rlm@0: Find out the one you love rlm@0: By Radar rlm@0: simon_mcnestrie@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ----------- rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: These characters belong to CLAMP! This is a Yuri story so if it rlm@0: offends you please don't read! rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura Kinomoto was in a bad mood. And she didn't know why. Getting rlm@0: out of bed, she quickly got dressed and went downstairs. 'Watch out rlm@0: Kaijuu!' Touya said as Sakura almost bumbed into him. Sakura ignored rlm@0: his teasing and made her breakfast. She and Tomoyo had been very rlm@0: busy. The older cheerleaders and the older members of the choir had rlm@0: graduated and left for university. Tomoyo was now helping the newer rlm@0: members fit in as was Sakura. She felt lonier then she did when rlm@0: Syaoran and her had drifted apart from his time in Hong Kong. rlm@0: Standing up, she quickly left and walked to school. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo Daidouji stood at the school gates waiting for Sakura. She'd rlm@0: been hoping to ask her auburn haired friend about the mood she'd been rlm@0: in recently. She had asked her mother about it. Sonomi had smiled at rlm@0: her daughter and reassured her that things would return to normal. rlm@0: 'Daidouji-sempai!' a voice called out, interrupting her trail of rlm@0: thought. Turning around she saw a small Blonde haired girl jogging rlm@0: towards her. 'Good Morning Emi-chan!' Tomoyo said, once the smaller rlm@0: girl was closer. 'How are you Daidouji-sempai?' Emi asked. 'I'm rlm@0: alright Emi-chan!' Tomoyo replied. 'Have you seen Saura-chan?' Emi's rlm@0: featured darkened slightly when Sakura's name was mentioned. 'Not rlm@0: today Daidouji-sempai!' Emi replied. Tomoyo smiled slightly at the rlm@0: younger girl. She'd known for a while how the other girl felt about rlm@0: her. It hurt a little when she couldn't return the other girls rlm@0: feelings. 'Emi-chan!' a voice called out, attracting the younger rlm@0: girls attention. Turning around, she smiled when she saw a blue rlm@0: haired girl jogging up to her. 'Miyuki-chan!' Emi squealed and ran up rlm@0: to her friend. Looking at Tomoyo the blue haired girl took her rlm@0: friends hand and lead her to their homeroom. Tomoyo sighed softly, rlm@0: watching the girls leave. She knew how Miyuki felt about her blonde rlm@0: haired friend. Miyuki had told her when she saw the girl leave Choir rlm@0: with tears in her eyes. Soon after she saw that Miyuki had joined the rlm@0: cheerleading squad. 'Tomoyo-chan!' another voice broke her trail of rlm@0: thought. Spinning around, her smile grew upon seeing her auburn rlm@0: haired best friend. She could see that Sakura's mood had become her rlm@0: usual cheerful mood. 'Hi Sakura-chan!' Tomoyo said, meeting her rlm@0: friend. Taking Sakura's hand with ease they walked to their homeroom, rlm@0: passing Emi and Miyuki on their way. Sakura noticed that Emi gave her rlm@0: a dirty look as they passed. 'Is Emi-chan ok?' Sakura asked. 'I think rlm@0: so!' Tomoyo replied. Sitting down at their desks, Tomoyo realised why rlm@0: Sakura was not her usual self... it was like she was jealous. Quickly rlm@0: Tomoyo wrote something down on a piece of paper and handed it to rlm@0: Sakura just as their teacher walked in. Opening the note Sakura read rlm@0: it and reread it. Looking at her friend, she nodded slightly before rlm@0: starting to pay attention to their lesson. rlm@0: rlm@0: Miyuki looked at her friend sitting at the desk beside her. She felt rlm@0: a stab of jealousy. 'Why Emi-chan?' she thought. 