rlm@0: "The road to parenthood." rlm@0: rlm@0: By: Radar rlm@0: Carole@mcnestrie.wanado.co.uk.hsphere.us rlm@0: rlm@0: --------- rlm@0: Disclaimer: I don't own these characters, they belong to CLAMP. WARNING this is a Yuri story so if you're of a nervous disposition or you're just offended by this please stop reading! rlm@0: rlm@0: ------------- rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Tomoyo-chan..’ rlm@0: ‘I’m fine Sakura-chan, just continue with your cooking!’ Tomoyo relied, focusing her camera on Sakura. Sakura sweat dropped and walked slowly closer to her pale wife. ‘Tomo-chan, I really think that you should be resting!’ Sakura said, trying to get Tomoyo back to their bedroom. Tomoyo smiled warmly at Sakura whilst recording her friend with her camcorder, she’d not seen her beloved wife as emotional as this since the day they married. There were a lot of emotions going through Sakura, Tomoyo could only make out a few: happiness, wonder, and anticipation mixed with anxiety. ‘Sakura-chan makes an incredibly cute and caring wife!’ Tomoyo whispered, bring a blush to Sakura’s cheeks. ‘But Tomoyo-chan, what about Kumiko-chan?’ Sakura asked, lightly placing hands on Tomoyo’s swelling stomach. She could feel their daughter kicking. Their daughter, with a helpful push from Sakura’s magic, but she was their daughter never the less. Tomoyo smiled before closing her eyes. Unconsciously Sakura found herself leaning forward, almost jumping out of her skin when Tomoyo opened her eyes, smiling warmly. ‘I think Kumi-chan agrees with you!’ Tomoyo said. ‘Of course she does, she’s worried about you!’ Sakura said, taking Tomoyo’s hand in her own. Tomoyo smiled again and squeezed Sakura’s hand. Sakura smiled before lightly kissing her pale friend, before taking her to their bedroom. Once there, they lay on the bed, Tomoyo being held in Sakura’s arms. Even in this embrace, Tomoyo felt her love for Sakura grow as it always had. It grew even stronger with the card mistress by her side, nurturing it and Tomoyo was there, by Sakura’s side, nurturing Sakura’s love for her. With those warm thoughts she drifted into a peaceful sleep. Sakura smiled as she gently slid out from under Tomoyo. She lightly kissed the pale woman’s cheek and went back to the kitchen, finishing her cooking. She smiled before placing a single Nadeshiko flower in a small vase. She picked up the tray and headed for the room she shared with Tomoyo. As she was about to enter their room, she heard it. It sounded like Tomoyo singing softly. She opened the door to see Tomoyo softly singing to their unborn child. ‘I think Kumiko-chan like it when you sing to her Tomo-chan!’ Sakura said, as she set the tray down next to Tomoyo. ‘I hope she does!’ Tomoyo replied smiling whilst stroking her stomach. She wanted to make sure her baby girl felt loved, even if she was still inside of her. The thought of her carrying a child, Sakura’s and hers, filled her the same type of warm that filled her when she was with Sakura. Sakura picked up the bowl and the chopsticks next to it. Tomoyo smiled as Sakura fed her the meal. ‘Arigatou Sakura-chan! I’m sure Kumi-chan would like to thank you too! And I love Sakura’s special ingredient!’ Tomoyo asked smiling at the now blushing brunette. ‘Arigatou! A healthy dose of love for my beloved best friend and our cute little daughter!’ Sakura replied. She set the plate down and took Tomoyo’s hand in her own. Just being with the pale woman always seemed to calm the storm of emotion in her heart. She’d always had that affect on her. Tomoyo at the centre keeping everything out except Sakura herself. She smiled as she lay next to Tomoyo, her arms lightly wrapped around her pale friends waist. ‘Hanyan..’ she whispered before falling asleep. Tomoyo smiled at Sakura, then noticed that she had fallen asleep. She giggled softly as she reached for her camcorder. She started to record Sakura’s sleeping form, while not leaving the sweet embrace that they were in. ‘I think you’ll like it out her Kumiko-chan! It may be cold at first, but when you find the beauty and the joy life has to offer, you’ll find them in everything!’ she whispered before setting the camera down, resting her head next to Sakura’s and falling asleep again. rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Sakura-papa, guess what!’ Kumiko said, smiling brightly at her father. She smiled before answering. Every time she looked at her daughter, she felt like she as looking at her mother. The similarities between Kumiko and her mother Nadeshiko were simply astounding. ‘Um.. you’re really happy, so something good had happened!’ Sakura said. Her daughters’ smile grew. ‘Yeah! Me and Hikaru-chan are gonna get married!’ Kumiko said hugging the other girl. Hikaru blushed at the tight embrace. The other girl could be so too energetic for her own good at times, but she was glad that it now had other places to go, much like the previous night. Hikaru’s blush deepened remembering making love to the other girl for the first time. She smiled remembering her magical girl trying to muffle her cries during the heat of their lovemaking. They both sighed blissfully. Whispering their love for each other shortly before they fell asleep in each other’s arms. ‘That wonderful news Kumi-chan!’ Tomoyo said. Sakura nodded in agreement. ‘You mean it’s ok with you, Sakura-papa, Tomoyo-mama?’ Hikaru said. The older women nodded. Hikaru had started calling them Tomoyo-mama and Sakura-papa, shortly after she and Kumiko had started dating after the incident that had turned Sakura into a 12 year old again. Sakura smiled before hugging the two 15 year old girls. She leaned away and sighed. Kumiko was growing up so fast, a part of her wanted to keep her the baby she and Tomoyo had brought home so many years before. It was at that time she realised that her little girl wasn’t so little anymore, that she as becoming a woman. She smiled slightly at Tomoyo, realising that the pale woman was thinking the same thing. They smiled at each other as they knew they would have to let Kumiko grow up and find her own way in life. ‘Congratulations!’ Sakura said, followed soon after by Tomoyo. Watching Kumiko being with the woman she love reminded her of the time she spent with Tomoyo, both in friendship and, a little later, in love. ‘Could you come with me Hikaru-chan?’ Sakura asked. Hikaru nodded and followed Sakura. When they entered Sakura and Tomoyo’s bedroom, they could hear Kero-chan whisper something about pudding, Sakura handed Hikaru a small box. ‘Please open it!’ Sakura said. ‘Ok!’ Hikaru said nervously, she had gotten the impression that Sakura didn’t want her to marry Kumiko. As soon as she opened the box she knew she was wrong. ‘These were Tomoyo’s and mine! We talked about it and decided when Kumi-chan was going to get married we’d give her these!’ Hikaru looked at Sakura, completely shocked. ‘But Sakura-papa, these are yours..’ Hikaru said, trying to argue. Sakura smiled softly. In their own little way, this was their wedding present. ‘No, these are yours now! We know you’ll take good care of them and Kumiko-chan!’ Sakura said, placing the box in Hikaru’s hand. ‘Arigatou Sakura-papa!’ Hikaru whispered and bowed respectively. She now knew why Sakura and Kumiko were so similar. They had the same emerald eyes, the same smile and exceptionally cute ears, now she knew where Kumiko had gotten her cute ears from, the same genki spirit and the same determination when they started something they saw it through to the end and they were, at times, a little clueless about certain things. They left the room and found Tomoyo and Kumiko sat in the living room. Hikaru smiled at her lover before sitting next to her. ‘When you have children, who’s going to be the father?’ Tomoyo asked, smiling sweetly. Both girls blushed at the question. Sakura smiled to herself as she’d been expecting that question since the girls said they were getting married. They looked at each other. ‘We... don’t know yet!’ Kumiko said after a few minutes, she thought that they were still too young to be thinking about having a child of their own. They left the room minutes later because of some homework that they had to do but not before agreeing to let Tomoyo design and make their wedding dresses and video their wedding, for her collection of Sakura videos and for their daughter. rlm@0: ‘I think Kumiko-chan would make a cute mother!’ Tomoyo said, her smile growing slightly. ‘I think your right Tomoyo-chan!’ Sakura replied before lightly kissing her pale wife. Tomoyo kissed back with a gentle passion. Now was not the time to think about their daughter as a parent, now was the time to savour Sakura’s kisses. rlm@0: rlm@0: Hikaru looked at Kumiko and sighed. She still remembered what she said to the other girl a little more than a decade ago. She had said that it wasn’t normal to have 2 girls as parents, leaving Kumiko in tears and running to her parents, hurt almost beyond measure. That had been a very painful thing for her to say, for her and Kumiko as she had run away crying shortly afterward equally as hurt. She had only said it because she could see Kumiko had started to become rather affectionate towards her, even if the other girl didn’t know it herself, she just wanted her friend not to know that she was doing the same. At the time they had been too young to understand their feelings for each other. She lowered her head, so Kumiko wouldn’t see the tears that had just started. ‘I’m sorry!’ she whispered, drawing her girlfriends’ attention. ‘What for Hikaru-chan?’ Kumiko asked innocently. ‘Do you remember when we were 5?’ Kumiko nodded. rlm@0: ‘I said it wasn’t normal to have 2 girls as parents! I hurt you by saying that and I’m so sorry!’ Hikaru whispered. Kumiko smiled. She hadn’t forgotten what her lover had told her, she had told the dark haired girl that many times that all was forgiven and almost forgotten, but it seemed that her little messages weren’t getting through. ‘I think you need a hug!’ Kumiko said, taking Hikaru into her arms. She could feel Hikaru shudder, trying to suppress her sobs. ‘I love you Hikaru-chan!’ Kumiko whispered, rubbing the other girls back, soothing the other girl. ‘I love you too Kumiko-chan!’ Hikaru whispered, before kissing Kumiko. This had been hanging on her heart for many years, she was glad that everything was ok now. ‘Do you feel better now?’ Kumiko asked after moving away. Hikaru found she couldn’t answer. ‘I need another hug!’ she said after a few moments. Kumiko smiled before obliging in her girlfriends request. Sakura walked passed Kumiko’s room several minutes later to see if her daughter and soon to be daughter in law wanted something to eat. She blushed when she heard Kumiko cry out Hikaru’s name followed by Hikaru calling out Kumiko’s name. She walked away and smiled. Her daughter was in good hands. She knew they would make each other happy. Very happy indeed. Just then a younger girl ran up to Sakura. ‘Sakura-papa, what’s happening with Onii-chan? I heard her yelling! Is she sick?’ Sakura shook her head and smiled. ‘No Nadeshiko-chan, she’s with Hikaru-chan!’ Nadeshiko smiled at her, Sakura couldn’t remember much about her mother, but she could remember that she always gave her the same smile as her little Nadeshiko, she was glad they had given the young girl the name. ‘I really like Hikaru-san! She makes Onii-chan very happy, she doesn’t tease me as much then!!’ Nadeshiko said, before Sakura took hold of her hand and led her to her room. Sakura smiled at her young daughter, she could remember Touya teasing her as much as Kumiko teased Nadeshiko when she was a kid, Nadeshiko smiled back not really knowing why Sakura was smiling at her. ‘I wanted to say hello to Hikaru-san, Sakura-papa!’ Nadeshiko said, before pouting as they reached her youngest daughters’ room. ‘Don’t worry, Hikaru-chan and Kumiko-chan are busy studying, besides, Hikaru-chan is spending the night!’ Nadeshiko smiled again. Suddenly Hikaru appeared in front of them and smiled brightly at Nadeshiko, she leaned down so the young girl could look her in the eye. rlm@0: ‘Would you like to be a brides maid at mine and Kumiko-chan’s wedding?’ Hikaru asked. Nadeshiko smiled before Hikaru’s words sunk in. Her eyes went wide before running to her sister. Nadeshiko ran straight into Kumiko’s arms, and burst into tears. ‘What’s wrong Nadeshiko-chan?’ Kumiko asked. The young girl couldn’t answer, coherent thought just beyond her. After a few minutes she answered. ‘Please don’t marry Hikaru-san!’ she asked. ‘Why not?’ Kumiko asked. ‘I don’t want you to move away, I’d miss you to much Onii-chan!’ Nadeshiko replied, almost in tears again. Kumiko smiled at her little sister before wiping away her tears. ‘She’s not going to move away Nadeshiko-chan, they’re going to be living here!’ Tomoyo said softly, having just heard what her youngest child had said. rlm@0: ‘Really?’ Nadeshiko asked, smiling brightly. ‘Yey! Onii-chan’s staying! Onii-chan’s staying!’ Tomoyo smiled at her daughters. Nadeshiko was very emotional, just like her father. ‘There was another place I thought we could go!’ Kumiko said. They looked at her. ‘Where Onii-chan?’ Nadeshiko asked. ‘Grandpa Fujitaka’s house!’ rlm@0: Tomoyo’s smiled vanished for a moment as Sakura walked up to her side. Sakura lowered her head slightly, obviously having heard what Kumiko had said. Fujitaka had passed away several months before, but she was sure he would have liked to have his granddaughter living happily in the house Sakura had grown up in. She lifted her head and smiled. ‘I’m sure grandpa would like that!’ she said, ‘Besides it not to far away, and you and see her anytime Nadeshiko-chan!’ Nadeshiko smiled and nodded in agreement. rlm@0: rlm@0: Many years’ later 4 women and 2 young girls stood near an elderly lady. ‘Kero-chan, Yue-san it’s time I left to be with Tomoyo!’ Sakura said, smiling. ‘But Sakura-papa, why?’ Nadeshiko asked, holding her young daughter close, her wife, Megumi holding Nadeshiko. ‘It’s my time Nadeshiko-chan, besides Tomoyo-mama’s probably lonely!’ Sakura replied. ‘But what about the cards?’ Kero-chan asked. Sakura smiled slightly. ‘I’ve already thought of that Kero-chan! ChibiSakura-chan, could you come here please?’ she asked. Kumiko’s daughter nodded and walked closer to her grandparent. ‘You remember those lessons about magic I taught you?’ she asked. ‘Hai grandpa Sakura!’ ChibiSakura replied. ‘It’s time to use what I’ve taught you!’ she smiled as she turned her granddaughter around. ‘She’ll be your new mistress!’ Sakura smiled at the other’s reaction. Yue and Kero-chan were dumbstruck while Kumiko, Nadeshiko and their wives sweat dropped. ChibiSakura looked remarkably like her grandfather, except her eyes. They were stormy blue, they reminded Sakura of her pale wife’s eyes. ‘What about ChibiTomoyo, Sakura-papa?’ Nadeshiko asked hugging her daughter. Sakura looked at her other granddaughter, she looked so much like Tomoyo, except her eyes, she had emerald eyes. ‘It’s a secret!’ Sakura said, gleefully. She’d seen the future, or rather the future had come to her many years before, and was a little surprised about how close her granddaughters actually were. Her smile grew slightly. At the moment they were best friends but the future ChibiSakura had come from.. She giggled slightly. ‘If you need help or advice, just ask Kero-chan or Yue-san, they’ll help you with any problem you might have!’ then as a hushed whisper, ‘I might even be there to help!’ ChibiSakura smiled. ‘But Sakura-san..’ Yue said. ‘Sorry Yue-san, it’s my time now!’ Sakura said. She smiled before disappearing. Suddenly ChibiSakura started to glow. Then it vanished leaving ChibiSakura standing there with her eyes closed holding the book and Sakura’s key. rlm@0: ‘Arigatou grandpa Sakura!’ she whispered. She opened her eyes and there were her grandparents as they were when they were younger, they smiled at her before slowly fading away. She smiled brightly. Kumiko and Nadeshiko started crying softly. Their parent’s were gone now leaving their namesakes to carry on what had started with them. ChibiTomoyo smiled at ChibiSakura, and ChibiSakura returned her cousins smile, before mouthing one word, soon. She nodded her head. Sakura’s journeys as the card mistress were over but now ChibiSakura and ChibiTomoyo’s journeys were just starting. No one, except for Sakura herself, knew what the future held for the young girls, but it would always be an exciting adventure. rlm@0: rlm@0: ------- rlm@0: Authors notes. rlm@0: There is more to explain this story, I've just got to finish them! There will an explaination to this so stay tuned!