rlm@0: Sakura, Tomoyo and their second child rlm@0: rlm@0: By Radar rlm@0: simon_mcnestrie@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ----------- rlm@0: DISCLAIMER: rlm@0: rlm@0: These characters belong to CLAMP! This is a Yuri story so if it offends you please don't read rlm@0: rlm@0: She knocked on the door and waited for a reply. 'Are you ready yet Kumiko-chan?' she asked. rlm@0: The door opened and a young girl stood infront of her, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. rlm@0: 'Why Sakura-papa?' she asked. 'You don't remember do you?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: 'No!' Kumiko replied, smiling brightly. 'We're going out today!' Sakura said, smiling at her daughters reaction. rlm@0: 'Really?' Kumiko asked. 'Really!' Sakura replied. rlm@0: 'Sakura, Kumiko-chan! Hikaru-chan's here!' Tomoyo said, having walked up to them, wanting to see if Kumiko was ready. rlm@0: 'Hikaru-chan's here?' Kumiko whispered, before running passed Sakura. rlm@0: 'Where is she mama?' Kumiko asked, stopping suddenly. 'She's in the living room!' Tomoyo replied. rlm@0: 'Arigatou!' Kumiko called out before running down the stairs. Sakura smiled brightly. rlm@0: 'She really likes Hikaru-chan doesn't she?' Tomoyo asked. 'Hai!' Sakura replied. rlm@0: 'So where are we going again?' Tomoyo asked. rlm@0: 'Well, first we're going to pick up Auntie Rika and Auntie Naoko then we're heading for the beach!' Sakura replied. rlm@0: Tomoyo giggled softly. Smiling Sakura wondered why, as a child, she hadn't known why the sound of Tomoyo's laughter always made her feel happy. rlm@0: 'Auntie Rika? Auntie Naoko?' rlm@0: 'Yeah! Remember when Kumiko slept with Naoko and Rika when they said they wanted to know what it was like to have a child?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: Tomoyo nodded slightly remembering that day. rlm@0: 'Well, when I tucked her in, Kumiko said that she'd had fun with Auntie Rika and Auntie Naoko and she'd like to spend some more time when them!' rlm@0: 'Oh!' Tomoyo said, smiling brightly. Sakura smiled again and hugged the pale business woman with one arm. 'Is everything ok with Nadeshiko-chan?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: 'Hai! She's just a little energetic today!' Tomoyo replied, smiling when Sakura leaned closer to her swelling stomach. rlm@0: 'Are you going to be a good girl today Nadeshiko-chan?' she asked. rlm@0: As if responding Nadeshiko started kicking. 'Good girl!' Sakura whispered. rlm@0: 'You certainly have a way with them Sakura!' Tomoyo whispered. rlm@0: Sakura giggled softly before wrapping her arm around Tomoyo. rlm@0: rlm@0: 'Hi Hikaru-chan!' the girl called out upon seeing her friend. rlm@0: 'Hi Kumi-chan!' Hikaru replied, before blushing slightly. rlm@0: 'Um.. Kumi-chan... are you going to go out like that?' she asked. rlm@0: Looking down, Kumiko blushed brightly. rlm@0: 'Hoe! I forgot we were going out today!' Kumiko said, her blush deepening. rlm@0: 'I think we'd better get you dressed.' Hikaru said, taking Kumiko's hand in her own and pulling the pale girl to her bedroom. rlm@0: 'Ok!' Kumiko said, smiling brightly. 'Hello Sakura-san, Tomoyo-san!' Hikaru said, passing them on the stairs. rlm@0: 'Hi Hikaru-chan!' Tomoyo replied. 'Where are you going?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: 'Dressing Kumiko-chan!' Hikaru replied, stopping suddenly. rlm@0: Not paying attention Kumiko walked straight into Hikaru's back. rlm@0: 'Ok! Just be gentle!' Sakura said, giggling when she saw Kumiko blush slightly. rlm@0: 'Papa!' Kumiko stuttered. 