'Why her and not rlm@0: me?' She lowered her head and concentrated on her work. She knew Emi rlm@0: was worried about her, having noticed some suspicious marks on her rlm@0: body and the way she had been acting. 'Are you ok Miyuki-chan?' Emi rlm@0: whispered, looking at her friend. Nodding Miyuki kept her rlm@0: concentration on her work, her shoulder length blue hair obscuring rlm@0: her eyes. 'Really?' Emi asked. Again Miyuki nodded gripping her pen a rlm@0: little tighter. Emi shook her head slightly. She worried about her rlm@0: friend. Miyuki was mysterious about many things. Especially about the rlm@0: way she had been acting lately. Emi looked at Miyuki again. The blue rlm@0: haired girl had become so withdrawn. 'Kino-san!' their teachers voice rlm@0: made her jump in her seat. 'Hai sensai?' rlm@0: 'Please pay attention!' Emi blushed slightly. 'Hai sensei!' she rlm@0: replied, shifting her attention from her friend to her class work, rlm@0: every few minutes looking over at her friend. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura stretched and yawned. It had been a long day, and it wasn't rlm@0: over yet. She watched some of the newer cheerleaders go through the rlm@0: routines. Only Miyuki seemed distracted. Gently Sakura pulled Miyuki rlm@0: to one side. 'Miyuki-chan are you ok?' she asked. The blue haired rlm@0: girl nodded, not looking up. 'Hai Kinomoto-sempai!' she whispered, rlm@0: before going in the locker room to change. 'I just wish Emi-chan rlm@0: didn't love your girlfriend!' she muttered once out of earshot of rlm@0: Sakura. Sakura watched her go, very concerned. She had seen the marks rlm@0: on Miyuki's body and she had started to wonder where they had come rlm@0: from. Meanwhile Tomoyo was getting ready to meet with Sakura. Slowly rlm@0: Emi walked up to Tomoyo. 'Um... Sempai?' the shorter girl asked. rlm@0: 'Hai?' Tomoyo said, turning around. 'I.. er...' Emi stuttered, rlm@0: suddenly feeling very shy. She fumbled with her hands, so intent on rlm@0: telling Tomoyo how she felt, she failed to notice Miyuki standing in rlm@0: the door way. 'I really like you Daidouji-sempai!' Emi finally said. rlm@0: 'No!' rlm@0: 'Miyuki-chan?' Emi asked, seeing her best friend standing by the rlm@0: door, tears in her eyes and falling down her cheeks. Before Emi could rlm@0: say anything else the blue haired girl ran. rlm@0: rlm@0: Closing the door, Miyuki cried heavily. She'd been to late, now she rlm@0: was scared she'd lost everything. Slowly she walked to the edge of rlm@0: the roof, tears still falling. 'Nothing left!' she whispered, rlm@0: climbing onto the edge. The pain she felt when she heard Emi tell rlm@0: Tomoyo she liked her had gone, replaced only with a dull throb where rlm@0: her heart was. 'Miyuki-chan?' a voice asked. 'No! Please just leave rlm@0: me alone!' she thought as she carefully turned around. 'Please rlm@0: Kinomoto-sempai!' she whispered, 'Leave me alone!' rlm@0: 'No..!' Sakura said walking closer very slowly. She'd heard rlm@0: everything, and saw Miyuki run off crying heavily. Turning to face rlm@0: her friend she saw utter confusion on Emi's face and Tomoyo's was rlm@0: unreadable. Sakura was close enough to grab the younger teen, but rlm@0: stopped before she did. 'Why?' Miyuki whispered, 'Why her?' rlm@0: 'Miyuki-chan?' Sakura asked. 'Sakura-chan?' Tomoyo's soft voice rlm@0: asked, causing Sakura to turn around. 'Stay back Tomoyo!' Sakura rlm@0: said, before turning back to Miyuki. Tomoyo noted that Sakura had rlm@0: dropped the "chan" suffix. 'She's serious?' Tomoyo asked herself. rlm@0: 'Come on Miyuki-chan!' Sakura said, extending her hand. The blue rlm@0: haired girl shook her head, shuffling her feet backwards slightly. rlm@0: Again Sakura slowly eased forwards. 