rlm@0: Author’s notes: Hello! ^-^ I’m sorry this took so long. ^^;; I’d rlm@0: wanted to write this for a while, so I’m glad to have finally written rlm@0: it. ^-^ It’s basically a chance for me to show two ideas that have rlm@0: been on my mind a lot lately. The first is that Tomoyo would love rlm@0: Sakura no matter what, because her love is so sweet and pure. I think rlm@0: she’s a lesbian, yes, but I think she would love Sakura even if rlm@0: Sakura were a boy. Her love isn’t just a trivial thing. And the rlm@0: second thing is that I think most of Sakura’s denseness about Tomoyo rlm@0: lies in the fact that she plays into her gender role. Sakura can be rlm@0: incredibly naïve about things, especially Tomoyo’s feelings for her. rlm@0: For Sakura, she knows that boys get with girls and girls get with rlm@0: boys. Because it’s just the way things work. She has no problem with rlm@0: it when it doesn’t work that way like with Yukito and Touya, but she rlm@0: doesn’t realize that she could love a girl, hence why she never rlm@0: realizes Tomoyo’s perfect for her. ^^;; But anyway, I think that rlm@0: would be different if she were a boy because she would see very early rlm@0: on that Tomoyo was a potential love interest. Anyway, that’s enough rlm@0: of my rambling. ^-^;; I’ve been having a lot of trouble lately, so rlm@0: I’ve been writing this in the meantime. If you have any comments, I rlm@0: would love to hear them. ^-^ Thank you! Oh, and I modeled the end rlm@0: after the episodes of the series, right down to the Kero-chan’s rlm@0: Corner and the Next Episode spot. ^-^;;; I just thought it would be rlm@0: fun to add. ^-^ rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: What is Love rlm@0: by the Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Cherry blossoms swirled about above the ground as if dancing to a rlm@0: tune that only they could hear. A single auburn haired boy moved rlm@0: along to the silent music as he made his way to school, skating along rlm@0: gracefully. Skidding in a slow circle, he continued backwards for a rlm@0: moment. There was something about the morning that made him feel rlm@0: peaceful inside. School couldn’t dampen his spirits any. How could it rlm@0: when it meant he’d get to see his friends and play soccer that rlm@0: afternoon? And, of course, she would be there. A light blush crossed rlm@0: his cheeks at the thought. He tried to force it away but he couldn’t rlm@0: help it. “Hanyaan...” he sighed happily to himself. She always made rlm@0: school worthwhile. She made everything seem worthwhile. Even the rlm@0: crazy costumes she made him wear. But if it made her happy, he’d rlm@0: gladly wear whatever she wanted. rlm@0: Smiling to himself, Sakura hurried with renewed determination to rlm@0: reach school, ignoring his dancing namesake along the way. School was rlm@0: a much more pleasant experience when a pretty girl was waiting for rlm@0: you. His hands on the straps of his backpack, Sakura skidded towards rlm@0: the large gates. “Ohayo, Tomoyo-chan!” Sakura called brightly, rlm@0: slowing to a stop near his friend. rlm@0: “Ohayo, Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo replied, smiling her trademark smile. rlm@0: “A perfect arrival, as usual. The girls must all be thrilled with rlm@0: Sakura-chan’s cute and cool arrival.” rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan...” Sakura blushed and rubbed the back of his head, rlm@0: averting his gaze. Why did she have to say so many embarrassing rlm@0: things all the time? He should get used to it, but she always managed rlm@0: to embarrass him anyway. Ignoring that for the moment, he glanced rlm@0: back at the pale girl to see what hairstyle she had for the day. Her rlm@0: hair was done up in two highly decorated pigtails, blue ribbons rlm@0: adorning them. One pigtail fell in front of her while the other lay rlm@0: draped over her backpack. Absolutely beautiful. Smiling and blushing rlm@0: faintly, Sakura slowly skated alongside his friend towards the front rlm@0: doors. rlm@0: “Sakura-chan looks so cute like that,” Tomoyo said with a sigh, a rlm@0: hand resting on her cheek. “I got some more videotape last night. rlm@0: Would you mind letting me videotape you some more later?” she asked rlm@0: eagerly. rlm@0: Sakura sweatdropped at his eccentric friend’s enthusiasm. “Sure, I rlm@0: guess. But I don’t know why you’d want to videotape me. You should rlm@0: really videotape something a little more interesting.” rlm@0: “But there isn’t anything more interesting or more handsome than rlm@0: Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo smiled brightly, a slight blush on her cheeks as rlm@0: she looked off distantly. She could see Sakura looking around in rlm@0: embarrassment, but that only served to spur her on. He looked so cute rlm@0: when he was embarrassed. If only she could catch that on video. Oh rlm@0: well, there was always next time. “I have the cutest costume for you, rlm@0: too. I can’t wait to see you try it on. My inspiration for this one rlm@0: was seeing you waving at those penguins at the zoo.” Seeing Sakura rlm@0: blink in response, Tomoyo continued. “Sakura-chan will make the rlm@0: cutest penguin.” ‘There,’ the pale girl thought to herself happily as rlm@0: Sakura shook his arms, his embarrassment growing. Tomoyo simply rlm@0: sighed delightedly as she continued towards her locker. rlm@0: “Hoe... A penguin?” Sakura sighed in defeat. He had learned long rlm@0: ago that it was pointless to argue about the costumes. Tomoyo knew rlm@0: him far too well. The pale girl easily got him to wear whatever she rlm@0: wanted him to. Besides, he’d worn worse than a penguin costume rlm@0: before. And at least he wouldn’t be capturing Cards in this one. And rlm@0: Tomoyo would be the only one to see it, so it wouldn’t be that big a rlm@0: deal. “When do you want me to come over?” he asked, getting over his rlm@0: initial shock swiftly. rlm@0: “After soccer practice would be nice. You’ll probably be tired rlm@0: after that, so I’ll call and make sure the limousine’s ready. I rlm@0: already brought a fresh videotape to catch your soccer game today, so rlm@0: I’ll record everything on the new tape. From Sakura-chan darting rlm@0: across the field in his handsome soccer uniform to Sakura playing by rlm@0: the poolside in his cute penguin costume, I will catch every precious rlm@0: moment on videotape, and seal it all forever in my heart.” Tomoyo rlm@0: tilted her head to the side, starry eyed. Today was already turning rlm@0: out to be a wonderful day. She always loved going to Sakura’s soccer rlm@0: games. She never really cared what was happening in the game itself. rlm@0: Her eyes never left the auburn haired boy on the field anyway. It was rlm@0: just fun to watch him with such determination, running all about. It rlm@0: was much the same when she got to watch him capture Cards, though rlm@0: that was even more fun because Sakura got to double as a life-sized rlm@0: doll to dress up as well. But not only did she get to record his rlm@0: soccer game, but she would also get to dress him up in her newest rlm@0: costume. Tomoyo got out her books in a state of bliss. rlm@0: “If you say so, Tomoyo-chan,” Sakura said quickly, a hand behind rlm@0: his head. Tomoyo had him wrapped around her little finger and he knew rlm@0: it. But what could he do about it? Not that he wanted to do anything rlm@0: about it anyway. He was very comfortable this way. Even if Tomoyo did rlm@0: delight in making him blush. “Oh, good morning, Li-kun!” Sakura waved rlm@0: brightly to his perpetually scowling rival. He was happy to be rlm@0: friends with the other boy now, though Syaoran was very difficult to rlm@0: get close to. The other boy blushed and went the other way in a rlm@0: hurry. “Hmm... I wonder what’s wrong with Li-kun. I hope he’s not rlm@0: sick.” rlm@0: Giggling next to her naïve friend, Tomoyo smiled sweetly. “Sakura- rlm@0: chan’s so handsome and cool that even the boys like him,” she rlm@0: explained, watching her cute friend intently with her lavender eyes. rlm@0: Sakura simply blinked in confusion at her statement. “Maybe I’ll tell rlm@0: Sakura-chan when he’s older,” she said reassuringly as she hoisted up rlm@0: her backpack. rlm@0: “Let me get that for you, Tomoyo-chan!” Sakura said quickly after rlm@0: shaking off his confusion. He took Tomoyo’s backpack, following her rlm@0: to class. The dark haired girl always looked so fragile, so petite. rlm@0: So Sakura was happy to carry her bags for her. Tomoyo was like a rlm@0: beautiful princess, kind and sweet to everyone, especially Sakura. rlm@0: And princesses shouldn’t have to worry about things like bookbags. rlm@0: “Thank you, Sakura-chan,” Tomoyo said in her pretty, singsong rlm@0: voice. Walking slowly, she made her way to class. If the athletic boy rlm@0: noticed her slowed pace, he didn’t say anything. She didn’t want to rlm@0: miss a moment of his presence. rlm@0: rlm@0: Pulling on the shirt of his soccer uniform, Sakura looked down at rlm@0: the gym bag next to him. Inside was a beautifully crafted pink and rlm@0: violet teddy bear. It was Sakura’s good luck charm. He picked up the rlm@0: small teddy bear and held it close. It still smelled of lavenders, rlm@0: just like Tomoyo. Sighing softly, the Master of the Cards closed his rlm@0: eyes. Tomoyo had given him this lovely gift several weeks ago. He had rlm@0: taken it with him to every one of his games sense, and kept it with rlm@0: him in bed every night. He was almost worried that it would start to rlm@0: get frayed if he kept that up. But he wanted it there with him rlm@0: wherever he went. It was his most precious gift, something that was rlm@0: very dear to him. He had treasured it from the instant Tomoyo had rlm@0: given it to him. rlm@0: The myth of the teddy bears kept coming back to Sakura when he rlm@0: would think about the little teddy bear. He had heard that if you rlm@0: made a teddy bear and gave it to the person you liked, then if they rlm@0: named it after you, you would both fall in love. It was a very cute rlm@0: myth, and something he had heard Tomoyo explain before. So did that rlm@0: mean this was for that purpose? Just in case, Sakura had immediately rlm@0: named it after the pale girl. So her little teddy bear, Tomoyo, was rlm@0: with her whenever her best friend, Tomoyo, couldn’t be. But was their rlm@0: truth to the myth? rlm@0: Sakura had been trying to ask Tomoyo out for the past week. But rlm@0: every time he wanted to, he lost the nerve. He could talk to Tomoyo rlm@0: about anything, but seeing her smile so prettily and asking what he rlm@0: wanted to talk about always made him nervous when he was about to ask rlm@0: her. What would she say? Did she like him? Well, that one kind of rlm@0: seemed a given with how she talked about him. Actually, he was pretty rlm@0: sure of that. And that gave him some courage to ask Tomoyo, but he rlm@0: still couldn’t quite figure out what to say. She always had such rlm@0: faith in him. What if it sounded stupid? Or worse, what if he rlm@0: couldn’t get it out at all? He wanted to tell her how he felt before rlm@0: someone else did, but he didn’t know how. rlm@0: Sighing, Sakura placed his teddy bear back in his gym bag. Emerald rlm@0: eyes sparkling determinedly, Sakura hurried towards the field. Tomoyo rlm@0: would be watching, so he had to try his hardest for her. And then, rlm@0: tonight, maybe he could tell her that he liked her. Besides, Tomoyo rlm@0: was always there supporting him. She would help him through it, no rlm@0: matter how nervous he could get looking into those stormy blue eyes. rlm@0: Vowing to himself that he would tell Tomoyo that night, he ran the rlm@0: rest of the way to the soccer field. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Sakura-chan looks so cute!!” Tomoyo squealed delightedly as she rlm@0: zoomed in on her best friend. Before her stood a forlorn looking rlm@0: penguin, it’s arms hanging at its sides. Sakura was looking back at rlm@0: the camcorder, his face a mask of embarrassment. Tomoyo took a few rlm@0: steps to the side to get another viewpoint. Reaching forward, she put rlm@0: a finger on Sakura’s lips, drawing them up into a smile. “Much better!” rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan...” Sakura mumbled as Tomoyo’s finger pressed near his rlm@0: lips. How did he let himself get talked into this? Oh yeah, Tomoyo rlm@0: thought it was a good idea. That was generally all it took for Sakura rlm@0: to do what Tomoyo wanted. Tomoyo was so nice and sweet that it was rlm@0: hard not to do what she wanted. And the pale girl’s beautiful smile rlm@0: more than made up for the discomfort of wearing a penguin costume. As rlm@0: long as no one at school ever saw this videotape. rlm@0: “Mr. Penguin sure has come a long way from the south pole. But I rlm@0: hope he never has to leave.” Stepping around the embarrassed Sakura, rlm@0: Tomoyo continued to videotape her friend. “Sakura-chan is such a shy rlm@0: boy, isn’t he? But I don’t mind. It means he gets to be my model rlm@0: alone.” rlm@0: “Ano.. Tomoyo-chan, was there anything else you wanted me to try on rlm@0: while I’m here?” Sakura interrupted. Though he wouldn’t admit it rlm@0: unless Tomoyo prodded him, he did enjoy being Tomoyo’s model. His rlm@0: mother had been a model for many years. Though he was a lot shyer rlm@0: than his mother, he did enjoy modeling the pale girl’s outfits for rlm@0: her. Especially with how thrilled Tomoyo always was to videotape him rlm@0: in new things. It made him feel special to hear her in such delight. rlm@0: Tomoyo made him feel special with everything she said and did. rlm@0: Her hand on her chin, Tomoyo stood in thought for a moment. “Well, rlm@0: there is one more costume that I’ve nearly finished. It wouldn’t take rlm@0: more than a few minutes to sew on the last bit.” She continued to rlm@0: scratch her chin thoughtfully as she recorded her cute penguin rlm@0: attired best friend. rlm@0: “That sounds great. I’ll just change out of this while I wait for rlm@0: you to finish, Tomoyo-chan,” Sakura said energetically. It would be a rlm@0: little awkward, he was sure, but it couldn’t be worse than the rlm@0: penguin costume, adorable as it was. And if it made Tomoyo happy, so rlm@0: much the better. Besides, he just wanted to do everything he could rlm@0: for his eccentric friend. His heart swelled as he replayed the words rlm@0: again and again in his head. ‘Tomoyo-chan, I have something I want to rlm@0: tell you..’ he began again. rlm@0: “All right. Thank you so much, Sakura-chan. I can’t wait to see you rlm@0: in it! You’ll be so cute, I know it.” Bowing to Sakura, the pale girl rlm@0: turned and led Sakura back into the house before disappearing into rlm@0: her room. She was eager to see Sakura in her new costume. It was a rlm@0: little different from the other ones she had made over the years, but rlm@0: she had no doubt that Sakura would pull it off perfectly. rlm@0: Sakura headed to the bathroom where his school uniform was still rlm@0: waiting. He pulled the shorts on first, glad to be out of the goofy rlm@0: albeit extremely cute penguin costume. It was nice to be a normal boy rlm@0: again and not a lost penguin. Smiling, he pulled on his shirt as he rlm@0: wondered what exotic design Tomoyo’s new design would be. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Kawaii!! Sakura-chan is so pretty! You put all the girls to shame, rlm@0: Sakura-chan!” rlm@0: Sakura stared at the videocamera with a mortified look on his face. rlm@0: He was in a beautiful blue dress with a long white apron, a la Alice rlm@0: in Wonderland. Long, white stocking ran up his legs, disappearing rlm@0: under the frilly skirt. He had cute pink ribbons in his hair and rlm@0: small, pale blue gloves. “To..To..moyo-chan...” he got out weakly, rlm@0: his face crimson as he finally worked up enough thought to try and rlm@0: cover himself from the relentless camcorder. Tomoyo simply rlm@0: sidestepped, getting a good look at his side. rlm@0: “I knew you’d make a beautiful girl, Sakura-chan,” Tomoyo said rlm@0: excitedly, a hand resting on her cheek. “You’re even prettier than rlm@0: all of the girls at school.” Sighing happily to herself, Tomoyo rlm@0: reached down and smoothed out the skirt a little more. Her darling rlm@0: Sakura made a very handsome boy, but he also made a gorgeous girl. rlm@0: Blushing, Tomoyo stood back up to videotape some more. She wanted to rlm@0: have plenty of this for later. Sakura was just too cute not to rlm@0: capture every instant. rlm@0: “Do.. Do you really think so?” Sakura asked curiously, turning his rlm@0: face to watch the pale girl. He blushed deeper when he saw her nod. rlm@0: It was bizarre, certainly, but he found himself very happy to hear rlm@0: that she thought he was prettier than the girls at school. It wasn’t rlm@0: something he had ever thought about before, but it was nice to know rlm@0: all the same. Especially if Tomoyo thought so. The lavender haired rlm@0: girl disappeared out of his line of sight after a moment and he rlm@0: whirled to catch sight of her, the long skirt flowing around him. He rlm@0: blushed and held it down tightly, not wanting anything to get caught rlm@0: on videotape. Tomoyo had given him a pair of panties to wear as well, rlm@0: saying that it was to keep everything authentic. He blushed deeper as rlm@0: he wondered if they were Tomoyo’s. He shook his head quickly, trying rlm@0: to concentrate on the moment. But that wasn’t helping either. He was rlm@0: currently dressed up in girls’ clothes, so thinking about the moment rlm@0: probably wasn’t the way to go. rlm@0: “Of course I do. You’re so beautiful, Sakura-chan,” Tomoyo whispered rlm@0: gently, brushing Sakura’s bangs away from his eyes. She smiled at rlm@0: him, no more than a few inches away. He really did look like a girl. rlm@0: If Tomoyo didn’t know better, she would have been sure he was. Her rlm@0: mind was already fast at work on other cute designs for her friend. rlm@0: This little experiment had proven a brilliant success. Sakura was rlm@0: cute in boys’ clothes and girls’ clothes. It opened up Tomoyo’s rlm@0: costume designs to as of yet unknown heights. She was already excited rlm@0: with the possibilities. “You’ll have to let me videotape you wearing rlm@0: one of my school uniforms sometime,” Tomoyo stated simply, drawing rlm@0: another dark blush from the boy she loved. He was just so cute. rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan...” Sakura whined, unable to look away from Tomoyo’s rlm@0: pretty lavender eyes. There was a small thrill about the whole thing. rlm@0: Tomoyo obviously seemed to like it. Besides, wasn’t this the whole rlm@0: reason he dressed up in Tomoyo’s designs anyway, because the dark rlm@0: haired girl wanted him to? So how was this different from dressing up rlm@0: as a penguin? Because he wasn’t crossdressing as the penguin! “This rlm@0: isn’t much like dressing up as a penguin, Tomoyo-chan,” he said weakly. rlm@0: The heiress looked thoughtful for a moment before smiling. “I never rlm@0: said if you were a boy penguin or a girl penguin. You could have been rlm@0: dressed as a girl penguin. In which case, it’s exactly the same rlm@0: thing, Tomoyo surmised. Sakura simply sweatdropped as her reply. rlm@0: Tomoyo sighed exquisitely at the beautiful sight before her. “I rlm@0: always knew you were handsome, Sakura-chan. But you’re also gorgeous.” rlm@0: Sakura could only blush deeper in response, finally pulling his eyes rlm@0: away from Tomoyo as he stared down at stocking clad legs and cute rlm@0: buckled shoes. He could hear Tomoyo walking around him, videotaping rlm@0: this whole disturbing event for later viewing. “Could you lay down on rlm@0: your stomach? If you could lift a leg into the air and place your rlm@0: chin in your hands when you do, that would be so cute!” she heard rlm@0: Tomoyo say. Sighing deeply, Sakura went to comply with his best rlm@0: friend’s request. At least no one would ever see this. His brother rlm@0: would never let him hear the end of it if he only knew. rlm@0: rlm@0: Finally back in his school uniform, Sakura sat on Tomoyo’s bed while rlm@0: the lavender haired girl busily set about labeling her tape and rlm@0: finding a spot for it amongst her huge collection of Sakura tapes. rlm@0: Sakura was a little surprised to see himself all over his friend’s rlm@0: room. This wasn’t his first time there, but he always found himself rlm@0: surprised to see more and more of himself up whenever he went. There rlm@0: were pictures of him all over as well as Tomoyo’s expansive videotape rlm@0: collection. Her otherwise pristine desk was cluttered in only one rlm@0: place, on Tomoyo desk with all of her costume designs. And even that rlm@0: was an organized chaos. Everything seemed in place even as design rlm@0: after design got stacked up on her desk. Sakura smiled as he saw a rlm@0: picture of himself and Tomoyo in kimonos next to Tomoyo’s bed. rlm@0: Tomoyo’s mother, Sonomi, had taken that picture a while back. Sakura rlm@0: had been worried about how it would turn out, but Tomoyo had told him rlm@0: that he was always cute so he shouldn’t worry about it. Turning to rlm@0: look for his eccentric best friend, he could spy her kneeling before rlm@0: her videotape collection, looking for the spot for her newest tape. rlm@0: Tomoyo really was beautiful. Everything about her was so graceful, rlm@0: almost as if it were all planned out. The pale girl looked so rlm@0: delicate, her long lavender hair flowing behind her in those rlm@0: beautiful pigtails. Sakura felt happy to be able to spend this time rlm@0: with his friend. rlm@0: “When do you have to be home, Sakura-chan?” Tomoyo asked curiously rlm@0: as she stood up and walked back towards the auburn haired boy. She rlm@0: had known he was watching her, but hadn’t wanted to embarrass him rlm@0: about it. And she was thrilled to have his eyes on her. She was rlm@0: always happy to have his attention. rlm@0: “Probably pretty soon. It’s my night to cook because onii-chan has rlm@0: to work.” Sakura sighed, his hands behind his head. He didn’t want to rlm@0: go home. Staying with Tomoyo sounded infinitely better than making rlm@0: dinner. rlm@0: “I’ll make sure the limousine can take you back home, then. You ran rlm@0: so hard at soccer that I’m surprised you can move at all anymore.” rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled at her weary best friend, rubbing his shoulders gently. rlm@0: Sakura blushed at Tomoyo’s touch, looking around the large room. rlm@0: “Un, but I wanted to play my best because you were watching me. I rlm@0: wanted it to be a good game for you.” Fidgeting a bit, Sakura looked rlm@0: down at his shoe, trying to concentrate on anything other than the rlm@0: girl behind him. rlm@0: “You played really well, Sakura-chan. But I like watching all of rlm@0: your games, even when you’re distracted,” Tomoyo chirped up brightly. rlm@0: “You’re always so cute out there on the field, kicking the ball rlm@0: around everywhere. I love watching you.” A soft sigh drifted to the rlm@0: auburn haired boy’s ear as Tomoyo continued rubbing his shoulders. rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan, there’s something I’ve been wanting to say for a rlm@0: while,” Sakura got out nervously, finally getting himself to look up. rlm@0: He turned to face Tomoyo, looking into her sparkling blue eyes. “I.. rlm@0: You’ve always been my best friend and.. It’s always so nice when rlm@0: you..” Sakura bit his lip, trying to decide what to say. It had all rlm@0: sounded so much easier in his thoughts on the drive up. rlm@0: Tomoyo tilted her head to the side thoughtfully as she watched rlm@0: Sakura struggling. Her heart fluttered in her chest like a cloud of rlm@0: butterflies as she slowly realized what Sakura was trying to say. rlm@0: “Yes, Sakura-chan?” she asked helpfully. “You know you can tell me rlm@0: anything.” ‘And if you want to tell me what I think you do, then rlm@0: there is absolutely nothing for you to fear because I love you with rlm@0: all of my heart.’ rlm@0: “I really, really like you, Tomoyo-chan,” Sakura got out at last, rlm@0: his cheeks flushing as he looked at her. It took all of his will to rlm@0: keep from averting his gaze. “More than anything or anyone. I’m just rlm@0: so happy when I’m with you. I always feel so.. hanyaan. And I’ve been rlm@0: thinking a lot since you gave me the teddy bear and all and I was rlm@0: hoping that you might feel the same way and..” Sakura finally paused rlm@0: to take a breath. “Will you go out with me, Tomoyo-chan?” His heart rlm@0: froze as he waited for a reply. His reply came in the form of rlm@0: Tomoyo’s arms wrapping tightly around him. A slow smile spread across rlm@0: his face as he relaxed against the lavender haired girl. rlm@0: “I would love to go out with you, Sakura-chan! More than anything rlm@0: else in the world. Of course I like you. I always have. I’ve always rlm@0: loved you, Sakura-chan.” Tomoyo’s heart nearly burst with the love rlm@0: that wanted to escape to Sakura at the auburn haired boy’s lovely rlm@0: words. She hugged him tightly, sighing. It was like the most rlm@0: beautiful dream imaginable come true. She had hoped that she might be rlm@0: Sakura’s special someone, that she might be the one to make him rlm@0: happy. And now that he had spoken it, she felt deliriously happy, as rlm@0: if she had been placed directly in the path of a tornado. It swept rlm@0: her up with rapid and intense force, throwing her around in its rlm@0: strength and ferocity. “Oh, Sakura-chan..” Tomoyo whispered rlm@0: delightedly. rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan.. Arigato gozimasu!” Sakura stood up quickly, smiling rlm@0: brightly. “I’ll try to come up with some place nice to take you, I rlm@0: promise,” he said, bowing. rlm@0: “I’ll be happy to go anywhere with you,” Tomoyo responded with her rlm@0: trademark smile. rlm@0: Sakura blushed and nodded quickly. “Un.. I’ll see you tomorrow, rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan! Thank you!!” He hugged the pale girl again, fighting the rlm@0: urge to stay that way when Tomoyo’s hands began stroking his back rlm@0: warmly. But he knew if he stayed he would never be home in time to rlm@0: finish dinner. And he was had to find the perfect place to take rlm@0: Tomoyo on their date. Determination glinting in his eyes, he smiled rlm@0: to Tomoyo before heading to the door. “Bye, Tomoyo-chan!!” rlm@0: “Goodnight, Sakura-chan!” Tomoyo waved to the athletic boy as he rlm@0: hurried out her door. Sighing deliciously, Tomoyo collapsed on her rlm@0: bed. Sakura had asked her out. He had finally asked her out. Her one, rlm@0: true love liked her. Life was, indeed, full of very pleasant rlm@0: surprises, especially when Sakura was involved. “Hanyaan,” she rlm@0: whispered, taking a cue from Sakura. rlm@0: rlm@0: “He really is cute in a dress,” Sonomi admitted, tilting her head to rlm@0: the side. “He doesn’t look much like Nadeshiko-chan, but those eyes rlm@0: are so much like hers. You can tell he’s her daughter. I mean, her rlm@0: son.” The elder Daidouji woman shook her head as she sat with her rlm@0: daughter, watching the younger girl’s latest tape. Sonomi often rlm@0: enjoyed watching them with Tomoyo, thrilled to get a glimpse of rlm@0: Nadeshiko’s youngest son. Nadeshiko’s curious eccentricities even rlm@0: showed through in her son’s strange name. And aside from getting rlm@0: glimpses of Nadeshiko’s child, it was the perfect time to spend rlm@0: together with her own daughter. rlm@0: “Hai, very cute. I want to see if he’ll let me videotape him in my rlm@0: school uniform,” Tomoyo commented, brushing back some dark hair from rlm@0: her eyes. She was still in a daze about earlier, but she had been rlm@0: eager to show her latest video to her mother. She was certain Sonomi rlm@0: would enjoy it the same way she did. “He makes a very cute girl.” Her rlm@0: hand went to her chin thoughtfully. “He makes a very cute girl and a rlm@0: very cute boy. Sakura-chan is cute no matter which gender he is.” rlm@0: Sonomi laughed softly as she watched the camera angle change. “I’d rlm@0: have to say he’s a little cuter as a girl. If he wasn’t standing so rlm@0: awkwardly it would be impossible to tell. Maybe you can make him rlm@0: dress that way after you start dating. And I think it would be rlm@0: adorable if you can videotape him in your school uniform. You’ll have rlm@0: to show me that tape as soon as you get it.” rlm@0: “Hai, okaa-sama. I hope I can get it soon myself. And it would be rlm@0: cute if he’d let me dress him like that on our dates. But I’ll rlm@0: probably have to wait a little while before he will. Sakura-chan can rlm@0: be so shy, so I want to wait a little while. I’m just so happy to be rlm@0: dating him in the first place. He’s so perfect. I love him so much.” rlm@0: Watching her lovesick daughter, Sonomi smiled. She was happy to see rlm@0: Tomoyo in love. It reminded her so much of when she had been younger rlm@0: with her cousin, Sakura’s mother, Nadeshiko. And seeing her daughter rlm@0: so excited did her heart good. Her daughter’s happiness was one of rlm@0: the most important things to her. It was so nice to see her about to rlm@0: start dating. And Nadeshiko’s son, no less. It was almost like Fate rlm@0: had arranged the whole thing. So maybe Sonomi could stop hating Fate rlm@0: so much. Maybe just a little bit. “I know, dear. I know.” Sonomi rlm@0: pulled Tomoyo to her side, feeling Tomoyo’s heart beating swiftly. rlm@0: Bending down, she kissed her daughter’s forehead, resting her head on rlm@0: Tomoyo’s as she went back to watching the tape. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Hoe...” Pacing the length of his room, Sakura nearly walked rlm@0: directly into the wall. Reeling back, the startled boy’s shoulders rlm@0: slumped and a sigh escaped him. His thoughts were moving along the rlm@0: same lines as his body, moving all around but getting nowhere but rlm@0: dead ends. Flopping down on his bed, the auburn haired boy stared up rlm@0: at the rood. He’d been struggling with his thoughts for the past two rlm@0: hours. Giddiness still burst through him whenever he thought back to rlm@0: the fact that his angelic best friend had agreed to go out with him. rlm@0: But that only strengthened his determination to find the perfect rlm@0: place to take her. But where? What could be perfect for a date with rlm@0: such a perfect girl? ‘I’ll be happy to go anywhere with you,’ Tomoyo rlm@0: had said. And Sakura didn’t doubt the eccentric heiress for a moment. rlm@0: But he couldn’t let that stop him from finding out where to take his rlm@0: new girlfriend. Clenching his fists and narrowing his vision, Sakura rlm@0: got back to work. rlm@0: “This is too hard! I can’t think of anything. Tomoyo-chan is so much rlm@0: better at these things than I am,” Sakura lamented just a short time rlm@0: later. And it was true. Tomoyo was usually the one to invite him rlm@0: places or the one who could figure out difficult details such as the rlm@0: one Sakura found himself pondering. He knew that she could think up rlm@0: someplace for the two of them to go. But that was his job, wasn’t it? rlm@0: Or was it? The lavender haired girl always did such a better job at rlm@0: figuring these kinds of things out, even if it did get him in some rlm@0: awkward situations like the penguin fiasco earlier. But still... He rlm@0: had asked her out. He should come up with where he was going to take rlm@0: her. He couldn’t exactly call her up and ask her to decide for him. rlm@0: Rolling onto his stomach, Sakura hugged his pillow, his legs moving rlm@0: absentmindedly in the air. A movie? No, that didn’t sound good. How rlm@0: often did they really go to movies anyway? Dinner? Where would they rlm@0: go? Touya might know a few good places with how often he worked at rlm@0: restaurants, but Sakura doubted he had the money to afford anything rlm@0: really nice. A picnic in the park? But they already did that all the rlm@0: time. What would be special about that? Only... It always felt rlm@0: special when they would go together, just the two of them. They would rlm@0: sit and talk for hours, watching the beautiful world around them and rlm@0: just enjoying each other’s company. And Tomoyo was so sweet and rlm@0: gentle. She would listen carefully to everything Sakura had to say, rlm@0: always helpful with whatever was on his mind. And she always said the rlm@0: nicest things, even if they were embarrassing. rlm@0: “I said, ‘What’s too hard?’. You know I can figure it out, whatever rlm@0: it is. I’m good at these things,” Kero stated confidently as he rlm@0: floated down onto Sakura’s bed, his arms crossed. “C’mon, Sakura- rlm@0: chan. You can tell me.” rlm@0: Sweatdropping, Sakura looked back at the Seal Beast curiously. Is rlm@0: help generally wasn’t as helpful as Tomoyo’s. What he lacked in rlm@0: genuine helpfulness, he sure made up for with self-confidence. “I’m rlm@0: trying to decide where to take Tomoyo-chan on our date,” he said rlm@0: quickly, his cheeks reddening as he buried his face into her pillow. rlm@0: “Huh? I have no idea how you can make Tomoyo-chan late. Hmm...” The rlm@0: Seal Beast contemplated Sakura’s muffled concerns, scratching his rlm@0: chin with one tiny paw. “You could always steal her shoes. Or lock rlm@0: her in a broom closet. Or I could distract her. Depends what you need rlm@0: her late for.” rlm@0: “Date! Date!! I need to decide where to take Tomoyo-chan on our rlm@0: date!” Sakura repeated, sitting up and hoisting the pillow above his rlm@0: head in case the floating teddy bear decided to joke about the rlm@0: situation. His cheeks darkened considerably as he saw the sly grin rlm@0: spread across Kero’s face. rlm@0: “Date, you say? Well, if there’s one thing the mighty Cereberus rlm@0: knows, it’s a thing or two about love. Just listen to me and you’ll rlm@0: be reaching first, second, and third base in no time! Hell, with my rlm@0: advice, you’ll be hitting field goals and scoring bogeys!” Kero rlm@0: grinned as he walked up to Sakura, nudging him in the side. The rlm@0: Cardmaster had no idea what Kero was talking about, but his blush rlm@0: worsened nonetheless. “Boy, have you come to the right place. Because rlm@0: I’m not only the Beast of the Seal, I’m the Beast of Love.” His tiny rlm@0: eyebrows raised up and down suggestively as he looked up at the green rlm@0: eyed boy. rlm@0: Before Sakura could respond to Kero’s delusions of grandeur, the rlm@0: door burst open. Touya looked into the room, spotting Sakura on the rlm@0: bed. Kero collapsed by Sakura’s side, lying lifeless in the hopes rlm@0: that Sakura’s older brother hadn’t heard them talking. “Umm... Hi, rlm@0: onii-chan. What’s wrong? If this is about the dishes, it’s your day. rlm@0: I checked.” He smiled, pulling Kero onto his lap as he waited for his rlm@0: older brother to either agree or make some outrageous claim about it rlm@0: being Sakura’s day for the dishes. But he’d glanced at the schedule rlm@0: and he was sure. Reasonably sure, at any rate. rlm@0: Touya closed the door behind him after he entered the room. He paced rlm@0: back and forth for a moment as if trying to decide what to say. He rlm@0: finally sat on the bed and stared at his younger brother fixedly for rlm@0: a long moment. Sakura returned his gaze uneasily for a bit before rlm@0: looking away. “So you’re going on a date?” rlm@0: Sakura’s face immediately darkened once more at Touya’s question. It rlm@0: sounded more like an accusation than a question at the moment. He rlm@0: looked around, his cheeks flushed as he tried to think of a suitable rlm@0: answer. Finally giving up that venue, Sakura nodded in agreement. He rlm@0: needed to remember not to talk so loud with Kero when Touya was home. rlm@0: “With Tomoyo-chan?” rlm@0: Again Sakura nodded, feeling more and more embarrassed as time went rlm@0: by. What did Touya want? Was he there to tease him about it? Why did rlm@0: he care who his younger brother was dating? rlm@0: “I thought so. It’s obvious she likes you. I was waiting for you to rlm@0: get the hint,” Touya said matter-of-factly. He watched in amusement rlm@0: as Sakura’s embarrassment quickly changed to a frown, his younger rlm@0: brother squeezing the stuffed animal in his arms tightly. rlm@0: “I’m not that dense. I’ve known it for a while. She did give me that rlm@0: teddy bear and all,” Sakura argued, squeezing poor Kero in his rlm@0: frustration. His brother always got him riled up like this. Oh, if he rlm@0: was only taller than him... rlm@0: “Sure...” Touya said unconvincingly, raising an eyebrow. He knew how rlm@0: dense his little brother could be at times. It was a surprise that he rlm@0: ever figured it out. But that wasn’t the point at the moment. rlm@0: “Doesn’t matter. You finally figured it out. I’m proud of you, rlm@0: monsters. And you asked her out at that? So you’re ready to go on rlm@0: your first date?” Despite his usual arguments with Sakura, he really rlm@0: did care for his little brother’s well being. He just showed it in an rlm@0: odd way at times. And since his father wasn’t here to offer Sakura rlm@0: some friendly dating advice, he would have to fill in. At Sakura’s rlm@0: quick nods, Touya continued. “So you don’t know where to take her?” rlm@0: Again, a nod. “Here.” The older boy tossed a paper to Sakura, the rlm@0: auburn haired boy immediately picking it up. “It’s a festival. Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan probably would’ve invited you there in a few days anyway. She rlm@0: always does. Why not make it a date? Besides, she’ll look cute all rlm@0: dressed up in a yukata, so you might as well have an excuse for rlm@0: whatever you wind up doing with her behind the trees.” Touya smirked rlm@0: before pain shot through his leg. Sakura’s foot remained planted rlm@0: against his leg where he had kicked him. rlm@0: “Onii-chan...” Sakura growled, his eyes narrowed. Touya’s eyes rlm@0: narrowed as well as the two brothers stared each other down, one rlm@0: being considerably taller than the other. But Sakura either didn’t rlm@0: notice or didn’t care. Just as quickly as his ire had appeared, it rlm@0: faded away as Sakura took another glance at the flier. “That might be rlm@0: a good idea. It would be fun. And it would be a nice place to take rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan. Maybe I can win her a prize or something, too.” rlm@0: “Yeah, you never know. Yuki and I already planned on going, so I rlm@0: figured the two of you would probably be there as well. And it works rlm@0: well enough. Maybe if you’re busy making eyes at Tomoyo, you’ll stop rlm@0: making them at Yuki,” Touya reasoned, his head tilted to the side for rlm@0: a moment. He grinned as Sakura crossed his arms, fuming. rlm@0: “It’s not like that! Yukito-san’s just... Ohhh!! Onii-chan!!” Sakura rlm@0: humphed and stared at his older brother again. He didn’t know why his rlm@0: older brother always teased him about Yukito. The older boy was very rlm@0: nice, much nicer than his older brother, and it was fun to be around rlm@0: him. Not unlike Tomoyo, in fact. But it wasn’t the exact same thing. rlm@0: Aside from Yukito being a boy, he didn’t have that same feeling of rlm@0: love and warmth that encompassed Sakura whenever he was with Tomoyo. rlm@0: But it was pointless explaining it all to Touya, especially when he rlm@0: was too embarrassed about the whole thing to come up with a good rlm@0: argument. rlm@0: Putting an arm around his younger brother, Touya drew the younger rlm@0: boy closer. “All right, you better listen up, Sakura-chan. There are rlm@0: some things you need to know before your date.” rlm@0: Sweatdropping, Sakura wondered if he would’ve been better off with rlm@0: Kero’s talk. rlm@0: rlm@0: Licking his dry lips, Sakura slowly reached out for the doorknob. rlm@0: His hand shook lightly as he grasped the doorknob, his palms sweaty. rlm@0: His brows furrowed as he tried to concentrate, to push off the rlm@0: nervousness that toyed with him. This was his first date. He was rlm@0: about to go out with his best friend. What would change after this? rlm@0: What would happen? Well, only one way to find out, right? Steeling rlm@0: himself, Sakura opened the door. The sight that awaited him took his rlm@0: breath away. “Tomoyo-chan...” he whispered, catching eye of the pale rlm@0: beauty before him. “You’re... gorgeous...” Emerald eyes studied the rlm@0: stunning figure before him. Beautiful pale skin looked to have an rlm@0: ethereal glow all it’s own wherever it peaked out of the yukata, both rlm@0: at Tomoyo’s arms and her pretty face. Her long, lavender hair was rlm@0: done up in elegant braids, spilling down her back. Shimmering stormy rlm@0: blue eyes shined luminously. Her small body shifted gracefully as the rlm@0: angelic girl bowed before Sakura. Her long hair pooled to one side rlm@0: before she stood back up, the precious silken strands falling back rlm@0: into place. rlm@0: “Thank you very much, Sakura-chan. You look very handsome. I wish I rlm@0: had my camcorder with me.” One of Tomoyo’s pale hands went to her rlm@0: flushed cheeks as she sighed, watching Sakura intently. She had rlm@0: struggled with the decision of whether or not to take the camcorder rlm@0: with her for the past few days but had finally decided against it. rlm@0: She immediately regretted it upon seeing her prince all dressed up in rlm@0: a yukata. What a darling picture it would have made! rlm@0: “You look just like mother,” Touya said after a moment’s pause. He rlm@0: had come to the door to wish the two a goodnight as he waited for rlm@0: Yukito to arrive, but had been astonished by the figure at the door. rlm@0: It was like one of the pictures of his mother from long ago brought rlm@0: to life. He had originally thought it was his mother’s spirit rlm@0: visiting them again, but only the stormy blue eyes had given away the rlm@0: figure’s true identity. rlm@0: Sakura was about to protest his brother’s statement, but he had to rlm@0: admit that Tomoyo certainly looked similar to the photos he had seen. rlm@0: He couldn’t remember his mother well, as she had died when he had rlm@0: only been three years old, but Tomoyo had the same captivating rlm@0: appeal, the same delicate beauty. “Hai...” Sakura shook himself out rlm@0: of his trance quickly, noticing the odd way Touya was staring at rlm@0: Tomoyo. Taking Tomoyo’s hand quickly, Sakura stared at her brother rlm@0: before stepping outside with her. “Bye, onii-chan!” he said quickly. rlm@0: He didn’t want to share Tomoyo with anyone tonight, not even for rlm@0: glimpses of their mother. He wanted to be alone with her on this rlm@0: special night of theirs. He smiled softly at the beautiful girl in rlm@0: front of him, nearly melting at the pretty smile she granted him in rlm@0: return. “Tomoyo-chan.” It took him a long moment to realize he was rlm@0: staring again. Looking down sheepishly, he rubbed the back of his rlm@0: head. “We should probably get going now, huh?” rlm@0: “If that’s what Sakura-chan wants to do,” Tomoyo replied, soft rlm@0: fingers entwining with the auburn haired boy’s. He was so cute. And rlm@0: the way he had looked at her sent a trill through Tomoyo’s heart. A rlm@0: date with Sakura. It was finally happening. The heiress had to rlm@0: struggle to remain in the here and now, already thinking about things rlm@0: like marriage and children and mountain sized piles of videotape. But rlm@0: even with the sweet little secrets the future hinted at, the present rlm@0: was a very pleasant place to be. It was right with Sakura, right rlm@0: where she always wanted to be. rlm@0: Sakura nodded quickly, his cheeks still tinted pink. “Yeah, we’ll rlm@0: just go.” He laughed a little nervously, but it slowly began to fade rlm@0: away as Tomoyo nodded her agreement, still holding his hand. He rlm@0: smiled happily at his best friend, for once feeling the genuine rlm@0: elation of the night in full without the worrisome nervousness that rlm@0: had accompanied so much of the past several days. The two slowly rlm@0: began walking, leaving the limousine that had dropped Tomoyo off at rlm@0: Sakura’s house as well as Tomoyo’s bodyguards far behind. Sakura was rlm@0: surprised at how easy this all felt. He had thought that this would rlm@0: be such a difficult thing, being on a date with Tomoyo. But it was rlm@0: still Tomoyo. He still felt comfortable with her, happy and warm. rlm@0: Things had changed only subtly. He saw Tomoyo in a new light, not rlm@0: just as his kindly best friend, but as his beautiful angel. Yes, they rlm@0: were on a date. But that really wasn’t all that different from what rlm@0: they had been doing all of these years. The only difference was that rlm@0: now Sakura knew where his heart lay. And it was an intoxicating rlm@0: experience. He could feel Tomoyo’s love for what it was rather than rlm@0: the curious thing he had wondered about for so long. And his own rlm@0: heart reveled under the attention, blooming like a lovely flower rlm@0: under its tender yet deep touch. It all gave so many new layers to rlm@0: just being with Tomoyo, all of them exciting for the master of the rlm@0: Cards. rlm@0: Tomoyo once again bemoaned her lack of a camcorder as she watched rlm@0: Sakura out of the corner of her eye. Her free hand rested on her rlm@0: cheek as she sighed joyously. Had she died? Was she dreaming? Or was rlm@0: this a taste of heaven? If it was, Tomoyo could think of no better rlm@0: way to spend eternity than with the boy who had so effortlessly rlm@0: captured her heart. She would have to personally thank whatever God rlm@0: or Goddess reigned over this world for crafting such a lovely soul as rlm@0: her darling Sakura. Usually content simply with recording Sakura’s rlm@0: life, Tomoyo found herself exhilarated at the prospect of actually rlm@0: sharing in it, tasting it so closely rather than from behind the rlm@0: camera. It was new and uncharted territory, something that existed rlm@0: only in her dreams up till now. But with Sakura gently leading her, rlm@0: she had no fear as she stepped out hand in hand with her love into rlm@0: the movie of Sakura’s life. Not being born with magic, the lavender rlm@0: haired girl couldn’t sense it the way her best friend could. But she rlm@0: felt a different magic as they continued along, one that immersed her rlm@0: heart and soul deeper than any other form of magic ever could. Like rlm@0: an entire ocean, it swelled and encompassed her, holding her tightly rlm@0: in its depths. It was almost too much, an emotional overload of pure, rlm@0: unadulterated joy. Tomoyo felt as if she were drowning in it, her rlm@0: heart nearly ready to burst. Smiling a sparkling, genuine smile, rlm@0: Tomoyo rested her head on Sakura’s shoulder, her long braids draping rlm@0: down across the two of them. rlm@0: Blushing faintly, Sakura continued along towards the festival, his rlm@0: mind going blank. Tomoyo’s long, dark hair lay across his shoulder rlm@0: and down the left side of his back, swaying gently as they moved. The rlm@0: heiress’s cute head was resting pleasantly on his shoulder, rlm@0: distracting him. The two walked along, hand in hand in a much closer rlm@0: proximity that they usually did. The poor auburn hair kept blushing rlm@0: as he tried to get a handle on his thoughts. It certainly felt nice rlm@0: to have Tomoyo so close, to have his best friend so near. He could rlm@0: hear his heartbeat ringing in his ears, almost frightening him that rlm@0: it would give away his nervousness. But even faced with such a new rlm@0: and potentially terrifying situation, Sakura could still feel rlm@0: Tomoyo’s effusive love wrapping like silk ribbons around his heart, rlm@0: binding his soul as thoroughly as he himself bound the Cards. It rlm@0: was... wonderful. Having Tomoyo so close was a new experience, but it rlm@0: was a beautiful one. The heiress felt so soft and delicate next to rlm@0: him. ‘I knew Sakura-chan would come and save me,’ Tomoyo had once rlm@0: said. ‘Of course I would. I’d always have to save my Tomoyo-chan. I rlm@0: can’t ever let anything bad happen to her,’ Sakura thought to rlm@0: himself. ‘Besides, if I didn’t, Sonomi-sama would kill me.’ He rlm@0: sweatdropped at the latter, remembering Tomoyo’s mother’s phone call rlm@0: the night before. Sakura had lost track of how many times he had rlm@0: promised to look after Tomoyo for the elder of the Daidouji women. rlm@0: Almost too soon, the young lovers finally came across the festival. rlm@0: Lights sparkled brightly against the dark backdrop of the darkening rlm@0: night as elegantly dressed boys and girls hurried about, playing rlm@0: games and enjoying themselves about the festival grounds. It was rlm@0: something the two had gone to often enough before, but never under rlm@0: the context of a date. It left Sakura with a puzzled feeling of where rlm@0: to begin and what to do. Tomoyo simply smiled at Sakura’s curious rlm@0: look, squeezing his hand gently with her soft fingers. That lessened rlm@0: the genki boy’s nerves as he returned her smile. People moved past rlm@0: the cute couple like a busy stream, flowing past them on all sides. rlm@0: Sakura pulled Tomoyo closer as people swept past, trying not to get rlm@0: pulled along in the current. Still trying to decide where to go, rlm@0: Sakura’s jade eyes fell upon a booth selling food. His stomach seemed rlm@0: to think it was a great idea. While nowhere near as bad as the rlm@0: perpetually hungry Kero and Yukito, Sakura had forsaken eating rlm@0: earlier when his nervous stomach had refused to hold anything. But rlm@0: now that he was finally with Tomoyo, his stomach reawakened. “Would rlm@0: you like something to eat?” Sakura asked, turning to the dark haired rlm@0: girl. rlm@0: The petite girl shook her head prettily, her dark hair moving back rlm@0: and forth as she did. She wasn’t hungry herself, but she could rlm@0: practically hear Sakura’s stomach even above the cacophony of the rlm@0: festival. “No, that’s all right, Sakura-chan. I’m not very hungry. rlm@0: What would you like to eat?” She followed emerald eyes to one of the rlm@0: stands and slowly began towards it when a small gap in the large rlm@0: crowd formed. The two waited, pressed tightly together as other rlm@0: people continued to line up at the delicious smell wafting out from rlm@0: the stand. Tomoyo brushed back lavender hair from her eyes with her rlm@0: free hand to get a better look of her companion. Stormy blue eyes rlm@0: watched the energetic auburn haired boy as he looked around rlm@0: curiously. The heiress sighed happily, taking Sakura’s hand with both rlm@0: of her own. Her fingers trailed over their entwined fingers, enjoying rlm@0: the soft skin under her touch. He was so cute. There was something rlm@0: almost feminine about him, which the heiress found very adorable. rlm@0: Tomoyo loved to watch him, as evidenced by her collection of rlm@0: videotape. She loved everything about the overemotional boy and rlm@0: wanted to capture it all on film. As Sakura finally got the food he’d rlm@0: been waiting for, the two began to move along through the beautiful rlm@0: festival grounds. Sakura looked around at the well decorated rlm@0: surroundings while Tomoyo’s attention remained solely captive of the rlm@0: green eyed boy. After all, she thought to herself, he was far more rlm@0: fascinating than the most amazing festival. rlm@0: Nibbling on the meat bun he had bought, Sakura walked hand in hand rlm@0: with Tomoyo past the different festivities. His mind wandered as they rlm@0: walked. He could remember some exciting things that had happened at rlm@0: festivals in his life, but this was completely different. It seemed rlm@0: that important things often happened at them, several Clow Cards rlm@0: having shown up nearby over the time he had been capturing them. rlm@0: Throughout it all, Tomoyo had been his constant companion and rlm@0: confidante, helping him and videotaping him and outfitting him with rlm@0: the cutest and most ridiculous looking costumes imaginable. And here rlm@0: they were once more. But this wasn’t exactly the same thing as it had rlm@0: once been. He felt a warm glow inside of himself at the thought. No, rlm@0: this wasn’t the same old thing at all. He felt overwhelmed by the rlm@0: moment, by his beautiful best friend holding his hand. He felt energy rlm@0: welling up inside with nowhere to go. He felt so happy to be there rlm@0: with her. Squeezing Tomoyo’s hand tightly, Sakura grinned at the pale rlm@0: girl. All of the concern he’d had about this night felt completely rlm@0: worth it if only for that single moment. “Tomoyo-chan, I...” Sakura rlm@0: began, unsure of exactly what he wanted to say, but knowing he needed rlm@0: to do something before his heart burst. rlm@0: “Hi, Sakura-chan! Tomoyo-chan!” Chiharu called out to the two, rlm@0: Yamazaki in tow. She waved to the two as she approached, glad to see rlm@0: someone that she recognized amongst the sea of people. “How are you rlm@0: doing?” she asked as they came to a stop in front of them. rlm@0: “Hi, Chiharu-chan!” Sakura intoned happily. “We’re fine. We’re just rlm@0: trying to decide what to do now.” Finishing off his meat bun, he rlm@0: licked his fingers clean before smiling at the two. rlm@0: “Sakura-chan’s never been on a date before and neither have I, so rlm@0: we’re both trying to figure things out. Do you have any suggestions, rlm@0: Chiharu-chan?” Tomoyo’s melodious voice sang amidst the banter of the rlm@0: crowd. Smiling politely, the pale girl tilted her head to the side. rlm@0: Even with her eyes close, she could tell that Sakura was blushing rlm@0: deeply. Yes, life was good indeed. rlm@0: “Oh, so Sakura-chan finally asked you out? What a shame. I heard rlm@0: that Li-kun was going to ask you. But that’s not a problem. In rlm@0: Antarctica, women can have as many as ten husbands at a time. So you rlm@0: just have to move there, Tomoyo-chan.” Yamazaki nodded, his ever- rlm@0: present smile plastered on his face despite the look that Chiharu rlm@0: shot him. He hugged a pink rabbit tightly and grinned more, waiting rlm@0: for Chiharu to either correct him or hit him in the arm. He was used rlm@0: to it by now. She’d been doing it since they were little kids anyway. rlm@0: Besides, it was cute. rlm@0: “Really? That’s all right, though. Sakura-chan’s the only husband I rlm@0: want, so I think I’ll stay here in Japan,” Tomoyo replied, her stormy rlm@0: blue eyes blinking open as she continued smiling her trademark smile. rlm@0: She turned to Sakura, delighting at his ever darker blush. rlm@0: “So you’re finally dating? Darn. Rika-chan wins the pool, then. We rlm@0: were wondering when you finally would.” Chiharu frowned for a moment, rlm@0: staring at Yamazaki before turning back to the other couple. “I don’t rlm@0: think I can give any advice. Things just kinda happen. That’s how rlm@0: relationships go, I suppose. Even if it would be nice if they made rlm@0: more sense sometimes.” Sighing, she brushed back some curly hair. rlm@0: Watching the pink bunny in Yamazaki’s arms, Sakura felt his rlm@0: curiosity gnawing at him. “Where did you get that, Yamazaki-kun?” rlm@0: “This? His name is ‘Elephant’. Chiharu-chan won it for me at that rlm@0: booth over there. Chiharu-chan is very good at hitting things.” rlm@0: Chiharu sweatdropped. Yamazaki was very often a pathological liar, rlm@0: but for once she didn’t need to correct him. Of course, she could rlm@0: detect a hint of humor in his voice about the last part of it. “Yeah, rlm@0: it’s not that hard. They have some nice prizes back there. I collect rlm@0: stuffed animals, so I like to pick up some things whenever I go to rlm@0: places like this.” rlm@0: “Sugoi! Thanks!” Sakura smiled as he waved to the two, hurrying rlm@0: with Tomoyo close behind. It sounded perfect. What better way to rlm@0: remember their first date than a cute little stuffed animal? It did rlm@0: sound romantic. All he had to do was win something cute for the pale rlm@0: heiress. His emerald eyes burned with an enthusiastic determination rlm@0: as they hurried towards the booth. Unfortunately, someone was already rlm@0: there, a large pile of stuffed animals next to him. rlm@0: “I want that one next, Syaoran!” A Chinese girl pointed excitedly rlm@0: towards a large bear in the back of the booth. Meiling stood guard rlm@0: over the large pile of stuffed animals at her feet. She didn’t notice rlm@0: the approaching couple, nor did she care. She was on a date with rlm@0: Syaoran. That was all that mattered to her at the moment. And woe to rlm@0: anyone who decided to get in her way. But for the moment, her rlm@0: attention was focussed specifically on her fiance winning another rlm@0: prize for her. She could easily win them herself, but what was the rlm@0: point in that? She wanted them to come from Syaoran. Then they would rlm@0: be fit to decorate her room because they would come from the boy she rlm@0: loved. “Great job, Syaoran!” she cried out as the bear quickly joined rlm@0: the rest of the captive stuffed animals. She hugged the boy from rlm@0: behind, squeezing him tightly. rlm@0: Syaoran sighed as he pulled up a handful of rings again. “Which one rlm@0: do you want this time, Meiling?” He didn’t like being out here with rlm@0: all these people. He wasn’t an overly social person. Staying home rlm@0: would have been a perfectly fine night for him, but Meiling had rlm@0: insisted they go to the festival. She did seem to be enjoying rlm@0: herself. And she did look cute in the small, blue Chinese dress she rlm@0: wore. So maybe it wasn’t all bad. But Syaoran found himself pouring rlm@0: himself into the games rather than bothering with the social part of rlm@0: the whole setting. It was much easier to focus on the competition rlm@0: than the people. “Hello, Li-kun!” a voice piped up cheerfully near rlm@0: his ear. Turning to spy the owner of the voice, Syaoran frowned in rlm@0: irritation. Who was trying to distract him? He didn’t feel like rlm@0: dealing with whoever it was at the moment. He turned to glare at the rlm@0: intruder, but his cheeks flushed as he saw Sakura’s smiling face. He rlm@0: quickly looked away, back towards the booth. Sakura was one of his rlm@0: only friends at the school. Meiling was his best friend, of course, rlm@0: but Sakura was one of his only male friends. Sure, there was rlm@0: Yamazaki, but they were more acquaintances than friends. But Sakura rlm@0: was nice to him. Even after he had been such an asshole to the naïve rlm@0: Cardcaptor at first. And his increase in magical power had attracted rlm@0: him the same way Yukito’s magic had. Tomoyo must have noticed, rlm@0: because she had mentioned it every now and then. It embarrassed him rlm@0: greatly, though not quite as much as some of what Meiling did at rlm@0: school. rlm@0: “Wow!! You’ve done a great job, Li-kun!” Sakura looked at the huge rlm@0: pile of prizes Syaoran had won and the nearly bare walls of the booth rlm@0: he was playing at. “Could I try? I want to win something for Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan.” He smiled happily at the Chinese boy, Tomoyo by her side. He rlm@0: finally had some idea of where all that energy could go, of what to rlm@0: do about the building feelings inside of himself. And he could get rlm@0: something for Tomoyo on top of all that. Apparently Syaoran had rlm@0: thought the same thing. And Meiling looked very happy about it all. rlm@0: Sakura could see a superdeformed Tomoyo in his mind, hugging some rlm@0: cute stuffed animal tightly. Smiling determinedly, Sakura tried to rlm@0: spot something to aim for. rlm@0: Syaoran nodded dumbly, handing the rings over to Sakura. He thought rlm@0: about trying to win a prize to give to the other boy, but with rlm@0: Meiling present, he estimated that he would only live approximately rlm@0: two seconds after giving it to Sakura. Hardly enough time to see how rlm@0: the other boy would react. Sighing, he let his fiance drag him back rlm@0: from the booth and into a tight embrace. Feeling his frown disappear rlm@0: as Meiling rested against him, Syaoran watched the auburn haired boy rlm@0: getting ready to try. He would move to the next booth himself, but he rlm@0: didn’t know if Meiling was done with this one or not. rlm@0: Focusing on the task at hand, Sakura gripped onto one of the rings rlm@0: in front of him. Being pretty athletic, he was pretty good with most rlm@0: physical things. Tomoyo had once said that he could have even made rlm@0: the cheerleading team had he wanted to. Sakura was happy on the track rlm@0: team, though, so he had blushingly told the eccentric girl that he rlm@0: wouldn’t be switching anytime soon. But all of that didn’t make him rlm@0: any less nervous. He wasn’t just playing around with this. It wasn’t rlm@0: simply a diversion. It was for Tomoyo. That spurred him forward, as rlm@0: well as seeing the heiress watching from his right. Feeling the rlm@0: bubbling energy inside of him, Sakura tossed the ring. The small area rlm@0: around him went silent as it flew into the wall, bouncing off rlm@0: speedily. “Gomen nasai!” he