rlm@0: Jerry-rose rlm@0: keriisgo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: Title: Growing and changing rlm@0: rlm@0: ----------- rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: "You suck. Stop that." Hotaru was in a particularly foul mood and it showed. Chibiusa stared at her and then laughed; finding it funny how her best friend was sitting all huddled up against the wall as if trying to get away. rlm@0: "Shut up Chibiusa!" Hotaru's voice was harsh, her words cold with no feeling behind them at all. Something Chibiusa wasn't used to hearing. Even when she was in a bad mood Hotaru had never spoken to her like that before. Chibiusa stared blankly at her, something seeming to ache inside just by looking into the Raven-haired girls deep purple orbs. They weren’t their usual deep and knowing selves, just shallow and unreadable. rlm@0: Little did Chibiusa know, Hotaru was trying to keep it from her friend that she was in pain. But not from the average things a sailor Senshi suffers from. Well… an average girl does so Senshi must too? That curse that brings pain along with joy, the time of the month when you are on your period. Hotaru had long since started but Chibiusa remained young and flat chested. Hotaru envied the small pink-haired Odango sitting in front of her, and yet couldn’t help blushing whenever they joined eye contact. It was no secret among the other Senshi, and even very well known that Hotaru had feelings for the young girl. Chibiusa however, remained completely oblivious to this. Hotaru didn’t like to treat her friend so horribly but the pain was so great in her body and in her heart. Not knowing what to do about either. She looks up as the door clicks shut and looks around the room. Chibiusa had left. She rolled over to face the wall and snuggled under her bedcovers, glad she couldn’t shout at her anymore but feeling awful. She’d make up to her friend somehow. rlm@0: “Hey, Hotaru?” A soft voice came from outside the door, followed by a small knock. She knew at once it was Michiru. rlm@0: “Hai mama?” Hotaru called weakly to the wooden door and turned round to face it. It slowly creaked open a crack and Michiru’s head slid into view. rlm@0: “What’s the matter Hotaru-Hime? Chibiusa said you weren’t yourself.” Hotaru turned back to the wall and cuddled into a tight ball, not wanting to be seen like this by the people who mean most to her. rlm@0: “It’s just my period mama…” Hotaru heard her door click shut once again and sighed; only realizing she was still in the room when she turned around. rlm@0: “Hai mama?” Hotaru asked again. Michiru walked over to the bed and sat down gently, a hand caressing Hotaru’s hair lovingly. rlm@0: “I remember when I used to get really bad period pains. I’d be curled up in a ball in my bed for a whole week.” Hotaru seemed to perk up a little at hearing this, turning her whole body to Michiru and coming out of her covers and into Michiru’s waiting arms. rlm@0: “Really mama? What happened?” Hotaru looked up into Michiru’s face, from the soft glow of the lamps she looked so beautiful, but of course she always was anyway. rlm@0: “Well, after a time it just went away, though I have some tips to help you through it, ok?” rlm@0: “Hai mama! Tell me?” Michiru nodded and set her back on the bed, placing Hotaru’s hands over her own abdomen and her legs spread apart and bent, as if having a baby. rlm@0: “Mama… this looks really weird!” Hotaru tried to object over and over but Michiru just smiled and said it’d help a little. rlm@0: “I’ll go on out and get you some special things, stay put ok? It’ll help you.” Hotaru nodded, smiling warmly as Michiru left the room. She looked up to the ceiling, up to the shadows dancing over the floor and walls as the curtain that fluttered loosely in the breeze of the open window, covered her only lit lamp. The soft knock comes back to Hotaru’s ears and she looks at the door, smiling and wondering what her mama had in store for her. rlm@0: “Hai! Come on in mama!” Michiru entered with a material thing cradled in one arm and the other hiding something behind her back. Hotaru looked at her curiously as she sat down and slipped something under the bed, placing the material thing on Hotaru’s abdomen. Hotaru sighed, it was warm and soft through her silk nightie and she enjoyed the feeling as it washed over her. As she was enjoying it she didn’t notice Michiru picked up the thing she hid and unwrap it. rlm@0: “This is the best remedy by far!” Michiru smiled and handed Hotaru a few pieces of milk chocolate. Hotaru smiled back and took them gratefully, chewing on the ends. rlm@0: “Hey… mama?” Hotaru asked between mouthfuls. rlm@0: “Yes Hime?” Michiru looked at her questioningly with a warm and loving smile on her face. rlm@0: “Has Chibiusa gone home?” Hotaru was blushing lightly, feeling incredibly guilty for being mean to someone she loved so dearly. rlm@0: “Hai Hotaru-Hime. Chibiusa-Chan has gone home.” Michiru watched as the girl’s expression changed subtly, no matter how unnoticeable it seemed Michiru picked up on it, but said nothing to let on she had, still speaking in a casual manner. rlm@0: “I can get Haruka to catch up to her if you like.” Hotaru perked up and nodded enthusiastically. Michiru laughed, standing and walking from the room, pulling the door softly shut behind her. She stepped down the stairs and into the living room where Setsuna and Haruka were sitting, Setsuna eating a hasty bowl of cereal before leaving for the time gate, Haruka with her head buried in the daily newspaper. As Michiru came to sit beside her she noticed it was the sports page, as usual. rlm@0: “Love…” Haruka instantly looked up, she knew that tone of voice… rlm@0: “What do you want?” Michiru laughed. rlm@0: “That’s a nice way to say I love you. Anyway will you go and catch up with Chibiusa-Chan please?” Haruka looked at her questioningly. rlm@0: “But the racing is on in five minutes!” Michiru now wore a subtle grin. rlm@0: “Then can I have the keys?” Michiru’s voice was altogether too innocent for Haruka’s liking; she’d rather miss racing than loose the car down a grass verge or off a bridge. rlm@0: “Ok, ok. I’ll go get the Kitten.” Michiru smiles triumphantly and took the paper from Haruka in a pointed way, meaning for her to go now. Haruka begrudged got to her feet and picked up her keys, throwing the towel that was round her shoulders over the door, her hair still somewhat damp as she walks out of the house, getting the car out of the garage. She drove for a while in the direction Chibiusa usually took to get home and found no sight or sound of her. rlm@0: “Where are you, Chibi kitten?” With that question to herself a shout was heard behind her and she immediately whipped round. rlm@0: “HARUKA!!!” Chibiusa came running round the corner, closely followed by a large and very ugly Youma. Haruka didn’t have the time to transform and apparently neither had Chibiusa. rlm@0: “Jump in Chibiusa!” Haruka shouted and Chibiusa vaulted over the door, thankful for the yellow car being a convertible. As soon as the pink haired girl was in the front seat, albeit head first, Haruka stepped hard on the accelerator. A small wheel spin later and they were away, the Youma running fast behind them, catching up. Chibiusa had managed to get into her seat and do up her seatbelt, looking behind to see the Youma closing in. rlm@0: “Faster Haruka! Faster!” Haruka looked in the back mirror, he foot pressing down further on the pedal as they rocketed forward, already at 80 miles per hour she glanced in her mirror once again, the Youma looking as if it was jogging quite happily. Her lips pulled back into a slight grin as she shouted out. rlm@0: “You want to see what I can do in this car Youma? Eat my dust!” Her foot pressed down to the floor hard, speeding them far and away from the Youma who couldn’t catch up, even as it ran it’s fastest. rlm@0: “Of course it can’t go this fast. Stupid Youma, we’re at 150 miles an hour.” She muttered to herself as she glanced in her back mirror. Chibiusa was sat back in her seat, a look of horror on her face at the speed, her insides feeling like they were being compressed to a quarter their original size. rlm@0: “Haruka! Slow down!” She shouted out and Haruka looked to her, shaking her head and shouting back over the road noise. rlm@0: “If we slow down, it could catch up. I won’t take that risk with you here. Don’t worry.” Chibiusa looked altogether uncertain, and as if she was about to be sick to boot. Haruka looked at her for a second and felt sorry for her. She herself was a racer, used to the extremes put on ones body at the extensive speed that came with car racing. She silently cursed the Youma and sped round corner after corner until she reached the mansion, she pulled up and drove into the garage, picking Chibiusa up out of the car as she looked to unwell to stand herself. She smiled, remembering when Hotaru had first come racing with her, she had been much the same but wanted to keep coming, and so she did, and now she was as good at the stamina as Haruka, and was learning in secret lessons with her how to drive the cars. Haruka shut the garage and walked into the house, Chibiusa held tenderly in her arms. Upon entering Hotaru was there in a flash, as was Michiru, both looks of worry on their faces. rlm@0: “You were gone ages!” Michiru stated, but then took note of Chibiusa’s condition. Hotaru also saw and looked up to the windswept Haruka suspiciously. rlm@0: “What happened to you two?” Haruka walked past them and set Chibiusa on the sofa, who smiled weakly before putting her hand over her mouth and running to the toilet. rlm@0: Haruka groaned and sat down, wondering how to explain this. rlm@0: “Haruka?” Michiru asked gently and sat behind her, placing a hand on her thigh. Haruka smiled and looked to her, then to Hotaru and sighed. rlm@0: “Right, well I went out to get Chibiusa like you asked, Michiru, and then she came running round the corner with a Youma following close behind her…” Haruka paused as shocked expressions spread over the two in front of her, waiting for their gasps to pass before continuing. “Right, and she jumped into the car and we floored it back here, unluckily Chibiusa doesn’t have that racing stamina that Hotaru and I have so… the journey hasn’t gone so well. But I’d rather have got her home in this state than risked slowing down. It was just so fast, it caught up to us easily while we were doing 80 and I had to push it to get away, we were over 150 by the time it was out of sight.” Hotaru and Michiru were gob smacked, and would have thought it was a joke of Haruka’s had she not sounded, and looked so serious… then there was Chibiusa. rlm@0: “So there’s a Youma running around out there?” Hotaru asked, to the surprise of her parents. They thought she’d be worried about Chibiusa. rlm@0: “We should call Usagi and the