rlm@0: Candid Camera rlm@0: rlm@0: by the Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: “Ohayo, Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo said happily, rlm@0: smiling at the other girl as Sakura entered her room. rlm@0: “Hi, Tomoyo-chan,” Sakura said as she set her rlm@0: backpack and her rollerblades by Tomoyo’s bed. Sakura rlm@0: looked curiously at Tomoyo. The dark haired girl was setting rlm@0: up her video camera on a tripod. Sakura was a little nervous. rlm@0: She didn’t know what Tomoyo was doing, but earlier she had rlm@0: agreed to go along with whatever it was the dark haired girl rlm@0: was planning. rlm@0: Tomoyo was watching something while she was rlm@0: setting up. Sakura followed Tomoyo’s gaze. She was watching rlm@0: one of the tapes she’d recorded of Sakura. But this wasn’t one rlm@0: of the videos of her as Card Captor Sakura. It was normal rlm@0: Sakura on the screen, talking about her day and slowly rlm@0: rollerblading along. She could hear Tomoyo’s voice as well rlm@0: from behind the camera. rlm@0: Sakura sweatdropped and sat on the bed. She’d rlm@0: always found it strange that Tomoyo videotaped her, but rlm@0: Tomoyo just said that she was the most beautiful thing to rlm@0: watch. It was flattering, but Sakura still thought it was a little rlm@0: weird nonetheless. Tomoyo had been videotaping her for years rlm@0: now, but Sakura thought she’d never get entirely used to it. rlm@0: A young woman of fifteen, Tomoyo was no longer a rlm@0: little girl. Her long dark hair reached down past the small of rlm@0: her back. The elegance and grace she always had were still rlm@0: there in everything she did. Sakura shook herself from her rlm@0: thoughts when Tomoyo turned around, her long hair sweeping rlm@0: behind her. Her stormy blue eyes lit up at the sight of her love. rlm@0: Sakura had grown as well. She had filled out rather rlm@0: nicely over the years, turning many eyes her way. Her soft rlm@0: curves and her lean form granted the young woman an almost rlm@0: hypnotic beauty, which Tomoyo found herself getting lost in rlm@0: often. rlm@0: Tomoyo sat down beside Sakura. She laid her hand rlm@0: atop Sakura’s and smiled gently at her brown haired lover. rlm@0: “I’m really glad you could stay over tonight.” rlm@0: “Me too. I’m glad you’re mom let me even though rlm@0: she knows we’re going out and all,” Sakura said, blushing a rlm@0: little as she looked at Tomoyo. Tomoyo had been her best rlm@0: friend for the longest time, but now she was so much more rlm@0: to Sakura. rlm@0: “Yes. She was really understanding about it when rlm@0: I asked her,” Tomoyo said, nodding. rlm@0: “That’s good that she trusts us, then.” Sakura rlm@0: smiled. Shortly after they had started going out years ago, rlm@0: Sonomi had given them her blessing, apparently very happy rlm@0: about her daughter’s love life. rlm@0: “Especially since she isn’t going to be here,” rlm@0: Tomoyo said nervously. Her mother had seemed to understand rlm@0: all too well. Tomoyo could still remember the conspiratorial rlm@0: wink her mother had given her when she’d talked about rlm@0: being gone when Sakura was over. Sometimes Tomoyo rlm@0: thought that her mother saw them as what could have been rlm@0: with herself and Nadeshiko. rlm@0: “Oh…..” Sakura’s blush deepened. She and rlm@0: Tomoyo had made love for the first time about a month ago. rlm@0: The idea of spending the night with the other girl brought up rlm@0: some vivid memories. “Umm… What about your rlm@0: bodyguards?” rlm@0: “They’re still here,” Tomoyo said, smiling rlm@0: reassuringly. She realized Sakura was probably nervous. rlm@0: “Oh, that’s good,” Sakura said unconvincingly. rlm@0: She’d gotten to know Tomoyo’s bodyguards pretty well after rlm@0: she started going out with Tomoyo. It was embarrassing, but rlm@0: they often accompanied the two girls on some of their dates to rlm@0: keep an eye on Tomoyo. They were all really nice, if not a rlm@0: little intimidating at times. rlm@0: Sakura was snapped out of her thoughts by the feel of rlm@0: Tomoyo’s hand on her cheek. She turned to see the other girl rlm@0: gazing lovingly at her. “Aishiteru, Sakura-chan,” Tomoyo said rlm@0: happily. rlm@0: Sakura smiled back at her. “I love you too, Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan.” The two girls leaned closer. Sakura lost herself in rlm@0: Tomoyo’s deep, dark blue eyes. Their lips touched gently at rlm@0: first. Tomoyo’s usually pale cheeks were flushed as they rlm@0: kissed deeper. After what seemed an eternity, the two girls rlm@0: pulled away. Tomoyo smiled happily as she sat next to rlm@0: Sakura. She held the brown haired girl’s hand on her lap. rlm@0: “Tomoyo?” rlm@0: “What, Sakura-chan?” Tomoyo shook her head. She rlm@0: was a little dazed. She’d been thinking of many other quiet rlm@0: times spent with Sakura. rlm@0: “What exactly did you want to do? You were so rlm@0: excited about it when we were on the phone.” Sakura’s rlm@0: curiosity had been gnawing at her since she’d gotten off the rlm@0: phone with Tomoyo earlier. The feeling had increased when rlm@0: she had gotten to Tomoyo’s house. rlm@0: Tomoyo sat nervously. “Well, I wanted to…” The rlm@0: dark haired girl sighed, not knowing how to continue. “I rlm@0: wanted to videotape us.” rlm@0: Sakura blinked. “Sure. You do that all the time rlm@0: anyway.” She smiled, relieved that it hadn’t been anything rlm@0: big. rlm@0: “No, I mean I want to videotape us making love,” rlm@0: Tomoyo finally said. rlm@0: Sakura blushed deeply as she stared at the other girl. rlm@0: It was already strange for her when Tomoyo videotaped her, rlm@0: but this? “But.. but its such a private thing.” rlm@0: “So is you’re being Card Captor Sakura and I rlm@0: videotape that,” Tomoyo pointed out. “And I’m the only one rlm@0: who watches the videos, so no one else sees them.” rlm@0: “But why?” Sakura asked rlm@0: This time it was Tomoyo’s turn to blush. “I just think rlm@0: it would be interesting.” rlm@0: Sakura looked at her more intently. “Is that it?” she rlm@0: prodded. rlm@0: Tomoyo sighed. “I really love videotaping you and rlm@0: when I got to thinking about it, I had videos of you doing just rlm@0: about everything. I really wanted one of us, though. I really rlm@0: wanted to capture this on video. I love being able to record rlm@0: what you do and being able to catch a moment with you on rlm@0: video has been stuck in my mind for a while now.” rlm@0: “Like me wearing the costumes you make in bed?” rlm@0: Sakura asked. Tomoyo just nodded. “I don’t know, Tomoyo,” rlm@0: she said uneasily. Their love life certainly wasn’t boring, but rlm@0: Sakura was still a little shy about these things. rlm@0: “Please, Sakura-chan?” Tomoyo pleaded. rlm@0: After a moment of silence Sakura answered. “Okay, rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan. I’m still not so sure about this.” rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled happily. “Thank you, Sakura-chan.” rlm@0: She kissed the lighter haired girl briefly before getting up to rlm@0: check the video camera on its tripod. rlm@0: “I don’t have to wear a costume do I?” Sakura asked rlm@0: wearily. rlm@0: Tomoyo’s eyes lit up for a second as she thought rlm@0: about it. “That would be great, but I don’t think I have a rlm@0: costume ready yet.” rlm@0: Sakura sweatdropped. As she watched her girlfriend rlm@0: try to get the camera positioned correctly, she thought about rlm@0: all the times when they were younger when Tomoyo used to rlm@0: videotape her. How Tomoyo had always tried to record her rlm@0: adventures as Card Captor Sakura. And even when she wasn’t, rlm@0: the dark haired girl would often follow her around with her rlm@0: video camera. ‘By now,’ she thought to herself, ‘I should be rlm@0: used to her recording me. But then again, I never imagined I’d rlm@0: fall in love with her either, so maybe her filming us isn’t quite rlm@0: the same thing after all.’ rlm@0: Tomoyo took one last look through the camera lens rlm@0: before standing up. “There. That should be it.” She hugged rlm@0: the other girl warmly. “Thanks again, Sakura-chan.” rlm@0: “Don’t mention it,” Sakura said. ‘How did I let her rlm@0: talk me into this?’ She asked herself. rlm@0: Tomoyo sat down next to Sakura on the bed. Sakura rlm@0: stared at her for a minute nervously. She tried not to look at rlm@0: the camera. That only made her feel more nervous. She knew rlm@0: only Tomoyo would see the video so she didn’t know why she rlm@0: was so worried. She tried to concentrate on Tomoyo, but the rlm@0: butterflies in her stomach only seemed to get worse. She rlm@0: waited for the dark haired girl to say something, but Tomoyo rlm@0: seemed content to just watch her. “What now?” Sakura finally rlm@0: asked. rlm@0: Tomoyo thought about it for a second. She got up to rlm@0: change the camera’s position a last time. “You could take off rlm@0: your clothes while I finish this,” she suggested. rlm@0: Sakura turned around before starting to shyly rlm@0: unbutton her shirt. When she finished she turned around to see rlm@0: Tomoyo standing behind her wearing nothing but a smile. rlm@0: Sakura blushed as she looked at Tomoyo’s creamy white skin. rlm@0: “You’re so cute, Sakura-chan,” Tomoyo smiled rlm@0: warmly as she crawled up next to Sakura. She started pulling rlm@0: Sakura’s shirt off, leaving the other girl’s bare shoulders rlm@0: exposed at first. She finally had Sakura’s shirt off while rlm@0: Sakura unzipped her skirt before sliding it off. Sakura’s blush rlm@0: deepened as she sat clad only in her undergarments. She felt rlm@0: Tomoyo’s hand on her own and turned to the other girl. rlm@0: Tomoyo kissed Sakura softly at first. Sakura felt her heart rlm@0: beating quickly as she kissed back. The kiss hit Sakura like a rlm@0: tidal wave. Emotions flooded her as the soft kiss grew rlm@0: between them. It felt as if her whole life had led up to this rlm@0: point. The nervousness started fading in her mind. This was rlm@0: right. The camera didn’t matter. Being in Tomoyo’s arms, rlm@0: here with her, that mattered. rlm@0: Sakura heard the girl she loved moan gently as she rlm@0: placed a hand on her bare breast. Tomoyo started unclasping rlm@0: Sakura’s bra as they kissed. The two finally separated, gasping rlm@0: for air. rlm@0: “Sakura-chan…” Tomoyo sighed happily. Her hand rlm@0: stroked Sakura’s warm, flushed cheek before drawing her rlm@0: closer for another kiss. The two girls embraced tightly. Sakura rlm@0: was surprised to feel Tomoyo’s breasts press against hers. The rlm@0: sensation of the other girl’s flesh against her own was rlm@0: invigorating. She kissed Tomoyo back passionately as she rlm@0: pushed her back on the bed. The camera was by now long rlm@0: forgotten in her mind. The room was filled with soft moans as rlm@0: both girls’ hands started roaming the others body. Sakura rlm@0: delighted at the sounds coming from Tomoyo as her hands rlm@0: passed over Tomoyo’s sensitive womanhood before heading rlm@0: back up along her stomach. Sakura’s coos counterpointed rlm@0: them as Tomoyo’s gently caressed Sakura’s firm breasts. rlm@0: Their hands continued moving, exploring the soft curves of rlm@0: the other. Their lips met again and again as they continued thei rlm@0: passionate dance. rlm@0: Tomoyo was in heaven. She never felt more alive rlm@0: than when she was with Sakura, wherever that may be. She rlm@0: was happy just being around the other girl. Feeling Sakura’s rlm@0: body against her own played havoc on her senses. The sweet rlm@0: smell of her short hair, the wonderful taste of her lips, the rlm@0: sounds she could hear from Sakura’s beautiful voice, her soft rlm@0: touch, and the perfect sight of the other girl looking back at rlm@0: her with those big green eyes. rlm@0: Sakura ran her hand through Tomoyo’s long, dark rlm@0: hair and then down along Tomoyo’s smooth back. She felt rlm@0: Tomoyo’s hand slide into her panties, past her light brown rlm@0: curls. She moaned the other girl’s name as Tomoyo started rlm@0: rubbing Sakura’s entrance. Sakura whimpered when Tomoyo rlm@0: started slowing down before heading up again. “Tomoyo….” rlm@0: She said breathlessly, craving the dark haired girl’s soft touch. rlm@0: Tomoyo’s fingers hooked Sakura’s panties and slid them rlm@0: down past her legs. Sakura’s now bare legs spread out in front rlm@0: of her. The sight of Tomoyo sitting there long hair flowing rlm@0: across her shoulders left Sakura breathless. rlm@0: Tomoyo shifted on top of Sakura and moved so her rlm@0: legs were on either side of the other girl’s face. She gently rlm@0: pushed Sakura’s legs apart and leaned down, enjoying the rlm@0: musky sent. Sakura shuddered as she felt Tomoyo’s warm rlm@0: breath against her sensitive skin. Tomoyo moved closer, rlm@0: gasping when she felt Sakura’s tongue flick across her nether rlm@0: lips. Sakura waited in anticipation for Tomoyo, still feeling the rlm@0: other girl’s breath against her. She moved her legs farther rlm@0: apart as she waited. Finally she felt Tomoyo’s finger gently rlm@0: tracing her entrance. She moaned at the feeling. She went back rlm@0: to what she’d been doing, her tongue gently moving over rlm@0: Tomoyo's womanhood. rlm@0: Tomoyo used her free hand to spread Sakura’s petals, rlm@0: supporting herself with the other hand. Sakura squirmed under rlm@0: her. She smiled as she leaned forward, tasting Sakura. It was rlm@0: intoxicating to her. Every little movement Sakura made rlm@0: reverberated through Tomoyo’s being. Every sound brought a rlm@0: smile to her lips. rlm@0: “Tomoyo…” Sakura vaguely heard herself say, lost rlm@0: in the moment. Her tongue pushed into Tomoyo, her passion rlm@0: filled mind spurring her on. The moans of the two lovers rlm@0: mingled in the quiet room. Sakura felt the feelings within her rlm@0: build as Tomoyo’s tongue stroked against her pearl. Tomoyo rlm@0: brushed against it again and again with her tongue before her rlm@0: lips closed around the tiny nub. “Tomoyo-chan… Yes, rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan,” Sakura moaned as Tomoyo suckled on her rlm@0: pearl. Sakura’s head moved back between Tomoyo’s legs, a rlm@0: voice in the back of her mind telling her to keep it up, that it rlm@0: was almost done. She tried to concentrate as the waves of heat rlm@0: passed through her body. rlm@0: Tomoyo shifted her legs as she felt Sakura’s tongue rlm@0: inside her again. This feeling of utter bliss encompassed her. rlm@0: She wouldn’t last much longer. She felt Sakura squirming rlm@0: under her again, moaning softly. Both girls were close to rlm@0: climax. Tomoyo placed a hand on Sakura’s thigh, the soft skin rlm@0: enticing her to continue. Sakura moaned one last time before rlm@0: her muscles contracted. She took a shuddering breath as she rlm@0: reached orgasm. Her world was set on fire for one brief rlm@0: moment. She closed her eyes tightly, her world dissolving rlm@0: around her as she floated on a hazy cloud of