'Why do you want to do this rlm@0: Miyuki-chan?' Sakura asked. Miyuki mumbled something incoherent, not rlm@0: noticing a third person stepping on to the roof. 'Miyuki-chan... rlm@0: please!' Sakura said, holding her hand out to the blue haired girl. rlm@0: Again Miyuki shook her head. Slowly she fell backwards, extending her rlm@0: arms. However Sakura was already in motion. She grabbed the smaller rlm@0: girl by the waist and pulled her off the edge. They hit the ground, rlm@0: hard. 'Why?' Miyuki asked, crying heavily and hitting Sakura's chest rlm@0: with her free hand. 'Miyuki-chan?' a soft voice asked. Miyuki gasped, rlm@0: her eyes opening wide. Emi was here? She wasn't supposed to see her rlm@0: now. Sakura looked up, and saw Emi kneeling next to them with tears rlm@0: in her eyes. Carefully, she took her blue haired friend into her rlm@0: arms. After seeing her friend run from her and Tomoyo looking so hurt rlm@0: she realised that it was Miyuki she cared for more then Tomoyo. 'I'm rlm@0: so sorry Miyuki-chan!' she whispered. The slightly smaller girl rlm@0: looked at her friend. Why was Emi apologising to her? Carefully Emi rlm@0: hugged Miyuki tighter. Standing up, Sakura gently led Tomoyo off the rlm@0: roof, sensing the other girls need for privacy. Carefully Emi helped rlm@0: Miyuki to her feet, still hugging her. 'Emi-chan....' Miyuki rlm@0: whispered. 'I'm so so sorry Miyuki-chan!' Emi whispered, gently rlm@0: hugging the other girl tighter. Slowly Miyuki turned around in her rlm@0: friends hug. Looking up Emi lightly kissed her friends cheek, before rlm@0: looking down again. 'I don't want to loose you Miyuki-chan!' Emi rlm@0: whispered. Slowly Miyuki put her arms around the smaller girl. Gently rlm@0: she kissed the blonde haired girls cheek. 'I don't want to loose you rlm@0: either Emi-chan!' Miyuki whispered. Looking up, the smaller girl rlm@0: blushed slightly. Leaning closer she gently pressed her lips to her rlm@0: friends. Leaning away Miyuki blushed brightly. 'Why did you do that rlm@0: Emi-chan?' Miyuki asked. Emi blushed brightly and gently pressed her rlm@0: face into the taller girls breast. 'Because when you ran off, I rlm@0: realised that it is you that I really like Miyuki-chan!' Emi replied. rlm@0: When Emi looked up again, Miyuki saw something in the other girls rlm@0: eyes: hope. The taller girl smiled slightly and gently pressed her rlm@0: lips to Emi's again. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura sighed softly as she rubbed her right shoulder. 'Are you ok rlm@0: Sakura-chan?' Tomoyo asked, seeing Sakura rub her shoulder again. rlm@0: 'I'll be ok Tomoyo-chan!' Sakura replied, smiling at the pale girl. rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled herself as Sakura gently wrapped an arm around her. rlm@0: Gently she put a hand on Sakura's right shoulder, only to pull it rlm@0: away an instant later when she saw Sakura wince in pain. 'Please show rlm@0: me Sakura-chan!' Tomoyo said. Looking into Tomoyo's stormy blue eyes, rlm@0: Sakura knew she couldn't refuse. Undoing the top buttons on her shirt rlm@0: she gently moved the right shoulder of her shirt down to reveal a rlm@0: large bruise. Gently Tomoyo started to rub Sakura's injured shoulder. rlm@0: 'Isn't this one of the places my foot hit when we were....' rlm@0: 'Hai!' Sakura said, cutting the pale girl off. Turning her head, she rlm@0: blushed slightly remembering that night. Carefully Tomoyo pressed her rlm@0: lips to Sakura's shoulder before the auburn haired teen could fasten rlm@0: her shirt up. 'I'll be gentle next time Sakura-chan!' Tomoyo rlm@0: whispered, gently kissing Sakura's cheek. She giggled softly noticing rlm@0: Sakura blushing deeper. Wrapping her arm around Tomoyo's waist again, rlm@0: they walked out of the school building, followed soon after by Miyuki rlm@0: and Emi. The elder couple knew what the smiles on the younger girls rlm@0: faces meant. rlm@0: rlm@0: YEARS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura smiled slightly as she put away the last book. Slowly she rlm@0: looked down at the baby in her arm. 'Should it be the fourth grades rlm@0: assignments or the third grades?' she whispered. The baby gurgled rlm@0: slightly and yawned. 'Third grade it is!' Sakura said, looking at the rlm@0: young girl sitting opposite her writing something in her book. The rlm@0: baby gurgled again letting her know that as long as she was rlm@0: comfortable she was happy with what ever Sakura decided. Slowly rlm@0: Sakura grabbed the top book with her free hand and looked at the rlm@0: young girl again. 'Yuki-chan, are you ok?' The young girl nodded and rlm@0: went back to her work. Yuki looked exactly like Tomoyo when she was rlm@0: that age, except for her emerald eyes and streaks of white in her rlm@0: hair. The baby gurgled again softly as she flexed her hands for what rlm@0: Sakura presumed was for her own amusement. Yuki looked at what her rlm@0: baby sister was doing and smiled slightly. 'Mihoshi-chan liked to do rlm@0: that doesn't she papa?' she asked, going back to her homework. Sakura rlm@0: smiled as she set her pen down and watched her youngest daughter. rlm@0: 'Hai, she does!' Sakura whispered, gently adjusting the baby in her rlm@0: arm. She looked up and smiled at her eldest daughter before picking rlm@0: her pen up again. It was no secret that most girls in Yuki's class rlm@0: had asked why she had streaks of white in her dark hair. Many had rlm@0: started to tease her when she had said they were natural. 'Hello rlm@0: Sempai!' a voice said. Looking up they saw Emi walking towards them, rlm@0: with an arm full of books. 'Hi Kino-sensei!' Yuki said. 'Hi Emi- rlm@0: chan!' Sakura said, as Mihoshi gurgled again. 'Mama?' a young girl rlm@0: whispered, gently tugging on Emi's shirt. Emi smiled as she looked at rlm@0: her daughter. 'Hai Hotaru-chan?' Emi asked. Setting her books on the rlm@0: table, Emi kneeled down so the young girl could whisper something rlm@0: into her mothers ear. Emi giggled softly. 'You were that small as rlm@0: well Hotaru-chan!' At that time Mihoshi started crying loudly. Yuki rlm@0: looked at her blue haired friend as she slowly backed away from the rlm@0: crying child in Sakura's arms. Sakura looked up and smiled at the rlm@0: young girl. 'It's all right Hotaru-san!' she said, 'This is her rlm@0: hungry cry.' Turning around Sakura un buttoned her shirt and rlm@0: manoeuvred the baby closer to her breast. Whenever Tomoyo was asleep rlm@0: or busy with her company's paper work Sakura often breastfed Mihoshi rlm@0: when she needed to be fed. She was thankful that her magic allowed rlm@0: her to lactate when the baby needed feeding. It was the same when rlm@0: Yuki was a baby. Emi leaned down again as Hotaru whispered something rlm@0: into her ear again. Yuki smiled slightly, having guessed what Hotaru rlm@0: had asked. 'She feeding the baby Hotaru-chan!' Yuki said, smiling rlm@0: slightly at her best friend. Taking the blued haired girls hand, Yuki rlm@0: led her friend to her room to show Hotaru her collection. Slowly rlm@0: Mihoshi stopped feeding and Sakura buttoned her shirt up. 'Hotaru's a rlm@0: nice girl!' Sakura said, sitting back down. Emi smiled saddly. 'But rlm@0: she's very shy!' Sakura looked at the younger woman confused. Still rlm@0: smiling sadly Emi decided to explain everything. rlm@0: rlm@0: Yuki smiled at the other girl as she showed her the collection of rlm@0: stuffed animaled she'd gotten from her papa. However the other girl rlm@0: had simply sat on the bed, just listening to her. 