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author rlm
date Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:33:41 -0500
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1 Dreaming of Sakura
2 by Rich "Li"
5 Author's Prelude to a Fanfictional Quest: Konnichi waaaa!!! My real name is Richly, but you can call me Rich "Li". Kinda confusing eh? Sounds the same...(and no, I'm not related to the "Li" family in any form. It just sounds interesting). Anyhow, this is my first fanfic ever, let alone my first CCS fic. I'm a big fan of the series, although I've only seen the first eight episodes of the series. (Go ahead, laugh. Pioneer releases those DVD's too damn slow. And I don't wanna deal with the manga. I'm not into manga very much.) However, I know alot about this series, and I would like to give my insight through my writing. I'm all for a Sakura and Tomoyo relationship. It just seems right for them to be together, even though fate won't allow them. (Fate as in CLAMP.) So, I myself will do something about that through imagination and wishful thinking. So basically, the story will be a yuri fic between Tomoyo and Sakura. If you're offended by romance between two girls, I suggest you stay away. I don't want to deal with you shallow-minded people (and Sakura-Syaoran fans.) The fic will be rather short, so you won't suffer too long. Anyway, arigato and I'll see you in the end of the story. BTW, comments are welcome at
7 Legal disclaimer: These are not my characters. They are owned by their respective owners (CLAMP, Kodansha, etc.) So don't try to sue and/or annihilate me. I'm only borrowing them for non-diabolical reasons. Otherwise, don't bother. I have nothing.
9 ___________
11 Tomoyo holds a picture of Sakura and Tomoyo together in a zoo they once went to from a field trip, the time when their innocence was fully realized. She gazes at the picture, thinking about Sakura, letting out her feelings out in the open-to herself.
13 "I love you with all my heart and soul. And yet, you don't love me the same way I love you. Is it because you're too young to understand my feelings for you, or you just don't want to love me? You love him, don't you? I will understand if you do. If he makes you happy, then you should be with him. Don't let me become a burden on your happiness. Your happiness is more important to me than anything. I just... wish I could be happy with you. I want to experience everything you experience, as ones bound by love. But, this is my dream. The dream I won't be able to realize until my feelings for you are divulged. I'm just too afraid...that you won't accept my feelings. I just need to know...if you will accept my feelings. All I could do now is just express my feelings for you when you're not here...*sigh*. Well good night, Sakura chan...and aishiteru."
15 Tomoyo places the picture back on her desk, and turned the lights down to eventually fall asleep on her bed, as the moon's melancholy light illuminated her room through Tomoyo's satin curtains.
17 ___________
21 Tomoyo finds herself in a forestation of sakura trees. A plethora of sakura petals lavish Tomoyo as she stands and gazing at the aww-inspiring scene. "This place is so beautiful," Tomoyo said to herself. "But, where am I?"
23 Tomoyo is both in fascination and bewilderment. She finds herself in a beautiful forest of sakura trees, yet she doesn't know where she is. She further explores her unknown surroundings. Tomoyo, to her amazement, finds another living soul, sitting under a tree alone, as if she was waiting for someone. Tomoyo then walks up the girl, asking if she knows anything about the 'place' she is in.
25 Tomoyo walks to up to her. "Hello miss," said Tomoyo. The girl turns around. "Excuse me but-"
26 Tomoyo was startled by the fact the girl was Sakura; suprised to her best friend in the most unusual of places.
27 "Sa...Sakura?" Questioned Tomoyo.
28 "Yes, Tomoyo, it is me," replied Sakura
29 "Sakura, what are you doing here? Although I don't understand why I'm here too." "I'm waiting for you," replied Sakura. I've waiting for you, so I can tell you."
31 "Tell me what Sakura chan? Tomoyo can't comprehend the fact that herself is here, let alone her best friend here, telling her something she says is very important.
32 "I've wanted to tell you this ever since I've realized how important you are to me. Observing how you always by my side as I captured the Clow Cards; how you always cared about my feelings, and how you always wanted to be with me. It made me see the light you handed me. The support you gave me, unlike no one else has given me. You are special to special in fact, I couldn't stop thinking about you. you Tomoyo chan."
34 Hearing those words from Sakura brought tears of exultation to Tomoyo. She has been waiting to hear those words from her best friend for so long. She quickly embraced her friend as she wept on her shoulder.
36 Tomoyo broke to embrace the reveal her feelings to her, once and for all. With tears flowing from her eyes, she finally spoke.
38 "Sakura chan...I've been waiting so long to hear you say those words to me. I want to make you happy forever, and be with you just as long. Then Tomoyo let out an emphatic "I LOVE YOU too Sakura chan!" Tomoyo then embraced Sakura again, but not as friends, but as lovers.
40 They remained in their arms for a long time. Sakura then broke the embrace to give Tomoyo a soft kiss on her smooth lips for the first time. Tomoyo's heart mended as Sakura gave her this loving kiss. A moment she always dreamed of. A feeling that remained a dream...
44 ______________
49 Tomoyo awoke in the sun's radiant light. The vision was gone...and Sakura was gone. The feelings Tomoyo experienced were all a dream. The feelings her friend divulged...all a dream. It felt so real...yet so it was nothing more than a apparition. Tomoyo quickly got off her bed and looked into the town of Tomoeda, recalling her dream.
51 "Why did it have to end now?" Tomoyo thought. " I want to with her forever, but I can only be with her forever in a fantasy world. She told me her feelings, and I told her mines. It just felt so real, even the kiss seemed like it just happened. But, dreams can seem real, but their not, and it wasn't Sakura, it was Sakura the way I wanted her to be. It was only my desires that were shown. Sakura couldn't possibly have those feelings for me..can she?"
53 Tomoyo then heard the ring of her phone, suprised someone calling this early in the morning.
55 "Hello, Daidouji residence."
56 "Tomoyo chan, I'm glad it's you."
57 "Sakura chan? Why are calling so early? Is something wrong?"
58 " No, nothing's wrong Tomoyo chan...It's just that I need to tell you something."
59 "What is it Sakura chan?"
60 "Um...could you just meet me later in King Penquin Park...I need to tell you person. It's very important."
62 "Ok, Sakura chan what time?" Tomoyo hopes it would be really soon.
64 "I'll be there at 9:00"
66 (Not soon enough. That's two hours from now...) " Ok Sakura chan, I'll meet you there. Is there anything else you need?"
68 "No, nothing else. Thank you Tomoyo chan. This is why you're my best friend. You're always there for me. You're so special to me...
70 "Sakura chan..."
72 "Well bye Tomoyo chan. I'll see you later."
74 "Bye..." Sakura hangs up the phone. "Did you really mean that Sakura chan? Am I really that special to you?"
76 ____________
80 Tomoyo is escorted the park by her bodyguards. They stay behind while Tomoyo walks towards King Penquin himself. There she sees Sakura, sitting next to it, while the trees lavish the ground with falling leaves as a zephyr blows gently, causing Tomoyo's hair to flow to one side.
82 Tomoyo walks up to Sakura, waiting diligently for her. Sakura then stands to face Tomoyo, and gazing into her eyes to tell her the "important proposal".
84 "Tomoyo chan, there is something I've been meaning to tell you. *Sigh*, it's just so hard for me to say."
86 "What is it Sakura chan? Don't be afraid, you can tell me. Nothing bad will come of this from anything you say."
88 "Tomoyo chan, what I'm trying to say is that...I..."
90 "You what Sakura chan?"
92 " you Tomoyo chan. I love with you with all of my heart. I've been wanting to tell you this for a long time. I just couldn't bear to tell you, until now. Something last night told me I had to tell you. I had this feeling that you also loved me...and that I had to tell you..."
94 Tomoyo couldn't believe what she is hearing. Her dreams became reality. Sakura loved her. She has anticipating this day, a day she thought would never be realized.
96 "Sakura chan, I love you too. I've loved you ever since that day we met when you gave me that eraser. My love for you grew for each passing day. I just couldn't tell you...because I too was also afraid. I was afraid because I thought you wouldn't accept my love for you. I thought it would hurt our friendship. But, all these thoughts are gone, I'm not afraid anymore. Because you have removed my darkest thoughts when you revealed your inner light Sakura chan."
98 "Tomoyo chan...I didn't know you had these feelings for me. I should've known, but I've been preoccupied with my duty as a Card Captor. I'm sorry I didn't realize before."
100 "There is no need to apologize Sakura chan. I'm just happy you were able to tell me that you love me. Better late than never," Tomoyo said with her beautiful smile. Now, I want to be with you forever; to marathon across the skies with you, and to have dreams in unison with you forever, as ones bound by love."
102 "Oh...Tomoyo chan..." With these words, Sakura embraced her newfound lover with her permeated with tears of joy as she finally found her true love. Tomoyo also found herself shedding tears to release her joy of finally obtaining her desire. They remained in that position for what seemed like hours. Eventually Tomoyo broke the embrace and gazed into Sakura beautiful green eyes. Tomoyo kissed her deeply as Sakura followed suit. They kissed for what seemed like an eternity, finally ending it, to say the words that brought them together.
104 "I love you Sakura chan," said Tomoyo in an almost hypnotic trance, but with everything from the heart.
106 "I love you too Tomoyo chan," Sakura replied, stroking Tomoyo's long, black hair.
108 From there, they walked together, hand-in-hand, approaching a new reality, changed by fate This is all made possible by one's desire to keep dreaming and to finally have that dream become her ultimate reality.
111 -Owari
113 ________
116 Author's Editorial: Thanks for reading all of that. I really appreciate it. I hope my first effort was a decent one. If you liked it, I would gladly write more, as long ideas just keep popping in my VAST mind. I'm not at all familiar with the settings of CCS completely, so if I made any errors in place names, let me know please. Anyhow, I'm currently in the process of more CCS fics, and even Steel Angel Kurumi 'fics and some other miscellaneous ones. Mostly Sakura and Tomoyo related ^_^. They will be much longer in the future, I promise. I just don't have the time create an epic. However, if I get some decent feedback, I'll feel more compelled to write more. If I don't, I'll still write alot! I just have so many scenarios of Sakura and Tomoyo in my mind and in my dreams, I have to let others know. They are, in fact, the perfect couple if only they could be with each other. Well, I guess this is it. Wait until next time! Up Next: "My Eyes on You" (CCS).