rlm@0: Legal Note: I (isdestroyer) do not own any of the characters in this fic, they belong to Clamp. rlm@0: A note to the reader, I am not fluent in Japanese, in fact I only know a few words, so if any are rlm@0: misspelled or misused, then I apologize. I also apologize for writing this in Notepad, but I don't rlm@0: have Word on my computer right now so I have to make do. Thank you. rlm@0: rlm@0: A Cherry Blossom Christmas rlm@0: By isdestroyer rlm@0: wmmmdm@swbell.net rlm@0: rlm@0: The days couln't pass fast enough for Sakura. There were still three weeks to go rlm@0: before Christmas, and she was getting rather impatient. The days passed slowly, yet steadily rlm@0: and Sakura waited. It wasn't as if she was idle, far from it. Sakura and her best friend in all rlm@0: the world Tomoyo Daidouji would pass the remaing days by going to the park after shool, or rlm@0: to go shopping for presents. As the last days of school dragged on, semingly to do so just to rlm@0: annoy Sakura, Sakura got more and more anxious. She loved Christmas, in fact it was her rlm@0: favorite holiday. Not for the receiving of presents (though that was certanly part of it), but to rlm@0: be with those she loved. And those who loved her back. Tomoyo was also looking forward rlm@0: to this Christmas for specific two reasons. One was that this year, Sakura was going to spend rlm@0: it over at Tomoyo's house. Her friend had said that she was always with her family, and that this rlm@0: time she wanted to be with Tomoyo. That, in fact, meant more to Tomoyo than any present, but rlm@0: Sakura insited that she had a special gift for Tomoyo this year. And so that was the other rlm@0: reason. Because the two girls had hardly spent any time apart for the past month, or really the rlm@0: year, Tomoyo was dumbfounded at how Sakura had managed to get her a gift without her noticing. rlm@0: They did all of their shopping together, or so it seemed anyway. Nontheles, Sakura maintained rlm@0: that she had a present for Tomoyo that Sakura knew Tomoyo had wanted for a long time, rlm@0: even if she hadn't said anything. The days continued to pass slowly, but at least, Sakura reasoned, rlm@0: they passed. Christmas vacation had started and Sakura went out to shop with Tomoyo again, rlm@0: this time for her family. She bought some new clothes and a book for Touya. A really big rlm@0: book on ancient civilizations for her father. Yukito was going to get a big box of chocolates rlm@0: and a book on the magical properties of the moon that Shaoran had aquired for her in Hong rlm@0: Kong. That one was also for her as much as it was for Yukito's other half. Sakura had rlm@0: already sent Shaoran a present which she hoped arrived on time. Sakura even got Tomoyo's rlm@0: mother a gift, with a little help from Sakura's father. It was a picture of Sonomi and Nadeshiko rlm@0: when they were in high school. On the back it read "Sonomi - I will always treasure you and rlm@0: love you, Nadeshiko." Sakura's father had told her that Nadeshiko had written that after rlm@0: they got married, and that she had wanted to give it to Sonomi so she wouldn't be angry rlm@0: anymore, but then decided not to for reasons that she kept to herself. Sakura got Kero rlm@0: a ridiculusly large box of candy and she also intended to make him a large cake and a lot rlm@0: of pudding. Finally Sakura's shopping was done, and she and Tomoyo went out to get some rlm@0: hot chocolate. rlm@0: rlm@0: With agonizing slowness, December 25th came closer and closer. Sakura counted rlm@0: the days on her calender and was nearly bouncing off the walls with anticipation (with her rlm@0: magic, she actually considered doing just that to relieve some of the tension, but decided against it). rlm@0: When Kero asked why she was so anxious, she said, rlm@0: "Because, Kero-chan, I can't wait to be with Tomoyo-chan and give her her gift. I'm also rlm@0: really nervous about it, what if something bad happens, what if I mess the whole thing up and rlm@0: I hurt her? I just couldn't stand it if that happened." rlm@0: "But you know what you have to do, I've seen you practicing." rlm@0: "Hai, but thats not the real thing. If she gets hurt it will be my fault and I won't be able to forgive rlm@0: myself." rlm@0: Kero gave up trying to console Sakura. He knew there was no reasoning with the Cardmistress. rlm@0: rlm@0: At long last Christmas Eve came. It started to snow around noon, and Sakura was busy rlm@0: getting ready to go to Tomoyo's house. After supper she packed all the things she would take rlm@0: with her and said goodbye to her father, brother and Yukito. Then she called out the Fly card rlm@0: and lept into the air as angelic wings sprouted from her back. She waved goodbye one last time rlm@0: to her family and Kero, then took off towards her best friend's mansion. When she arrived she rlm@0: let out a gasp of awe as she gazed at the Daidouji residence. It was as if she had landed at Santa's rlm@0: House itself. There were large snowmen all over the yard and the fountain in the middle of the rlm@0: sidewalk looked like a giant ice sculpture. Every tree looked like a Christmas tree as they were rlm@0: all decorated with ornaments and lights. The house itself had thousands of multicolored lights rlm@0: that sent out rainbow rays all over the lawn and were refracted by the icicles on the mansion and rlm@0: the various lawn statues. Along with the lights in the bushes and the ice crystlals sparkling all over rlm@0: the place, the effect was simply mind blowing. If Sakura didn't know better, she would have sworn rlm@0: that Tomoyo's house had been decorated with magic. She walked up to the door and rang the bell. rlm@0: almost immedietly the door opened and there stood Tomoyo. Sakura gasped at