others.” The two nodded and Chibiusa entered the room once again, looking a little better but still not 100%. She had heard about calling Usagi and nodded, flipping open her wrist communicator. Luckily for them the girls were having a meeting. rlm@0: “What would you like Chibiusa?” Usagi asked, her voice mild and motherly for once. rlm@0: “Ma-Usagi! There’s a Youma somewhere around. Can Ami trace it?” Usagi smiled, noticing her falter at calling her Usagi instead of mama. She nodded, turning to Ami. rlm@0: “Think you can do it?” Ami nodded and started to tap into her mini-computer. As they waited Chibiusa and Haruka explained about the Youma encounter. The five girls were worried and wanted to meet up as soon as possible. rlm@0: “Haruka, think you’d be ok driving the four of you down here to Rei’s place?” Haruka nodded behind Chibiusa’s shoulder. rlm@0: “Should we call Setsuna?” Michiru asked but they got the answer, a portal appearing by the door as Sailor Pluto stepped into view, she had a few rips in her uniform, blood seeping into the white fabric of her fuku on her stomach. Haruka ran forward, catching her as she started to fall forward. rlm@0: “Sailor Pluto! What happened?!” But she was no longer Sailor Pluto, a pained expression on her face as Haruka lifted her, laying her on the sofa. Hotaru ran to her mama’s side, her heart beating hard in her chest as she knelt beside her. rlm@0: “Hold on Mama, I’ll stop it…” Hotaru closed her eyes, her hands over the wound on her stomach. A soft light glow spread over her palms, moving over Setsuna’s wound and concealing it from view, drawing back and revealing the healthy skin, no wound visible. Hotaru took her hands away, looking up to her face. Setsuna smiled warmly, embracing Hotaru in a tight hug. rlm@0: “Thanks Hime.” Hotaru nodded and returned the hug lovingly. rlm@0: “What happened mama?” Setsuna shook her head. rlm@0: “I don’t know. I was standing guard over the gates when someone came through the mists. A human. I had no idea what their intension or who they were so naturally I stopped them, they seemed casual about everything but didn’t answer a single on of my questions. I remember asking what their business was and then a searing pain in my back and stomach… then waking up and being alone, but being wounded I had to come back here, I was no use there as I was… I have failed in my duty.” Hotaru broke their hug and looked deep into her mother’s eyes. rlm@0: “Iie Mama. You haven’t failed. You couldn’t have seen it coming and at the end of the day were tricked. Nothing can be done except find out what happened and who they were. But now you’re here, we also have something to tell you…” And then Haruka went on to explain; by the end Usagi was very impatient and shouting at Rei once more. Hotaru was gradually loosing her temper, she was in pain and wanted nothing more than to hug Chibiusa and sleep in her arms. She turned to the communicator on Chibiusa’s wrist and snapped loudly at Usagi to hush, which of course she did, not expecting it to come from Hotaru of all people. rlm@0: “Whatever we’re doing lets do it. The more time we waste here the longer the Youma has the chance to hurt innocent people. Lets go!” Everyone was silent. No one expected the outburst from possibly the shyest one of the group. Hotaru blushed heavily and Haruka came to her rescue. rlm@0: “Right, Usagi I’ll bring this lot to the shrine, try not to start anything until we get there, ok?” Usagi nodded enthusiastically. rlm@0: “Hai! Call us if anything happens!” Usagi waved and the communicator went dead. Chibiusa shut her own and they all walked out the house to the garage, a sound came to their ears just as they were about to get into the car and the sound of something moving at a speedy pace rang in their ears. Haruka recognised it immediately and ran to shut the garage, whispering more to herself than to the others. rlm@0: “The Youma…” She turned to the others, her finger over her lips, indicating for them to be quiet. They all nodded, silently getting into the car for comforts sake. But Haruka stayed put, silently listening as the sound came closer and stopped. She stepped back from the door; it was right outside. Slowly she turned to the others, whispering so quietly they had to strain their ears to listen. rlm@0: “If it attacks us… stay down and silent…” Under her breath she added something else but no one heard as she’d turned back to the door. Michiru got out of the car and wrapped her arms round Haruka’s stomach lovingly, hugging her from behind. Despite the tense situation Haruka couldn’t help but relax a little at her lovers touch. Michiru smiled, noticing her muscles loosen up. The sound started up again as if a motor and they all sighed, accept Haruka and Hotaru. From their time on the track they knew the noise was a bad omen. Louder than before and not having moved from it’s position. Hotaru ran from the car, her hand gripping Haruka’s arm as if to double-check her thoughts. rlm@0: “Papa… It’s going to…” Haruka nodded and Hotaru ran to the side of the car, pulling Setsuna and Chibiusa out of the back seats, pushing them behind the many piles of boxes in the hope they wouldn’t be seen, Haruka had done the same with Michiru and Haruka and Hotaru took the front seats of the car. rlm@0: “Stay here. Don’t move or talk until you can hear nothing but the nights natural noises.” Haruka warned to the three behind them and they nodded. The