rlm@0: Cardcaptor Nadeshiko rlm@0: Chapter 2 rlm@0: by G.P. and Amazoness Duo rlm@0: pearsong1954@yahoo.com rlm@0: amazonessduo@hotmail.com rlm@0: rlm@0: rlm@0: “Nadeshiko-chan!! Look out!!” Sonomi cried out, throwing herself between her curious cousin and rlm@0: the evil, bloodthirsty, undead teddy bear. She kept herself in the way, lest it try to drink her rlm@0: precious best friend’s blood or some other such travesty. She eyed it with fiery determination rlm@0: for a ten year old, ready to protect Nadeshiko to the bitter end. No one was going to hurt her rlm@0: cousin. It felt like some kind of nightmare. But somehow, deep down, Sonomi felt vindicated. Her rlm@0: paranoia had been right! Something else had gone wrong! Sure, it wasn’t what she had expected, rlm@0: but she had known it all along. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Huh? What is it?” The little yellow stuffed animal looked one way and the other, getting ready rlm@0: to pounce on whatever the danger could be. Something had the auburn haired girl pretty worked up rlm@0: by the look of things. He had to be ready for anything. rlm@0: rlm@0: With strong legs garnered from being the fastest girl on the track team, Sonomi’s leg swept out rlm@0: and hit the teddy bear dead on. The stuffed animal got out a muffled ‘ooph’ before getting flung rlm@0: into the far wall by the force of Sonomi’s unexpected kick. Her skirt fluttered about her in a rlm@0: very unladylike way, but aside from her mother’s voice telling her to fix it in her head, she rlm@0: didn’t bother worrying about it. Picking up Nadeshiko’s alarm clock, Sonomi hurried to the rlm@0: fallen plushy. If it could be hurt like that, then maybe it could be killed. She wasn’t about to rlm@0: let some demonic puppet whisk away her darling Nadeshiko. Her heart beat furiously in her chest rlm@0: as she kept a wary eye on the little stuffed animal. rlm@0: rlm@0: Nadeshiko hurriedly followed Sonomi, her eyes swiftly spotting Teddy. He was lying on the floor rlm@0: in a daze, little eyes swirling. Nadeshiko felt sad inside as she surveyed the sight. It looked rlm@0: like her friends weren’t getting along very well at all. But then, Sonomi was awfully protective, rlm@0: so maybe she thought that Teddy was trying to take her place as her best friend. Smiling rlm@0: brightly, she tried to ease her cousin’s worries. “Don’t worry about Teddy-chan, Sonomi-chan. rlm@0: He’s my new friend, but nobody could ever replace you as my very best friend.” She hugged the rlm@0: slightly taller girl from behind, holding onto her tightly. Sonomi was fun to hug. She always rlm@0: got all blushy and embarrassed. It was always hard for Nadeshiko to keep from giggling. rlm@0: rlm@0: The stuffed animal in question could dimly hear someone talking as he tried to get his bearings. rlm@0: What had happened? He had the vague memory of danger and then swift and immediate pain. It must rlm@0: have been invisible, he decided. What else could hurt the almighty Cereberus? Nothing, that’s rlm@0: what. Assured once more of his invulnerability, the animate stuffed doll looked around the cute rlm@0: room. Everything was frills and ribbons. Even the pigtailed girl above him wielding an alarm rlm@0: clock. In all of his life, nothing had frightened the Seal Beast as much as that ten year old rlm@0: girl about to squash him flat with a cute pink clock. There was something about it that didn't rlm@0: make for a fitting demise to the legendary Cereberus. Luckily, the pale girl from earlier rlm@0: managed to stop the auburn haired girl that was bent on crushing his head. The pigtailed girl rlm@0: blushed and fidgeted in the pale girl’s embrace, offering him the chance to recover, quickly rlm@0: flying up into the air. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Nadeshiko-chan...” Sonomi got out weakly as she felt Nadeshiko’s arms around her. She nearly rlm@0: forgot about the bloodsucking teddy bear and the clock in her hand. Nadeshiko was always so sweet rlm@0: and loving. And it always made Sonomi’s heart flutter when they would hug, or just when she got rlm@0: to watch her precious cousin. Sonomi loved pretty, cute things and Nadeshiko was the living rlm@0: embodiment of such things. And even with her own admittedly short temper and emotional nature, rlm@0: Nadeshiko could always diffuse it with a smile or a hug. Just as she did now. It took the rlm@0: brunette a moment to spot the flying toy. Narrowing her eyes, she pressed back against Nadeshiko, rlm@0: intent on protecting the smaller girl. “Stay away from Nadeshiko-chan!!” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Will ya wait a minute? Geez...” The floating stuffed animal rubbed his head with his small arm, rlm@0: wincing at the pain that burst through him at the contact. “What kind of girl are you? Didn’t rlm@0: your mother teach you not to hit people?” He frowned as he watched the two girls. Somehow this rlm@0: wasn’t turning out at all how he’d planned it. The Cardcaptor seemed... out of it. And the other rlm@0: girl certainly was violent. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Of course she did. But I’m not gonna let some little evil stuffed animal hurt my rlm@0: Nadeshiko-chan!” Sonomi shot back angrily. This thing was starting to get on her nerves. If only rlm@0: she’d smacked it with the alarm clock... rlm@0: rlm@0: “Who are you callin’ little?!” Little wings beat irately as a vain appeared on the toy’s rlm@0: forehead. “Why you..!! You have no idea who you’re talkin’ to!” rlm@0: rlm@0: Sonomi clenched her fists as she advanced on the pissed off teddy bear. She was done arguing with rlm@0: the thing. She was just gonna beat the thing until it stopped moving. That would keep it from rlm@0: getting to Nadeshiko. Then maybe they could call an exorcist or something to get rid of it. rlm@0: rlm@0: Nadeshiko darted in front of Sonomi before she could reach the stuffed animal. She knew her rlm@0: bigger cousin would hurt Teddy if she thought he might hurt her. Sonomi was sweet like that. She rlm@0: was always looking out for her. Nadeshiko was very happy to know that Sonomi was looking out for rlm@0: her, but somehow she thought Teddy wouldn’t appreciated it as much as she did. “No, wait, Sonomi- rlm@0: chan! Teddy-chan’s my friend. He was on the book with the pretty Cards. He told me I get to go rlm@0: find the rest of them.” She smiled happily at her cousin, disarming most of Sonomi’s wrath. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Ahem...” The flying toy crossed his arms as he lowered to eye level. He had more important rlm@0: things to do right now than argue with the fiery girl. The much more placid pale girl was his rlm@0: concern at the moment. “I am the Seal Beast, Cereberus! My job is to look after the Clow Book rlm@0: and the Cards inside of it. But now all of the Clow Cards are gone. If they aren’t found, rlm@0: misfortune will befall the world,” he said gravely. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Not all of them are gone,” Nadeshiko spoke up brightly, holding up the Flower Card. “Here you rlm@0: go!” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Err...” The stuffed animal sweatdropped as he shook his head. “No, you keep it.” The pale girl rlm@0: brightened even further, evidently pleased that she got to keep the Card. The Seal Beast tried rlm@0: not to get distracted, going back to his story. “The Clow Cards were made by Clow Reed, the best rlm@0: magician ever. Each Card is alive and has it’s own special power. They all have their own rlm@0: personalities, but they can be quite mischievous. That’s why they were all kept in a book and rlm@0: why I was set to look after them. So if we want to avert the Catastrophe and get all the Cards rlm@0: back, I’ll need your help.” He motioned towards Nadeshiko with a flourish. He was still a bit rlm@0: miffed that the Cards had all gone missing, but at least he was out and about. He’d been stuck rlm@0: in that bookstore in Osaka for far too long. Any excuse to get out of the book seemed like a rlm@0: great idea. rlm@0: rlm@0: Nadeshiko squealed delightedly. Sonomi, on the other hand, did not quite share her cousin’s rlm@0: enthusiasm. “Why does she have to get the Clow Cards? I thought you said that was your job. rlm@0: Shouldn’t you go find them?” rlm@0: rlm@0: “I’m supposed to protect them! That’s a completely different job altogether. I’m not the one who rlm@0: lost them,” Kero argued, crossing his arms. Why couldn’t he finish this up back at the other rlm@0: house? It was a lot easier without the brunette there. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Then she wouldn’t need to go looking for them if you’d been doing your job!” Sonomi declared. rlm@0: rlm@0: “I was asleep, all right!! Besides, she has power. She opened the book. So she obviously has rlm@0: magic.” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Hmph... Some Seal Beast you turned out to be.” Sonomi crossed her arms, not at all happy with rlm@0: all this. “Come on, Nadeshiko-chan. Let’s go downstairs and get some tea. I’m sure the stuffed rlm@0: animal can find his way out on his own.” She sweatdropped when she spotted her cousin with a rlm@0: thrilled look on her face, holding the Book of Clow. “Nadeshiko-chan?” rlm@0: rlm@0: “I am not a stuffed animal,” the Seal Beast said irritably. “I’ll have you know that I’m quite rlm@0: menacing in my true form. I may look stunningly cool now in my false form, but you haven’t lived rlm@0: till you’ve seen me like that. As soon as we get the Cards back, I’ll be able to retain that rlm@0: form.” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Sounds like too much trouble to me,” Sonomi said halfheartedly, her attention still distracted rlm@0: by Nadeshiko. rlm@0: rlm@0: “That sounds great, Teddy-chan! I can’t wait to see it! I bet it’s adorable.” The pale girl’s rlm@0: eyes sparkled as she thought about the beautiful form that must await her cute little Teddy. Now rlm@0: she was even more eager to catch the Cards. Especially if they were at all as fun as Flower. She rlm@0: couldn’t wait to introduce herself to them all. rlm@0: rlm@0: “I’m not a teddy bear! I’m a lion! A really menacing lion, too!” The Seal Beast narrowed his rlm@0: eyes as he floated in front of the two cousins. Why did he have to get saddled with two little rlm@0: girls? Why couldn’t it be some powerful magician or something? He sighed miserably. You had to rlm@0: make do with what you had, he guessed. “All right. We need to make the contract. Nadeshiko-chan, rlm@0: please stand over there.” rlm@0: rlm@0: “All right!!” Nadeshiko said happily, practically skipping over to her designated position. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Wait a minute! What’s all this about?” Sonomi asked worriedly, her eyes darting back and forth rlm@0: from the teddy bear to her cousin and back. Whatever it was, she sure didn’t like the looks of rlm@0: it. Why wasn’t anyone listening to her? Protecting Nadeshiko would be so much easier if the rlm@0: beautiful dark haired girl would simply listen once in a while. Sonomi’s stormy blue eyes went rlm@0: wide when she saw the room vanish, replaced by a dark expanse. A strange symbol lit up underneath rlm@0: Nadeshiko’s bare feet, her nightgown fluttering around as if tugged by the wind. Sonomi felt a rlm@0: cold pit in the center of her stomach, but her cousin looked sweetly excited. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Oh key to the seal. Here is a girl wishing to make a contract with you. Her name is Nadeshiko. rlm@0: Key, give power to this girl!” The small key in the lock of the book flew over to Nadeshiko rlm@0: lighting up in the center of the symbol. It slowly grew in front of her, becoming a large rlm@0: lavender staff. It had two beautiful flower blossoms on the sides of the top of the staff, and rlm@0: what looked to be tiny vines traveling down the length of it. “Now, Nadeshiko-chan! Pick up the rlm@0: Key!” rlm@0: rlm@0: Sonomi struggled to see through the blinding light, her eyes barely managing to make out rlm@0: Nadeshiko as she walked towards the staff, her arm raised. “Wait! Nadeshiko-chan! Don’t!!” she rlm@0: called out. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Don’t worry, Sonomi-chan. It’ll be fun,” Nadeshiko promised, smiling at her overprotective rlm@0: cousin. With that, she grasped the Key, energy filling her. rlm@0: rlm@0: “All right!! A new Cardcaptor is born! Sugoi!!” The newly dubbed Teddy exclaimed. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sonomi sighed, holding her head. As if it wasn’t difficult enough to protect Nadeshiko as it was, rlm@0: now she’d have to deal with sweet, naïve Nadeshiko as a magical girl? Somehow that didn’t lift rlm@0: the brunette’s spirits. Sure, Nadeshiko had always been magical in her own way. But this was just rlm@0: wrong. The beautiful pale girl shouldn’t be in a position where she could just get hurt even rlm@0: worse. If that day had proved anything, it was that Sonomi had to keep a closer watch on rlm@0: Nadeshiko. The younger girl had already gotten hurt that day as a normal girl. Making her a rlm@0: magical girl was just asking for trouble. rlm@0: rlm@0: As if on cue, one of Nadeshiko’s puppets stood up, glancing around the room. It finally caught rlm@0: sight of the pale Cardcaptor and leapt her way. Sonomi jumped in the way of the stuffed rabbit rlm@0: in time to take the blow in her chest. Being made out of fluff and cloth, it bounced off rlm@0: harmlessly, landing on the floor. “Buni-chan? What’s wrong Buni-chan?” Nadeshiko asked curiously, rlm@0: bending down to pick up her injured stuffed animal. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Nadeshiko-chan!” Sonomi pulled Nadeshiko away before the stuffed animal could attack again. rlm@0: “Another man-eating toy? What’s going on today?” Sonomi asked to no one in particular. She loved rlm@0: toys, she really did. They were so cute and fun, just like her cousin. But twice in one day was rlm@0: a little ridiculous. rlm@0: rlm@0: “It’s a Clow Card!” Teddy said joyously. His face lit up. Perhaps this wouldn’t be too difficult rlm@0: after all. The new Cardcaptor did have a sweet disposition. The Cards would love that. It would rlm@0: make things much easier than if they were trying to get away from her. It must have already rlm@0: attracted one of the Cards. But which one? Teddy watched as it leapt about the room. “It’s Jump! rlm@0: We have to catch it before it gets away!” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Come here, Buni-chan... It’s all right,” Nadeshiko said soothingly as she hopped up onto her rlm@0: futon, following the bouncing bunny. Another new friend already. It was turning out to be a rlm@0: wonderful day! Now if only Sonomi was a little happier about things it would be perfect. But she rlm@0: was sure that her older cousin would grow to love the whole thing as much as she did. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sonomi was currently hating the whole thing. Not only was her dearest friend stuck as a magical rlm@0: girl who had to seek out strange and mysterious magical items, but one of those said items was rlm@0: terrorizing her cousins room in one of her stuffed animals. A stuffed animal that Sonomi had rlm@0: given Nadeshiko for her birthday, no less! Sonomi trailed after the snow white rabbit, nearly rlm@0: swiping it off the floor several times, but it continued just out of her grasp. At the same rlm@0: instant, both pigtailed girl and Clow Card spotted the open window. The Jump leapt for the rlm@0: window as Sonomi sprinted forward. She slammed the window with jarring force, shocking her. For rlm@0: a moment, she didn’t know whether she had been in time. A glance down to her feet reassured her. rlm@0: The bunny was lying in a daze on the floor, having slammed dead on into the window. She stepped rlm@0: down with her sock covered foot and caught it’s arm before it could leap away again. “Gotcha!” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Poor Buni-chan. Were you scared? I’ve got you, Buni-chan.” Nadeshiko swept the small bunny in rlm@0: her arms, tickling Sonomi’s foot with lithe fingers before she stood up. She smiled happily at rlm@0: her cousin as she held her stuffed animal. “Thank you, Sonomi-chan!” Leaning forward, the flighty rlm@0: Cardcaptor kissed her auburn haired friend on the cheek. rlm@0: rlm@0: Blushing furiously, Sonomi could only nod in reply. The burning warmth of Nadeshiko’s silken lips rlm@0: remained on her cheek, replaying over and over again in the brunette’s mind. Her fingers went to rlm@0: the small patch of skin where her cousin’s lips had lingered and felt her heart skip a beat. She rlm@0: had only wanted to help Nadeshiko with this killer stuffed animal. She had never thought that rlm@0: she could receive such a sweet reward. Feeling dizzy, Sonomi had to sit down quickly before she rlm@0: could topple over. She didn’t fully understand the feelings the younger girl stirred within her, rlm@0: but they always overwhelmed her. Sighing not unpleasantly, the auburn haired athlete watched her rlm@0: best friend cradle the Clow Card in the stuffed animal it inhabited at the moment. rlm@0: rlm@0: “You have to seal it, Nadeshiko-chan!” Teddy shouted. Just then, the door opened. Teddy dropped rlm@0: lifelessly to the floor, hoping whoever it was hadn’t seen him. His heart froze in his chest as rlm@0: he saw an older woman stuck her head in. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Nadeshiko-chan? What are you and Sonomi-chan up to? You really should get some sleep, dear. All rlm@0: of this yelling and jumping around can’t be good for you after getting hit earlier,” Nadeshiko’s rlm@0: mother chided gently. She smiled over at a blushing Sonomi who was still sitting on her rlm@0: daughter’s futon. At least there was one voice of reason in her daughter’s room. She would have rlm@0: to thank her sister for her responsible daughter looking out for her own little girl. Just like rlm@0: when she herself was a child. Looking from one cousin to the other, she decided to call her rlm@0: sister again before going to sleep. rlm@0: rlm@0: “We were just helping Teddy-chan get the Kurow Kaddo, mama,” Nadeshiko said sweetly, still rlm@0: cradling the white rabbit in her arms. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Oh, is that all? How about you do that in bed, dear? I’m sure you can help Teddy-chan all you rlm@0: want from under the covers.” Bending down, the older Amamiya woman picked up the small winged rlm@0: bear from the floor and handed him to Sonomi. After helping the two girls get settled in bed, rlm@0: she walked back to the door, turning to get another peak of her baby girl and her little niece. rlm@0: “You two are just too cute. Sleep well, girls.” Blowing a kiss to the two cousins, Nadeshiko’s rlm@0: mother shut the door behind her. rlm@0: rlm@0: “...and then you say ‘release’!” Teddy was whispering, Nadeshiko nodding intently. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Like this? Return to your true form, Kurow Kaddo! Release!” Nadeshiko said, very gently tapping rlm@0: the rabbit’s head with staff underneath the sheets. She didn’t want to hurt it, after all. In a rlm@0: flash of light, magic was pulled out of her rabbit, appearing in the form of a small brown card. rlm@0: Grinning delightedly, she grasped the Card and hugged it close. “Sugoi!” rlm@0: rlm@0: “Hai, just like that. But you have to yell it out louder. It sounds cooler that way,” Teddy said rlm@0: approvingly. rlm@0: rlm@0: Sighing miserably, Sonomi stared up at the roof. Why did she have a very bad feeling about all rlm@0: of this? Something was going to go horribly wrong, she just knew it. It was only a matter of rlm@0: time. Determination sparked in her stormy blue eyes. This just meant she’d have to be ever more rlm@0: vigilant in protecting her dearest Nadeshiko. She would have to make sure she was always there to rlm@0: help her. Magic or not, she wouldn’t let anything hurt her pretty cousin. Her thoughts cut off rlm@0: abruptly as she felt arms wrap around her stomach as her pale friend snuggled close to her under rlm@0: the sheets. She could feel Nadeshiko’s warm breath against her neck as the smaller girl yawned. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Goodnight, Sonomi-chan,” Nadeshiko said quietly, resting her head against the brunette. She rlm@0: always felt warm and safe with her athletic cousin. She got so lonely late at night when she was rlm@0: all alone. She had once asked her mother if Sonomi could move in with them so that she could rlm@0: always spend the night, but her mother had said that Sonomi’s parents would miss her too much. rlm@0: ‘But I miss her too much,’ Nadeshiko had protested. Her mother hadn’t been able to come up with rlm@0: a good explanation after that, but Nadeshiko had to content herself with when her best friend rlm@0: could stay over. Snuggling closer, Nadeshiko smiled and let her emerald eyes fall shut. rlm@0: rlm@0: “Sweet dreams, Nadeshiko-chan,” Sonomi whispered in reply, holding her smaller cousin close. Her rlm@0: fingers gently brushed through Nadeshiko’s hair the way she remebered her aunt’s fingers rlm@0: traveling through her own. Nadeshiko had such beautiful hair. And it felt so nice and soft rlm@0: falling through her fingers. Forgetting about the Cards and the teddy bear with the Osaka rlm@0: dialect for the moment, Sonomi held onto her friend, her heart beating wildly. “I’ll always rlm@0: protect you, Nadeshiko-chan.” rlm@0: rlm@0: “I know,” Nadeshiko replied matter-of-factly, already starting to drift off to sleep in Sonomi’s rlm@0: arms. “I know, Sonomi-chan.” rlm@0: rlm@0: