rlm@0: Telling the parents rlm@0: rlm@0: By: Radar rlm@0: Carole@mcnestrie.wanado.co.uk.hsphere.us rlm@0: rlm@0: ----------- rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: These caracters belong to CLAMP! this is a Yuri story so if it offends you please don't read! rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: They held each other close, before moving away. Sparkling emerald eyes met their brown partners. They held each other again. Not wanting their perfect moment to end. She gently moved some of the other girls blond hair out of her eyes. Soon they slept in each other’s arms, content that they had their one true love. rlm@0: ‘Nadeshiko-chan, it’s time to get up!’ a soft voice told her. ‘Not yet Tomoyo-mama! It’s not a school day today!’ she whispered, pulling the covers over her head. ‘I’m not Tomoyo-san, Nadeshiko-chan and it is a school day!’ the voice said. Nadeshiko opened her eyes and blushed before remembering who had spent the night. ‘Megumi-chan, please can I have a little longer?’ she asked. ‘Sorry Nadeshiko-chan! I promised Tomoyo-san I’d get you up and that’s what I’m gonna do even if I have to drag you out of bed!’ Megumi said, before tilting her head, in very deep thought, ‘But if I do that I’d hurt my Nadeshiko-chan, and I definitely don’t wanna do that!’ Megumi said softly. Nadeshiko smiled before wrapping her arms around the other girl. ‘Well, when you put it like that, then I’ve got to get up!’ Nadeshiko said, lightly kissing the other girl. ‘Nadeshiko-chan, Megumi-chan! Time to get up!’ Sakura’s voice called through the door. ‘Hai Sakura-papa!’ Nadeshiko called back. Megumi giggled slightly. She’d always found it strange that Nadeshiko called the older woman her father, but had come to accept it. ‘Oh!’ Nadeshiko said suddenly. ‘What? What’s the matter?’ Megumi asked. She knew her girlfriend was sometimes subject to bouts of forgetfulness, but they were few and far between. ‘Nothing bad, I just remembered that it’s Onii-chan and Hikaru-san’s anniversary tomorrow!’ Nadeshiko replied, smiling slightly, ‘And I haven’t forgotten my promise to you!’ Megumi smiled a large smile. Nadeshiko had promised to tell her parents about them and she knew her lover would tell them. ‘Well, I think we should at least get dressed before Sakura-papa comes back!’ Nadeshiko said softly. Megumi nodded and they left the warmth of the bed. They quickly dressed and left the room in time to bump into Sakura. ‘Well it’s better them I was at your age!’ Sakura said, smiling slightly. ‘Really Sakura-papa?’ Nadeshiko asked. Sakura nodded, with the right motivation her daughter could wake up quite easily. ‘Well, perhaps Megumi-chan should sleep over more often!’ Sakura whispered, bringing a slightly blush to both girls’ cheeks. ‘Besides your girlfriends’ always welcome here!’ Sakura said, before giggling at the reactions of the younger girls. She wasn’t nearly as dense as she was when she was a child, but something’s just stood out. ‘But Sakura-san.. how did you know?’ Megumi asked. Sakura continued to giggle for a few more moments before stopping. ‘Well, the way you act around each other, and I saw you kissing earlier!’ Sakura said. ‘But.. But..’ Nadeshiko stuttered. Megumi smiled before walking out the door. ‘No buts or you’ll be late for school!’ Sakura said, silencing her young daughter. Nadeshiko nodded numbly before grabbing a slice of toast and running out the door. Tomoyo smiled slightly. ‘She’s a lot like you Sakura-chan!’ Tomoyo said softly. ‘I hope not or she’ll never get to school on time!’ Sakura replied. Tomoyo started laughing, catching Sakura’s attention. ‘What?’ she asked, curious about why her pale wife was laughing. ‘What?’ she asked again. rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Megumi-chan! Wait up!’ Nadeshiko called out to the other girl. Megumi stopped and turn to look at her friend. ‘You walk too fast Megumi-chan!’ Nadeshiko said breathlessly when she caught up to her lover. Megumi giggled slightly. ‘I’m just giving you a little incentive to catch up!’ Megumi whispered, tightly hugging her lover. They leaned closer until they were almost kissing. ‘Hey Megumi-chan! Nadeshiko-chan!’ a voice called from behind them. They quickly moved away before the voice caught up to them. They turned to see Misato running up to them. ‘Good Morning Misato-chan!’ Megumi replied. ‘Ohayo Misato-chan!’ Nadeshiko replied, slightly embarrassed that they had almost been caught. Misato smiled brightly. ‘What’s first period today?’ Nadeshiko asked. ‘Math!’ Misato replied. ‘Oh I hate math!’ Nadeshiko said. Megumi giggled, this was one of the many things that Nadeshiko had inherited from her father. ‘You two did do the homework didn’t you?’ Misato asked. Megumi and Nadeshiko nodded slightly, homework was the last thing they thought about when they were alone together. ‘Oh yeah! Shinji asked me to ask you if you want to go to the dance with him!’ Misato said suddenly, looking at Nadeshiko. Megumi looked taken aback, having just asked the dark haired girl to the dance herself. As the approached the school they caught a glimpse of a boy the same age as them. ‘Ohayo Shinji-kun!’ Megumi said. ‘Hi Shin-chan!’ Misato said, hugging his arm tightly. Shinji blushed at the attention his friend was paying him. Misato’s affections towards him were very obvious. ‘Shin-chan?’ he asked, but was ignored and he focused his attention on Nadeshiko. ‘Thank you for asking me to the dance, but I’m already going with someone!’ Nadeshiko said. ‘Oh, who is it?’ he asked. ‘The person I love!’ Nadeshiko replied simply. ‘That must be a very lucky person!’ Shinji said, smiling slightly. ‘Very lucky!’ Megumi whispered. Neither Shinji nor Misato heard her but Nadeshiko did and smiled brightly. Some time later Nadeshiko and Megumi sat alone under a cherry tree. ‘The person you love must be a very lucky person to hold the heart of sure a beautiful girl Nadeshiko-chan!’ Megumi said softly. ‘You’re a very luck person Megumi-chan! I’m glad it’s you!’ Nadeshiko replied, lightly stroking the other girls’ cheek. ‘Me too!’ Megumi replied before leaning closer and kissing Nadeshiko. Unknown to either Shinji watched them kiss, having walked up to them to ask them something, and was crushed. How a nondescript girl could beat him to the heart of the girl he loved was almost unbelievable, but it had happened. He was happy that Nadeshiko had found the person she loved and walked away slowly leaving the 2 girls alone. rlm@0: rlm@0: THE NEXT DAY rlm@0: rlm@0: 2 girls walked up to an old house that had once been home to the card mistress just as 2 older women were walking out. Hikaru turn in time to see Nadeshiko and Megumi slowly walking up to them. ‘Ohayo Nadeshiko-chan, Megumi-chan!’ she called out, catching Kumiko slightly out guard. ‘Hi Hikaru-san!’ Megumi replied. ‘Hi Onii-chan!’ Nadeshiko said. ‘Hi Kaijuu!’ Kumiko said, smiling slightly. ‘I’m not a Kaijuu Onii-chan!’ Nadeshiko screamed at her older sister. Hikaru and Megumi sweat dropped at Nadeshiko’s outburst. Hikaru could remember Sakura’s brother saying the same thing to Sakura whenever he came to visit her. ‘Here!’ Nadeshiko said, handing the older women the present that she and Megumi had bought. Hikaru took the gift and opened it carefully. ‘They’re beautiful! Aren’t they Kumi-chan?’ Hikaru said as she held a pair of champagne glasses inscribed with their names on them. ‘Yep! Especially since a Kaijuu bought them!’ Kumiko said. ‘I told you Onii-chan, I’m not a Kaijuu!’ Nadeshiko yelled, kicking Kumiko in her shins. Kumiko winced, it wasn’t as bad when Nadeshiko was young but now she was beginning to think teasing her younger sister was a very bad idea. ‘Besides Megumi-chan helped me pick them!’ Nadeshiko said, taking the other girl into a tight hug. Megumi blushed at the attention her girlfriend was giving her. ‘Nadeshiko-chan!’ she whispered, as the other girl held her close. ‘Stop it Nadeshiko-chan or you’ll embarrass your girlfriend!’ Hikaru said, shocking both girls. ‘How do you know?’ Megumi asked. ‘We’ll tell you later!’ Kumiko said ‘How many people know about us?’ Nadeshiko asked. ‘A few, except Megumi-chan’s parents!’ Hikaru said. ‘That’s where we’re going to go with Tomoyo-mama and Sakura-papa after we gave you your presents!’ Nadeshiko said. The girl smiled at the older woman before walking away slowly. ‘Lucky Sakura-papa and Tomoyo-mama!’ Hikaru said before remembering something. rlm@0: ‘Hey Kumiko-chan I’ve just remembered something, isn’t Megumi-chan’s mother very homophobic?’ she asked. Kumiko nodded slightly. ‘I think so!’ Kumiko replied, suddenly more worried about her little sister then she had ever been before. ‘I hope they’ll be ok!’ Kumiko whispered. Hikaru nodded in agreement hoping her beloved wife would be right. rlm@0: rlm@0: They stood outside Megumi’s house. Sakura whistled in amazement. rlm@0: It was just as big as Tomoyo’s, and now her own, house. ‘Could you wait here please?’ Megumi asked. Sakura and Tomoyo nodded and waited. As the two girl entered the house Kumiko and Hikaru ran up. rlm@0: ‘Sakura-papa, where’s Nadeshiko-chan and Megumi-chan?’ Kumiko asked, almost out of breath. ‘They just went in!’ Sakura replied. ‘But we have to tell them that Futaba-san’s homophobic!’ Hikaru said. Sakura and Tomoyo looked at their daughter and daughter-in-law, completely shocked. ‘What about her father?’ Tomoyo asked, very concerned about the emotional well being of her youngest daughter. ‘We’re not sure!’ Hikaru said. Sakura looked at the house and started to worry. rlm@0: ‘Hi mama!’ Megumi said as she caught a glimpse of her mother. ‘Hi Megumi-chan, Nadeshiko-chan!’ Mrs. Futaba said as she approached her daughter and her friend. ‘Hello Futaba-san!’ Nadeshiko said, bowling politely. ‘We’ve got something to tell you!’ Megumi said, smiling brightly. ‘Oh?’ Mrs. Futaba said. ‘Yeah! Me and Nadeshiko-chan are a couple!’ Megumi said, hugging Nadeshiko tightly. ‘A couple?’ her mother asked. ‘As in a couple type of couple?’ Megumi nodded slightly. ‘We didn’t raise a child to be like either of Nadeshiko’s mother’s!’ Mrs. Futaba said. ‘I don’t have 2 mama’s! I have a mama and a papa!’ Nadeshiko said, hugging her lover tighter. ‘What would your father say if he found out you.. weren’t normal? What would your Uncle Aoi say?’ Megumi’s mother asked. Megumi thought about it for a moment. Aoi Futaba, her uncle and an officer at Bokuto police station traffic department in Tokyo. She’d met her uncle on several occasions, the last few time’s she’d met him with her girlfriend. Every time they’d met, Aoi would always have been dressed as a woman and she’s always been pleased to meet her. Aoi had been pleased that she’d found someone special. ‘Uncle Aoi was really happy when we told him!’ Megumi protested. Mrs. Aoi acted as if she hadn’t heard her daughters’ protest and looked at Nadeshiko. ‘Could you leave us alone?’ she asked Nadeshiko. The younger girl looked at her for a moment before running out of the house almost in tears. ‘You’re not to see her for a while Megumi!’ Mrs. Futaba said. ‘But why?’ Megumi asked. ‘She’s a bad influence on you! Besides in a few years you’ll find the boy you really like!’ her mother said before leaving the room. ‘But mama I love her..’ Megumi whispered, before collapsing to the floor in tears. That’s how her father found her when he heard her crying. ‘What’s the matter Megumi-chan?’ he asked. ‘We told mama that we’re a couple, and she told me not to see her again!’ Megumi replied. ‘We?’ he asked. ‘Me and Nadeshiko-chan!’ Megumi said, not daring to make eye contact. ‘You love her a lot don’t you?’ he asked, wiping away the last of her tears. ‘Yes!’ she replied. ‘That’s wonderful!’ he said, lightly stroking some of her damp blond hair from her eyes. ‘Really?’ Megumi asked, shocked her father approved of her relationship with her very best friend. ‘Yes! It’s very rare that you find that you truly love! You’ve done just that!’ he said smiling slightly. ‘You’re really ok with us?’ Megumi asked. He nodded, before she ran out of the house. ‘Don’t worry Nadeshiko-chan, things will be alright!’ Sakura whispered as she hugged the younger girl. ‘How Sakura-papa? She said I shouldn’t see Megumi for a while because I was a bad influence on her!’ Nadeshiko said. Megumi’s mothers’ words tore at her heart. How could that woman say she was a bad influence? ‘Sakura-san, is it ok if I stay with you for a while?’ a soft voice asked. Nadeshiko turned to see the one person she thought that she’d never see again. ‘Megumi-chan!’ she called out, before running into the other girls arms. ‘I thought I’d never see you again!’ she cried, before ravishing the other girls’ face with kisses. ‘Don’t worry, no one will ever keep us apart!’ Megumi said, as she hugged her girlfriend tighter, matching her kiss for kiss. ‘Megumi! Get away from her!’ someone called out, interrupting their perfect moment. They turned to see Megumi’s mother, walking towards them with barely restrained anger. ‘No!’ Megumi replied. ‘What?’ her mother asked. ‘I love her! And I’m going with her!’ Megumi said. She glared at Nadeshiko before her eyes softened as she looked at her daughter. ‘This isn’t your fault Megumi! She took at vantage of your confusion!’ she said. ‘No she didn’t!’ Sakura said softly. ‘Stay out of this!’ Megumi’s mother spat at Sakura. ‘Why can’t you see they love each other! Why aren’t you happy that your daughter has found someone who makes her happy?’ Sakura asked. ‘Why should I be happy? It’s not normal to feel that way for someone that’s the same gender as you!’ Mrs. Futaba asked. ‘It doesn’t matter if 2 girl’s or 2 boy’s fall for each other, the love they share is all that counts! Look at me, I fell in love with my best friend and here I am with a beautiful wife and 2 children, one of whom is married to her best friend!’ Sakura said, holding Tomoyo closer. Megumi’s mother looked at the disgusted at the sight. ‘I don’t care! My Megumi is nothing like you!’ she said, her voice lased with hatred and anger. At this point Nadeshiko had heard enough and couldn’t take anymore and she let her anger consume her and her innate magic had flared up. ‘Don’t you talk dare to my papa like that! I don’t care what you think anymore! I love Megumi and there nothing you say or do will change that!’ she yelled. Sakura and Tomoyo were shocked, never had they seen their daughter angry. Nadeshiko was usually very calm and collected. Megumi’s mother backed away slightly as something appeared in front of Nadeshiko. ‘Shield Card!’ Nadeshiko yelled before an invisible barrier appeared around them. ‘Let’s go Megumi!’ her mother said before being stopped by the shield. As Megumi’s mother hit the shield Nadeshiko’s anger had vanished. Then Nadeshiko turned to face Megumi smiling slightly. ‘Would you marry me Nadeshiko-chan Daidouji?’ Megumi asked softly. ‘Hai Megumi-chan Futaba!’ Nadeshiko replied lightly kissing the other girl. ‘Time to go you 2!’ Tomoyo said as the 2 girl rested against each other when they finished kissing. ‘Hai Tomoyo-mama!’ Megumi replied smiling softly at the older woman. ‘There’s another one calling you that Tomoyo!’ Sakura said. ‘Yes, but I really don’t’ mind!’ Tomoyo replied, smiling softly as she took Sakura’s hand in her own. ‘I guess she’ll be calling you Sakura-papa from now on!’ Tomoyo whispered as she rested again Sakura. ‘Yeah!’ Sakura replied, lightly kissing the top of Tomoyo’s head. Megumi’s mother just stood there and watched them walk away, the shield vanished as they did. rlm@0: rlm@0: THE NEXT DAY rlm@0: rlm@0: They sat on the edge of the bed, one holding the other as if she were to disappear. The other holding her lover for comfort, for support. She felt so weak, so drained. Megumi’s father had appeared that morning with some of his daughters clothing and a letter from her mother. She had cried so much. Her father and lover both tried to comfort her. ‘Why is she doing this Nadeshiko-chan?’ she asked, sobbing into her lovers’ shoulder once more. Nadeshiko looked at the letter again. ‘I don’t know Megumi-chan! I really don’t know!’ she replied, although she did have her suspicions. ‘Maybe it’s me!’ she thought. ‘Megumi..’ she said before stopping to collect her thoughts, ‘if you want to go back to being friends again, I’ll understand!’ She knew this might get Megumi’s mother to take her back, and if it did then it might be worth it. ‘Do you really want to go back to just being friends?’ Megumi asked, very softly. ‘No, but if your mother takes you back..’ Nadeshiko said, not making eye contact. ‘Nadeshiko, please look at me!’ Megumi asked. Nadeshiko slowly turned to face the person she loved, tears slowly down her cheeks. ‘I don’t care what my mother thinks! I love you Nadeshiko-chan! That’s all that matters!’ Megumi whispered as she wiped the other girls tears away. ‘I love you too Megumi-chan, but..’ Nadeshiko said. ‘No buts!’ Megumi said, ‘I wouldn’t be a good wife to you if I let you keep worrying about what my mother always thought!’ Megumi said. Nadeshiko just managed a weak smile. Megumi was right, all that mattered was the love they had for one and other, nothing else. ‘Thank you!’ Nadeshiko whispered. ‘What for?’ Megumi asked. ‘For reminding me about what’s most important thing in my life!’ Nadeshiko whispered leaning closer to the blond haired girl. ‘What’s that?’ Megumi asked, smiling slightly at the answer. ‘You!’ Nadeshiko replied, before their lips lightly brushed against each other. They kissed again and again before falling back onto the bed and into a contented sleep. rlm@0: rlm@0: MANY YEARS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Is that what really happened Nadeshiko-mama?’ a young girl asked. ‘Yes ChibiTomoyo-chan!’ Nadeshiko replied, lightly moving some of her daughter’s dark hair out of her shimmering emerald eyes. Little Tomoyo, Nadeshiko had insisted that they name their daughter after her mother, most surprising to everyone was that she was an exact copy of the original, except ChibiSakura was the eccentric one. In many ways, her little Tomoyo looked a lot like her mother, except for her eyes. They were definitely Sakura’s ‘Is grandma still angry with you?’ ChibiTomoyo asked. ‘I.. don’t know!’ Nadeshiko said. rlm@0: ‘Megumi-papa! Megumi-papa! Is grandma still angry with you and Nadeshiko-mama?’ the young girl called out to her father. ‘I think she is!’ Megumi replied, lightly kissing the top of her daughter’s head. ‘But why?’ ChibiTomoyo asked. ‘Well, my mother didn’t approve of me and your mother being in love and thought that I would eventually find the boy I really loved!’ Megumi said. ChibiTomoyo looked at them slightly confused. ‘But, Megumi-papa..’ ChibiTomoyo said. ‘No buts’ dear!’ Nadeshiko said, silencing her young daughters questions. ‘Ok Nadeshiko-mama!’ ChibiTomoyo said, smiling slightly. ‘Before you go to your room, ChibiSakura called and says she wants to tell you something!’ Nadeshiko said. ChibiTomoyo ran out of the room, smiling brightly. ‘You know, I think there’s something going on between them!’ Megumi said. Nadeshiko nodded in agreement. ‘You do! Really? I feel the same way!’ ChibiTomoyo’s voice came from the other room. Then she ran to her room smiling dreamily. ‘What just happened?’ Nadeshiko asked. ‘Dunno!’ Megumi replied. ‘Maybe they told each other!’ she thought. She sighed slightly. Their little girl was growing up, and finding her own way in life, not to mention finding the person she loved. Megumi sighed again and looked at Nadeshiko. Maybe it was fate that their little Tomoyo was to fall for Kumiko and Hikaru’s little Sakura. She giggled as she thought about it. ‘At least I know she’ll be in good hands!’ she thought. They slowly walked out in to the garden and looked at the stars. rlm@0: rlm@0: Authors notes: rlm@0: I hope you enjoyed it!