rlm@0: Silent Star rlm@0: By: MoonbeamDancer rlm@0: rlm@0: Author's Note's- This story is mine. It's a Yuri fic that means it has a rlm@0: female/female couple. If you don't like that sort of thing, please leave now. I rlm@0: don't own Sailor Moon; send comments to Jellicle_Vamp@hotmail.com. In this fic, rlm@0: Chibi-Usa (Rini in the dub, and I'll just call her Usa in here.) is 18 and rlm@0: Hotaru is 20. rlm@0: rlm@0: Usa was walking home school lost in thought. rlm@0: "Hey Usa!" she heard someone call behind her. She turned around to see who was rlm@0: calling her name, and her heart did a double thump. rlm@0: It was Hotaru. rlm@0: Hotaru ran up to her. "I've been calling your name forever, didn't you hear me?" rlm@0: A blush strained Usa's cheeks as she shook her head. rlm@0: "Gomen ne. I was lost in thought." she said "Thinking about how much I love rlm@0: you." she thought. rlm@0: Hotaru smiled. "That's okay. Hey, would you like to go to the park on Saturday rlm@0: for a picnic?" rlm@0: Usa nodded yes. rlm@0: "Great! I'll pick you up around noon." Hotaru said at Usa's doorstep. rlm@0: "Alright. I'll see you then." Usa said, watching Hotaru leave. rlm@0: Usa walked to the house and up to her room. Sitting on her window seat, Usa rlm@0: wrapped her arms around her knees and stared out the window, thinking of Hotaru. rlm@0: Usa's love for her had started as that of a friend. Hotaru had been one of the rlm@0: first friends Usa had made when she arrived here and Usa loved her dearly for rlm@0: it. When the Senshi found out that Hotaru was Sailor Saturn, that love grew to rlm@0: that of a teammate. But lately, it had grown into romantic love. rlm@0: Usa sighed. "I want to tell her so much, but I don't want to scare her off." She rlm@0: whispered to herself. rlm@0: Hotaru walked into her house, setting her bag on the island in the kitchen. She rlm@0: grabbed an apple and looked around for Setsuna and Michiru. She didn't find rlm@0: them, but did find Haruka in the music room. rlm@0: "Haruka-papa?" she asked, sitting next to Haruka on the piano bench, a leg on rlm@0: each side. "May I ask you a question?" rlm@0: Haruka stopped playing and looked at Hotaru. rlm@0: "Sure honey. What is it?" rlm@0: Hotaru's voice caught in her throat. "I...I'm..." rlm@0: "What is it Hotaru-hime? Guy problems? Girl problems?" rlm@0: Hotaru blushed and ducked her head. rlm@0: "Who is it?" rlm@0: "It's Usa." Hotaru whispered. rlm@0: "Have you told her?" rlm@0: "I'm afraid to." rlm@0: "Don't be. Maybe she feels the same way." rlm@0: "But what if she doesn't? What if she hates me for it? What if I scare her off rlm@0: and she doesn't want to be my friend anymore?" Hotaru rattled off, becoming a rlm@0: little panicked. rlm@0: "What if, what if, what if. What if you tell her and she loves you back?" Haruka rlm@0: asked. rlm@0: "Tell her." she said, smoothing away Hotaru's hair. "Whatever happens after rlm@0: that, happens." rlm@0: Hotaru smiled. "You're right. Arigoto Haruka-papa." rlm@0: That Saturday, Hotaru drove to Usa's and picked her up. Their eyes widened when rlm@0: they saw what the other was wearing. rlm@0: Usa was wearing a white tank top, blue jean shorts and light blue, strappy rlm@0: sandals. Around her throat was a thin silver chain with a small crescent moon rlm@0: made of rose quartz. on the end. Her hair was up in a ponytail. Her hair and rlm@0: necklace framed her throat and made Hotaru ache to kiss her. rlm@0: Hotaru was wearing a spaghetti strap purple shirt, white shorts, and tennis rlm@0: shoes. Usa got into the car and they went to the park. rlm@0: Hotaru and Usa had enjoyed themselves at the park and were watching the sunset. rlm@0: "Usa?" rlm@0: "Yeah Hotaru?" rlm@0: "I have something I want to tell you." rlm@0: "Me too." rlm@0: Hotaru looked into Usa's blood red eyes, her hands shaking slightly. rlm@0: "Okay, I'm just gonna go for broke and tell you." Hotaru swallowed. "I'm in love rlm@0: with you." She looked down and said, "I'll understand if you don't feel the same rlm@0: way. I'll understand if you don't want to see me ever again. I'll-" rlm@0: Hotaru's rant was cut off as Usa tilted her chin up and kissed her. rlm@0: Usa's lips were warm and soft. They tasted like strawberries to Hotaru. Usa rlm@0: gently parted her lips and ran the tip of her tounge against Hotaru's mouth. She rlm@0: gasped and Usa slipped her tongue into Hotaru's mouth. Their tongues danced and rlm@0: played in each other's mouths for dominance. They broke it off and pulled back a rlm@0: little bit. rlm@0: "I love you too Hotaru." Usa whispered, smiling.