'What's wrong rlm@0: Hotaru-chan?' Yuki asked, sitting next to the blue haired girl. She rlm@0: was surprised when Hotaru slowly moved away from her. 'You don't want rlm@0: to touch me!' the other girl whispered, 'I'm dirty!' rlm@0: 'No you're not!' Yuki said, scooting closer to her friend. 'Yes I rlm@0: am!' Hotaru said, with tears in her eyes. 'I'm dirty because my papa rlm@0: is dirty!' Curling up into a ball she started to cry. 'Papa hurt mama rlm@0: lots! Okaa-san and mama don't talk about it but I know that I rlm@0: happened after he hurt her!' the girl said as tears ran down her now rlm@0: pale cheeks. 'Everyone stares at me because they know my real papa rlm@0: hurt my mama...' Slowly Yuki hugged her blue haired friend, not rlm@0: letting go as Hotaru struggled to get away. 'Please let me go! I rlm@0: don't want you to be dirty as well!' Yuki shook her head. 'You aren't rlm@0: dirty Hotaru-chan!' Yuki whispered. Hotaru managed to get loose of rlm@0: her friends hug and scurried away towards the door. 'I'm so sorry rlm@0: Yuki-chan! I got you dirty to!' the girl whispered before running out rlm@0: of the room. 'Hotaru-chan!' Yuki called out, before running after her rlm@0: friend. rlm@0: rlm@0: She sat crying under the king penguin slide. 'She's just like me rlm@0: now!' she thought sadly. 'I made her dirty!' That made her cry rlm@0: harder. 'Hi!' a soft voice said. Looking up she saw a pale woman rlm@0: kneeling near her. 'It's her mama!' Hotaru thought. The pale woman rlm@0: smiled at slowly sat near the young blue haired girl. Tomoyo had just rlm@0: arrived home when Hotaru had bumped into her when she ran out of her rlm@0: home. 'Yuki-chan told me why you ran away!' Tomoyo whispered. 'I ran rlm@0: because I'm dirty!' Hotaru whispered. Slowly Tomoyo scooted closer. rlm@0: 'Why do you think that?' rlm@0: 'Because my papa is dirty!' Hotaru whispered, 'He hurt my mama!' The rlm@0: pale woman smiled sadly at the young girl. 'I don't think you're rlm@0: dirty Hotaru-chan!' Tomoyo whispered. Hotaru looked up sharply, her rlm@0: eyes, red from crying, met Tomoyo's. 'You don't?' Tomoyo shook her rlm@0: head. 'And I know Yuki and Sakura doesn't think you're dirty.' Tomoyo rlm@0: paused and caught her breath, 'And your parents have never thought rlm@0: you are dirty!' Hotaru shuddered as she tried to stop crying. 'Hotaru- rlm@0: chan?' another voice said. 'Mama?' Hotaru asked, looking up at her rlm@0: mother kneeling near Tomoyo. The blue haired woman smiled as her rlm@0: daughter scooted closer to her. Carefully she whipped the girls tears rlm@0: away. 'I'm sorry mama!' the girl whispered, hugging Miyuki. 'What for rlm@0: Hotaru-chan?' Miyuki asked. 'For running away!' the girl whispered, rlm@0: crying into her mothers chest. Carefully Miyuki wrapped her arms rlm@0: around the young girl. She had been told why Hotaru had ran off. 'How rlm@0: long has she felt this way?' she asked herself. Gently she kissed the rlm@0: top of her daughters head. 'I'm sorry Hotaru!' Miyuki whispered. The rlm@0: girl looked up at her mother, their eyes meeting. 'Why mama?' the rlm@0: girl asked, whipping her eyes. Miyuki smiled at the girl rubbing her rlm@0: own eyes. 'I'm sorry because I didn't make you feel better when I rlm@0: should have.' Miyuki whispered. Slowly the girl hugged her mother rlm@0: again. Slowly Tomoyo left the two alone, not wanting to interupt what rlm@0: was going on. She sighed softly as she sat on one of the swings. 'Is rlm@0: everything alright now?' a soft voice asked. Looking to her left she rlm@0: saw Yuki and Sakura, Sakura holding a wrapped up Mihoshi, standing rlm@0: near her. They smiled as they watched Hotaru and her parents leave, rlm@0: knowing things would be alright.