rlm@0: Title: New titles. rlm@0: Author: Jerry-rose rlm@0: Email: sleeping.soul@hotmail.co.uk Emails always appreciated ^^ rlm@0: .< Very very sorry, don't read if you don't like sad endings!!!> rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "Onegai,Temu-chan!" The small girl of 15 was on her knees in front of rlm@0: another girl 16 years of age, her hands drawn together in begging. The one rlm@0: standing had long black raven hair which reached her lower back, a horrified rlm@0: efpression on her face as she grabbed the other girl's wrist and pulled her rlm@0: to her feet, running around the corner into a quiet alleyway and out of rlm@0: prying eyes. She sighed and the slightly shorter girl with shoulder length rlm@0: pink hair. Her raven haired girl shook her head and looked out into the rlm@0: crowded street. rlm@0: "Iie! Definatly not, no way no how! You know what Mama Taru and Mama Usagi rlm@0: said!" The younger girl pouted and put a hand behind her head. rlm@0: "You're no fun, Temu-chan." Temura laughed and poked the pink haired girl's rlm@0: nose gently rlm@0: "Well I wouldn't be a spoil sport either if you didn't suggest such rlm@0: ridiculous things." She let go the smaller girls wrist and sighed slightly, rlm@0: catching sight of her watch and swearing violently. rlm@0: "Kuso! We're late, come on!" They sprinted from the alley, barely missing a rlm@0: passer by as they did so, running out into the street and shouting a hurried rlm@0: appology over their shoulders. rlm@0: rlm@0: Within ten or so minutes they were standing outside Hino Shrine, panting rlm@0: heavily and walking in. As they entered they took of their purple and pink rlm@0: coats, hanging them on the rack and moving down the hall to their usual rlm@0: room. As soon as they stepped in the door the older senshi looked up. rlm@0: "You're late" Serenity stated, and Rei laughed rlm@0: "You're one to talk! You only just got here yourself" Serenity pouted and rlm@0: laughed, putting a hand behind her head rlm@0: "Eheh... Gomen Rei-chan." Usagi rolled her eyes at her mother, who was now rlm@0: coming up 80, yet her figure had hardly become old, just matured to be more rlm@0: feminine, her eyes now holding a wiser glow. On Serenity's right side sat rlm@0: Mamouru, and on her left was Usagi. Beside Usagi was Hotaru, both now gone rlm@0: 30, yet still looking 20 or so. Temura took her place beside Hotaru, and rlm@0: Skaie took her place beside Temura. Next to her was Ami, then Makoto, then rlm@0: Rei, Minako, Haruka, Michiru, Setsuna and back to Mamouru. Serenity stood rlm@0: from the circle and bowed a greeting. rlm@0: "So, now we're all present, we can begin. Usagi, Hotaru, if you will?" They rlm@0: both nodded and rose as Serenity sat down. The two younger girls got onto rlm@0: one knee as their respective parents stood before them. Hotaru held out a rlm@0: henshin stick in both hands, holding it out for Skaie to take. It had a pink rlm@0: handle and a pink sphere on the top, inside was the symbol of Saturn rlm@0: standing out against a cresent moon. Usagi did likewise to Temura, her being rlm@0: exactly the same as Skaie's but with a purple sphere. The two reached out rlm@0: and placed their right hand on top of the sticks, bowing their heads. rlm@0: "With these you are entrusted the power of a sailor senshi, and are bound by rlm@0: duty to protect this earth from all wrongdoers. Do you accept this mission?" rlm@0: Hotaru and Usagi spoke together. rlm@0: "We accept this mission" echoed the two younger girls in unison. The two rlm@0: girls took the wands in their right hand and held it to their chests, rlm@0: waiting. The senshi stood and the two moved to the centre of the circle, the rlm@0: others moving to fill the gap. The senshi all transformed, Serenity and rlm@0: Mamouru transforming into the king and queen of future Crystal Tokyo. Hotaru rlm@0: and Usagi transformed, expecting to become their princess forms now their rlm@0: positions had been filled, but instead they found themselves in their usual rlm@0: sailor fuku's. The others also seemed slightly surprised and watched the two rlm@0: girls in the centre for their change. The two opened their eyes and raised rlm@0: their heads, chanting together. rlm@0: "Saturn star power!" Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn exchanged a glance, they rlm@0: were supposed to use different transormation phrases. One was supposed to be rlm@0: of the moon. They all continued to watch as their transformations revealed rlm@0: themselves. The two were standing in sailor fuku's like the the others. Her rlm@0: gloves were short, only covering her wrists, and a rim of purple followed rlm@0: the white. Temura's skirt was purple and she wore purple knee high boots rlm@0: with no fastenings, a rim of white at the top. Her bow was lilac and a star rlm@0: shape covered the centre of it. The body of the fuku was white like the rlm@0: other's and her hair was pulled back into a high ponytail held by a purple rlm@0: ribbon. Her tiara had a purple cresent moon on it and her earrings were rlm@0: plain purple studs, her chocker also plain and purple. As she came out of rlm@0: her transformation she called her speech. rlm@0: "In the name of the power of silence, Sailor Saturn!" Again Saturn and Moon rlm@0: exchanged looks, two sailor Saturns? They continued to watch as Skaie came rlm@0: out of her transformation. A plain white fuku as the others, with a deep rlm@0: pink skirt and boots reaching her thighs, fastened at the front with laces. rlm@0: Her bow was baby pink and a circle covered the centre, her glowes reaches rlm@0: aboce her elbows and had a pink rim, studs from her ears holding a chain rlm@0: which lead to a cuff on the top of her ear and her choker plain pink, her rlm@0: hair loose and ehr tiara with a pink cresent moon on it. She too spoke her rlm@0: speech as she completed the transformation. rlm@0: "In the name of the power of death and rebirth, Sailor Moon!" There was a rlm@0: stunned silence. As if the first transformation hadn't stunned them enough, rlm@0: there were two. Two Sailor Moons. Two Sailor Saturns. And the two younger rlm@0: ones used the same power phrase to come out with different transformations, rlm@0: yet despite their given name they each had only a portion of the power of rlm@0: Sailor Saturn. One silence, one death and rebirth. Saturn and Moon once more rlm@0: exchanged glances, but no one spoke. In the end it was Ami who spoke up. rlm@0: "Welcome to the team, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Moon." They all rushed in to hug rlm@0: the new recruits except Mamouru, Saturn and Pluto. rlm@0: "This is a bad omen." Pluto stated quietly so the others wouldnt overhear, rlm@0: and the two nodded their agreement. rlm@0: "Why would this happen, is it because two soldiers came together of rlm@0: unnatural means?" Mamouru shook his head to Saturn. rlm@0: "Regardless of means used or senshi by senshi, it shouldn't happen that rlm@0: there be more than one senshi of a planet. Usagi and Serenity are the only rlm@0: exception to the rule, but they aren't both Sailor Moon any longer. When rlm@0: they did coinside, it was Chibi-moon and Moon anyway. So what does the omen rlm@0: mean?" They both looked to Pluto and she frowned, shrugging slightly. rlm@0: "I'm afriad I have no clue. I'll go and research into it right away." The rlm@0: two nodded and covered for her as she stepped back into a black hole. rlm@0: "Where's Pluto going guys?" Serenity called over and Mamoru answered. rlm@0: "She just went to get supplies, love, that's all." Serenity seemed fine the rlm@0: with the answer and went back to yacking happily with the others, but Uranus rlm@0: and Neptune didn't accept it and moved over to the two. rlm@0: "What is it?" Uranus asked, and Saturn shrugged. rlm@0: "We just don't know. It should be immpossible to have more than one senshi rlm@0: for a single planet. These transformations propose a bad omen which not even rlm@0: Pluto forsaw, so she's gone to research. In the meantime we can only wait rlm@0: and see what else presents itself to us. rlm@0: Neptune and Uranus nodded, joining hands and exchanging a heartfelt glance rlm@0: before sitting down in front of the table and sighing. Sailor Moon moved rlm@0: over to Saturn and hugged her tightly, kissing her softly on the lips. rlm@0: Saturn returned the kiss and smiled warmly. rlm@0: "Usa-chan. Do you realise what has happened here today?" Sailor moon nodded rlm@0: and shrugged, shockingly like Saturn had done. rlm@0: "I'm well aware that there is meant to be only the one senshi yes, but rlm@0: regardless of what the rules were, they wouldn't have been broken for no rlm@0: reason, so stop worrying and be happy. Now lets start the food!" Sailor Moon rlm@0: drooled over the table full of cooking and Saturn laughed as they all took rlm@0: their place around the table, leaving a space for Pluto's return. rlm@0: After an hour or so of scoffing food, chatting and laughing, Pluto returned rlm@0: through the now familiar black hole, and took her seat at the table. The rlm@0: remaining outer scouts and Mamoru looked up to her, and with a quick nod it rlm@0: was obvious there was something that had to be said. But it would have to rlm@0: wait, and they all continued as if nothing was wrong until the end of the rlm@0: party. As they were all standing to tidy up Pluto caught Rei's arm and rlm@0: pulled her outside the door, hushing her to quiet as she moved to object. rlm@0: "Rei, this is important, I need a fire-reading." Rei blinked and rolled her rlm@0: eyes. rlm@0: "Can't it wait, Pluto? And why are you outers still in your Fuku's? And rlm@0: Mamouru for that matter. Go tell them to change." Rei moved to walk back rlm@0: into the room, but Pluto grabbed her elbow tightly and Rei looked up to her rlm@0: to see urgency in her eyes. She stood for a while before nodding and sliding rlm@0: open the door. "Fine, after we've tidyed up and everyone's gone home." Pluto rlm@0: nodded and as they walked back in Saturn caught her eye, and she nodded. rlm@0: After yet another hour or so the room was finally cleared, and people began rlm@0: to filter out. Saturn caught Usagi outside and kissed her neck softly from rlm@0: behind, wrapping her arms around ehr waist. rlm@0: "Ne, Usa-chan, Can you take the girls home tonight? I want to hang around rlm@0: with Setsuna-mama, Michiru-mama and Haruka-papa a while." Usagi nodded and rlm@0: kissed her gently, smiling as she walked away, calling the girls to follow rlm@0: her. Saturn smiled to their backs and turned back into the Shrine. Minako rlm@0: and Rei were kissing softly behind the door and Saturn smiled before moving rlm@0: past. Minako and Rei broke apart and Rei waved as Minako left the shrine. rlm@0: Serenity took Mamouru's hand and smiled. rlm@0: "You're staying right?" Mamouru nodded slightly and they too kissed before rlm@0: Serenity left, pausing only to wait for Makoto and Ami to catch up to her. rlm@0: Rei shut the door softly behind them and sighed. rlm@0: "Would you guys at least come out of your fuku's? It makes me nervous. They rlm@0: all nodded and in seconds were returned to their usual selves, and followed rlm@0: Rei into the fire chamber, Setsuna at the front, then Mamoru, Hotaru, Haruka rlm@0: and Michiru. Rei sat down in front of the fire and glanced behind her at the rlm@0: others before rolling her eyes and beginning to chant quietly. After half an rlm@0: hour they were all still silent, not one of them having moved. They all had rlm@0: their heads bowed in silent contemplation of their situation when Rei rlm@0: screamed out and was thrown backwards into Setsuna, who caught her and held rlm@0: her tightly. rlm@0: "Rei-chan? Hold yourself together! Rei-chan!" The others ran forward as rlm@0: Rei's wide eyes closed, uttering a single word. rlm@0: "Abunai..." Setsuna yelled over her shoulder to whoever was closest to the rlm@0: door. rlm@0: "Someone call Ami here now!" rlm@0: rlm@0: "We don't know, there was silence, then she screamed and fell back, said rlm@0: "Abunai" and left..." Hotaru was explaining and Ami nodded slightly, taking rlm@0: Rei's pulse and sighing to find it average. rlm@0: "This is a good sign. She appears to be healthy, maybe she just pushed rlm@0: herself too hard." rlm@0: "Or maybe she was looking at something she wasn't supposed to see." Setsuna rlm@0: suggested, Hotaru agreed, nodding slightly. rlm@0: "But how do we find out what it was?" Setsuna shrugged and they all sighed rlm@0: together, Mamouru standing up. rlm@0: "We should call a meeting. Let the other girls know." They all nodded and rlm@0: within a few minutes, and with courtesy of the communicators, all the senshi rlm@0: were gathered at the Shrine. Temura and Skaie had come too, and were looking rlm@0: low in spirit as they took their place at the table, two empty chairs where rlm@0: Rei and Minako should be sitting. Mina was leaning over Rei and tending to rlm@0: her, putting a damp cloth on her forehead. rlm@0: "What can do Minna?" Serenity came out it and none of them had an answer. rlm@0: "All we know it there's a reason to be careful, aside from that what else is rlm@0: there to know? It's impossible to tell from one word." Usagi was off on a rlm@0: tangent and everyone was beginning to tone her out when Hotaru spoke over rlm@0: her. rlm@0: "Temura, Skaie, please follow me?" The two nodded and Hotaru took Usagi's rlm@0: hand, leading her to the fire chamber. The others followed behind the four. rlm@0: As they entered the fire was burning as always, and as Hotaru and Usagi rlm@0: stepped forward it remained calm, but as they each held their hands out to rlm@0: the two girls and they stepped forward, it spat and spewed sparks over the rlm@0: floor by their feet. The two younger girls stepped back and it quieted once rlm@0: more. Hotaru turned to the others, taking Usagi's hand once more. rlm@0: "You two seem an anomalie." They both looked at each other and Hotaru rlm@0: proceeded to shrug, she knew no more or less than that. They didn't belong. rlm@0: Suddenly the fire whipped up and hit the ceiling before reducing to be rlm@0: normal size, though spiralling around dangerously as if a whirl pool of rlm@0: flame. The two younger girls stepped further back but Usagi and Hotaru rlm@0: stayed where they were. rlm@0: "Out the way minna!" Minako called and the other parted from the door. Rei rlm@0: was leaning on Minako's shoulders, Mina supporting her weight steadily as rlm@0: they stepped forward. rlm@0: "Out!" Rei shouted to the two younger girls, then to the rest. "Get out!" rlm@0: They all stood silent for a second before a heavy wind blew from no where, rlm@0: spiralling the flames out of control. They lashed at the walls and ceiling, rlm@0: yet the shrine didn't seem to burn at all. The senshi braced themselves rlm@0: against the wind and flames, closing their eyes. The flames whipped through rlm@0: them all, not touching one before rearing together above them and heading rlm@0: straight down for Hotaru and Usagi. Hotaru had her eyes open and saw it rlm@0: coming, diving forward and grabbing Usagi around the waist, rolling out of rlm@0: hrams way. She looked up to see the flames begginning again, and transformed rlm@0: in an instant, feeling Usagi do the same beneath her. With a flick of her rlm@0: wrist the silence glaive appeared just in time, allowing her to part the rlm@0: flames away to keep them safe. Saturn grimaced slightly, her hands smoking rlm@0: painfully. She took a few deep breaths and stood, grabbing Sailor Moon's rlm@0: hand and running from the building, out into the courtyard. Skaie and Temura rlm@0: followed them, transforming as they went. This time Sailor Saturn had a rlm@0: small purple wand in her hand, a plain purple handle with the frame of a rlm@0: heart, no centre at all. Sailor Moon also had a weapon, but instead of a rlm@0: wand she held a staff like Sailor Saturn's Silence Glaive, only with a full rlm@0: circle blade with the centre missing. rlm@0: "We've distorted the flow of time!" Saturn shouted over the noise of the rlm@0: increasing wind. The others had also transformed and were runing out into rlm@0: the courtyard. rlm@0: "What the hell are we fighting?" Sailor Jupiter hollared, but no one had an rlm@0: answer. The wind began to blow stonger and Saturn and Moon joined hands, rlm@0: looking over to their daughters. If only this had never happened. Suddenly a rlm@0: crack appeared in the earth between Saturn and Moon and Sailor Moon slipped rlm@0: down, Saturn grabbing her wrist tightly. rlm@0: "Clutz!" Sailor Moon heard Saturn joke over the roar of the wind and laughed rlm@0: slightly, but felt Saturn's grip weaken and looked up worriedly. Saturn's rlm@0: expression was one