rlm@0: Ra's Daughters rlm@0: By Black Rose rlm@0: Chapter Two rlm@0: Storm of Fire rlm@0: Moonpower02@Hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: A/N: Alright Diana will be introduced in this chapter, but her name rlm@0: here is Sanura: she is also a human, not a cat. Anyway, I hope I got rlm@0: the tenses right this time… eheehhe- Black Rose rlm@0: rlm@0: Ra's Daughters rlm@0: By Black Rose rlm@0: rlm@0: Chapter Two- Storm of Fire rlm@0: rlm@0: Ra sat on his throne petting his phoenix, which was pearched rlm@0: above him on the back of his gilded, golden throne. His eyes had a rlm@0: glazed look to them, as he was currently deep in thought. The phoenix rlm@0: had its eyes completely closed, and is was singing a haunting tune rlm@0: that, though quiet, filled the enitre room. rlm@0: "I think that they are going to need help, what do you think?" Ra rlm@0: asked the phoenix, looking up at the brid as he broke out of his rlm@0: thoughts. His phoenix just moved its head a little in response. rlm@0: "I believe you're right, my husband; they well need help", replied rlm@0: Selkhet as she walked up to him. The goddess Selkhet was the wife of rlm@0: Ra, the beautious goddess of the Moon. She was as fair and silver as rlm@0: her husband was radient and golden, and her moonlit skin emitted an rlm@0: almost eerily white glow. Her eyes shone mysteriously as she fixed rlm@0: her husband in her enigmatic gaze. rlm@0: Ra looked back at her, seeing his golden features reflected in her rlm@0: silver pools, and smiled as she sat down next to him. rlm@0: "What do you think we should do about it?" he asked. rlm@0: "I will have one of my own Priestesses watch over them, and if need rlm@0: be send your pet down as well," came the reply. rlm@0: Ra thought about what she said and looked at his pet. The phoenix rlm@0: just nodded its head and took off flying around them. rlm@0: "I believe she is saying yes to your idea, Selkhet." rlm@0: Selkhet smiled and the both watched the beautiful bird fly around rlm@0: happily. rlm@0: "But which of your followers do you think you will be able to rlm@0: entrust with this task?" Ra asked his wife. "Surely not one of the rlm@0: High Priestesses; they have too much to handle at this time of rain." rlm@0: "No," Selkhet replied. "I actually never had the High Priestesses rlm@0: in mind. In fact, I know exactly who could carry out this task: her rlm@0: name is Sanura. She is only young, but she has served my order her rlm@0: entire life… though I must say, she also seems to have an affinity to rlm@0: Bastet, the cat mother. Perhaps her soul was that of a cat in her rlm@0: past life." rlm@0: Ra nodded; the girl seemed to be one whom he could trust; after rlm@0: all, the sacred cat was only drawn to those who were pure of heart, rlm@0: and it was one with a pure heart who was needed to guide the rlm@0: Pharaoh's daughter and her companion at this time. rlm@0: "Selkhet, pleases let Priestess Sanura know that she needs to watch rlm@0: over those two. If she asks, tell her that I will be sending help, rlm@0: and send my phoenix to her" he told her. With that, he got up from rlm@0: his throne and walking to the golden doors with the eye of Ra on rlm@0: them. He opened the door and his phoenix flew out, all the while rlm@0: singing a joyus and melodic tune. Selkhet walked over to him, kissed rlm@0: him on the cheek, and walked out of the room. Before he followed her, rlm@0: he looked back and thought 'this should be good'. Then he left and rlm@0: closed the door behind him. rlm@0: ******* rlm@0: Down on Earth, Priestess Sanura was walking around in the temple, rlm@0: wondering what she was to do. All the higher members of the order of rlm@0: Selkhet were busy either in prayers to their goddess to stop the rain rlm@0: before a disatorous flood came, or they were busy preparing for the rlm@0: feast of Al-Selk-Ha, the mother goddesses feast, which was always rlm@0: held around the time the great river burst its banks. However, one of rlm@0: them was always needed to keep watch over the temple, and Sanura - rlm@0: being one of the youngest of their order - had been selected to do rlm@0: just that. rlm@0: As Sanura strolled around, she took time to fully observe her rlm@0: surroundings. She was tired and, in truth, all she wanted to do was rlm@0: sleep. She knew, however, that sleep was a luxury denied to her at rlm@0: the moment; she had a job to do, and, she supposed, why not enjoy it? rlm@0: She gazed around the room once more, not bothering to conceal her rlm@0: amazement. Even after all these years, her surroundings astounded rlm@0: her; there were statues of the goddess Selkhet all around the room: rlm@0: statues that, Sanura was sure, were made of nothing less than pure, rlm@0: solid gold. The statues, however, weren't even the height of the rlm@0: room's beauty; in the very center of the room stood a grand fountain rlm@0: that, even in times of drought, spouted clean, cold water, as it was rlm@0: connected to an underground river. It was because of the rivers that rlm@0: the temple was here, as rivers were a key symbol of the moon goddess, rlm@0: though no one knew exactly why that was. rlm@0: Sanura specualted that it was because Ra had created Selkhet from rlm@0: the waters of the Nile itself, then built the moon for her as a rlm@0: glorious palace: hence her assosiation with both the Earth and Moon. rlm@0: This was reflected in the design of the fountain, as it was of two rlm@0: huge hands that held the eye of Ra between them. rlm@0: Sanura stopped for a while besides the fountain and gazed at her rlm@0: mirror image as it appeared in the fountain. rlm@0: "What do you think I should do?" she asked her reflection. rlm@0: "I believe that you should take care of something for me" replied rlm@0: her reflection. rlm@0: Sanura shocked by that, and even more so when she saw her own rlm@0: reflection turn into the beautiful goddess Selkhet. Sanura bowed down rlm@0: to her goddess, who in turn smiled and nodded her head. rlm@0: "Priestess Sanura, you can get up, my child; I have things to tell rlm@0: you and very little time." rlm@0: Sanura got up and nodded. rlm@0: "What can I do?" she hoped it would be something she could handle. rlm@0: "Believe, me I know you can," replied Selkhet. rlm@0: "Did she just read my mind?" she asked herself. rlm@0: "Yes." rlm@0: Sanura was so astounded that she couldn't move; it was not so much rlm@0: the fact that her mighty goddess had read her mind as the fact that rlm@0: the goddess had spoken to one of their order… to her. rlm@0: "Oh phoenix", Selkhet's face turned away from Sanura for a moment, rlm@0: "could you help our dear friend here, please?" then the reflection rlm@0: despaired and a beautiful bird flew right through the water and out rlm@0: the other side, where it landed next to Sanura. rlm@0: The phoenix moved its head and pecked at her. Sanura turned her head rlm@0: and looked back at the water were her goddess was smiling at her. rlm@0: "I'm sorry, my goddess, what can I do for you?" rlm@0: "Well, it's not really what you can do for me; it's more for what rlm@0: you can do for Ra. You see, he has a plan to help the Pharaoh's rlm@0: daughter with something that she asked him for, and in this plan is rlm@0: this other girl by the name of Nikia; I would like you to watch over rlm@0: them because by the time the Pharaoh's daughter become of age they rlm@0: will need one another." rlm@0: "Yes, I will do what I can to help, my goddess" she replied bowing; rlm@0: she was glad that there was something that she could do to aid her rlm@0: patron. rlm@0: "Before, I go Ra has left his pet phoenix with you. He will help you rlm@0: to to help those girls," Selkhet said pointing to the bird next to rlm@0: her. Sanura looked down at the bird and bowed to it. It bowed back in rlm@0: return. She looked back to the water and her goddess was gone. rlm@0: "Will, its look like I'm going to have to find them, doesn't it?" rlm@0: she asked the phoenix. It just nodded its head, took off flying rlm@0: around her and out of the side window. Sanura thought about it, then rlm@0: it hit her like lightning. rlm@0: "Ra's Temple" she thought. She ran out of the temple and through the rlm@0: dunes and rain. It was so strange for her to be outside. Indeed, she rlm@0: knew that the sisterhood would punish her for leaving her duty when, rlm@0: no if, she returned; they would not believe that Selkhet had spoken rlm@0: to a pristess as lowly as her. Sanura, however, did not care; she rlm@0: merely continued to run through the desert rains and follow the rlm@0: phoenix to the temple of Ra, wherever that may have been. rlm@0: She then saw the phoenix flying around the top of a grand building, rlm@0: a building far more ornate and beautiful than even the temple of her rlm@0: goddess, Selkhet. It was then that she finally realised; this was rlm@0: Ra's temple, the place she had been searching for. Sanura smiled and rlm@0: ran to the bird. She then walked inside and saw two young women lying rlm@0: on the floor with the symbols of the eye of Ra on their foreheads. rlm@0: The phoenix flew in and landed next to her. She looked down and the rlm@0: bird nodded its head. rlm@0: "Will now it begins, and I will do my best to help" she thought and rlm@0: looked back at the young girls. rlm@0: The wind was blowing hard now, but she could almost swear that she rlm@0: had heard a voice whisper 'thank you' before it was swept it away rlm@0: forever. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: A/N: Thanks for reading my story. I'm sorry that this chapter was so rlm@0: short, but I need to get something out of the way. I hope to have the rlm@0: next chapter up soon. --- Black Rose