two adults knew what Haruka and Hotaru were planning, they were to stay and protect Chibiusa should the need arise. Haruka and Hotaru were aiming to be a lure. Taking the danger away from those they wanted to protect the most. rlm@0: “Take care…” Michiru whispered softly as Haruka Started the engine. She stepped hard on the accelerator and ran strait through the garage door, ramming it open and aiming strait for the Youma. It sneered, standing and waiting for the impact, apparently it knew it wouldn’t hurt. Haruka steered away at the last possible moment, veering to the right and speeding away down the road. Hotaru was sitting quite calmly beside Haruka, a casual expression on her face as if she did this every day. Haruka smiled to her daughter and turned the corner out of the street, carefully keeping to speeds that the Youma could follow. When they were clear Haruka nodded to Hotaru and she flicked open her communicator, apparently having no trouble with the pressure that had made Chibiusa feel like she was being compressed. Michiru answered. rlm@0: “Hotaru? Are you two OK?” She sounded worried and was looking over her as if expecting to see mortal wounds, which made Hotaru laugh. rlm@0: “Hai mama, we’re both fine and everything’s working out fine. Get going now, take the bikes, you two use your own and Chibiusa can use mine, go to the shrine and then with Ami’s help you’ll be able to see when we’re headed to the temple. Be ready for when we get there OK?” Hotaru’s voice was clear and serious and Michiru nodded, smiling to Hotaru. rlm@0: “Good luck!” With that she hung up. Hotaru nodded to Haruka and they sped up a little, the Youma having to use more energy to keep up with them. rlm@0: “This is great papa, we get a nice drive together and get to wear the Youma down at the same time.” Haruka nodded, smiling to Hotaru warmly. rlm@0: “Yes…” She paused, checking one of the many gauges on the dashboard. “However…” Hotaru looked to her, wondering what the however could be. “We can only drive for the next 15 minutes or so, we’re low on gas.” Hotaru nodded, understanding but not seeming too worried. rlm@0: “That’s fine. The shrine is under that. We’ll get there ok.” Haruka nodded but just then the Youma gave out a flash out light that was sent towards the car. Haruka skidded to avoid it and it narrowly missed Hotaru’s door. rlm@0: “Sorry Hotaru, hold tight. It looks like this could get rougher than we planned. We’d best start heading towards the shrine, Michiru, Setsuna and Chibiusa will be there by now.” Hotaru nodded, looking behind to check on the Youma. She looked back to the road and another light blasted towards them, Haruka swerved round the corner, the blast sweeping her right arm. She swore quietly, feeling the burn as blood started to seep from the wound, dripping off her elbow. She looked to Hotaru who was watching her worriedly. rlm@0: “Don’t worry… It’s fine…” Haruka nodded, not sure of her words herself. Hotaru didn’t buy them for a second; she knew the problem and climbed into the backseat. From there she reached forward and held her hand over Haruka’s arm, her fingers glowing bright as the wound healed. Haruka stepped down hard on the accelerator, Hotaru sat back in the rear seat and breathed heavily. Healing two big wounds in such a sort time span taking its toll. Haruka looked in her rear-view mirror and frowned. rlm@0: “Hime, come back into the front seat where I can keep an eye on you.” Hotaru nodded, climbing back into the seat as told, the massive speed not seeming to hinder her movement at all. Haruka glances at her worriedly, pushing the accelerator down to the floor and speeding towards the shrine. The Youma seemed to have got faster and kept up with them, despite the car moving it’s fastest. As the shrine steps came into view Haruka wondered how they were to go about this. rlm@0: ”Hime. We’re going to have to run up those… think you can make it?” Hotaru nodded silently, she’d have too. The car slowed and Haruka didn’t have the chance to let it slow enough for them to jump out, the Youma throwing a massive blast their way, the blast the size of the car. As it hit the boot the car surged forward and was shattered from back to front, Hotaru and Haruka were thrown from the car and sent sailing into the concrete steps. Hotaru’s body wouldn’t move, nothing responding to her calls. Haruka slowly knelt up and looked over to her daughter, both of them covered in many cuts and bruises. Haruka noticed a small thin line of blood running down from Hotaru’s hairline and over her cheek. rlm@0: “Hotaru-Hime…” Haruka put a hand out and tried to wipe away the blood but more just kept coming. She hoisted Hotaru up onto her back and started to run up the steps. Where were the others? She got to the top and arrived just in time to see Sailor Moon dusting another Youma that looked exactly the same. They all saw her and ran forward, Sailor Jupiter taking Hotaru from Haruka to let her rest. She sank to the ground, her body aching not only from the injuries but also from the long run up the stairs, she was glad Hotaru didn’t weight too much. rlm@0: “Haruka…” Michiru touched a long thin cut moving across her cheek and Haruka flinched, it was apparently from slamming into the edge of one of the steps. The others were wondering what had happened to them, Sailor Jupiter holding Hotaru as Chibiusa shook her, trying to wake her. She didn’t even stir. Sailor moon was about