rlm@0: Sakura and Tomoyo's adventure through time rlm@0: By Radar rlm@0: simon_mcnestrie@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ------------------------------- rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: Card Captor Sakura belong to CLAMP! Doctor Who belongs to the BBC! rlm@0: This is a Yuri story so if it offends you please don't read! rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: They stood next to the time rotor, feeling very vibration, hearing rlm@0: it's constant hum. 'Where are we going this time Doctor?' the blonde rlm@0: haired young woman asked the slightly taller brown haired man. The rlm@0: Doctor grinned at her. 'Farther than even before Rose!' he replied, rlm@0: pressing various buttons on the centre console. The TARDIS shook rlm@0: roughly. The main display turned to static for a moment before coming rlm@0: to life with a high pitched beeping sound. 'What?' The Doctor asked, rlm@0: aloud. Grabbing his Mallet, he hit part of the console hard, causing rlm@0: his ship to shake again and again. He hit the console again, harder rlm@0: this time. 'What's wrong Doctor?' Rose asked, almost loosing her rlm@0: footing. 'Just a small problem!' the Doctor replied, 'Easily sorted!' rlm@0: He dropped the mallet and started pressing the various buttons and rlm@0: flicking the various switches. 'A small problem?' Rose asked, rlm@0: unconvinced, 'Remember the last small problem? We were stuck on a rlm@0: desert planet for 3 weeks before you fixed the TARDIS!' The Doctor rlm@0: snorted. 'I can't remember you complaining Rose Tyler!' The TARDIS rlm@0: gave one last lurch before everything went black for The Doctor and rlm@0: Rose. rlm@0: rlm@0: 'Tomoyo-chan..' an auburn haired girl said, blushing brightly. 'Hai rlm@0: Sakura-chan?'' Tomoyo replied, hugging her friend tighter. 'What rlm@0: happened to letting them know softly?' Sakura asked. Their friends rlm@0: had almost fainted when the found out she was dating Tomoyo, but rlm@0: admitted that they had suspected something was going on between their rlm@0: 2 friends. Tomoyo was just about to reply when her long dark hair was rlm@0: suddenly whipped up by a gust of wind. Slowly an outline of something rlm@0: appeared around them, accompanied by a loud whooshing sound. Slowly a rlm@0: big blue English Police box appeared around them. Gasping Sakura and rlm@0: Tomoyo marvelled at the sight that had suddenly appeared around them. rlm@0: 'Where are we?' Tomoyo asked. 'I don't know Tomoyo-chan?' Sakura rlm@0: replied. They looked around before noticing an unfamiliar man and rlm@0: woman, out cold near the centre of the room. Suddenly the man sat up rlm@0: straight and looked around. 'What happened?' he asked himself. 'Who rlm@0: are you?' he asked, upon seeing Sakura and Tomoyo. rlm@0: 'Sakura Kinomoto!' rlm@0: 'Tomoyo Daidouji!' The girl groaned and sat up, holding her head. rlm@0: 'Are you ok Rose?' the man asked. 'Yes Doctor!' Rose replied. 'Who rlm@0: are you?' Sakura asked. 'I'm The Doctor and this is Rose Tyler!' the rlm@0: man replied, helping Rose to her feet. 'The Doctor?' Tomoyo asked, rlm@0: almost a whisper. 'Yes!' The Doctor replied. 'I've heard of you! But rlm@0: you look different!' Tomoyo said. 'Different?' The Doctor repeated, rlm@0: 'I suppose so!' rlm@0: 'You are different! The man I heard of had curly blonde hair and rlm@0: wore a multi coloured patch work coat!' Tomoyo said. The Doctor rlm@0: smiled slightly. 'That was me! My sixth incarnation!' he said. 'And rlm@0: you are?' Sakura asked. 'The tenth!' The Doctor replied. Suddenly the rlm@0: time rotor came to life, moving with a soft whooshing sound. The rlm@0: Doctor looked surprised. 'Did you touch anything Rose?' he asked. rlm@0: Rose shook her head, equally surprised. 'I though that the TARDIS rlm@0: couldn't fly with out you at the controls!' she said. 'Something must rlm@0: be attracting it!' the Doctor said, now pushing the buttons in the rlm@0: centre console, trying to stop his ship. 'Where were we anyway?' Rose rlm@0: asked. 'Early 21st century Japan!' The Doctor said, not taking his rlm@0: eyes off the console. The TARDIS shook slightly, before the time rlm@0: rotor slowly came to a stop. Suddenly two more girls, one with short rlm@0: dark hair and her friend, slightly shorter with shocking pink hair rlm@0: slowly appeared near the doors. The first girl looked more masculin rlm@0: then her pink haired friend. 'Where are we?' the pink haired girl rlm@0: asked. 'We're in the TARDIS Mako-chan!' the slightly taller girl rlm@0: replied, as her friend hugged her arm. 'Hello?' the Doctor said, rlm@0: 'How'd you know where you are?' Sakura pointed to Miki and leaned rlm@0: closer to Tomoyo. 'Wasn't she the one who bumped into us earlier?' rlm@0: she asked. Tomoyo nodded, 'Strange!' rlm@0: 'My grandpa told me about this! And I've been in it!' the first girl rlm@0: said. 'Miki-chan.. lets go!' Mako-chan said. 'Don't worry Makoto!' rlm@0: Miki said, smiling slightly, 'They're not gonna hurt us!' Makoto rlm@0: slowly let Miki's arm go. 'Miki?' The Doctor repeated, 'Miki rlm@0: Daidouji?' rlm@0: 'Hai?' Miki replied, her eyes meeting the Doctors. 'Have we met?' rlm@0: she asked. 'Yes!' The Doctor said, smiling brightly, 'We met when you rlm@0: were this tall!' he levelled his left hand a few inches below his rlm@0: waist. 'Wow! You've grown!' Sudden recognition came over the tall rlm@0: dark haired girl. 'Doctor?' she asked. The Doctor nodded. 'How are rlm@0: you?' the girl asked, as if she was talking to an old friend. 'So rlm@0: so!' he replied, 'I'm still getting used to this latest regeneraton!' rlm@0: 'Still?' Miki asked, 'It's been more then 10 years!' Rose, Sakura, rlm@0: Tomoyo and Makoto looked at each other very confused. 'For you maybe! rlm@0: But it's only been a few weeks for me!' The Doctor said. 'Still not rlm@0: ginger I take it?' Miki asked. The Doctor smiled and shook his head. rlm@0: Miki smiled before she saw Sakura and Tomoyo. 'Grandma? Grandpa?' she rlm@0: asked, before hugging the younger girls tightly. She backed away to rlm@0: find the younger girls looking at her, in a state of utter confusion. rlm@0: 'Didn't tell them did you?' Miki asked. 'No! We landed right on top rlm@0: of them!' The Doctor replied. 'Like you did with me and Mako-chan?' rlm@0: Miki asked. The Doctor nodded. 'Told us what?' Sakura asked. 'Sakura rlm@0: Kinomoto, Tomoyo Daidouji meet Miki and Makoto Daidouji!' The Doctor rlm@0: said. 'Our grandchildren?' Tomoyo asked. The Doctor shook his head. rlm@0: 'Miki's your granddaughter and Makoto is her wife!' rlm@0: 'Her wife?' Sakura asked, unsure if she'd heard right. 'Yep! It was rlm@0: kind of a shotgun wedding!' Miki said, hugging the pink haired girl rlm@0: while smiling happily. 'As I remember it, Miki-chan, we were drunk!' rlm@0: Makoto said. 'We were after we got married!' Miki countered. Before rlm@0: anything else could be said the time rotor whooshed into life again, rlm@0: filling the room with a soft green light and soft whooshing sound. rlm@0: 'Again?' The Doctor asked. He moved to the console again and started rlm@0: hitting every button he could. 'What's happening Doctor?' Miki asked, rlm@0: stepping to his side. 'We're moving again!' Quickly The Doctor rlm@0: started pushing buttons again. 'Push that button!' he told Miki, rlm@0: pointing to a specific button. Quickly doing as instructed the TARDIS rlm@0: surged and threw everyone from their feet. Makoto and Tomoyo fell on rlm@0: to their respective partners, while The Doctor and Rose fell against rlm@0: the centre console. 'Now where are we?' Rose asked, standing up. 'I'm rlm@0: not sure!' The Doctor replied, 'But we were just in Japan again.. mid rlm@0: 21st century!' rlm@0: 'Are you ok?' Tomoyo and Makoto asked, rolling off Sakura and Miki. rlm@0: 'Hai! Just a bump on the head!' Sakura and Miki replied. 'What's rlm@0: going on Doctor?' Miki asked as she stood up. 'I have no idea! The rlm@0: only thing that can affect a TARDIS like this is a Stattenheim remote rlm@0: control!' The Doctor said, 'But they were all destroyed when rlm@0: Gallifrey was destroyed.' rlm@0: 'Maybe I can help you there!' a voice said from behind them. They rlm@0: turned to see a a young woman with short ginger curly hair wearing a rlm@0: multi coloured patch work coat with a small white cat badge on the rlm@0: lapel, with yellow pants, a multi coloured waist coat and a shirt rlm@0: with question marks on the collar, standing in the open door. 'Who rlm@0: are you?' The Doctor asked. 'Don't you know?' the woman asked. 'You rlm@0: look familiar but I can't say from where!' The Doctor said. 'Sensei?' rlm@0: Miki asked. 'Hi Miki-chan!' the woman said, smiling slightly. The rlm@0: woman grabbed the Doctor hands and rested them on her chest. '2 rlm@0: hearts?' The Doctor whispered. 'You're a Time Lord!' rlm@0: 'What's going on?' Rose asked. 'She's one of me!' The Doctor said. rlm@0: 'Huh?' rlm@0: 'You're just confusing the poor girl!' the woman said. She sighed, rlm@0: having a feeling of Deja-vu. 'Rose.. I can call you Rose can't I?' rlm@0: She asked. Rose nodded. 'I'll try and explain.. He's one of me!' she rlm@0: said. 'You're a Time Lord?' Rose asked. 'Not just any Time Lord! The rlm@0: same Time Lord!' The Doctor said. Everyone gasped. The Female Doctor rlm@0: looked around before coming to a stop, looking at Miki. 'Miki it's ok rlm@0: to cry if you want to!' The female Doctor said, 'You don't have to rlm@0: act so manly all the time!' Makoto looked at Miki, instantly she knew rlm@0: something was bothering her wife. 'Miki-chan?' Makoto asked. 'H... rlm@0: Hai?' rlm@0: 'What's wrong?' Miki almost whimpered. 'Grandma!' The Doctors and rlm@0: Makoto looked at Tomoyo. Miki sniffled before slowly starting to cry. rlm@0: rlm@0: FLASH rlm@0: rlm@0: Slowly the girl opened her eyes 'Morning Grandma!' she said softly. rlm@0: 'Morning Miki-chan!' the elderly woman said, as the young girl hugged rlm@0: her. 'You stayed here all night?' Miki asked. Tomoyo nodded, rlm@0: remembering the time her mother did the same with her years before. rlm@0: Slowly and unsteadily, Miki stood up and kissed Tomoyo on the cheek, rlm@0: before getting off the couch and running into the kitchen. 5 minutes rlm@0: later she slowly walked back to the couch, Sakura behind her with a rlm@0: mark on her cheek and some of her greying hair standing on end. rlm@0: 'Sorry grandpa!' Miki whispered. 'It's ok Miki-chan.. you don't know rlm@0: how to stop doing that yet!' Sakura said, wipping the mark away. rlm@0: 'What happened?' a voice asked. 'I didn't mean to do it Kumiko-mama! rlm@0: I was just surprised!' Miki said quickly. Kumiko sighed softly. 'Are rlm@0: you excited to start school soon Miki?' Sakura asked. Miki nodded and rlm@0: smiled. 'I've already got my uniform!' the girl said happily. rlm@0: rlm@0: THE NEXT WEEK rlm@0: rlm@0: Miki sat in class not noticing her teacher approch her, 'Daidoiji- rlm@0: san.. could you go to the pricipals office?' the teacher asked. rlm@0: 'Hai!' Miki replied, very confused. Slowly he got up and left the rlm@0: classroom. Making her way to the principals office, she wondered what rlm@0: she'd done. She'd not been in any fights lately. 'You're expected!' rlm@0: the receptionist said. As soon as she entered the office she knew rlm@0: something was wrong when she saw her grandpa, mother and aunt. rlm@0: 'What's wrong Kumiko-mama?' Miki asked. 'Um.. It's Tomoyo-mama..' rlm@0: Kumiko said, her voice failing her. 'No!' Miki said, shaking her rlm@0: head. 'She can't be!' rlm@0: 'Miki!' Sakura started before Miki ran out of the room. She just rlm@0: ran, not caring where she was going. 'She can't be gone!' she rlm@0: thought. Coming to a stop, she found herself in the girls room. rlm@0: Crying heavily, she rested against a closed door. Sliding to the rlm@0: floor, she hugged her legs tightly. 'She can't be gone!' the pale rlm@0: girl thought. Suddenly the door opened, causing Miki to fall back rlm@0: onto the legs of a shorter shocking pink haired girl. 'What's wrong?' rlm@0: the girl asked. 'My grandma's gone!' Miki whispered. The girl smiled rlm@0: slightly, hugging Miki. 'You'll be ok!' she whispered. 'How?' rlm@0: 'My grandpa died last year!' The girl said, as Miki winced at her rlm@0: choice of words, 'I know how you feel!' Miki sniffled and rubbed her rlm@0: eyes. 'I'm Miki!' The girl smiled. 'I'm Makoto!' the girl replied, rlm@0: helping Miki to her feet. rlm@0: 'Thanks Mako-chan!' Miki said, as they walked back to the pincipals rlm@0: office. As they entered, Miki was sure she was going to be scolded. rlm@0: 'I'm sorry!' she said. She waited, and nothing came. No harsh words rlm@0: or anything similar. Looking up, she saw Sakura, Kumiko and Nadeshiko rlm@0: standing in front of her, also waiting. 'Don't worry about it Miki- rlm@0: chan!' Sakura said, speaking up. Miki sniffled again and hugged her rlm@0: grandpa tightly. Then and there Miki made a silent vow never to cry rlm@0: again. rlm@0: rlm@0: YEARS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: 'What are you wearing Miki-chan?' a dark haired woman asked. 'My rlm@0: school clothes Hikaru-papa!' Miki replied. Minutes later she walked rlm@0: into the living room showing off her new clothes. 'You look like a rlm@0: boy!' Kumiko said, 'except your hair!' Miki grinned slightly. 'No!' rlm@0: Hikaru said, knowing what her daughter was going to do. 'But Hikaru- rlm@0: papa...' rlm@0: 'I said no Miki-chan!' Hikaru said. Muttering something, Miki rlm@0: quickly changed and left the house to make a vist to Makoto. 'Hi Miki- rlm@0: chan!' Makoto said, upon seeing her friend approach her home. 'Mako- rlm@0: chan.. could you cut my hair please?' Miki asked. 'Sure!' Makoto rlm@0: said. It wasn't an uncommom event for the girls to cut each others rlm@0: hair. 'Same as usual right?' the pink haired girl asked. Miki shook rlm@0: her head. 'Shorter!' Makoto looked at her confused. 'How much rlm@0: shorter?' she asked. Miki smiled before picking up a pair of sizzors rlm@0: and cutting her long dark hair above her shoulders. 'Shorter?' Makoto rlm@0: asked. 'Hai!' Miki replied. Slowly Makoto cut Miki's hair ever rlm@0: shorter. Slowly Makoto backed away. 'How do I look Mako-chan?' Miki rlm@0: asked. 'Like a boy Miki-chan!' Makoto replied, 'If I didn't know rlm@0: better I'd swear you were a boy!' Miki smiled slightly. 'Good!' she rlm@0: said. rlm@0: rlm@0: THE FOLLOWING DAY rlm@0: rlm@0: Miki and Makoto slowly approached their new school. Kumiko and rlm@0: Hikaru had expressed their dissapointment in Miki for having her hair rlm@0: cut when they told her no.'I still think you look like a boy Miki- rlm@0: chan!' Makoto whispered. Miki smiled. Her new hair cut was having the rlm@0: intended effect. 'Mako-chan... Miki-chan wait up!' a voice from rlm@0: behind them called. Slowly they turned around. The girl who had rlm@0: called out blushed. 'I'm so sorry!' she said, 'I thought you were rlm@0: someone else!' Makoto blushed slightly as the girl leaned closer. 'I rlm@0: didn't know you had a boy friend Mako-chan!' Miki took that as her rlm@0: sign and lightly kissed a surprised Makoto. Leaning away, she smiled rlm@0: at the expresion on her friends face, embrassment mixed with rlm@0: happinerss. 'Hi Rei-chan!' Miki said. Rei looked at her, very rlm@0: confused. Leaning closer the girl gasped. 'Miki-chan?' Rei asked, 'I rlm@0: didn't know you were a boy!' rlm@0: 'I'm not!' Miki said. 'I just dress like one!' Rei looked rlm@0: unconviced. 'Prove it!' she said, as her twin slowly walked up. 'Hi rlm@0: Mako-chan.. Miki-chan!' rlm@0: 'Hi Hil-chan!' Miki replied. 'Hillary.. you knew?' Rei whined. Miki, rlm@0: Makoto and Hillary smiled slightly before slowly walking into the rlm@0: school. rlm@0: rlm@0: END rlm@0: rlm@0: Slowly her tears came to a stop and Miki wiped her eyes. 'Sorry rlm@0: about that!' Miki said. Tomoyo smiled softly. 'It's ok Miki-chan!' rlm@0: Tomoyo said. Makoto hugged the slightly taller girl, knowing how long rlm@0: it had been since she'd last cried. The TARDIS shuddered. 'We've rlm@0: landed again!' The female Doctor muttered. They'd been so focused in rlm@0: listening to Miki that they'd not heard the time rotor whoosh into rlm@0: life. Slowly they moved to the door, not even seein a small pink rlm@0: haired girl emerge from behind the time rotor. 'Mama...' she rlm@0: whispered as the doors closed. Quickly she opened the door and ran rlm@0: behind the TARDIS, still being able to see everything, but unable to rlm@0: hear what was being said. The girl gasped as the much taller alien rlm@0: lifted his whip and aimed it at Makoto. 'No...' the girl whispered, rlm@0: tears stinging her eyes. In a flash, Makoto was gone. 'NO!' Miki rlm@0: screamed, staring at the empty space where Makoto had stood. Slowly rlm@0: she reached into her bag and pulled out a pink card. 'Please take me rlm@0: back!' The girl whispered. Sakura turned around in time to see the rlm@0: girl before time reversed itself. The alien raised his whip again and rlm@0: aimed at Makoto. Before it made contact with the pink haired girl, it rlm@0: was deflected by an invisable bubble, surprising everyone. Everone rlm@0: except Sakura, Tomoyo and Miki. Turning Sakura ran behind the TARDIS rlm@0: to see the girl prop herself against it. 'Please stay away!' the girl rlm@0: whispered, holding another card. Sakura smiled at took hold of the rlm@0: card. 'Shield!' she whispered. The invisable bubble surrounding rlm@0: Makoto expanded until it fit around the TARDIS. 'It must have been rlm@0: Time!' Sakura thought, 'But she's so young!' The girl looked at her rlm@0: in disbelief. 'How? Only Grandma, her sister, papa and auntie can use rlm@0: it?' the girl asked. Sakura smiled softly. 'What about your great- rlm@0: grandpa?' she asked. 'Her too!' the girl admitted. 'Hi!' The girl rlm@0: hugged her tightly. 'I'm Tomoko!' she said. Sakura was really rlm@0: surprised. She'd met her granddaughter and great-granddaughter in the rlm@0: same day. Tomoko smiled slightly. 'Papa really misses you and great- rlm@0: grandma!' Tomoko blurted out. 'But I think I'd better get home before rlm@0: I get in trouble!' Sakura nodded numbly as the girl quickly ran into rlm@0: the Police box, taking the cards with her. 'Quickly... inside the rlm@0: TARDIS!' The Doctor said. The alien watched on as they ran into a rlm@0: small box and dissapeared. The first stop was Tomoko and the female rlm@0: Doctor. The young girl was hidden from everyone, except Sakura, to rlm@0: whom she gave a small wave. 'Remember.. the universe is big enough rlm@0: for all of us.. maybe!' The female Doctor said, closing the TARDIS rlm@0: door. The Doctor grunted. The next stop was Miki and Makoto. 'Bye rlm@0: grandpa, grandma!' Miki said. 'See you soon Miki-chan!' Tomoyo said, rlm@0: as the taller girl pulled her and Sakura into a tight bear hug. rlm@0: Makoto slowly pulled her away. 'It was nice to meet you Tomoyo-san!' rlm@0: she said, bowing polietly. 'It was nice to see you again Sakura-san!' rlm@0: Slowly they left, and the time rotor whooshed into life, going for rlm@0: one final stop. 'Good bye Doctor!' Sakura said bowing. 'Good bye rlm@0: Rose!' Tomoyo said also bowing. Exiting the TARDIS they hugged as it rlm@0: slowly vanished with a soft whooshing sound. Sakura smiled slightly. rlm@0: Slowly they walked away. 'Oh no!' Tomoyo said suddenly. 'What is it rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan?' Sakura asked. 'I forgot to take my camera with me!' the rlm@0: pale girl said, utter horror on her face, 'I don't have a video of rlm@0: Sakura-chan's adventures in time!' Sakura smiled slightly, kissing rlm@0: her girlfriends cheek. Suddenly a soft whoosing sound appeared and a rlm@0: small video appeared in Sakura's hand. 'I think this is for you from rlm@0: The Doctor!' Sakura said, handing it to Tomoyo. The pale girl smiled. rlm@0: Slowly the started walking again, being very wery to not run into big rlm@0: blue English Police Boxes. rlm@0: rlm@0: Authors notes rlm@0: ----------------------------------------------------------------- rlm@0: I hope you enjoyed reading this story. rlm@0: This is my first crossover story... I hope everyone likes it.