rlm@0: Learning To Fly: Chapter 3 rlm@0: rlm@0: by: rlm@0: The Amazoness Duo rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: G.P. rlm@0: pearsong1954@yahoo.com rlm@0: rlm@0: ===== rlm@0: rlm@0: A soft, gentle knock resounded throughout Sakura's moderately rlm@0: spacious room. Already blushing a shade of crimson, the Cardmistress rlm@0: sunk lower on her bed. Her clothes laid in a hesitant pile near her rlm@0: knees on her bed. Heart pounding, she covered it with a satiny glone, rlm@0: one of the few articles of cloth that adorn her. She was clad in a rlm@0: pink, lacey bra that teases at what it holds undernearth and matching rlm@0: panties. The gloves trailed ribbons at her wrists. The stockings rlm@0: ended at her thighs, again with a generous use of lace. Kicking rlm@0: against the bed, the half clothed Cardmistress let out a whine. rlm@0: "Hoe... Tomoyo-chan, I'm not coming out in this," she said, her voice rlm@0: infused with embarrassment. rlm@0: rlm@0: "But I need to see if it fits properly. It needs to be perfect rlm@0: before Li-kun sees Sakura-chan prancing about in it," came Tomoyo's rlm@0: reply, her voice as sweet as always. Pulling her silk hair back, the rlm@0: heiress placed her head against the door, listening for the tell-tale rlm@0: signs of her roommate's fidgeting. rlm@0: rlm@0: "That isn't why you want to see it," Sakura whined, her hands rlm@0: slipping to the edge of the bed. Looking down, she swished her toes rlm@0: around in the stockings, feeling the cloth move over them. She wasn't rlm@0: used to anything this dressy. Normal undergarments usually did the rlm@0: trick for her. Okay, she was used to things this dressy. Tomoyo's rlm@0: costumes. But those she could wear without most of her body showing. rlm@0: Well, most of them. rlm@0: rlm@0: "All right, that isn't why. -I- want to see Sakura-chan prancing rlm@0: around in it," Tomoyo admitted after a moment's pause. Her head still rlm@0: pressed against the door, the sounds came to her of Sakura shifting, rlm@0: her embarrassment audible.Blushing intensely, Sakura hugged her legs rlm@0: to her chest, her chin resting on the soft fabric that covered her rlm@0: legs. How was she supposed to reply to that? Even after having known rlm@0: of Tomoyo's feelings for the past few years, she still wasn't rlm@0: entirely sure how to react. So her body tended to react with a huge rlm@0: amount of blushes and embarrassed stammers. Her heart was pounding rlm@0: faster now and her voice had left her. "Tomoyo-chan..." was all she rlm@0: could get out, coming out as little more than a whimper. Trying to go rlm@0: to someone for help, she had gone to her older brother. Tomoyo would rlm@0: have been her first choice, but seeing as how the other girl was rlm@0: involved, it seemed in bad taste to ask Tomoyo what she should do rlm@0: about it. Since Touya had been through the same thing, she had rlm@0: thought he would have excellent voice. His advice: "You take him out rlm@0: to ice cream, then get him back home and leave your clothes at the rlm@0: door." Yukito had simply smiled the whole time. Blushing fiercely, as rlm@0: she was blushing now, Sakura had quickly excused herself. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I bet it looks gorgeous on you, Sakura-chan. I made it for you so rlm@0: you could show off your beautiful body the next time you see Li-kun. rlm@0: It would be a shame if you had it and no one ever got to see how rlm@0: gorgeous you were in it," Tomoyo prodded, still listening for any rlm@0: reaction on her friend's part. Testing gently, she realized the door rlm@0: wasn't locked. Sakura very seldom locked any doors. Which had caused rlm@0: the Cardmistress no end of trouble back when she had lived with her rlm@0: father and brother. There had been plenty of close calls with Sakura rlm@0: talking to her supposedly stuffed doll, Kero. But now, Tomoyo found rlm@0: that it worked to her advantage. "Sakura-chan," Tomoyo began again, rlm@0: "There's nothing to be embarrassed about. I've been helping you dress rlm@0: in your outfits since we were ten years old. I've seen more of you rlm@0: than Li-kun has. And I've probably named every little part by rlm@0: now.""You've what?" Sakura blinked, looking up, confused. Confusion rlm@0: gave way to even more embarrassment. All those times she had changed rlm@0: in front of Tomoyo, not realizing the other girl actually enjoyed rlm@0: what she saw came back to her. Tomoyo had helped her dress into many rlm@0: of her more elaborate costumes. And Tomoyo had named her body parts? rlm@0: Her cheeks flushed as a morbid curiosity burned inside of her. What rlm@0: had she named? What names had she picked? Sakura had to shake her rlm@0: head and force the thought away, too shy to ask her questions. "But.. rlm@0: No! That was different. You helped me into your costumes and with the rlm@0: dresses you made for me. Not something... sexy..." The last word came rlm@0: out lower than the rest, as if she had to force it out. Seeing rlm@0: herself in the mirror, Sakura shrunk down even more. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura-chan has worn lots of sexy clothes. You must not remember rlm@0: half of the costumes you've worn for the past five years. I'll have rlm@0: to get out the videotapes and show you again. The lingerie probably rlm@0: has more cloth in total than the hummingbird outfit had," Tomoyo said rlm@0: thoughtfully, a finger going to her chin. rlm@0: rlm@0: "You told me that was a swimsuit!" Sakura responded, letting her rlm@0: legs fall back to the bed and her fists resting near her sides. rlm@0: rlm@0: Perfect. Tomoyo smiled, hearing Sakura's position change. "No, I rlm@0: said it was waterproof, not that it was a swimsuit," she corrected. rlm@0: The door slid open in one swift movement. For several seconds, Tomoyo rlm@0: got a wonderful glimpse of her startled Sakura. For the first second rlm@0: and a half, the brunette didn't even have the chance to be rlm@0: embarrassed. Sakura truly looked beautiful in the lingerie, looking rlm@0: both cute and sexy all at once, something Tomoyo had always loved rlm@0: about her energetic friend. Those moments were burned forever into rlm@0: memory thanks to the wonderful technology of camcorders. Thanks to rlm@0: years and years of videotaping her flighty friend, the dark haired rlm@0: girl had become an expert and bringing the camcorder to bear in the rlm@0: most crucial of seconds. And then, like a groundhog popping back into rlm@0: his hole, Sakura was gone. The girl had rolled off the bed, hiding rlm@0: behind the side opposite Tomoyo. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan!!" Sakura whined again, her heart pounding and her face rlm@0: burning as she lay hunched over behind her bed. She hadn't expected rlm@0: the other girl to come in. Now what was she supposed to do? Her hand rlm@0: darted up to the bed, searching for her clothes. Her questing fingers rlm@0: encountered nothing but the top of her bed. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura-chan needs to fold her clothes more often or they'll get rlm@0: wrinkled," Tomoyo chided playfully, having pulled Sakura's clothes rlm@0: away from her reach. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, she could rlm@0: only make out her friend's hunched back. Good enough. Bringing the rlm@0: camcorder up, she began to record. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Why are you recording this?" Sakura asked, trying to curl up into rlm@0: herself. It wasn't working. The camcorder and Tomoyo's eyes stayed rlm@0: fixed on her. Her position didn't offer her much comfort or security. rlm@0: "For posterity," Tomoyo chimed in, smiling brightly. "Maybe I should rlm@0: make a copy for Li-kun. He must get lonely being so far away from rlm@0: you." rlm@0: rlm@0: "No! No copies for Syaoran," Sakura said quickly, looking up. It rlm@0: took her a moment to see the camcorder dip, looking down her front. rlm@0: Squeaking, the Cardmistress hugged herself tightly. rlm@0: rlm@0: "But it seems unfair for me to get to see this while your boyfriend rlm@0: doesn't get to," Tomoyo reasoned, panning over Sakura's strong rlm@0: shoulders and down her pack to where the panties hugged her before rlm@0: continuing down her beautiful, runner's legs. Sighing dreamily, the rlm@0: heiress held a hand to her face. "You're very sexy, Sakura- rlm@0: chan.""Th..Thanks, Tomoyo-chan." Blushing deeply, the Cardmistress rlm@0: gazed back down at the floor. She couldn't say she minded Tomoyo's rlm@0: compliments. They always made her feel wonderful. Tomoyo made her rlm@0: feel like she could really do anything. Like she was something rlm@0: special. So even the embarrassing things weren't all that bad. Just, rlm@0: well, embarrassing. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Please, Sakura-chan? Just for me and my camcorder. You can decide rlm@0: later on if Li-kun sees. But I don't want to see my one chance at rlm@0: seeing my super sexy Sakura-chan in the lingerie I made her. I love rlm@0: seeing you in the clothes I make. Knowing you're wearing them, that rlm@0: they're mixing together with you to make a beautiful picture. Without rlm@0: you, they're just clothes. I've see what these look like under my rlm@0: fingers. Now I want to see what they look like with you living and rlm@0: breathing in them," Tomoyo pleaded, pulling down her camcorder for a rlm@0: moment to look down at her best friend. rlm@0: rlm@0: Emerald eyes gazed up for just a moment, but they were immediately rlm@0: caught by the beautiful, pleading stormy blue ones of her friend. rlm@0: Giving an imperceptible nod, Sakura sighed. "You know you always win rlm@0: these things, right? Why do we even bother debating it anymore? I rlm@0: should just give up and do what you want in the first place. Then we rlm@0: can save ourselves the trouble." Blushing, hands slowly let go of her rlm@0: body. Moving slowly, the Cardmistress stood up, shifting shyly from rlm@0: foot to foot as Tomoyo's eyes roamed over her. A twinge of excitement rlm@0: ran through her. Someone was actually seeing her like this, someone rlm@0: who thought she was sexy. Sakura liked the thought, that she could be rlm@0: sexy, that Tomoyo would want to see her like this. She blushed deeper rlm@0: at the realization. Was it just that her boyfriend had been gone so rlm@0: long? That she wanted someone to appreciate her like that? But she'd rlm@0: always liked when Tomoyo fawned over her, even when she didn't know rlm@0: that Tomoyo was in love with her. Confused and embarrassed, Sakura rlm@0: stood for Tomoyo's approval.A sudden intake of breath. An excited rlm@0: gasp. "Sakura-chan, you're so sexy!" Tomoyo crooned, standing up to rlm@0: travel around Sakura with her camcorder, wanting every available rlm@0: angle of her semi-nude friend. A light giggle escaped her when she rlm@0: was behind Sakura. "No, you should keep debating. If you did whatever rlm@0: I wanted in the first place, then you wouldn't be wearing anything at rlm@0: all." rlm@0: rlm@0: For Sakura, who had just started to regain her composure, the rlm@0: comment was like a bag had dropped on her stomach. She was blushing rlm@0: darkly again and at a loss for words instantly. "T..Tomoyo-chan!" The rlm@0: tone of her voice was supposed to be chiding, but it sounded more rlm@0: like a shy refutal. A soft hand on her back, just above the bra, made rlm@0: Sakura start. Tomoyo's hand, silky and warm against her skin. Letting rlm@0: her eyes fall closed, the Cardmistress felt each delicate finger rlm@0: caress in a pattern on her bare skin, her breath nearly catching rlm@0: before she remembered to keep breathing. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura-chan, you aren't such a shy girl most of the time. I bet rlm@0: when you get used to being with Li-kun, you'll be a tiger in the rlm@0: bedroom. You shouldn't act all shy for the camera. Then I won't get rlm@0: to see what you'd really be like in the lingerie. Don't focus on the rlm@0: clothes. Focus on Sakura-chan. Be Sakura-chan in the clothes." rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo's voice had it's cheering quality that came to her whenever rlm@0: she was rooting for Sakura, no matter what the situation may be. rlm@0: Sakura found it highly effective, even now. Her blush subsiding rlm@0: somewhat, she stepped away, moving again. This time, she moved more rlm@0: quickly, more sure of herself, keeping her embarrassment in the back rlm@0: of her mind. Putting on her brightest smile, she spun to face the rlm@0: camera, moving as if she wasn't the least bit shy about what she was rlm@0: in. Her eyes caught Tomoyo returning her smile. That made Sakura even rlm@0: happier. Ribbons and lace swished as she moved about the room, posing rlm@0: with all her athletic body was worth. rlm@0: rlm@0: For her part, Tomoyo hurried to keep track of Sakura, wanting to get rlm@0: every shot she could of her beautiful friend. The way she moved... rlm@0: The way she smiled... The sparkle in her eyes... The way the cloth rlm@0: rustled against her skin... If there was any place closer to Heaven, rlm@0: Tomoyo had not visited there yet. Sighing dreamily, she tried her rlm@0: hardest to keep up with her athletic friend, barely noticing as her rlm@0: pale cheeks flushed and her breath quickened. She stepped lithely up rlm@0: onto the bed and back onto the other side like a sprite, never taking rlm@0: the camcorder away from Sakura's gorgeous, sensuous form. How Sakura rlm@0: could not notice how incredibly beautiful she had become was beyond rlm@0: the heiress. The task of making sure Sakura was told, and quite rlm@0: often, had fallen into her able hands. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Tsubasa," Tomoyo said at last, as Sakura had twirled in front of rlm@0: the bed. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Hmmm?" The Cardmistress looked over as if broken from a trance. rlm@0: Quizzical, she tilted her head as she stood near the foot of the bed. rlm@0: "I named your butt Tsubasa. You were wondering what I named the rlm@0: pieces of you. That's what I named it. Because it's cute and soft rlm@0: like the feathers on a wing and because it looks like it's been rlm@0: lifted up by beautiful wings." Tomoyo smiled brightly as she rlm@0: explained. Chewing on her lip thoughtfully, she added. "And I saw a rlm@0: lot of it when you used to fly on your staff. So I guess the wing rlm@0: motif just followed easily from there, since it was framed by the two rlm@0: wings on your staff." rlm@0: rlm@0: Another blush spread quickly. But this blush was a little different. rlm@0: It was tempered with a playful frustration. Growling, Sakura grabbed rlm@0: her pillow. "Tomoyo-chan! Stop embarrassing me!" Before Tomoyo could rlm@0: react, the athletic girl pounced, hitting her friend again and again rlm@0: with the soft pillow. That heart melting giggle of Tomoyo's rlm@0: accompanied Sakura's feather soft blows as Sakura bopped her on the rlm@0: head again and again, watching Tomoyo's long hair fly wild about them rlm@0: in their one-sided battle. rlm@0: rlm@0: And as soon as it had begun, it was over. The two lay on the bed, rlm@0: panting heavily. Tomoyo's pale cheeks were flushed darkly, her rlm@0: fragile body exerted from all of the hopping and running and playing rlm@0: they had done. Sakura lay on her side, facing the other girl, her rlm@0: heart pounding from the exertion. Or maybe it was pounding from the rlm@0: way Tomoyo's stormy blue eyes gazed so lovingly into her own. Or the rlm@0: way Tomoyo's tender fingers trailed delicately up and down her side. rlm@0: Or the way Tomoyo's bare foot felt against her own through the cloth rlm@0: of her stockings. Or the way Tomoyo's now messy lavender hair framed rlm@0: her so beautifully on the bed. rlm@0: rlm@0: Fingers slid up to Sakura's bra, tracing over the fabric for just a rlm@0: moment before beginning their downward spiral back to the brunette's rlm@0: hips. Tomoyo gazed into Sakura's eyes, so glad to have them looking rlm@0: back at her. Those emerald orbs had always fascinated her. Some rlm@0: nights when she couldn't sleep, she would take a look into those eyes rlm@0: in one of her pictures or videotapes and fall asleep imagining she rlm@0: were safe in Sakura's arms. Now, lying so close to her, almost like rlm@0: lovers, Tomoyo felt that delicious feeling that accompanies our rlm@0: longing for the person we love without the bad aftertaste of knowing rlm@0: they are out of our reach. Maybe they weren't locked in a lover's rlm@0: embrace, but Sakura was so close, so soft, so lovely. And that was rlm@0: enough for Tomoyo.A small pink tongue darted over dry lips, trying rlm@0: desperately to wet them. Whether it was in case Tomoyo should happen rlm@0: to kiss her or just because they were dry, Sakura couldn't really rlm@0: tell. Her heart was thundering now, her eyes enthralled to Tomoyo. rlm@0: She couldn't pull her gaze away if she tried. A delightful shiver rlm@0: passed through her body as her friend's fingers traced over her hip rlm@0: and back up again. This was a position she had thought she'd end up rlm@0: with Syaoran in, facing in each other, blushing and waiting for him rlm@0: to kiss her. Would Tomoyo kiss her? Did Tomoyo want to kiss her? What rlm@0: would she do if Tomoyo did kiss her? Her breath slipped out and she rlm@0: prayed that Tomoyo didn't notice how anxious she was. About what? Was rlm@0: she scared that Tomoyo would kiss her? Or rather, was she scared that rlm@0: Tomoyo wouldn't kiss her? And all the while, those incredibly deep rlm@0: stormy blue eyes, the color of the beautiful yet sad stormclouds that rlm@0: greet us on spring days, gazed longingly back at her. She didn't want rlm@0: to move, didn't want to breathe. Her foot pushed experimentally rlm@0: against Tomoyo's and was delighted to find Tomoyo's petite foot push rlm@0: back, Tomoyo's small toes playing with her own. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura knew Tomoyo could see her, could see almost all of her in the rlm@0: lingerie she wore. And yet, she couldn't get herself to do anything rlm@0: about it. Why would she want to? Tomoyo liked her in it. The heiress rlm@0: had said as much. And now... Now she didn't want to move. But she rlm@0: wanted to do -something-. Anything. But no actions came to mind. No rlm@0: words came to her rescue. It was only her and Tomoyo and those rlm@0: deliciously confusing feelings that slid over her like cool water on rlm@0: a hot day. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo, meanwhile, was getting more adventurous. Sakura hadn't so rlm@0: much as eeked in embarrassment since they had found themselves facing rlm@0: each other on the bed. Her hand was going alternatingly higher and rlm@0: lower. Up past Sakura's bra. Down past Sakura's pantied. Feeling the rlm@0: brunette's athletic body under her fingertips. The cute, confused rlm@0: look in Sakura's eyes made her want to be with the Cardmistress even rlm@0: more. She wanted to help Sakura make up her mind, to end up doing rlm@0: something she'd wanted to do for years. And right now, would Sakura rlm@0: stop her? Would Sakura even want her to stop? Her mind played over rlm@0: the thoughts carefully, trying to unravel them. In the meantime, her rlm@0: foot continued to play more and more with Sakura's, neither girl rlm@0: gaining ground, but neither wanting to, content to continue their rlm@0: game. On this turn up Sakura's side, Tomoyo stopped at Sakura's bra, rlm@0: just under her arm. Fingers caressed the skin underneath the cloth rlm@0: for a long moment. Almost imperceptibly, the fingers moved across the rlm@0: cloth. Forward. Slowly, slowly. The fingertips moved as if in slow rlm@0: motion to the front of Sakura's bra, tracing Sakura's slightly larger rlm@0: breasts as they went. They continued to play their designs over rlm@0: Sakura's skin, Tomoyo's eyes ever ready for any flicker of Sakura's rlm@0: face. The brunette simply blushed more but did nothing to stop her. rlm@0: Moving apart and together again, her fingertips played across the rlm@0: thin fabric over Sakura's skin. To Tomoyo's delight, she could feel rlm@0: Sakura reacting, her fingers rubbing over the slowly hardening nub of rlm@0: Sakura's nipple under the bra. She continued to play with it, pushing rlm@0: and circling and rubbing through the cloth, watching as Sakura gazed rlm@0: back, their feet still locked in their battle. Just as slowly as she rlm@0: had done with her fingers, Tomoyo's head inched closer. Perhaps... rlm@0: just a kiss? A delicious, Sakura tasting kiss? It couldn't do any rlm@0: harm, could it? Not if part of Sakura wanted her to, right? And dear rlm@0: god did she hope that's what she saw in Sakura's eyes. Her nose slid rlm@0: past Sakura's now, their eyes still locked. Warm breath played rlm@0: against her lips. Just another moment. Tomoyo was incredibly patient. rlm@0: She could wait a lifetime if she had to. She could almost feel rlm@0: Sakura's lips against her own. Just a little rlm@0: closer....Trrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiillll..... rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura blinked dumbly. Trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrriiiiiiiiilllllll.......... rlm@0: rlm@0: Bolting up, a new wave of embarrassment coursing through her, Sakura rlm@0: searched quickly for her cell phone. Where had she put it? Sliding rlm@0: off the bed, stocking clad feet padded across the floor. Heart rlm@0: pounding in her chest, Sakura couldn't think of what to say, only to rlm@0: keep looking for the damn phone. And to tell them she'd call them rlm@0: back. She had more important things to think about right rlm@0: now."Goodnight, Sakura-chan," Tomoyo whispered as Sakura grabbed the rlm@0: cell phone so as not to disturb whoever was on the line. Her lips rlm@0: brushed against Sakura's cheek, kissing softly. Sakura's cheek warmed rlm@0: under her lips. Smoothing out her skirt, the dark haired girl rlm@0: disappeared from the room like an elegant Cinderella from her ball. rlm@0: And no less anxious and confused as Cinderella's prince sat Sakura. rlm@0: She reached out, wanting to call Tomoyo back, but the phone was rlm@0: already answering. Her voice echoed shakily on the line, her mind rlm@0: elsewhere. What had been about to happen? And why did she feel so rlm@0: disappointed that it didn't? rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: The soft vibration of a sweet hum reached the door to the appartment rlm@0: Sakura shared with Tomoyo before the brunette reached it herself. Her rlm@0: exaltant hum was the product of her classes finally coming to an end rlm@0: for another week as well as the generally positive upswing her life rlm@0: had taken in general. Living with her best friend was more fun than rlm@0: she had imagined. They shared a wonderfully cute and eccentric rlm@0: (thanks in no small part to Tomoyo) appartment. And now Sakura even rlm@0: had a job that she could pour herself into. To celebrate her good rlm@0: fortune, she had deigned it a worthy cause to stop by the grocery rlm@0: store on the way home and get supplies for a feast. When Tomoyo got rlm@0: home that night, there would be a wonderful meal waiting for her. rlm@0: 'Hanyaa...' Sakura thought happily, her smile broadening as she rlm@0: slipped her keys into the door. Everything felt so amazing. It almost rlm@0: felt like she was dreaming. And wouldn't Tomoyo be excited to come rlm@0: home to a meal she cooked for her! A small giggle escaped the rlm@0: brunette as she pushed the door open. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Can I start on the strawberries?" Kero's voice carried from the rlm@0: grocery bag. A small rustling noise preceded his appearance, his rlm@0: small head popping up out of the bag. "They look soooooo good..." His rlm@0: tiny eyes looked up to Sakura, pleading. They searched for mercy. rlm@0: They found none. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Kero-chan!! Out! Those things are all for the meal tonight! The rlm@0: strawberries are for desert. I'll make some for you, too, I promise. rlm@0: But you better not be eating any of my ingredients!" Sakura harumphed rlm@0: when Kero pouted. Plans for her dinner with Tomoyo wouldn't be ruined rlm@0: because Kero had an endless stomach. Her moods immediately lightened rlm@0: at the thought, she nearly twirled into the appartment. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan?" rlm@0: rlm@0: The twirling ceased immidiately. Blink blink. Someone was inside? rlm@0: Someone who sounded awfully familiar. "Sakura-chan! It's you. I rlm@0: thought Tomoyo said something about you coming home earlier than she rlm@0: did on these days." Sonomi smiled brilliantly, still in her dashing rlm@0: business suit and skirt. Her prowess as a businesswoman hid her years rlm@0: as an athlete. The hug she gave Sakura certainly didn't hide that rlm@0: aspect, nearly pulling Sakura off her feet. "You're always so cute, rlm@0: Sakura-chan. Tomoyo's rants about you almost don't do you justice. rlm@0: Almost." Grinning with what could only be the Daidouji family smile, rlm@0: something that both generations of Daidouji women did an incredible rlm@0: amount of around Sakura, she placed her hands on the younger woman's rlm@0: shoulders. "Is Tomoyo-chan with you? I thought I heard you talking rlm@0: when you came in."Sakura was still in a state of confusion. Slowly, rlm@0: bit by bit, it was being processed into usable information in her rlm@0: brain. Sonomi had a key to the appartment. Tomoyo had told her when rlm@0: they'd come home the second night and found roses left for them by rlm@0: Sonomi. Now onto the more immediate, pressing matters. Sweatdropping rlm@0: and stammering profusely, Sakura said the first thing that came to rlm@0: mind. "C...Cell phone... I was on the cell phone when I came in..." rlm@0: Laughing nervously, she hoped that would be enough for Tomoyo's rlm@0: mother."You brought groceries home," Sonomi observed. "How cute!" She rlm@0: clasped her hands together. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Well, yeah..." Sakura blushed and walked to the kitchen. "I was rlm@0: going to make dinner for me and Tomoyo-chan." A muffled 'And me' came rlm@0: from the grocery bag, but Sakura coughed and nudged the bag as she rlm@0: set it down on the counter. rlm@0: rlm@0: "That's wonderful! Tomoyo-chan will be so happy when she gets home. rlm@0: I'll help you with it. I'll go when Tomoyo-chan gets home so I won't rlm@0: get in the way of your dinner," Sonomi decided, starting to unpack rlm@0: one of the bags."You will?" Sakura asked excitedly. Though her own rlm@0: cooking skills were good, she had more faith in those of Sonomi. rlm@0: Working with Tomoyo's mother, she knew they could make something rlm@0: delicious. "Thanks, Sonomi-san!" she said happily. Her eyes shot open rlm@0: when she saw Sonomi's hand snake into the bag, searching for that rlm@0: last object in the bag. Kero-chan! rlm@0: rlm@0: Sonomi's lithe hand withdrew from the bag holding onto Kero's small, rlm@0: plush body. The businesswoman inspected the figure for a long moment. rlm@0: A sad, nostalgic smile played across her lips. "You really are a lot rlm@0: like your mother sometimes, Sakura-chan." A finger gently traced over rlm@0: Kero's face. "She used to drag some of her dolls around with her rlm@0: everywhere. I used to tell her she'd be dragging them around even rlm@0: when she was an adult. She laughed and asked why she'd do anything rlm@0: but." The older brunette shook her head, still smiling as she set rlm@0: down the Seal Beast. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Then Tomoyo-chan must have gotten a lot from you, too, Sonomi-san. rlm@0: She's beautiful, talented, and elegant. Just like you," Sakura rlm@0: offered, returning the older woman's smile as she got out the rlm@0: utensils for the night's meal. There was another thing that Sonomi rlm@0: shared with her daughter. When Sakura heard Sonomi speak of her rlm@0: mother, Nadeshiko, it came with that same loving tone that Tomoyo's rlm@0: held when the dark haired girl spoke of Sakura. There was something rlm@0: almost sad in it, something that always made the Cardmistress miss rlm@0: her mother even more. rlm@0: rlm@0: A laugh escaped Sonomi as she searched for the aprons. "Sometimes I rlm@0: think Tomoyo-chan got more from your mother than she got from me. rlm@0: She's very, very loving. And so... ethereal. It's almost like she's rlm@0: an angel. Just like your mother." Her quest came up triumphant as she rlm@0: pulled out two aprons, handing one to her daughter's friend.Sakura rlm@0: nodded in wholehearted agreement as she tied the apron on tight. rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan is very much like an angel. Sometimes I'm surprised that rlm@0: she's not the one with wings." A nervous laugh quickly followed. rlm@0: Sonomi wouldn't get the part about the fact that she could have wings rlm@0: herself when she wanted. Though Tomoyo seemed far more deserving of rlm@0: them in Sakura's mind. The dark haired girl really did seem like an rlm@0: angel, Sakura's guardian angel. Sighing dreamily, Sakura got to work rlm@0: on preparing the food. rlm@0: rlm@0: Brushing her brunette hair out of her eyes with her free hand, rlm@0: Sonomi watched Sakura chopping the vegetables. A smile tugged at the rlm@0: corners of her mouth. It was easy to see what her daughter loved rlm@0: about the younger woman. Being around Sakura always brought back rlm@0: memories of the girl's mother. And Tomoyo lit up like the moon rlm@0: lights up from the sun's rays when she was around Sakura. The rlm@0: businesswoman was happy to have Sakura as part of her life, as very rlm@0: nearly a part of her family. When she saw Sakura's emerald eyes rlm@0: shimmering at her, it was hard for her to tell that she wasn't rlm@0: looking into Nadeshiko's eyes. "If you're very lucky in this life, rlm@0: you'll fall in love, truly in love, once. You'll find your one, true rlm@0: love. I'm not talking about all the crushes, all the people who take rlm@0: a place in your heart. Just the one who you can't help loving, who rlm@0: warms your heart, who makes you better just by being around." Sonomi rlm@0: smiled softly, her stormy blue eyes distant. "I found mine, a long rlm@0: time ago. She was... the most beautiful, wonderful thing in my life. rlm@0: I was always so happy when I was with her. When I lost her... I rlm@0: didn't think I could go on. If I hadn't had Tomoyo, I might not have rlm@0: been able to." She shook her head, her stormy blue eyes a little rlm@0: darker now, the color of clouds about to storm. Smiling at Sakura, rlm@0: she tilts her head to the side ever so slightly. "I think Tomoyo rlm@0: found hers, too. I hope that you find yours.""I... did..." Sakura's rlm@0: voice trailed off. She had found her one, true love, right? Syaoran rlm@0: had been her boyfriend for years now. They'd been together through a rlm@0: lot. They loved each other. But did she really love him more than rlm@0: she'd loved Yukito? Or even the feelings she had gotten from Mizuki- rlm@0: sensei? When she thought about him, warm thoughts surfaced. But did rlm@0: she feel that she was better around him? Did he ensnare her the way rlm@0: Sonomi's heart had so obviously been caught so long ago? She loved rlm@0: him, of course, she reminded herself. They'd been together all these rlm@0: years. But those feelings... They did sound familiar. Someone who rlm@0: mader her better... Someone who always made her feel all hanyaan... rlm@0: Sakura's hand slipped, cutting a jagged slice out of the vegetable rlm@0: she was working on as the image turned in her mind. Tomoyo. Her heart rlm@0: beat a confused, staccatto rhythm in her chest. That was different. rlm@0: Tomoyo was her best friend. Of course the dark haired girl made her rlm@0: happy and embarrassed and warm and strong. It was... Yeah.... Sakura rlm@0: nodded slightly to herself, trying to keep her thoughts straight. rlm@0: "That's great, Sakura-chan," Sonomi replied, forcing a smile. Truth rlm@0: be told, she couldn't stand the boy who had taken away Sakura from rlm@0: her daughter. Granted, Tomoyo tried to convince her that he was the rlm@0: one that made Sakura happy. But Sonomi knew beyond the shadow of a rlm@0: doubt that her daughter could make Sakura just as happy, if not much, rlm@0: much more so. But, alas, that didn't seem to be in the cards. Again. rlm@0: Just like with Nadeshiko. She sighed inwardly. Well, she wouldn't let rlm@0: it happen that way again. She wasn't about to see her little girl end rlm@0: up all alone like she did. Fishing around in her purse, she pulled rlm@0: out a large photo of a beautiful woman. Holding it out in her strong rlm@0: yet gentle hands, Sonomi smiled. "That's Sugaru Kurumiya. She does rlm@0: some modelling, like your mother used to. Her mother and I are rlm@0: friends. I kept saying we should get her together with Tomoyo. Sugaru rlm@0: is great in front of the camera and Tomoyo is a wizard behind the rlm@0: camera. I finally convinced Tomoyo-chan to go out on a date with her. rlm@0: Isn't that great?" Sonomi sighed, putting the picture away. "My baby rlm@0: is going on her first date. How cute... It's too bad she won't be rlm@0: able to record it. I'd love to see the video."The knife slid off the rlm@0: carrot Sakura was cutting. "Wh...what?" Her eyes blinked in rlm@0: disbelief. It should have been an obvious eventuality, but like all rlm@0: things we don't want to think of, Sakura had stored it away as rlm@0: something that would happen 'later', in that indeterminate future we rlm@0: hope will never come. And now it had. "Tomoyo-chan's going on a date? rlm@0: But..." Her mind raced to find a good reason to call off the date, rlm@0: but she found none. Her heart sank at the thought of Tomoyo rlm@0: videotaping some other girl, a model at that. Didn't Tomoyo say she rlm@0: was the most amazing thing to videotape? And going out on a date... rlm@0: 'I love you, Sakura-chan.'