of pain, and Sailor Moon realised the burns over her rlm@0: gloved hands. rlm@0: "Gomen ne Saturn!" Saturn shook her head and yanked hard on her arm, pulling rlm@0: Sailor Moon to safety. They sat together for a second to regain their breath rlm@0: as the fire broke out of the shrine, whirring through the halls and doors in rlm@0: a long spiral to head towards Saturn and Moon. They both jumped to their rlm@0: feet and Saturn began to spin her glaive, but Sailor Moon stopped her, rlm@0: grabbing her wrists. "If you do that. You'll destroy your hands!" Saturn rlm@0: shrugged her off and began again. rlm@0: "I see no alternative!" Suddenly there was a cry from across the clearing. rlm@0: "Death star!" A purple flash of light illuminated the clearing as Sailor rlm@0: Saturn fired off her attack, the end of her staff disattatching to become a rlm@0: ball of purple light, which smashed into the fire spiral and dissipated it. rlm@0: As the attack hit the top of the staff returned to its rightful place. They rlm@0: all watched Sailor Saturn surprised and then fell to their knees as the rlm@0: ground began to shake beneath them. rlm@0: "I figured it out!" Pluto shouted across the yard. "The disruption of the rlm@0: balance of nature! Too many sailors! It's unbalanced! We're fighting nature! rlm@0: The elements!" A look of realisation lingered over the senshi and Saturn and rlm@0: Moon shared a serious look before Saturn opened up a portal, taking Moon's rlm@0: hand and jumping into it, sealing it behind them. As soon as they left the rlm@0: air became still and the ground ceased shaking, everything becoming eerily rlm@0: quiet. Silence reigned over the senshi also, as they watched the two younger rlm@0: girls get their feet. It dawned on them that they had to go and find the two rlm@0: women, and immediatly they all jumped into action. They must have gone rlm@0: somewhere. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Hotaru-chan?" Hotaru looked to the young women sitting beside her on the rlm@0: top of a hill that overlooked the moon's ruins. rlm@0: "Hai, Usagi-chan?" Usagi wrapped her arms around Hotaru's waist and burryed rlm@0: her head in her shirt. rlm@0: "I'm scared..." Hotaru hushed her softly and rubbed her hair with her hand. rlm@0: "It's ok, Usagi-chan. I'll never leave your side. SO you never have anything rlm@0: to fear." Hotaru held Usagi closer as she cried, tears falling down her own rlm@0: cheeks as well. "Are you ready?" Usagi nodded gently and closed her eyes as rlm@0: Hotaru summoned her Glaive, pulling Usagi into a hug with one hand and rlm@0: kissing her gently. Usagi took her hand in her own and their fingers rlm@0: entwined as Hotaru positioned the glaive behind Usagi's heart, pushing it rlm@0: through hard, piercing through them both and then pulling out, dropping it rlm@0: and gripping Usagi tightly. They fell side by side in silence, and shared a rlm@0: deep kiss as their eyes closed, passing into the flow of death and rebirth rlm@0: once again. rlm@0: rlm@0: Uranus and Neptune appeared at the bottom of the hill and sprinted to the rlm@0: top. Michiru gasped loudly and Uranus grabbed her shoulders, pulling her rlm@0: close so she could no longer see. Although they were surrounded by blood, rlm@0: Uranus found it peaceful to be there. The sun was slowly rising and their rlm@0: hands were entwined lovingly. A look of calm and love over their faces, rlm@0: their foreheads touching. rlm@0: "Michi, lets go home." Michiru shook her head and moved as if to grab rlm@0: Hotaru, tears streaming down her cheeks, but Haruka grabbed her arm tightly rlm@0: and Michiru looked up to her to see tears falling. rlm@0: "They did this so their children can live. And look, they're at peace. rlm@0: Together." Michiru nodded slightly, it was true. Their expressions were rlm@0: peaceful. They linked hands and walked back into a time hole, wiping away rlm@0: their tears. Now was the hard part, telling everyone. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tears were shed, but not one was sad. They left in peace to love each other rlm@0: forever. So they would remain together. No one could find in their hearts to rlm@0: be sad. rlm@0: