view old/staff.php @ 4:69f0191c9016 moonlitnights tip

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author Robert McIntyre <>
date Tue, 22 Jun 2010 13:42:35 -0400 (2010-06-22)
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129 <table cellpadding="0" width="255" style="border-collapse: collapse"
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132 <td><img src="small-win_top2.jpg"></td>
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134 <td background="table-bg.jpg">So, what kind of crazy
135 people actually run this thing called <i>Moonlit
136 Nights</i>? Well, you're about to find out! Here
137 you'll find basically everything you could ever
138 want to know (not that I know why you'd want to) about
139 the people behind <i>Moonlit Nights</i>. In the event
140 that there's something that isn't covered here (like,
141 for instance, you absolutely must know my favorite
142 color, where I live, my password, and how I sleep),
143 feel free to e-mail (or otherwise contact) the
144 appropriate person. We're not all too scary in
145 person.. honest!<br><br>
147 As a minor side note, I'd like to personally thank
148 Pepsi for making Mountain Dew. Most updates and
149 work on this site are thanks to the caffeine and
150 sugar that somehow keep me up despite not getting
151 much sleep.. and yes, I'm drinking it as I type
152 this up.
153 </td>
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155 <tr><td><img src="small-win_btm2.jpg"></td>
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157 </table></div>
159 <div style="position: absolute; top: 400;
160 right: 95; width: 255; height:100">
161 <table border="0" width="400" height="100" style="border-collapse: collapse" cellpadding="0" bordercolor="000000">
162 <tr><td><img src="large-win_top.jpg"></td></tr><tr>
163 <td background="table-bg.jpg">
164 <b>Nickname:</b> Cloud<br>
165 <b>Name:</b> Jason <br>
166 <b>DOB:</b> 1985.12.30<br>
167 <b>E-mail:</b> cloud_strife_952<u>at</u>yahoo<u>dot</u>com<br>
168 <b>AIM:</b> Promboy00<br>
169 <b>MSNm:</b> promboy<u>at</u>hotmail<u>dot</u>com<br>
170 <b>Y! Messenger:</b> cloud_strife_952<br>
171 <b>ICQ:</b> 13952792<br>
172 <b>Websites:</b> <a href=""></a> and <a href="./">Moonlit Nights</a><br>
173 <b>Journal:</b> <a href="">Disorganized Patterns</a></p>
175 <p><b>Website:</b><br>
176 Jason's job at Moonlit Nights is mostly background work
177 to keep things running smoothly along with other such
178 administrative tasks most webmasters have to deal with.
179 This includes (but isn't limited to) website design (making sure the site looks nice and is easy for visitors to navigate), the updating process (posting update notices, uploading files, modifying pages to reflect the new content), and content acquisition (sorting through submissions and e-mailing authors about their stories for use on this site). When not updating the website,
180 he can also be found running the message board as the
181 administrator. Aside from those listed, his jobs pretty much consist of everything else that needs to be done. Jason's been the webmaster of Moonlit Nights since its creation (November 9th, 2000) and is the only full-time staff member.</p>
183 <p><b>Personal Life:</b><br>
184 Jason is a college student living in could-be-prettier
185 Arizona. He's currently studying for a Bachelors of Arts with a Major in East Asian Studies (with emphasis on Japanese culture and language). Now that's a long title, but it sure does sound impressive. It basically means that he plans on either teaching English in Japan or perhaps working in translation. Scholastic career aside, his hobbies are computers, anime/manga, video games, and RPGs. He also has an obscenely large over-priced anime/game figurine collection which is really, really cool.
186 </p><br><br>
188 <b>Nickname:</b> Amazoness Duo<br>
189 <b>Name:</b> Heather <br>
190 <b>DOB:</b> June 4, 1983<br>
191 <b>E-mail:</b> amazonessduo<u>at</u>hotmail<u>dot</u>com<br>
192 <b>AIM:</b> heartless_kizuku<br>
193 <b>MSNm:</b> amazonessduo<u>at</u>hotmail<u>dot</u>com<br>
194 <b>Y! Messenger:</b> tomoyo_chan<br>
195 <b>ICQ:</b> Don't really get on it anymore. O_o<br>
196 <b>Websites:</b> <a href="">Moonlit Nights</a><br>
197 <b>Journal:</b> <a href="">Emily</a></p>
199 <p><b>Website:</b><br>
200 I'm the site author of Moonlit Nights and I've written quite a bit
201 of the stories in the Tomoyo & Sakura, Misc, and ChibiUsa & Hotaru sections.
202 I'm the big sister of the webmaster, which helped a lot when forcing him to
203 make a website about the type of fanfiction I wanted to see more of online,
204 particularly best friend romance stories. I leave most of the computer
205 things to Cloud because he's so much better with that than I am. I'm much
206 happier doing the writing.</p>
208 <p><b>Personal Life:</b><br>
209 I'm a college student who has no idea what she's doing with
210 her life. ^^;; I enjoy writing quite a bit and I love losing myself in the
211 characters and their lives. I love all sorts of escapism, really. ^-^
212 Roleplaying games, videogames, books, anime, manga, etc. It all lets me
213 surround myself with these fascinating characters. I'm the eldest sister of
214 four siblings and I've helped raise the two youngest, so I don't get out of
215 the house much. ^^;; I'm shy and neurotic and my mind is always spinning
216 around something. I'm obsessive and overemotional and generally crazy. I
217 believe wholeheartedly that love should conquer all, regardless of race,
218 gender, religion, or idiotic governments. If anything, that's what I want to
219 get across in my stories, that love is the most important thing in life.
220 </p>
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