'I'm always gentle with my Kumiko-chan Sakura-san!' Hikaru stated, giggling softly as Kumiko blushed brighter. rlm@0: 'Hoe! Hikaru-chan! Stop teasing me!' Kumiko whined, attracting even more giggling from her friend and parents. rlm@0: 'I can't help it! You look so cute when you blush!' Hikaru said. rlm@0: Sensing her task was complete Hikaru resumed their walk to Kumiko's bedroom. rlm@0: 'You know I think Hikaru-chan's right! She is cute when she blushes!' Tomoyo said. rlm@0: Sakura nodded in agreement before heading to the kitchen to finish packing their picnic. rlm@0: rlm@0: Kumiko stood infront of her mirror and sighed as Hikaru looked through her wardrobe. rlm@0: 'Why'd you do that?' Kumiko asked. 'Do what?' Hikaru asked, not turning around. rlm@0: 'Embarrass me like that infront of mama and papa!' Kumiko replied, sighing again. rlm@0: 'Because I like to see you blush!' Hikaru replied holding some clothes to herself. rlm@0: Nodding slightly she walked closer to her friend. 'Here you go!' Hikaru said, handing Kumiko the clothing. rlm@0: Hikaru's ability to choose clothing for Kumiko rivaled Tomoyo's. rlm@0: 'Is Kero-chan coming?' she asked, while Kumiko got changed. rlm@0: Nope! Auntie Rika and Auntie Naoko are coming so has to stay here!' Kumiko replied. rlm@0: Moments passed in total silence. 'Hikaru-chan... I'm stuck!' Kumiko said. rlm@0: Turning around Hikaru giggled slightly when she saw why Kumiko was stuck. rlm@0: 'No wonder! You've got your head in your slieve!' she said. rlm@0: Helping her Hikaru smiled when Kumiko's head appeared and she opened her eyes. rlm@0: 'Thats better!' Kumiko said, smiling slightly. 'Kumiko-chan, your mother needs your help!' a voice said through the slightly open door. rlm@0: 'I'll be right there Sakura-papa!' Kumiko called back. rlm@0: Hurrying out the door she raced to see what her mother needed her help with. rlm@0: Hikaru smiled before Kero-chan caught her attention. The little beast lay on Kumiko's bed, his little wings twitching every now and then. rlm@0: 'What's wrong Kero-chan?' she asked. 'I have to say here while you guys go off to have fun and cake! It's not fair!' he said. rlm@0: Hikaru smiled slightly. 'If you want I could save you a piece!' she said. rlm@0: 'Really? Arigatou Hikaru-chan!' he said, smiling brightly. rlm@0: The girl sighed softly, sitting on the edge of the bed. rlm@0: 'I had a funny dream last night!' she muttered. 'Really?' Kero-chan asked. rlm@0: 'Yeah! Me and Kumiko-chan were a lot older and a young girl ran upto us and hugged us!' Hikaru said. 'And?' rlm@0: 'Then we kissed! What does that mean?' she asked. 'I don't know!' Kero-chan replied. rlm@0: It had been years since Sakura had had that kind of dream. 'What could it mean?' he thought. rlm@0: 'The strange thing is the girl looks a lot like Sakura-san!' Kero-chan looked at her. rlm@0: 'She's seen the future!' he thought. Before Hikaru could say anymore Kumiko ran in. rlm@0: 'Everythings ready!' the young girl said. Turning Hikaru looked at Kero-chan. 'I'll remember that piece of cake!' rlm@0: The little animal smiled and nodded. Taking hold of Hikaru's hand, she led her out of the room, leaving a very confused Kero-chan. rlm@0: rlm@0: 'Hi Sakura, hi Tomoyo!' Rika said when they got out of their car. rlm@0: 'Hi Rika, Naoko!' Tomoyo said, resting against the car door. rlm@0: 'Hi Auntie Rika, Auntie Naoko!' Kumiko said, slowly jogging up to them. rlm@0: 'Hi Kumiko-chan!' Naoko said, hugging the young girl. 'Um.. Hello!' Hikaru stuttered bowing politely. rlm@0: 'Who's this Kumi-chan?' Rika asked. 'She's my best friend! Her name is Hikaru Watanabe!' Kumiko said. rlm@0: 'Oh yeah!' Rika said, smiling slightly. 