@0: "Mother, you ok?" she asked getting off the floor. rlm@0: "I would like know the same thing?" asked a woman standing behind rlm@0: Gaia. rlm@0: Gaia turned around to see Neptune standing there with a worried face. rlm@0: "I sorry about that, I don't like to talk about were I'm from," Gaia rlm@0: told her. rlm@0: "That is alright, the Princess sometimes doesn't think before she rlm@0: speaks," Michelle said with a shrug of understanding. rlm@0: The two girls laughed when they heard this. The two older women rlm@0: started to laugh with the girls. After they stopped laughing Sierra rlm@0: saw a dress in her mother hand. rlm@0: "Mother, why do you have a dress?" rlm@0: "Oh, this?" looking down at it. "I got this from Mina's maid because rlm@0: I'm wet." rlm@0: "Dainae, would it be alright, if I used your room to change?" rlm@0: "Sheer," replied Dainae. The three of them walked out of the room, rlm@0: and closed the door behind them. As the three waited in the hall rlm@0: Michelle looked at the two girls talking. rlm@0: "What is your name?" asked Michelle looking at Dainae's friend. rlm@0: "Who me?" asked Sierra. Michelle just nodded her head. rlm@0: "I'm Sierra," she said with a bow. rlm@0: "It's nice to meet you, Sierra, I'm….." rlm@0: "I knew how you are Princess Neptune, your one of the mothers to rlm@0: Princess Saturn, and your wife is Princess Uranus," interrupt Sierra. rlm@0: Michelle was shocked. rlm@0: "How did this girl know so much about her," she thought. rlm@0: The door opened, and Gaia came out. rlm@0: "You look very nice," Michelle said. The girls just smiles and rlm@0: nodded in agreement. rlm@0: "Thanks for the compliment," replied Gaia. rlm@0: "Mother, you're smiling, it's been a while," her daughter said. rlm@0: "I think your right," rlm@0: rlm@0: Venus walked into the Queen and King's study, and sat down. rlm@0: "Venus, I asked you here, because I need to know if anything was out rlm@0: of place?" asked The Queen. rlm@0: "From what we knew, about four days ago, the weather went a little rlm@0: wacky, it started to rain, and snow, then it stopped. What is really rlm@0: weird is that no one knew noticed it, but us," said Trista. rlm@0: "About four days ago," the King thought. rlm@0: "Darien, is there something wrong? His wife asked. rlm@0: He was in deep though, has he got up and walked to the window, he rlm@0: looked out side. rlm@0: He was thinking about what Zack said "My mother told me. Before she rlm@0: died, she said that she been having a repeating dream. "There's this rlm@0: woman with long pink hair standing next to my mother tell her that rlm@0: her son will have one of the seven Dark Rainbow Crystals, but only rlm@0: Princess Saturn could have it." rlm@0: The Queen walked over to him and hugs him from behind. rlm@0: "Honey, what's wrong?" rlm@0: "Trista didn't the time gate act up about four days ago?" he asked. rlm@0: "Yes, it did but what dose…." Then it donned on her, that it was the rlm@0: same time that they found out about the crystals. rlm@0: "My King, are you saying that the crystals may have come though the rlm@0: gate?" rlm@0: "Yes," then turning around, smiled at his wife, and then looked at rlm@0: Hotaru. The Queen followed his gaze, then it hit her, she knew what rlm@0: her husband was thinking. He looked back at his wife, and nodded. rlm@0: Hotaru could feel that they were looking at her. rlm@0: "Hotaru, when did you start having the dreams?" asked The Queen. rlm@0: Hotaru thought about it for a minute, "It was about four days rlm@0: ago," she told them. rlm@0: "For the gate to act up like that, there had to be more then a few rlm@0: little things," Trista mentioned. Venus was thinking about Gaia, and rlm@0: her daughter. rlm@0: "May Queen," Venus said getting up, and waking to the door. rlm@0: "Where are you going?" asked The Queen. Venus turns around "I met rlm@0: this young lady, and her daughter." "I need to get back to them" as rlm@0: she walked out of the room and closed the door behind them. rlm@0: "What was that about?" asked Trista as she walks over to Hotaru. rlm@0: "I don't know, why we don't call it good for now," the King said rlm@0: setting back down in his chair. The other three just looked at one rlm@0: another and smiled. Hotaru and Trista went to the kitchen to get rlm@0: something to eat. As Venus walk to her daughter's room, she had this rlm@0: bad feeling, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Venus put the rlm@0: troubling thoughts out of her mind as she came down the hall. rlm@0: "I have a feeling that you're right," said a woman in front of her. rlm@0: "Oh, hello Michelle, so you also have a feeling that something is rlm@0: not right?" rlm@0: "I just got done talking to your new friend; she doesn't say much, rlm@0: but I get this feeling that I knew her from some were, and I think rlm@0: she knew what's going on." rlm@0: "So, what do you think we should do?" rlm@0: "I really don't knew, I really don't knew" rlm@0: "That give me an idea," Venus though as she walk pass Neptune and rlm@0: down the hall. rlm@0: "Later!" rlm@0: Michelle smiled and went to find the Queen. "Oh, I should ask Venus rlm@0: were she is?" rlm@0: She turned around, and yelled to Venus. rlm@0: "Venus, where is the Queen?!" rlm@0: Venus yelled back "She said she was going to speck to the Princess!" rlm@0: "Thank you" rlm@0: rlm@0: "What was that all about momma?" asked Dainae. rlm@0: "Nothing, anyway I was think, if it's alright with your mother, how rlm@0: would you like to have a sleepover," suggested Venus. rlm@0: The girls heard the word (sleepover) and began the pleading and rlm@0: bargaining. rlm@0: The look that they gave here mother was one of the really cute large rlm@0: eyed looks only pretty little girl can pull off while still being rlm@0: cute. Gaia rolled her eyes and thought that if she doesn't let them, rlm@0: she'll never hear the end of it. So she just nodded her head. rlm@0: The girls scream in excitement, ran back into Dainae's room. rlm@0: "Thank you," Venus said bowing. rlm@0: Gaia though for a moment, then walks into the room. "Sierra, I need rlm@0: you to promise that you wouldn't do anything." rlm@0: Sierra knew what her mother was talking about, for how much she rlm@0: wanted too, she nodded to her mother saying she wouldn't. rlm@0: "Thank you, sweetie" hung her and walked out of the room. rlm@0: Dainae and Mina looked at one another. rlm@0: "I think it's about time I left," rlm@0: "Would you like to stay in one of the gusted rooms," offered Venus. rlm@0: "Thank you for the offer, but I would feel much better at the rlm@0: hotel." She said bowing and turning to Sierra. rlm@0: "Sierra, all be back around one o'clock tomorrow" she said. rlm@0: Her daughter just nodded her head and went back to playing the video rlm@0: game. rlm@0: "She'll be fine" Venus told her. Gaia just nodded. rlm@0: rlm@0: On the other side of the Places Serena and Rini were walking rlm@0: around the gardens. rlm@0: "How do you feel about what happen to Saturn?" Serena asked. rlm@0: Rini had flashes of yesterday came running through her head. rlm@0: ("What are you afraid of, it's not like you're in love with her?" "I rlm@0: mean you have Helios, Do you really need her in your life?") rlm@0: "Rini, is there something wrong?" rlm@0: Her mother's intuition was screaming. Just the look in her rlm@0: daughter's eyes gave her shivers. "Would you like to talk about it?" rlm@0: "I won't judge what you say." rlm@0: "A mother never wants to see her children unhappy." rlm@0: "Your right about that my Queen," someone said. rlm@0: They turned around seeing Michelle walking up. "I love the smell of rlm@0: rain," she said. rlm@0: "Hello Michelle, what brings you out here?" the Queen inquired. rlm@0: "May I speak with you privately, my Queen? With a nod of her head, rlm@0: she knew that the Queen had granted her permission to retire to the rlm@0: bench off the path. It was recessed enough to provide the privacy rlm@0: required to allow the pair to talk. Rini just looked on as the two rlm@0: talked. rlm@0: "I've been having this feeling to a person I met today, her name is rlm@0: Gaia, she is new to this area and I feel like I've know her all my rlm@0: life." "I think the feeling maybe due to the fact that Gaia has such rlm@0: a strong resemblance to my own daughter. Needless to say, I feel a rlm@0: connection to this woman and her child." Michelle told her. rlm@0: The Queen had a strong inclination that his new figure held great rlm@0: significance, but she was at a loss as to who this woman was. Her rlm@0: head was reeling with questions about this Gaia person. Serena rlm@0: couldn't help but wonder who this woman was and how she enters the rlm@0: Kingdom without her knowing. She was perplexed. rlm@0: rlm@0: "My Queen, I know this must sound crazy. Before she could finish her rlm@0: thought, a blood curdling scream pierced the serene garden. "That rlm@0: sounds like Hotaru!" yelled Rini running toward the screaming. The rlm@0: both mother run after her.