apologized quickly, bowing. He wanted to rlm@0: use this as a chance to use all of those energetic feelings inside, rlm@0: but that had been a little too much. rlm@0: “That was amazing, Sakura-chan. I’m sure that would have made it rlm@0: all the way back home if the wall hadn’t stopped it,” Tomoyo said rlm@0: helpfully, as Sakura stood in embarrassment for a moment. She knew rlm@0: that Sakura was shy and easily embarrassed, despite his outgoing rlm@0: nature. She tried to give him all the support and love she could rlm@0: throughout everything he went through. It helped bolster that endless rlm@0: determination that welled up within the cute bishounen. rlm@0: Concentrating once more on the game in front of him, Sakura pulled rlm@0: up another ring. This time he would win Tomoyo a cute prize, just rlm@0: like Syaoran had for his girlfriend and Chiharu had for her rlm@0: boyfriend. He just had to concentrate. Again he saw the cute image of rlm@0: Tomoyo holding onto a stuffed animal in his mind, smiling warmly at rlm@0: him. His cheeks warm at the thought, Sakura let the ring fly off of rlm@0: his fingertips. He remembered the bear that Tomoyo had painstakingly rlm@0: crafted for him, that he held onto every night when he went to sleep, rlm@0: that went with him to all of his games. He wanted to give Tomoyo a rlm@0: cute stuffed animal to keep nearby as well. Something a little softer rlm@0: than an eraser. He watched anxiously as the ring appeared to fly in rlm@0: slow motion, spinning in the air like some magical disk. Though it rlm@0: had left his fingers, his mind and heart never left it as it skimmed rlm@0: through the air, begging the disk to make it, to land where it needed rlm@0: to. With a clang, it ricocheted past the poor booth owner. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Thank you again, Sakura-chan. It’s so lovely. I think it looks a rlm@0: bit like you,” Tomoyo stated thoughtfully, holding up the stuffed rlm@0: kangaroo next to Sakura’s embarrassed face. True enough, it did look rlm@0: a bit like the auburn haired boy. They stood next to Tomoyo’s rlm@0: limousine, her bodyguards waiting to take her back home. She didn't rlm@0: want to leave her darling Sakura yet, or ever for that matter. But at rlm@0: the same time, she couldn’t wait to recount the night’s wonders to rlm@0: her mother who was undoubtedly waiting for her only daughter’s return rlm@0: despite the fact that she had work the next day. It was a comforting rlm@0: thought to know that she had someone waiting for her to hear of what rlm@0: had happened and one of the only things that made the night ending rlm@0: bearable. Especially with no videotape to show for it. Tomoyo vowed rlm@0: to tape their second date. She would have to keep a record of such rlm@0: things. After all, what was more important than Sakura’s love life? rlm@0: “You’re welcome, Tomoyo-chan. I should have just bought you rlm@0: something instead. I can’t believe it took me seventeen tries. And rlm@0: for just a tiny kangaroo.” Sakura stared at the ground sheepishly. He rlm@0: was normally good at such things, but he just couldn’t focus while he rlm@0: had been playing the game. His mind kept going back to Tomoyo. rlm@0: Despite all of the energy swirling within him and his need to win rlm@0: something for the beautiful pale girl, he had kept missing. But that rlm@0: had always been a problem for him. He was very good at most athletic rlm@0: things he tried, but whenever he was distracted he would make a lot rlm@0: of mistakes. Tomoyo had told him it was cute, that she enjoyed that rlm@0: as much as she enjoyed when he was doing well. She had said she had a rlm@0: tape full of just his cute little mishaps. Somehow he didn’t find rlm@0: that very comforting. Tomoyo had a very strange idea of ‘cute’. rlm@0: But other than the trouble he’d had getting a hold of the stuffed rlm@0: animal, the night had been magical. He and Tomoyo had spent the whole rlm@0: night at the festival, simply enjoying each others company. In rlm@0: retrospect, Sakura could hardly remember who else had been there. It rlm@0: hardly seemed to matter. After a while, the huge crowds had just rlm@0: faded away, leaving the two of them amidst the beautiful night. There rlm@0: had been several embarrassing moments, but it had been a wonderful rlm@0: first date. Tomoyo had helped him through it all, getting rid of the rlm@0: nervousness that went along with a first date, taking that away and rlm@0: leaving him with a gloriously warm excitement. Now he again found rlm@0: himself unsure of what to say or what to do. He didn’t want Tomoyo to rlm@0: go. He didn’t want the night to end, for their date to have to come rlm@0: to a close. It was the most spectacular thing that had ever occurred rlm@0: in his life. It had a magic that his Cards couldn’t begin to contend rlm@0: with. “Tomoyo-chan,” he whispered at last. “I don’t want you to go.” rlm@0: “Neither do I, Sakura-chan,” Tomoyo replied, hugging the stuffed rlm@0: animal in her arms gingerly. “I don’t ever want to be away from rlm@0: Sakura-chan. I want to stay with you forever. But if I have to leave rlm@0: tonight, it’s only so the next night can come even quicker. Tonight rlm@0: was lovelier than anything I could ever have dreamed. I’m sure that rlm@0: hundreds of beautiful nights await you, Sakura-chan. I hope they’ll rlm@0: all come quickly.” Brushing Sakura’s cheek, Tomoyo smiled at the rlm@0: pretty boy, stormy blue eyes meeting emerald orbs. Her heart fought rlm@0: the idea of leaving her dearest Sakura for any reason whatsoever. She rlm@0: had to go home, she knew that. But logic didn’t often understand rlm@0: love. “The sooner I wake up, the sooner I can see you again. It’s rlm@0: like dreaming. The sooner you fall asleep, the sooner you can join rlm@0: your shining dreams.” rlm@0: “But I don’t want to dream.” Sakura sighed, placing his hand on top rlm@0: of Tomoyo’s pale one. He felt Tomoyo’s fingers trailing across his rlm@0: cheek. He smiled slowly. He felt bittersweet about the night ending. rlm@0: He didn’t want Tomoyo to go, but he couldn’t wait to collapse in bed rlm@0: and run it all over in his mind. Maybe he would tell Kero about it. rlm@0: And like Tomoyo had said, the sooner he went to sleep, the sooner rlm@0: they would be together again. “Arigato, Tomoyo-chan. For everything.” rlm@0: “You don’t have to thank me for anything, Sakura-chan. I love you. I rlm@0: only want to see you happy. If I can see you happy with me, then I rlm@0: can’t think of a sweeter gift. But this kangaroo comes close.” Tomoyo rlm@0: giggled softly as she held the kangaroo up in her other arm. She rlm@0: regretted not having such a lovely night on videotape, but it was rlm@0: something that she would always have burned into her mind’s eye. She rlm@0: wouldn’t be able to play it back on videotape, but that wasn’t so rlm@0: bad. It would be in her heart when she needed it. Her fingers slowly rlm@0: pulled away from Sakura’s cheek. “You’re so cute, Sakura-chan.” rlm@0: Blushing at Tomoyo’s compliment, the auburn haired boy stared at his rlm@0: sandal clad feet for a moment. Looking up again, he smiled at the rlm@0: pale girl before him. She was always telling him how cute he was, how rlm@0: handsome he looked. But she was easily the most gorgeous girl in rlm@0: school, or of anyone Sakura had ever seen. She was exquisitely rlm@0: beautiful, like a terribly delicate flower. He wanted to say rlm@0: something, to put a nice spin on the end of the night, but words rlm@0: stumbled in his mind. Finally, impulsively, he leaned forward and rlm@0: kissed the pale girl before him. If Tomoyo was startled, she didn’t rlm@0: show it. Sakura felt Tomoyo’s petal soft lips against his own, rlm@0: blushing intently at the feel of their kiss. Before he could pull rlm@0: away, he felt Tomoyo kiss him back. It was incredibly slow and rlm@0: rapturously sweet, taking the genki boy by surprise. His arms went rlm@0: around the petite heiress, pulling her closer as he kissed. Long, rlm@0: dark tresses brushed past him as Tomoyo’s hair came loose from some rlm@0: of the intricate braids. Warm lips kissed for what felt like a rlm@0: painfully short eternity before they finally pulled away. Sakura rlm@0: blinked as he watched the heiress before him, a red blush on her pale rlm@0: cheeks. “I love you, Tomoyo-chan,” he whispered. rlm@0: “I love you, too, Sakura-chan. I always have,” Tomoyo replied, rlm@0: giving Sakura a soft kiss once more before crawling back into the rlm@0: limousine. Smiling brightly, the overjoyed girl waved to Sakura. rlm@0: “Goodnight, Sakura-chan!” And with that, the long black car drove away. rlm@0: Sakura watched for a long time, his hand on his lips. “Hanyaan!” He rlm@0: smiled happily, his hands held tightly before him. What a perfect rlm@0: night! Of course, he doubted he would be able to get to sleep now. rlm@0: Especially after that kiss. It had been so... so... Sakura couldn’t rlm@0: begin to describe it as anything other than delicious. It had drawn rlm@0: him in, wrapping him up in those ribbons from Tomoyo’s heart. He had rlm@0: once heard that kissing was how two souls touched and now he was sure rlm@0: of it. rlm@0: “It sure looks like you had fun,” a voice said next to Sakura. rlm@0: “Onii-chan...!” Sakura turned quickly, his fists balled up, ready to rlm@0: explode at his older brother for watching. He immediately stopped rlm@0: when he looked. Where Touya should have been stood a large, white rlm@0: rabbit. It stared at him for a moment, it’s whiskers shifting as it rlm@0: tilted its head to the side. rlm@0: “I still think she looks like mom,” the rabbit was saying as Sakura rlm@0: fainted dead away. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: “... And then we kissed in the dream,” Sakura finished up, her hair rlm@0: a mess and her rollerskating a little off as she and Tomoyo headed rlm@0: for school. She shook her head in confusion. It had all felt so real, rlm@0: even the slow, soul warming kiss. Blushing, Sakura put a hand to her rlm@0: lips as she skated alongside her perceptive best friend. She had rlm@0: woken up in a daze, the dream lingering in her mind as she had rlm@0: struggled to get dressed. She had almost expected to find the boys’ rlm@0: school uniform waiting for her. Dressing quickly and ignoring Touya’s rlm@0: usual morning taunts, she had hurried to meet with Tomoyo on the way rlm@0: to school, eager to tell her friend about the bizarre dream. The rlm@0: patient heiress was always the first one she came to with her rlm@0: troubles, real or imagined. Like a loving mother or a gentle sister, rlm@0: Tomoyo would always help Sakura through whatever it was that had rlm@0: gotten to her. She was extremely important to Sakura, probably the rlm@0: most important person in her life. rlm@0: Tomoyo considered the dream for a long moment, holding her bookbag rlm@0: in front of her. Her long, high ponytail waved behind her as she rlm@0: walked. A pale hand rested on her chin as she thought. Sakura had rlm@0: come to her with strange dreams before, but none quite so bizarre as rlm@0: this one. “Did you like the kiss?” she asked at last, tilting her rlm@0: head to the side. rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan!!” Sakura’s face went crimson at Tomoyo’s words. She rlm@0: stared down at the street below, watching her rollerblades. How was rlm@0: she supposed to answer that? She had certainly liked the kiss. It had rlm@0: been a perfect end to a perfect night. But it had been with Tomoyo. rlm@0: And that was part of why it had been so perfect. But how was she rlm@0: supposed to put all of that into words? If only she were a boy things rlm@0: would make so much more sense. Especially things with Tomoyo. Just rlm@0: like her dream had shown her. It would be wonderful to be able to rlm@0: date Tomoyo, to spend all of her time with the pale girl. Too bad the rlm@0: dream hadn’t been real. Well, except the rabbit part. Sakura sighed rlm@0: as she continued skating. “Un, I liked the kiss. It was very nice,” rlm@0: she said quietly, blushing. “You were a really good kisser in the rlm@0: dream. It felt all.. hanyaan.” rlm@0: Sakura shuddered as she skated, remembering the kiss as best she rlm@0: could. rlm@0: Nodding thoughtfully, Tomoyo followed alongside Sakura. Now whereas rlm@0: kissing Sakura wasn’t an uncommon dream for Tomoyo, she was surprised rlm@0: to hear that Sakura had dreamt about it. Of course, dreams often made rlm@0: little sense, so it could be just about anything. But still... rlm@0: “Sakura-chan would make a very cute boy. You made a very good prince rlm@0: in the play last year. But I like you better as a girl. I think it’s rlm@0: much cuter that way. Besides, I’m not as good at designing boys’ rlm@0: clothes, so it’s easier for me this way. Of course, if Sakura-chan rlm@0: were a boy, I would just have to try harder with the costumes.” rlm@0: Tomoyo tilted her head to the side curiously, running the whole rlm@0: scenario over in her mind. It certainly was an interesting one. She rlm@0: sighed at last. “It’s too bad I can’t videotape Sakura-chan’s dreams. rlm@0: That sounds so cute!” rlm@0: Sakura sweatdropped as she watched her friend’s reaction. Why rlm@0: should she have guessed that Tomoyo would react that way? But then, rlm@0: the brunette didn’t think she would ever fully get used to the weird rlm@0: things Tomoyo said about her. “Even though we were dating? You would rlm@0: still want to watch that?” Sakura asked curiously. rlm@0: “Especially if we were dating. I haven’t gotten to record any of rlm@0: Sakura-chan’s love life other than her crushes. It would be so cute rlm@0: to record her actually dating and to see what happened. I would love rlm@0: to record every second of our dates if you asked me out,” Tomoyo rlm@0: explained, smiling her trademark smile. It sounded like such a lovely rlm@0: dream. Now why couldn’t she have more like that? It had everything, rlm@0: especially a cute romance with Sakura with the added allure of a kiss rlm@0: at the end. She sighed dreamily, gazing at her brunette friend. rlm@0: Shaking her head, Sakura looked ahead. Cherry blossoms danced and rlm@0: swirled ahead of them, oddly reminiscent of the dream she had had. It rlm@0: felt strange to hear that Tomoyo would agree to go out with her. But rlm@0: she was thrilled to hear it for some reason. Her mind wandered back rlm@0: to the dream again, to the date. She felt saddened that it had all rlm@0: been a dream, that they hadn’t shared that time together, that she rlm@0: couldn’t be with Tomoyo. It felt so empty. “If I were a boy, I would rlm@0: definitely ask you out, Tomoyo-chan. You’re so smart and pretty and rlm@0: fun. Whoever you date will be very lucky.” Sakura blinked rapidly, rlm@0: rubbing at her eyes. She didn’t know why she felt so desolate after rlm@0: that dream. But now that it was all over, she felt like she had lost rlm@0: something of vital importance and she couldn’t get it back. If only rlm@0: she were a boy, then she would ask Tomoyo out and they could relive rlm@0: all of that beautiful dream and what would have surely been to come. rlm@0: Tomoyo watched Sakura, stopping along underneath the trees. Sakura rlm@0: slowly came to a halt as well. Her emerald eyes shimmered with rlm@0: unspent tears. Tomoyo held Sakura’s hand in her own, looking up at rlm@0: the girl on rollerblades. “I wouldn’t want to date another boy. Or rlm@0: another girl. I wouldn’t want to date anyone who isn’t Sakura-chan.” rlm@0: She smiled sweetly up at the other girl, placing a hand on her cheek. rlm@0: She could feel a wet trail of a teardrop against her palm. Sakura rlm@0: sniffled again, another tear sliding down her other cheek. Tomoyo’s rlm@0: heart nearly snapped in two as she watched the lost and lonely look rlm@0: on Sakura’s face. She doubted that Sakura even understood why she was rlm@0: feeling the way she was. It still amazed the pale girl after what she rlm@0: had heard. It was a dream come true, but it felt unbearably painful rlm@0: to see it hurting her unknowing Sakura. Leaning forward, Tomoyo rlm@0: decided to show Sakura what she meant. After all, Sakura could be a rlm@0: little dense sometimes, but maybe she could find a way to explain rlm@0: things. She had promised to tell Sakura when they were older. rlm@0: Tomoyo’s lips kissed Sakura’s softly, her entire body tingling from rlm@0: the small touch. She slowly kissed the quietly crying girl, brushing rlm@0: away Sakura’s tears with her fingertips. The brunette’s lips quivered rlm@0: against her own as Sakura stood on the verge of sobbing openly. rlm@0: Pulling away after the short kiss, Tomoyo smiled at the brunette, rlm@0: both hands going to her wet cheeks. “I love you, Sakura-chan.” rlm@0: “Tomoyo-chan...” Sakura whispered quietly. Her voice almost caught rlm@0: in her throat, coming out painfully. It wasn’t until then that she rlm@0: realized she was crying. Warm tears spilt past her cheeks, dripping rlm@0: down her chin. She sniffled weakly. “Tomoyo-chan!” She cried out, rlm@0: grasping onto the pale girl. She hung tightly onto her best friend, rlm@0: shaking in her grasp. She felt her body begin to relax as Tomoyo rlm@0: began to rub her back gently. Letting out a choked breath, Sakura rlm@0: hiccuped, her sobbing slowly trailing off. Hiccuping again, Sakura rlm@0: stood at arms length from Tomoyo, wiping at her eyes. She smiled rlm@0: warmly after wiping away her tears. “I.. I love you, too, Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan.” Tomoyo’s demeanor shifted in those few seconds. Sakura rlm@0: couldn’t quite tell what had changed about Tomoyo, but the pale girl rlm@0: seemed to glow with the light of an angel, a radiant joy cascading rlm@0: off of her. She looked simply gorgeous. Sakura stood in stunned rlm@0: silence for a moment before shaking her head. Something seemed wrong. rlm@0: Like she hadn’t quite finished everything. But what...? Oh! “Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan, I.. umm.. I was wondering..” Sakura took a deep breath. She had rlm@0: already done this once, even if it had only been a dream. Seeing rlm@0: those shining stormy blue orbs, Sakura pushed forward. “Tomoyo-chan, rlm@0: will you go out with me?” she asked quickly. rlm@0: Tomoyo didn’t miss a beat, though she was wondering how easy it rlm@0: would be to have a heart attack from what had happened in just the rlm@0: last few minutes. At least she’d die happy. “I would love to go out rlm@0: with you, Sakura-chan,” the heiress sang joyously. The look of relief rlm@0: that spread across Sakura’s face made her heart melt. She would have rlm@0: been happy to help Sakura throughout her life no matter what rlm@0: happened, but it seemed infinitely better to be there with Sakura for rlm@0: it. She wasn’t thinking about where the date would take place or rlm@0: when. Such things were trivial. It was that Sakura had asked that rlm@0: mattered. It was that they would. rlm@0: Smiling delightedly, Sakura once again began for school, skating rlm@0: alongside Tomoyo, hand in hand. “Hanyaan..” she whispered. The dream rlm@0: seemed incredibly far away now, only a distant shadow. Life could be rlm@0: endlessly more fascinating than even the most beautiful dreams. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kero: Now it’s time for Kero-chan’s Corner!! Hi, everybody! Did you rlm@0: have fun? Did you all follow the adventures of boy Sakura and his rlm@0: date with Tomoyo? We all know it would have been better if I had been rlm@0: able to give Sakura-chan that advice I was talking about earlier. But rlm@0: maybe this time she’ll ask me about it, ne? Anyway, for today, we’ll rlm@0: check out Sakura’s clothes. Basically, they were just the boys’ rlm@0: school uniform and a cute shirt and shorts. She also wore her yukata, rlm@0: but I wasn’t in that scene, so does it even matter? Remember what rlm@0: happened to the girl who got everything she ever wanted. She lived rlm@0: happily ever after. Bai bai!! rlm@0: rlm@0: Next Episode: rlm@0: Sakura: Syaoran’s lost the engagement ring he was going to give rlm@0: Meiling. Can I help him find it before Meiling finds out? Also, Kero rlm@0: eats cake. And lots of it. And will all of this talk of marriage get rlm@0: Tomoyo thinking? Hoe.. I’m too young to get married! Next on rlm@0: Cardcaptor Sakura: ‘Sakura and the Engagement Ring’. Let’s watch it rlm@0: together. Release!! rlm@0: .