to ask when the Youma that had been chasing Haruka and Hotaru appeared at the top of the steps, a wild look in its vivid yellow eyes. The other looks on in surprise as it glares at Hotaru and Haruka. A ball of energy in each hand it fires them both forward, one for Hotaru and Sailor Jupiter, one For Haruka and Michiru. Haruka immediately stepped in front of Michiru to protect her and Chibiusa Stood stubbornly in front of Sailor Jupiter and Hotaru. Hotaru’s eyes snap open and she jumps from Sailor Jupiter’s arms, transforming in an instant and screaming out. rlm@0: “Silence wall!!” The wall flared up and deflected the balls. Haruka sighed and turned to hug Michiru, who returned it lovingly. Sailor Saturn stood determinedly, her eyes gleaming dangerously in the now dark sky, the full moon shining behind the temple. The Youma’s eyes narrowed on the girl standing before her, how it longed to kill her. Sailor Saturn laughed, knowing it wanted to and not giving it the satisfaction. Her hands tightened around her Silence Glaive and she bought it strait above her head. Sailor Moon stepped forward to interfere but Haruka put a hand to her shoulder, shaking her head. rlm@0: “This is Hotaru’s fight now.” Sailor Moon nodded, saddened at the thought of her doing it alone but she stepped back all the same. rlm@0: “Silence Glaive…” Sailor Saturn chanted, a glow emitting from her Glaive as the words start to unleash a power so great. Chibiusa went to run forward but was grabbed by several arms, all holding her back. rlm@0: “Surprise!” Sailor Saturn shouted out and bought her Glaive down, the massive energy blast disintegrating the Youma on contact. As it was destroyed a Human came forth, stepping up to Sailor Saturn quietly and looking into her eyes. Sailor Saturn straitened her posture and despite being younger than the woman, their eye line was level and she looked blankly back. Setsuna now stepped forward. rlm@0: “You’re..!” She was interrupted. rlm@0: “Correct Senshi of Time. I am that human. I see your wound is no more, I presume we have this beautiful Senshi of Death and Rebirth to thank, don’t we?” All were silent. rlm@0: Sailor Saturn’s face was one of disgust, she would have liked nothing better than to slice deep into the flesh of this woman just so she could get her out of the way and go home to bed. The woman laughed, a hand moving up and resting on Sailor Saturn’s head. A clash was heard as Sailor Saturn’s Glaive collided with a sword the woman had materialised from nowhere, both their expressions one of pain. Sailor Saturn and the woman stumbled backwards, a slash moving horizontally across each of their necks. The woman rubbed her neck, inspecting the blood. rlm@0: “You’re a better fighter than I thought. I judged from your fitness you’d put up a much shorter fight. Indeed, you have trailed me round half of Tokyo and defiantly given me a run for my money.” She bows slightly. “And you are of a noble and loving heart. Please accept my apologies for my methods but I had to be sure… My name is Sammy. I am here to collect you Hotaru, come back to Saturn with me.” Everyone gasped; they couldn’t believe what they were hearing, least of all Chibiusa. She ran forward and clenched onto Sailor Saturn’s arm. rlm@0: “Don’t go! Please stay with me!” Sailor Saturn ignored Chibiusa; she was intrigued by this stranger, wondering if what she said was true. rlm@0: “Come back..? You mean you have been there?” Sailor Saturn stepped forward, dislodging Chibiusa from her arm, her eyes wide with hope. Sammy reached up and rested her hand on Sailor Saturn’s head, this time no objection came and without the interruption a warm glow spread from her head to her toes, as she looked down she realised she was now Princess Saturn. She stepped back, unsure what it meant. rlm@0: “Come Princess, and guide our planet once again.” Saturn’s head turned to her parents and friends as if asking what she should do. No answer came. Everything was silent. They all knew this was her choice, something she alone had to choose. She looked over each of them, then over Sammy. rlm@0: “Why now?” She asked, her voice uncertain and close to tears. rlm@0: “Because, there is now a colony back on Saturn, the elders gathered and decided the best leader for our world would be you, Princess, you are the rightful heir to the throne… and now we have the kingdom back on track and have people and land and a way of life… we need a Princess to guide us… You are our first and only choice… Join us, Princess Saturn!” Saturn stepped back, turning fully to face her friends and family, her gown fanning out then settling once more, her Glaive still held in her hand like a long sceptre. Her eyes filled with tears at the thought of leaving them, but her planet needed her… She went forward, hugging each of them gently and kissing Chibiusa softly on the cheek. rlm@0: “Don’t forget me guys, if you ever need me call me, if earth ever needs the help call me… I’ll come.” With that she stepped back, never letting her gaze stray from Chibiusa’s eyes. No one said a word, silent tears falling from everyone’s faces. Sammy touched her shoulder and they both glowed brightly before disappearing. Chibiusa collapsed to her knees and Usagi embraced her gently. Haruka held Michiru tightly as she cried. The others changed back to normal, Mako hugged Ami tenderly and Rei embraced Mina. Setsuna was looking suspicious and stepped to the place they had