rlm@0: I neither own these characters or profit from them. Please, don't sue me. rlm@0: rlm@0: How things really are rlm@0: By, Clayton Overstreet rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura and Madison were walking home from school when Maylin ran up behind them. "Hey Avalon, wait up." rlm@0: Sakura turned to smile at her. "Hi Maylin." rlm@0: Maylin looked at her suspiciously, "Have you seen Lee around anywhere? I haven't seen him anywhere and I thought you might know where he is..." rlm@0: Sakura shook her head. "Sorry I don't. I haven't seen him since we got out of school." rlm@0: Maylin sighed. "Oh well. I'll probably see him when I get home." She turned to leave and walked down the street. rlm@0: "Why do you suppose she always asks me where Lee is? I don't even see him outside of school that much unless there is a card to capture." Sakura asked. rlm@0: Madison shrugged. "I guess because she thinks since you are both card captors you must have some special secrets you don't let her in on or something. I'm sure she'll get over it eventually. In the mean time I have a new costume for you to try on." rlm@0: Sakura rolled her eyes. "Not another one. I mean they're really great and everything Madison, but some ofo them look kind of silly." rlm@0: Madison smiled and elbowed Sakura in the ribs. "Well I think they make you look great." rlm@0: Sakura blushed. "Well alright. Atleast they make it harder for people to recognize me, and some of them do look pretty good." rlm@0: Madison hugged her. "That's my girl." rlm@0: Once they got to Madison's house they walked to her room. On the dress dummy was a fairly tight outfit similar to the one the fight card had worn. It had fewer frills and was more skin tight than the usual dresses Madison made. "I thought about it and thought that you could use something water tight and insilated. It's like a diving suit." rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "Very nice Madison, it looks great." rlm@0: Madison blushed and bowed melodramatically.. "Thank you Sakura." rlm@0: Sakura giggled. "My pleasure. So what were you planning for the weekend?" rlm@0: Madison shrugged. "I didn't have much planned. I finished editing all my video's last night. What about you?" rlm@0: Sakura shook her head. "Not much." rlm@0: Madison smiled. "Then spend the weekend here. We could go to the park or something tommorow My mom is out of town on business and I'm sure we could find something to do tonight... " She winked at Sakura who blushed. rlm@0: "Ok, just let me call my dad and Tory so they know where I am." Sakura said. She walked over to the phone and called her house. Kero answered the phone. "Hi Kero, is my dad not home yet? Ok, could you write a note and stick it on the refrigerator? Yeah, I'm spending the weekend at Madison's. You going to be alright?" She giggled. "Alright but only one piece. I'll see you later." rlm@0: As Sakura hung the phone up Madison asked, "So what was so funny?" rlm@0: Sakura grinned. "Kero said he would be alright aslong as there was still some of that chocolate cake left." Both girls giggled. rlm@0: rlm@0: That night Sakura and Madison had rented some movies and made popcorn. Sakura smild as she and Madison curled up on the couch together. "I hear this one if supposed to be pretty scary Sakura." Madison said as the first one started. rlm@0: Sakura grinned. "Great, I love scary movies." rlm@0: Madison giggled and offered Sakura some popcorn. They sat like that until the movie got going. As the young blond entered the darkened room of the abandoned mansion the music cut off. Sakura and Madison scooted closer together, hugging tightly. Then the killer jumped out and attacked the girl. Both Sakura and Madison jumped spillign popcorn everywhere. They looked at eachother and laughed. "I'll go get the vaccume, you wait here Sakura." Madison said cheerfully. rlm@0: After everything was cleaned up the girls headed upstairs to Madison's room. "Oops, I forgot to get a night shirt. Do you have one I could barrow Madison?" rlm@0: Madison smiled. "Even better, i have somethign I made you could wear." rlm@0: Sakura bit her lip. "This isn't going to be too silly is it?" rlm@0: Madison smiled and reached into her closet. "You tell me. What do you think?" She pulled out the clothing and Sakura stared. rlm@0: "It's beutiful Madison," Sakura whispered. It was a flowing outfit made of black material with silver threads that flashed s it moved. It was very low cut in the front and back and from what Sakura could see it didn't leave much to the imagination. rlm@0: Madison blushed at Sakura's comment. "Thanks, I made it with you in mind." rlm@0: Sakura nodded and gently took it. "I see that. But you would look great in this too you know." rlm@0: Madison blushed and reached into the closet. "I made myself one too. See?" rlm@0: Both girls quickly changed into their new outfits and tried them on. "Wow