rlm@0: My username, Amara rlm@0: My e-mail, keriisgo@hotmail.com rlm@0: my story, rlm@0: rlm@0: I have made this story for enjoyment but some may find it offensive. rlm@0: Also, I rlm@0: don’t own these characters and they belong to Naoko Takeuchi…you know rlm@0: the rlm@0: rest. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: “That’s it” Usa smiled evilly. rlm@0: “Aww, not again.” Hotaru said exasperated. Usa had just beaten her rlm@0: (again) rlm@0: at cards. rlm@0: “How do you always manage to beat me Usa-Chan?” Hotaru asked. rlm@0: “I don’t know, I just can.” Usa said. rlm@0: “OW!” Hotaru suddenly shouted out in pain, dropping all her cards. Usa rlm@0: moved rlm@0: forward to her friend. rlm@0: “What is it?” she asked concerned. Hotaru closed her eyes and then rlm@0: opened rlm@0: them again. rlm@0: “Nothing, don’t worry.” Hotaru answered. Usa did worry but could see rlm@0: that rlm@0: Hotaru didn’t want to talk. rlm@0: “I have to go.” Hotaru said and got up. Usa got up too. rlm@0: “I’m sorry.” Usa said. Hotaru looked shocked. rlm@0: “Why are you apologising?” rlm@0: “Well, if I didn’t insist you stay, you wouldn’t have been hurt.” rlm@0: “Usa, I am not hurt.” Hotaru smiled at her friend and left the house. rlm@0: Hotaru rlm@0: ran down the driveway and turned slightly to wave at her friend. Usa rlm@0: waved rlm@0: back. rlm@0: “Why don’t you tell me what’s wrong Hotaru-Chan?” Usa thought to rlm@0: herself. rlm@0: Usa went inside and looked at the mass of cards that Hotaru had dropped rlm@0: in rlm@0: her sudden pain. Usa started to pick up the cards but stopped as she rlm@0: saw one rlm@0: of Hotaru’s schoolbooks. Usa flicked through it and saw something on rlm@0: the rlm@0: middle page, which should have been blank. rlm@0: rlm@0: It was in Hotaru’s handwriting and was slightly messy. rlm@0: Usa hesitated but read it anyway. rlm@0: It said: rlm@0: rlm@0: I know it is useless to write this down but it is better than keeping rlm@0: it rlm@0: inside me. rlm@0: I have been having terrible seizures again, worse than ever, and they rlm@0: always rlm@0: follow an incredibly sharp pain that tears through my body. rlm@0: rlm@0: Usa looked up and remembered Hotaru shouting out in pain. She put two rlm@0: and rlm@0: two together and knew she left because she was going to have a seizure. rlm@0: “HOTARU-CHAN!” Usa cried out as she ran out of the house and down the rlm@0: street rlm@0: calling Hotaru’s name. She didn’t know where she was going so she just rlm@0: let rlm@0: her feet lead her. Down alley after alley she ran. She skidded to a rlm@0: halt and rlm@0: looked down a dead end alley, it was Hotaru! rlm@0: “Hotaru-Chan!” Usa cried and ran up to her friend. Hotaru was kneeling, rlm@0: breathing heavily. She looked at Usa shocked and cried out as the pain rlm@0: grew rlm@0: inside her. rlm@0: “Help me Odango-Chan!” Hotaru cried. Usa was slightly shocked; Hotaru rlm@0: hadn’t rlm@0: ever called her that before. She felt her heart beat even harder. rlm@0: “How, Hotaru-Chan?! How can I help you?!” Usa cried in despair. rlm@0: “I Don’t Know.” Hotaru cried out between breaths. rlm@0: Usa took out her ginzuishou and tried to help Hotaru but she was rlm@0: resisting rlm@0: the power of the ginzuishou somehow. rlm@0: “I can’t help you!” Usa cried in complete despair. Hotaru started to rlm@0: gain rlm@0: control again and between deep breaths she asked rlm@0: “How did you know where to find me?” rlm@0: “I don’t know, my legs just took me here.” Usa replied. rlm@0: “How did you know to come looking for me?” Hotaru asked and Usa looked rlm@0: away. rlm@0: “Usa?” rlm@0: “I am sorry Hotaru, I read that note in the middle of your work book.” rlm@0: Usa rlm@0: cried. rlm@0: “Oh, Please don’t cry, my Odango-Chan.” Hotaru said gently. Usa looked rlm@0: up at rlm@0: her. rlm@0: “Odango-Chan?” Usa whispered. rlm@0: “Oh, Usa, I love you!” Hotaru cried, tears now staining both their rlm@0: faces. rlm@0: Usa just stared in shock but Hotaru thought that Usa was angry and ran rlm@0: away rlm@0: shouting rlm@0: “Gomen Usa, Gomen (sorry).” Hotaru stopped when she reached the park rlm@0: and rlm@0: noticed that it was the same spot in which she had first met Usa. rlm@0: “Gomennasai, Usa, and Domo Arigatou (I’m sorry, Usa, and thank you).” rlm@0: Hotaru rlm@0: said aloud and then fainted. Usa skidded round the corner just in time rlm@0: to rlm@0: hear what Hotaru had said. rlm@0: “Hotaru-Chan! Don’t say things like that!” She ran forward and rlm@0: supported her rlm@0: friends head, She noticed how pretty Hotaru was as she saw her black rlm@0: hair rlm@0: mask her closed eyes, rlm@0: “It sounds to much like a goodbye.” Usa looked over her friend and rlm@0: noticed rlm@0: that she wasn’t breathing, rlm@0: “So, it was a good bye.” Usa cried. She leaned over her friend and rlm@0: kissed rlm@0: her softly on the lips and then again, but deeper, and more passionate. rlm@0: “Aishiteru, Hotaru.” Usa cried and kissed her again. Hotaru’s chest rlm@0: started rlm@0: once again to rise and fall. rlm@0: “Hotaru!” Usa cried. rlm@0: “YOUR O.K!” rlm@0: “Domo Arigatou.” Hotaru said. rlm@0: “Iie, Domo Arigatou.” Usa replied and they kissed again, with the love rlm@0: of rlm@0: futures and pasts, also the present time, which they wished could last rlm@0: forever. rlm@0: rlm@0: Later, Hotaru and Usa were at Hotaru’s house; Hotaru’s Mama’s and Papa rlm@0: were rlm@0: out. rlm@0: “They won’t be back until tomorrow evening. So, we have all tonight and rlm@0: tomorrow alone.” Hotaru said slyly. Usa smiled but then became serious. rlm@0: “Are you sure you are O.K?” She asked looking at Hotaru. Hotaru avoided rlm@0: her rlm@0: eyes and said rlm@0: “Of course Usa, I am always fine around you. Would you like something rlm@0: to rlm@0: eat? It is getting to be about 9:00 (pm).” Usa sensed that her friend rlm@0: was rlm@0: lying but didn’t say anymore. rlm@0: “Yeah! I am sooo hungry.” Usa replied. Hotaru tilted her head to one rlm@0: side rlm@0: and smiled at her friend. rlm@0: “I will make dinner, you can go and watch T.V.” Hotaru said. rlm@0: “Oh, can’t I help?” Asked Usa enthusiastically. Hotaru knew she only rlm@0: wanted rlm@0: to help but to put it bluntly; Usa didn’t mix well with the kitchen. rlm@0: “That’s O.K Usa; I can do it.” Hotaru said. Usa looked sad but smiled rlm@0: and rlm@0: turned around, and then walked out. rlm@0: Hotaru cooked a feast, A roast dinner that was fit for a king. Chicken, rlm@0: potatoes, parsnips, carrots and all sorts of side dishes. rlm@0: rlm@0: She called Usa and as she came in her eyes widened. rlm@0: “You made all this?!” Usa asked in disbelief. rlm@0: “Yes.” Hotaru said quietly and indicated to a chair. Usa sat down and rlm@0: started. Hotaru didn’t eat much but Usa didn’t notice, Hotaru smiled as rlm@0: Usa rlm@0: ate her weight in food. rlm@0: “MMMMMMM” Usa muffled through her last mouthful. rlm@0: “Where did you learn to cook like that?” rlm@0: “I often watch Setsuna-Mama when she cooks and she helps me to cook rlm@0: sometimes too.” Hotaru smiled at the awestruck look on Usa’s face. rlm@0: “Wow!” Hotaru said rlm@0: “What?” rlm@0: “It’s ten o’clock!” rlm@0: “So?” rlm@0: “It’s time for bed…” Hotaru finished and was wearing a sly and playful rlm@0: smile. rlm@0: “Oh, O.K” Usa said. rlm@0: “You go ahead while I clean up.” Hotaru said. rlm@0: “O.K then, I’ll be waiting…” And with that Usa left the kitchen and rlm@0: went to rlm@0: Hotaru’s room. Hotaru finished clearing up and went upstairs. She got rlm@0: half rlm@0: way up the stairs when she had to stop. She backed up a few paces rlm@0: holding rlm@0: her chest in pain. She gasped for air and tried to call for Usa’s help rlm@0: but rlm@0: nothing came out. She tried to get to her room but as soon as she got rlm@0: her rlm@0: door she felt as if she was going to die of pain. She fell forwards rlm@0: into the rlm@0: door, it opened and Hotaru fell into her room. rlm@0: “Hotaru-Chan!” Usa cried in shock. rlm@0: “Why does this keep happening?!” Usa asked. rlm@0: “I don’t know!” Hotaru cried out in pain. rlm@0: “Please Usa, Call Michiru-Mama and Haruka-Papa and Setsuna-Mama!” rlm@0: Hotaru rlm@0: cried between breaths. rlm@0: “I don’t know their number.” Usa said helplessly. rlm@0: “On the dresser by the phone.” Hotaru managed before her attack got rlm@0: even rlm@0: worse, hardly allowing her to breath. rlm@0: “I can’t leave you.” Usa cried. rlm@0: “PLEASE!” Hotaru screamed in pain as it got worse and worse. Usa ran rlm@0: downstairs and picked up the phone, she was very scared but her hand rlm@0: was rlm@0: still steady as she dialled the number on the pink note. rlm@0: “Hello?” It was Michiru. rlm@0: “MICHIRU!” rlm@0: “Usa?! What’s wrong?!” rlm@0: “It’s Hotaru! She’s having a really bad fit! Please help us!” rlm@0: “Hold on just a while longer, go to her, we will be there shortly rlm@0: thanks to rlm@0: Setsuna.” rlm@0: “HURRY!” rlm@0: Usa hung up and sprinted upstairs as fast as she could. rlm@0: “HOTARU-CHAN! THEY ARE COMEING! HOLD ON!” Usa shouted and burst into rlm@0: her rlm@0: room, Hotaru was on her hands and knees. rlm@0: “Usa-Chan…” Hotaru said and then everything around her went black. rlm@0: “HOTARU-CHAN?!” Usa cried in complete despair. rlm@0: “We’re here!” Setsuna said and they burst into the room, they saw Usa rlm@0: lying rlm@0: there holding the unconscious form of Hotaru. rlm@0: “Let go, Usa.” Setsuna said and Usa did as she was told, Haruka picked rlm@0: Hotaru up and went to lie her on the bed but Hotaru’s body began to rlm@0: glow and rlm@0: powered up, Haruka was thrown backwards by the force of Hotaru’s light. rlm@0: Michiru ran to Haruka’s side. Setsuna transformed into Sailor Pluto rlm@0: “Pluto rlm@0: planet power, make up!” and grabbed Usa by the back, She held her rlm@0: talisman rlm@0: at arms length and it glowed. She pushed Usa back to Michiru and Haruka rlm@0: who rlm@0: held her tight. Setsuna’s Talisman set up a shied around them just as rlm@0: Hotaru’s Power exploded and everything in the room was demolished, rlm@0: except rlm@0: what was in the shield. rlm@0: “What’s happening?” Usa cried. Setsuna ignored the question from Usa rlm@0: and rlm@0: Shouted at the outers. rlm@0: “TRANSFORM!” rlm@0: “Uranus planet power, make up!” rlm@0: “Neptune planet power, make up!” rlm@0: They transformed and so did Usa. rlm@0: The four were unable to move the shield and didn’t have the power to rlm@0: hold rlm@0: the shield as well as prepare the sailor teleport and Setsuna couldn’t rlm@0: hold rlm@0: the shield as well as teleport them so they were stuck. rlm@0: “We can’t keep this up forever!” Uranus exclaimed. rlm@0: “What is happening to her?” Neptune asked Pluto. rlm@0: “I don’t know.” Pluto said solemnly. The power emanating from Hotaru rlm@0: suddenly grew massively and the four senshi cried out in pain