the stunning dress rlm@0: her best friend was wearing. It was a shimmering silk periwinlke dress with a lace frill at the hem. rlm@0: It had lace at the end of the sleaves so that Tomoyo's hands were just covered, but not in such a rlm@0: way as to become a nusiance. The neck line dropped a little bit but not so much as to forgo rlm@0: modesty and was also rimmed with lace. Tomoyo was also wearing soft silk slippers of the same rlm@0: color as her dress and her hair was falling in shimmering waves down her shoulders and back and rlm@0: had a single bow in it of the same color as the dress. Tomoyo was smiling as she opened the door rlm@0: and greeted Sakura. rlm@0: "Sakura-chan, please come in. I want to show you the tree." rlm@0: "Hai Tomoyo-chan." rlm@0: Tomoyo led Sakura through the entrance hall to the living room and pointed at the largest Christmas rlm@0: tree Sakura had ever seen. Sakura thought that the outside decorations had beed spectacular, but rlm@0: they were nothing compared to this Christmas tree. The tree was covered with brilliant white lights rlm@0: that made it seem as if the tre itself was made of crystal. At various spots on the tree there were rlm@0: small decorations that were just large enough to see, but did not take away from the lights. At rlm@0: the very top was an angel that looked so real that Sakura started when she saw it. The angel was rlm@0: shining even more brightly than the rest of the tree, if that was possible, and when Sakura looked rlm@0: at it closely, she thought it had a slight resemblance to her. the whole thing was so bright Sakura rlm@0: wondered how anyone could sleep with it plugged in. She looked at Tomoyo who was beaming rlm@0: as brightly as the tree at Sakura's awestruck face. rlm@0: "Hoe, Tomoyo-chan, it's so bright. rlm@0: "Do you like it Sakura-chan?" rlm@0: "Oh yes, its beautiful, almost as beautiful as you look in that dress." rlm@0: Tomoyo beamed even more at this and gave Sakura a hug, which Sakura returned. Sonomi came rlm@0: in and Sakura gave her her present to put under the tree. The three stayed up late talking and rlm@0: reminising about passed Christmases. Eventually Sonomi said they all had to get to bed, for after rlm@0: all, the sooner you get to sleep, the sooner it will be morning. Sakura and Tomoyo walked up the rlm@0: stairs to Tomoyo's room and changed into their pajamas. As they got into bed Tomoyo said, rlm@0: "Sakura-chan, I didn't see you bring my present, did you forget it?" rlm@0: "Nope. Don't worry Tomoyo chan, I have your present, but you have to wait for tomorrow." rlm@0: "Hai Sakura-chan. I can't wait." rlm@0: Tomoyo in truth hd no idea of what was going to happen tommorrow, but she would treasure it rlm@0: for the rest of her life. The two girls snuggled closer for warmpth an slowly drifter off to sleep. rlm@0: rlm@0: In the morning the sunlight crept across the floor of Tomoyo's room and woke the two rlm@0: girls up instantly when it hit their eyes. rlm@0: "Hurray! It's Christmas!" shouted Sakura as she jumped up and down on the bed. rlm@0: "Ohaiyo to you too Sakura-chan." said Tomoyo with a smile. rlm@0: "Oh! O-Ohaiyo Tomoyo-chan." Sakura said, blusshing furiously. Tomoyo just smiled even more rlm@0: and laghed good-naturedly at the embarrased Cardmistress. They both rushed downstairs to the rlm@0: living room and just about dove into the large pile of presents. Sonomi rushed in to take pictures rlm@0: as all mothers do, no matter how embarrasing. Sakura and Tomoyo tore through the gifts like a rlm@0: wolves in a herd of deer. Wrapping paper flew as they discovered one delight after the other until rlm@0: there was nothing left. Suddenly Tomoyo said, rlm@0: "Sakura-chan, I didn't find your present. Are you sure you brought it?" rlm@0: "Hai, Tomoyo-chan. I have it. This is something I know you've wanted for a long time, even though rlm@0: you didn't say anything. I'm really nervous here, and I'm afraid I might hurt you." rlm@0: "Don't worry Sakura-chan, I know you would never hurt me on purpose." replied Tomoyo. rlm@0: "Well then, here goes." said Sakura with a nervous expression on her face. rlm@0: Sakura put her hands on the sides of Tomoyo's head and closed her eyes. She began wispering some rlm@0: odd words that soudened like another language and her hands began to glow. Suddenly Tomoyo rlm@0: gasped as she felt a warm glow in her chest. The glow grew larger and warmer until it seemed to rlm@0: fill her up completely. When Sakura took her hands away, Tomoyo looked confused and asked rlm@0: Sakura what she did. rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan, I dicovered a spell that would allow you to use magic for one day. It was very rlm@0: difficult to do, and I was afraid I would mess up and end up hurting you." rlm@0: "Sakura-chan are you serious? I can use magic?" Sakura nodded and Tomoyo's eyes lit up. rlm@0: "Thats wonderful! Arigato Sakura-chan." rlm@0: "But it's only for one day so..." rlm@0: "That doesn't matter, Sakura-chan. You've given me somthing I never thought I could have, and rlm@0: that means all the world to me." rlm@0: Sakura smiled and looked Tomoyo in the eye. Tomoyo looked at Sakura and and the two girls rlm@0: leaned forward and kissed each other lightly. rlm@0: rlm@0: The End rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Well, thats my first Sakura/Tomoyo fic and I hoped you like it. Interestingly enough, I wrote this rlm@0: all in one night on Christmas Eve. If you have any comments or questions e-mail me at rlm@0: isdestroyer@hotmail.com I will apreceate any praises or constructive critiesism. Flames rlm@0: will be ignored. I have more to come and hopfully I will get Word on my Computer rlm@0: because notepad is a pain in the ass. Thanks for reading. rlm@0: