rlm@0: The woman is a girl again rlm@0: rlm@0: By: Radar rlm@0: Carole@mcnestrie.wanado.co.uk.hsphere.us rlm@0: rlm@0: ----------- rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: These caracters belong to CLAMP! this is a Yuri story so if it offends you please don't read! rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: They stood there, just looking at each other.. or so it would seem. The younger of the 2 finally broke the silence. rlm@0: ‘I don’t think I can do this Sakura-papa!’ she said softly. ‘Don’t worry Kumiko-chan! I know you can, besides if anything goes wrong, I’ll be here to help put it right!’ Sakura said, reassuring the younger girl. Kumiko nodded slightly and turned to face a tree. Then she started whispering the words the spell Sakura had taught her. Towards the end, unknown even to her or Sakura, she mispronounced the final word of the spell. Then 2 flashes of light appeared. One hit the tree, the other hit Sakura. It was so bright she had to close her eyes. She soon felt a tingling sensation all over her body. Soon the light dimmed enough so she could open her eyes. when she did she marvelled at how big every was now, especially Kumiko. ‘Kumi-chan.. what happened?’ she asked, jumping at the sound of her voice. It seemed a little higher then it had been a few minutes ago. ‘I don’t know Sakura-papa!’ Kumiko replied. ‘How could this have happened?’ she asked herself. ‘Sakura, Kumiko-chan!’ someone called out. They turn to see Tomoyo running up to them holding a young child. Then she saw Sakura. She was the same age as their eldest daughter. The 5 year old Nadeshiko giggled slightly, before being set on the grass. It felt great to have done that with her mother, as she didn’t know what had happened minutes before they had arrived. Sakura smiled slightly. ‘At least someone’s carefree!’ she thought. ‘Hi Sakura-papa!’ the young girl called out, waving to Sakura. Sakura returned the wave before looking at Tomoyo. Her now older wife was just as confused as Kumiko and she was. ‘How do I look Tomoyo?’ Sakura asked. ‘I think you look cute!’ Tomoyo replied, giggling at the blush that started to consume Sakura’s cheeks. ‘Tomoyo.. how old do I look?’ Sakura whispered. ‘You look like a 12 year old again Sakura!’ Tomoyo said softly, then noticed the tears in Sakura’s eyes. Then Sakura ran into Tomoyo’s arms. 12 years old. She was no longer a woman anymore she was just a child, she could no longer do the things she once enjoyed doing, she couldn’t make love to Tomoyo now. She wrapped her arms around Tomoyo and pulled her closer. She didn’t even reach Tomoyo’s breasts now. Her body shook as she tried to stop crying, but no matter how hard she tried the tears kept coming. ‘Just let them come Sakura-chan! Just let them come!’ Tomoyo whispered, lightly rubbing Sakura’s back. She knew what Sakura was thinking, and after all the years they’d been together it was that much easier to do so. She hated to see Sakura so sad. ‘I love you Sakura, no matter how old you are!’ Tomoyo said getting down so she was face to face with Sakura. ‘I love you too Tomoyo!’ Sakura whispered as her tears slowly stopped. They moved towards each other slowly until their lips met. Sakura closed her eyes and pretended everything was normal again: she was a grown up and with the woman she loved. Kumiko blushed at her parents’ display of affection, before turning her attention to her younger sister. ‘Hi Onii-chan!’ Nadeshiko said, handing her a flower. rlm@0: ‘Hi Kaijuu!’ Kumiko replied, taking the flower. She winced slightly when Nadeshiko kicked her in the shin. rlm@0: ‘I’m not a Kaijuu!’ Nadeshiko yelled. rlm@0: Sakura and Tomoyo leaned away from each other and looked at their daughters and smiled slightly. rlm@0: ‘At least something’s haven’t changed!’ they thought. rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Hello! My name is Sakura Daidouji! I’m Kumiko-chan’s cousin! It’s nice to meet you!’ Sakura said, bowing politely to the class. the teacher, who happened to be Sakura’s old friend Rika, smiled at her. ‘There’s a seat next Kumiko if you want it!’ she said. ‘Arigatou sensei!’ Sakura replied before taking her seat from a lifetime ago. She sat in the same seat she had sat all those years before when she had met Tomoyo, the girl she would fall in love with and eventually marry. ‘Hi Sakura-chan!’ Kumiko whispered, being very careful not to call the other girl her father. Many of the other students looked at them, before Rika started the lesson. Sakura smiled slightly, although she didn’t need to go to school, she felt she had too. Looking at the girl next to her, she almost thought she was going to see Tomoyo sitting next to her, occasionally looking back at her smiling. She shook her and tried to concentrate. Soon the lesson was over and Sakura was the only one left. ‘Sakura-chan! Sakura-chan, class is over!’ Rika said softly. Sakura looked at her and blushed, not realising this sooner. ‘Gomen nasai sensei!’ she softly said before running out of the classroom, hurrying to her next lesson. Rika shook her head. ‘This Sakura is a lot like the Sakura I knew!’ she thought. As she rushed to her next class, she thought about what had happened in the last few weeks. Having been changed back into a child she decided to find a way to reverse whatever had happened. This meant spending a lot of time pouring through the books she had collected over the years. Many times Tomoyo would find her slumped over a book fast asleep during the wee hours of the morning. rlm@0: She had started to obsess over her research so much that she had moved into a spare room as not to disturb anyone else. Once Tomoyo had walked into Sakura’s room wearing only a nightgown. She lay next to Sakura and lightly kissed her. Being half asleep at the time all she thought about doing was kiss back. It was then when she noticed that Tomoyo had slipped under the cover and as quite naked. Sakura smiled at her and gently reminded her that there would be more then enough time for them to make love once she was an adult again. Tomoyo’s reply was to smile, lightly kiss her again and gently hold her before they fell asleep in each other’s arms. ‘I wish you were here with me Tomoyo-chan!’ she whispered, holding her books tighter against her chest whilst looking towards the floor. She was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t notice someone walking towards her. They collided and their books were scattered on the floor. ‘Gomen nasai!’ they said together, before picking up their books. ‘Hi Hikaru-chan!’ Sakura said, once she saw who it was she had bumped into. The other girl was shocked. ‘How do you know me?’ Hikaru asked, moving some of her dark brown hair behind her ear. Sakura sweat dropped at the question. She knew the other girl well as Tomoyo had pointed out that there was something more then friendship between Hikaru and Kumiko. ‘Oh, Kumiko-chan mentioned you in some of her letters and she pointed you out to me before the end of class! You’re even cuter then she described you in her letters!’ Sakura said, hoping the other girl would buy her explanation. ‘That was nice of her!’ Hikaru said, smiling slightly. So this was friends’ cousin. ‘She’s weird!’ Hikaru thought, before remembering that Kumiko’s mother and grandmother were eccentric, it would make sense that her cousin was as well. ‘Well we’d better get to class!’ Sakura said. Hikaru nodded before walking by Sakura’s side. Hikaru smiled slightly, before noticing a picture that had been taken long before she had been born. In it was a girl who looked exactly like the girl who was walking beside her. What was strange about it was that the girl in the photo was holding a pale girl of the same age, close to her. She shook her head. ‘Just a coincidence!’ she thought, as they entered the classroom. But it had started her thinking deep thoughts. rlm@0: rlm@0: Lunch was usually a peaceful time for most students attending Tomoeda Elementary, however this lunch would affect the lives of 2 students profoundly. Sakura sat by herself, eating the lunch that Tomoyo had made for her. ‘My cute card mistress has to keep up her strength!’ the pale woman had whispered to her when she handed her the lunch box. She looked up and saw Kumiko walking towards her. ‘Are you ok Sakura-papa?’ Kumiko asked when she sat down. ‘Hai! I keep thinking that your mother’s going to be here!’ Sakura said, smiling slightly. Kumiko nodded. Earlier Hikaru had asked her if she thought her cousin was weird. At the time she didn’t know how to answer the question. ‘Hi Sakura-chan! Kumiko-chan!’ a voice said from a short distance behind them. They turned to see Hikaru slowly walking towards them, holding a tray full of food. ‘Hungry Hikaru-chan?’ Kumiko asked as Hikaru set the tray down. ‘A little!’ Hikaru relied, before giggling. Kumiko giggled herself, she knew how hungry Hikaru got, which was one of the many things she liked about the brown haired girl. Kumiko blushed slightly when she thought about how much she liked Hikaru. The blush did not go unnoticed by Sakura. Even though she knew there might be more then just friendship between them, she did wonder if they had admitted their feelings towards each other. They continued eating in silence until they went their separate ways. Sakura caught up to Kumiko and started to walk beside her. ‘Kumi-chan, how do you feel when Hikaru-chan’s with you?’ she asked. ‘Really happy!’ Kumiko replied, sighing happily as she thought of Hikaru. ‘You know, I felt that was around your mother for years before I realised that I was in love with her!’ Sakura said. Kumiko stopped in her tracks. How had Sakura worked it out? Sakura looked back to see her daughter look at the floor. She knew. She really knew. Her love for Hikaru was her little secret, she’d told no one, not even her mother. She’d heard the rumours about her parents, about how they weren’t normal. The person who had told her about them was Hikaru, not because she was being mean or because she was trying to hurt her. ‘No! She had told me because she thought I had a right to know about them!’ Kumiko thought. Every time Hikaru had told her one of the rumours, she had smiled and thanked her for telling her, even though the rumours had tore at her heart. She had to smile for Hikaru, if she didn’t then Hikaru would know there was something wrong and eventually fine out. So she had to smile for the other girl. She had to just so she didn’t fine out her little secret. ‘Kumiko-chan?’ Sakura asked, slowly approaching the other girl. ‘Sakura-papa..’ Kumiko whispered. ‘What is it Kumiko-chan?’ Sakura asked. Kumiko looked up, tears slowly falling down her cheeks. ‘Please don’t tell her how I feel about her! Please!’ Kumiko begged, her tears falling even faster. Sakura smiled, and hugged Kumiko, feeling her daughter shuddering with every sob. ‘Don’t worry Kumiko! I won’t tell her!’ Sakura whispered, wiping away the remains Kumiko’s tears. ‘Really?’ Kumiko asked. ‘Really!’ Sakura replied. Kumiko smiled and they walked away. However unknown to them Hikaru revealed herself from behind a corner. ‘She loves me..?’ she whispered. Slowly a small smile crossed her lips. ‘She loves me!’ she repeated. She repeated them again, marvelling at how right those words sounded. She’d loved the other girl for years, and had a good feeling about how Kumiko felt about her. Finding out that Kumiko loved her too, it was just too much. Then something Sakura had said replayed in her mind. I felt that way around your mother for years before I realised I was in love with her! ‘Could she be that girl from the photograph? Could she be Kumiko-chan’s father?’ she asked herself. It certainly seemed like it. Then she realised that she had to get to class. rlm@0: rlm@0: As the day drew to a close, many students left the confines of the school building. Sakura, Kumiko and Hikaru slowly walked away from the school with Kumiko and Hikaru tightly holding hands. ‘Is it ok if I sleep over tonight Kumi-chan?’ Hikaru asked. Kumiko looked at Sakura, who nodded slightly. ‘Sure Hikaru-chan!’ Kumiko replied. ‘Sakura-chan, I just have one question for you!’ Hikaru said suddenly. ‘How old are you?’ she asked, innocently. ‘Well, I’m 12!’ Sakura said. ‘Really? Because I heard Kumiko-chan refer to you as Sakura-papa!’ Hikaru said. Sakura and Kumiko were shocked, Hikaru had heard her. ‘There’s no point in hiding it any longer Kumiko-chan!’ Sakura said sadly. Kumiko nodded slightly. ‘I am Kumiko-chan’s father!’ Sakura said softly. ‘How? I mean your only 12!’ Hikaru said. ‘Well, something we were working on went wrong and I ended up like this!’ Sakura said. Kumiko nodded, backing up what Sakura had said. ‘Ok!’ Hikaru said, smiling at the other girls. ‘Now Kumiko-chan, I have something to tell you!’ Hikaru said. ‘I love you Kumiko-chan!’ Hikaru said softly. Kumiko smiled slightly, thinking Hikaru meant the kind of love between friends. ‘I love you too Hikaru-chan!’ Kumiko replied. ‘Er.. Kumiko-chan I think she loves you like I love Tomoyo!’ Sakura whispered. ‘Really?’ Kumiko asked. Hikaru nodded. ‘I’ll understand if you don’t feel the same about me!’ she said sadly. ‘Hikaru-chan, I love you like you love me!’ Kumiko said before lightly kissing the other girl. Sakura blushed. She and Tomoyo had been teenagers when they had admitted that they loved each other. When they broke apart, Hikaru hugged the dark haired girl, and rested her head on Kumiko’s shoulder. ‘Let’s go home!’ Sakura said softly to the other girls. They nodded and walked in silence. rlm@0: rlm@0: Weeks later Sakura lay face down on her bed. Little did she know a change was happening in side of her. Kumiko and Hikaru had left for their first date, thanking Tomoyo for arranging every thing. ‘Are you ok Sakura-chan?’ a soft voice asked from behind her. Then she felt the mattress move as Tomoyo sat next to her. ‘Yeah!’ she whispered, not looking up. ‘Don’t worry Sakura you’ll find a way to get back to normal!’ Tomoyo whispered. Sakura rolled over and smiled. ‘You’re right Tomoyo!’ Sakura whispered, her hand slowly reaching up to Tomoyo’s cheek. Tomoyo smiled as Sakura lightly stroked her cheek. When Sakura’s hand left her cheek, she lay next to Sakura, taking her in her arms, holding her close. Then Tomoyo noticed that there was a change in Sakura, she seemed a little bigger and seemed to grow with each passing second. ‘Are you sure you’re ok?’ Tomoyo asked. Sakura smiled and nodded then her growth stopped. She was back to her normal age, and her school fuku had grown with her, just as her clothes had shrunk. ‘Sakura, you’ve changed!’ Tomoyo whispered. Sakura smiled, guessing as much, before lightly kissing the other woman. ‘But how?’ she asked. ‘I don’t really know! But I think when Kumiko and Hikaru admitted they had feelings for each other, that allowed me to go back to normal!’ Sakura said. Tomoyo’s smile grew, then she stood up. Slowly she removed her clothes and presented herself to Sakura. Sakura blushed realising that what Tomoyo wanted. ‘You did promise Sakura!’ Tomoyo said, helping Sakura take her clothes off. Sakura nodded, as she stood quite naked as Tomoyo pulled her card mistress into a tight hug before they fell on to the bed kissing passionately. Outside the room 2 teenage girls blushed. ‘Grandma Tomoyo looks really happy!’ the pale girl said. ‘Yeah she does, so does grandpa Sakura.. now she’s back to normal!’ the other girl said. ‘Yeah.. Sakura-chan, when can we do something like that?’ ChibiTomoyo asked, as they heard moaning coming from the open window. Their blushes deepened as more they heard Sakura and Tomoyo call out for each other. ‘When we get home Tomoyo-chan! I promise!’ ChibiSakura replied. ChibiTomoyo smiled, lightly kissing the other girl before they disappeared. rlm@0: rlm@0: 8 YEARS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Congratulation Kumiko-chan!’ Sakura said, hugging her daughter. ‘Arigatou Sakura-papa!’ Kumiko replied, before someone pulled her into a tight hug. ‘Oh Kumiko-chan!’ some whispered from behind her. ‘What are we going to do on own honeymoon?’ Kumiko blushed. ‘Well.. we can do anything you want Hikaru-chan!’ Kumiko replied, slowly turning to face her new wife. ‘Really?’ Hikaru asked. Kumiko nodded and smiled slightly. ‘So I if wanted to..?’ Hikaru said. ‘Yes!’ Kumiko replied quickly, blushing profusely. Sakura and Tomoyo giggled at their daughters’ embarrassment. ‘Hey Onii-chan!’ Nadeshiko said, lightly pulling on her sisters wedding dress. ‘What is it Kaijuu?’ Kumiko asked. ‘I’m not a Kaijuu!’ Nadeshiko yelled kicking Kumiko in her shin. ‘Stop that Nadeshiko-chan!’ Sakura said, lightly putting her hand on her youngest daughters head. ‘Ok! When are you going to throw the bouquets?’ Nadeshiko asked. ‘Should we throw them towards you and Megumi-chan?’ Hikaru asked. Nadeshiko blushed. It was no secret that Nadeshiko and Hikaru were dating, despite their best efforts to keep their relationship a secret. ‘Er... Megumi-chan, would you like to dance?’ she asked the blonde girl. Megumi smiled brightly ‘Hai Nadeshiko-chan!’ she replied, before Nadeshiko almost dragged her onto the dance floor. Sakura and Tomoyo laughed softly. It was nice to see their youngest daughter so wrapped up in the person she loved. Their smiles grew as they watched Nadeshiko hold Megumi close as they danced. ‘Megumi-chan, you’re a really good dancer!’ Nadeshiko said, as Megumi rested her head against her shoulder. ‘You’re a good dancer too Nadeshiko-chan!’ Megumi replied, leaning away and looking deeply into Nadeshiko’s eyes. Nadeshiko smiled dreamily, before leaning closer to the other girl. Megumi smiled and leaned closer herself. Their lips met softly at first before becoming more passionate. She didn’t care who was watching them, she just wanted to tell the world that she was Megumi’s Nadeshiko-chan. ‘They make a really cute couple, don’t you think so Sakura?’ Tomoyo asked. Sakura nodded and smiled. Kumiko had grown up so fast and was now married, now Nadeshiko had found the person she loved. Her smile grew slightly. She’d realised that she’d returned to her normal age due to some outside force, not Kumiko and Hikaru admitting their feelings for each other and she had a pretty good idea who had helped her get back to normal, all she had to do was wait a little while before meeting them and she couldn’t wait. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Authors notes: rlm@0: Well this story explains some of the things in my last one! Halleluiah! that's a lot of typing there! rlm@0: Well i hope you enjoyed it!