as they rlm@0: tried rlm@0: to hold the barrier. In a bright flash of light, Hotaru transformed rlm@0: into rlm@0: Sailor Saturn, without her transformation stick and without saying rlm@0: ‘Saturn rlm@0: planet power, Make up!’ rlm@0: The four other senshi were completely confused. rlm@0: “We can’t just stand here and let her destroy us!” Uranus shouted. rlm@0: “But what can we do?! She is our daughter!” Setsuna cried out in pain rlm@0: as rlm@0: another power surge hit the shield. rlm@0: “She wouldn’t want us to be destroyed, even if that meant her own rlm@0: demise.” rlm@0: Neptune said quietly, but even though it was quiet, everyone heard. rlm@0: Silent rlm@0: tears fell down Usa’s face but she knew that Michiru was right. rlm@0: “O.K. Ready, and remember, we don’t want to destroy her, just knock her rlm@0: so rlm@0: she can’t use her powers.” Uranus said. rlm@0: “O.K!” came the reply from the other three senshi. All at once they rlm@0: broke rlm@0: the shield and fired their attacks. All four attacks went forward and rlm@0: just rlm@0: as they were about to hit Sailor Saturn, they were all dispersed by her rlm@0: power. The same surge of power that destroyed the attacks was about to rlm@0: destroy the senshi when… rlm@0: “MOON CRYSTAL POWER!!” Sailor moon arrived and set up a new shield to rlm@0: protect the senshi. The shield was put up just in time as the surge rlm@0: hit and rlm@0: Sailor moon was forced back. rlm@0: “Usa! I know there is something special between you and Hotaru!” Sailor rlm@0: moon rlm@0: cried. rlm@0: The three outers were shocked. rlm@0: “You can use your love to get through to her!” Sailor moon said and was rlm@0: forced back a few more steps as another surge hit her shield. rlm@0: “How can we help?” The three outers asked. rlm@0: “You are to drained to help, any further fighting may cause you more rlm@0: harm rlm@0: than good, I can keep up this barrier on my own for now, but Usa, rlm@0: please rlm@0: hurry. Usa nodded and sat down. She closed her eyes and concentrated on rlm@0: Hotaru. She heard Hotaru screaming, arguing with someone or something rlm@0: inside rlm@0: her head. rlm@0: “GET OUT AND LEAVE THEM ALONE!” Hotaru cried. rlm@0: “You don’t command me, I command you, and you will obey, you have no rlm@0: choice.” Said a creepy, old voice. rlm@0: “You can no longer inhabit me if I am dead, and if that is the only way rlm@0: then rlm@0: so be it!” Hotaru said boldly and at that point Usa was forced out. rlm@0: Back in rlm@0: the real world: rlm@0: “She’s getting stronger! I can’t hold it back!” Sailor moon had tears rlm@0: rolling down her cheeks from the pain. rlm@0: “Usa? What happened? Why is her power growing?” Sailor moon asked rlm@0: worriedly. rlm@0: “She was arguing with someone, I don’t know who, She said… She said…” rlm@0: Usa rlm@0: burst out crying and Michiru hugged her to comfort her. rlm@0: “What did Hotaru say?” rlm@0: “She said if the only way to get rid of that thing and save us was to rlm@0: kill rlm@0: herself then… she said she would do it, Oh Michiru! She’s going to rlm@0: kill rlm@0: herself!” Usa buried her face in Michiru’s stomach and cried. Michiru rlm@0: rubbed rlm@0: Usa’s back reassuringly. Sailor moon turned round to look at Usa and rlm@0: was rlm@0: caught off guard by a power surge. She screamed in pain as a black rlm@0: lightning rlm@0: whipped around her. rlm@0: Pluto instantly stood up to reinitiate her shield and try to help rlm@0: sailor rlm@0: moon. Sailor moon looked down and saw what Pluto was trying to do. She rlm@0: shouted to Pluto not to and Pluto was shocked, therefore she stopped. rlm@0: Sailor rlm@0: moon screamed again as she was entangled in the lightning and it rlm@0: shocked her rlm@0: harshly. Pluto had got over her temporary shock and continued to try to rlm@0: activate her talisman, but she was too weak and it wouldn’t activate, rlm@0: neither would the other outers so they were all helpless. rlm@0: “Mama!!” Usa cried out to see her past mother in so much pain. She ran rlm@0: towards Sailor Moon but Sailor Moon held out her hand to stop her. rlm@0: “Don’t you dare get yourself hurt Usa!” Sailor moon said sternly. The rlm@0: silver rlm@0: crystal flickered and went blank. Sailor Moon’s eyes seemed to do the rlm@0: same. rlm@0: “MAMA!! NO!!” Usa cried out as she watched a silent tear roll down rlm@0: Usagi’s rlm@0: cheek. rlm@0: Sailor Saturn seemed to stir from the powerful state she had been in. rlm@0: She rlm@0: called forth the Silence Glaive and stared at Usa until her feet softly rlm@0: touched the floor. Her eyes changed, they were no longer empty and rlm@0: cold, now rlm@0: they were filled with love and guilt. rlm@0: “I am sorry Usa, I had no control.” Sailor Saturn said as she let Usagi rlm@0: down rlm@0: from the lightning. rlm@0: “Wait! She is still alive!” Sailor Saturn exclaimed. Sailor Saturn ran rlm@0: forward and pressed her hand on Usagi’s heart, She poured her Ki into rlm@0: Usagi rlm@0: and Usagi’s eyes flicked open. rlm@0: “Thank you.” Usagi said. rlm@0: “Do not thank me, Sailor Moon, It is I who needs to thank you for rlm@0: saving rlm@0: them from my power.” Sailor Saturn answered. rlm@0: “O.K Sailor Saturn, You can stop now, I am healed.” Usagi said. rlm@0: “Don’t even try to lie to me, I can feel that you are still really low rlm@0: on rlm@0: energy.” Sailor Saturn said and poured even more of her energy into rlm@0: Usagi’s rlm@0: body, Usagi’s Broach began to glow and she transformed into Sailor rlm@0: Moon. rlm@0: Sailor Saturn removed her hand. rlm@0: “There, that’s better.” Sailor Saturn said. rlm@0: “Thank you.” Sailor Moon said again. Sailor Saturn smiled and turned to rlm@0: face rlm@0: the outers and Usa. rlm@0: “I must also return your energy.” Sailor Saturn said. She held her rlm@0: hands out rlm@0: in front of her and made a ball of her energy. She smiled and the rlm@0: energy rlm@0: started to spiral around the room and restored everything, while rlm@0: returning rlm@0: the others power to normal. Sailor Saturn changed back into Hotaru. rlm@0: “Hotaru! Please stop!” Usa cried. rlm@0: “I can’t.” Hotaru said solemnly. rlm@0: “Why on earth not?!” Usa asked. rlm@0: “Because if I stop then I will live, and if I live then I will end up rlm@0: killing you all.” rlm@0: Usa started to cry all over again, she ran forward and hugged Hotaru, rlm@0: She rlm@0: looked up at the slightly taller girl and said rlm@0: “Please, Hotaru, if you die, then I will have to die with you, rlm@0: Aishiteru.” rlm@0: Hotaru was shocked but then recovered herself and said rlm@0: “Aishiteru Usa. But this is for me alone to do, I will be re-born and rlm@0: therefore we will meet again. I am sorry Usa.” rlm@0: “What are you sorry for?” Usa asked. rlm@0: “For this.” Hotaru said and pushed Usa back to the outers and Sailor rlm@0: Moon. rlm@0: “Hotaru! What are you doing?!” Hotaru ignored the question. She rlm@0: transformed rlm@0: once again into Sailor Saturn and called forth the Silence Glaive. rlm@0: “DEATH REBORN REVOLUTION!” She shouted, the others were so shocked and rlm@0: scared to hear her signature move. They thought she was going to kill rlm@0: the rlm@0: world with her, but they were wrong. Ribbons shot out from her Silence rlm@0: Glaive first and made a bubble around her, it was containing her power. rlm@0: The rlm@0: ribbons stopped coming forth and the light began to emanate from her rlm@0: Silence rlm@0: Glaive. The glow got brighter until Usa was the only one still able to rlm@0: see rlm@0: Hotaru. Hotaru gave a weak smile to Usa. rlm@0: But just at that moment her eyes started to change again. She spoke in rlm@0: a rlm@0: voice that wasn’t her own. rlm@0: “Hotaru! Do you think that you will really keep yours and my power rlm@0: cooped up rlm@0: in this pathetic shield??” The words came from her mouth but she wasn’t rlm@0: saying it. Everyone was shocked to hear a voice and then the light rlm@0: became rlm@0: stronger. rlm@0: “We should set up the shield, just in case.” Sailor Pluto said. rlm@0: “O.K” the others agreed. Usa saw the silhouette of Sailor Saturn, She rlm@0: fell rlm@0: to the ground in pain and shouted out as her shield was destroyed by rlm@0: the rlm@0: power coming from her own body. The power hit the shield with full rlm@0: force and rlm@0: then died down a little. The 3 outers and Usagi held the shield but Usa rlm@0: was rlm@0: crying to see Hotaru in so much pain. She made up her mind in a split rlm@0: second rlm@0: and stopped crying, she ran out of the shield, to the absolute despair rlm@0: of rlm@0: the others but there was nothing they could do except watch. Usa rlm@0: struggled rlm@0: forward into the light and fell over something on the floor. She looked rlm@0: behind her and realised it was Hotaru! rlm@0: “HOTARU! Are you O.K? What a stupid question, of course your not O.K.” rlm@0: Usa rlm@0: was in hysterics and crying over Hotaru. rlm@0: “Please wake up Hotaru-Chan!” Usa pleaded. Hotaru’s eyelids flickered rlm@0: but rlm@0: still didn’t open. rlm@0: “Hotaru?” Usa asked worriedly. Hotaru’s head fell to one side but Usa rlm@0: wasn’t rlm@0: that worried because she heard Hotaru inhale. Hotaru didn’t move her rlm@0: face rlm@0: from her sideward position but still said rlm@0: “Usa-Chan, thank you for believing in me. But we have to get out of rlm@0: here.” rlm@0: “Why?” Usa asked. Hotaru looked up. rlm@0: “That power, it is a type of spirit, I can’t keep it under control. I rlm@0: am rlm@0: sorry Usa, I tried to stop it but it overpowered me, but I promise…” rlm@0: Hotaru rlm@0: was stopped as Usa put her finger on Hotaru’s lips. Hotaru pushed it rlm@0: away rlm@0: and continued. rlm@0: “I promise, I won’t let any harm come to you Usa.” Hotaru finished and rlm@0: smiled up at Usa. But just at that moment she saw a powerful blast rlm@0: heading rlm@0: their way and in a split second she got up and threw Usa into the rlm@0: shield. rlm@0: “HOTARU!!” Usa cried as she looked up. She saw Hotaru being blasted and rlm@0: in rlm@0: her weak form she evolved into Sailor Saturn and tried to withstand it rlm@0: using rlm@0: the Silence Wall. It didn’t work and her Silence Glaive was smashed to rlm@0: pieces, she tried to stand against the attack for as long as she could… rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: But she was overpowered and the all to familiar black lightning that rlm@0: nearly rlm@0: killed Sailor Moon whipped around Sailor Saturn. She was electrocuted rlm@0: as it rlm@0: concentrated on her… rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: She thought of all the good times she had shared with Chibi-Usa… rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: They seemed so long ago… rlm@0: “Usa… I am so…Sorry…” Hotaru cried and fell to the floor motionless. rlm@0: But as rlm@0: she had said, when she died, the spirit died with her… rlm@0: All things seemed to be undone as a light spread from the now unmoving rlm@0: Sailor Saturn. She turned back to Hotaru and floated for a few seconds rlm@0: before hitting the floor and raising dust. The light faded and the rlm@0: Sailor rlm@0: Soldiers shield was let down. rlm@0: Usa ran forward to her friend and hugged her in a tight embrace; all rlm@0: the rlm@0: lamps in Hotaru’s now restored room lit and a warm glow spread over rlm@0: them rlm@0: all. rlm@0: “Lets leave Usa alone.” Michiru said tenderly. She left quietly and the rlm@0: others followed suit. Setsuna didn’t want to leave and gave a sad look rlm@0: at rlm@0: Usa and her ‘daughter’ before shutting the door. Usa sat next to rlm@0: Hotaru’s rlm@0: body and held her hand. rlm@0: “Wake up! Don’t you dare be dead! I forbid it as the princess of the rlm@0: Future rlm@0: Crystal Tokyo!” Usa was crying. She watched as the lamps glow rlm@0: illuminated rlm@0: Hotaru’s face and noticed something, not for the first time, rlm@0: rlm@0: “Hotaru, why? I can’t live without you… Please, don’t leave me all rlm@0: alone!” rlm@0: Usa cried. rlm@0: “Your not alone.” Usa was shocked and looked at Hotaru but Hotaru was rlm@0: still rlm@0: quite motionless. She looked up and saw an image of Sailor Saturn. rlm@0: “Oh, Hotaru.” Usa said quietly. rlm@0: “Don’t worry, you have lots of friends, my Odango-Chan. And please rlm@0: forgive rlm@0: me.” rlm@0: “For what?” Usa asked. rlm@0: “Hotaru, my human form, is still alive…” rlm@0: “SHE IS?!” Usa asked shocked and shook Hotaru but stopped as soon as rlm@0: she saw rlm@0: that she was causing the Sailor Saturn pain. Usa tore her eyes from rlm@0: Hotaru rlm@0: and met Sailor Saturn’s eyes. They were Hotaru’s, but they only held rlm@0: pain. rlm@0: “Yes, but she shouldn’t be, I am only still here because she is, and rlm@0: she is rlm@0: only here because you are. I am sorry Usa, I can’t allow you to do rlm@0: anything rlm@0: to get in the way.” And with that Usa was teleported downstairs and rlm@0: appeared rlm@0: in front of the others. They stared. rlm@0: “What happened?” Asked Michiru. rlm@0: “Hotaru!” Was the best Usa could manage and ran upstairs, closely rlm@0: followed rlm@0: by the others. She hesitated outside the door because she felt Sailor rlm@0: Saturn’s power building. She opened the door and the four burst in. rlm@0: They rlm@0: just stared at the sight that met their eyes: rlm@0: Hotaru was on her feet and so was the image of Sailor Saturn. They each rlm@0: had rlm@0: a hand touched together, their right hands entwined and as Hotaru faded rlm@0: slightly, the image of Sailor Saturn got more solid until they were rlm@0: both rlm@0: solid. All the others could do was watch. rlm@0: “I love you, Usa.” Hotaru said and Sailor Saturn called forth her rlm@0: Silence rlm@0: Glaive and swung it out in a circular motion, ending at her side. For a rlm@0: few rlm@0: tense moments nothing happened, but then Hotaru fell to her knees rlm@0: clutching rlm@0: her chest. She was not having a seizure, Usa knew that much, she was in rlm@0: pain. Usa ran forward and removed Hotaru’s hand from her chest. Usa saw rlm@0: her rlm@0: hand covered in blood and turned to face Sailor Saturn. rlm@0: “You killed her!” Usa yelled. rlm@0: “No, I am only her, I am her spirit and so am controlled by her, she rlm@0: killed rlm@0: herself, but needed someone to actually strike her down, she knew you rlm@0: wouldn’t allow anyone else, so I obliged. rlm@0: “YOU AREN’T SAILOR SATURN!!” Usa shouted, causing the others to jump to rlm@0: their senses. Sailor Saturn smirked. rlm@0: “True, but she really did make the decision. And I have to admit, I am rlm@0: glad rlm@0: to go down with her, because now I can make her after-life hell!” rlm@0: Sailor rlm@0: Saturn turned into smoke and was absorbed by Hotaru. Usa stared and rlm@0: then rlm@0: turned back to Hotaru. rlm@0: “Please don’t leave me alone.” Usa said in a barely hear-able whisper. rlm@0: “I have to.” Hotaru said and a silent tear ran down her pale cheek. She rlm@0: turned her head and she breathed in Usa’s sweet smell. rlm@0: But just as she lost her heartbeat she realised… rlm@0: Usa, She is my reason to live. That is why the spirit was trapped in rlm@0: me! I rlm@0: wanted to die; I had no reason to live! But now I can’t die! rlm@0: “Usa…” Hotaru whispered. rlm@0: “I don’t want to die!” rlm@0: “Oh, Hotaru!” Usa cried and hugged her friend. Hotaru’s eyes closed and rlm@0: all rlm@0: went black; nothing moved but then, out of this nothing; there was rlm@0: light… rlm@0: “Usa?” Hotaru asked. She opened her misty eyes and noticed she was in rlm@0: her rlm@0: bed. She also saw a new lamp, with a few words painted on, she moved rlm@0: forward, ignoring the pain from her chest and saw it was in Usa’s rlm@0: writing. rlm@0: It read: rlm@0: ‘Hotaru and Usa together forever.’ rlm@0: Hotaru started to get up and realised just how much pain she was in. rlm@0: She rlm@0: looked down and saw a blood-soaked bandage. She moved along the wall rlm@0: for rlm@0: support until she reached the doorway. She quietly opened the door and rlm@0: walked quicker down the hall, wanting to see Usa. She went down the rlm@0: stairs rlm@0: two at a time but made no sound at all. She turned the corner and put rlm@0: her rlm@0: ear to the living-room door: rlm@0: Haruka: She is really weak, she may not pull through. rlm@0: Usa: Don’t say such things! She is going to be fine! She has to be! rlm@0: Michiru: Oh, Usa, you know that the wound was meant to kill her don’t rlm@0: you? rlm@0: She knew it was strong enough. rlm@0: Setsuna: But she wanted to die then, I think the fact that she wants to rlm@0: live rlm@0: will make a difference. But not even I can see the outcome of this. rlm@0: Usa: I know she will be O.K! She has to be! rlm@0: rlm@0: Hotaru heard Usa running to the door and tried to move back but still rlm@0: collided with Usa as she ran at high speed from the room. rlm@0: “HOTARU!!” Usa exclaimed. rlm@0: “Oww, Hi.” Hotaru rubbed her chest. The others had heard and come rlm@0: running rlm@0: out to see what had happened. rlm@0: “Hotaru?!” They all stared. rlm@0: “Yes?” Hotaru asked innocently, laughing at their awestruck faces. rlm@0: “Oh, It’s so nice to hear you laugh again, we have missed it.” Michiru rlm@0: smiled. rlm@0: “Missed it? How long have I been there?” Hotaru asked. rlm@0: “About 3 weeks.” Setsuna finally said after a long silence. rlm@0: “Wow, thank you for looking after me you guys.” Hotaru said. rlm@0: rlm@0: (A/N: I am now referring to Chibi-Usa as Usagi, seeing as they are both rlm@0: about 20 now.) Hotaru and Usagi were walking through the park. rlm@0: “This is the exact spot we met, Usa.” Hotaru said and got down on one rlm@0: knee, rlm@0: “Usagi, Princess of the Future Crystal Tokyo…will you marry me?” Hotaru rlm@0: asked and showed Usagi a ring with their Sailor Soldier Symbols rlm@0: imprinted rlm@0: and entwined with each other, Hotaru’s side was a purple and Usagi’s rlm@0: was a rlm@0: golden-white. rlm@0: “Oh, Hotaru! Of course I will marry you!” Usagi cried. rlm@0: rlm@0: And they walked down the road, hand in hand, nothing ever to tear them rlm@0: apart rlm@0: again.