'She's a cute one! You'd better not let her slip away!' Rika said. rlm@0: 'Rika, you can't tell them that!' Sakura said. 'Why not?' Naoko asked. rlm@0: 'Because they don't know yet!' Sakura said. 'Know what papa?' the child asked. rlm@0: 'Sorry Kumi-chan, but its a secret!' Sakura replied. 'Are you ready?' Sakura asked looked at her friend. rlm@0: 'Yeah!' Rika replied smiling slightly. Naoko smiled brightly. Apart from Rika she hardly saw her friends. rlm@0: Still smiling they got in the car and headed to the beach. After almost 2 hours of traveling they reached the beach. rlm@0: As the adults set the picnic up Hikaru and Kumiko played near the water. rlm@0: 'They don't know yet?' Rika asked. 'Nope!' Sakura replied, helping Tomoyo sit down. rlm@0: 'Kumiko-chan! Hikaru-chan! Everythings ready!' Sakura called out. rlm@0: The girls slowly approached her, talking amongst themselves. 'Really?' Hikaru asked. rlm@0: 'Hai! I'd like to know too!' Kumiko replied. 'Sakura-san.. can you remember what Kumiko-chan's first word was?' she asked. rlm@0: Sakura smiled and nodded. Hugging her mother Kumiko felt Nadeshiko start kicking. rlm@0: 'She's kicking again mama!' the girl said. 'Can I feel it Tomoyo-san?' Hikaru asked. rlm@0: Tomoyo nodded before Hikaru lightly pressed her hand against Tomoyo's swelling stomach. rlm@0: She blushed slightly when she felt the unborn child kick. rlm@0: 'I think she's saying hi Hikaru-chan!' Tomoyo whispered. 'Hi Nadeshiko-chan!' Hikaru whispered, smiling as she felt the baby kick again. rlm@0: Rika and Naoko smiled slightly, they were also curious about their "niece's" first word. rlm@0: 'Well it started about 6 years ago....' rlm@0: rlm@0: 6 YEARS AGO rlm@0: rlm@0: She opened her eyes the second she heard the baby cry. rlm@0: Tomoyo sat in her chair trying to stop the child by singing to her, but this time it was having no effect. rlm@0: Looking up she saw Sakura looking at her. 'I'm sorry Sakura!' the pale woman said. rlm@0: 'Why didn't you wake me?' Sakura asked. 'Because you looked so cute!' Tomoyo replied, yawning softly. rlm@0: 'Tomoyo, you rest! I'll look after Kumiko-chan for now! Besides, I think she wants her mother!' Sakura said, gentlely lifting the child from her wifes arms. rlm@0: 'Ok!' Tomoyo whispered, kissing Sakura before laying on the bed Sakura had vacated. rlm@0: Within moments of laying down Tomoyo was asleep. It was then Sakura noticed that Kumiko wasn't crying anymore. rlm@0: Looking down she saw the child smile at her. 'Hi Kumiko-chan!' she whispered. rlm@0: The child gurgled, closed her eyes and nuzzled into Sakura's chest. Sakura smiled. rlm@0: 'I knew you just wanted your mother!' she whispered. Kumiko yawned softly, before opening her eyes again. rlm@0: 'Pa...pa!' the girl said. Sakura's eyes went wide. 'What?' she said. 'Papa!' Kumiko said again happily. rlm@0: 'Papa? You think I'm your father?' she asked the child holding her up. rlm@0: Kumiko's small arms reached out as Sakura brought her closer then she grabbed and started pulling on her cheeks. rlm@0: 'Papa!' the child said again. 'Having fun?' she asked as Kumiko pulled her cheeks again. rlm@0: 'How can I be your papa?' Sakura asked, just as Kumiko giggled again. rlm@0: She sat down and picked up a small bear that sat next to her bed. rlm@0: Kumiko let go of her cheeks when she handed her the bear. Standing up, she walked over to Tomoyo and sat next to her. rlm@0: 'Tomoyo!' she whispered, 'Tomoyo-chan..' The pale woman moaned and opened her eyes. rlm@0: 'What is it Sakura?' she asked, rubbing her eyes. 'Why does our daughter see me as her papa?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: 'Really?' Tomoyo asked. Sakura nodded. 'Kumi-chan..' Sakura whispered, before the child looked up. 'Who am I?' she asked. rlm@0: 'Papa!' the girl said, smiling brightly. Then she pointed to Tomoyo. rlm@0: 'Who's this?' Sakura asked. Kumiko looked up at her then at Tomoyo. rlm@0: 'P..' the child said before looking again, 'Ma.. ma!' rlm@0: Looking up she smiled before hugging the bear in her arms. rlm@0: 'Why are you the mother Tomoyo-chan?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: 'I think it's because Kumiko-chan sees you differently to the way she sees me!' Tomoyo replied. rlm@0: Sakura sighed softly as she watched her daughter play with her teddy bear. rlm@0: rlm@0: PRESENT DAY rlm@0: rlm@0: Kumiko, Hikaru, Rika and Naoko looked at her, amazed by the story while Tomoyo smiled at them. rlm@0: 'Did that really happen?' Rika asked. 'Hai!' Sakura said, smiling brightly. rlm@0: 'Why do you see Sakura-san didderently Kumiko-chan?' Hikaru asked. Kumiko shrugged her shoulders. rlm@0: 'I don't know! I've always thought of her as my papa!' the girl replied. rlm@0: 'I have a question Sakura!' Naoko said.'How'd you get Tomoyo pregnant?' rlm@0: Sakura looked at Tomoyo for a second before Tomoyo answered. rlm@0: 'Sakura.. convinced Touya to get us some of his sperm!' Tomoyo said. rlm@0: 'Really?' Rika asked. Sakura nodded, not trusting herself to answer. rlm@0: 'We should try that!' Rika said. Naoko nodded. Kumiko lightly tugged on Sakura's shirt. rlm@0: 'Uncle Touya's my papa?' she asked. 'I'll explain everything when we get home!' Sakura said. rlm@0: 'Ok!' Kumiko whispered. She was so confused. rlm@0: 'Could uncle Touya be my papa?' she asked herself. 'Whats the matter Kumi-chan?' Hikaru asked. rlm@0: 'Hai!' Kumiko replied, blushing slightly. 'Are you ok Kumiko-chan?' Hikaru asked. rlm@0: Kumiko nodded, blushing brighter. 'If he is does that mean that Sakura-papa's my auntie?' rlm@0: She became so lost in her thoughts that she never heard Hikaru ask her if she wanted to go swiming. rlm@0: 'Kumi-chan?' a voice said followed by a light tapping on her shoulder. 'Hai Sakura-papa?' she asked. rlm@0: 'Hikaru-chan wants to know if you'll go swiming with her!' Sakura said. 'But I forgot my bathing suit!' Kumiko said. rlm@0: Sakura smiled slightly. 'You might have but you're mother brought one with her just encase!' Sakura said, handing her daughter her spare bathing suit. rlm@0: 'Arigatou!' Kumiko whispered, 'But where can I change?' Sakura's smile grew slightly. rlm@0: 'You're gonna have to step off the blanket for a moment!' Sakura said. rlm@0: Moving away Sakura picked up the blanket and held up shielding Kumiko for view. rlm@0: 'There you go!' the auburn gaired woman siad, before closing her eyes. rlm@0: A few minutes later Kumiko lightly pulled on Sakura's shirt. 'Ready?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: 'Hai!' Kumiko replied, as Sakura opened her eyes. 'What's the matter Kumi-chan?' Sakura asked. rlm@0: 'Um.. Is uncle Touya really my papa?' the girl asked. 'No!' Sakura replied. rlm@0: 'But you're a girl like Tomoyo-mama!' Kumiko said, very confused. rlm@0: 'And the strongest magician in the world! Remember?' Sakura said. rlm@0: 'Oh! I forgot!' Kumiko said, blushing slightly. rlm@0: Sakura smiled at her before the girl hugged her as tightly as she could. rlm@0: 'Where's Hikaru-chan?' she asked, releasing Sakura from the hug. 'Near your mother!' Sakura replied, smiling when Kumiko ran off. rlm@0: Jogging slowly behind her, they surprised the unsuspecing Tomoyo and Hikaru. rlm@0: rlm@0: The trip home was uneventful. They dropped Naoko and Rika off at their appartment and continued home. rlm@0: They thanked their friends for a good day out and was surprised when Kumiko hugged them before they left. rlm@0: 'Did you enjoy your day out?' Sakura asked when they stopped in the drive way. rlm@0: When she got no answer she and Tomoyo turned around to see Kumiko and Hikaru resting against each other, sound asleep. rlm@0: 'They're so cute!' Tomoyo whispered, withdrawing a camera from her bag. rlm@0: Moments later a flash filled the car and the girls opened their eyes slowly. rlm@0: 'Where are we?' she asked as she and Hikaru rubbed their eyes. 'Home!' Sakura replied, holding back a smile. rlm@0: The girls got out of the car, closed the doors and stumbled. rlm@0: Falling into Sakura and Tomoyo's arms they blushed and whispered their appologies. rlm@0: 'Did you have fun today?' Sakura asked again. Kumiko nodded slightly. rlm@0: 'Lets get you 2 to bed!' Sakura muttered as she and Tomoyo helped the girls into the house and up to Kumiko's bedroom. rlm@0: Laying on the bed Hikaru snuggled into Kumiko. The pale girl smiled slightly and placed an arm around her waist, hugging her before they fell asleep. rlm@0: As they shut the door they smiled ad went to the living room. rlm@0: As they slowly walked down the stairs Sakura noticed that Tomoyo seemed to be paler then normal. rlm@0: 'Are you ok Tomoyo?' she asked. 'Hai! Just a little tired!' Tomoyo replied, sitting down when they got into the living room. rlm@0: As she sat down she noticed something wet where she had been standing moments before and realised what had happened. rlm@0: 'Its time Sakura-chan!' Tomoyo said softly when Ssakura sat next to her. rlm@0: Sakura looked at her and paled slightly. 'But I thought you still had over a week to go!' she said. rlm@0: Tomoyo smiled at her. 'I do but Kumiko was a few weeks late remember!' the pale woman said. rlm@0: 'I think Nadeshiko-chan wants to come out early!' rlm@0: 'We'd better get you to the hospital then!' Sakura said, helping the pale woman stand. rlm@0: Helping Tomoyo into the car Sakura rushed back into the house. Minutes later she appeared walking towrds the car with Kumiko and Hikaru almost asleep. rlm@0: 'Where are we going papa?' Kumiko asked, rubbing her eyes. rlm@0: 'The hospital! Nadeshiko-chan's gonna be a little early!' Sakura replied, almost pulling the girls with her. rlm@0: This seemed to wake the girls up. 'But.. but she's not ready!' Kumiko said. rlm@0: 'I think she is Kumi-chan!' Sakura said as the girls jumped into the car. rlm@0: Less then 30 minutes later they were at the hospital waiting for Tomoyo's mid-wife. rlm@0: rlm@0: 32 hours later little Nadeshiko Daidouji came into the world kicking and screaming. rlm@0: Placed in her mothers arms the child continued to cry and squerm. 'Hi Nadeshiko-chan!' Tomoyo whispered, lightly strocking her baby's cheek. rlm@0: Sakura smiled slightly. 'That girl has a good set of lungs! I bet she's gonna sing sometime!' she thought. rlm@0: Slowly the infants crying stopped and she opened her eyes. 'She has your eyes Tomoyo!' Sakura whispered. rlm@0: 'Yeah for now!' Tomoyo replied, her voice a mear whisper. rlm@0: Sakura smiled as they watched the nurse wrap Nadeshiko in a blanket and hand her to Sakura. rlm@0: 'Hi Nadeshiko-chan!' Sakura whispered. 'Papa.. who's that?' a small voice asked from ehind her. rlm@0: Turing she saw Kumiko and Hikaru stand a short distanse away from her. 'Nadeshiko-chan say hello to your big sister!' Sakura whispered, showing Kumiko her little sister. rlm@0: 'She's so small papa!' Kumiko said. Sakura giggled softly. rlm@0: 'You were once like this Kumi-chan!' Sakura said. 'Why's she so red Sakura-san?' Hikaru asked. rlm@0: 'I.. I don't know!' Sakura said, blushing slightly. 'She has Kumiko's eyes!' Hikaru thought. rlm@0: 'They're so cute!' rlm@0: 'Are you ok Hikaru-chan?' Kumiko asked. 'H.. hai!' Hikaru stuttered. rlm@0: 'She has Kumi-chan's ears too!' the brown haired girl thought, blushing even brighter. rlm@0: 'Are you sure you're ok Hikaru-chan?' Sakura asked when she saw the girl's blush brighten. rlm@0: 'Hai Sakura-san!' the girl replied. Slowly a pair of arms wrapped themselves around a surprised Hikaru and something pressed against her cheek. rlm@0: 'You're wierd Hikaru-chan!' a soft voice said from behind her, 'But that's why I like you!' rlm@0: Hikaru smiled slightly. 'Arigatou Kumi-chan!' Hikaru whispered. rlm@0: The kiss that had just happened was almost as good as the kiss that had happened at Christmas. rlm@0: It had been a surprise to find herself under the mistletoe, especally with her best friend. rlm@0: Sakura and Tomoyo had insisted that they kiss and a picture be taken. rlm@0: It had been embarassing when she did it, but she had secretly been wanting to be caught with the pale girl under the mistletoe. rlm@0: Her parents were shocked at Kumiko's parents behavour, but allowed it. rlm@0: She blushed brighter as she felt Kumiko tighten the hug slightly. 'She's cute!' Hikaru said, before Nadeshiko grabbed her finger with a tiny hand she'd managed to get out of the blanket. rlm@0: Sakura smiled as the girls looked on at the baby. rlm@0: rlm@0: YEARS LATER rlm@0: rlm@0: A pale teenage girl with long dark hair and sparkling emerald eyes ran into her parents room and jumped on the bed. rlm@0: 'Hi mama! Hi papa!' the girl said happily. The pale woman occupying one side of the bed sat up slowly, yawning. rlm@0: 'Morning Nadeshiko-chan!' she said. 'Morning Tomoyo-mama!' Nadeshiko said, smiling brightly. rlm@0: 'Sakura!' Tomoyo whispered to the auburnhaired woman on the other side of the bed. rlm@0: 'wozdomata?' Sakura muttered. rlm@0: 'Morning Sakura-papa!' Nadeshiko said. Sitting up Sakura rubbed her eyes. rlm@0: 'Morning Nadeshiko-chan!' Sakura replied sitting up. Nadeshiko's smile wavered slightly. rlm@0: 'You don't remember?' she asked. 'Of course we rememeber!' Tomoyo said. 'Remember what?' Sakura asked, her view going from her pale daughter to her pale wife. rlm@0: 'Oh! That!' she said, feeling Tomoyo pinch her under the covers. rlm@0: 'Happy Birthday Nadeshiko-chan!' Sakura said. Nadeshiko's smile grew a lot larger before she hugged her parents. rlm@0: Jumping off the bed the girl ran out of the room, down the hall and into her bedroom. rlm@0: Sakura winced when she saw Nadeshiko run handlong in the door, before running off unhindered. rlm@0: Over the years Sakura noticed that her daughter was more like her mother Nadeshiko and not Tomoyo. rlm@0: She sighed as the got out of bed and started dressing. Running down the stairs Nadeshiko heard a knock at the door. rlm@0: Opening it she saw 3 red haired people smiling at her. 'Happy birthday Nadeshiko-chan!' the youngest said, hugging the pale girl. rlm@0: 'Arigatout Rika-chan!' Nadeshiko replied. 'Happy Birthday Nadeshiko-chan!'the other red heads said, bowing slightly. rlm@0: 'Arigatou Tohru-san, Yuri-san!' rlm@0: 'So 15?' Yuri asked. Nadeshiko nodded happily. Tohru smiled slightly. rlm@0: Rika looked up to the dark haired girl, for reasons mainly her own. Nadeshiko had failed to notice that Rika had blushed slightly when Nadeshiko had returned her hug. rlm@0: 'I'm gonna tell her today!' the young red head thought. 'Mama and papa'll be down soon!' Nadeshiko said as they walked into the living room. rlm@0: Just as she sat down there was another knock on the door. Standing up the pale teen walked to the door and opened it. rlm@0: 'Happy Birthday Nadeshiko-chan!' rlm@0: 'Hi Hikaru-san! Hi Onii-chan!' Nadehshiko replied happily. 'Hi Kaijuu!' Kumiko said. rlm@0: 'I'm not a Kaijuu!' Nadeshiko screamed at her older sister. 'Happy Birthday Nadehshiko-chan!' a softer voice came from behind Hikaru. rlm@0: 'Hi Megumi-chan!' Nadeshiko said as Hikaru and Kumiko stepped passed her. Slowly they moved into a tight hug. rlm@0: 'I missed you Megumi-chan!' Nadeshiko whispered. 'Silly Nadeshiko-chan! I was here yesterday!' Megumi said, giggling softly. rlm@0: 'I know but I still missed you!' Nadeshiko countered, leaning forward slightly. rlm@0: Leaning forward Megumi lightly pressed her lips to Nadeshiko's. Slowly they leaned apart. rlm@0: 'Where's your present Megumi-chan?' Nadeshiko asked, realising that both of Megumi's arms were around her waist. rlm@0: 'I'm gonna give it to you later Nadeshiko-chan!' Megumi replied, smiling slightly. rlm@0: 'Hi Megumi-chan!' came a voice from behind them. They blushed as they moved apart. rlm@0: 'Hi Rika-chan!' Megumi said, seeing their friend. 'Why?' Rika asked herself. 'She's Nadeshiko's best friend, and they're dating! Why didn't I see this before?' rlm@0: 'Are you ok Rika-chan?' Nadeshiko asked. Rika nodded. 'Because you wouldn't see it!' a voice answered. 'You refused to see it!' rlm@0: 'But I love her!' she thought. 'And she loves you! But she loves Megumi even more! Besides what about Misato?' the voice replied. rlm@0: 'Hey you three! Mama and Papa want to know it you want cake!' Kumiko's voice said. rlm@0: 'We'll be right there Onii-chan!' Nadeshiko called back, turning to see Rika smiling at them. rlm@0: They walked into the living room to find a bright blue Birthday cake now on a table in the centre of the room. rlm@0: 'Papa could Megumi-chan give me her present first?' Nadeshiko asked. Sakura smiled at her. rlm@0: 'Sorry Nadeshiko-chan.. there'll be time for that later!' she said, smiling brighter when Nadeshiko and Megumi blushed. rlm@0: 'Ok Sakura-papa!' Nadeshiko whispered, looing at the cake. Megumi smiling slightly, having had a hand in making it. rlm@0: 'Blow out the candles Nadehsiko-chan!' she whispered, nudgin the pale girl towards the cake. rlm@0: Nadeshiko blushed and closed her eyes. 'I wish... I wish...' she thought. She opened her eyes and blew the candle out and smiled. rlm@0: 'Happy Birthday Nadeshiko-chan!' Everyone said. Nadeshiko smiled and helped cut the cake. rlm@0: rlm@0: Hours later Nadeshiko lay next to Megumi, almost asleep. 'Wow!' the blonde haired girl whispered. 'Where'd you learn that?' rlm@0: 'From mama and papa!' Nadeshiko replied, smiling slightlyand pulling the covers over them. rlm@0: 'They let you watch them?' Megumi asked. Nadeshiko shook her head and smiled at the other girl. rlm@0: 'Silly Megumi-chan!' she whispered as Megumi blushed, 'They told me how!' Slowly she moved down so she was face to face with Megumi. rlm@0: 'Arigatou!' she whispered. 'I know we promised to wait till we were both 16.. but I couldnt wait!' Megumi whispered. rlm@0: Nadeshiko smiled slightly. Megumi was only a few months older then her. rlm@0: 'Its ok Megumi-chan! It's been the best birthday ever!' she whispered, lightly kissing the other girl before they fell asleep. rlm@0: Moments later the door opened and Sakura walked in. 'Are you ok...?' she asked, just noticing the girls were alseep. rlm@0: She smiled and left the room leaving the girls to sleep.