rlm@0: Anniversary rlm@0: rlm@0: By Radar rlm@0: simon_mcnestrie@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ----------- rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: These caracters belong to CLAMP! this is a Yuri story so if it offends you please don't read! rlm@0: rlm@0: It was their one year anniversary the day after tomorrow and she wanted to get her pale lover something special. rlm@0: That day was not only their anniversary but also her birthday. rlm@0: ‘How does she do this?’ she asked herself, scratching her short auburn hair. rlm@0: Tomoyo would always give her something special. She set the catalogue aside and lay face down on the pillow. rlm@0: ‘Still blanking on a gift for Tomoyo?’ a voice asked from behind her. She nodded slowly not looking up. rlm@0: It was a day over 2 years since he had broken up with her. rlm@0: Just before her 15th birthday he suddenly broke with her and left for Hong Kong and it had devastated her. rlm@0: For almost a month she had refused to leave her room, except for the times Tomoyo had called by. rlm@0: Slowly she had broken the bond that had formed between them and formed a new one, a stronger one. rlm@0: After 6 months she was back to her usual self. Then on her 16th birthday Tomoyo had confessed her love for her. rlm@0: She had smiled at the dark haired girl before they shared a long loving kiss, rlm@0: Things changed between them, now they were much more then friends. rlm@0: ‘I just want to get her something special! Like she did on our one month anniversary!’ Sakura said into the pillow. rlm@0: She sighed remembering the little hand made teddy bear that Tomoyo had given her. rlm@0: The little hand made teddy bear that sat proudly next to her Card Captor Sakura doll. A small hand lightly patted her head. rlm@0: ‘I’m sure you’ll think of something!’ the little animal said. rlm@0: ‘Arigatou Kero-chan!’ Sakura muttered, slowly moving her head so she could breath again. Then she saw it. rlm@0: ‘That is.. perfect!’ Sakura muttered. ‘But look at the price!’ Sakura’s face faulted when she saw the price. rlm@0: ‘I’ll never be able to afford that!’ Sakura said. ‘Who knows many you can!’ Kero-chan said, smiling slightly. rlm@0: Sakura smiled herself before looking through the catalogue again. rlm@0: rlm@0: Meanwhile a few miles away, Tomoyo was doing something similar. A knock at the door shook her out of her deep thoughts. rlm@0: ‘Tomoyo-chan it’s dinner time!’ her mothers voice called though the door. ‘Hello Mama!’ she replied. rlm@0: The door opened and the auburn haired businesswoman slowly walked in and approached her daughter. rlm@0: ‘What are you doing Tomoyo-chan?’ she asked when she saw the catalogue. rlm@0: ‘Picking out a birthday present for Sakura-chan!’ Tomoyo replied. ‘What about you anniversary?’ Sonomi asked. rlm@0: Tomoyo blushed slightly. ‘It is you anniversary isn’t it?’ she asked. ‘H.. Hai!’ Tomoyo said. rlm@0: ‘So what are you getting her?’ Sonomi asked. Sonomi smiled slightly. rlm@0: She liked to tease her daughter about Sakura less now that they were dating but it was still nice to bring a blush to her daughters’ cheeks. rlm@0: Then her mind drifted back to when she had caught them kissing under the mistletoe at Christmas. rlm@0: That had been quite a surprise and the first hint that they were a couple. rlm@0: She thought back to when they told her, she thought Sakura was going to pass out because of her fear. rlm@0: ‘I.. I’m not sure yet!’ Tomoyo said, sighing slightly. Slowly she pulled a box out of her pocket and set it on Tomoyo’s desk. rlm@0: ‘Well why don’t you take her out to dinner then give her this!’ Sonomi whispered. Slowly she reached out and opened the box. rlm@0: ‘It’s beautiful!’ she whispered, looking at the ring. ‘It was Nadeshiko’s!’ Sonomi said. rlm@0: ‘She gave it to me to remind me that we’d always be friends!’ Tomoyo smiled. rlm@0: ‘I hope she’ll like it!’ she whispered, putting the ring in its box. rlm@0: ‘So do I Tomoyo-chan! But not it’s time for dinner!’ Sonomi said, as Tomoyo stood up. rlm@0: ‘Ok! Arigatou mama!’ Tomoyo said as they left the room. rlm@0: rlm@0: The next day Sakura looked around the mall. ‘Where is that shop?’ she asked herself. rlm@0: She’d spent the last hour looking for a specific jewellery store, with no success. rlm@0: ‘I know it’s here, but where?’ Another shop.. nothing. She was about to scream when she found the shop she wanted. rlm@0: As soon as she got in the door she saw the piece of jewellery she wanted to buy. rlm@0: When she walked up to the counter a sales assistant approached her. ‘Can I help you miss?’ she asked politely. rlm@0: ‘Yes, er.. how much is that broach?’ she asked pointing into the display case. rlm@0: ‘Could you please wait while I check?’ Sakura smiled and nodded before the assistant left holding the broach. rlm@0: ‘I hope I can afford this!’ Sakura thought. Moments later the assistant slowly walked back. rlm@0: ‘Well according to our records, it’s supposed to be 15,000 yen but we’re having a sale today so it’ll be 2,000 yen!’ rlm@0: Sakura smiled brightly. ‘I’ll take it!’ she said handing over the money. rlm@0: The assistant smiled and wrapped the broach up and handed it to Sakura. ‘I hope she likes it!’ Sakura muttered. rlm@0: ‘She?’ the assistant asked. ‘My girlfriend!’ Sakura said. They smiled at each other before Sakura turned to face the exit. rlm@0: She ran out of the store ready to give her love her gift. rlm@0: Just as she had ran around a corner Sonomi walked out of the back room. ‘That was a good thing you did Mai!’ she said. rlm@0: ‘I know it was! She reminds me of you when we were that age, except you didn’t have a girlfriend!’ Mai said smiling slightly. rlm@0: ‘By the way have you gotten over Nadeshiko?’ Sonomi smiled sadly. ‘I don’t think I ever will!’ she whispered. rlm@0: Mai smiled as she watched her friend leave. Just as she turned the corner near the exit, she ran straight into someone. rlm@0: ‘Gomen Nasai!’ she said, after ensuring the broach was still in one piece. ‘Hi Sakura!’ a familiar voice said. rlm@0: Looking up she was surprised to see Syaoran Li standing in front of her. ‘Why are you back?’ she asked, naturally curious. rlm@0: ‘I realised that breaking up with you was stupid!’ he said. ‘So you want to pick up where you left off?’ she asked. rlm@0: Syaoran nodded slightly. ‘Well.. no!’ she said. ‘But..’ he stuttered. rlm@0: ‘I’m seeing someone new now! Just like you were!’ Sakura said. ‘Did you really expect me to wait for you again?’ she asked. rlm@0: ‘I really want to try again Sakura!’ Syaoran said, hanging his head in defeat. rlm@0: ‘Try again..’ Sakura repeated, ‘Sorry!’ then she walked away quickly. rlm@0: ‘I doubt you are sorry Sakura, but I’ll make sure you are!’ Syaoran whispered to himself. rlm@0: As he walked to his apartment a curious thought struck him. ‘I don’t even know who she’s seeing now!’ he thought. rlm@0: ‘Whoever he is I’ll teach him that she’s mine!’ rlm@0: rlm@0: THE NEXT DAY rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Happy anniversary Sakura-chan!’ Tomoyo said. ‘Happy anniversary Tomoyo-chan!’ Sakura replied as she approached the school gates. ‘Would you like to go somewhere special tonight Sakura-chan?’ Tomoyo asked, suddenly very shy. ‘Tomoyo-chan, wherever I am with you is special!’ Sakura whispered, blushing slightly. Tomoyo giggled. ‘Could you come to my house tonight around 6? Please?’ Tomoyo asked, her stormy blue eyes begging her to say yes. ‘I will Tomoyo!’ Sakura whispered, holding herself back from taking the other girl in her arms and ravishing her face with kisses. Tomoyo smiled brightly, hugging her card mistress tightly. When they broke apart they noticed that many of the students were staring at them. ‘We’d er.. We’d better get to class, shouldn’t we Tomoyo-chan?’ Sakura asked. Tomoyo nodded and they slowly walked away. Unbeknownst to Sakura and Tomoyo Syaoran was watching them and was confused by their behaviour. ‘What’s with them?’ he asked himself. ‘And what’s with the anniversary thing?’ He shook his head and left for class before he was late. As they walked into their homeroom, their friends slowly approached them. ‘Hi Sakura-chan, Tomoyo-chan!’ Rika said. Naoko smiled slightly. ‘Happy birthday Sakura-chan!’ she said. ‘Thanks Rika-chan, Naoko-chan, Chiharu-chan!’ Sakura said, blushing slightly. Rika closed her eyes for a second, before opening them in remembrance of what the day also was. ‘Isn’t today also your anniversary?’ she asked. Tomoyo blushed just like Sakura, and she nodded. ‘So are you going anywhere special?’ Chiharu asked. ‘Well I’m taking Sakura-chan out to dinner and I’m not sure what’ll happen after!’ Tomoyo said, wrapping her arms around Sakura’s shoulders smiling brightly. The others giggled as Sakura’s blushed deepened. ‘Tomoyo-chan please..’ she whispered, feeling her fingers go numb due to lack of blood. The other girls giggled before the teacher entered the classroom. They took their seats and waited for school to finish. rlm@0: rlm@0: SEVERAL HOURS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Are you ready yet Sakura?’ Touya asked through his little sisters’ bedroom door. rlm@0: ‘Almost!’ she replied, zipping up her dress. rlm@0: ‘Come on Sakura, you don’t want to keep Tomoyo waiting!’ She blushed when she heard Tomoyo’s name. rlm@0: Idly she wondered what Tomoyo would be wearing. ‘Ready!’ she called out. rlm@0: As she walked into the living room her father whistled. ‘You look wonderful Sakura-chan!’ Fujitaka said. rlm@0: ‘Yeah.. you look pretty good Kaijuu!’ Touya said. ‘Onii-chan...’ Sakura growled. ‘Stop teasing your sister!’ Fujitaka said. rlm@0: ‘I hope you have a good time tonight Sakura-chan!’ rlm@0: ‘Arigatou!’ Sakura stuttered, before there was a knock at the door. rlm@0: When she opened the door, one of Tomoyo’s bodyguards stood in the doorway. rlm@0: ‘Kinomoto-san, Daidouji-san sent us to pick you up!’ she said. Sakura nodded and turned back into the house. rlm@0: ‘See you later!’ she called out before closing the door. ‘I’m going out!’ Touya said suddenly. rlm@0: Fujitaka looked at him just as he left the house. rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘What do you think Sakura-chan?’ Tomoyo asked when Sakura walked up to her outside the restaurant. rlm@0: ‘You look beautiful Tomoyo-chan!’ Sakura replied smiling brightly. rlm@0: ‘Arigatou Sakura-chan!’ Tomoyo whispered, blushing slightly. They smiled at each other before they were shown to their seats. rlm@0: ‘Tomoyo, I.. here!’ Sakura said, presenting Tomoyo with a small box. rlm@0: ‘Oh Arigatou Sakura-chan!’ Tomoyo said, before placing a small box of her own on the table. rlm@0: ‘This is for you Sakura!’ Sakura gasped. Slowly they reached out and picked up their respective boxes. rlm@0: ‘It’s beautiful Sakura-chan!’ Tomoyo said when she saw the broach. When Sakura opened the box a small note fell out. rlm@0: When she picked up the note she read it out loud. rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Sakura-chan, rlm@0: I have loved you for many years! It made me very happy when you said you were in love with me! rlm@0: Now I only have one question: rlm@0: Will you marry me?’ rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura looked at the note again and then at Tomoyo. ‘Yes!’ was the only word she said. rlm@0: Tears suddenly appeared in Tomoyo’s eyes, who was smiling brightly. rlm@0: Sakura smiled slightly, before kissing Tomoyo then excusing herself to visit the ladies room to freshen up. rlm@0: However a very nosey ex-boyfriend saw everything. ‘Her! She had to be with her! Well not for long!’ he thought. rlm@0: ‘Hey Tomoyo!’ he called out. Tomoyo was shocked when Syaoran called out to her. rlm@0: ‘Do you know why Sakura stays with you?’ he asked. ‘Because she loves me!’ Tomoyo answered. rlm@0: ‘No! She stays with you because she pities you!’ he said, smiling when he saw tears forming in the pale girls eyes. rlm@0: ‘She doesn’t!’ Tomoyo whispered. ‘She does!’ he yelled. And the room went silent. rlm@0: ‘She pities you, because you’re strange, because you aren’t normal!’ he yelled. rlm@0: The room was silent, so silent Sakura could hear someone yelling at her pale girlfriend. rlm@0: Pushing her way through the crowd she saw Syaoran laughing as Tomoyo cried into her hands, trying to reason why Sakura was with her. rlm@0: ‘Li-kun what did you say to her?’ she yelled. ‘S.. Sakura-chan!’ Tomoyo called out, running into Sakura’s arms. rlm@0: ‘It’s ok Tomoyo! It’s ok!’ she whispered, stroking the pale girls back. rlm@0: ‘He said you stay with me because you pity me!’ Tomoyo whispered, wiping some of her tears away. rlm@0: ‘That’s not true Tomoyo! You know that! I stay with you because I love you!’ Sakura whispered, ‘With all my heart!’ rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled before starting to cry again. Sakura smiled slightly, before glaring at Syaoran. rlm@0: ‘You get the hell out of my sight before I soil my good name!’ she spat. rlm@0: He looked at her for a moment, before someone tapped on his shoulder. He turned around to see Touya standing over him. rlm@0: ‘What did he do to her?’ he asked Sakura. ‘He lied to her about why I want to be with her!’ Sakura said, hugging Tomoyo tighter. rlm@0: ‘So you lied to her! Now I’m glad I got here!’ he said before grabbing the younger man by the collar and dragging him outside. rlm@0: That night many things happened. rlm@0: rlm@0: MANY YEARS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: ‘Sakura-papa! Sakura-papa!’ a small voice called out, breaking her sleep. rlm@0: Slowly she opened her eyes and met with a pair of scared stormy blue eyes. rlm@0: ‘What can I do for you Kumiko-chan?’ she asked, when her eyes adjusted to the light. rlm@0: ‘I had a bad dream Sakura-papa!’ the young girl said, hugging her favourite doll tighter. rlm@0: ‘Are you ok?’ Tomoyo asked, opening her eyes. Sakura and Kumiko looked at her. rlm@0: ‘No!’ Kumiko replied, ‘I’m scared Tomoyo-mama!’ They smiled before moving slightly. rlm@0: ‘Come on Kumiko-chan, hop in!’ Sakura said, before Kumiko disappeared under the quilt and reappearing between Sakura and Tomoyo. rlm@0: Tomoyo was concerned about the young girl now, just by looking at the young girl, she could tell her daughters dream had really shaken her up. rlm@0: ‘What was your dream about Kumiko-chan?’ Tomoyo asked. rlm@0: ‘A bad man tried to spilt you and Sakura-papa up!’ Kumiko replied, tears slowly forming in her eyes. rlm@0: Sakura smiled, lightly stroking her daughters’ short dark hair. rlm@0: ‘It was only a dream Kumi-chan! It’s ok!’ Sakura said, lightly kissing the top of the young girls’ head. rlm@0: ‘Really?’ she asked. ‘Hai! Nothing is going to slip me and your papa up!’ Tomoyo whispered. rlm@0: ‘Hm!’ Kumiko whispered, falling asleep. Sakura and Tomoyo smiled at each other. rlm@0: ‘Why do you think Kumiko dreamed about Syaoran trying to take you away?’ Tomoyo asked. rlm@0: ‘I don’t know Tomoyo! But it must have been really bad if it brought her here!’ Sakura said. rlm@0: Tomoyo nodded, ‘But she’s fine now!’ Sakura nodded. rlm@0: ‘You’re an even better father then you thought you’d be Sakura!’ Tomoyo said, smiling slightly. rlm@0: Sakura blushed slightly. She’d never thought that she’d be a father when she was younger, but she was glad she was now. rlm@0: ‘Well I’m lucky I have a good wife!’ Sakura whispered, leaning over Kumiko to kiss Tomoyo. rlm@0: ‘So am I!’ Tomoyo whispered, yawning. ‘Hmm!’ Sakura whispered before falling asleep. rlm@0: Tomoyo fell asleep moments later, lightly resting her head against Kumiko and Sakura’s, dreaming of their perfect future. rlm@0: rlm@0: Authors notes: rlm@0: I hope you enjoyed it!