disappeared, looking at the sky curiously. The others slowly let go of each other and noticed her. rlm@0: “Setsuna?” Haruka asked, stepping forward, if Setsuna didn’t feel right about something it was bound to be wrong. rlm@0: “No… nothing. Let’s go home…” Setsuna said softly and turned, but Haruka coughed. rlm@0: “My car was disintegrated, just how do you intend to get back home?” Saturn’s voice seemed to come on the wind, as loving and gentle as if she were there. rlm@0: “Don’t worry papa, you’re car is where you left it, with a few extra speed options now too… take care.” And it was gone. Haruka ran to the top of the steps and sure enough there was her yellow convertible completely untouched at the bottom, as if nothing had happened at all. A smile crept over her lips. rlm@0: “Thank you… Hime…” She stepped down the first step and held a hand out to Michiru “Lets go home then?” rlm@0: “Haruka? Michiru? Setsuna?” They all turned to look at the pink-haired girl that called their names so sweetly. rlm@0: “Can I please stay with you guys tonight?” Haruka and Michiru smiled, Setsuna nodded and walked down the steps. rlm@0: “If it’s ok with Usagi.” Usagi nodded and Chibiusa ran after the three, climbing into the backseat with Setsuna. She waved goodbye to Usagi and the girls, keeping to herself on the drive home. As they pulled into the garage Haruka noted the door was fixed and smiles once again, unlocking the door and letting the others in first. Chibiusa went to go upstairs and the three looked to her. rlm@0: “Don’t you want something to eat Chibiusa?” Setsuna asked tenderly, but Chibiusa shook her head. rlm@0: “Iie… arigato.” She continued walking up the stairs and the others walked into the living room. rlm@0: “Let’s leave her alone…” Michiru stated softly and the others nodded, sitting down and finding it all too easy to sit in silence, not doing anything apart from reflecting on that night’s events. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Oh Taru… Why’d you have to go?” Chibiusa sobbed into her delicate, purple-silk bed sheets. “Why’d you have to leave me alone?” She stood up, tears rolling down her cheeks. She walks to the wardrobe, opening one of the doors and pulling out a purple and black silk nightie. She smiled fondly; Hotaru would always wear this when they had a sleep over. Chibiusa didn’t understand the appeal of the smooth silk and so decided to wear it, to see what it was like. She slipped out of her clothes and shoes, taking off her underwear and slipping the delicate nightie on. She sighed, it felt beautiful against her skin and as she looked into the mirror she thought for a second she saw Hotaru smiling at her, but as she whipped round to see, she was gone. rlm@0: “Taru…” Chibiusa took one last look in the mirror before pulling back the lovely sheets of Hotaru’s bed and settling down, crying silent tears onto the purple pillow. rlm@0: “Goodnight Taru… Sleep well…” She closed her eyes and fell into a shallow sleep. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: As Usa looked into that same mirror she smiled, still thinking she saw Hotaru looking over her, as she did each day and each night. She was now a beautiful teenager of 15. years had passed since Hotaru had gone away, and not one day had passed where Usa hadn’t thought of her. She walked to the wardrobe, picking out a beautiful black dress that was fitting up to the waist, where a thick purple belt laced round before the black fabric trailed out, reaching just past her knees. The sleeves were long and just passed her fingertips, a purple strip at the ends. It had a boat neck and went from one shoulder to the other, a purple strip around that also. Usa smiled; she had never fitted into this dress before. The torso clenched round her now large breasts and the belt would be tied just right, showing off her slim hourglass figure. She places her hands on her hips, thinking it’s nice sometimes to be shapely. She had only ever once seen Hotaru in this dress. It was at a presentation of some kind, Usa never remembered anything about that evening apart from how beautiful Taru was. She smiled to the mirror and nodded, walking out of the room and down the stairs. As she entered the kitchen she was greeted by a tired Setsuna who waved a hand. rlm@0: “Morning Usa. I’m off to bed.” rlm@0: “Hard night Pu?” Setsuna shrugged. rlm@0: “It’s getting worse and worse with each day, I’ll need help soon.” And with that she got up from the table and left the kitchen. Usa sighed, for the last few months Setsuna had been coming home at all hours because there was so much that needed doing at the time gate. Apparently so many beings were trying to force their way through it was getting harder and harder to contain. Usa walked to the cabinet and picked out the bread, sticking two slices in the toaster and getting out the butter and jam. Now she lived with the outer senshi. She didn’t want to go back to the future knowing there was even less chance of her seeing Hotaru, so instead she waited here in case she ever came back, she works with Michiru in the fashion industry part time and went driving with Haruka on Saturdays, going to the time gate with Setsuna on Sundays. Everything worked out fine and they lived just fine. Usa often wore Hotaru’s clothes as they now fitted her; Hotaru’s room hadn’t changed at all apart from a single shelf of stuffed rabbits of varying shapes, sizes and colours. As Usa removed her toast from the toaster her communicator beeped and she opened it up, exasperated. It went almost 24-7 now, hardly ever having a break. She was a lot stronger than she used to be, though still not as powerful as Usagi. rlm@0: “Hai? Usa here.” Usagi’s voice rang out over the kitchen, tired and as exasperated as Usa felt. rlm@0: “Hey Usa, come down to the park for me? Another three Youma.” Usa nodded and hung up, running from the house and leaving her breakfast there. Haruka and Michiru had already gone out to take care of a Youma on the edge of town. Usa ran to the park at high speed, transforming as she did so. As Usagi had said there were three Youma, all of them looking unbeatable as usual, but every time they were dusted. All the inners were present and Mercury was already down, Jupiter kneeling by her side. The two had long since been an item and now fairly much inseparable. Usa was fading out again, thinking about Hotaru and if they ever would have stood a chance if she’d stayed… rlm@0: “Usa move it!” Usagi cried out and Usa snapped back to life just in time to jump out of the way. She landed delicately on her toes a few feet away from the singed grass. rlm@0: “I got this one Usagi!” rlm@0: “I got your back.” Usagi replied and Jupiter stood up, Ami leaning on her shoulder for support. rlm@0: “And we’ve got yours Usagi.” They had become accustomed to fighting groups; no longer having a problem with it they worked as a perfectly formulated team. Usa lined up with the Youma who had tried to fire her into eternity and lifts her hands above her head, the silver crystal appearing and turning a light pinkish purple, the light unfurling into a flower shape as wings sprout from her back. Pink wings with the occasional purple feather. Her fuku also new, a purple bow in place of the pink one she used to have. Her aura glowed a bright pink as she unleashed the energy from the flower, no words, and no movement, just the energy firing forwards. On impact the Youma was dusted. At it’s comrades downfall one of the other Youma went for Usa’s back and Usagi powered up, her silver crystal glowed bright and pure white, no special effects apart from her pure aura glowing as her attack thundered down and crashed into the Youma, dusting that one also. Both girls looked to each other and the around them for the last Youma. It was nowhere to be seen. rlm@0: “Damn… where is it?” Sailor Jupiter said and looked round. She automatically turned to Mercury and she shrugged, it wasn’t showing up on the computer. rlm@0: “What do we do now then? Wait around for it?” Mars asks, the question directed to either Usagi or Usa. Both of who shrugged dismissively. rlm@0: “Can I go eat my breakfast now?” Usa asked and everyone nodded. She changed back into her normal form and turned to head home. Just as she got round the corner she was faced with the very angry looking Youma and screamed out loudly as it fired a massive beam at her, hitting her squarely in the chest. She flew backwards and hit a wall, sending cracks like webbing around her before falling to the floor in a heap, her head spinning. rlm@0: “Usa!” She could hear the shouts and running footsteps but no one would reach her. The Youma was already holding its hands out to her, a massive ball of light in its hands. As the massive beam fires Usa braces for impact, her eyes opening at the last second because of a warm feeling that fills her heart. She looks up and sees the beam whipping round a shield, firing off and dissipating harmlessly. She sat up slowly, her head aching as she wondered why the other Senshi had gone silent and stopped in their tracks. A bright flash of purple light lit up the road and then dimmed down, the Youma no more. Usa looked to the floor in front of her and saw the end of a long purple dress, as she moved her gaze higher she noticed the pale skin and Silence Glaive in her right hand, raven hair sparkling beautifully in the light of the midday sun. rlm@0: “Taru…” Usa whispered, her voice breaking as tears rolled down her cheeks. As the girl turned to face her she was taken aback, her face was still as beautiful as ever but her eyes showed more pain, more experiences, more time away from those she loved. rlm@0: “Taru..?” Usa whispered once again, not even sure it was her. A long, slender and ladylike hand extended down to her and she smiled, taking it and being pulled to her feet. rlm@0: “I see you fit my dress perfectly. I’ve wanted to tell you for so long how beautiful you are Usa…” Her hand moved forward, stroking over Usa’s cheek gently. rlm@0: “I’ve always watched over you, my beautiful Odango… and now…” She turned to the other Senshi who were standing, shocked and silent. “I have come to aid you in the battle for the time gate.” They all gasped, including Usa. Princess Saturn looked shocked, biting her bottom lip and clenching her Glaive tightly. rlm@0: “You didn’t know… about the time war. Haruka and Michiru are there already. Come.” Saturn waved a hand and a black portal appeared. Usa recognised it as the one that Sailor Pluto used to get to the time gate and went to step in, but Saturn grabbed her elbow. “Not you first Princess.” Usa looked surprised and Saturn smiled, holding her hand out to Usa so she could take it, she stepped inside the portal, followed behind by Chibiusa. Princess Saturn knew the fate of the first to step through the portal and was fully prepared for it, not wishing to endanger her other friends she went first. As soon as her foot-touched solid ground a sword came down over her, slashing down from her right shoulder to her left hip, a deep cut of a few centimetres. She knew an attack would come, but not in what shape or form. She falls back onto Usa who catches her and holds her, thinking she just fell, the attacker not having shown themselves, only their blade visible for a split second. rlm@0: “You ok Taru?” Saturn nods, hoping to ignore it at least until she got the others with Setsuna, Haruka and Michiru. She placed her arm over some of the wound, pressing hard to stem the bleeding a little. Her other hand shot out to her right side, the bright beam of purple light causing a scream in the mists, another Youma dusted. Everyone was in and looking mildly surprised she knew where it was. She shrugged, closing the portal behind them to stop any Youma escaping. rlm@0: “Follow me please.” Saturn said and glances over her shoulder to the sailors before jumping forward, moving about twenty feet in one jump. “Watch your backs.” She stated softly and ran on, thinking jumping too fast for them to keep up. They all followed, her jogging pace being their sprint. She frowned; they weren’t as strong as she remembered them to be… She reached a small chasm and over the other side was the time gate surrounded by hundreds of Youma trying to get through the gate, the only thing stopping them was Sailor Uranus, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Pluto, all three in quite a battered condition. Princess Saturn sped up, feeling her vision blurring due to her injury, her left arm still holding tightly over it. She ran through the Youma, blasting a path through with one of her larger energy blasts, clearing the way to let the others through as well. She ran up to her three respective parents and signalled for them to move back, the other Senshi moved back against the gate with them. She moved her hands in front of her chest and put them palm-to-palm she sneered at the approaching Youma. She pulled her palms about an inch apart it seemed as if a lightning storm was going on between her hands. She waited until the Youma were mere inches away before she threw her arms forward, the lightning spreading over a wide radius and whipping at the Youma, any that were touched were immediately dusted. She got rid over half, her knees giving way from under her as she fell, doubling over in pain. That attack was the last of her energy. She knew it would be no use to her while she was injured like she was and wanted to help, finding that the most effective way. She hit the floor in a kneeling position, then falling backwards and being caught by Usa. rlm@0: “T-Taru!” Her voice was thick with tears, her eyes clouded as she looked down into the Raven-haired girls face. “Taru… Don’t leave again…” The other Sailor Senshi ran in front of them, ready as the remaining Youma charged forward. They were all fighting but for Usa and Princess Saturn time seemed to stand still. Saturn’s hand came up and stroked Usa’s cheek softly. rlm@0: “Don’t cry… everything will be just fine…” Usa took her hand and kissed it gently, surprised by the taste of blood on her lips. She looked over Saturn’s body, finally noticing the deep wound and the rip in the dress. rlm@0: “Oh my god… Taru… How could I have not noticed? I’m so sorry!” She leant down; her arms wrapped round Princess Saturn gently. Saturn’s foggy eyes slowly closed, her breathing slowing but not stopping. Usa picked her up in her arms, tears running down her cheeks and landing over Princess Saturn’s torso. A bright pink glow surrounded Usa, her long pink Odango blowing in a non-existent wind, her Sailor fuku changing into her Princess dress. The pink glow resonating around her joined with Princess Saturn and the aura’s seemed to mix, the purple surrounding Saturn merged with the pink surrounding Princess Usa. rlm@0: “I love you. Please don’t go now, see you can’t go…” Princess Usa cuddles her tighter and she stirs, the wound shrinking before disappearing. rlm@0: “I love you too…” Saturn smiled as Usa looked down to her, setting her feet back on the floor. The two joined hands, their colours merging to become a pinkish purple, and their Princess gowns flowing in the wind along with their hair. Saturn took Usa’s other hand and they stood, watching each other’s eyes. As Saturn leaned forward, Usa did so too, their lips meeting in a strong but gentle kiss, their pain shared and love doubled. Unknown to them they were already off the floor, lifted high into the air as their power sparkled down below them in strong beams of love and power. Pinkish purple rays light that dusted the Youma on contact, not a single one left standing by the time they touched back on the floor. Cheers greeted them from the other Senshi and both beamed, Hotaru opening the portal to lead them back to the outer’s mansion. rlm@0: “Princess Usa…” Usa looked at her, turning her back on the portal. rlm@0: “Yes Princess Saturn?” Usa giggled lightly but Saturn’s face was serious. rlm@0: “I have decided to leave Sammy in charge on Saturn. If she needs help she’ll call… So I can stay here with you… if you’ll have me.” Usa beamed at this, pulling Saturn into another deep kiss as they stood, the portal behind them shifting to drop them into Hotaru’s old room or Usa’s current one. Still standing, their lips joined in the kiss, one thing that could never last long enough.