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author rlm
date Fri, 19 Feb 2010 06:33:41 -0500
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1 The Dark Rainbow Crystal Chapter Three
2 by Black Rose
4 Serena stared out the window watching the rainfall, as long as it
5 wasn't thundering; it was one of her favorite thing to do. She turned
6 her head to see her husband reading at his desk. They were in their
7 study. The room had a big window that looked out the backyard. The
8 room had high shelves stacked with many books.
9 He glanced up and smiled at her, she smiled back.
10 She walked over to her desk and sat down.
11 "Darien, are Trista and Hotaru going to stop in today?"
12 "Yes, around ten." His wife looked at the clock that read nine-forty-
13 five.
14 "I hope Hotaru is alright, she's been taking this blindness really
15 well," she though while looking over some papers.
17 In one of the gardens, Hotaru was standing in the rain with one of
18 her mother; who is working on planting some carnations. "Mother that
19 smells really sweet," she said while holding the blossoms in her
20 hands.
21 "I know and this rain is helping them get healthy and strong,"
22 Michelle replied.
23 "Hotaru, it's time to go talk to the Queen and King," someone yelled
24 form behind.
25 She turned when she heard Trista call her name.
26 "Coming!"
27 Michelle gazed up at her, "Go on, I can finish up here."
28 "Thanks Michiru-mama." Her daughter said while getting her talking
29 cane and slowly she started to step to the door.
30 As the two started to walk to the Queen and King were talking about
31 different things.
32 "I see you're becoming accustomed to walking with the cane,"
33 "Yap, it didn't take me that long to learn how to use it."
34 She could sense that her mother was worried about something, but
35 didn't know what was occupying her mind. "Mother, is there something
36 wrong?"
37 "Oh, I just have this feeling that something is wrong with the
38 timeline, you see about four days ago, I was working in my study,
39 talking to Rini and Helios. I got this feeling something came out of
40 gate; but when I went to inspect it, I found absolutely nothing wrong
41 with it." They stopped in front of the door to the Queen's study.
42 "I don't feel any evil," Hotaru though. Trista knocked on the door;
43 she could hear the Queen beckoning them to come in. Trista opened the
44 door, and closes the door behind them.
46 In a different part of the Palace, Rini, Helios is talking with
47 Luna and Diana.
48 They were sitting in the living room. A fire had let in the faire
49 place and the warmth radiating heat through out their bodies. The
50 room was large and comfortable. Overstuffed chairs and long formal
51 couches were placed in clusters. Pretty pillows of coordinating
52 materials were on all of the pieces of furniture.
53 The comfort of the room led the friends to start discussing the
54 details of the impending wedding. Mental pictures of the ceremony and
55 reception led to dreams of future children, homes, and places the
56 couple would share as they grew older, still enjoying each others
57 company.
58 "So are you guys considering on having kids, because you know your
59 mother counting on you to have an heir?" asked Luna
60 Rini just blushed real red. The thought of having Helios' children
61 made her feel nervous and excited at the same time.
62 "Well, I don't have to worry about having kids, because I'm getting
63 married to the hottest babe in the hold kingdom," Diana replied with
64 a big grin.
65 "I can see it now your kids asking why they have a tale," Helios
66 said with a glint of sarcasm. They all laughed, as Diana got red
67 faced.
68 "How is Hotaru doing?" asked Luna turning from looking out the window.
69 "Amy said the blindness has a time limit, it toke her all night but
70 she knew that much," replied the pink princess.
71 "Well that's good right?" questioned Diana
72 "I don't know, but her eyes may never be the same," Luna said
73 setting down next to her daughter.
74 "Well, its better then being blinded forever," Helios replied
75 holding on to Rini.
76 Rini loved the feeling she was getting from the way her fiancé was
77 holding her. The laughing and talking went on. No one notice a young
78 lady outside was watching them from window in the rain.
79 "Don't get to comfortable my Queen and King, for your time is about
80 up." she said
81 "What are you doing out here, in the rain?" a little voices from
82 behind her.
83 She turned around a young girl with blond hair, and wearing a bright
84 pink raincoat and hat. She seemed care free and friendly.
85 "My name is Dainae, what is yours?" she asked.
86 "Sierra, what are you doing out here?"
87 "Mother said I could play in the rain, do you want to play with me?"
88 she asked holding her out her hand.
89 Sierra just looked at her, slowly reached out and touched her hand.
90 As their hands meet the two felt a powerful connection to one
91 another. The feeling of sadness came into Sierra's heart, but didn't
92 show it. Finally, Dainae tried to pull her new friend into one of the
93 puddles. The pair of paint-sized girls played, Dainae's mother
94 watched from the kitchen. "She looks so happy with her new friend,
95 but were did she come from?"
96 She turned back to the girls, in the corner of her eyes she saw a
97 woman standing in the rain. "How and the hell did she get there, and
98 why is she standing in the rain with out a raincoat, or an umbrella."
99 Mina got her umbrella, and walked outside. "Would you like something
100 to keep you out of the rain?"
101 The other woman turned around to see the Queen of the Planet Venus,
102 holding an umbrella over both of there heads. She then looked back to
103 the girls playing in the rain.
104 "Is that your daughter?" asked Venus pointing to the girl with short
105 black hair.
106 "Yes, that's Sierra."
107 "May I ask your name?"
108 "Oh, sorry about being rude, I'm name is Gaia," with a little bow.
109 "I'm….."
110 "I knew how you are Princess Venus, or as your friend call you Mina
111 and little one playing with my daughter is Dainae," with little nod.
112 Venus was just looking at her and nodded as well.
113 "Would you like to come in and warm up?"
114 "Thank you that would be nice."
115 Venus turned her head to the girls "Girls we'll be inside if you
116 need us."
117 The girls looked over said ok and went back to what they were doing.
118 The two ladies walk into the palaces, and closed the door behind them.
119 "What do you think they're going to talk about, Sierra?" Dainae asked.
120 "I really don't knew"
121 "Ha, do you want to see my room? Dainae begged holding her friend's
122 hand.
123 Sierra couldn't help but smile at this, "It's been a very long time
124 since I've felt like this," she though. She felt a hand pulling on
125 hers.
126 "Come on!"
127 "I'm coming, keep your shirt on," with a playful tune. This made
128 Dainae blush a little.
129 They walk pasted their mothers and down the hall to Dianae's room.
130 The mothers were in the living room were Rini, Helios, Luna, and
131 Diana were already gone. So it was just the two of them.
132 "I'll have a maid get you some dry closes,"
133 "Thanks you."
134 "You're welcome Gaia"
135 "Venus are you in their?" asked a voice coming from the great hall.
136 "Yes, I'm," she responded smiling at Gaia.
137 A woman with ocean green hair entered with a flowing satin gown. The
138 material shimmered in the light revealing a lavender tint to the
139 fitted gown. The dress was lovely. The gorgeous figure of the woman
140 was highlighted by the cut of the gown and flowing material from the
141 shawl. Her shiny aqua hair was pulled back with a bow made of the
142 same material as the dress. Earring hung from her ears and showed off
143 her beautiful black eyes and exotic neckline.
144 "Oh, I didn't know that you were having company," Neptune said
145 taking a look at the other woman in the room. A wave of recognition
146 overcame Neptune as she gazed into the stunning woman's eyes. "This
147 woman has the same sadness in her eyes has my daughter," she though.
148 At the same moment, Gaia look at her, "Is there something wrong?"
149 "No"
150 "Neptune this is Gaia, her daughter is playing with Dainae in her
151 room," said Venus
152 "Hello," she replied holding out her hand.
153 "Pleased to meet you" shaking her hand.
154 "Princess Venus, close you asked for," said the maid walking up to
155 them and handing it to her. It was pale pink with spaghetti strap
156 dress. There was a beautiful sheen to the material. The A line cut of
157 the dress would show all of the curves and the two ties for her dark
158 hair would make the outfit magnificent.
159 "Thank you for the gift, Princess Venus, is there some were that I
160 could change," Gaia asked.
161 "You can use my room, oh and Venus, the Queen would like to see
162 you," Neptune said.
163 "I will keep your friend company, in tell you return,"
164 "Is this ok with you?" asked Venus
165 Gaia just nodes her head and then Venus walk out of the room.
166 "Well, we better get you into those close, please come this way,"
167 replied Neptune show her the way. As both were in deep thought as
168 they walked down the hall. They ran into Rini and Helios. They both
169 stopped, and bow.
170 "Neptune, who's your friend," Rini requested.
171 "This is Gaia, she is a friend of Venus's," she replied.
172 "We're you from?" asked Rini with a smile.
173 "I'm sorry, I can't give that information out, I'm truly sorry
174 Princess, I'll just get my daughter and go,' she said with sadness.
175 She walked pass them, and headed to Diane's room. The three just
176 looked at one another, then Neptune walk after her.
177 "Did I say something wrong?" Rini though.
178 "I think we better let Hotaru's mother deal with it," Helios said
179 taking Rini's hand and led her to the living room. Rini looked down
180 the hall one more time.
182 In Diane's room the two girls were looking at a new wedding dress
183 book. Diane found it next to the Princess's room. "What do you think
184 of this one," she asked pointing to a woman in a white silk dress
185 with shimmers, with a white rose in front and a little bow in the
186 back.
187 "I like it too," replied Sierra. As she turned the page, they heard
188 a knock on the door.
189 "Who is it?" asked the girls at the same time, they both looked at
190 one another, and laughed.
191 "It's me Gaia, my I come in?"
192 "Come in," she heard someone say, so she opened and walked in.
193 From the look in her mother's eyes, Sierra knew that something was
194 wrong.
195 "Mother, you ok?" she asked getting off the floor.
196 "I would like know the same thing?" asked a woman standing behind
197 Gaia.
198 Gaia turned around to see Neptune standing there with a worried face.
199 "I sorry about that, I don't like to talk about were I'm from," Gaia
200 told her.
201 "That is alright, the Princess sometimes doesn't think before she
202 speaks," Michelle said with a shrug of understanding.
203 The two girls laughed when they heard this. The two older women
204 started to laugh with the girls. After they stopped laughing Sierra
205 saw a dress in her mother hand.
206 "Mother, why do you have a dress?"
207 "Oh, this?" looking down at it. "I got this from Mina's maid because
208 I'm wet."
209 "Dainae, would it be alright, if I used your room to change?"
210 "Sheer," replied Dainae. The three of them walked out of the room,
211 and closed the door behind them. As the three waited in the hall
212 Michelle looked at the two girls talking.
213 "What is your name?" asked Michelle looking at Dainae's friend.
214 "Who me?" asked Sierra. Michelle just nodded her head.
215 "I'm Sierra," she said with a bow.
216 "It's nice to meet you, Sierra, I'm….."
217 "I knew how you are Princess Neptune, your one of the mothers to
218 Princess Saturn, and your wife is Princess Uranus," interrupt Sierra.
219 Michelle was shocked.
220 "How did this girl know so much about her," she thought.
221 The door opened, and Gaia came out.
222 "You look very nice," Michelle said. The girls just smiles and
223 nodded in agreement.
224 "Thanks for the compliment," replied Gaia.
225 "Mother, you're smiling, it's been a while," her daughter said.
226 "I think your right,"
228 Venus walked into the Queen and King's study, and sat down.
229 "Venus, I asked you here, because I need to know if anything was out
230 of place?" asked The Queen.
231 "From what we knew, about four days ago, the weather went a little
232 wacky, it started to rain, and snow, then it stopped. What is really
233 weird is that no one knew noticed it, but us," said Trista.
234 "About four days ago," the King thought.
235 "Darien, is there something wrong? His wife asked.
236 He was in deep though, has he got up and walked to the window, he
237 looked out side.
238 He was thinking about what Zack said "My mother told me. Before she
239 died, she said that she been having a repeating dream. "There's this
240 woman with long pink hair standing next to my mother tell her that
241 her son will have one of the seven Dark Rainbow Crystals, but only
242 Princess Saturn could have it."
243 The Queen walked over to him and hugs him from behind.
244 "Honey, what's wrong?"
245 "Trista didn't the time gate act up about four days ago?" he asked.
246 "Yes, it did but what dose…." Then it donned on her, that it was the
247 same time that they found out about the crystals.
248 "My King, are you saying that the crystals may have come though the
249 gate?"
250 "Yes," then turning around, smiled at his wife, and then looked at
251 Hotaru. The Queen followed his gaze, then it hit her, she knew what
252 her husband was thinking. He looked back at his wife, and nodded.
253 Hotaru could feel that they were looking at her.
254 "Hotaru, when did you start having the dreams?" asked The Queen.
255 Hotaru thought about it for a minute, "It was about four days
256 ago," she told them.
257 "For the gate to act up like that, there had to be more then a few
258 little things," Trista mentioned. Venus was thinking about Gaia, and
259 her daughter.
260 "May Queen," Venus said getting up, and waking to the door.
261 "Where are you going?" asked The Queen. Venus turns around "I met
262 this young lady, and her daughter." "I need to get back to them" as
263 she walked out of the room and closed the door behind them.
264 "What was that about?" asked Trista as she walks over to Hotaru.
265 "I don't know, why we don't call it good for now," the King said
266 setting back down in his chair. The other three just looked at one
267 another and smiled. Hotaru and Trista went to the kitchen to get
268 something to eat. As Venus walk to her daughter's room, she had this
269 bad feeling, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Venus put the
270 troubling thoughts out of her mind as she came down the hall.
271 "I have a feeling that you're right," said a woman in front of her.
272 "Oh, hello Michelle, so you also have a feeling that something is
273 not right?"
274 "I just got done talking to your new friend; she doesn't say much,
275 but I get this feeling that I knew her from some were, and I think
276 she knew what's going on."
277 "So, what do you think we should do?"
278 "I really don't knew, I really don't knew"
279 "That give me an idea," Venus though as she walk pass Neptune and
280 down the hall.
281 "Later!"
282 Michelle smiled and went to find the Queen. "Oh, I should ask Venus
283 were she is?"
284 She turned around, and yelled to Venus.
285 "Venus, where is the Queen?!"
286 Venus yelled back "She said she was going to speck to the Princess!"
287 "Thank you"
289 "What was that all about momma?" asked Dainae.
290 "Nothing, anyway I was think, if it's alright with your mother, how
291 would you like to have a sleepover," suggested Venus.
292 The girls heard the word (sleepover) and began the pleading and
293 bargaining.
294 The look that they gave here mother was one of the really cute large
295 eyed looks only pretty little girl can pull off while still being
296 cute. Gaia rolled her eyes and thought that if she doesn't let them,
297 she'll never hear the end of it. So she just nodded her head.
298 The girls scream in excitement, ran back into Dainae's room.
299 "Thank you," Venus said bowing.
300 Gaia though for a moment, then walks into the room. "Sierra, I need
301 you to promise that you wouldn't do anything."
302 Sierra knew what her mother was talking about, for how much she
303 wanted too, she nodded to her mother saying she wouldn't.
304 "Thank you, sweetie" hung her and walked out of the room.
305 Dainae and Mina looked at one another.
306 "I think it's about time I left,"
307 "Would you like to stay in one of the gusted rooms," offered Venus.
308 "Thank you for the offer, but I would feel much better at the
309 hotel." She said bowing and turning to Sierra.
310 "Sierra, all be back around one o'clock tomorrow" she said.
311 Her daughter just nodded her head and went back to playing the video
312 game.
313 "She'll be fine" Venus told her. Gaia just nodded.
315 On the other side of the Places Serena and Rini were walking
316 around the gardens.
317 "How do you feel about what happen to Saturn?" Serena asked.
318 Rini had flashes of yesterday came running through her head.
319 ("What are you afraid of, it's not like you're in love with her?" "I
320 mean you have Helios, Do you really need her in your life?")
321 "Rini, is there something wrong?"
322 Her mother's intuition was screaming. Just the look in her
323 daughter's eyes gave her shivers. "Would you like to talk about it?"
324 "I won't judge what you say."
325 "A mother never wants to see her children unhappy."
326 "Your right about that my Queen," someone said.
327 They turned around seeing Michelle walking up. "I love the smell of
328 rain," she said.
329 "Hello Michelle, what brings you out here?" the Queen inquired.
330 "May I speak with you privately, my Queen? With a nod of her head,
331 she knew that the Queen had granted her permission to retire to the
332 bench off the path. It was recessed enough to provide the privacy
333 required to allow the pair to talk. Rini just looked on as the two
334 talked.
335 "I've been having this feeling to a person I met today, her name is
336 Gaia, she is new to this area and I feel like I've know her all my
337 life." "I think the feeling maybe due to the fact that Gaia has such
338 a strong resemblance to my own daughter. Needless to say, I feel a
339 connection to this woman and her child." Michelle told her.
340 The Queen had a strong inclination that his new figure held great
341 significance, but she was at a loss as to who this woman was. Her
342 head was reeling with questions about this Gaia person. Serena
343 couldn't help but wonder who this woman was and how she enters the
344 Kingdom without her knowing. She was perplexed.
346 "My Queen, I know this must sound crazy. Before she could finish her
347 thought, a blood curdling scream pierced the serene garden. "That
348 sounds like Hotaru!" yelled Rini running toward the screaming. The
349 both mother run after her.