Madison, I feel like a princess." rlm@0: Madison smiled at her. "Well it's only fair." She smiled and rubbed Sakura's cheek. "You are so perfect Sakura." rlm@0: Sakura smiled at Madison. "Only because you make me that way." Both girls leaned in and kissed quickly. rlm@0: Madison smiled. "Would my princess like to dance?" rlm@0: Sakura smiled and laughed. "Sure." rlm@0: Madison walked over to her sterio and put a CD in. Soft music filled the room. Madison also smiled and set up a camera on the shelf and pointed it to where Sakura was standing. Then she walked back and faced Sakura. Both girl smiled and curtsied to eachother. rlm@0: Sakura reached out and took Madison's hand, putting her other hand around Madison's neck. Madison wrapped her hand around Sakura's waist and both of them began to dance. rlm@0: Sakura didn't know how much time passed before the CD finished. She and Madison had been stairing into eachother's eyes the entire time. In fact the CD had ended several minuted before and neither girl had noticed. They had been brought out of it by the sound of the tape in the camera stopping and rewinding automatically. rlm@0: Madison smiled at Sakura, "That was wonderful Sakura, thank you." rlm@0: Sakura giggled. "I liked it too you know." rlm@0: They hugged and then Sakura yawned. "I think it's time for bed." rlm@0: Madison agreed and both of them climbed under the covers of Madison's bed. As they drifted off to sleep they managed to put their arms around eachother. rlm@0: rlm@0: The next morning Sakura woke up to the sound of Madison's alarm clock. She smiled and reached out to Madison, but the other girl wasn't in the bed. Sakura yawned and streatched before reluctantly crawling out of the warm bed. Standing up she saw herself in the full length mirror of Madison's closet. Her hair was hanging down the sides of her face, but other than that she looked fine. She spent the next several minutes posing infront of the mirror. rlm@0: Finally she turned to go downstair. She saw her school clothes neatly set on a chair by the door. Next to them were some other clothes Madison had obviously left for her to change into. A pink shirt and some blue shorts. Sakura smiled and changed. Once that was doen she headed downstairs. rlm@0: When she got to the living room Sakura noticed the smell of eggs and sausage. Smiling she walked into the kitchen and saw Madison at the stove. "Wow Madison, that smells good." rlm@0: Madison turned and smiled at her. "It's nothing really. I woke up a while ago and you looked so cute I couldn't wake you up." rlm@0: Sakura winked. "Well thanks. Do you need any help?" rlm@0: Madison shook her head and put the egg she had been cooking onto a plate. "I'm already done. Here is your plate." rlm@0: She handed Sakura a plate with some eggs and sausage on it, then took her own plate and sat down across from her. rlm@0: Sakura eagerly took a bite and smiled. "This is great Madison. You are a really good cook." rlm@0: Madison blushed. "Thank you Sakura. So what would you like to do today?" rlm@0: Sakura ate while she thought about it. Swallowing her mouth full of food she said, "Well some of the girls at school said they were going to go to the park today to play a game of volleyball. Want to see if we can join them?" rlm@0: Madison smiled, "That sounds great. We haven't really gotten to play volleyball since that trip to the beach." rlm@0: Sakura smiled and they both finished their breakfast and cleaned up the dishes. After they packed themselves a lunch both girls headed out the door and began walking to the park. rlm@0: rlm@0: When they got to the park they noticed Miss Makinzy sitting on the bench by the gate reading a book. She smiled up at them. "Hello Sakura, Madison. How are you two doing today?" rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "We're alright. Have you seen any of our friends around? We were hoping to play some volleyball." rlm@0: Miss Makinzy nodded, "I think I saw them in the sand pit by the penguin slide. They were only just starting." rlm@0: Both girls thanked her and Madsion said, "See you in school on Monday." rlm@0: Miss Makinzy laughed softly. "Alright, have fun you two." rlm@0: Madison and Sakura walked away heading towards the sand pits. Sakura turned to Madison. "I don't see why Lee doesn't like her, do you?" rlm@0: Madison shook her head, "She's very mysterious alot of the time, but she really hasn't ever done anything for him to be like that. Maybe it's just because he thought he was going to be the only card captor then the two of you showed up or something." rlm@0: Sakura nodded, then looked up as someone called their names. "Hey Sakura! Madison!" rlm@0: They looked up and saw their friends standing in the volleyball court. "Hey you guys, can we play?" Sakura asked. rlm@0: Their friends waved them over and one said, "Sure, we're short four people anyway." rlm@0: Sakura looked at her suprised. "You mean