rlm@0: Nadeshiko's first school day rlm@0: By Radar rlm@0: simon_mcnestrie@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ------------- rlm@0: rlm@0: WARNING! this is a yuri story! rlm@0: these characters aside from the ones i created are teh property of rlm@0: clamp! rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Slowly the little girl opened her eyes and yawned softly. Looking to rlm@0: her left she giggled at the snoring stuffed animal on her bed side rlm@0: table. 'Silly Kero-chan!' she whispered yawning again. Getting out of rlm@0: bed she walked to her dresser. Her emerald eyes scanned it until she rlm@0: found what she was looking for. Picking up her brush she started rlm@0: brushin her short midnight hair. Once she was finished she set the rlm@0: brush down and sighed contently. 'What ya doin?' a tired voice behind rlm@0: her asked. 'Getting ready for school Kero-chan!' the girl replied rlm@0: turning around. 'School? Nadeshiko-chan, you don't go to school!' rlm@0: Kero-chan said. Nadeshiko giggled softly. 'Yes I do! Todays my first rlm@0: day!' she replied, picking him up and holding him at arms length. rlm@0: Smiling, she hugged him like he was part of the collection of stuffed rlm@0: animals she got from her papa. Slowly she got dressed in her new rlm@0: uniform. 'Nadeshiko-chan.. are you awake?' a voice asked from her rlm@0: door. Turning around her smile grew slightly and she ran to hug the rlm@0: pale woman standing in the door way. 'Good morning Tomoyo-mama!' rlm@0: Nadeshiko said, looking up. 'Good Morning Nadeshiko-chan!' Tomoyo rlm@0: replied, smiling when Nadeshiko twirled around, showing off her new rlm@0: school uniform. 'Are you excited?' Tomoyo asked when the walked into rlm@0: the kitchen. 'Hai!' Nadeshiko replied, nodding happily. 'You rlm@0: shouldn't get too excited Nadeshiko-chan!' a girl sitting at the rlm@0: table said. 'Why Onii-chan?' Nadeshiko asked. 'Because if you're rlm@0: naughty the teachers lock you in a small, dark room!' rlm@0: 'Stop teasing her Kumiko-chan!' Tomoyo said, her smile now a little rlm@0: bigger because of Kumiko's teasing. Looking at Nadeshiko, she noticed rlm@0: that the girl seemed a little paler then normal. 'Is it true Sakura- rlm@0: papa?' Nadeshiko asked. The auburn haired woman sitting opposite rlm@0: Kumiko shook her head and smiled. 'Of course it's not Nadeshiko- rlm@0: chan!' Sakura replied. 'Stupid Onii-chan!' Nadeshiko said, kicking rlm@0: the older girl in her shin. 'Morning Nadeshiko-chan!' another voice rlm@0: said, coming from behind her. Turning around she smiled upon seeing rlm@0: her sisters best friend Hikaru. 'Morning Aunite..um.. Hikaru-san!' rlm@0: Nadeshiko replied. Hikaru smiled brightly. Usually the girl would rlm@0: have replied Aunite Hikaru as Nadeshiko saw her that much. 'Kumiko- rlm@0: chan must have told her to say that!' the older girl thought, looking rlm@0: up at the pale girl opposite Sakura. 'Good morning Sakura-san!' rlm@0: Hikaru said, 'Hi Kumi-chan!' rlm@0: 'Hi Hikaru-chan!' Kumiko replied, blushing slightly. 'Morning Hikaru- rlm@0: chan!' Sakura replied, smiling slightly. 'Are you excited Nadeshiko- rlm@0: chan!' Hikaru asked. 'Hai! But I'm a little scared Aunite Hikaru!' rlm@0: Nadeshiko replied, talking quickly. Hikaru smiled slightly. 'Don't rlm@0: worry Nadeshiko-chan! Everyone is on their first day!' Hikaru said. rlm@0: 'Are you excited to be starting a new school Aunite Hikaru?' rlm@0: Nadeshiko asked. 'Yeah! Especally with Kumiko-chan!' Hikaru said, rlm@0: blushing slightly. Idlily she wondered if Nadeshiko had noticed that rlm@0: she and Kumiko were dating. 'What's so special about Onii-chan?' rlm@0: Nadeshiko asked. Hikaru smiled slightly. Just as she was about to rlm@0: reply Tomoyo reminded them that it wouldn't look good if all 3 of rlm@0: them were late for school on their first day. The girls hurried out rlm@0: followed soon after by Sakura. Tomoyo smiled slightly, sitting at the rlm@0: deserted table. She'd never seen Kumiko so.. gidddy before, not even rlm@0: when she'd told everyone that she'd made a new friend. 'They make a rlm@0: cute couple!' she thought. rlm@0: rlm@0: Having gone their separate ways Sakura noticed Nadeshiko walking rlm@0: alone. rlm@0: 'Are you ok Nadeshiko-chan?' she asked. The girl looked at her and rlm@0: smiled slightly. 'Hai! I'm still nervous Sakura-papa! Nadeshiko rlm@0: replied. 'Well that's natural Nadeshiko-chan! Everyone is!' rlm@0: 'Even Mama?' Nadeshiko asked. 'Even Mama! She just didn't show it!' rlm@0: Sakura replied. 'Just relax and be yourself!' Nadeshiko nodded and rlm@0: smiled. They walked the rest of the journey to the school in silence. rlm@0: 'Nadeshiko-chan.. now that your starting school, you should know that rlm@0: if I'm your teacher I'll treat you like any other student!' rlm@0: 'Why Sakura-papa?' Nadeshiko asked, quiet confused. 'Because the rlm@0: other students won't like it if I treat you differently to them!' rlm@0: Sakura replied, 'And it was the same with your sister!' The girl rlm@0: smiled again and nodded. 'Ok papa!' As they walked into the school rlm@0: yard they passed a blond girl and her mother standing at the gates. rlm@0: 'Are you feeling ok Megumi-chan?' the mother asked. 'I'm scared rlm@0: mama!' the girl called Megumi replied. Her mother smiled slightly. rlm@0: 'Don't worry Megumi-chan, I'm sure you'll make alot of friends!' rlm@0: Looking up the girl smiled and hugged her mother before she walked rlm@0: into the school grounds. She looked up, her nervousness returning. rlm@0: Suddenly the person in front of her stopped, they collided and fell rlm@0: to the ground, the girl in front cusioning her fall. 'Gomen Nasai!' rlm@0: the person she was on top of said softly. 'I'm sorry! It was my rlm@0: fault!' Megumi replied. 'Are you ok?' another voice asked. 'I'm fine rlm@0: Sakura-papa!' the pale girl replied, as the woman called Sakura rlm@0: helped them to their feet. 'Arigatou!' the girl said. Megumi looked rlm@0: up and blushed slightly. 'A.. Arigatou!' Megumi said, bowing rlm@0: slightly. 'She really pretty!' she thought, blushing brighter. 'I'm rlm@0: Megumi Futaba! It's nice to meet you!' the blond haired girl rlm@0: stammered. 'I'm Nadeshiko Daidouji! It's nice to meet you Megumi!' rlm@0: Nadeshiko said, bowing. 'I'm Sakura Daidouji!' Sakura said, bowing. rlm@0: 'She's my papa!' Nadeshiko said, proudly. 'Isn't she your mama?' rlm@0: Megumi asked, looking at them confused. Nadeshiko shook her head. rlm@0: 'But how can she be your papa if she's a girl?' She was now scared rlm@0: and really confused. 'I've always though of her as my papa!' rlm@0: Nadeshiko said. 'Ok!' Megumi said, smiling slightly. Nadeshiko and rlm@0: Sakura smiled too, before they walked into the school building. 15 rlm@0: minutes later they stood outside their classroom. To their surprise rlm@0: Megumi and Nadeshiko found themselves in the same class, their rlm@0: nevousness returning. The door opened and an auburn haired woman rlm@0: ushered them into the classroom, asking them to stand in front of the rlm@0: chalkboard. 'Hello everyone! I'm going to be your homeroom teacher rlm@0: for the next few years! I'm Sakura Daidouji!' Sakura said, smiling rlm@0: slightly. 'Before we start you need to find your seats!' Sakura said. rlm@0: Several minutes later all her students were seated. 'Now could you rlm@0: stand up, one at a time please, and say something about yourself!' rlm@0: One by one boys and girls stood up and introduced themselves, then it rlm@0: got to Nadeshiko and Megumi who stood up at the same time. rlm@0: 'I'm Megumi Futaba..' rlm@0: 'I'm Nadeshiko Daidouji..' rlm@0: 'It's nice to meet you!' They said together before sitting down and rlm@0: blushing brightly. Sakura smiled slightly. Blushing they looked at rlm@0: each other and smiled slightly. When Nadeshiko looked towards the rlm@0: front of the class room, she saw a small red haired girl sitting rlm@0: right in front of her. 'Rika-chan?' she asked. The girl turned around rlm@0: and smiled slightly. 'Hi Nadeshiko-chan!' Rika replied softly, rlm@0: nervousness apparent in her voice. The red head smiled slightly as rlm@0: Sakura cleared her throat. Looking forward they listened to what rlm@0: Sakura had to say. rlm@0: rlm@0: At Lunch Nadeshiko, Megumi and Rika sat next to each other. 'That rlm@0: was embarassing!' Megumi said. Nadeshiko nodded in agreement and took rlm@0: another bite out of her sandwich. 'Hi girls!' a voice said from rlm@0: behind them. Nadeshiko smiled where her friends jumped in shock. 'Hi rlm@0: papa!' the pale girl said, not looking away from her sandwich. 'How's rlm@0: you like school so far?' Sakura asked, sitting opposite the girls. rlm@0: 'It's ok!' Megumi replied. Rika paled slightly. 'It's not as scarery rlm@0: as I thought auntie Sakura!' Rika replied. 'I like it!' Nadeshiko rlm@0: said, putting her sandwich back on her plate. 'Papa.. why aren't you rlm@0: sitting with the other teachers?' Nadeshiko asked. 'Because I wanted rlm@0: to know how my daughter was during her first day!' Sakura replied. rlm@0: Nadeshiko blushed slightly. 'I'm ok papa!' the girl said, smiling rlm@0: brightly, 'But why aren't you sitting with the other teachers?' rlm@0: Sakura laughed softly. 'She's persistant!' Sakura thought. 'Because!' rlm@0: 'Because what auntie Sakura?' Rika asked, joining the conversation. rlm@0: 'They scare me!' Sakura whispered as her friend Rika passed by. 'Hi rlm@0: aunite Rika!' Nadeshiko said. The other woman stopped and looked back rlm@0: at her and smiled. 'Hi Nadeshiko-chan! How's your first day been?' rlm@0: the brown haired woman asked. 'Really fun!' Nadeshiko replied as Rika rlm@0: sat down. 'Is it true?' rlm@0: 'What?' Rika asked, very confused. 'That the other teachers scare rlm@0: Sakura-papa?' Nadeshiko asked. Rika held her laugh back. 'What's rlm@0: Sakura been telling her?' she thought. Looking to her right she saw rlm@0: Sakura trying to hold back her laughter as well. 'I think so!' Rika rlm@0: replied, 'I've seen them be really mean to her!' rlm@0: 'Poor Sakura-papa!' Nadeshiko said, looking down at her sandwich. rlm@0: The other girl had been silent for a while, and looked at Nadeshiko. rlm@0: 'Don't worry Nadeshiko-chan!' Sakura said, finishing her own rlm@0: sandwich. 'Ok! See you after school!' the girl said, walking away rlm@0: with her friends. 'So the others are really mean to you?' Rika asked. rlm@0: Sakura laughed softly. 'Not really! I just needed something to rlm@0: distract her from being nervous!' Sakura replied. Rika smiled, 'Which rlm@0: classes do you have her for Sakura?' Rika asked. 'PE and Math!' rlm@0: Sakura shuddered. The other woamn knew that Math wasn't Sakura's best rlm@0: subject, but somehow she'd managed to get the hang of it and taught rlm@0: it. 'You?' rlm@0: 'English, and Science!' Rika replied. They stood up and walked to rlm@0: their classrooms, they still had a long day ahead of them. rlm@0: rlm@0: Hours later as Sakura and Nadeshiko walked home another pair of rlm@0: girls got a big surprise. 'What would you like for dinner tonight rlm@0: Kumi-chan?' Hikaru asked. 'Anything! Just as long as you use your rlm@0: secret ingredient!' Kumiko replied, smiling brightly. 'Can we have rlm@0: some?' a voice asked from behind them. Turning around, Kumiko gasped. rlm@0: 'Onii-chan?' she whispered. The older girl smiled at her. 'Hi Kumi- rlm@0: chan!' the other girl replied, moving some of her firery red hair rlm@0: from her eyes. 'I thought I'd never see you again Onii-chan!' Kumiko rlm@0: said, hugging the older girl tightly. 'Calm down or you'll break me rlm@0: in half!' the older girl said. 'Kumi-chan.. who's this?' Hikaru rlm@0: asked. 'This is my big sister Misato Hattori!' Kumiko replied smiling rlm@0: brightly. 'You have an older sister?' Hikaru asked, shocked. 'Hai!' rlm@0: Kumiko replied. 'I'm not her real sister!' Misato said. 'Sakura and rlm@0: Tomoyo adopted me when my parents died!' rlm@0: 'Why does she call you her sister?' Hikaru asked. Misato smiled as rlm@0: the image of a 3 year old Kumiko appeared in her mind. 'Hi Onii- rlm@0: chan!' the little girl said, hugging her when her parents told her rlm@0: that Misato would be living with them. 'Oh!' rlm@0: 'Misato-chan.. aren't you going to introduce me?' a slightly smaller rlm@0: girl asked, walking upto Misato. Misato smiled and nodded. 'This is rlm@0: Nene!' she said simply. 'Hi!' Kumiko said. 'Hello!' Hikaru said. rlm@0: 'Hello!' the dark haired girl replied. 'She's my..' Misato said, rlm@0: before becoming very shy, 'Wife!' rlm@0: 'You're married Onii-chan? When?' Kumiko asked. 'A few weeks ago!' rlm@0: Misato said. 'Sorry about not telling you!' Kumiko smiled. 'It's ok! rlm@0: But we would've come!' she said, one arm going around her rlm@0: girlfriend's waist. Hikaru nodded. 'I know you would have but I rlm@0: wasn't sure Sakura'd let you go!' Misato said. 'She would have Onii- rlm@0: chan!' Kumiko said, 'She'll be happy to see you! I know she misses rlm@0: you!' Misato smiled slightly. 'I know.. you told me all about it in rlm@0: your letters!' rlm@0: 'Ah.. now I get it!' Hikaru said suddenly. 'Huh?' rlm@0: 'I asked you a while ago who you were writing to but you said it was rlm@0: a secret!' Hikaru said. 'Sorry about not telling you!' Kumiko said. rlm@0: 'It's ok Kumi-chan!' rlm@0: 'Um.. could you introduce me to Daidouji-san please?' Nene asked. rlm@0: Kumiko and Hikaru jumped as the older girl had been quiet for most of rlm@0: the conversation. Kumiko smiled and took hold of Misato and Nene's rlm@0: hand's and started walking home. As they were almost dragged to rlm@0: Kumiko's home, the pale girl bombarded them with questions. 'Um my rlm@0: mother said that I was just confused when I took Misato-chan home to rlm@0: meet them! She thought that I was bringing a boy home fro them to rlm@0: meet!' Nene replied. 'Why'd she say that?' Hikaru asked. 'Well.. she rlm@0: was brought up traditionally so she thought that 2 girls shouldn't rlm@0: and couldn't love each other!' the dark haired teen sighed as she rlm@0: remembered what her mother had said: rlm@0: 'Nene-chan... I know you aren't a lesbian and I would apreciate it rlm@0: if you didn't bring that dirty girl back here again!' rlm@0: 'My father came to the wedding!' Nene said, bringing herself back to rlm@0: the present. 'He's a really nice man!' Misato said, her free arm rlm@0: going around Nene's shoulders. 'Yeah he is!' Nene said, smiling rlm@0: again. Kumiko and Hikaru smiled as they drew near the pale girls home. rlm@0: rlm@0: Just as she and Tomoyo sat down to listen to Nadeshiko about her rlm@0: first day, the door opened and Kumiko appeared in the dorway to the rlm@0: living room. 'Guess who me and Hikaru-chan ran into today Sakura- rlm@0: papa?' Kumiko said happily. Sakura thought for a moment before rlm@0: shaking her head. 'Onii-chan!' Kumiko said, pulling the older girl rlm@0: into the doorway. 'Hi Sakura!' Misato said. 'Hello Misato!' Sakura rlm@0: replied. The red head almost backed away. Sakura somehow seemed a lot rlm@0: more emposing then she did when she left. 'I believe last time we rlm@0: were like this you said you weren't gay and that you were leaving!' rlm@0: 'I know!' Misato said. 'I'm sorry!' she whispered. 'It's ok Misato!' rlm@0: Sakura said, 'It's good to see you again!' Misato smiled slightly, rlm@0: despite having tears in her eyes. 'Who's your friend Misato-chan?' rlm@0: Tomoyo asked. 'I'm Nene!' Nene said, smiling slightly. 'Mistato- rlm@0: chan's addoptive parents aren't as scary as I though they'd be!' the rlm@0: darked haired girl thought. Tomoyo's smile grew when she saw the rlm@0: girls wearing identical gold bands. 'She's married?' Tomoyo thought, rlm@0: 'She must love this girl alot!' Then everyone noticed Nadeshiko rlm@0: staring at the older girls. 'Hi Nadeshiko-chan!' Misato said, rlm@0: kneeling down so Nadeshiko could look her in the eye. 'Hi!' Nadeshiko rlm@0: said. 'How'd you know my name?' rlm@0: 'Kumiko told about you in her letters!' Misato said. 'She's my big rlm@0: sister!' Kumiko said, smiling brightly. Nadeshiko was shocked. 'I rlm@0: have another sister?' she asked. Misato smiled slightly, before rlm@0: Nadeshiko hugged her. slowly the girl backed away slightly. 'When did rlm@0: it happen?' Nadeshiko asked. 'What Nadeshiko-chan?' Misato asked. rlm@0: 'You and Nene-san being like mama and papa?' Nadeshiko replied. rlm@0: Misato gasped softly. It was then she realised that Nadeshiko had rlm@0: recieved Tomoyo's preseptivness. 'You're married?' Sakura asked, more rlm@0: from shock than anything else. Misato nodded. 'Surprise!' she said rlm@0: softly. 'Congratulations Misato!' Tomoyo said, followed soon after by rlm@0: Sakura, Tomoyo coaxing her out of her shocked state. Then everyone rlm@0: sat down and listened to Nadeshiko as she finished listening to rlm@0: Nadeshiko tell them what her first school day was like. rlm@0: rlm@0: YEARS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: Slowly a dark haired pale teenager walked into her parents bedroom. rlm@0: 'Sakura-papa? Tomoyo-mama?' she asked. The pale woman in the bed rlm@0: moaned softly and sat up. 'What is it Nadeshiko-chan?' she asked, rlm@0: nudging Sakura helping her wake up. 'Um... you know how Megumi-chan rlm@0: and I are dating?' the young pale heiress asked. Sakura sat up and rlm@0: nodded. When she was young every other sentence was about Megumi. rlm@0: 'Megumi-chan told me something today!' a soft voice said in the back rlm@0: of her mind. Sakura smiled slightly. 'It was the same with Kumi-chan rlm@0: too!' she thought. 'We know Nadeshiko-chan!' Tomoyo said, yawning rlm@0: softly. 'Um.. there's something we think you should know!' Nadeshiko rlm@0: said, before Megumi slowly walked to her girlfriends side. 'What is rlm@0: it Nadeshiko-chan?' Sakura asked. 'We're going to get married Sakura- rlm@0: san!' Megumi replied, seeing Nadeshiko trying but failing to get the rlm@0: words out. 'Congratulations Nadeshiko-chan, Megumi-chan!' Sakura rlm@0: said. Nadeshiko and Megumi smiled before leaving the room. 'What are rlm@0: you thinking about Sakura?' Tomoyo said. 'Nothing special Tomoyo!' rlm@0: Sakura replied. 'Just how far ahead they are in planning their rlm@0: wedding!' rlm@0: 'If Nadeshiko's anything like you she'll just jump into a wedding!' rlm@0: Tomoyo replied. Sakura blushed slightly. 'So?' she asked, shifting rlm@0: some of her auburn/grey hair out of her eyes, 'You didn't complain!' rlm@0: Tomoyo giggled softly. 'You're right! But how could I refuse?' Tomoyo rlm@0: asked, remembering Sakura saying that they should get married the rlm@0: same day as she'd had a horrid nightmare. Sakura smiled brightly. 'Do rlm@0: you think we should help them?' Sakura asked. Tomoyo nodded getting rlm@0: out of bed. Sakura followed her before they walked out of the room to rlm@0: help their youngest daughter with her wedding plans.