rlm@0: Pleasure Slave rlm@0: rlm@0: By Capitalist rlm@0: peacewish@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: Chapter 6 rlm@0: ‘auction’ rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Through the thin gap of the curtain Sakura watched men filtering into the garden, a knot of panic hardening in her stomach. One of those men, they were going to buy her and take her away to yet another strange place, tell her she was a slave and that she must do as he said. rlm@0: Her lungs hurt and she could hear her own wheezing breath, becoming more frantic with every inhalation. rlm@0: “Sakura? Sakura, are you all right?” rlm@0: Tomoyo’s familiar hand cupped her gently on the shoulder, and turned her to get a better look at her face. rlm@0: “Tomoyo, please… I don’t want to. I’m scared, don’t make me do this.” rlm@0: “Shh. Sakura, your face is white. You must take a deep breath. With me, now.” A firm hand on each of her shoulders, Tomoyo inhaled deeply and Sakura mimicked her best as she could. “Believe me, Sakura, if I had the choice I wouldn’t make you do this. But there isn’t anything I can do about it, Jereth says he has to sell you today.” rlm@0: Her face blurred slightly and Sakura heard a disapproving cluck of the tongue. “For goodness sake, don’t start crying now. It will make your face all red and blotchy.” She pressed a handkerchief to Sakura’s burning eyes and dabbed at the tears, wiping them away. rlm@0: “Tomoyo, are you going to hold her hand and take her out there yourself?” someone sneered, and both girls looked up to see Melara and the other slaves gathered at the other end of the curtain. They all giggled and Tomoyo shot them a glare before turning back to Sakura. rlm@0: “Pay no attention to her, Sakura, I know you can do this. All you have to do is walk out onto the platform, and stand straight. It would be nice if you smile, but you don’t have to. But you definitely can’t cry.” rlm@0: Tomoyo’s hands were absentmindedly combing through Sakura’s hair as she spoke, arranging the short strands around her face. “If Jereth wants you to turn around, he’ll prompt you. And when he says so, you have to take off your robe.” rlm@0: The knot convulsed and Sakura clutched at her short satin robe, petrified. “Sakura, you have to.” Tomoyo’s eyes were anxious as she leaned in closer and cupped her face. “If you hesitate, or refuse, it will look so bad for Jereth and the company. If you’re not sold, which you probably wouldn’t be, he’ll beat you. I won’t be able to stop him. Promise that you will take your robe off when he tells you to.” rlm@0: The look in her eyes was so fearful, almost as terrified as Sakura felt. Numbly Sakura nodded, and Tomoyo sighed with relief. Outside in the garden, she could hear Tomoyo’s owner greeting the arrivals, his voice loud and cheerful in contrast to Sakura’s growing panic. rlm@0: “It won’t be long now, when he’s done talking to the bidders it’ll be time for you to go out.” rlm@0: “Me?” Sakura squeaked. “You mean I’m first?” rlm@0: “Virgins always are. The man that pays the most money for you will be your new owner, so when he leaves the garden follow him. You can put your robe back on then. Don’t forget what we talked about; you must always do as he says without question, and if you are obedient then everything will be fine. Remember that you must call him ‘master’, unless he gives you permission otherwise.” rlm@0: Tomoyo was adjusting the pale pink robe as she spoke, retying the sash and making sure the sleeves fell just right. At the last moment, she leaned in and pressed a soft comforting kiss to Sakura’s lips. “It’ll be fine, Sakura. You’ll see.” rlm@0: She smiled kindly, and for a brief moment Sakura forgot her terror. Tomoyo had done so much for her, these past couple days; even innocent as she was, Sakura sensed this could have been far worse. rlm@0: “You’ve been so nice, Tomoyo. I’m very grateful.” rlm@0: Something that looked like guilt flashed through Tomoyo’s violet eyes, and she looked down. “I’m glad I could help, Sakura. But I haven’t really done that much.” rlm@0: “Will I ever see you again?” rlm@0: “I very much hope so. If your master allows you out of the house, you can come and visit me whenever you like.” rlm@0: Her heart stammered an unsteady staccato in her chest and Sakura’s panic returned. “If he allows me out of the house?” rlm@0: “Or, if not, I’ll try to come visit you.” She turned slightly to the gap in the curtain, listening to Jereth. rlm@0: “… allow me to present the girls you have come to see…” rlm@0: “Oh, he’s starting. This is your cue.” rlm@0: She placed her hands on Sakura’s waist and steered her closer. The curtain had become a gate to the edge of Sakura’s world, she would step through and fall off the brink, everything she knew left far, far behind. Mellow spring days spent gathering flowers, cozy winter nights reading with her brother by the fire… all gone. When she stepped through the curtain, her whole life would be swept away. rlm@0: “… we begin with this one.” rlm@0: “This is it! Good luck.” Tomoyo kissed her quickly on the cheek and nudged her through, and Sakura froze. The rapid push from shadows to sunlight left her blinded, and for one second her world was nothing but the sound of her own frantic heartbeat. rlm@0: “The only virgin on the block today, gentlemen, so take a good look.” Her pupils contracted and her surroundings came into focus again, for the first time in what felt like forever she could see the sky. But she could hardly appreciate that right now, not with the cluster of men seated on velvet-cushioned chairs and staring at her. To her right, the man that was Tomoyo’s owner turned his head slightly and motioned impatiently. He wanted her to walk to the center of the platform. She had to do it. She must obey, or she would be hurt. rlm@0: Stiffly she took a couple steps to her left, risking a glance at the crowd. The hunger in their eyes made her quail, and she dropped her eyes again. Muscles between her legs clenched, and she was struck by the horrifying thought that she might actually urinate on herself in front of all these strangers, she was so terrified. That couldn’t happen, she wouldn’t let it happen. Willfully she forced herself to take another deep breath. rlm@0: “This fresh young beauty from the mountains is as pure as the country air, skin soft as flower petals. She’s never known a man’s touch, but is eager to please and willing to learn. Will you be the first to take her?” rlm@0: Sakura flushed with humiliation, never had she felt so much like a thing in her entire life. Jereth cleared his throat slightly and she looked up. He was looking at her meaningfully and motioning with his hand, indicating the robe wrapped around her body. rlm@0: The time had come to undress herself. rlm@0: Watching from behind the curtain, Tomoyo bit her lip anxiously. Sakura hadn’t moved and was still staring frozenly at Jereth, looking as if she might faint at any moment. rlm@0: “Please, Sakura,” she whispered. “Please do it.” rlm@0: Slowly, fingers trembling, Sakura took one end of the sash and pulled it out. The robe loosened but that wasn’t enough, she had to take it completely off. Bare herself to all these staring strangers. She couldn’t do it. rlm@0: “Please,” Tomoyo begged, fear blossoming inside her that Sakura might actually balk. Everything would be ruined. rlm@0: She would be beaten if she didn’t do it. Tomoyo had made her promise to do it, out of fear for Sakura’s own wellbeing. She had to do it. Bracing herself, Sakura grasped the lapels of her robe and pulled them apart, letting the soft satin fall away from her shoulders. The most expensive and beautiful thing she’d ever worn hit the wooden platform with a soft sigh that seemed to echo forever in her ears. She’d done it, and now everyone could see. rlm@0: A chorus of ‘ahh’s rippled through the garden, provoking another blush from her. rlm@0: “Isn’t she lovely? Long legs and trim waist, and notice her high young breasts. Only fifteen years old, gentlemen, she’ll keep for a good long time. Be the one to take this delicate prize home, I open the bid at twenty gold nobles.” rlm@0: That last part almost shocked Sakura out of her embarrassment. Although Tomoyo had spoken often of her sale, it hadn’t really occurred to Sakura how much someone would want to pay for her. She’d never seen more than ten gold coins together in her life. rlm@0: “Twenty,” someone answered casually. rlm@0: “Twenty-five.” rlm@0: “Thirty!” rlm@0: Stunned, Sakura tried to follow the source of each bid but they were coming too quickly to keep up. Tomoyo had told her not to stare at any one man, but Sakura couldn’t help scanning the crowd furtively. Most of them seemed to be in their thirties or forties, richly dressed and prosperous looking. As old as her own father, before he died, and that thought made her shiver. None of them looked especially kind. rlm@0: “Forty.” The newest bid came from a seat almost directly in front of her, where a young man was whispering into the ear of the one who’d spoken. Perhaps he wanted to buy her for his son? The younger man looked up and their eyes met; casually he ran his tongue over his teeth and grinned. There was something extremely malicious about his stare, and like a rabbit under the thrall of a fox Sakura returned it helplessly. rlm@0: “Fifty!” someone else insisted, and she looked away quickly. This man was the same age as the rest, his neatly trimmed black beard peppered with silver. He was incredibly muscular, even more so than her brother, built strong and wide like a brick well. It seemed he would break her if he so much as touched her. rlm@0: “Sixty,” the father answered. rlm@0: “Seventy.” rlm@0: The rest of the men had fallen quiet, it had come to a duel between these two. Amazed, Tomoyo heard them take it to eighty and then ninety. A hundred and ten was the most a slave had ever been sold for here, as far as she knew, and that had been for a trained masseuse and dancer. Virgins rarely went past sixty, but it seemed Jereth had been correct in his prediction. rlm@0: “One hundred,” the father countered, with a hint of a dare in his voice. The bearded man hesitated, looking over Sakura again as if debating whether she was actually worth it. Not sure whether she wanted him to win or lose, she looked from him to the son again. His smile grew bigger as the silence dragged on, his dark and cruel eyes pinning her to the platform where she stood. rlm@0: “One hundred gold pieces,” Jereth finally said when the bearded man shook his head. “Going at one hundred then, once, twi -” rlm@0: “One hundred ten,” someone interrupted. Startled, Sakura looked up, and most of the crowd turned in their chairs to look. A new arrival stood before the gate, astonishingly young compared to all the others. He wore no rich clothing, but rough brown pants and a cheap cotton shirt, the kind of clothing Sakura was accustomed to seeing in her home village. Unkept brown hair fell messily over his eyes and she didn’t even have time to glimpse them before he looked away from her to face Jereth. rlm@0: The auctioneer looked no less astonished than she felt, but when the new arrival raised his eyebrows he seemed to collect himself. rlm@0: “Er, one hundred ten then. Going once -” rlm@0: “One hundred twenty,” the father snapped, looking affronted at this turn of events. Tomoyo gasped, as did most of the crowd. rlm@0: “One hundred thirty,” the young man replied without pause, sounding bored. Sakura could hardly believe her ears. One hundred and thirty pieces of gold was like a fabulous fantasy treasure, an impossible amount for anyone to ever possess. Surely this man couldn’t be ready to exchange so much for her. rlm@0: The father didn’t seem to think so either, and stared aghast. His son hissed something, and he stiffened his back. rlm@0: “One hundred and fifty!” Tomoyo reeled, gripping the edge of the doorway frame to steady herself. Never in her life had she heard of someone selling for so much, she doubted even she herself would fetch such a price. But it seemed taking Sakura home had become an issue of pride for the gentleman in front. The young man heaved an exasperated sigh and strode past the rows of chairs, stopping just in front of Jereth. He didn’t even glance at Sakura. rlm@0: “Is this going to take all day, or what? Two hundred.” rlm@0: Sakura clapped her hands over her mouth, feeling dizzy. The men in the crowd were in uproar, murmuring among themselves, and Jereth’s mouth hung wide open. The father stared numbly, but even his son’s pleading tug on his arm could not prevail. When the newcomer threw a daring look his way, he shook his head. rlm@0: Two hundred… Tomoyo watched Jereth recite the final bid and then bang his gavel on the small podium. He’d be doing cartwheels tonight, that was for sure. But who was this stranger, who could carelessly toss out so much money? She was sure she knew all the big spenders in the city, and this scruffy looking man was nobody she recognized. Looking indifferent to all the excitement he’d caused, he withdrew a small rolled parchment from the bag slung over his shoulder and tossed it to Jereth. She couldn’t see the seal that had been stamped on it, but Jereth obviously recognized it and nodded. rlm@0: “Silken Flowers thanks you for your business,” he said dazedly. “Please enjoy her.” rlm@0: “Yeah, sure.” He turned on his heels, waving impatiently for Sakura to follow. The newly purchased slave was still staring wide-eyed, but at the curt reminder came back to earth. This man was her owner now, and she was expected to go with him. She couldn’t even say goodbye to Tomoyo. rlm@0: Helplessly she glanced back at the edge of the curtain, and saw Tomoyo peeking out. Her eyes looked as though they might be glistening, at little, but she smiled encouragingly and blew Sakura a kiss. rlm@0: Be a good girl, Sakura could hear her saying in her mind. Just do what he asks and you’ll be all right. rlm@0: Somehow controlling the urge to cry, Sakura snatched her robe and scurried after her buyer. He was already out of the gate by the time she caught up, gratefully retying the robe over her body. rlm@0: “Today, if you don’t mind,” he said over his shoulder, untying his rather dusty horse from a post. rlm@0: “I’m very sorry, master,” Sakura answered carefully, doing her best to follow Tomoyo’s instructions. She didn’t want him to get angry with her. rlm@0: He turned to look at her then, and she could finally see his eyes properly. They were dark brown and fierce, not at all kind, and there was something rather sardonic in his gaze. rlm@0: “The name’s Li,” he informed her, his tone clipped and terse, “call me that.” rlm@0: “Oh.” She blinked, rather taken aback. Somehow she hadn’t expected permission to be granted so quickly. Or gruffly. rlm@0: “Now let’s get moving. I want to get home.” He gestured for her to mount his horse, but Sakura didn’t move. She’d never ridden a horse in her life; few in her village owned them. And the thought of her exposed body rubbing against that grimy saddle was very unappealing. rlm@0: “Um -” rlm@0: “What?” he snapped, and Sakura cringed. Timidly she tugged on the hem of her short robe. rlm@0: “I don’t think I can ride, like this.” rlm@0: He regarded her blankly for a moment, as he tried to follow her meaning, then comprehension filtered through. rlm@0: “Oh. Damn it.” She’d never heard anyone swear before, and she turned pink. He didn’t seem to notice or care, and turned to rifle through his horse’s saddlebag. “Fucking ridiculous, the things I have to do…” rlm@0: As Sakura stared, he unearthed a rolled up shirt and pants, similar to the ones he wore but crumpled and even grimier. “Here. Put these on, and be quick about it.” rlm@0: He practically shoved them into Sakura’s arms, then turned his attention to his horse. She didn’t know if he was trying to grant her a little privacy, or simply didn’t care, but either way she was grateful for his diverted attention. And even if the clothes were a little dirty, not to mention big for her, it felt wonderful to have real clothing at last. She tied the drawstrings as tightly as she could around her waist, then turned around to shed the robe and pull on his shirt. rlm@0: “Thank you.” rlm@0: “Whatever.” He stuffed the satin robe in his saddlebag and directed her to place her left foot in the stirrup. Without even grunting, he pushed her up and onto the horse’s back. It hadn’t looked especially big, but Sakura was surprised at how high up she felt once astride. He swung up into the saddle behind her, and she was quickly distracted by his extreme closeness. Outside of her own family, no man had ever been so near. rlm@0: He reached around her for the reigns, and clucked softly. Immediately the horse started moving, and Sakura was taken by surprise at the unexpected motion. She fell back against his chest with a small cry, impatiently he propped her upright again. rlm@0: “For gods’ sake, don’t fall off. Haven’t you ever ridden a horse before?” rlm@0: She was glad he couldn’t see her face, sure she was scarlet. “No.” rlm@0: “U-huh. Well, you’d be a lot better off holding onto the saddle horn instead of my leg.” Sakura looked down and almost fainted when she realized that she had indeed gripped his thigh in the moment of imbalance, and was still holding on for dear life. She couldn’t yank it away fast enough, and clutched at the knob of leather in front of her that she assumed he’d meant. rlm@0: “Sorry!” rlm@0: He grunted, which she took to mean that it didn’t really matter, and that she should forget about it, and that he was not in the mood for any more conversation. Happy to oblige, she concentrated on keeping her balance and staring at the surroundings as they passed. rlm@0: She was in Terriene, the great city at the foot of the Paluwit mountains. Built on the banks of the flowing Balta, it was so prosperous and so big that it sprawled all along the river from the foothills well toward the coast, where the smaller city of Port Corryn was growing to meet it. All this she knew from reading her father’s books, which had at one point come from here, but printed words on a page couldn’t compare to seeing it all for herself. Though she’d occasionally daydreamed about visiting this mythical, fantasy city, never had she really thought it might happen. That she was here, riding through it on horseback, seemed too impossible to believe. rlm@0: There were people everywhere; Sakura never knew there were so many people in the world. Children darted through the crowds, sneaking their fingers into purses and pockets, grinning like little devils. Women shouted demands to buy their products, from woven scarves to dead fish to bouquets of colorful flowers. Through large glass windows that must have been very expensive, Sakura could glimpse the richer products available in shops: dresses sewn like clouds of silk from the waist down, sparkling jewelry that she thought must be fit only for royalty. rlm@0: Though she stared round-eyed at everything and everyone, few in the crowd paid her any attention. Those that looked long enough squinted curiously at Sakura’s clothing, but other than that she was uninteresting, a profound relief to the shy slave. She’d more than had her fill of strangers staring at her. Even the white collar was more or less hidden by the collar of Li’s shirt. rlm@0: Slave. Collar. She reached up and felt it, that soft strip of leather around her neck that declared her a prisoner forever. She still didn’t understand exactly what was going to happen, in spite of Tomoyo’s illustrations, and the thought of it left her terrified. She didn’t want it, wasn’t ready for it, and only wanted to go home. rlm@0: What if she tried? Here in the bustling streets, with people everywhere, could she hide if she tried to run right now? It was the best time, surely, before they even reached Li’s home. With this plain clothing she could blend in, and even if she didn’t know exactly where to go she could at least see the mountains. She knew what direction home lay. rlm@0: Her breath quickened at the bold thoughts running through her mind. Tomoyo had never mentioned what the penalty was for attempting to escape, but Sakura could imagine just how harsh it would be. Still, it was better to at least try for freedom, wasn’t it? rlm@0: She shifted slightly in her seat and realized Li’s arms were still around her, guiding his horse through the busy streets. She’d already felt his hard muscles, sitting so close to him in the saddle, it was obvious how strong he was. It would be impossible to push free, and exit the saddle quickly, and somehow figure out how to land on her feet when she’d never dismounted a horse before. Escape was not possible. rlm@0: She was disappointed and relieved at the same time, to have the decision taken out of her hands. Maybe in a little while a chance might present itself; she’d consider it again then. rlm@0: They continued through the city, for what seemed like forever to Sakura. Terriene was gigantic, it must be twenty times the size of her own village. The riot of noise and smells faded away eventually, and she could see that the homes and shops were becoming richer. She kept expecting Li to turn off into one of the smaller streets but he did not, and even from on horseback she could see they were moving up an incline. Foothills cradled the city on all sides except the western, coastal facing side, they must be making their way up the slope of one. rlm@0: “Hold on,” Li instructed briskly, startling her after so much silence. She hardly had the chance to tighten her grip on the saddle horn before he kicked lightly and spurred his horse into a light run. Sakura was very nearly tossed out of the saddle and yelped, completely at a loss as to how to sit properly on a cantering horse. Li muttered an oath and wrapped his left arm around her waist, holding her close to his body. rlm@0: “Relax, already. All you have to do is keep count. You can count to three, can’t you?” rlm@0: Sakura was too busy trying to control her stomach to feel insulted, and nodded. “Good. One, two, three, one, two, three…” Every count corresponded to a hoofbeat on the stones and she realized she could feel the horse’s muscles moving rhythmically underneath her, in a motion that now seemed very smooth and steady. She busied herself keeping count and trying to move with the horse, and it wasn’t for some while that she realized Li was still holding onto her. She could feel his muscles contracting against her body, his deep and even breathing just behind her ear, and most disturbingly his groin pressing against her behind. It was not so very different from one of the positions Tomoyo had demonstrated the day before. rlm@0: Sakura shut her eyes and whimpered a little. rlm@0: They rode on for seeming ages, and the cobbled stones gave way to a hard-packed dirt road. Houses became further apart and shops disappeared altogether, and soon Sakura could see no buildings at all. Her spirit lifted at the familiar sight of trees and wildflowers, birds trilling their morning songs. rlm@0: “You live in the country?” rlm@0: “More or less. Whoa.” The horse slowed at his slight tug on the reins and they turned off the path, wending through a few trees until they came upon a shallow creek. “Off,” he directed. “She needs a drink.” rlm@0: Sakura shifted awkwardly in the saddle, trying to figure out how to get one leg over to the other side and then slide off without catching her pants on anything. It really was a good thing she hadn’t tried to jump off in the city, most likely she would have fallen flat on her face. rlm@0: Li dismounted in half a second and gripped her waist, paying no attention to her squeak of surprise as he pulled her off the horse and deposited her on the grass. rlm@0: Never mind. Now they were free of the alien city, Sakura felt much more at ease. She knew the woods, knew what could be eaten and what couldn’t and what predators to watch for. Any other slave might feel trapped here in the wilderness, but to Sakura it was like a promise of freedom. If she waited for the right opportunity to escape, she knew she could find her way back home. rlm@0: Not right now, though. She’d never be able to get away fast enough when Li had a horse, and these woods weren’t thick enough for hiding. So instead she settled for kneeling at the water’s edge and cupping her hands, enjoying a drink of the cold clear water like the horse was. When she’d finished, she sat back in the grass with a sigh. rlm@0: Li was staring at her strangely, as if she’d just done something very peculiar. It made her flush and she hugged her knees to her chest. rlm@0: “What?” rlm@0: “I have a waterbag if you’re thirsty,” he pointed out, indicating the stoppered canteen hanging from his horse’s saddle. rlm@0: Did he think it so backwards that she drank directly from the creek? Sakura hadn’t even thought about it. “Oh, er, thank you. This is fine.” rlm@0: He shrugged and snorted. “Good grief, what rock did they find you under?” rlm@0: “I come from the mountains,” she answered softly, wondering if she had any cause to be embarrassed about her poor upbringing. Now that she’d glimpsed what a truly rich lifestyle was like, she could see how many would think her house a shabby shack. But it was still home to her, still the place she belonged. rlm@0: He only grunted again, apparently not caring enough to continue the conversation. He was pacing along the bank as they spoke, swinging his arms, probably trying to loosen his muscles. He paid no attention to her, and though she was grateful for it she was also a little puzzled. Given all of Tomoyo’s lectures and the stares of her other would-be buyers, she’d expected him to be a little more demanding. rlm@0: Someone did demand affection right then, and Sakura almost jumped when his horse bumped her nose against Sakura’s arm. For a moment she thought the mare would bite her, but when she didn’t move the horse only nudged her again. She was a pretty horse, dark chestnut like her owner’s hair with a white star on her forehead. Sakura had never pet a horse before, but she raised a hand and stroked her long nose, surprised at how velvety soft it was. The horse seemed to enjoy it too, pressing into her touch and snorting every time Sakura pulled away. After a while she raised her other hand to tease and tickle her ears. It had been some while since she pet an animal and Sakura could feel herself relaxing with every stroke, unaware that she was smiling. rlm@0: It was only after several minutes had passed that she remembered they weren’t alone, and she thought to look for Li. He was standing on the edge of the bank several steps away and staring at her again, in disbelief. Quickly Sakura withdrew her hands. rlm@0: “I’m sorry! I should have asked.” She ducked her head apologetically, but he said nothing. “She’s a lovely horse. What’s her name?” rlm@0: “Spirit,” he answered, still looking at her rather oddly. “And she doesn’t like it when strangers touch her.” rlm@0: “Oh.” Spirit bumped impatiently against her shoulder, eloquently refuting his statement, and Sakura shrugged abashedly. “I’m sorry, it’s just that she asked me to, and -” rlm@0: “Asked you to?” rlm@0: Sakura cringed, wishing she could take that back. Her brother and the others in her village never questioned the attraction animals seemed to hold for her, and Sakura had always taken for granted the benign stray cats and dogs gathered at their porch by dinnertime. To her it really did seem that they asked for her attentions, but she hadn’t meant to say it. Li must think her mad. rlm@0: She mumbled another apology, and flinched when he closed the distance between them in long, quick strides. He didn’t touch her, however, and only took Spirit’s bridle in his hand. rlm@0: “She’s had enough. Let’s go.” rlm@0: Once again he hoisted her into the saddle and settled himself behind her. When they returned to the path and he prodded his horse into a canter again, he did not move to hold her steady. Evidently he felt she could handle it on her own this time, and Sakura was rather pleased to find he was right. rlm@0: The slope grew even steeper, the trees closer together, and