pleasure. She rlm@0: barely remembered to keep up her pace with Tomoyo, wanting rlm@0: the other girl to reach the little piece of heaven as well. rlm@0: Tomoyo arched her back as the sensations spread rlm@0: through her whole body. She panted, her heart racing as she rlm@0: neared her own climax. Her breathing quickened as every rlm@0: muscle in her body seemed to tense up. It was all too much for rlm@0: her. Sakura’s body moving beneath her, the warmth growing rlm@0: between her legs that the other girl tended to, the small sounds rlm@0: they both made, mixing together. The feelings of love and rlm@0: passion rushing between the two girls. It quickly built up for rlm@0: Tomoyo. “Sakura-chan!” She got out before she was rocked rlm@0: by her own orgasm. As the sudden crashing wave slowly wore rlm@0: off, she rolled off of Sakura and curled up beside her. rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan,” Sakura whispered breathlessly. Her rlm@0: fingers lovingly traced the dark haired girl’s lips. She rolled on rlm@0: top of Tomoyo. She moved so she could see Tomoyo’s face, rlm@0: and look into those beautiful eyes. She kissed the other girl as rlm@0: she lay on top of her. What had she been so worried about to rlm@0: begin with? She tried to think, but nothing came to mind. She rlm@0: yawned as Tomoyo’s arms wrapped around her. Right now, rlm@0: she just wanted to lie there. She didn’t want to think or to rlm@0: move. Just lie there with Tomoyo. rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled softly and kissed Sakura’s forehead rlm@0: as they lay on the bed. Her long dark hair draped across her rlm@0: upper body. Her head gently nuzzled Sakura’s neck as they rlm@0: started to slip off to sleep. A soft warm glow filled the two of rlm@0: them. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura woke up to the sound of moaning. She rlm@0: blushed and sat up, looking around nervously. She saw rlm@0: Tomoyo and herself in the midst of their love making. rlm@0: Tomoyo was playing it back again from the video. rlm@0: “Tomoyo!” Sakura hit the other girl with a pillow. rlm@0: The dark haired girl laughed and leaned against Sakura. rlm@0: “What?” rlm@0: “Do you have to watch that now?” Sakura asked, rlm@0: blushing. It was strange seeing everything happen all over rlm@0: again on the screen. Her blush reddened as she watched the rlm@0: events unfold. She turned to Tomoyo and noticed the other girl rlm@0: was entranced by the video. Sakura sweatdropped. “Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan?” rlm@0: “Yes?” The dark haired girl asked after a moment. rlm@0: “Are you happy now?” Sakura looked down at the rlm@0: bed when she heard herself call Tomoyo’s name in the middle rlm@0: of it all. rlm@0: Tomoyo nodded and smiled brightly. “Thank you, rlm@0: Sakura-chan.” rlm@0: Sakura smiled a bit herself. She did love the intimate rlm@0: moments she spent with her love, and she did make Tomoyo rlm@0: happy. So maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. All’s well that ends rlm@0: well. Her smile grew as she looked over at Tomoyo. She saw rlm@0: Tomoyo looking at something behind her. She slowly craned rlm@0: her neck around to see what it was. One of the battle costumes rlm@0: Tomoyo made for her lay unused on the dark haired girl’s rlm@0: desk. Sakura turned quickly to see Tomoyo still looking at the rlm@0: costume and thinking about something. “Tomoyo-chan…” rlm@0: Sakura said wearily. rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled again and tilted her head to the side. rlm@0: “But Sakura-chan, I’d be the only one to see it. You would be rlm@0: so cute in it. And I would love to videotape that.” rlm@0: Sakura sighed. She knew where this was going. rlm@0: rlm@0: