rlm@0: Home rlm@0: By Radar rlm@0: simon_mcnestrie@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ----------- rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: These characters belong to CLAMP! This is a Yuri story so if it rlm@0: offends you please don't read! rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura sat facing the window, deep in meditation. It hadn't taken rlm@0: her long in the monestary to realise that her magical powers had rlm@0: grown. It had been several months since she returned to her former rlm@0: home, and to her family. Kumiko, her eldest daughter had introdued rlm@0: her own family, while Nadeshiko.. Nadeshiko had barely said more then rlm@0: 3 words to her. She was surprised to find out that Tomoyo was rlm@0: acctually older then she had first appeared. Her cousin, Sakura's rlm@0: namesake, had told her that they had been eperimenting with their own rlm@0: magic that day and had accidentily turned themselves back to 11 year rlm@0: olds. It had taken them a while but managed to reverse what they had rlm@0: done. Silently the door opened. 'You can come in!' Sakura said, with rlm@0: out opening her eyes or looking back. The figure looked surprised and rlm@0: slowly walked in. 'What can I do for you?' rlm@0: 'Um...' was all she got. 'I take it you're curious about what I'm rlm@0: doing!' rlm@0: 'Hai!' the persons voice said, very surprised. Opening her eyes she rlm@0: turned around and smiled. Before her appear what seemed like a young rlm@0: boy, no older then 10, standing near the doorway. 'I'm meditating!' rlm@0: Sakura said. 'What's that?' The boy moved closer. Sakura smiled rlm@0: slightly. 'The monks told me its a way of reaching enlightenment!' rlm@0: Sakura replied. The boy smiled slightly as well. He must have sensed rlm@0: that Sakura was treating every question as the most important one. rlm@0: 'Can you teach me how to do it?' Sakura nodded. 'Hai, but it'll take rlm@0: a while!' This was true on Sakura's part. The boy nodded and pulled rlm@0: another cushion opposite Sakura's. Just as he sat down, the door rlm@0: opened again. 'Miki-chan!' Sakura opened her eyes. Kumiko now stood rlm@0: in the doorway. 'I'm sorry if she bothered you Sakura-papa!' Kumiko rlm@0: said. 'She?' Sakura thought 'Interesting!' She smiled at her eldest rlm@0: daughter. 'It's alright!' Sakura replied, 'She was curious about rlm@0: mediation and asked if I could teach her!' Miki smiled at her mother rlm@0: and nodded. Kumiko returned her youngest daughters smile. Before rlm@0: leaving she whispered, 'Mako-chan's here!' This caused Miki to blush rlm@0: slightly. 'Why do you dress like that Miki-chan?' Sakura asked. 'Like rlm@0: a boy?' Sakura nodded. 'Because...' Miki started out, she was very rlm@0: uncomfortable when people asked her that. 'It's ok if you don't want rlm@0: to tell me!' Sakura said, seeing her granddaughters discomfort. rlm@0: 'Arigatou!' the young girl whispered. Sighing softly she got into the rlm@0: same position as her grandpa, closed her eyes and let Sakura tell her rlm@0: what she had to do. There was another knock at the door, this time rlm@0: softer. 'Come in!' The door opened, as did Miki's eyes. Standing up rlm@0: she jogged upto the person who had opened the door. She smiled rlm@0: brightly. rlm@0: 'Hi Mako-chan!' she said as she hugged her best friend. Sakura rlm@0: opened her eyes and saw a girl that was slightly shorter then Miki rlm@0: and had shocking pink hair. The girl looked over to Sakura, there was rlm@0: a slight blush covering her cheeks. Idily Sakura wondered if Miki had rlm@0: noticed it. 'Miki-chan?' Miki smiled at her, seemingly content. 'Hai?' rlm@0: 'Um... who's that?' the girl girl asked. 'That's my grandpa Makoto!' rlm@0: Miki replied. The girls eyes widened. 'Um.. Are you sure Miki-chan?' rlm@0: the girl whispered. Miki nodded, and smiled slightly. Before she rlm@0: could say anymore Sakura interupted. 'Miki-chan could you get us rlm@0: something to drink please?' The young girl nodded and ran out of the rlm@0: room. Sitting down Makoto looked at Sakura cautiously. 'Are you rlm@0: really her grandpa?' Makoto asked. 'Hai!' Sakura replied, as Makoto rlm@0: sat opposite her. Makoto looked closer. 'She doesn't look like you rlm@0: though!' she blurted out. Sakura laughed softly. 'I suppose she rlm@0: doesn't, she looks like her grandma though!' Sakura said. Sakura rlm@0: closed her eyes, picturing Tomoyo as she had been. Smiling, with a rlm@0: camera in one hand and another battle costume over her other arm. rlm@0: 'She's very pretty!' Makoto said, as Sakura's eyes snapped open. 'You rlm@0: saw?' The girl nodded. 'How?' Sakura asked, moving closer to Makoto. rlm@0: The girl shrugged her shoulders, 'I see things like that!' Sakura rlm@0: looked surprised. Just then the door opened and Miki walked in rlm@0: holding 3 cans. 'Grandpa?' Miki asked. 'Hai?' The girl handed her a rlm@0: can. 'Green tea! Is canned ok grandpa?' rlm@0: 'Arigatou!' Sakura smiled at her granddaughter. Miki smiled until rlm@0: she saw Makoto's face, slightly pale with worry. rlm@0: 'Mako-chan? Are you ok?' Miki asked. 'She knows!' the pink haired rlm@0: girl whispered. 'That you...' Miki trailed off when her friend rlm@0: nodded. Miki seemed a little paler then before as she watched Sakura rlm@0: sip her tea. Makoto gently squeezed Miki's hand, and smiled at her. rlm@0: 'When did you start?' Sakura asked. 'Grandpa?' Miki looked at her. rlm@0: Sakura smiled at her slightly. Makoto leaned closer and gently rested rlm@0: her head on Miki's shoulder. 'I think she's asked when we started rlm@0: dating Miki-chan!' rlm@0: 'We've just started!' Miki replied, blushing brightly. Sakura smiled rlm@0: before standing up. 'I think I'll leave you alone!' Sakura said, rlm@0: before making her way to the door, 'We'll pick up where we left off rlm@0: tomorrow!' rlm@0: rlm@0: Closing the door, Sakura smiled slightly as Miki blushed even rlm@0: brighter. Kissing her embarrased girlfriends' cheek Makoto giggled rlm@0: softly. 'You're really cute when your blushing like that!' Miki rlm@0: smiled slightly. Gently Miki rubbed Makoto's cheek and kissed her rlm@0: softly. When the kiss was over Miki rested her head on Makoto's rlm@0: shoulder. 'You'll have to tell her eventually Miki-chan!' Makoto rlm@0: whispered. Miki looked up. 'But Mako-chan...' Miki started to argue rlm@0: when Makoto placed a finger against her lips. 'No buts Miki-chan!' rlm@0: Miki blushed brighter then ever. A lot of people mistook her for a rlm@0: boy when they first met her and were shocked when they found out Miki rlm@0: was a girl. Makoto still remembered seeing Miki on their first day of rlm@0: school, getting bullied by a group of older students saying that the rlm@0: pale girl shouldn't dress like that, she couldnt hear why they had rlm@0: said that. Later that day, she'd saw Miki leaving school, her bag rlm@0: buldging. After a few days she once again saw the pale girl, dressed rlm@0: in a boy's uniform her hair cut very short, avoiding everyone. She rlm@0: slowly gained Miki's trust and friendship soon after she'd asked if rlm@0: she could have lunch with her. Slowly the pale girl opened up to her rlm@0: and they became best friends. Slowly she realised that she had deeper rlm@0: feelings for her new best friend other then friendship. Having just rlm@0: started dating, they thought it was a lot easier letting people think rlm@0: they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Miki rubbed her eyes softly, rlm@0: ridding herself of her tears again. 'I should just dress like a rlm@0: normal girl!' Miki said, gazing into space. 'I'm just a silly tomboy rlm@0: Mako-chan!' Miki whispered. 'You aren't silly Miki-chan!' Makoto rlm@0: whispered, and smiled brightly 'And you're my tomboy!' Miki giggled rlm@0: softly and smiled. Kissing the pale girl once more, they left to go rlm@0: to ask Kumiko and Hikaru if they could help then study.