the sun climbed directly overhead. She hadn’t slept very well the night before, too anxious about the coming auction, and the steady beat of hooves on the path were lulling Sakura into drowsiness. It seemed to her that Li must live in the middle of nowhere. A nice country house, perhaps, like the richest family’s home in her village. Imagination mixed with memories, and she dreamed that she was being taken back to Eagle’s Path. Her brother would surely scold her for making him worry, but he would be relieved too. He would hug her and hug her, he was so very strong… rlm@0: The arms around her jostled her slightly. “Wake up. We’re here.” rlm@0: Sakura started, and Li had to catch her before she fell off the horse. Disoriented, she had to reconstruct the memory of where she was and what was going on, blinking away sleep. rlm@0: And then she turned her face up and got the shock of her life. Spirit had slowed to a walk and was approaching what was no simple country house, not even a grand one. It was a castle, pure and simple, right out of the pictures of her favorite fairy tales. From this position, a high outer wall concealed most of it, but if she tilted her chin up she could see the main building reaching up into the sky, a few towers soaring even higher. To Sakura’s awestruck gaze, it seemed to climb forever. rlm@0: She pinched herself to make sure she wasn’t still asleep. rlm@0: “This is where you live?” rlm@0: “Mm.” He uttered a piercing whistle, prompting Sakura to clap her hands over her ears, and a face appeared over the wall. “Jensen! Open up!” rlm@0: The other man grinned and waved. “Welcome back, Li!” Then he ducked out of sight again. Something groaned and creaked, and the large iron gates that barred their way swung outward, revealing a courtyard within. The path turned slightly here and Sakura was able to look back over her shoulder, just in time to see Terriene sprawled out far beneath them. She hadn’t realized how high they’d climbed; this must be the very crest of the hill. Li guided Spirit through the short arch and dismounted, this time dragging Sakura off the saddle before she had a chance to almost fall off again. The massive gates creaked again and she couldn’t help but stare, watching as the panoramic mountain range and her home was cut off from her sight. All her hopes of escape disappeared with the view; this place was nothing less than a fortress. They slammed shut with a bang, and she winced. rlm@0: “Li, good to see you. We were expecting you hours ago, what happened?” rlm@0: “Got held up.” He nodded his head briefly at Sakura, and the man who’d opened the gate eyed her curiously. rlm@0: “Uh-huh. You want me to take Spirit back?” rlm@0: “No, I’ll do it, she needs a good rub-down. Just as soon as I figure out what I’m supposed to do with her.” rlm@0: The watchman snickered. “She probably needs a rub-down too.” rlm@0: Sakura flushed and looked at the ground, hoping that didn’t mean what she thought it meant. The man chuckled, but Li didn’t. He only took her arm and started walking, steering her across the cobbled courtyard and toward the nearest building entrance that she could see. He walked very fast and she had to take rapid steps to keep up, tripping on an uneven stone in her haste. rlm@0: He grunted impatiently at her squeal, maintaining his grip so that she didn’t fall. “C’mon, I’ve wasted enough time on you as it is. Let’s find out where he wants you to go.” rlm@0: He pushed open a pair of double doors and they entered the castle itself, Sakura blinking to catch up with the rapid shift in light. None of Li’s words were making sense, and she stared blankly at the walls as they walked past, trying to understand. He dragged her down one corridor and then turned into another, finally emerging in a rather large open area. It wasn’t so much a room as a place where corridors intersected with a stairwell, and Sakura stared open-mouthed at the beauty around her. The floor was made purely from marble, of the faintest light blue and cream, and so highly polished she could see her own reflection underneath her. The walls weren’t built from individual bricks but from one solid material that she couldn’t identify. It too was cream, and in the light of a vast window over their heads the whole area seemed as open as if it were outdoors. rlm@0: “Is that the slave?” someone asked, bringing her back to reality. Li nodded. rlm@0: “Yes, and could you please tell Ralen to get his ass down here and collect her? I’ve got other things to be doing.” rlm@0: The young man, considerably better dressed and groomed than Li, smiled humorlessly. “You needn’t fret, captain, he’s already heard. I’m sure he’ll be here momentarily.” rlm@0: “Can’t wait.” rlm@0: Sakura tried to process this and came to a surprising conclusion. “You mean – you’re not my owner?” rlm@0: Another withering look on his part said that she should have figured this out a long time ago, and he rolled his eyes. “No, I’m not.” rlm@0: He hadn’t released his grip on her upper arm, and it tightened a little when a handful of people trooped noisily around the bend in the marble stairwell, led by a tall blonde man in black. rlm@0: “Is he my owner?” rlm@0: Again Li rolled his eyes. “No. Lucky for you.” rlm@0: The blonde halted a few steps away from the floor, taking care to keep a little height over Li, and Li stiffened his back. Sakura had the uneasy impression that they were facing off. rlm@0: “Captain Li, so wonderful to have you back at the castle. I trust you enjoyed your holiday?” rlm@0: “Every minute, you want this girl or what?” rlm@0: Gray eyes lit on her, examining her leisurely, and Sakura had to swallow. Li’s stare had not exactly been kind either, but this man’s was worse. Something about it invaded her, made her tremble and want to back away even though he hadn’t touched her. It was hard and merciless. rlm@0: She had to remind herself that this man was not her master, but somehow it didn’t give much comfort. rlm@0: “Don’t tell me she came dressed like that.” rlm@0: “I was on my horse,” Li replied curtly. “If you don’t like it, I suggest you run your own goddamn errands from now on.” rlm@0: Tension in the room thickened perceptively and the blonde bristled. “You’re finished here, captain, run along outside and play with a sword or something.” rlm@0: Li scowled darkly, but didn’t reply. Instead he moved to take a step, realized he was still clutching Sakura in a death grip, and released her. She almost stumbled at the sudden movement but he paid no attention, not even glancing at her as he swept past her and out of sight through a doorway. rlm@0: “That’s better,” the blonde sighed, gaze traveling back to Sakura. Feeling exposed now that she stood alone, she hugged her arms to her waist apprehensively. “Girls, take her to the bathing rooms and get her cleaned up. And dress her in something decent, for crying out loud.” rlm@0: She knew it was too good to last, but all the same Sakura clutched at Li’s shirt. rlm@0: “Actually, I don’t mind -” rlm@0: “Weren’t you trained not to speak unless spoken to?” The casual menace in his tone made her throat close up, and Sakura said nothing more. His cruel eyes pinned her to the floor where she stood, immobilized her to the point where she even forgot to breathe. A pair of young women standing in his shadow hurried forward and took each of her hands, murmuring for her to accompany them. And still she could not look away from that cold gray stare. rlm@0: -- rlm@0: Sakura breathed easier when he was gone, though she was far from comfortable here in this strange castle. A trio of softly-speaking female servants, all of them wearing black collars, herded her down a stairwell and through a couple passages before finally emerging in a room of such dazzling beauty that Sakura had to blink. As in much of what she’d seen so far of the castle, the floors were marble, white and light blue. So were the walls, and over all of it the reflected light from the water dappled. rlm@0: The room was filled with small pools, four of them in all, so perfectly clear that Sakura could quite easily see the design of the marble tiles along the bottom. In the largest one, the sculpture of an exotic water serpent rose up in the center, a perpetual fountain spraying up from its mouth and into the pool. rlm@0: That all of it was indoors, bathed in light from so many overhead windows, only added to its luxury. Sakura was so busy staring that she almost didn’t notice when fingers started working on her shirt buttons, reaching to undress her. When she did notice, she squeaked and took a couple hasty steps back. rlm@0: “If you please, miss,” one of them whispered. rlm@0: “It’s all right,” Sakura said quickly. “I can take them off.” Though she didn’t particularly want to strip before these strangers, it was obvious they wanted her to bathe. And having seen the bath, Sakura was only too happy to. “I can wash myself, you don’t have to stay.” rlm@0: All three of them looked surprised and aghast, as though Sakura had just offered to cut up their clothes and throw them to the fire. rlm@0: “Oh no, miss, Sir Ralen’s orders must be obeyed.” rlm@0: The hushed fear in her voice left Sakura no doubt as to who she was talking about, even though Li said he was not her owner. Clearly he was very important here. She swallowed at the memory of his stare, but Tomoyo had specifically told her that no man was permitted to touch her except her master – provided that her master did not extend an invitation. Sakura consoled herself with that promise, sure that Tomoyo could not be wrong. rlm@0: Li’s clothing dropped to the floor and she made a beeline for the water, quick to submerge up to her neck. She may have gotten used to it around Tomoyo but now that she was with strangers again she could feel the blush heating up her cheeks. rlm@0: “Shy,” she heard one of them whisper, and a fleeting giggle. But these girls were obviously not inclined to tease like the women in Silken Flowers, and in relative silence they set about bathing her. One disappeared, holding Li’s grimy clothing out and away from her body as though it might bite her. Another poured something onto her scalp and began massaging it in, presumably washing her hair, and the third stripped down to get in the water with her. rlm@0: “Your feet, if you please.” Sakura did not please, but she sat back on the low bench under the water so she could lift one foot above the surface. The woman tackled it with a rough sponge, apparently oblivious to Sakura’s embarrassment. As if she couldn’t wash her own feet. rlm@0: “Um, what’s your name?” she ventured, hoping she might not feel so awkward if these girls became friends, like Tomoyo. rlm@0: “I’m sorry, miss, but I have been given no leave to answer questions.” rlm@0: Sakura blinked in surprise, perplexed. Did that mean she had to ask permission before every conversation? “It’s all right, I won’t tell anyone.” rlm@0: “Your other foot, if you please.” rlm@0: What sort of place was this castle? And who did it belong to, who did she belong to? She had yet to even hear his name. rlm@0: “Do you know who my owner is?” rlm@0: “Lean your head back, miss, and close your eyes.” A bowl of cold water cascaded over her lathered hair, and she barely shut them in time. They weren’t going to answer any of her questions, clearly. Sakura had no choice but to wait. rlm@0: -- rlm@0: After they’d finished scrubbing her head to toe they dressed her in a satin robe and escorted her through another set of doors. Here in a smaller, enclosed room they dressed her solemnly in pale silken underclothing, paying no attention to her discomfiture as they laced the small panties tight over her hips. The third woman selected a gown from a rack of them and presented it, and Sakura forgot her embarrassment at the sight. Surely something so beautiful must be for a princess. rlm@0: The material was white and filmy, like gauzy cobwebs, with a skirt that fell to the floor soft as a whisper. Sleeveless, the dress had been embroidered with a trail of shimmering pastel butterflies that meandered from the skirt up past her heart and along the neckline. She was too stunned to even protest when they directed her to lift her arms, and pulled it on over her head. rlm@0: They sat her firmly on a cushioned stool after that, flicking over her face with tiny brushes and arranging her short hair as it dried. One of them examined her hands, but upon seeing Tomoyo’s manicure declared they would be all right. The skirt had been cut at a strange angle, so that even though the back fell to the floor the front revealed some of her legs, and they slid a butterfly-adorned garter up over one knee. rlm@0: When they finally finished and stepped back, allowing Sakura to examine her reflection in a mirror, she didn’t even recognize herself. Somehow, she’d been transformed into one of the heroines in her fantasy books. rlm@0: It created a warm glow inside her, in spite of everything else that had happened, but the glow faltered when they led her back to the castle hallways and the waiting Ralen. rlm@0: “Ah,” he sighed, “now that is an improvement.” His eyes roved hungrily over her body, exploring her visually, and Sakura hugged her arms to her waist. “I did wonder, when he dragged you in, but it seems the captain has an eye for slaveflesh after all. Come.” He turned abruptly on his feet and beckoned, and Sakura hesitated just a moment before scurrying after him. The servants had all melted away without her even noticing, and Sakura sensed it was a bad idea to make this man angry. rlm@0: His strides were long, and she had to hurry to keep up as he led her back up two flights of stairs and down a long corridor, so vast and open it even had pillars inside. The view through the window was astonishing, and Sakura glimpsed the Paluwit mountains as she walked past. She followed Ralen past the pillars and windows and through an archway on the left, into an open room overlooking the valley below. So much of the walls were windowed that Sakura could see everything: the sun dropping toward the nearly-visible ocean in the west, Terriene far below, and even her home – distant though the mountain peaks were – starting to turn purple in the afternoon sunlight. rlm@0: At first, so entranced with the view, she didn’t even notice the actual room. But when Ralen cleared his throat impatiently she turned to look, and stared blankly. rlm@0: In the corner, not far from some kind of throne that was the only other furniture, Ralen was waiting by an enormous bird cage. It was almost just like the handwoven ones she’d seen in her home village, except infinitely larger and made from gold, the thick bars rising smooth and straight until they curved to meet overhead in a domed fashion. A small swing even dangled from overhead, like a perch, and the entire construction stood on short legs, off the floor. rlm@0: Ralen had the open door in his hand. “In,” he ordered, but Sakura didn’t move. rlm@0: “Birdcage?” she squeaked, and his face hardened. rlm@0: “It is not your place to question me, slave, you’ll learn that soon enough. In, now.” His harsh tone left no room for argument, and Sakura meekly entered. He shut the door with a particularly loud bang behind her, and she jumped. “See this?” He dangled a fancy key on its ring, through the bars. “I’m the only one with this key. This cage is your home now, you leave it when I say so or when the lord calls for you. He’s away right now, so until he returns it’s your job to sit here and look pretty. Not to talk,” he added when Sakura opened her mouth. rlm@0: “I’ll be along in a little while to take you to your dinner. Treat me with the proper respect, and I’m sure we’ll get along fine.” His lips curved up in a slight smile, one that sent shivers up Sakura’s back. When he spoke again his voice was softer, a little more thoughtful. rlm@0: “You are a pretty little thing. I believe Lord Yue is going to enjoy you.” rlm@0: rlm@0: -------------------------------------------- rlm@0: Disclaimer: I do not own these characters rlm@0: rlm@0: If you hopped on this storyline for the yuri, then you should know that’s pretty much it. Tomoyo isn’t gone forever, but from here on out the story is mainly yaoi and het. Yes, het is there, Lili, I just forgot to click on it when uploading the story. And the Edit Details option won’t let me change it. To my favorite sleepwalker: yes, she will be in this story, thought not quite in the role you envisioned. Don’t worry, you won’t be disappointed. rlm@0: How is it so far? Are you enjoying it? I don’t mean to complain, but only one reader out of every hundred has bothered to comment. I’m not one of those writers that holds the story hostage for a review quota, but I’ll admit a lack of feedback isn’t great motivation for writing more. Even if you’re so incredibly busy that you can’t bother with a review, at least give me a rating. Thanks for being considerate!