even if we play we're still missing two people? Who else can we get to play?" rlm@0: Madison looked around then elbowed Sakura in the ribs. Sakura looked and saw Lee walking buy, followed closely by Maylin. She looekd at her friends who nodded. Then she turned back and said, "Hey Lee. Maylin! Do you two want to play some volleyball? We need two more people." rlm@0: Lee looked at Maylin who shrugged, then back at Sakura. "Sure, no problem." rlm@0: The kids broke off into two teams with Lee and Madison on one side and Sakura wityh Maylin on the other team. (You may be wondering why I don't mention any of the others. It's because I can'r remember any of their names.) rlm@0: As they played neither Sakura or Madison pulled any punches. Each of them slapped the ball at eachother as much as they did the others. rlm@0: In the end they tied. Everyone congradulated eachother, even Lee mumbled something encouraging, though he still didn't smile. Maylin, however, grabbed his arm tightly and said, "Well I think Lee did the best!" rlm@0: Everyone rolled their eyes and Lee blushed slightly. Then Sakura and Madison's friends told them that they each had some plans and that they would see them later. Lee and Maylin sat down on the rocks and looked at them. "So have you seen any Clow cards lately Avalon?" Lee asked. rlm@0: Sakura shook her head. "No. Kero says he isn't suprised. There are only afew cards left and he thinks they may be trying to remain low profile." rlm@0: Lee nodded. "The Lazen board hasn't been pointing any out either." rlm@0: Maylin frowned at Sakura then looked at Lee. "Don't worry Lee. I'm sure you'll catch the rest of the cards really soon." rlm@0: Lee grunted slightly, but made no other responce. Maylin frowned at him, then turned away. "Fine be like that." rlm@0: Sakura looked at Lee. "Why are you always so mean to everyone Lee?" rlm@0: Lee looked up startled. "What did I do?' rlm@0: Sakura looked at Madison, then stepped forward. "You never smile, you barely put two words together in a day, and you always act suspicious of everyone. And the one person who can put up with it all the time you ignore." rlm@0: Lee's frown deepend. "Well it's not like I do it on purpose." rlm@0: Maylin stood up and looked at Sakura, "Besides it's none of your business anyway. I don't need any help from you Avalon." rlm@0: Madison stepped up into Maylin's face. "Leave her alone Maylin, she was trying to help you." rlm@0: Maylin looked at her and stuck out her tongue. Madison sighed exasperatedly and turned away. Lee held up his hand. "Don't I get to say anything about this?" rlm@0: Everyone looked at him suprised. He stood up and looked around. "Look, I don't mean to be a jerk. I just think a lot alright? I didn't mean to hurt anybody's feelings. I just want to keep focused and not let things distract me." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "We all understand that Lee. It would just be nice if you showed it sometime." rlm@0: Lee sighed and sat down. "I'll try." He looked up and suprised them all by smiling slightly. Maylin smiled and hugged him. rlm@0: Sakura looked around. "Hey, how about we go to the Zoo? I think Tory is still working there." rlm@0: They all turned and headed towards the zoo. Sakura smiled and stopped by the lion's cage. Madison stepped up behind her. "What are you thinking about Sakura?" rlm@0: Sakura smiled and looked over the lions. "Kero says that once we get all of the cards he'll get alot bigger. I was just wondering what will happen then. I mean will he go back in the Clow book with the cards? Or if he does stay what will I tell my dad and Tory? And what could I use the cards for really once they are all caught?" rlm@0: Madison put her hand on Sakura's shoulder. "I'm sure it will all work out Sakura. After all Kero always says it was your destiny to find the cards. Maybe once you have them all you can help people fight off bad magic." rlm@0: Sakura turned and smiled at her. "You really think so?" rlm@0: Madison smiled and nodded. "I'm sure of it. I mean he did say that Clow Reed made his own kind of magic and that there were others out there. But in the mean time we can focus on the cards and worry about the future when it get's here." rlm@0: Sakura nodded and looked back towards the lions. "Still... Oh I guess you're right Madison. You always knwo just what to say to cheer me up." rlm@0: They both looked around and saw Maylin and Lee looking at the polar bear enclosure. Sakura and Madison walked over and looked in with them. Inside the cage Tory was feeding the bears from a bucket of fish. rlm@0: When he was done Tory exited the cage through a door in the back. Sakura and the other's turned to walk away, then saw Tory behind them. "Hey squirt." rlm@0: Sakura frowned. "I told you not to call me that." rlm@0: Tory laughed and shook his head. "Just try and stop me. So what are you up to today?" He looked at Lee and frowned. rlm@0: Lee blushed and looked back at him. Sakura stepped in and smiled. "We were playing some volleyball earlier and now we were checking out the animals. You got my note didn't you?" rlm@0: Tory stopped glaring at Lee and said, "Yeah. Messiest note you ever wrote. It had chocolate all ove rit and didn't look like your hand writing even. And you two polished off half the cake. I thought it was pretty funny though that you dipped that stuffed animal of your's paw in the frosting and left a paw print on it." rlm@0: Sakura blushed and laughed nervously. "Well I'm glad you appreciated it. Sorry about the cake. Was there enough there for you and dad?" rlm@0: He nodded. "Yeah. Hey I'll see you later alright? I have to clean up and meet Julian at the basket ball court. I'll see you when you get home alright?" rlm@0: Sakura nodded and Tory walked away. Lee looked at her and said, "I don't think he likes me very much." rlm@0: "Well you can't really blame him. The first time he saw you you were trying to take the Clow cards from me. Maybe if you appologized to him." Sakura said. rlm@0: Lee frowned and Madison giggled. "I get the feeling that appologizing isn't Lee's strong point." rlm@0: Maylin leaned against Lee who looked at her like she was crazy. "Lee can do anything." rlm@0: Sakura smiled and Maylin leaned against her. "Well Sakura can do anything Lee can." rlm@0: Sakura and Lee blushed as the fight got going. Sakura stepped in. "Hey Madison it's time for lunch." Madison and Sakura sat down and opened their lunch bags. Lee and Maylin looked at them hungrily. Madison and Sakura smiled and split their sandwiches with them. rlm@0: When Sakura handed Lee half her sandwich Maylin frowned. "Avalon, stop doing stuff like that." rlm@0: Sakura looked at her confused. "Doing what?" rlm@0: Maylin frowned. "Things like that. You keep being nice and everything to Lee even though you know I like him. And you can catch cards and I can't. It just isn't fair." She bit into her half sandwich and turned away. rlm@0: Sakura looked at Lee who shrugged. Then at Madison. Madison looked back at her and they both started laughing. Maylin looked back even angrier than before. "What's so funny?" rlm@0: Sakura stopped laughing and smiled at her. "Maylin you have nothing to worry about. I mean Lee's a great guy and everything, but he's not really my type. Besides I'm already seeing someone." rlm@0: Both Lee and Maylin seemed to be rather interested all of a sudden. Sakura could tell Lee was interested because he didn't even flinch as Maylin slipped her arm around his. Maylin looked at her suspiciously, "So what is your type. And who is it you are seeing. In the entire time we've been here the only guy I've even seen you anywhere near is that friend of your brothers." rlm@0: Sakura blushed and glanced at Madison. Madison meanwhile had decided to have a little fun. "Yes Sakura, what is your type?" rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Ha ha, very funny Madison. You know there has only ever been one person I've been in love with." rlm@0: Madison giggled and blushed. "Yeah, but you never actually told anyone. All our friends figured it out on their own. And you never even talk about it." rlm@0: Sakura bit her lip and giggled. "Like you do?" rlm@0: Madison blushed and was about to respond when Maylin interupted, "What are you two talking about?" rlm@0: Sakura looked at her and Lee. "You mean you really don't know?" Maylin and Lee both looked and at her. Sakura and Madison laughed. "We are a couple." rlm@0: Lee and Maylin's eyes widend in astonishment. "Wha-what?" Maylin asked. rlm@0: Sakura and Madison turned and kisses eachother quickly on the lips. Then Madison looked back at them. "Get the picture?" rlm@0: Lee nodded. "I thought those were just rumors. Sorry." rlm@0: They both smiled and winked. "No problem Lee. it's not exactly like we flaunt it. In fact we don't even really talk about it much in public. It just kind of... happens, you know?" rlm@0: Maylin looked confused, "But how did... I mean when did you two... this is weird." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Well actually that's an interesting point. You see it all happened afew years ago when we were really young..." rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura stood in the field with Madison. They had just finished saying that they loveed eachother and Madison had whispered that Sakura had no idea how much Madison really loved her. "What do you mean Madison?" rlm@0: "I'll tell you when you're older. Come on it's starting." They had run off to the fair they had been going to. They had spent the entire day there and had a great time. But Sakura had been thinking about what Madison had said. rlm@0: That night Madison had gotten permission from her mother to spend the night at Sakura's house. They had been playing video games when Sakura suddenly turned it off. Madison looked at her and said, "What did you do that for?" rlm@0: Sakura looked at her. "I was wondering something Madison. You know how earlier you said you loved me... more than I thought?" rlm@0: Madison blushed. "Yeah...well you know I..." rlm@0: Sakura looked at her. "I wanted to know if you meant it? I mean I know we're kind of young to be thinking about this stuff, but I just wanted to know if you meant what you said." rlm@0: Madison bit her lip, but since they were only about nine years old she didn't embarrass easily. "Well yeah Sakura. Like you said we're a bit young for all of that... but I can't think of anyone else who I could feel that way about." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "I know what you mean Madison. When I said I loved you I meant it too. You just cut me off before I could say it." rlm@0: Madison looked at her eyes. "You mean it Sakura?" rlm@0: Sakura nodded and they hugged. "This is so cool! Hey, let's celebrate by finishign off that pizza that's in the refrigerator!" rlm@0: They both ran downstairs to eat. rlm@0: rlm@0: "And that's the way it happend." Sakura finished. rlm@0: Madison smiled and poked her in the ribs. "I still say I was going to win that game before you cut it off." rlm@0: Sakura laughed. "No you weren't and you know it." They both giggled while Lee and Maylin looked at them strangely. rlm@0: Maylin whispered in Lee's ear, "You know they don't actually seem any different than before." rlm@0: Lee nodded. "That's because they aren't. Don't worry about it Maylin. Anyway will you stop acting all jealous around her now?" rlm@0: Maylin looked at him. "But I like you Lee, I can't help it." rlm@0: Lee sighed. "I like you too Maylin, but when you start acting excited or jealous about it it get's embarassing." rlm@0: Maylin looked at him. "You mean you really do like me!" She started to get excited, but then saw him frown and stopped herself. Then she saw Sakura and Madison looking at them. "Oh what are you looking at?" rlm@0: Madison giggled and Sakura took the last bite of her sandwich and tossed the trash away. Lee looked at the two of them and asked, "Do your families know about this?" rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "Yeah, they seem alright with it. Infact my dad's exact words were 'Atleast I don't have to worry about boys chasing you.'" rlm@0: Madison smiled. "And my mom supported me whole heartedly. Even Tory doesn't tease us about it." rlm@0: "Atleast not since I suggested that he and Julian made a cute couple. He turned so red you couldn't even see his zits any more." Sakura laughed. rlm@0: Maylin looked at her strangely. "They aren't a couple are they?" rlm@0: Sakura shook her head. "Of course not. Any way are you two alright with this? I mean you aren't freaked out or anything are you?" rlm@0: Lee shook his head and Maylin bit her lip thinking. "I don't really know... I guess not. I mean it's not like it makes any real difference." rlm@0: Sakura smiled and nodded. "Then that's that. So what would you like to do now?" rlm@0: Lee was about to answer when his watch beeped. He looked down at it. "It looks like we need to go home. It's time for us to train and if we're late we have to do extra. We'll talk to you later alright?" He and Maylin ran off leaving Madison and Sakura where they were. rlm@0: Once they were gone Madison turned to look at Sakura. "So what do we do now?" rlm@0: Sakura thought about it. "Why don't we go flying?" rlm@0: Madison's eyes gleamed. "Really? I mean in the middle of the day?" rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "Why not? If anybody saw us nobody would believe them and it's not like they can see our faces. Come on let's go." rlm@0: rlm@0: As Sakura and Madison rose above the clouds they both felt a slight chill. Madison scooted closer to Sakura, holding her close. "It's so beutiful up here Sakura." rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "Yeah, it's great. It's so calm and peaceful up here." rlm@0: The wand flew to the right and passed over the school. "It looks totaly different when nobody is there." Madison said. rlm@0: Sakura smiled at her. "I know what you mean. It's so much more alive on school days." rlm@0: They continued flying all over the town, stopping in place occasionaly to discuss some memories of some of their favorite places. Madison remembered everywhere that Sakura had ever caught a card. rlm@0: As the sun set Sakura turned the wand back towards Madison's house. They had one day left in the weekend before school was out and they weren't going to waist it. rlm@0: rlm@0: The End rlm@0: rlm@0: Author's note rlm@0: I was watching the episode where Lee shows up for the first time and some of the comments made me start to think. What if Madison and Sakura are already an item and everybody knows about it and is ok with it? So I wrote this> Hope you liked it. If you wish to comment send your emails to clayton_n@hotmail.com