rlm@0: I don't own these characters or profit from them. rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Understanding rlm@0: By, Clayton Overstreet rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura and Madison walked hand in hand to school. The weekend before rlm@0: they rlm@0: had finally admitted to eachother that they were in love. (You can pick rlm@0: just rlm@0: about any other Tomoyo/Madison Sakura fic to fill in this part.) They rlm@0: had rlm@0: told their friends, who had said they understood, and had thought that rlm@0: was rlm@0: the end of it. They were wrong. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura first began to notice something was wrong in first period. She rlm@0: kept rlm@0: getting odd feelings and when she looked up a lot of people were rlm@0: quickly rlm@0: looking away from either her or Madison. Blushing, she focused on her rlm@0: work rlm@0: and listening to Miss Makinzy explain the lesson. It wasn't easy. rlm@0: When the class was done Miss Makinzy announced that it was time to go rlm@0: out rlm@0: for break. Madison and Sakura walked out to the play ground and sat rlm@0: down by rlm@0: the sand pit where the volley ball net was set up. rlm@0: Madison looked over at Sakura and smiled nervously. "Is it just me or rlm@0: were rlm@0: we the focus of a lot of attention." rlm@0: Sakura shook her head. "It wasn't just you. I think we would probably rlm@0: get rlm@0: less attntion if we told them about the card captor thing." rlm@0: Madison smiled sadly. "You know Sakura if you want to stop now I rlm@0: would rlm@0: understand." rlm@0: Sakura smiled and shook her head. "You know better than that Madison. rlm@0: I rlm@0: love you and what anybody else thinks doesn't matter one bit." rlm@0: Madison smiled and hugged her. "Thank you Sakura. I don't know what rlm@0: I'd do rlm@0: without you." rlm@0: Sakura giggled. "You'd die of lonelyness, just like I would. Now come rlm@0: on, rlm@0: let's get back to class alright?" rlm@0: Madison nodded and they both got up. As they walked back to the rlm@0: classroom rlm@0: they were both accutely aware of the stares of most of the other kids rlm@0: on the rlm@0: play ground. Despite this they both kept smiling and holding hands. rlm@0: Sakura rlm@0: and Madison had both faced down everything from the fly card to the rlm@0: thunder rlm@0: card. Neither of them were afraid of a few odd looks. rlm@0: rlm@0: The rest of the day went pretty much the same. Hushed whispers, rlm@0: strange rlm@0: looks, and some laughter behind their backs. They were both intensely rlm@0: relieved when the lunch bell rang. Madison and Sakura sat down at their rlm@0: usual table and began to eat. When Nikki and the others started to walk rlm@0: past rlm@0: them Sakura called out, "Hey, are you going to sit with us or what?" rlm@0: The other girls looked at her nervously and Nikki stepped forward. rlm@0: "Well rlm@0: Sakura, like we said we understand about you two and all that. But rlm@0: well, we rlm@0: still like guys. And if we sit with you they might think..." rlm@0: Sakura frowned and was about to tell them just how stupid that was rlm@0: when rlm@0: Madison put her hand on Sakura's arm. "That's alright Nikki. We rlm@0: understand. rlm@0: See you later alright?" rlm@0: They other girls nodded and walked away. Nikki stopped and glanced rlm@0: back, rlm@0: then continued after the others. rlm@0: Sakura frowned. "That is so dumb! I can't believe that they think rlm@0: that rlm@0: just hanging out with us..." rlm@0: Madison smiled pleasantly. "Well they're right Sakura. You've seen rlm@0: how rlm@0: people have been acting around us. For the next few weeks at least this rlm@0: is rlm@0: going to be a big deal. We just have to give them time to get used to rlm@0: it." rlm@0: Sakura sighed and took a bite of her food. "I know you're right rlm@0: Madison. rlm@0: It wasn't like it was easy for us either. But still..." rlm@0: Madison nodded and began eating too. Suddenly Lee and Maylin sat down rlm@0: infront of them. Maylin smiled and Lee looked at them with his usual rlm@0: grim rlm@0: face. "Hey Avalon, what's up?" rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Aren't you afraid that sitting with us will damage rlm@0: your rlm@0: popularity?" rlm@0: Lee shook his head. "We didn't move down here to be popular. Anyway rlm@0: you rlm@0: two are our only real friends around here, so who cares what anybody rlm@0: else rlm@0: thinks." rlm@0: Madison looked at him suprised. "That's awfully nice of you Lee." rlm@0: Maylin nodded. "Well he's right. And anyway it's not like he has rlm@0: anyone to rlm@0: impress." She leaned her head on Lee's shoulder. Lee rolled his eyes rlm@0: but rlm@0: Maylin ignored it. rlm@0: Sakura smiled at them. "Well thanks you guys. I was begining to rlm@0: wonder if rlm@0: we had any real friends left." rlm@0: They ate the rest of their meals and talked about the cards they had rlm@0: been rlm@0: capturing lately. "So how many are left?" Madison asked. rlm@0: "About fifteen I think." Sakura said. She looked over at Lee. "There rlm@0: were rlm@0: fifty two to start with right?" rlm@0: Lee nodded. "Yes. You know Avalon you really need to study magic if rlm@0: you rlm@0: want to be a good card captor." rlm@0: Sakura blushed and looked down. "Well Kero has been teaching me, but rlm@0: it rlm@0: takes a while. You two have been studying it all your lives." rlm@0: Maylin frowned. "You've still got an edge on me. I can't even capture rlm@0: the rlm@0: cards." rlm@0: Madison looked at her. "Well neither can I, but Sakura is always rlm@0: telling rlm@0: me that she couldn't do it without my help." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Yeah, both of you help out alot Maylin. Even if you rlm@0: can't rlm@0: use magic, right Lee?" rlm@0: Lee grunted and took a bite of his food. Maylin, however, seemed to rlm@0: be in rlm@0: a better mood and the conversation turned to more pleasant topics. The rlm@0: good rlm@0: mood lasted almost until the end of lunch. rlm@0: As they were heading back to class, one of the boys that they didn't rlm@0: knwo rlm@0: very well made a comment. Sakura didn't hear much of it, but what she rlm@0: did rlm@0: hear was her and Madison's names and the phrase 'carpet muncher'. rlm@0: Lee immediately punched the guy in the face before Sakura or Madison rlm@0: could rlm@0: stop him. "When you insult my friends you insult me." He tried to go rlm@0: after rlm@0: the guy again but Sakura and Madison were holding him back. rlm@0: "Lee stop it right now!" Sakura, Madison, and Maylin said at the same rlm@0: time. rlm@0: Lee looked at them confused. "But he..." rlm@0: Sakura shook her head. "Lee I appriciate you trying to defend us, but rlm@0: you rlm@0: can't do things like that." rlm@0: Madison nodded. "She's right Lee. You can't be there every time rlm@0: something rlm@0: like this happens. Just let us handle it alright? You'll just end up rlm@0: getting rlm@0: into trouble." rlm@0: Lee stopped struggling, especially since the guy had run away. He rlm@0: looked rlm@0: at both of then, then bowed. "You're right, I'm sorry." rlm@0: Maylin smiled and held his arm. "Still Lee, it was very gallant of rlm@0: you to rlm@0: do that. Would you do the same for me Lee?" rlm@0: Lee blushed and the three girls laughed at him. Just then the bell rlm@0: rang rlm@0: and they turned to go back to class. On the way in Miss Makinzy looked rlm@0: at rlm@0: them. "I want to talk to the four of you after class." They all looked rlm@0: down rlm@0: and nodded. "Yes Miss Makinzy." rlm@0: rlm@0: After the other students had been excused Sakura, Madison, Maylin, rlm@0: and Lee rlm@0: stood infront of Miss Makinzy's desk. "I saw what happend today durring rlm@0: lunch. That wasn't a very smart thing to do Lee." rlm@0: Lee looked down ebarrassed and frowned. "I'm sorry." rlm@0: Miss Makinzy laughed. "You don't have anything to be sorry for Lee." rlm@0: They rlm@0: all looked up at her suprised. "It's been a long time since I saw rlm@0: chivalry rlm@0: like that. But like Sakura said, you can't fight someone's battle for rlm@0: them." rlm@0: She looked at Madison and Sakura. "And it is going to be a battle you rlm@0: know. It hasn't been easy for either of you two has it?" rlm@0: They shook their heads and Sakura said, "No, but I'm not ready to rlm@0: give up rlm@0: just because of what somebody else thinks." rlm@0: Madison nodded. "Me either." rlm@0: Miss Makinzy smiled. "You know I envy all of you. And not just for rlm@0: the rlm@0: cards either. Very few people find someone who loves them enough to go rlm@0: through this sort of thing. And even fewer have friends that will stand rlm@0: with rlm@0: them." rlm@0: Sakura dn Madison smiled at Lee and Maylin who stood looking stunned. rlm@0: Miss rlm@0: Makinzy smiled and pointed towards the door. "You may be excused now. I rlm@0: will rlm@0: see you all tommorow." rlm@0: They all nodded and headed towards the door. Madison and Sakura rlm@0: smiled at rlm@0: eachother and said goodbye to Maylin and Lee, then bagan walking rlm@0: towards rlm@0: Sakura's house. rlm@0: rlm@0: When they arrived at Sakura's home Kero was waiting to be fed. "I'm rlm@0: starving. Why were you two so late getting back from school?" Sakura rlm@0: and rlm@0: Madison told him what happened. Kero was actually quite impressed with rlm@0: Lee's rlm@0: actions. "I didn't think he had it in him. Back in Clow Reed's time rlm@0: that was rlm@0: the standard of course. He must have been taught very well." rlm@0: Sakura shook her head and handed him a sandwich. "Well this isn't rlm@0: then. If rlm@0: we don't handle our own problems then they will just get bigger." rlm@0: Kero nodded. "You're right of course. But so was your teacher. This rlm@0: isn't rlm@0: going to be easy for either of you." rlm@0: Madison smiled and scratched Kero behind the ears. "Don't worry Kero, rlm@0: I'm rlm@0: sure we can handle it. Right Sakura?" rlm@0: "Right Madison." Sakura hugged both of them. "Thanks for helping out rlm@0: though Kero." rlm@0: Kero smiled and ate his sandwich. "No problem kid." rlm@0: They went to the livingroom and watched television until Sakura's rlm@0: brother rlm@0: and father came home. After that Madison called her mother for a ride rlm@0: home. rlm@0: When Madison's mother arrived and she was leaving Madison turned back rlm@0: to rlm@0: Sakura and the two kissed goodbye. "See you tommorow Sakura." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Bye Madison. See you on the way to school." rlm@0: Once Madison was gone Sakura turned back to see her father and Tory rlm@0: standing behind her. "Something you want to tell us Sakura?" Mr. Avalon rlm@0: asked. rlm@0: Sakura blushed. "Well Madison and I have kind of... become a couple." rlm@0: Both of them looked at her suprised. Tory frowned and asked her, "Why rlm@0: didn't you tell us?" rlm@0: Sakura looked at them. "Well it only happened this weekend. And I've rlm@0: been rlm@0: having a few problems at school so I just really didn't thinka bout rlm@0: it." rlm@0: Tory smiled and nodded. "I see. Well that's understandable I suppose, rlm@0: right dad?" rlm@0: Her father frowned and looked at her. "What kind of probelms at rlm@0: school?" rlm@0: Sakura told him about how her friends had decided not to sit with rlm@0: them any rlm@0: more and about what happened durring lunch. "It's no big deal really." rlm@0: Her dad seemed unconvinced. "Sakura I'm not sure if this is a good rlm@0: idea. I rlm@0: mean you're a little young to know what love is and you might be rlm@0: deluding rlm@0: yourself. Maybe you should think about not seeing her for a while." rlm@0: Sakura looked at him in shock. "Dad, I know what I'm doing. Madison rlm@0: makes rlm@0: me happier than anyone else in the world and I am not going to stop rlm@0: seeing rlm@0: her." rlm@0: Tory started to say something in Sakura's defense, but her dad cut rlm@0: him rlm@0: off. "Sakura I think that maybe you should go to your room to think rlm@0: about rlm@0: this. I'll send Tory up with your dinner later." rlm@0: Sakura looked at her father, feeling like he was betraying her. A rlm@0: tear rlm@0: trickled down her cheek and without another word she ran up the stairs rlm@0: to rlm@0: her room. rlm@0: Tory looked at his dad and said, "Weren't you a bit hard on her?" rlm@0: He shook his head. "No, I don't think so. She's just a kid. This way rlm@0: will rlm@0: spare her a lot of pain." rlm@0: Tory frowned and walked to the kitchen. "I'm going to make dinner." rlm@0: rlm@0: When they got home Madison's mother asked her to wait a second before rlm@0: going upstairs. "Madison... I think we need to talk about you and rlm@0: Sakura." rlm@0: Madison sat down on the couch and looekd at her. "What do you mean?" rlm@0: "Well, when I was younger I had a crush on Sakura's mother, so I know rlm@0: what rlm@0: you're going through. I don't think you should keep seeing Sakura." rlm@0: Madison looked at her. "Why? I mean I've been in love with her for rlm@0: years rlm@0: and now we're finally together. I'm not going to give her up for no rlm@0: reason." rlm@0: Her mother bit her lip. "Madison, I'm just trying to spare you some rlm@0: of the rlm@0: pain I went through. I mean eventualy she might decide that she wants rlm@0: to rlm@0: have a baby Madison." rlm@0: Madison looked down sadly, then shook her head. "I don't care. We'll rlm@0: deal rlm@0: with thatever comes up." rlm@0: Her mother frowned. "I'm sorry Madison, but I can't let you do that. rlm@0: I'm rlm@0: going to arrange for home schooling now and I want you to not see rlm@0: Sakura for rlm@0: a while." rlm@0: Madison looked up at her in shock. "You can't do that!" rlm@0: Her mother shook her head. "It's for your own good Madison." rlm@0: "But mom I..." Madison began. rlm@0: "I've already decided Madison." She said. rlm@0: Madison gritted her teeth and ran up the stairs to her room. Her rlm@0: mother rlm@0: watched her go. rlm@0: rlm@0: The cell phone in Sakura's room rang. Smiling she picked it up. rlm@0: "Madison?" rlm@0: "Yeah, it's me Sakura. You aren't going to believe this, but my mom rlm@0: wants rlm@0: me to stop seeing you." Madison said. rlm@0: Sakura sighed. "My dad is the same way. I can't believe them. It's rlm@0: none of rlm@0: their business anyway." rlm@0: Madison laughed. "You're right. But my mom is saying that she is rlm@0: going to rlm@0: make me take home schooling so I won't see you." rlm@0: Sakura gasped. "She can't do that, I mean it's totaly unfair. I don't rlm@0: believe... hold on a second, my brother is at the door." She stuffed rlm@0: the rlm@0: phone under her pillow. "Come in Tory." rlm@0: Tory came in carrying a tray of food. "Hey squirt. Here's your rlm@0: dinner." rlm@0: She smiled. "Mmm, smells good." rlm@0: He turned to leave and then stopped and looked back at her. "You know rlm@0: I rlm@0: think dad was totaly wrong." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Thanks Tory." rlm@0: He smiled. "No problem. I'll talk to him tommorow after he's had some rlm@0: time rlm@0: to think alright?" He turned and left, closing the door behind him. rlm@0: Once he was gone Sakura picked the phone up again. "Wow, you're rlm@0: brother is rlm@0: being really good about this." Madison said. rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "I know. I mean he teases me a lot, but he's a really rlm@0: cool rlm@0: guy some times." rlm@0: Sakura nodded and took a bite of her food. "So what are we going to rlm@0: do?" rlm@0: Madison sounded uncertain. "I don't know Sakura. I mean what can we rlm@0: do?" rlm@0: Sakura was thinking about it when she heard a door open on the other rlm@0: end rlm@0: of the line. In the background she could hear Madison's mother. rlm@0: "Madison I rlm@0: thought I had made myself clear. Give me that phone right now." rlm@0: Sakura listened while the phone exchanged hands. After a second rlm@0: Madison's rlm@0: mother said, "Sakura? I would really appriciate it if you would leave rlm@0: Madison alone for a while." rlm@0: Sakura frowned. "Why? We've been best friends since we were kids." rlm@0: "You are still kids. You're too young for this kind of relationship. rlm@0: Now rlm@0: please just leave her alone." She hung the phone up, leaving Sakura rlm@0: just rlm@0: sitting there. rlm@0: Sakura tried to call back, but it was turrned off. When she called rlm@0: the rlm@0: house number the operator told her that the call was blocked. She rlm@0: looked at rlm@0: Kero who had been sitting on the dresser. "This is so unfair. How can rlm@0: she do rlm@0: something like this?" rlm@0: Kero shrugged. "She wants what she thinks is best. for the two of rlm@0: you. The rlm@0: question is, what are you going to do about it?" rlm@0: Sakura frowned and bit her lip. Suddenly the clow book opened and the rlm@0: cards flew out to surround her. "Kero, what's going on?" rlm@0: Kero nodded. "The cards want to help you Sakura." rlm@0: Sakura frowned and looked at them, then nodded. "Alright, then I know rlm@0: what rlm@0: I have to do." rlm@0: rlm@0: Madison sat in her room crying into her pillow. All the videos, rlm@0: drawings, rlm@0: and pictures she had of Sakura had been confinscated by her mother. She rlm@0: had rlm@0: taken away her cell phone and even went so far as to delete all of the rlm@0: pictures of Sakura that Madison had on her computer. rlm@0: Her door creaked as it opened slightly. "I don't want to talk to you rlm@0: right rlm@0: now." rlm@0: The door opened a bit more, but nobody answered. When she looked up rlm@0: instead of her mother she saw the visible form of the sleep card rlm@0: peeking rlm@0: around her door. Madison gasped and her face broke into a huge grin. rlm@0: "Is rlm@0: Sakura here?" rlm@0: The sleep card nodded and flew into the room, avoiding her so that rlm@0: she rlm@0: didn't fall asleep too. It pointed to the window. Madison got up and rlm@0: walked rlm@0: over to the window and opened it. The sleep card flew out and up. rlm@0: Looking rlm@0: outside Madison saw Sakura flying just above her roof. rlm@0: "Hi Madison, care to go on a little trip?" Sakura whipsered. rlm@0: Madison looked at her worriedly. "You mean like run away." rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "Not forever, but maybe long enough to let our parents rlm@0: know rlm@0: we're serious. If you don't want to we won't." rlm@0: Madison smiled. "Just wait a second while I get my coat and cammera." rlm@0: Madison ducked back inside while Sakura put the sleep card away. She rlm@0: peeked out her door and saw some of the house staff asleep on the rlm@0: floor. rlm@0: Quickly she went back into her room and walked to the window. "How do I rlm@0: get rlm@0: to you? If you land in the yard the security system will go off." rlm@0: Sakura smiled and pulled out the float card. She landed on the roof rlm@0: and rlm@0: used it to levitate Madison up to her. When she got there Madison rlm@0: hugged her rlm@0: tightly. "You're my hero Sakura." rlm@0: Sakura hugged her back. "And you're my princess Madison. Come on, rlm@0: let's rlm@0: go." rlm@0: They both got onto the wand and flew off into the night. A cold wind rlm@0: brushed over them and Madison scooted closer to her. "It's cold rlm@0: tonight." rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "Yeah. We need to find some place to go." rlm@0: Madison thought for a minute. "Maybe Lee and Maylin would let us stay rlm@0: at rlm@0: their place." rlm@0: Sakura shook her head. "I don't think so. Their guardian might not rlm@0: want to rlm@0: get involved." rlm@0: Madison sighed and buried her face in Sakura's hair. "Maybe Miss rlm@0: Makinzy rlm@0: would help." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "That's a great idea Madison." The wand banked to the rlm@0: left rlm@0: and they headed towards Miss Makinzy's house. When they got there they rlm@0: landed and walked over to the door. rlm@0: Sakura reached up and knocked on the door softly. After a minute Miss rlm@0: Makinzy opened it and smiled at them. "Sakura. Madison. What are you rlm@0: doing rlm@0: here so late? Come on in before you get sick." rlm@0: They followed her inside and into the living room. Once there Miss rlm@0: Makinzy rlm@0: motioned for them to sit on the couch. "Now to what do I owe this rlm@0: visit?" rlm@0: Sakura and Madison looked at her nervously. "We were wondering if rlm@0: maybe we rlm@0: could stay with you for a couple of days." rlm@0: Miss Makinzy looked at them in suprise. "What's wrong with your own rlm@0: homes?" rlm@0: They told her what had happened and how their parents were acting. rlm@0: She rlm@0: listend quietly until they were finished. "So we were hoping you'd help rlm@0: us. rlm@0: If you want we could do chores for you around here." Sakura said. rlm@0: "And we'll do whatever school work you want to give us." Madison rlm@0: added. rlm@0: Miss Makinzy smiled. "Well that is a very tempting offer, but you rlm@0: know I rlm@0: can't do that." Sakura and Madison looked down sadly. "But what I can rlm@0: do it rlm@0: talk to your parents. I may be able to convince them to listen." rlm@0: Sakura looked up at her gratefully. "Would you? That would be so rlm@0: great." rlm@0: Madison nodded her agreement. "Yeah." rlm@0: Miss Makinzy smiled. "Look, why don't you two have some cookies while rlm@0: I rlm@0: call your parents?" The girls smiled and Miss Makinzy brought in a rlm@0: plate of rlm@0: cookies for them. rlm@0: While they were eating Madison looked down at the coffee table. "Hey rlm@0: Sakura, doesn't that pattern look familiar?" rlm@0: Sakura looked down and stared in amazement. "It's a lazen board! Does rlm@0: everyone have one of these except me?" rlm@0: Madison giggled, then they both stopped as they heard miss Makinzy on rlm@0: the rlm@0: phone. "Yes, they are both here. Yes they are safe. No I will not make rlm@0: them rlm@0: go to seperate rooms. Please, will you please come here and talk to me rlm@0: in rlm@0: person? I don't think that will work. They would just run away again. rlm@0: No, I rlm@0: got them to agree to not do it if you are willing to come talk about rlm@0: it. rlm@0: Alright. I'll see you in a little bit. Good bye." rlm@0: She walked back into the room and smiled at them, taking a cookie rlm@0: for rlm@0: herself. "It seems Madison's mother was already at your house Sakura. rlm@0: They rlm@0: are both on their way here now." rlm@0: Sakura bit her lip and looked up at her. "Do you think we should be rlm@0: here rlm@0: when you talk to them? It might help." rlm@0: She shook her head. "No. I know it doesn't seem fair to keep you two rlm@0: out rlm@0: of the conversation, but I think it will be easier to get them to rlm@0: listen to rlm@0: me if the two of you remain out of sight until we are done." rlm@0: Madison took Sakura's hand and squeesed it slightly. "I see what you rlm@0: mean rlm@0: Miss Makinzy, but still it is about us..." Sakura nodded and squeesed rlm@0: Madison's hand back. rlm@0: Miss Makinzy looked at then, then nodded. "Alright, but not at first. rlm@0: I'll rlm@0: call you down when it's time. Is that good enought?" rlm@0: They looked at eachother, then back at her and nodded. "Thank you rlm@0: Miss rlm@0: Makinzy." rlm@0: She smiled. "It's no problem. It actually makes me feel pretty good rlm@0: that rlm@0: you came to me with this. Your friends Lee and Maylin still don't quite rlm@0: trust me." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Well maybe if you weren't so mysterious all the time. rlm@0: By rlm@0: the way, this is a lazen board right?" She pointed to the table. "Where rlm@0: do I rlm@0: get one of these?" rlm@0: Miss Makinzy smiled. "I may be able to get you one later. I take it rlm@0: you rlm@0: feel you could use one?" rlm@0: Sakura nodded and nervously rubbed the spot in her jakect where the rlm@0: Clow rlm@0: book was hidden. She was glad Kero had decided to stay at home. rlm@0: They spent some time talking, killing time until their parents showed rlm@0: up. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura's father and Madison's mother drove to Miss Makinzy's house in rlm@0: the rlm@0: same car. She had woken up after the other people in her house and rlm@0: since rlm@0: they didn't want to get into trouble, they hadn't told her. When she rlm@0: had rlm@0: gone to check on Madison and found her missing nobody coudl figure out rlm@0: where rlm@0: she had gone since the security system had not been set off. rlm@0: She had gone to Sakura's house immediately, only to find that Sakura rlm@0: had rlm@0: been missing too. Sakura's father told her what had happened with him rlm@0: and rlm@0: Sakura. She admitted that a similar conversation had happened between rlm@0: her rlm@0: and her daughter. Just them Miss Makinzy had called to tell them that rlm@0: the rlm@0: girls had gone to see her. Both parents had immediately asked that the rlm@0: two rlm@0: be separated, but the teacher had refused. As they left Tory had looked rlm@0: at rlm@0: them and said, "You are both wrong. You should let them make their own rlm@0: decisions." Both parents left without saying anything to him. rlm@0: As they drove to her house Sakura's father said, "I think this is all rlm@0: your rlm@0: fault." rlm@0: She looked at him. "My fault?" rlm@0: He nodded. "I know about that thing you had about my wife." rlm@0: She frowned. "But I didn't even tell Madison about that. And anyway I rlm@0: told rlm@0: Madison that it would be best for all conserned if they stopped seeing rlm@0: eachother." rlm@0: "Well that's what I told Sakura." He said. rlm@0: The rest of the drive was very quiet and when they arrived at Miss rlm@0: Makinzy's house. They got out of the car and knocked on the door. rlm@0: Inside rlm@0: they heard what sounded like two people running up the stairs. Then rlm@0: Miss rlm@0: Makinzy opened the door. She smiled at them and asked them to come in. rlm@0: "Actually I was wondering if I might just get my daughter and go." rlm@0: Mrs. rlm@0: Taylor said. rlm@0: Miss Makinzy shook her head. "As I told Mr.Avalon the girls only rlm@0: agreed to rlm@0: wait here for you to show up if I would talk with you. Otherwise they rlm@0: will rlm@0: just run away again." rlm@0: They both followed her inside. "Look, we didn't want to hurt them. We rlm@0: just rlm@0: feel that it would be best if they just... waited a few years." rlm@0: Sakura's dad rlm@0: said. rlm@0: Miss Makinzy looked at him seriously. "And I suppose what they want rlm@0: means rlm@0: nothing?" rlm@0: Madison's mom shook her head. "I know what they are going through. I rlm@0: don't rlm@0: want my daughter to go through what I did." rlm@0: From upstairs Sakura and Madison listened while the adults talked. rlm@0: Miss Makinzy nodded. "I see, but I don't think this is the same rlm@0: situation. rlm@0: I have seen them at school and while they have been having their rlm@0: problems, rlm@0: both Sakura and Madison have been handling it well. Their friends have rlm@0: been rlm@0: helping them out." rlm@0: Mr. Avalon rubbed his chin. "Still this is rather unusual. I mean... rlm@0: well rlm@0: you know." rlm@0: Miss Makinzy smiled. "Yes, I do know. But still that is a choice they rlm@0: had rlm@0: to make and it probably wasn't easy for either of them. Don't you think rlm@0: you rlm@0: should let them decide how to do this?" rlm@0: Mrs. Taylor looked at her. "Well neither of them seem to be here do rlm@0: they?" rlm@0: Miss Makinzy shook her head. "Actually they want to talk to both of rlm@0: you rlm@0: about it. Girls, you can come down now." rlm@0: Sakura and Madison held eachother's hands as they walked down the rlm@0: stairs. rlm@0: When they reached the living room their parents looked at them. "You rlm@0: two are rlm@0: in a lot of trouble." Mr. Avalon said. rlm@0: Sakura looked down. "I know." rlm@0: Mrs. Taylor looked at Madison. "How did you get passed the security rlm@0: system?" rlm@0: "Magic." Madison answered honestly. rlm@0: Her mother looked mad, but Miss Makinzy interupted. "Let's leave that rlm@0: for rlm@0: another time. Girls, I think you wanted to tell them something." rlm@0: Both parents waited, watching their daughters. Sakura bit her lip and rlm@0: looked at them. "Well we think what you are doing is totaly unfair. I rlm@0: mean rlm@0: we tell you that we love eachother and instead of being happy for us rlm@0: you are rlm@0: pulling a Romeo and Juliet routeen." rlm@0: Madison nodded. "Yeah. We have enough problems as it is without you rlm@0: two rlm@0: trying to keep us apart. I mean mom, I know it didn't work out with rlm@0: you. But rlm@0: Sakura isn't her mother and I'm not you." rlm@0: Sakura spoke up, "Yeah. You can't judge how we're going to end up rlm@0: just rlm@0: because of what happened to you." She looked at her father. "And dad, I rlm@0: know rlm@0: you think we're too young, but I love Madison. Just as much as I love rlm@0: you rlm@0: and Tory." rlm@0: They stood there in silence for a minute. Then Miss Makinzy said, rlm@0: "Girls, rlm@0: why don't you go back upstairs for a minute while your parents talk?" rlm@0: They both nodded and turned to go upstairs. As they did Sakura and rlm@0: Madison rlm@0: held eachother close and stopped at the edge of the living room to look rlm@0: back rlm@0: at their parents. Then they left the room and went back to the top of rlm@0: the rlm@0: stairs. rlm@0: Mr. Avalon sighed. "They're right of course." rlm@0: Mrs. Taylor nodded. "Yeah, but that won't make it any easier on them. rlm@0: I rlm@0: mean people will talk and then there is the physical aspect..." rlm@0: He shook his head. "I know. And here I always thought Tory and I rlm@0: would rlm@0: have to keep boys away from her." He looked at Miss Makinzy. "You're rlm@0: sure rlm@0: they handled the school stuff alright?" rlm@0: She nodded. "Yes sir. In fact when one of their friends tried to rlm@0: defend rlm@0: them from a rude comment, they stopped him and insisted that they could rlm@0: handle it themselves. Your daughters are very grown up." rlm@0: He smiled. "I know. But still..." He looked at Madison's mom. rlm@0: "I don't see what we can do. After all if we try to keep them apart rlm@0: they rlm@0: might run away again. And next time they might not come to someone who rlm@0: will rlm@0: tell us where they are." She said. rlm@0: Miss Makinzy looked at them seriously. "I will promise you that there rlm@0: is rlm@0: nothing you can do to keep them apart. After all, didn't you say that rlm@0: some rlm@0: how Madison got out of your house with the security system, your rlm@0: bodyguards, rlm@0: and all that?" rlm@0: Mrs. Taylor nodded. "Yes. And anyway if they are really happy rlm@0: together I rlm@0: don't suppose it would be right to force them." rlm@0: He agreed and glanced the way the girls had gone. "So we just let rlm@0: them rlm@0: work it out for themselves then." rlm@0: rlm@0: When she got home Sakura looked at her dad. "Am I grounded?" rlm@0: He looked at her and shook his head. "No, just go to bed alright? You rlm@0: have rlm@0: school tommorow." rlm@0: She smiled and walked up the stairs. Tory was there and he smiled at rlm@0: her. rlm@0: "You seem to be in a better mood." rlm@0: Sakura nodded. "Yeah. Dad and I talked on the way home. Everything rlm@0: worked rlm@0: out fine." rlm@0: Tory nodded and they both went to their rooms. Once she got there rlm@0: Sakura rlm@0: changed into her night gown and settled down into bed. Suddenly her rlm@0: cell rlm@0: phone rang. She reached over and picked it up. "Hello?" rlm@0: Madison's voice answered. "Hi Sakura. My mom gave me back my phone rlm@0: and rlm@0: pictures. I just wanted to say good night." rlm@0: Sakura smiled. "Good night Madison. I'll see you tommorow. Love you rlm@0: lot's" rlm@0: "I love you too Sakura." The phone hung up and Sakura pulled the rlm@0: blankets rlm@0: over herself and smiled. Atleast things were getting better. Tommorow rlm@0: was rlm@0: going to be another rough day, but she knew that after all this she rlm@0: could rlm@0: hande it. Taking one last look at Madison's picture on her nightstand, rlm@0: Sakura closed her eyes and went to sleep. rlm@0: rlm@0: The End rlm@0: rlm@0: Author's note rlm@0: I realized that there would be some problems if they actually fell in rlm@0: love. So I wrote this and worked everything out. I mean even if they rlm@0: really rlm@0: did love eachother that didn't mean everyone would be supportive. So I rlm@0: wrote rlm@0: this. If you liked it tell me what you thought at clayton_n@hotmail.com