rlm@0: Night Flight rlm@0: By rphjas rlm@0: rphjas@yahoo.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ---------------- rlm@0: rlm@0: I dreamed a fitful dream. I heard her..crying softly under the stars. She was wailing so earnestly. I gasped for breath and woke with a start. I looked for her, but my eyes only saw Kero sleeping peacefully. The doll she made for me was clasped in my arms. Its bows and ribbons jumbled messily together. It was wet from the tears falling from my cheeks. She had been crying..a halo of moonlight adorning her long black hair..her tears falling like soft summer rain. Her light blue kimono shone in the darkness. Her porcelain cheeks were shiny from tears. She was still..looking like a fragile doll. She was holding something tightly in her delicate hands. rlm@0: rlm@0: What was this? Was it some type of nightmare? I reached for the cellphone she gave me so long ago. I started to dial her number, but it was too late in the night. I was scared..not for myself..but for her. Sleep had left me. I wiped my eyes with a tear-soaked sleeve. Why..why was I crying? The dream was not about the ghosts Onii-chan used to tease me about. No, the image was burned into my heart. It was her..my dearest friend. What to do? I climbed out of bed and changed into a light outfit. I opened the window and saw the same stars she had been looking at..the same brutal moon. The light summer breezes danced with my clothing..the sleepwear she had made for me. rlm@0: rlm@0: I might get into trouble, but I must find her now. School might be too late. Was it another Card trying to do her harm..like Mirror-chan did to my Onii-chan? Quietly, I whispered the words of power..reaffirming my contract with the Key. Fly ! rlm@0: rlm@0: Through the night skies, I flew to her manor. The place I had seen was imprinted in my mind. Over Tomoeda, I glided noiselessly. I willed the wings to beat faster..faster than they ever had before. The city was sleeping, but I could somehow feel the cries of my dearest friend. rlm@0: rlm@0: I finally reached her home..the place where I have had so many wonderful memories. Was it her Mother crying over the cruel fate..the same fate that had taken my beautiful Momma from me? No, I saw her. It was not Sonomi-sama. I wanted to scream hold on. But, my throat was tight from anxiety. Upon landing and Key in hand, I searched the grounds..trying to find her. rlm@0: rlm@0: Around a corner, I spied her in the darkness. She shook in the gardens outside her two-paneled bedroom window. Her sobbing was intense. Her face was wrinkled in pain. She clutched an old battle costume..one I had worn before. She was hugging it tightly to her small frame. Her knees gave way, and she fell to the green grass. Disheveled hair hung limply around her face. Like diamonds, the tears were shining in the moonlight. rlm@0: rlm@0: I could stand no more and rushed to her side. I hugged her close and asked her why..why was she in such agony. Her small nose twitched a sniffle, and she turned to me with a surprised look. Her face fought to overcome her warring emotions..to become the mask I always saw. But, it was no good. Her broken heart would not still for the transformation. She hugged me back with unbelievable power. She looked into my emerald eyes and whispered my name. rlm@0: rlm@0: For a long time, I just held her close to me. Her body shaking from sobs. Her stormy lavender eyes drowned me..pulling me into her heart. Both of us were on the ground kneeling and clutching each other. Where she never could..her heart told me..told me why she cried. I stumbled upon the answer..the answer to a question she felt she could never ask of me. The special someone I always thought she had..had never been told about her feelings. They were more powerful than any magic I possessed. Her feelings were strong and her heart was breaking from the strain of unrequited love. My own eyes were bleary and I could not see her features well. Oh, Tomoyo..why? Why have you waited so long? Why have you borne this burden alone? Who was this person who caused you so much pain? rlm@0: rlm@0: With a deeper dive of intuition, I swam the depths of her heart. The face of her special someone was..me...?!?