. Sakura had heard that phrase over and rlm@0: over for the past six years. And every time, she knew Tomoyo meant rlm@0: it. Would this other girl take her place? Would she be the one to rlm@0: make Tomoyo smile? Would Tomoyo make the other woman costumes and rlm@0: make her blush and tell her how wonderful she was? Would she make her rlm@0: feel like she could do anything? Would Tomoyo make her feel warm and rlm@0: loved? The way she made Sakura feel? rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura wanted to drop to her knees. They suddenly felt weak and rlm@0: watery. It seemed appropriate to say something nice about Tomoyo's rlm@0: plan in perspective mates for her best friend, but she couldn't get rlm@0: herself to compliment it. Instead, words came to her mouth that rlm@0: ignored that line of thought altogether. "But Tomoyo-chan loves me. I rlm@0: make her happy.""True," Sonomi conceded. "But you love Syaoran. And rlm@0: Tomoyo's my baby. I want what's best for her. I want her to be happy rlm@0: and loved and to be able to curl up in someone's arms when the day is rlm@0: through. So I told her as much until she agreed to go on this date. I rlm@0: think it will be good for her. The whole time you've been dating, rlm@0: Tomoyo-chan has been all alone. Maybe you can give her some dating rlm@0: tips."Sakura could only nod weakly. "Yeah... dating tips..." She rlm@0: suddenly didn't feel like making dinner. With a heavy heart, she went rlm@0: back to preparing for her now less than anticipated celebration rlm@0: dinner. rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: "And that concludes today's lecture. Please remember to do the rlm@0: reading for next class." Professor Fujitaka Kinomoto smiled rlm@0: pleasantly at his students as they passed, busying himself with rlm@0: putting his papers neatly back in his briefcase. Out of the corner of rlm@0: his eye, he could see the pale figure and dark hair of a woman that rlm@0: always reminded him of his wife. Sonomi couldn't have done a better rlm@0: job with a tribute to Nadeshiko. He shook off the thought and smiled rlm@0: over at his daughter's best friend. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Hello, Kinomoto-sensei. You said you wanted to see me after class?" rlm@0: The darkhaired girl tilted her head to the side curiously. Her hair rlm@0: swayed with the small motion, the dark silk a stark contrast with her rlm@0: pale skin. Leaning down, Fujitaka produced a large box, setting it on rlm@0: the table. "I made a chocolate cake yesterday night and I realized I rlm@0: couldn't eat it all by myself. I was hoping you and Sakura would have rlm@0: it." It was an excuse, of course. He used to cook for his children rlm@0: when he would have the chance, but now that his youngest child had rlm@0: moved away, he had found himself missing them. Deciding to make the rlm@0: cake for Sakura was a way of remembering times gone by. rlm@0: rlm@0: Tomoyo bowed politely before gingerly picking up the box. "I know rlm@0: Sakura-chan will love it. She always loved your food. I'm sure it's rlm@0: delicious," the lavender haired girl insisted. rlm@0: rlm@0: Smiling wistfully, the professor shook his head. "I never would have rlm@0: thought you'd be interested in archeology, Tomoyo-chan."Tomoyo rlm@0: giggled softly. "I have very broad interests, Kinomoto-sensei. I rlm@0: think it's a very interesting course." rlm@0: The rest of Fujitaka's papers slowly found their way into his rlm@0: briefcase. Standing, he motioned for Tomoyo to follow him. "Your rlm@0: mother must not have been pleased with you taking my course. She rlm@0: still hasn't forgiven me about... things." He knew that Tomoyo had rlm@0: probably grown up hearing her mother's anger with him, that he had rlm@0: stolen what was most precious to her. Caution dictated that he be rlm@0: careful with this subject. "On the contrary. When I told her, she rlm@0: frowned for a moment and then said that if I had to take archeology, rlm@0: it might as well be from you. She said you had been a very good rlm@0: teacher when she was younger and that you'd be good to learn it rlm@0: from," Tomoyo explained, her heels clicking as they walked down the rlm@0: hallway of the university. A small, grateful smile crossed Fujitaka's rlm@0: lips. It was nice to know that even if Sonomi hated him for 'taking rlm@0: away' Nadeshiko, she still had some nice things to say about him. rlm@0: Sonomi had always been a strong willed woman with the proud soul of a rlm@0: warrior. Despite her hatred of him, her rival, she still respected rlm@0: him. It was nice to hear that from her daughter, because he doubted rlm@0: he'd ever hear it from Sonomi herself. And he knew Sonomi would never rlm@0: accept his praise for her, no matter how heartfelt it may be. rlm@0: rlm@0: He still remembered how devestated Nadeshiko had been when Sonomi rlm@0: hadn't come to the wedding. Nadeshiko kept running out to see if her rlm@0: best friend had arrived, thinking that she was only late. But Sonomi rlm@0: never came. And until Nadeshiko got sick the final time, that was the rlm@0: last time the two had seen each other. Nadeshiko had smiled brightly rlm@0: and gone on with the wedding, but he had seen how hurt she was not to rlm@0: have her cousin share in it with her. Nadeshiko had been such a rlm@0: charming, lovely, happy woman for the time she had spent with her rlm@0: family. But the one shadow that had stayed with her was losing rlm@0: Sonomi. It didn't go away until the end, when Sonomi came to visit rlm@0: her in the hospital. She had told him late at night in her hospital rlm@0: bed that she was happy now. 'I have you, Touya-chan, and Sakura-chan. rlm@0: And now I have Sonomi-chan again. I'm happy now. I'm happy with how rlm@0: things turned out. Please don't cry for me, Fujitaka." And she had rlm@0: smiled, a smile devoid of that haunted shadow. So he had never cried rlm@0: for her, just as she had asked. rlm@0: The girl that could be a young copy of his wife was watching him as rlm@0: they walked in silence for a moment. Offering another smile, he rlm@0: pushed his glasses up. "I'm very glad Sonomi-san would think so." His rlm@0: eyes looked just a trifle concerned as he looked over at his student. rlm@0: "How is Sakura?" It was impossible to keep concern completely out of rlm@0: his voice. Sakura was his little girl, after all. "Sakura-chan is rlm@0: wonderful as always," Tomoyo replied, a soft sigh escaping her lips. rlm@0: It never took much work to get her mind on Sakura, if indeed her mind rlm@0: ever left that line of thought in the first place. Being so near the rlm@0: brunette as of late had been like a dream, her heart overflowing with rlm@0: happiness at the prospect of so very much Sakura in her life. rlm@0: Fujitaka laughed at the dreamy look on Tomoyo's face as well as the rlm@0: pale girl's reply. "I meant to ask how she was doing," he corrected rlm@0: himself. rlm@0: rlm@0: Demurely holding her bag in front of her, Tomoyo giggled as well. rlm@0: "Sakura-chan has been doing well lately. She misses you and Touya- rlm@0: san, but it's wonderful seeing her on her own. She's so strong rlm@0: willed. You should really see her. She's giving it her all. I know rlm@0: that she likes working for mother. The two of them get along very rlm@0: well. They're similar in a lot of ways. And Sakura-chan is doing well rlm@0: in her classes. She was always a good student and we study together rlm@0: some nights.""She's not on her own. She has you, Tomoyo-chan," rlm@0: Fujitaka replied. "You've always helped her so much. I really have to rlm@0: thank you for all you've done for her.""It's all my pleasure. I love rlm@0: being near Sakura-chan. I want her to be happy. I'd do anything for rlm@0: her. If I can be near her, if I can help her from time to time, rlm@0: that's enough for me." The pale heiress tucked some hair behind her rlm@0: ear, looking forward. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I think you make her very happy," Fujitaka offered. "She's always rlm@0: so happy when she's with you." Stopping in front of his office, he rlm@0: turns to the small woman. "I want you to know I'd have been happy to rlm@0: have you as a daughter-in-law." It was small consolation, he knew, rlm@0: but it was true. Tomoyo was so much like Nadeshiko, an angel in rlm@0: anyone's life. He would have been happy to see Sonomi's daughter with rlm@0: his own. But because it hadn't worked out that way, he could only rlm@0: offer that. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Thank you," Tomoyo said wholeheartedly. "I'm glad you'd think so. I rlm@0: know mother would have loved having Sakura-chan as part of the rlm@0: family, too," she replied, grinning. Her lithe frame bowed. "Thank rlm@0: you for the cake, Sensei. Sakura-chan and I will share it tonight." rlm@0: Turning, she swished softly towards the exit. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I can't believe Sonomi-chan had her wear her hair like mine," a rlm@0: soft voice said behind Fujitaka, almost poutily. "I didn't know she rlm@0: missed me so much."Fujitaka smiled softly, turning to the source of rlm@0: the voice, the ghostly form of his wife. "You always cute Sakura- rlm@0: chan's hair short like Sonomi-san."The woman tilted her hair to the rlm@0: side, giving a puzzled look. Her angel wings blazed with an inner rlm@0: light. "Yeah, but I knew how much I missed Sonomi-chan. I didn't know rlm@0: she missed me as much as I missed her." Her emerald green eyes rlm@0: sparkled as she nearly floated about his office. "I need to see her rlm@0: again," she whispered. Fujitaka nodded. "I know." He had never owned rlm@0: Nadeshiko's heart. He doubted anyone ever could. He was blessed with rlm@0: Nadeshiko's love. But so was Sonomi. It was the way of things. Was rlm@0: Sakura the same way, he wondered? Would Sakura get hurt just as rlm@0: Nadeshiko had because her heart was too open, too loving? Did Sakura rlm@0: love her boyfriend as well as her best friend? He hoped that whatever rlm@0: happened, Sakura wouldn't have the same haunted look as his wife when rlm@0: Sonomi had left her side all those years ago when they had announced rlm@0: their wedding. rlm@0: rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: The appartment was quiet when Tomoyo finally got home. Her head rlm@0: tilted to the side, listening for the familiar noises of Kero playing rlm@0: videogames or Sakura making any of a hanful of noises Tomoyo could rlm@0: name instantly. Leaving her shoes by the door, the pale girl treaded rlm@0: softly across the floor. "Sakura-chan? Kero-chan?" Her voice carried rlm@0: in the appartment. Her stormy blue eyes glanced to their living room, rlm@0: seeing the table where Sakura had tossed her backpack and the DVDs of rlm@0: Sakura lying on top of the large television. Sakura was home, at any rlm@0: rate. And something certainly smelled delicious. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Tomoyo-chan!" In a flurry of feathers, Sakura had crashed into rlm@0: Tomoyo, hurtling into her like a small, Sakura-sized freight train. rlm@0: Her small wings wrapped around the dark haired girl along with her rlm@0: arms. The two almost fell over, but Sakura's wings opened up and gave rlm@0: a quick flap, sending them back to their feet. Sakura's bare feet rlm@0: were nearly on top of Tomoyo's socks. A soft giggle escaped the rlm@0: heiress. "I missed you, too, Sakura-chan." Tomoyo's hands rested on rlm@0: Sakura's hips as they stood that way for a moment. Leaning forward, rlm@0: she nuzzled Sakura's chestnut hair, enjoying the smell that permeated rlm@0: her noise. She always loved Sakura's hair. It made her want to be rlm@0: there to wash it for the other girl. To run her hands through rlm@0: Sakura's hair... She pushed away from the tempting thoughts. "You've rlm@0: been out flying?"Pulling away, slightly embarrassed, Sakura nodded. rlm@0: "I needed... Well, I wanted to see the view," the Cardmistress nodded rlm@0: quickly. Truthfully, she had flown off after Sonomi had left to try rlm@0: and clear her mind. It hadn't worked. The idea of Tomoyo finally rlm@0: going on a date still left her with a bad taste in her mouth. But how rlm@0: could she tell Tomoyo that? 'Don't date. I want you to love me and rlm@0: only me. But I'll still be loving Syaoran, so you don't get anything rlm@0: that you want.' Sakura felt ashamed of even thinking such a thing. rlm@0: How good a friend was she if she would feel jealous of Tomoyo dating? rlm@0: But still, she couldn't help it. And she knew she needed to change rlm@0: the subject before Tomoyo's almost magical powers of perception found rlm@0: her out. "I made you dinner. Well, Sonomi-san helped. She was by rlm@0: earlier. So we made dinner for you. It's a celebration. For our new rlm@0: job and our new appartment and... and everything!" Smiling, Sakura rlm@0: took Tomoyo's hands, leading her to the kitchen where any number of rlm@0: treats awaited. It had taken all of her strength to drag Kero out rlm@0: after Sonomi had left. Her genuine smile and the excitement that rlm@0: coursed threw her at the idea of showing Tomoyo the meal she'd cooked rlm@0: for her helped keep Tomoyo from digging deeper into her concerns. "It rlm@0: looks delicious, Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo said, amazed. Turning to rlm@0: Sakura, the brunette's eyes sparkled happily. "It all looks rlm@0: wonderful. It's a perfect dinner. Even more perfect because it was rlm@0: made by Sakura-chan." The dark haired girl sighed dreamily, imagining rlm@0: Sakura in an apron, laboring over the stove for her sake. How sweet! rlm@0: Taking Sakura's hands, she squeezed them, pulling them to her heart. rlm@0: "I'm so lucky to have you for a roommate."Blushing, Sakura looked rlm@0: down. That simply gave her a good look of Tomoyo's beautiful form, rlm@0: clad as it was in a cute white dress. Her eyes shot up only to get rlm@0: anchored to Tomoyo's stormy blue eyes gazing affectionately into her rlm@0: own. "I'm lucky to have you for a roommate, too, Tomoyo-chan. I just rlm@0: wanted to show you how much," she said after a moment's silence. It rlm@0: was the wrong thing to say if she was trying to extricate herself rlm@0: from an embarrassing situation. Tomoyo let out a delighted sigh and rlm@0: practically melted into her arms, hugging Sakura tightly. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Thank you, Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo said blissfully. "Ummm... Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan, I think we better eat before it gets cold." Sakura hurried over rlm@0: to the dishes after Tomoyo finally let her go, her cheeks still rlm@0: flushed pink. She had hoped it would go over well, but this went over rlm@0: much better than she'd expected. Tomoyo followed her to the counter, rlm@0: watching her prepare the plates. Picking up a bite of the food with rlm@0: her chopsticks, she turned and offered the bite to Tomoyo. Leaning rlm@0: forward, the other girl took the bite, eating it from Sakura's rlm@0: chopsticks. 'Hanyaan...' Sakura thought, smiling brightly. She felt rlm@0: warm and fuzzy inside, glad to be with her friend. Her worries took a rlm@0: small vacation, overcome by her currently shining emotional state. rlm@0: The two decided to forgo eating at the table and finished up dinner rlm@0: like that, Sakura feeding Tomoyo bite after bite with her chopsticks. rlm@0: rlm@0: "You're such a good cook, Sakura-chan!" Tomoyo said between bites. rlm@0: They were both leaning against the counter, and her eyes traced over rlm@0: the other woman, delighting in Sakura's smile. Leaning forward, she rlm@0: took another bite. Her mother felt bad for her that Sakura was in rlm@0: love with another, but Tomoyo was incredibly grateful to be Sakura's rlm@0: best friend. And moments like this were worth just about anything. rlm@0: Having Sakura feed her, seeing the brunette smile and lift the food rlm@0: to her lips, it made her heart swell. Her love for the Cardmistress rlm@0: was almost overwhelming at times like this. Oh, how she wanted to rlm@0: reach out and embrace her. These moments were glimpses of her dreams, rlm@0: little bits of her fantasies of being with Sakura. Even if she rlm@0: couldn't have Sakura's love, she was more than happy for the little rlm@0: pieces she could collect. And for a moment, she could forget that rlm@0: Sakura's heart belonged to another and simply revel in the here and rlm@0: now. She 'mmm'ed as Sakura pulled the chopsticks away. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Thanks, Tomoyo-chan. I was hoping you'd like it." Sakura took rlm@0: another morsel up to Tomoyo's lips, waiting for it to disappear rlm@0: between Tomoyo's soft, cute lips. Her heart pounded as it indeed rlm@0: disappeared, the slight tug on the chopstickes signalling the end of rlm@0: that bite. She had faint memories of wanting to feed Yukito rlm@0: strawberries when she was younger. This was the feeling she'd rlm@0: imagined along with it, that warm throbbing of her heart and the rlm@0: utterly perfect feeling of it all. Tomoyo smiled at her openly and rlm@0: lovingly, accepting each bite graciously, almost as if starved for a rlm@0: piece of Sakura's creation, the love Sakura had peppered throughout rlm@0: the meal. "Of course I'd like it," Tomoyo assured her. "I like rlm@0: anything Sakura-chan." With Sakura pausing before getting more food, rlm@0: the heiress took the time to give one of her patented smiles. "Tomoyo- rlm@0: chan..." Sakura sighed, mock chiding. "What am I going to do with rlm@0: you?"Placing her finger on her chin, Tomoyo looked deep in thought. rlm@0: "I can think of another things, but I think we'd need to make sure rlm@0: Kero-chan was in another room." Her eyes travelled over Sakura's rlm@0: graceful form, her smile growing. "We'll have to tell him to turn up rlm@0: the television, too. How loudly do you moan?""T...Tomoyo-chan...." rlm@0: Her face darkening, Sakura quickly grabbed another bite, popping it rlm@0: into Tomoyo's mouth to keep her quiet for a moment while a very rlm@0: embarrassed Sakura regained her composure. Tomoyo smiled at her, rlm@0: undaunted, and chewed the bite away. "You're so terrible. You rlm@0: shouldn't tease me like that." Her heart was racing and she couldn't rlm@0: tear her eyes away from the beautiful heiress before her.Finishing rlm@0: the bite, Tomoyo finally spoke again. "It isn't teasing if you mean rlm@0: what you're saying," the lavender haired girl corrected. "It's more rlm@0: of an offer." She nodded after a moment, affirming that it was indeed rlm@0: an offer. Resting her hands on Tomoyo's shoulders, Sakura giggled, rlm@0: her cheeks still slightly red. Her forehead came to rest against rlm@0: Tomoyo's. "I don't know what I'd do without you, Tomoyo-chan."Letting rlm@0: her eyes fall closed, Tomoyo felt her heartbeat quicken. Did Sakura rlm@0: know what a huge affect she had on her? How her heart would get so rlm@0: wild when she was near like this? Oh, Sakura... "I'm sure Sakura-chan rlm@0: would be fine without me. I just try to help when I can," she got rlm@0: out, her voice a little too soft. It was almost hard to think, rlm@0: feeling Sakura against her, knowing she was so close. 'Can we please rlm@0: stay like this?' Tomoyo wanted to ask, but she feared she was too rlm@0: breathless to get it out. Sakura had no idea of her true power, the rlm@0: way she held Tomoyo's heart enthralled to her. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sakura shook her head, her hair rustling against Tomoyo's. "You're rlm@0: my strength, Tomoyo-chan. I was talking to Sonomi-san earlier. She rlm@0: made me think of how lucky I am to have you. You make me stronger. I rlm@0: wouldn't have been able to have done it all without you. Syaoran rlm@0: helped me a lot, but you made me strong enough to get through it rlm@0: all." Her voice was starting to choke up. The thought of anyone rlm@0: taking Tomoyo away was like the thought of getting her oxygen taken rlm@0: away, something incredibly important. She would be so empty without rlm@0: Tomoyo. Her strength would flee her without Tomoyo to hold her up. rlm@0: "With you..." her eyes sparkled with unshed tears when she looked rlm@0: into Tomoyo's eyes. "With you, everything will always be all right." rlm@0: rlm@0: "Sakura-chan..." Tomoyo's fingers reached up, gently stroking rlm@0: Sakura's cheek. "I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here. I'll always rlm@0: be here for you. I'll always love you. Whether you love me or not, my rlm@0: heart will always be yours. I'll always be there to help you go rlm@0: forward, to help show you how strong and beautiful and wonderful you rlm@0: are. You make sure that everything will always be all right, Sakura- rlm@0: chan. That's your magic. I just make sure that you remember it and rlm@0: pour your heart into it." Her hand trailed to Sakura's heart. "You rlm@0: have to believe it with all your heart. And I'm here to make sure you rlm@0: know how true it is, how you can accomplish anything." Sakura's rlm@0: heartbeat was quick under her palm. She left her palm there, counting rlm@0: the beats in her mind. Sakura's heart, kissing her palm. The heiress rlm@0: smiled softly. "Let's have cake, Sakura-chan. Your father made you rlm@0: some. We'll have that and watch a movie. And I'll be right here with rlm@0: you." Sakura's heart slowly calmed against her palm.The brunette rlm@0: nodded almost imperceptibly at first, but more assuredly a second rlm@0: time. "That sounds nice, Tomoyo-chan. I'd like that." She held rlm@0: Tomoyo's hand to her heart, interlacing her fingers with Tomoyo's own rlm@0: delicate fingers. She smiled when she opened her eyes, the tears rlm@0: fading. They were a team, after all. Whatever happened. rlm@0: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ rlm@0: rlm@0: Syaoran was so tired of talking to self-important people. How did rlm@0: his mother handle all the meaningless blather? Yes, it was to keep rlm@0: important ties between the Li Clan and other influential families and rlm@0: people throughout Hong Kong. But it was so frustrating. Small talk rlm@0: wasn't his forte. Everyone wanted to speak to the new heir to the Li rlm@0: Clan and his mother, Ieran, made sure they were all directed neatly rlm@0: to him. He had to make so many assurances and he had to discuss the rlm@0: most inane things. It almost seemed like a better option to just walk rlm@0: out of the damn thing. His sisters were much, much better with people rlm@0: than he was, chatting away with the different guests they had. rlm@0: Syaoran would have been happier practicing his magic out in the rlm@0: gathering storm. It felt so crowded. He just wanted to get away for a rlm@0: moment, but he knew he couldn't. This was his job now, his place as rlm@0: the heir to the Li Clan. rlm@0: rlm@0: A hand on his shoulder almost made him jump. Not another person to rlm@0: talk to. His sister, Sheifa, had told him to try smiling more, but he rlm@0: didn't feel like smiling for these people. Sighing inwardly, the rlm@0: young magician turned to start some more worthless rambling about rlm@0: things he didn't care for. Blink blink. A halfgrin and amber eyes met rlm@0: his gaze. rlm@0: rlm@0: Meiling smiled at him, arching a raven eyebrow. "Surprised to see rlm@0: me? I just got here. I had to take care of some things for my rlm@0: mother." Stepping closer, her voice dropped to a whisper. "Dance with rlm@0: me. They'll leave you alone while you're dancing." Seeing the boy rlm@0: hesitate for a moment, Meiling placed his hands on her body and began rlm@0: to dance with him, moving towards the other couples who were dancing. rlm@0: "See? That's not so bad. And no more stupid conversations you have to rlm@0: pretend to be interested in."Syaoran let out a light sigh, giving rlm@0: Meiling a nod as they moved. "Thanks, Meiling. I owe you one." He let rlm@0: himself relax a bit, moving in tandem with Meiling. After years of rlm@0: practicing martial arts with his cousin, they had very good rhythm rlm@0: together. A few people looked on as they danced, surprised by how rlm@0: good the two were. They knew where the other's movement would lead rlm@0: them. It wasn't a problem of having to guess. They simply knew. So rlm@0: for the time being, at least, Syaoran didn't have to worry about the rlm@0: world around him. Meiling felt like an extension of himself, moving rlm@0: with the same step as he did. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Don't say that," Meiling whispered. "Or I'll hold you to it. And rlm@0: you wouldn't like what I had you do to repay me," she warned, her rlm@0: breath warm in his ear. She laughed softly as she saw him try to rlm@0: scowl and fail, his cheeks just the lightest shade of red. "Your rlm@0: sisters seem more well versed in the art of small talk." The raven rlm@0: haired girl glanced across at one of Syaoran's sisters talking to an rlm@0: important banker as they danced. "But I understand why you wouldn't rlm@0: like it. I hate having to kiss up to these people. Sometimes I hate rlm@0: family politics. Makes you just want to run off and scream." She rlm@0: scrunched up her face and even Syaoran had to grin. rlm@0: rlm@0: "Yeah, I know," Syaoran replied, sighing. "But there's nothing I rlm@0: can do about it. This is my place now. I need to do what's best for rlm@0: the Clan." He had been preparing for this postion his whole life. He rlm@0: knew he was prepared for it. But that didn't make it any less rlm@0: frustrating at times. It simply made him determined to push past it rlm@0: all. He would prove he was a worthy successor. He would make his rlm@0: mother proud even if it killed him.Meiling closed her eyes as they rlm@0: danced, holding on tighter to her cousin. "I know what you mean. We rlm@0: all have our roles to play in the family. It's bigger and more rlm@0: important than what we want. But sometimes... Sometimes you just want rlm@0: to go do something stupid, something just for you." rlm@0: rlm@0: Nodding slowly, the brunette boy felt Meiling's long pigtail swish rlm@0: over his hand, feeling her heart beating against his chest as they rlm@0: danced. His arms pulled her closer almost without his noticing. rlm@0: Sometimes Meiling could seem so fragile, so delicate. It was such a rlm@0: departure from her normally strong, confident self. He always wanted rlm@0: to protect her when she was like that, just as he had when they had rlm@0: been children together. He wanted to make her feel warm and safe rlm@0: again. He held her even closer, her breath caressing his neck. She rlm@0: did so much for him. She had been his support this whole time, rlm@0: helping him through all the trials that faced him. He felt useless rlm@0: for not being able to return the favor. She didn't need his rlm@0: protection anymore. She was a big girl, a strong woman. When they had rlm@0: been children, she had needed him. But now, it was reversed. Now he rlm@0: needed... With a curt nod of his head, he tried to slice the thought rlm@0: off, but it didn't entirely go away. rlm@0: rlm@0: Syaoran tried to send his mind elsewhere, turning slowly with her as rlm@0: the music and chatter of voices surrounded them. Meiling was getting rlm@0: married soon, sacrificed as another offering for the family. He could rlm@0: go out on a limb and try to stop the marriage, but she didn't care. rlm@0: He felt as if he had failed her somehow. Did she love him? No, of rlm@0: course not. But she wasn't fighting the marriage, even with her fiery rlm@0: spirit. Had he crushed her spirits? All those years, endlessly loving rlm@0: him, without anything in return. Had she finally just given up? He rlm@0: wanted to make it up to her somehow, to make things better for her. rlm@0: She'd sacrificed so much to him. 'Meiling, you were never a bother,' rlm@0: he thought. He had told her that long ago when she'd been forced to rlm@0: go home during his time capturing the Clow Cards. And it was true. rlm@0: Meiling had never been a bother. She'd always been his safety net, rlm@0: helping to keep him going. And what had he given her in return? A rlm@0: broken heart. And here Meiling was, again trying to save him from the rlm@0: boredom of this stupid event. She was always there for him. rlm@0: rlm@0: The two continued twirling under the stars that were the lights rlm@0: above them. Meiling's body was warm and comfortable against Syaoran's rlm@0: strong, thin body. Her soft breathing kept a steady rhythm on his rlm@0: shoulder, her hair swishing now and then against his hands. He rlm@0: swallowed nervously, still moving in tandem with her. A soft sigh rlm@0: escaped his cousin, muffled by his shoulder. rlm@0: rlm@0: "I've never been good at being patient. 'I'll be your fiancee until rlm@0: you find the one you love most.' I remember making you promise that rlm@0: when we were little." Meiling laughed softly, her voice strained. rlm@0: Syaoran couldn't tell if there was a sob in her voice or not. "I wish rlm@0: you hadn't found her." rlm@0: "Meiling..." Syaoran didn't know what to say. He never wanted to rlm@0: break her heart. The only girl who had always cared for him. Even rlm@0: moreso than disappointing his mother, he hated hurting Meiling. But rlm@0: what could he say to that? It wasn't like he could just take it back. rlm@0: His mind raced in frustrating circles, mocking him. rlm@0: rlm@0: Cupping Meiling's chin, his heart pounding, he pulled her lips rlm@0: against his own. Meiling's lips felt altogether different from rlm@0: Sakura's, but no less as wonderful. They were frozen against his own rlm@0: for a moment before they seemed to melt, springing to life against rlm@0: his own. His heart beat faster as Meiling's fingers dug into him, his rlm@0: cousin slowly kissing back. Her lips felt so wonderful against his rlm@0: own. They were so soft and warm and full of like. Meiling shifted, rlm@0: her lips pushing further against his own. If he could just hold her rlm@0: like this... Maybe he could make things better. He could finally heal rlm@0: Meiling's broken heart. It took all of Meiling's strength to finally rlm@0: pull away from the kiss. It was a kiss she had waited over a decade rlm@0: for and part at her screamed that she must be mad to give up on it. rlm@0: But she clamped down on the feelings, balling her fists and pulling rlm@0: away from Syaoran. Her eyes narrowed to keep from betraying the rlm@0: cacophony of the emotions inside of her. "I have to go." Her voice rlm@0: was weaker than she would have liked, but she didn't have time to be rlm@0: picky. As she turned to leave, his hand reached out for her. Her hand rlm@0: launched out and caught his wrist. Her eyes shot him a glance. "You rlm@0: have a girlfriend and I'm getting married. Great time to decide to rlm@0: seduce me. You finally take a shot when I'm unavailable. Not very rlm@0: sporting. I love you, Syaoran. But I will never be second best to rlm@0: you. I'd be yours if I were your first choice. I'm not going to play rlm@0: for you because Sakura's too far away at the moment." Turning on her rlm@0: heal, the raven haired girl hurried out into the gathering storm, her rlm@0: emotions mirrored in the heavens. She was disappointed and hurt and rlm@0: apologetic all at the same time. She was angry with him and angry at rlm@0: herself. Syaoran could only watch for a long moment, seeing Meiling rlm@0: run out the door, tears glistening in her eyes. "Meiling!!" But it rlm@0: was too late. She was already gone. He had thought it was what she rlm@0: wanted. It felt so nice to finally be able to kiss her. What had gone rlm@0: wrong? Had he been wrong? Did her heart really belong to another now? rlm@0: "Good job, Syaoran," a voice said behind him. Fanren held her arms rlm@0: behind her back, a bemused look on her face. "Leave me the hell rlm@0: alone," Syaoran growled quietly, his eyes shooting daggers. "She left rlm@0: herself open for you all these years. She kept pining after you even rlm@0: after you started dating Sakura. But Meiling is a very proud girl. rlm@0: She wants to be the one you love the most. She can't stand to be rlm@0: second best. And now you're picking her because you're lonely and rlm@0: she's getting married. You insulted her. Now she feels like she isn't rlm@0: good enough," Fanren explained."I didn't... I never meant..." Syaoran rlm@0: trailed off. What had he meant by it? He still loved Sakura, didn't rlm@0: he? But what about Meiling? He hadn't meant that she was second best, rlm@0: only that... His emotions felt so indecipherable sometimes. He closed rlm@0: his eyes, clenching his jaw. Damn it.... He wanted to go after rlm@0: Meiling, but he didn't know what to say. This was another time that rlm@0: he couldn't save her. rlm@0: rlm@0: